3 - Social Reporting 2021

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Social reporting

IExtract from 2021 URD
Non-Financial Statement and CSR information
3.4 Social information

3.4 Social information

ENGIE’s Human Resources (HR) strategy supports and • disseminate the reasons behind and understanding of the
contributes to the Group’s strategy. Listening to its new structure and the matrix-based organization;
stakeholders, the role of the HR function is to constantly • strengthen the coordination of initiatives and activities
reconcile economic performance, human progress and between the various entities of the Group by pooling
contributions to society. It is a necessary and complex resources;
responsibility which calls for a strong and agile HR function. • translate generic principles into practical actions and
In May 2021, the Group presented its strategic road map. The behaviors to achieve the required performance.
new organization established on July  1, 2021 combines the Lastly, the Group has maintained its social commitments as
sector and geographic dimensions. This new organization was they were defined: 50% female managers by 2030,
marked by the creation of EQUANS, an entity structured as a professional and pay equity between women and men,
true world leader in services and multi-technical installation professional integration with a target of 10% of staff
and maintenance activities. consisting of students on work-study programs in 2021 in
With this outlook, the HR function truly supports the business, France and in 2030 in Europe, and 100% of staff trained each
as an efficient and effective aid in the organization’s growth. year by 2030. The pandemic resulted in an acceleration of
HR has to be able to provide practical responses on the ENGIE Care worldwide social protection program (see
three  strategic objectives: attracting and retaining all talent, Section This program protects employees against the
while developing skills and leadership and building ENGIE’s vagaries of life all over the world. It contributes to the
culture. ENGIE’s success relies on the women and men who attractiveness of the Group, employee retention and the
make up the Group and represent its biggest performance strengthening of ENGIE’s CSR policy. HR has to continue its
driver. actions to support its employees and the business. It shares
To support this new organization, ENGIE has rolled out a and adapts the practices put in place within its regions to
specific program to assist with the change, called “ENGIE ensure the safety and health of employees, their well-being
WOW” (Ways Of Working) as a supplement to Leadership at work and their development.
Way. ENGIE WOW is divided into five  principles:
and FOCUS ON BUSINESS, which are designed to:
• enable all employees to understand the meaning and
practical consequences of the new organization;

3.4.1 Social data Workforce
ENGIE was present in around 60 countries in 2021, with 171,474 employees. The workforce decreased by 1,229 employees,
or -0.7%, compared with 2020. This trend was due to the disposal of entities under the new development strategy.

Europe Middle
(excl. Latin USA & East, Asia
GRI 102-7 /405-1 France France) America Canada & Africa 2021 2020 2019
Renewables 2,752 258 1,282 221 369 4,882 4,878  4,550
Networks 17,415 3,061 797 1,269 - 22,542  19,624  19,496
Client Solutions 45,897 48,929 9,925 3,911 8839 117,501  117,291  117,723
Energy Solutions 19,744 15,544 2,278 2,103 7,862 47,531  47,716  47,651
EQUANS 26,153 33,385 7,647 1,808 977 69,970  69,575  70,072
Supply 7,109 3,707 53 - 1,960 12,829  16,495  15,521
Thermal 175 1,205 1442 3 1,437 4,262  2,819  3,129
Nuclear - 2,135 - - - 2,135  2,190  2,160
Others 4,368 2,059 - 768 128 7,323  9,406  8,524
TOTAL 77,716 61,354 13,499 6,172 12,733 171,474 172,703 171,103
% reporting 100% 100% 100% 100%  100%  100%  100%  100%

88 . Universal registration document 2021 / ENGIE

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3.4 Social information

2021 2020 2019

Client solutions
GRI 102-7 / Rene- Energy
405-1 wables Networks Solutions EQUANS Supply Thermal Nuclear Others Group % Group Group
Managers 2,536 5,727 12,563 15,178 2,659 1,410 503 5,243 45,819 26.7% 45,280 42,963
Men 1,802 3,869 9,659 12,753 1,615 1,177 407 3,260 34,542 75.3% 34,361 32,856
Women 734 1,858 2,904 2,425 1,044 233 96 1,983 11,277 24.6% 10,919 10,106
Non-managers 2,346 16,815 34,968 54,792 10,170 2,852 1,632 2,080 125,655 73.2% 127,423 128,141
Men 1,798 12,478 28,599 45,417 6,529 2,559 1,429 818 99,627 79.2% 101,281 102,527
Women 548 4,338 6,369 9,375 3,641 293 203 1,262 26,029 20.7% 26,142 25,614
TOTAL 4,882 22,542 47,531 69,970 12,829 4,262 2,135 7,323 171,474 100% 172,703 171,103
Men 3,600 16,347 38,258 58,170 8,144 3,736 1,836 4,078 134,169 78.2% 135,642 135,383
Women 1,282 6,195 9,273 11,800 4,685 526 299 3,245 37,305 21.7% 37,061 35,720
% reporting 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

As of December 31, 2021, the workforce comprises 45,819 slightly, from 26.2% to 26.7%. The proportion of women in the
managerial staff, i.e. 26.7%, and 125,655 non-managerial workforce increased from 21.5% to 21.7% and represented
staff, i.e. 73.2%. The proportion of managerial staff increased 24.6% of managers (see Section Contract types and trends

At the end of December 2021, 154,364 employees were on Furthermore, with 6,327 young people on work-study programs
permanent contracts, making up 90% of the workforce. (5,961 in 2020), ENGIE has confirmed its commitment to young
10,783  employees were on fixed-term contracts, mainly in people. Work-study programs combine practice with the
Latin America, Asia and the United Kingdom. teaching provided at their training centers. They are also an
important source of recruitment (see Section

2021 2020 2019

Client solutions
Rene- Energy
GRI 102-8 wables Networks Solutions EQUANS Supply Thermal Nuclear Others Group Group Group
Permanent 91.1% 93.9% 90.3% 87.9% 86.7% 96.8% 99.9% 93.8% 90.0% 90.4% 90.3%
Fixed-term 4.4% 1.0% 6.3% 8.4% 9.1% 2.7% 0.0% 1.4% 6.2% 6.1% 6.5%
Work-study 4.4% 5.0% 3.3% 3.5% 4.1% 0.4% 0.0% 4.7% 3.6% 3.5% 3.2%
% reporting 100% 100%  100%  100% 100% 100%  100%  100%  100%  100%  100% Workforce by age bracket

The average age of employees on permanent contracts is 43, unchanged compared with 2020.

2021 2020 2019

Client solutions
Rene- Energy
GRI 405-1 wables Networks Solutions EQUANS Supply Thermal Nuclear Others Group Group Group
< 25 yrs old 2.0% 2.3% 3.3% 4.2% 3.9% 1.1% 1.1% 1.0% 3.3% 3.4% 3.7%
25-34 yrs old 26.4% 22.9% 24.1% 21.4% 23.6% 20.8% 16.2% 19.0% 22.5% 23.0% 23.4%
35-44 yrs old 38.7% 31.2% 28.7% 25.8% 34.5% 32.9% 33.1% 32.9% 28.9% 28.8% 28.6%
45-54 yrs old 22.6% 30.1% 25.9% 26.1% 26.4% 28.8% 22.5% 31.1% 26.8% 27.3% 27.4%
> 55 yrs old 10.1% 13.3% 17.8% 22.2% 11.4% 16.2% 26.9% 15.7% 18.2% 17.5% 16.7%
% reporting 100% 100%  100%  100% 100% 100%  100%  100%  100%  100%  100%

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Non-Financial Statement and CSR information
3.4 Social information

