Mastering AutoCAD - A Comprehensive List of More Than 800 Commands

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Mastering AutoCAD: A Comprehensive List of

More Than 800 Commands
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AutoCAD is a powerful computer-aided design (CAD) software that has transformed the way
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architects, engineers, and designers create and edit drawings in various industries. With its expansive

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range of features and capabilities, mastering AutoCAD may seem daunting to both beginners and
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seasoned professionals. In this article, “Mastering AutoCAD: A Comprehensive List of More Than 800
Commands,” we have compiled an extensive list of commands to help you navigate the software and
unlock its full potential.

Whether you are a newcomer looking for a comprehensive guide to get started or an experienced user
seeking to refresh your knowledge and learn new techniques, this article will provide a valuable
resource. We will cover essential commands, shortcuts, and tips to boost your productivity, streamline
your workflow, and enhance your overall experience with AutoCAD. By the end of this article, you will
have a solid understanding of the many commands available to you, empowering you to create
intricate designs and models with ease and precision.

A-Z of AutoCAD Commands: Your Ultimate Guide to Boosting

Your Design Skills

3DALIGN command is used to align objects in 3D space by selecting a source point, a target point,
and a direction. This command is useful when you need to align multiple objects with different
orientations to a specific target point in a 3D model. By using the 3DALIGN command, you can easily
align objects in X, Y, and Z directions, or in a user-defined direction. This command can save time and
increase accuracy when working with complex 3D models.

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Some common uses of the 3DALIGN command include aligning objects to a specific plane or aligning
objects to a specific object. This command can also be used to align objects to an existing UCS (User
Coordinate System).


The 3DARRAY command is used to create an array of objects in a 3D space. This command is useful
when you need to create multiple copies of an object in a specific pattern or shape. The 3DARRAY
command offers several options for creating arrays, such as rectangular, polar, or path array. By using
this command, you can easily create complex patterns and shapes in 3D space.

Some common uses of the 3DARRAY command include creating an array of columns in a building, an
array of bolts on a plate, or an array of trees in a park. This command can save time and increase
productivity when working with complex 3D models.


The 3DCLIP command is used to clip objects in a 3D space by defining a clipping boundary. This
command is useful when you need to isolate a portion of a 3D model or hide unwanted geometry. By

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using the 3DCLIP command, you can easily clip objects in a specific direction, such as X, Y, or Z, or in

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a user-defined direction. This command can enhance the visibility and clarity of a 3D model.
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Some common uses of the 3DCLIP command include clipping a portion of a building to show the
interior, hiding unwanted details in a 3D model, or creating a section view of a complex object. This
command can help you communicate your design ideas effectively.


The 3DCORBIT command is used to orbit the camera around a 3D model. This command is useful
when you need to view a 3D model from different angles and perspectives. By using the 3DCORBIT
command, you can easily rotate the camera around the model in any direction. This command can
help you visualize your design ideas and identify potential issues.

Some common uses of the 3DCORBIT command include examining the details of a 3D model,
evaluating the overall form of a building, or checking the clearance of a machine part. This command
can enhance your understanding of a 3D model and improve your design decisions.


The 3DDISTANCE command is used to measure the distance between two points in a 3D space. This
command is useful when you need to determine the distance between two objects in a 3D model. By
using the 3DDISTANCE command, you can easily measure the distance in X, Y, or Z direction, or in a
user-defined direction. This command can help you ensure accuracy and precision in your 3D
modeling work.

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Some common uses of the 3DDISTANCE command include measuring the distance between two
points in a building, checking the clearance of a machine part, or determining the distance between two
objects in a complex 3D assembly. This command can save time and increase accuracy in your 3D
modeling work.


The 3DDWF command is used to publish a 3D model in a DWF (Design Web Format) file format. This
command is useful when you need to share your 3D model with others who do not have AutoCAD
software installed. By using the 3DDWF command, you can easily create a lightweight and compact
file that can be viewed and navigated using a DWF viewer.

Some common uses of the 3DDWF command include sharing a 3D model with clients, contractors, or
other stakeholders who do not have AutoCAD software, or archiving a 3D model for future reference.
This command can help you communicate your design ideas effectively and efficiently.


