English I Trial XII2021
English I Trial XII2021
English I Trial XII2021
30th November 2021
Class: XII
English Paper I Time: 3 Hours
Language & Writing Total Marks: 100
1. Do NOT write for the first FIFTEEN minutes. This time is to be spent reading the questions.
After having read the questions, you will be given THREE hours to answer all questions.
2. This paper has two sections, Section A for Writing and Section B for Language and Grammar.
Section A consists of Essay, Report, Information Transfer and Memo Writing. Section B
consists of Nature of Language and Grammar.
3. Write your INDEX NO., and SECTION clearly in the space provided above.
4. You are NOT allowed to write your name of your SCHOOL and your NAME in the
composition and memo writing, unless specified.
5. Read the directions to each questions carefully and write ALL your answers in the space
provided in the question booklet itself.
7. DO NOT leave the examination hall before you have made sure that you have answered all the
Essay Rpt IT Memo Nature of Language Grammar
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5: 10 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10
Marks 25 10 10 10 a: 4 b: 3 c: 3 10 10 5 5 5 100
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(Essay and Letter Writing)
[55 Marks]
Direction: Write five-paragraph Argumentative essay on any ONE of the topics given below.
You will be rewarded for orderly and coherent presentation of layout, general content, and
general accuracy in language and grammar.
i. Gelephu Thromde should enhance public transport services and provide bus services
to the school going children and office goers.
ii. Social media simultaneously draws us together and pulls us apart; does the good
outweigh the bad or vice versa?
iii. Do our Bhutanese schools provide students with enough opportunities to be
Direction: You, Euphel, a reporter working for Kuensel, have been assigned to cover the
following event. Write a report of about 150 words for your newspaper.
“Gelephu Higher Secondary School in collaboration with Gelephu Thromde celebrated the 66th
birth anniversary of His Majesty the Fourth King Jigme Singye Wangchuck on 11th November
Direction: Study the diagram below and describe, in about 100 words, what are the barriers to
effective communication.
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Question 4: Memo Writing [10 marks]
You are the office manager and want to remind everyone to clean up after themselves in the
lunchroom. There was recently an infestation of cockroaches. The building has since been
fumigated but you still require the cooperation of staff to prevent a re-infestation. State the
purpose of the memo, your reason(s) for sending it (i.e. the kind of behavior you have noticed)
and what actions you want taken.
(Language and Grammar)
[45 marks]
Question 5
a. Direction: Read the following questions carefully. For each question choose the
correct answer from the given alternatives and write it in the space provided.
[1x4 marks]
i. In the level of language analysis, phonological level means
A. Sounds and their forms
B. Forms and their organization
C. Sounds and their organization
D. Manifestation in the phonological syntactical levels
ii. Which of the following represents the correct form of communication model?
A. Transmission – Reception – Encoding – Decoding
B. Decoding – Encoding – Transmission – Reception
C. Encoding – Transmission – Reception – Decoding
D. Reception-Transmission – Encoding – Decoding
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iv. Which one from the following is INCORRECT?
A. Phonetics ~ study of language’s sound
B. Etymology ~ study of word’s meaning
C. Interlocutors ~ The encoder and the decoder
D. Phonological level ~ forms and their organization
Question 6 [1x10 marks]
Direction: Read the following questions carefully. Rewrite the following sentences using the
instructions given in the bracket without changing their meanings.
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Question 7 [1x10 marks]
Direction: Choose a phrasal verb to replace the words in bold and write it in the space
i. When Carla goes to work, a babysitter (takes care of) _________ ____ the children.
A. looks at
B. looks up
C. looks for
D. looks after
ii. The babysitter (has a good relationship) _________ ____ well with the children.
A. gets out
B. gets on
C. gets up
D. gets in
iv. They (continue) _________ ____ talking when the teacher arrives.
A. carry on
B. get on
C. break out
D. remain on
v. The fire fighters came and (extinguish) _________ ____ the fire.
A. put off
B. let away
C. put out
D. let out
vi. I'll call the shop to (discover) _________ ____ the price.
A. find out
B. bring out
C. turn up
D. call up
vii. You never forget where you (spend your childhood) _________ ____.
A. bring up
B. raise up
C. grow up
D. rise up
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viii. If your car (ceases to function) _________ ____, you should call a garage.
A. stops off
B. breaks down
C. turns off
D. breaks out
ix. It's hard for a plane to (leave the ground) _________ ____ when there is snow.
A. takes off
B. start up
C. lift off
D. rise up
x. You must (return) _________ ____ the books that I lent you.
A. hand in
B. take back
C. give back
D. pay for
Question 8 [1x5]
Direction: Complete the sentences using the words listed in the box below. Write your answers
in the space provided.
i. Nina said she would come over right after work, so she__________ be here by 6:00.
ii. You_________ be kidding! That can’t be true.
iii. Oh my God, he's unconscious. Don't move him, he _________have internal injuries.
Somebody call an ambulance.
iv. Oh no! Frank's wallet is lying on the coffee table. He __________ have left it here last
v. I __________ speak Arabic fluently when I was a child and we lived in Egypt. But after
we moved back to Canada, I had very little exposure to the language and forgot almost
everything I knew as a child.
Question 9 [1x5]
Directions: Choose the correct verb to complete the sentences below. Write the answer in the
space provided.
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ii. Jane ____________________ to look for a job.
A. has decided
B. is thinking
C. had better
D. made him
Question 10 [1x5]
Directions: Fill up the blanks with correct form of Conditionals. Hints are given in the
ii. If the weather is nice tomorrow, she (walk) _____________________along the river
to school.
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