3.4.2 The development of talent The talent policy

The development of the Group’s talent is guided by the Talent is managed locally, through the People Reviews of the GBU.
Department within the Group Human Resources Department. In this way, 1,541  talented individuals have joined the Up!
The Talent Department contributes to ENGIE’s performance by programs of the GBU. This initiative is not intended to reward
developing its human capital. It anticipates requirements in performance or to be used as a recognition tool; It is an
terms of skills and expertise. It supports the development of opportunity offered to employees in order to develop their
leaders and experts within their current remits and identifies potential and to ensure that they are in the best position for
potential successors to help them be as prepared as possible future development toward a key role. It is also an
for tomorrow’s challenges. In order to fulfill this mission, the opportunity to create an active and diverse community of
Talent Department develops: leaders who are able to engage their teams in the service of
• a bottom up approach to identifying high-potential talent, the Group’s strategy.
from the entities up to the Group management bodies;
• personalized career paths that incorporate the aspirations The communities
of employees and draw on the diversity of the Group’s
occupations and geographic areas; ENGIE also promotes and develops the creation of
communities that add value to the employee experience.
• development tools and specific courses delivered over the
long term.
The Communau’Tech
ENGIE has developed an ambitious talent policy in recent The Communau’Tech is a community of men and women
years. It aims to build knowledge, strengthen loyalty and acting as Technical Ambassadors with the task of promoting
prepare for the future. The health crisis has impacted ways of the technical sector, both internally and externally. This
working, working relationships and drivers of motivation and system creates value from the men and women who are our
engagement. In order to tackle this, ENGIE is drawing on the technicians, builds their loyalty, and disseminates an
quality of the “talent experience” of employees, starting as attractive image of hard-to-fill positions. The Communau’Tech
soon as they are hired. The policy of attracting future talents takes part in events for specific occupations, jobs forums and
is based on a meaningful brand that reflects the Group’s trade fairs organized by the Group in order to explain the
values. It is accompanied by ambitious goals in terms of occupations and promote the technical sector. It contributes
apprenticeships and relationships with major academic to Group debates and takes part in reports and testimonials,
partners. The promotion of our technical professions by our webinars and experiments. The Ambassadors and Technicians
employee ambassadors is also a major asset in attracting work with schools. They make young people aware of
talented individuals. environmental and climate issues and the importance of our
To retain them, ENGIE relies on its development policy. It occupations in the transition to carbon neutrality. Lastly, they
offers employees various professional courses within its main help to recruit young people to the Academy of Energy and
occupations. Since 2016, this department has managed the Climate Transition Occupations, an ENGIE Apprentice Training
measurement of the engagement of all its employees through Center. They explain their occupations to generate interest in
the ENGIE&ME survey (see Section Each year, them. The goal is to build a community of 500  Ambassadors
ENGIE&Me implements action plans that are defined and and Technicians at the European level by the end of 2022.
rolled out at all levels of the company. The Communau’Tech now has 400  Technical Ambassadors
(300  in France and 100  in the European subsidiaries)
including 20 women. ENGIE Boost
ENGIE Boost is a system for identifying, developing and The Experts
retaining high-potential talent at all levels of the organization ENGIE implemented the ExpAND program in 2020. It is
in order to prepare these individuals to occupy strategic designed to identify and recognize the Group’s experts. It
roles at the Group. It comprises two  programs: Rise! and develops communities of expertise and makes the ExpANDers
Pulse! Over a 24-month period, they prepare leaders who are ambassadors for ENGIE both inside and outside the Group. It
likely to rapidly take strategic responsibility within ENGIE. A is also a development program based on co-option. It allows
third program, called Up!, is designed for High-Potential local experts to develop their “soft skills”, such as leadership and
talent. Inclusion in the Rise! or Pulse! programs is managed by communication. All expertise is aligned with the Group’s
the Talent Department teams. They ensure a consistent, strategy, whether technical, technological or functional. Three
pertinent approach by implementing People Reviews with the levels of experts have been established – Global, Key and
GBU and the support functions. In 2021, a total of Local – according to their impact scope and their exposure. At
264  talented individuals were on the Pulse! program and the end of the first campaigns, 787  ExpANDers had been
179 were on the Rise! program. Inclusion in the Up! programs identified: 58 Global, 457 Key and 272 Local. Human resources development policies

The Group offers its employees opportunities for a range of mobility of its employees in three  areas: advance skills
career paths thanks to ongoing skills development programs. management to prepare for the future; enhanced internal
This helps develop employability by adapting skills to mobility to serve the transformation of the company and its
changes in occupations and technologies. The transition to four  main businesses; and, lastly, professional training
carbon neutrality and technological accelerations due to objectives for all employees. They are being implemented in
digitization and artificial intelligence are transforming the order to favor the enrichment of tasks, the renewal of
professions of employees and creating shortages of qualified experiences, and the consideration of employee initiatives
personnel in the Group’s many businesses, whether and empowerment, which strengthen their engagement and
traditional or newly emerging. To tackle this, ENGIE is foster their development and employability, serving the
implementing a social strategy to increase the skills and sustainability of the Group’s activities.

90 . Universal registration document 2021 / ENGIE

Non-Financial Statement and CSR information
3.4 Social information ENGIE Skills, the jobs and expertise Training

advance management system Developing skills and maintaining employability are crucial
Skills are guided via a process of provisional management of areas for the company’s competitiveness and performance
jobs and skills called ENGIE Skills. In relation to industrial and and for its ability to roll out the Group’s strategy. In February
financial forecasts, it provides a three-year mapping of the 2020, ENGIE defined a non-financial goal of training 100% of
quantitative and qualitative skills that each Group entity must employees each year by 2030. To achieve this, ENGIE favors
acquire. This vision is organized around the ENGIE reference a skills development approach of multiplying learning
system, which lists 200 reference professions, allowing: opportunities and diversifying its training methods. The wider
use of digital technology allows training courses to be
• better knowledge of how our resources are distributed
between the businesses, functions GBU, regional Hubs,
countries and entities;
• improvement of HR performance and skills management by ENGIE Schools
the GBU, regional Hubs, functions and entities.
Since 2019, ENGIE Schools has been boosting the skills
These data are consolidated at Group level. They enable the development of employees with technical profiles. They
construction of a general overview of the evolution of represent 70% of the workforce and more than
occupations and skills. Employee support, development and 100,000  employees worldwide. Based on peer-to-peer
mobility plans are associated with this. training, ENGIE Schools has asserted itself as the international
In a context of strategic transformation and digitization of internal network of the Group’s occupational schools. It is made
processes, the evolution of skills is reflected at three levels: up of 32 internal training centers, with a tailor-made technical
• technical skills to be strengthened to enable the Group to training offer adapted to the requirements of our businesses.
become the leader in the energy transition by emphasizing It is the driving force behind a dynamic of cross-functional
operational excellence and industrial know-how; projects on energy transition subjects. It is the driving force
behind the implementation of awareness-raising and shared
• digital skills to be developed in order to offer new services;
Group training projects, capitalizing on experience, internal
• organizational and managerial adaptations requiring strong skills and inter-entity cooperation. This dynamic resulted in an
support. inter-entity course on the skill of “Preventing low-voltage
electrical risk” and the corresponding accreditation in 2019. All
technical training resources are shared between the Group’s ENGIE Mobility
entities on a dedicated digital portal. In 2021, ENGIE Schools
Mobility practices are strongly encouraged and promoted within adapted in order to support the new organization. It is based
ENGIE. The fluidity of resources and employees’ ability to on the network of existing schools and develops specific
evolve are a measure of how their employability is being training courses and Schools by GBU.
maintained. They are also a necessary condition for Group’s
transformation and agility. More than 6,170  movements
between and changes in positions took place in 2021. More than ENGIE University 
90% of key posts in the new organization were filled internally. In 2021, ENGIE University stepped up the implementation of
ENGIE Mobility is a system to support career mobility. Since its programs enabling every employee to learn about the Group’s
creation in 2017, ENGIE Mobility has individually supported strategy. These programs focus on issues related to carbon
close to 1,500 employees in their career plans. The system was neutrality, customer orientation and the organizational agility
also used to support organizations with their employment of managers and executives. To fulfill the Group’s diversity
issues. It contributes its expertise and its services offering aims, the University has launched an Inclusive Leadership
tailored to projected changes. In 2021, ENGIE Mobility acted in program for all managers. This year saw a marked rise in
support of major transformation projects. hybrid modes of working. This had significant effects on
In France, a digital space called “Mymobility,” dedicated to training, in terms of both course content and format.
building career plans, was made available to all employees. Programs have been developed on hybrid management,
About 30  occupation-related meetings, job forums and leadership in uncertain times, new business models and
remote events were held. Lastly, the “Regional Mobility competitiveness factors.
Employment Committees” network is coordinated on a Since 2016, the University has been increasing learning
monthly basis. These Committees, which are assigned to opportunities by rolling out new modalities. For example, the
five  Regions across the country (Ile-de-France; West; South number of hours of digital training quadrupled between 2016
West; Center East and South East; North East) work to and 2021. In this context, and in response to training needs,
promote local internal employment. the University organized the Learning Festival in March 2021.
This event, which was planned and delivered in 100% digital
format, consisted of a week of training for all the Group’s Skill’Lib employees. It is a key driver for ENGIE’s culture of
The development and acquisition of skills play a key role in the engagement, belonging and ownership of strategy. It involved
competitiveness and performance challenges of the company. the development of key skills, a need that goes hand in hand
Beyond training, which remains the preferred lever for with the crisis and which required a readjustment of our
learning, ENGIE has set up an effective, innovative, win-win know-how. It also responded to the need to change
system for employees and managers: Skill’Lib. This is a skills perceptions of virtual training. The Learning Festival brought
marketplace that promotes learning through experience for together more than 3,000  employees from 40  different
employees. At the same time, it enables managers to quickly countries, representing all the Group’s entities on
access relevant skills that meet their business needs. 100  different programs. It involved 50 internal stakeholders
and 40 external teachers. Every day, more than
This system was recognized and rewarded in November 2021 1,000 employees took part in one of the programs.
with the winning of the HR Prize for Innovation of the
Victoires des Leaders du Capital Humain (Victories of Leaders
of Human Capital) awards.