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The 3DEDITBAR command is used to open the 3D Edit toolbar, which contains several tools for editing

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3D models. This command is useful when you need to perform 3D modeling tasks, such as creating or

specifically designed for 3D modeling.

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modifying 3D objects. By using the 3D Edit toolbar, you can easily access and use the tools that are
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Some common tools available in the 3D Edit toolbar include Extrude, Revolve, Sweep, Loft, and
Boolean operations. These tools can help you create complex 3D models with ease and efficiency. The
3DEDITBAR command can enhance your productivity and creativity in 3D modeling.


The 3DFACE command is used to create a 3D polygon with four vertices. This command is useful
when you need to create a flat or curved surface in a 3D space. By using the 3DFACE command, you
can easily define the four vertices of the polygon in X, Y, and Z directions, or in a user-defined
direction. This command can help you create complex shapes and surfaces in a 3D model.

Some common uses of the 3DFACE command include creating a roof surface of a building, creating a
curved surface of a machine part, or creating a terrain surface of a landscape. This command can save
time and increase accuracy in your 3D modeling work.


The 3DFLY command is used to navigate through a 3D model using a predefined path. This command
is useful when you need to create a virtual tour of a 3D model or simulate a walkthrough of a building.
By using the 3DFLY command, you can easily define a path that the camera will follow and adjust the
speed and direction of the camera movement.

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Some common uses of the 3DFLY command include creating a virtual tour of a building for marketing
purposes, simulating a walkthrough of a building for design evaluation, or creating a fly-through
animation of a 3D model for presentation. This command can help you communicate your design ideas
effectively and impressively.


The 3DFORBIT command is used to orbit the camera around a 3D model with a fixed point of focus.
This command is useful when you need to view a 3D model from different angles and perspectives
while keeping a fixed point of interest. By using the 3DFORBIT command, you can easily rotate the
camera around the model while keeping a specific point in focus. This command can help you examine
the details of a 3D model and identify potential issues.

Some common uses of the 3DFORBIT command include examining the details of a machine part,
evaluating the overall form of a building, or checking the clearance of a structure. This command can
enhance your understanding of a 3D model and improve your design decisions.

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The 3DMESH command is used to create a mesh surface in a 3D space. This command is useful
when you need to create a smooth surface that passes through a set of points or curves. By using the
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3DMESH command, you can easily define the points or curves that will be used to create the mesh
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surface and adjust the density and smoothness of the mesh.

Some common uses of the 3DMESH command include creating a smooth surface of a terrain or
landscape, creating a curved surface of a building facade, or creating a surface of a machine part. This
command can save time and increase accuracy in your 3D modeling work.


The 3DMOVE command is used to move objects in a 3D space by specifying a displacement vector.
This command is useful when you need to move multiple objects in a specific direction and distance.
By using the 3DMOVE command, you can easily specify the displacement vector in X, Y, and Z
directions, or in a user-defined direction. This command can help you reposition objects in a 3D model
with ease and accuracy.

Some common uses of the 3DMOVE command include moving a group of objects to a specific
location, aligning objects to a specific axis, or adjusting the position of objects in a complex 3D
assembly. This command can enhance your productivity and precision in 3D modeling.


The 3DORBIT command is used to orbit the camera around a 3D model. This command is similar to
the 3DCORBIT command, but it allows you to orbit the camera freely without any fixed point of focus.
By using the 3DORBIT command, you can easily rotate the camera around the model in any direction

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and examine the details of the model from different angles and perspectives.

Some common uses of the 3DORBIT command include examining the details of a 3D model,
evaluating the overall form of a building, or checking the clearance of a machine part. This command
can help you visualize your design ideas and identify potential issues.


The 3DORBITCTR command is used to orbit the camera around a 3D model with a fixed point of focus
at the center of the screen. This command is similar to the 3DFORBIT command, but it allows you to
orbit the camera freely while keeping the center of the screen as the fixed point of focus. By using the
3DORBITCTR command, you can easily rotate the camera around the model while keeping a specific
point in focus.

Some common uses of the 3DORBITCTR command include examining the details of a machine part,
evaluating the overall form of a building, or checking the clearance of a structure. This command can
enhance your understanding of a 3D model and improve your design decisions.