Universal registration document 2021 / ENGIE . 91

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3.4 Social information

As the transformation of the Group also entails the evolution leadership skills necessary for the roll-out of the strategy. It
of occupations, ENGIE University is developing programs so showcases the Group’s expertise and commitment to taking
that employees can upskill on the energy transition. 2021 into account the sustainability challenges of its businesses. It
saw the launch of the Sustainability Academy, a driver of is open to the company and to its ecosystem.
employee engagement and skills development. This Academy As a result of the implementation of all these systems, ENGIE
provides courses on the Group’s mission. It enables the trained 81.9% of its employees in 2021.
professionalization of the occupations and the technical and

Proportion of employees trained

2021 2020 2019
Client solutions
Rene- Energy
GRI 404-2  wables Networks Solutions EQUANS Supply Thermal Nuclear Others Group Group Group
Proportion  86.6%  80.0%  74.9%  82.3% 88.9%  89.3% 101.5% 77.7% 80.9% 69.2% 62.0%
of women trained
Proportion 100.3%  86.0%  79.9% 81.6%  79.8%  88.7% 100.4% 71.0% 82.1% 70.3% 71.1%
of men trained
Proportion  96.7%  84.4% 78.9% 81.7%  83.0%  88.8% 100.5% 73.8% 81.9% 70.1% 69.2%
of employees
% reporting 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 98.7% 97.4%

Training hours
2021 2020 2019
Client solutions
Rene- Energy
GRI 404-1 wables Networks Solutions EQUANS Supply Thermal Nuclear Others Group Group Group
Total nb. 156,354 794,924 731,757 1,214,884 216,378 104,060 143,951 106,599 3,468,907 2,963,242 3,271,154
of training hours
Average  34  43  20  22  21  28  68  19  25 26 28
nb. of hours
per person trained
% reporting  100%  100%  100%  100%  100%  100%  100%  100%  100% 98.7% 97.4%

Breakdown of training hours by topic

2021 2020 2019

Client solutions
Rene- Energy
GRI 404-1 wables Networks Solutions EQUANS Supply Thermal Nuclear Others Group Group Group
Business  24.8%  45.5%  35.4%  31.7%  37.9%  38.3%  75.2%  32.1%  38.1% 35.9% 38.9%
Quality, safety  49.6%  17.3%  49.1%  50.5%  20.8%  46.7%  19.6%  7.0%  37.9% 33.7% 32.6%
and environment
Languages  4.0%  1.2%  1.8%  0.9%  3.5%  1.2%  0.2%  12.7%  1.8% 3% 2%
Management,  12.4%  30.5%  9.0%  11.8%  13.0%  10.3%  0.3%  31.6%  15.6% 13.1% 15%
Others  9.2%  4.5%  4.8%  5.1%  3.6%  3.6%  4.7%  16.5%  6.6% 14.2% 11.4%
% reporting  100% 100% 100%  100%  100%  100%  100%  100%  100%  98.7%  97.4%

92 . Universal registration document 2021 / ENGIE

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3.4 Social information

3.4.3 Hiring and retention Hiring and employer brand

The Group’s main challenge is to develop an attractive ENGIE enters into privileged relationships with numerous
employer brand that is consistent with its locations and its target schools: Polytechnique, Centrale Supelec, MINES
hiring needs. In 2021, the employer brand thus enabled ParisTech, Télécom ParisTech, ESTP, IFP, KEDGE, EDHEC,
ENGIE’s position in the rankings to be maintained or ESSEC, HEC, NEOMA, EM Lyon, GEM, the École 42, Paris
improved. Dauphine University, Sciences Po and Paris 1 Sorbonne. In the
• ENGIE had more than 675,000  subscribers to LinkedIn in Renewables occupations, the Group has embarked on
2021. It therefore rose from 7th to 5th place in the LinkedIn numerous partnerships with laboratories and engineering
“Top Companies” ranking; schools (Telecom Paris, Mines, Centrale Supelec and IMT Lille
Douai). They give their students the opportunity to take part
• the Group is the 2nd most committed CAC  40 company in
in the ENGIE adventure through work-study
terms of CSR in France, according to the new CSR index
programs,internships and the hosting of PhD students and
published by Universum in December 2021;
students researching specific areas. Lastly, partnerships have
• ENGIE is the 15th most popular company among students at also been established in digital occupations (EPITHEC,
engineering schools in France (compared with 17th in École  42, ESSEC, GEM, ENSIMAG and EPITA) and with the
2020). The Group has moved up 10  places in the major French business schools (GEM, HEC, ESSEC, EDHEC,
Universum ranking of business school students (from 70th KEDGE and Sciences Po).
to 60th place).
In 2021, ENGIE took part in 18  trade fairs, forums and
The talent recruitment strategy is aligned with ENGIE’s conferences attended by 1,296  French students.
purpose and the transition to a carbon-neutral economy. It Eleven events and media actions organized by ENGIE resulted
has to deal with a highly competitive job market, changing in a visibility level of 555,075  views on social media. They
occupations and constantly evolving candidate expectations. involved 3,033 students.
This strategy stands out. It favors an approach that places the
candidate at the center of the recruitment process in the
service of the occupations and the business. The Talent Apprenticeships
Acquisition Policy, which was launched in 2020 based on
To tackle the skills shortage and guarantee the Group’s
five  key principles, spearheads this strategy. ENGIE has thus
performance, ENGIE relies on young people and
developed its methods, strengthened the professionalization
apprenticeships as a path of excellence toward its future
of its HR teams and cultivated its agility. The Group has
developed strategic partnerships with LinkedIn, Indeed,
Glassdoor and Pole Emploi en France. The HR sector thus In 2020 the Group set itself two strategic targets:
identifies, supports and develops the skills and resources • the proportion of apprentices in the Group’s workforce to
needed by the Group. It anticipates and responds to the reach 10% in France by the end of 2021 and 10% in Europe
challenges of today and tomorrow. ENGIE has initiated an by the end of 2030;
active policy of developing its employer brand to attract the • a level of transformation into permanent or fixed-term
best talent and roll out its strategy. Multiple communication contracts in the technical or digital sectors in France of 50%
actions take place on networks and recruiting sites to by the end of 2021.
publicize ENGIE’s occupations. They make it possible to
The Group recently saw its efforts and commitment in
attract priority targets: technicians, digital occupations,
relation to young people recognized when it won the Grand
women and young people.
Prize for Youth Employment awarded by the HUMPACT
ratings agency. This prize acknowledges the engagement of Academic relationships the Group’s employees, as close as possible to local needs.
Within three  years, ENGIE has doubled the number of work-
In order to recruit the best young talents and to maintain its study program participants in France and has boosted a long-
leadership position, ENGIE relies on its academic lasting European dynamic. The transformation level in
relationships. These make it possible to publicize ENGIE to Europe, in the technical or digital occupational sectors, where
students in higher education (engineering schools, business positions are very hard to fill, is more than 50%. Working for
schools and universities). As a real driver of attractiveness for the employability of young people also involves proposing a
the young people who represent ENGIE’s future, the strategy more inclusive model of society and proving that technical
of the academic relationships is aligned with that of the occupations have a future and are accessible to all, especially
Group. They strengthen its employer brand, making it more women.
attractive. They confirm its priorities in terms of diversity,
inclusion and equal opportunities. They meet its recruitment Representativity of apprentices compared to permanent
needs in business and leadership skills.
and fixed-term contracts
ENGIE adopts a proactive attitude in order to meet strategic
objectives and to get ahead of its needs by carrying out these FRANCE EUROPE OTHERS Group
7.4% 1.1% 0.6% 3.8%
• developing suitable partnership tools and criteria;
• establishing and coordinating communities of Ambassadors At the end of 2021, ENGIE had 6,327  apprentices,
and Alumni; representing an increase of 14.5% since 2019. In France, the
• adopting a distinctive approach to the ecosystem; percentage of staff undertaking work-study programs
• rolling out a communication and innovative formats. compared to permanent and fixed-term contracts is 7.4%. For
several years, the Group has been developing its academic
The academic relationships are being redesigned in a more
relationships and is working in particular with the Apprentice
qualitative way, with associated returns on investment. Clear
Training Centers (Centres de Formation d’Apprentis or CFA)
and relevant performance KPIs (presence, attractiveness,
throughout France. They support the Group in the design of
influence and recruitment) ensure the effectiveness of these
its training courses and in the search for skills, for the benefit
of a countrywide network. Developing the skills of tomorrow
to serve the transition to carbon neutrality is more than ever
a priority for the Group. It carries the promise of making a
positive impact on people and the planet. In November 2020,
ENGIE opened its own CFA in France: the “Academy of Energy

Universal registration document 2021 / ENGIE . 93

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3.4 Social information

and Climate Transition Occupations.” This human-scaled Hiring

Academy will welcome several hundreds of students by the
33,806 employees were hired. They are suited to our future
end of 2024. The CFA offers the vocational Baccalaureate
skills requirements and will support the transformation
Diploma and higher technician’s license (brevet de technicien
undertaken by the Group. 70% of them relate to occupations
supérieur or BTS) for young people aged 16 to 29, in close
in the technical, engineering and business development areas.
partnership with well-known educational establishments. The
The profile of these hires is shifting towards increased
aim is to meet the changing needs of the Group and to attract
expertise, particularly in the digital occupations. These hires
more young people, particularly women, to its occupations.
reflect different situations in terms of activities and countries.
The “Academy of Energy and Climate Transition Occupations”
11,770 hires took place in France, including 6,632 on
is helping to achieve ENGIE’s aim of work-study students
permanent contracts and 5,138 on fixed-term contracts
accounting for 10% of its employees in France. The Group also
(11,393 in 2020). Internationally, there were 22,036 hires in
aims to hire 50% of its work-study students into technical
2021 (18,088 in 2020) of which 10,644 were permanent and
occupations at the end of their training. This represents more
11,392 fixed-term, up by 3,948 or 22%, driven by fixed-term
than two-thirds of its overall hiring needs. Each year, the
hirings in Latin America. 21.1% of hires were women. In
Group organizes “le mercato” of work-study students to share
addition to these hires, 6,170  employees benefited from the
this pool of young talent among all of the Group’s companies.
internal mobility selection procedures.
In addition, the partnership with “Engagement Jeunes”
provides them with external opportunities. The launch of the
Young Talent Community in January  2020 has brought
together the Group’s work-study students, interns and VIEs
(Volunteers for International Experience), in order to unite
them further and to support them in their professional
The Group has also taken action to identify, train and
promote tutors, who are key players in the successful
integration of work-study students. The 2021 external
recruitment campaign also demonstrates this aim.

2021 2020 2019

Client solutions
Rene- Energy
GRI 401-1  wables Networks Solutions EQUANS Supply Thermal Nuclear Others Group Group Group
Permanent hires  328  1,185  5,990  7,836  1,229  227  40  441  17,276 16,540 20,388
Women  78  370  1,306  1,540  351  43  8  167  3,863 3,611 4,477
Men  250  816  4,684  6,296  878  184  32  274  13,414 12,929 15,911
Fixed-term hires*  337  906  3,113  10,448  1,189  81  1 455  16,530 12,941 16,794
Women  133  337  794  1,350  415  18  1 231  3,279 2,723 3,296
Men  204  569  2,319 9,098  774  63 224  13,251 10,218 13,498
TOTAL  665  2,091  9,103  18,284  2,418  308  41 896  33,806 29,481 37,182
% reporting  100% 100% 100%  100%  100%  100%  100%  100%  100% 100% 100%
* Including work-study students Departures
The Group registered an increase in departures in 2021: work opportunities and prompted an increase in departures
21,612, compared with 19,537 in 2020. In 2020, the specific in the international subsidiaries in Latin America of 18.2%, in
context of the health crisis resulted in a decrease in North America of 12.5% and in the United Kingdom of 13.7%.
resignations worldwide. The economic recovery created new In France the resignation rate remained moderate at 4.5%.

2021 2020 2019

Client solutions
Rene- Energy
GRI 401-1  wables Networks Solutions EQUANS Supply Thermal Nuclear Others Group Group Group
Departures  268  852  6,660  11,729  1,172  311 88  531  21,612 19,537 21,545
Retirements  55  428  566  855  116  35 59  66  2,180 2,248 2,196
Resignations  161  237  3,706  7,355  716  156 23  602  12,656 9,444 12,120
Dismissals  36  128 1,530  2,561  245  44  3  86  4,633 6,166 5,691
Contractual 16  60 858  958  95  76  3  77  2,143 1,677 1,537
Levels  3.2%  1.1%  7.8% 10.5%  5.6%  3.8%  1.1%  3.9%  7.4% 5.4% 7.1%
of resignations
Turnover rate*  4.3%  1.9%  12.8% 15.5%  8.2%  6.6%  1.3%  6.1%  11.3% 10% 11.3%
% reporting  100% 100% 100%  100%  100%  100%  100%  100%  100% 100% 100%
* excluding retirements

94 . Universal registration document 2021 / ENGIE

Non-Financial Statement and CSR information
3.4 Social information Retention The employees’ commitment to the Group’s strategy, employees showed increasing confidence.
strategy Communications on strategy should be continued to help
individuals to see more clearly how they contribute to
ENGIE&Me ENGIE’s aims. Employees reported their satisfaction in terms
In October 2021, the Group carried out its “ENGIE&Me” of their degree of autonomy, their ability to innovate and
engagement survey for the 6th consecutive year. Addressed to their work-life balance. The improvement principally
employees on permanent contracts all over the world, it concerned the effectiveness of our internal processes.
allows them to express themselves on the key dimensions of The 2021 results were presented to all employees and
engagement: adherence to the Group’s strategy, working appropriate action plans were identified.
conditions, relations within the team, quality of management,
prospects for development and mobility, recognition, etc. In
2021, the diversity and inclusion dimension was Organization of work 
strengthened with the incorporation of a questionnaire used
In France, most of the Group’s entities have signed an
for the EDGE certification on good practice in terms of gender
agreement to implement regular remote working, on the basis
equality. The results measure the progress made from one
of two to three days a week. Before the lockdown in March
year to the next. Action plans tailored to all levels of the
2020, fewer than 30% of ENGIE employees worked from
organization: Team, Department, Entity and GBU/Group – are
home. The level is now 40% on average. With  the advent of
rolled out. They are a key management tool, used by
the health crisis, negotiations to renew expiring agreements
managers at all levels of the company.
will be an opportunity to take feedback on generalized
In 2021, 52% of employees responded to the survey (53% in remote working into account. Some entities have also signed
the previous year) i.e. more than 65,000  employees. agreements on the right to disconnect.
ENGIE&Me has registered a positive change again this year,
These various arrangements for working time and improvements
continuing its track record since 2017, with a sustainable
to working conditions help to limit absenteeism.
engagement level of 83%. On questions related to vision and

2021 2020 2019

Client solutions
Rene- Energy
GRI 403-2  wables Networks Solutions EQUANS Supply Thermal Nuclear Others Group Group Group
Absenteeism  3.4%  6.4%  5.2%  5.7%  6.4%  2.9%  5.1%  4.3%  5.5% 6% 5.5%
Absence due  1.3%  3.0%  3.3%  4.3%  4.7%  2.2%  4.3%  1.9%  3.6% 3.8% 3.4%
to sickness
% reporting 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 99.1%