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The 3DOSNAP command is used to snap objects to specific points or planes in a 3D space.
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This command is useful when you need to align objects to specific points or planes in a 3D model. By

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using the 3DOSNAP command, you can easily snap objects to points or planes in X, Y, and Z
directions, or in a user-defined direction. This command can help you ensure accuracy and precision in
your 3D modeling work.

Some common uses of the 3DOSNAP command include aligning objects to a specific plane, snapping
objects to a specific point in a 3D space, or aligning objects to an existing UCS (User Coordinate
System). This command can save time and increase accuracy in your 3D modeling work.


The 3DPAN command is used to move the camera parallel to a 3D model in a specific direction. This
command is useful when you need to move the camera to a specific location in a 3D model without
changing the viewing angle. By using the 3DPAN command, you can easily specify the direction and
distance of the camera movement in X, Y, and Z directions, or in a user-defined direction.

Some common uses of the 3DPAN command include moving the camera to a specific location in a 3D
model, adjusting the camera position for a better view of a specific area, or aligning the camera to an
existing UCS (User Coordinate System). This command can enhance your productivity and precision in
3D modeling.


The 3DPOLY command is used to create a 3D polyline in a 3D space. This command is useful when
you need to create a series of connected lines or arcs in a 3D model. By using the 3DPOLY command,

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you can easily specify the vertices of the polyline in X, Y, and Z directions, or in a user-defined
direction. This command can help you create complex shapes and paths in a 3D model.

Some common uses of the 3DPOLY command include creating a path for a camera movement,
creating a wireframe model of a 3D object, or creating a 3D path for a robotic arm. This command can
save time and increase accuracy in your 3D modeling work.


The 3DPRINT command is used to prepare a 3D model for printing using a 3D printer. This command
is useful when you need to check and optimize a 3D model for 3D printing. By using the 3DPRINT
command, you can easily check the model for errors, such as holes, gaps, or intersecting geometry,
and adjust the model for a successful 3D print.

Some common uses of the 3DPRINT command include preparing a 3D model for prototyping,
checking the model for errors before printing, or optimizing the model for a specific 3D printer. This
command can help you save time and materials and achieve better results in 3D printing.

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The 3DPRINTSERVICE command is used to order a 3D print of a 3D model from a 3D printing service
provider. This command is useful when you do not have access to a 3D printer or when you need to
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print a complex or large 3D model. By using the 3DPRINTSERVICE command, you can easily upload
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your 3D model to a printing service provider and specify the printing options, such as material, size,

Some common uses of the 3DPRINTSERVICE command include ordering a prototype of a 3D model,
printing a complex or large 3D model, or printing a model with a high level of detail or resolution. This
command can help you save time and resources and achieve high-quality results in 3D printing.


The 3DROTATE command is used to rotate objects in a 3D space around a specific axis or plane. This
command is useful when you need to rotate objects to a specific angle or orientation in a 3D model. By
using the 3DROTATE command, you can easily specify the axis or plane of rotation and the angle of
rotation in degrees or radians.

Some common uses of the 3DROTATE command include rotating a camera to a specific angle or
orientation, aligning objects to a specific axis, or adjusting the position of objects in a complex 3D
assembly. This command can enhance your productivity and precision in 3D modeling.


The 3DSCALE command is used to scale objects in a 3D space uniformly or non-uniformly. This
command is useful when you need to resize objects in a 3D model while maintaining their proportions
or adjusting their proportions. By using the 3DSCALE command, you can easily specify the scale factor

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in X, Y, and Z directions, or in a user-defined direction.

Some common uses of the 3DSCALE command include resizing objects to fit a specific space or
context, adjusting the proportions of objects in a 3D model, or scaling a 3D model for a specific
purpose or application. This command can save time and increase accuracy in your 3D modeling work.


The 3DSIN command is used to create a 3D sine wave in a 3D space. This command is useful when
you need to create a complex and irregular surface in a 3D model. By using the 3DSIN command, you
can easily specify the frequency, amplitude, and phase of the sine wave in X, Y, and Z directions, or in
a user-defined direction.

Some common uses of the 3DSIN command include creating a decorative surface of a building facade,
creating a texture of a landscape or terrain, or creating a surface of a machine part. This command can
help you create visually appealing and unique 3D models.