3.4.4 Diversity and inclusion

For many years, the Group has implemented a corporate audit in September  2020 confirmed the Group’s commitment
social responsibility (CSR) policy that is proactive, ambitious to promoting diversity and equal opportunities. It praised the
and innovative to combat discrimination and promote equal many initiatives taken by all the entities. Lastly, ENGIE has
opportunity and treatment. ENGIE’s diversity policy was renewed its commitment to professional equality by signing
rewarded by the four-year renewal of its Diversity label in up in September 2019 to the Women’s Empowerment
October  2017 for all Group activities in France. A follow-up Principles defined by the United Nations. Diversity Gender diversity

This project came in response to demand not only from the
ENGIE aims to become a benchmark for professional and pay
entire Company and ENGIE’s customers, but also investors. Its
equality. In February 2020, two  new Tier  1 non-financial
road map is based on six pillars: structuring and governance,
targets were set and approved by the Board of Directors:
diagnostics, awareness and communication, organizational
• the Group’s consolidated gender equality index to reach adaptation, employee development and external partnerships.
100 out of 100 points by the end of 2030; For ENGIE, it means becoming a benchmark player in this
• women to make up 50% of the Group’s managerial staff area and attracting the best talent.
in 2030. In 2021, each entity benefited from a “Fifty-Fifty toolbox,”
For ENGIE, diversity, professional equality and inclusion are tailored to the occupations and cultural environments of each
innovation and performance drivers. In order to achieve this region. Our main points of action are focused on:
ENGIE has launched and is rolling out the Fifty-Fifty program.
This international program is based on a systematic approach
to creating the conditions needed to achieve gender equality.

Universal registration document 2021 / ENGIE . 95

Non-Financial Statement and CSR information
3.4 Social information

• Training employees • Sharing of good practice and external resonance

– three  “Diversity, Professional Equality and Inclusion” – in November 2021, the 1st edition of the Fifty-Fifty
programs were rolled out between May and July Award, a competition open to everybody, was
2021: one  online program for all employees and launched. It rewards the teams that are most invested
two  mixed programs for the Group’s managers and in gender diversity;
senior managers; – in November 2021, a virtual media library containing
– in January 2021, a personal development program the resources in the Fifty-Fifty  toolbox, was created
“Wo+Men to Lead” was introduced for women and in on the ULearn platform: videos, statements, articles,
September 2021 for men; good practice, etc.;
– in November 2020, a partnership was entered into – as part of the Fifty-Fifty program, the Change Drivers
with the Women Initiative Foundation in training for network was created in November 2019, as well as
inclusive leadership. the ChangeMakHers network in May 2021.
• Communication and awareness-raising In 2021, women made up 21.8% of the Group’s workforce.
– a “Diversity, Professional Equality and Inclusion” The proportion of women in management was 24.6%. The
masterclass has been offered since February 2020. Its proportion of women on the Operational Committee is 27.3%
target audience is various hierarchical levels of the (15  women and 40  men) in 2021. The proportion of women
company; on the Group Executive Committee is 27.3% (three  women
– Fifty-Fifty events are scheduled for all employees on and eight men).
certain key dates, particularly Women’s Day; In addition, to promote gender diversity in the occupations,
– executive committee awareness-raising workshops ENGIE is raising awareness among young female audiences
were held in March 2021, on privilege and how to through the “Elles Bougent” association, which promotes the
manage unconscious bias. role of women in technical sectors in France. Lastly, as part of
• Diagnostics and certification its partnership with Le Laboratoire de l’Égalité, ENGIE has
– in February 2021, ENGIE’s initial scope obtained EDGE been helping since September  2019 to develop an artificial
certification in Diversity and Inclusion; intelligence pact. This ensures that new technologies
underlying HR processes that incorporate AI are not
– in October 2021, 22  Diversity, professional equality
discriminatory in terms of gender.
and inclusion questions were included in the
ENGIE&Me survey; As part of its commitment to the apprenticeship foundation,
Fondation Innovations Pour les Apprentissages (FIPA), ENGIE
– the findings of the audit of the processes used to
has undertaken to start a class dedicated exclusively to young
assess our talent, in order to make them more
women: “les Ingénieuses.” In September  2021, four  young
inclusive, were reported in May 2021.
women from ENGIE joined this promotion. The aim is to help
them become engineers.

2021 2020 2019

Client solutions
Rene- Energy
GRI 405-1  wables Networks Solutions EQUANS Supply Thermal Nuclear Others Group Group Group
Proportion  26.2%  27.4%  19.5%  16.8%  36.5%  12.3%  14.0%  44.3%  21.8%  21.4%  20.8%
of women
in workforce
Proportion  28.9%  32.4%  23.1%  15.9%  39.2%  16.5%  19.0%  37.8%  24.6%  24.1%  23.5%
of women
in management
% reporting  100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Proportion  23.7%  31.1%  21.8%  19.6%  28.5% 18.9%  20.0%  37.8%  22.3%  21.8%  21.9%
of women
in permanent hires
Proportion  30.6%  35.1%  24.7%  18.7%  42.1%  14.4%  40.0%  32.9%  24.5%  27.0%  25.4%
of women
in permanent
management hires
% reporting  100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Professional and pay equity points in 2021. In the France the 2021 score was 89  points
(identical with 2020) and internationally, 82  points (up
As part of its CSR policy and to support its purpose, ENGIE has
two for the year).
extended the French obligation to calculate the professional
and pay equity index to all of its companies abroad with more On November 22, 2017, ENGIE signed a European Agreement
than 250  employees. This index is based on several criteria: for an indefinite period on professional equality between
the gender pay gap, the difference in the distribution of women and men, the fight against discrimination and
promotions and individual pay raises, the number of violence, and the prevention of sexual harassment. Sexist
employees who received a pay rise on returning from behavior was the subject of a specific article.
maternity leave and the number of women among the Management is committed to developing awareness
ten highest-paid employees. All the companies use a decision- campaigns to combat sexism. Campaigns will be put in place
making tool called EQUIDIV, developed by the Group HRD. The in the 1st half of 2022 as soon as the international guide has
tool enables automatic calculation of the index from individual been published. ENGIE is committed to taking all necessary
data and provides priority remedial actions to progress measures to prevent incidents of sexual harassment.
professional and pay equality between women and men. Reporting tools have been put in place to enable any deviant
The effort has continued, maintaining the result of the behavior to be flagged. In early 2021, ENGIE took part in the
Group’s consolidated gender equality index at 85  out of  100 "BVA/#StOpE" au Sexisme scale for the first time. This

96 . Universal registration document 2021 / ENGIE

Non-Financial Statement and CSR information
3.4 Social information

identified the priority actions to be taken across France. sexual harassment. ENGIE launched a global information and
In addition, on the basis of an international benchmark of awareness campaign on domestic violence on the occasion of
legislation in force, the Group has defined a common the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against
international reference framework designed to eradicate Women. A note will be distributed internationally in the
1st quarter of 2022. Inclusion and job-seeking support The social and professional inclusion Through this charter of operational commitments, ENGIE is
of young people taking action, with the other signatories, that includes
bringing the world of education and the world of work closer
ENGIE is a major, engaged and active player. The Group together. It helps young people discover occupations and
develops many innovative initiatives in partnership with its access the labor market through work-study programs.
ecosystem to promote learning.
ENGIE has around 2,620  employees with disabilities in
A founding member of the Collectif des entreprises pour une France. The direct employment rate was 3.4% in 2021.
économie plus inclusive (“Group of companies for a more
inclusive economy”), since 2018, the Group has been taking ENGIE sees work-study programs as a lever for recruiting
action countrywide, alongside 34 large companies and public young people with disabilities. The Group has undertaken to
authorities, to promote the inclusion of young people, make a substantial effort to recruit people with disabilities
particularly those who have been distanced from for work-study programs each year.
employment or come from the most disadvantaged areas. In The collaboration with the protected and adapted work sector
particular, ENGIE has undertaken to host 3,000 young people makes the inclusive vision of the Group’s CSR commitments
from priority neighborhoods for a period of three years, from a  reality. It aims to ensure the viability of indirect jobs,
the third grade until they start their working lives. promote the local economy and encourage professional
The Group is committed to the social and professional integration. In France, ENGIE is a partner of the GESAT
inclusion of people in severe difficulty or in a situation of network. It puts ENGIE in economic contact with service
exclusion via the Parcours Emploi – Mobilité – Sport (PEMS) providers in the protected and adapted work sector. The
program. This program helps young people aged 17 to 26 services provided represented around €9 million in 2020.
from priority neighborhoods, or young isolated minors
supported by child welfare or charities, to sign up to a work- Religious diversity
study contract. More than 400  young people have been
supported by the initiative since 2016, with a positive exit One of the 25 legal criteria of the principle of non-
rate above 60%. For this initiative, ENGIE relies on a network discrimination applies to the actual or perceived adherence to
of volunteer employee sponsors, who help the young people a religion. ENGIE is committed to ensuring that no employee
find work-study contracts and a host company while or applicant is treated unfavorably because of their religious
providing them with moral support. beliefs. In 2015 the Group prepared some points of reference
on religious diversity in the company to help managers in this
ENGIE has been a partner in the Alliance for Youth movement
regard. This guide was updated in 2019 and provided to the
since December 2015. This is an opportunity to implement
entities, along with an interactive version and a meeting
collective actions to improve the employability of young
coordination kit.
people all over the world. In this context, ENGIE has launched
the “Apprenti Swap” program with Nestlé. In 2020, this
enabled four young people hired as apprentices to take part LGBT+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
in a two-year master’s  2 in Digital Marketing. They are
Transgender/Transsexual plus)
spending one  year as an apprentice at each of the
two  partner companies. In September  2021, four  new work- ENGIE signed the L’Autre Cercle’s LGBT+ commitment charter
study students were hired simultaneously by ENGIE and on December  6, 2017. In October 2020, in France, ENGIE
Nestlé in the Compensation & Benefits and HR Performance published the practical guide “LGBT+, understanding to act
occupations. together” in order to raise awareness of the question of
LGBT+ in the workplace. ENGIE participated in the 2020
Since 2020, ENGIE has chaired the French GAN  (Global
edition of L’Autre Cercle’s 95 LGBT+ & Allié.e.s au Travail Role
Apprenticeship Network), the aim of which is to:
Models in France. Two employees were designated in the
• encourage corporate initiatives; LGBT+ Leaders and Allié.e.s Dirigeant.e.s Role Models
• act on factors hindering the development of work-study category. In 2021, ENGIE stepped up its actions to boost
programs; diversity and combat discrimination, with:
• connect these initiatives with real career opportunities for • the launch of “Friends,” the Group’s network of LGBT+ and
young people; Straight Allies employees;
• use professional training as a springboard for accessing the • the worldwide publication of a new guide, “Understand
world of work. each other to better act together”;
• the training of 150 HR staff in France; Employees with disabilities • the provision of a training/awareness-raising catalog for
management committees, managers, employee
ENGIE is fully committed to the area of disability, including at representative bodies and all employees;
the highest levels of the Group. In France, it is mainly
• participation for the second time in the “Role Models” of
involved in recruitment, integration, support and job
L’Autre Cercle, with two candidates presented.
retention, awareness-raising, communication and
collaboration with the sheltered sector. In 2019, the Group In 2022, ENGIE North America was awarded for the 2nd  year
reaffirmed the need for collective corporate action by signing, running by the Human Rights Campaign (score 95/100).
alongside 130 large companies, the “Manifesto for the Actions taken in the United States to improve equal treatment
Inclusion of People with Disabilities in Economic Life.” for LGBT+ employees were recognized.

Universal registration document 2021 / ENGIE . 97

Non-Financial Statement and CSR information
3.4 Social information

3.4.5 Remuneration, social protection, employee savings plans,

and employee shareholding Principles of the remuneration policy

Group policy is to offer everyone remuneration that is it operates. Particular attention is paid to equal pay, with the
personalized, fair and competitive on the market, which calculation of the index (see Section The overall
reflects the performance and level of responsibility of each compensation structure consists of a base salary and,
person. The Group uses external information provided by depending on the level of responsibility and the country,
specialized firms to establish its positioning in relation to the variable compensation schemes to reward collective and
local reference market. It also ensures compliance with the individual performance.
minimum wages applicable in the different countries in which Social protection and pensions

ENGIE ensures that it adheres to the best practices of major maternity leave and at least 4  weeks of paternity leave will
international groups. The Group ensures the competitiveness be paid at full wages, This parenting pillar strengthens the
of its entities’ systems in relation to local practices in terms work/life balance and equal opportunities between men and
of social protection and pensions. In 2020, ENGIE rolled out women. ENGIE Care thus adds to the attractiveness of the
the ENGIE Care social protection program worldwide. This Group, helps employee retention and strengthens ENGIE’s CSR
program allows each employee to benefit from health policy. ENGIE Care is accelerating the Group’s performance
coverage, guaranteeing reimbursement of at least 75% of in terms of social benefits (including retirement) by mapping
costs in the event of hospitalization. It also protects the them to its various entities.
employees’ family or loved ones in the event of their death This facilitates the pooling, and therefore optimization, of its
by paying a benefit equal to at least 12 months’ salary. The plans. The entities also have access to a pool of international
signing of the new global agreement is meant to guarantee insurance companies. It provides optimized subscription
protection of every employee by 2024. A lump sum equal to options, with the potential to share local and global surpluses.
12  months’ wages will be paid. At least 14  weeks of Group employee savings plans policy Savings plans Principles of non-financial management

In France, since the end of 2009, the Group’s employees have As part of these plans, in France, ENGIE selects management
had access to a Group Savings Plan (Plan d’Épargne Groupe – companies whose management policies take environmental,
PEG). The plan includes employee shareholding funds as well social and governance (ESG) criteria into account. As such,
as a large range of diversified savings options. It totaled close most of them are signatories to the United Nations Principles
to €2  billion in assets at the end of 2021. Outside France, for Responsible Investment. In addition, a specific ESG policy
measures have also been put in place in some countries that has been implemented for part of the range by the fund
allow employees to save under terms adapted to local laws. governance. They include representatives of management and
social partners. Retirement savings plans

In France, since 2010, all employees may, at their own pace, Solidarity funds
build funds for retirement by paying into the Collective In France, the ENGIE solidarity employee mutual Fund (FCPE)
Retirement Plan (Plan d’Épargne pour la Retraite Collectif – called “Rassembleurs d’Énergies Flexible” is one of the largest
PERCO). In 2021, ENGIE began transforming its PERCO plan, dedicated solidarity funds in the French market. This fund is
within the framework of the Pacte law. Outside France, classed as an impact fund and has supplemented the range of
products exist in some countries that allow employees to Groups Savings Plan and Retirement Savings Plan investment
supplement their pensions by making voluntary contributions products since 2012. It enables employees to take part in a
on favorable terms. social initiative that is consistent with their occupations. Profit-sharing and incentive plans

Due to the existence of legally separate companies, there is 7.5% of the principal remuneration in the event that financial
no common collective profit-sharing and incentive plan for (4.5%) and non-financial (3%) targets are exceeded. The new
the Group. Collective variable compensation systems are agreement notably includes a non-financial criterion related
widely developed in the subsidiaries. In 2021, the overall to the reduction of the carbon footprint of employees. The
volume of employee profit-sharing and incentive plans at the amount paid out in 2021 for 2020 profit-sharing was
various French subsidiaries reached close to €150 million. €15,694,453. The agreement setting up the employee profit-
At the ENGIE SA level, a profit-sharing agreement was signed sharing system for ENGIE SA was signed on June  26, 2009.
with all the representative trade unions on June 30, 2021. Application of the statutory profit-sharing formula for 2020
This agreement provides for the payment of an envelope of resulted in no payment being made to employees in 2021.

98 . Universal registration document 2021 / ENGIE

Non-Financial Statement and CSR information
3.4 Social information Employee shareholding

With an employee shareholding level of 3.2%, ENGIE has a ENGIE is also particularly innovative as it is the only issuer to
particularly dynamic and innovative shareholding policy. offer a “Link +” structured product. Its 10-year lock-up
ENGIE periodically organizes the global employee period in return for a discount and a specific employer
shareholding operation known as “Link”. ENGIE carried out contribution enabled the largest number possible to subscribe
the largest employee shareholding operation of 2018 with a by offering payment terms spread over time. Given the
volume of €340 million. This operation was subscribed by resources employed and the length of the lock-up period, this
more than 40,000 employees worldwide at attractive type of worldwide operation does not take place every year.
conditions in terms of discount and employer contribution. Performance shares/Long-term incentives

ENGIE grants performance shares, which are described in performance conditions. This plan is not reserved for senior
detail in Section 4.4.3. These shares, which have a minimum managers and ENGIE has a particularly wide allotment policy.
maturity of three years, are subject to internal and external Around 7,000 employees worldwide benefit from the plan.