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The 3DSWIVEL command is used to swivel the camera around a fixed point in a 3D model. This

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command is useful when you need to view a 3D model from different angles and perspectives while

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keeping a fixed point of interest. By using the 3DSWIVEL command, you can easily swivel the camera
around the fixed point and adjust the viewing angle and distance.

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Some common uses of the 3DSWIVEL command include examining the details of a machine part,
evaluating the overall form of a building, or checking the clearance of a structure. This command can
help you visualize your design ideas and identify potential issues.


The 3DWALK command is used to walk through a 3D model using a first-person perspective. This
command is useful when you need to simulate a walkthrough of a building or a site. By using the
3DWALK command, you can easily move the camera forward, backward, left, and right, and adjust the
viewing angle and speed.

Some common uses of the 3DWALK command include simulating a walkthrough of a building or a site,
evaluating the accessibility of a structure, or checking the functionality of a machine part. This
command can help you visualize your design ideas and identify potential issues.


The 3DZOOM command is used to zoom in and out of a 3D model. This command is useful when you
need to examine the details of a 3D model or focus on a specific area. By using the 3DZOOM
command, you can easily zoom in and out of the model in X, Y, and Z directions, or in a user-defined

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Some common uses of the 3DZOOM command include examining the details of a machine part,
evaluating the overall form of a building, or checking the clearance of a structure. This command can
help you focus on specific areas of a 3D model and improve your design decisions.


The ABOUT command is used to display information about the current version of AutoCAD. By using
the ABOUT command, you can easily access the version number, build number, and other relevant
information about the software.

This command is useful when you need to verify the version of AutoCAD you are using or check for
updates and service packs. This command can help you stay up-to-date with the latest features and
improvements of the software.


The ACISIN command is used to import 3D models in ACIS format into AutoCAD. ACIS is a popular
3D modeling format used in various CAD software. By using the ACISIN command, you can easily
import ACIS files into AutoCAD and use them in your 3D modeling work.

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Some common uses of the ACISIN command include importing 3D models from other CAD software,

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collaborating with colleagues or clients who use different software, or using pre-made 3D models from
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online sources. This command can help you expand your library of 3D models and improve your
productivity in 3D modeling.


The ACISOUT command is used to export 3D models from AutoCAD in ACIS format. By using the
ACISOUT command, you can easily export your 3D models to other CAD software or share them with
colleagues or clients who use different software.

Some common uses of the ACISOUT command include collaborating with colleagues or clients who
use different software, sharing 3D models with vendors or manufacturers, or archiving 3D models in a
standard format. This command can help you expand your workflow and improve your collaboration in
3D modeling.


The ACTBASEPOINT command is used to set the base point for the action recorder in AutoCAD. The
action recorder is a tool that records a series of commands and actions in AutoCAD and allows you to
play them back later. By using the ACTBASEPOINT command, you can easily set the base point for
the action recorder and record a series of commands and actions relative to the base point.

Some common uses of the ACTBASEPOINT command include automating repetitive tasks in
AutoCAD, creating custom scripts or macros, or recording and sharing specific workflows with

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colleagues or clients. This command can help you improve your productivity and efficiency in AutoCAD.


The ACTMANAGER command is used to manage the action recorder in AutoCAD. The action recorder
is a tool that records a series of commands and actions in AutoCAD and allows you to play them back
later. By using the ACTMANAGER command, you can easily manage the recorded actions, create,
edit or delete action macros, and adjust playback settings.

Some common uses of the ACTMANAGER command include automating repetitive tasks in AutoCAD,
creating custom scripts or macros, or recording and sharing specific workflows with colleagues or
clients. This command can help you improve your productivity and efficiency in AutoCAD.


The ACTRECORD command is used to start the action recorder in AutoCAD. The action recorder is a
tool that records a series of commands and actions in AutoCAD and allows you to play them back
later. By using the ACTRECORD command, you can easily start recording your actions and
commands in AutoCAD.
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Some common uses of the ACTRECORD command include automating repetitive tasks in AutoCAD,
creating custom scripts or macros, or recording and sharing specific workflows with colleagues or
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clients. This command can help you improve your productivity and efficiency in AutoCAD.
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ACTSTOP: h t t
The ACTSTOP command is used to stop the action recorder in AutoCAD. The action recorder is a tool
that records a series of commands and actions in AutoCAD and allows you to play them back later. By
using the ACTSTOP command, you can easily stop the recording of your actions and commands in

Some common uses of the ACTSTOP command include automating repetitive tasks in AutoCAD,
creating custom scripts or macros, or recording and sharing specific workflows with colleagues or
clients. This command can help you improve your productivity and efficiency in AutoCAD.