3.4.6 Social dialog

The development and maintenance of high-quality social secretariat of the EWC, enabling it to make a comparative
dialog is considered essential to successfully support ENGIE’s analysis of the bids and issue an opinion.
new organization. To this end, the work of the HR teams, in Within national and European representative bodies and
close collaboration with the social organizations, has resulted through national, European and global collective bargaining
in the establishment of an innovative process of social dialog. agreements, ENGIE involves its social partners in the
The project for creation and evolution of the shareholding implementation of its Social Ambition, which has been opened
structure of EQUANS ended with a memorandum between and broadened to take into account environmental and
ENGIE and the European Works Council (EWC). Potential societal challenges.
investors submitted their business and social plans to the Representative bodies

At Group level, social dialog is organized around two nine  meetings of the working groups. The high number of
representative bodies that are privileged forums for meetings is due to the various EWC consultation processes
consultation between management and employee that began in 2021 (creation of EQUANS in the first half-
representatives: year, changes to the Group’s organization in Europe and
• The EWC: comprising 41  full members representing the changes to the shareholding structure of EQUANS in the
Group’s 139,070  employees throughout Europe. The second half-year). It should be noted that face-to-face
European Works Council (EWC) aims to develop and meetings were resumed from mid-June, when Covid-19
strengthen European social dialog, ensure balanced related health restrictions were lifted.
representation between the Group’s countries and main • The French Group Works Council: this body, which
business activities, and develop social dialog within these represents more than 77,716  employees in France, has
main businesses. A secretariat with 13  members 30  full members. The French Group Work Council is an
representing eight countries meets every two months. In information body with representatives of institutions
2021, the EWC held eight  plenary meetings, six  of them representing the employees of French companies. In 2021,
extraordinary, along with ten EWC secretariat meetings and four meetings were held, two of which were extraordinary. Group collective bargaining agreements

In line with its commitments, ENGIE opened negotiations with with the four representative labor organizations at the Group
the international union federations toward a worldwide level. This agreement reaffirms ENGIE’s intention to be
agreement on fundamental rights and social responsibility. It recognized as a responsible employer that intends to attain a
was signed in January 2022 with the three  global union level of excellence socially that is commensurate with our
federations most representative of our business lines, and environmental standards.

3.4.7 Note on the calculation method for social indicators Scope of reporting

The indicators published in this report relate to fully consolidated The data are submitted by the GBU created as part of the
companies, whose capital and management are under the new organization established on July  1, 2021. EQUANS was
control of ENGIE. The social indicators are fully consolidated, presented separately within the Client Solutions GBU (see
regardless of the percentage of the company’s capital owned. Section  1.6). A reporting level is attached to each indicator,
The reporting scope is the same as that of the Finance Department. according to the employees

Universal registration document 2021 / ENGIE . 99

Non-Financial Statement and CSR information
3.4 Social information Consolidation methods

The content of the report is based on indicators selected to The indicators for this report are consolidated using defined
reflect the main social and societal impacts of the Group’s procedures and criteria. Data on the organization’s structure,
activities. The indicators are chosen in accordance with the employee turnover, working conditions, training and safety
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards. were consolidated by aggregation. Tool
The social indicators are derived from Group social reporting reporting of data entered by the local entities, subsidiaries of
(GSR). These are set out in a shared Group database that may the ENGIE Group, is carried out in the SyGMA consolidation
be viewed on request. The collection, processing and tool, in accordance with the IFRS financial scope. Control
The social data are successively consolidated and verified by report. This work is carried out at the same time as the work
each operational entity before verification at the Group HRD of the independent third party responsible for verifying the
level. ENGIE’s statutory auditors then verify the social non-financial performance statement published in ENGIE’s
information collected in order to issue a reasonable assurance management report. Additional information on some indicators Employment disabilities. The Group does not consider it relevant to

provide a reporting percentage for this indicator, since some
Administrative employees are recognized under “senior
entities are unable to gather the relevant information due to
technicians and supervisors”. The Belgian entities in the
local regulatory restrictions.
energy sector do not declare “manual workers, clerical staff
and technicians” (Electrabel).
Contractually, unskilled or low-skilled workers have employee Career development
status. This might cause an underestimation of this category. When all data cannot be provided within the timelines, the
The French concept of cadres (managerial staff) (≥ 300 points most recent are provided as well as a forecast of the missing
on the Hay Guide Chart, the universal job classification and data at year-end.
evaluation system) is sometimes difficult to understand in
other countries. This can lead to a slight underestimation Training: the definition of the indicator was changed in 2020
because some entities may take only their senior to ensure that it included face-to-face and e-learning training
management into account. courses. The format and duration of a training may vary but
must include a description of educational content. The
breakdown of training hours by topic does not include e- Employee flows learning hours.
Indicators in this Section have been calculated on a current
scope basis, i.e. the fully consolidated reporting entities Organization of working time
included in the scope of consolidation at 12/31/Y. The lay-
offs indicator does not include contractual terminations. The working hours of personnel within the Group companies
are organized within the legal framework for working time,
which varies from country to country. Diversity and equal opportunity Days of absence per person are calculated according to the
The declared percentage of people with disabilities provides Group convention of eight hours of work per day.
the best possible information on the inclusion of people with

3.4.8 Health and safety policy Performance
The Group’s performance in terms of health and safety is as The number of fatalities arising from the exercise of a
follows: professional activity among Group employees, temporary
• a total frequency rate of lost-time accidents for employees workers and subcontractors was 16  in 2021 – 4  employees
and subcontractors operating on site with controlled access and 12 subcontractors.
of 2.9, which is below the maximum target for the year of Of the 16  fatalities, 7  were due to the same accident at the
3.1; construction site for a high-voltage power transmission line in
• a severity rate of lost-time accidents for employees of Brazil, when a pylon fell over due to a fault in construction
0.11 in 2021 (level with 2020); quality. In response to these accidents, the Executive
• a prevention rate of 0.58, higher than the minimum target Committee decided to implement a decisive action plan (see
for the year of 0.50. Section
In the field of occupational health, the number of new cases
of recognized occupational illness was 52 in 2021, marking a
decrease compared with 2020 (106).

100 . Universal registration document 2021 / ENGIE

Non-Financial Statement and CSR information
3.4 Social information The health and safety management system