The ACTUSERINPUT command is used to specify user input during the playback of recorded actions
in AutoCAD. The action recorder is a tool that records a series of commands and actions in AutoCAD
and allows you to play them back later. By using the ACTUSERINPUT command, you can easily
specify user input, such as point selection or value input, during the playback of recorded actions.

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Some common uses of the ACTUSERINPUT command include automating repetitive tasks in
AutoCAD, creating custom scripts or macros that require user input, or recording and sharing specific
workflows with colleagues or clients. This command can help you improve your productivity and
efficiency in AutoCAD.


The ACTUSERMESSAGE command is used to display a user message during the playback of
recorded actions in AutoCAD. The action recorder is a tool that records a series of commands and
actions in AutoCAD and allows you to play them back later. By using the ACTUSERMESSAGE
command, you can easily display a custom message to the user during the playback of recorded

Some common uses of the ACTUSERMESSAGE command include providing instructions or feedback
to the user during the playback of recorded actions, creating custom scripts or macros, or recording
and sharing specific workflows with colleagues or clients. This command can help you improve your
communication and collaboration in AutoCAD.

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The ADCCLOSE command is used to close the Autodesk Design Review application from within
AutoCAD. Autodesk Design Review is a free application that allows users to view, mark up, and review
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2D and 3D designs in various file formats, including DWF, DWG, and DXF.
Some common uses of the ADCCLOSE command include collaborating with colleagues or clients who
use Autodesk Design Review, reviewing and marking up 2D and 3D designs, or converting designs to
DWF format. This command can help you streamline your workflow and improve your collaboration in
design projects.


The ADCENTER command is used to access the Autodesk Content Explorer from within AutoCAD.
The Autodesk Content Explorer is a tool that allows users to search and insert content, such as blocks,
hatch patterns, and linetypes, from various sources, including local and online libraries.

Some common uses of the ADCENTER command include accessing and managing content in
AutoCAD, expanding the library of available content, or searching and inserting content from online
sources. This command can help you improve your productivity and efficiency in AutoCAD.


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The ADCNAVIGATE command is used to navigate and preview content in the Autodesk Content
Explorer from within AutoCAD. The Autodesk Content Explorer is a tool that allows users to search and
insert content, such as blocks, hatch patterns, and linetypes, from various sources, including local and
online libraries.

Some common uses of the ADCNAVIGATE command include navigating and previewing content in
AutoCAD, expanding the library of available content, or searching and inserting content from online
sources. This command can help you improve your productivity and efficiency in AutoCAD.


The ADDSELECTED command is used to add selected objects to a selection set in AutoCAD. By
using the ADDSELECTED command, you can easily add objects to an existing selection set without
having to reselect them.

Some common uses of the ADDSELECTED command include creating and modifying selection sets in
AutoCAD, selecting and editing multiple objects at once, or applying specific commands to a specific

selection set. This command can help you improve your precision and efficiency in AutoCAD.
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The ADJUST command is used to adjust the elevation of objects in AutoCAD. By using the ADJUST

selecting a reference point.h t t

command, you can easily adjust the elevation of objects by specifying a new elevation value or by

Some common uses of the ADJUST command include adjusting the elevation of objects in a terrain or
topographical model, adjusting the elevation of objects in a building or structure, or creating a stepped
elevation effect in a design. This command can help you improve your precision and efficiency in


The ALIGN command is used to align objects in AutoCAD. By using the ALIGN command, you can
easily align objects by specifying a source point and a destination point or by selecting an alignment

Some common uses of the ALIGN command include aligning objects in a layout or plan, aligning
objects in a building or structure, or aligning objects in a mechanical assembly. This command can
help you improve your precision and efficiency in AutoCAD.


The AMECONVERT command is used to convert AutoCAD mechanical files to standard AutoCAD
files. AutoCAD Mechanical is a specialized version of AutoCAD that includes tools and features
specifically designed for mechanical engineering.

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Some common uses of the AMECONVERT command include collaborating with colleagues or clients
who use standard AutoCAD, archiving or sharing mechanical designs in a standard format, or
transferring mechanical designs between different CAD software. This command can help you expand
your workflow and improve your collaboration in mechanical design projects.


The ANALYSISCURVATURE command is used to analyze the curvature of a 3D surface in AutoCAD.

By using the ANALYSISCURVATURE command, you can easily evaluate the curvature of a surface
and identify areas of high or low curvature.

Some common uses of the ANALYSISCURVATURE command include evaluating the curvature of a
mechanical part, analyzing the curvature of a building facade, or checking the smoothness of a 3D
model. This command can help you improve the quality and accuracy of your designs.


The ANALYSISDRAFT command is used to analyze the draft angle of a 3D model in AutoCAD. By
using the ANALYSISDRAFT command, you can easily evaluate the draft angle of a model and identify
areas that require adjustment.
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Some common uses of the ANALYSISDRAFT command include analyzing the draft angle of a mold or
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casting, evaluating the manufacturability of a part, or checking the suitability of a design for a specific
production method. This command can help you optimize your designs for manufacturing.


The ANALYSISOPTIONS command is used to specify the options for various analysis commands in
AutoCAD. By using the ANALYSISOPTIONS command, you can easily adjust the settings and
preferences for analysis commands, such as the curvature analysis, draft analysis, or interference

Some common uses of the ANALYSISOPTIONS command include customizing the analysis tools to fit
specific design requirements, adjusting the accuracy and tolerance settings for analysis commands, or
improving the efficiency and speed of analysis tools. This command can help you tailor the analysis
tools to your specific needs and improve your productivity in AutoCAD.


The ANALYSISZEBRA command is used to analyze the curvature of a 3D surface using a zebra stripe
display in AutoCAD. By using the ANALYSISZEBRA command, you can easily visualize the curvature
of a surface and identify areas of high or low curvature.

Some common uses of the ANALYSISZEBRA command include evaluating the curvature of a
mechanical part, analyzing the curvature of a building facade, or checking the smoothness of a 3D

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model. This command can help you improve the quality and accuracy of your designs.


The ANIPATH command is used to create a path animation in AutoCAD. By using the ANIPATH
command, you can easily create an animation that follows a predefined path and displays a sequence
of 3D models or views.

Some common uses of the ANIPATH command include simulating a walkthrough of a building or a
site, presenting a design concept or idea, or creating a visual sequence for a marketing or promotional
video. This command can help you create engaging and interactive presentations and improve the
communication of your design ideas.


The ANNORESET command is used to reset the annotation scale in AutoCAD. The annotation scale is
a feature that allows users to maintain consistent text and dimension sizes across different viewports
or layouts.

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Some common uses of the ANNORESET command include resetting the annotation scale after

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changing viewports or layouts, adjusting the text or dimension sizes in a specific viewport or layout, or

accuracy in your annotations.

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troubleshooting issues with annotation scaling. This command can help you maintain consistency and
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The ANNOUPDATE command is used to update the annotations in a drawing in AutoCAD. By using
the ANNOUPDATE command, you can easily update the text, dimensions, and other annotations in a
drawing to reflect changes in the geometry or layout.

Some common uses of the ANNOUPDATE command include updating annotations after making
changes to the design, synchronizing annotations across different viewports or layouts, or refreshing
annotations that were not updated automatically. This command can help you maintain the accuracy
and consistency of your annotations.


The APERTURE command is used to specify the size of the aperture in the AutoCAD camera. The
aperture size affects the depth of field in the camera and determines how much of the scene is in focus.

Some common uses of the APERTURE command include adjusting the depth of field in a rendered
image, simulating the effect of different lenses or cameras, or creating artistic effects in a visualization.
This command can help you control the appearance and style of your rendered images.


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The APPAUTOLOADER command is used to manage the automatic loading of applications in

AutoCAD. This command enables you to load applications automatically when you start AutoCAD, as
well as control which applications are loaded. It is especially useful when you work with many add-on
applications that need to be loaded each time you start AutoCAD.