The Group’s health and safety policy sets out the key Definition of the new 2021-2025
principles for the management of health and safety. This action plan
policy was subject to an agreement with the representative
bodies of European personnel and the representatives of the The Group’s objectives in terms of health and safety at work,
global federations. which are reflected in its policy, are set out in multi annual
action plans. The new 2021-2025 action plan covers
To implement these principles, the Group’s Health and Safety three areas of prevention:
Rules set out the minimum standards and requirements that
apply within the Group. • “No life at risk,” the management of risks relating to the
direct execution of activities;
• “No mind at risk,” well-being at work, vigilance, the Performance reporting management of risks relating to the context of activities
The Group’s performance in terms of health and safety in the being executed;
workplace and process safety are monitored by: • “No asset at risk,” management of the risks associated with
the Group’s industrial activities.
• the Executive Committee;
• the Ethics, Environment and Sustainable Development The main measures relating to “No life at risk” implemented
Committee (EESDC) for health and safety at work; in 2021 are described in Section “The management
of risks relating to health and safety at work.” The main
• the Audit Committee for process safety;
actions implemented by the Group relating to “No mind at
• the Board of Directors. risk” in 2021 are described in Section “Improving
In 2021, all in-depth analyses of fatal workplace accidents well-being at work.” The actions implemented in 2021
were presented to the Executive Committee in the presence relating to “No asset at risk” are described in Section
of the operating manager involved and to the EESDC. Regular “Industrial accident risks.”
updates were also provided at meetings of the Board of
Directors and the Operational Committee, which comprises
the Group’s main operational managers. The management risks relating to health
The health and safety performance is shared with managers and safety at work
and the Group’s health and safety functional line. They are The prevention of serious and fatal accidents is based on the
distributed within the entities via managers and made identification of risks and the implementation of measures
available to all employees on the Group intranet. aimed primarily at eliminating exposure to risks, or at
Periodic updates are carried out with each GBU in order to implementing appropriate collective and individual protection
assess the effectiveness of the measures implemented. These measures, particularly by means of the safety rules imposed
also serve to evaluate the entities’ capacity to prevent serious by the Group. Specifically, the Group has defined nine  “Life-
and fatal accidents involving employees and subcontractors. Saving Rules,” covering the major risks identified, which
constitute the last individual barrier of prevention before a
serious or fatal accident, if all other barriers have not worked. The management of risks arising The entities pursued a systematic approach to identifying,
from the Covid-19 pandemic analyzing and handling events with high potential of severity
At the start of the crisis, the Group set up a dedicated (HiPo) that are precursors to serious accidents. These HiPos
communications system to support the roll out of the various are identified by the operating entities, which draw up an
personal protection measures. The measures defined and action plan for each of them to prevent their recurrence and
implemented in early 2020 were continued in 2021. The in particular to eliminate risk exposure. The HiPos are
Group enlisted a service provider specialized in managing collected by the Group, which shares them with the entities
health risks to help guide its decision making. Measures to through its health and safety network.
prevent the infection of employees, subcontractors and Moreover, operators are asked to stop working if safety
customers were applied which took into account the conditions are not met (the “Stop the work” approach).
contamination level of countries and the prevention systems Operators must also implement “the life-saving minute”,
set up locally by the authorities. which consists of carrying out a new on-site review of risks
The specific reporting on the numbers of employees infected, to ensure that these are correctly under control.
which began in 2020, continued in 2021. The infection rate Lessons were specifically shared after each serious accident
within the Group (based on the number of infections) remains analysis and specific preventive measures were then
lower overall than the rate in the country. implemented.
Managers were made aware of the need to reinforce As a result of the fatal accidents experienced by the Group in
communication and listening time with both employees 2021, a number of specific actions were taken:
working from home and those active at their usual places of • the organization of a “safety stand down,” which was a
work. Given the length of the pandemic, particular attention dedicated opportunity for discussion, when all the Group’s
was paid to detecting weak signals that are markers of activities were suspended and the teams invited to reflect
potential psychological discomfort. The various entities on what measures to take to strengthen safety at work
carried out regular surveys of their employees to assess their within the Group. The various proposals made by the
well-being at work. These made it possible to qualify their entities have been analyzed and incorporated into the
feelings, in particular regarding the support provided to them, Group’s health and safety action plan;
and to identify any needs they might have.
• in-depth health and safety reviews were carried out at
The system put in place was part of a continuous certain construction sites deemed to be particularly at risk.
improvement cycle. Feedback from entities expressing their Within the Group, construction sites have faced higher
needs and sharing any difficulties helped adapt the risks, with deaths on these sites accounting for three-
prevention system. quarters of all deaths in 2021;

Universal registration document 2021 / ENGIE . 101

Non-Financial Statement and CSR information
3.4 Social information

• the action plan to ensure the safety of the Group’s Improving well-being at work
subcontractors was strengthened, with the number of
For several years, the Group and its subsidiaries have been
subcontractor fatalities in 2021 accounting for three-
implementing specific measures to improve the well-being of
quarters of all fatalities;
their employees at work. In 2021, the Group continued to
• a specialist external provider was charged with carrying coordinate a network of contacts for well-being at work
out a full assessment of health and safety maturity and representing all of its entities, aiming in particular to share
organization. The actions resulting from recommendations existing tools and resources, design new tools and share
made by the service provider will be incorporated into the feedback and good practices between the entities.
Group’s health and safety action plan.
In order to strengthen the culture of health and well-being at
Finally, in 2021, a specific action plan was put in place to work and to implement an effective governance system to
strengthen the prevention of electricity-related accidents, manage them, a Group-level body – the “No Mind At Risk”
particularly the most serious accidents. In this context, it was Group Committee – was established to carry out a critical,
requested that safety visits by management be focused in collective examination of the planned measures, with the aim
particular on the prevention of electrical accidents. All Group of sharing and challenging them.
employees and subcontractors have been reminded that it is
Nine commitments for well-being at work were rolled out
essential to check that there is no voltage when working on a
during 2021, designed to improve the working conditions of
facility. In addition, all the GBU and entities have been asked
all. Each Group employee has undertaken to comply with
to strengthen their electrical risk action plans.
these commitments.
An e-learning was also developed and provided to all Group
managers in order to raise their awareness of the most
effective managerial conduct to adopt to ensure that these
commitments become a reality within each working group. Strengthening the health and safety culture

Various tools were used to strengthen the health and safety A weekly newsletter, “Prevention News,” covering most of the
culture among the Group’s employees and subcontractors. exchanges with the GBU and entities, was sent out to the
The health and safety functional line animation makes entire health and safety functional line This document
extensive use of digital tools, with a great deal of work going enables information on all accidents, significant hazardous
into dissemination of information to the various entities. This situations and events with high potential of severity (HiPo) to
work is notably supported by the organization of thematic be shared Group-wide.
monthly webinars, presentations of the analysis of fatal
accidents and the provision of various technical support. Dialog with social partners

In 2021, dialog with employee representatives continued at Each half year, it reviewed the performance and actions
all levels of the Group and particularly with global and taken in terms of health and safety and well-being at work.
European bodies. A permanent health and safety at work With regards to the management of the pandemic, the
working group is active within the European Works Council. representative bodies were regularly informed and consulted
regarding new provisions to be implemented.

Health and safety data

Additional information regarding the health and safety indicators

The analyses carried out in this document concern the entities and activities in which ENGIE has operational management,
regardless of the method of financial consolidation.
The health and safety at work reporting scope includes the data of entities sold during the year up to their date of transfer.
Concerning the indicator relating to the number of new cases of occupational illness, we do not consider it relevant to provide
a refund rate since some companies cannot collect this indicator due to local regulatory constraints.

102 . Universal registration document 2021 / ENGIE

Non-Financial Statement and CSR information
3.4 Social information

Number of
Severity rate (2) new cases of
Number of deaths Frequency rate (French Severity rate(2)
(employees) (employees) framework) (ILO framework) illness
2021 4 3.2 0.18 0.11 52
% reporting 100% 100% 100% 100%
2020 3 3 0.19 0.11 106
% reporting 100% 100% 100% 100%
2019 2 3.7 0.21 0.14 120
% reporting 100% 100% 100% 100%
2021 0 1.46 0.03 0.03 0
% reporting 100% 100% 100% 100%
2020 0 1.03 0.08 0.05 1
% reporting 100% 100% 100% 100%
2019 0 1.73 0.11 0.09 0
% reporting 100% 100% 100% 100%
2021 1 4.24 0.36 0.18 49
% reporting 100% 100% 100% 100%
2020 1 4.47 0.36 0.19 4
% reporting 100% 100% 100% 100%
2019 1 5.25 0.36 0.21 108
% reporting 100% 100% 100% 100%
2021 0 3.07 0.16 0.12 0
% reporting 100% 100% 100% 100%
2020 0 2.02 0.07 0.07 0
% reporting 100% 100% 100% 100%
2019 0 2.1 0.10 0.08 0
% reporting i
2021 1 3.96 0.14 0.10 0
% reporting 100% 100% 100% 100%
2020 1 3.27 0.19 0.12 1
% reporting 100% 100% 100% 100%
2019 0 3.60 0.23 0.17 5
% reporting 100% 100% 100% 100%
2021 0 1.78 0.06 0.04 0
% reporting 100% 100% 100% 100%
2020 1 2.83 0.07 0.06 84
% reporting 100% 100% 100% 100%
2019 0 5.28 0.12 0.09 6
% reporting 100% 100% 100% 100%
2021 2 0.57 0.01 0.01 0
% reporting 100% 100% 100% 100%
2020 0 1.26 0.02 0.02 0
% reporting 100% 100% 100% 100%
2019 1 1.09 0.02 0.01 0
% reporting 100% 100% 100% 100%

Universal registration document 2021 / ENGIE . 103

Non-Financial Statement and CSR information
3.5 Environmental information

Number of
Severity rate (2) new cases of
Number of deaths Frequency rate (French Severity rate
(employees) (employees) framework) (ILO framework) illness
2021 0 0.72 0.03 0.02 3
% reporting 100% 100% 100% 100%
2020 0 0.68 0.02 0.02 16
% reporting 100% 100% 100% 100%
2019 0 1.64 0.03 0.03 1
% reporting 100% 100% 100% 100%
(1) Groupe covers the ENGIE 7 sectors
(2) The evolution of severity rates does not include fatalities

104 . Universal registration document 2021 / ENGIE

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