APPAUTOLOADER also provides a simple interface to enable or disable individual applications from
being loaded automatically. This can be helpful when troubleshooting or when you want to temporarily
disable an application without removing it from the system entirely.


The APPLOAD command is used to load an external application into AutoCAD. This command is
useful when you need to add new functionality to AutoCAD, or when you want to work with an add-on
application that is not included in the standard AutoCAD installation.

APPLOAD allows you to browse to the location of the application and load it into AutoCAD. You can
also specify whether the application should be loaded automatically each time you start AutoCAD.

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The APPSTORE command is used to access the Autodesk App Store directly from within AutoCAD.
The App Store is an online marketplace that offers a variety of add-ons and plug-ins for AutoCAD.
These add-ons can be used to add new functionality to AutoCAD or to streamline common tasks.

APPSTORE provides a simple interface to browse the available apps, read user reviews, and install
apps directly into AutoCAD. This can be a helpful way to discover new tools and add-ons that can
improve your productivity in AutoCAD.


The ARC command is used to create an arc in AutoCAD. Arcs are curved segments of a circle and are
often used in drawings to represent curved features such as roads, bridges, and machinery parts.

ARC allows you to specify the center point of the arc, its radius, and its start and end angles. You can
also specify whether the arc should be created clockwise or counterclockwise, and whether it should
be drawn on the current layer or on a specific layer.


The ARCHIVE command is used to archive and compress AutoCAD drawing files. Archiving files is a
way to reduce their size and make them easier to transfer or store. When a file is archived, it is
compressed using a compression algorithm to reduce its size.

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ARCHIVE can be useful when you have large files that you want to store or transfer but don’t want to
lose any of the data contained in them. You can also use the command to restore an archived file back
to its original size and format.


The AREA command is used to calculate the area of a closed boundary in AutoCAD. This command is
useful when you need to calculate the area of a region or a room in a building.

AREA allows you to select a closed boundary and calculates the area enclosed by that boundary. You
can also specify whether the area should be displayed in square units or in a specific unit of


The ARRAY command is used to create a rectangular or polar array of objects in AutoCAD. An array is
a series of objects that are arranged in a specific pattern, such as a grid or a circle.

m /
ARRAY allows you to specify the number of rows and columns in the array, as well as the distance

d d ik
between the objects. You can also specify whether the objects should be evenly spaced or if they
should be spaced based on a specific distance or angle. ARRAY is a useful command for creating

/ /c a
patterns of objects, such as windows in a building facade or bolts in a mechanical assembly.
t t p s
The ARRAYCLASSIC command is used to create a rectangular or polar array of objects in AutoCAD
using a previous version of the array command. This command is useful for users who are familiar with
the older version of the ARRAY command and prefer its interface.

ARRAYCLASSIC allows you to specify the same parameters as the ARRAY command, such as the
number of rows and columns, the distance between the objects, and the spacing method. The main
difference between the two commands is the interface used to create the array.


The ARRAYCLOSE command is used to close an open rectangular or polar array in AutoCAD. When
you create an array, it remains open until you use the ARRAYCLOSE command to close it. Once an
array is closed, you can no longer modify its parameters.

ARRAYCLOSE allows you to select an open array and close it. This command is useful for ensuring
that an array is complete and accurate before you begin working with it.


The ARRAYEDIT command is used to modify an existing rectangular or polar array in AutoCAD. This

Page 15

command allows you to add or remove rows or columns from the array, as well as adjust the spacing
and alignment of the objects in the array.

ARRAYEDIT provides a simple interface for modifying arrays and allows you to preview your changes
before applying them. This command is useful when you need to make adjustments to an existing
array without recreating it from scratch.


The ARRAYPATH command is used to create an array of objects along a specified path in AutoCAD.
This command is useful for creating curved or irregular patterns of objects, such as pipes or cables in a
building or infrastructure project.

ARRAYPATH allows you to select a path and specify the number of objects to be placed along the
path. You can also adjust the spacing and alignment of the objects, as well as specify whether they
should be oriented to the path or remain in their original orientation.


m /
The ARRAYPOLAR command is used to create a circular array of objects in AutoCAD. This command

d d ik
is useful for creating patterns of objects around a center point, such as bolts on a flange or light fixtures
on a ceiling.

: / /c a
t p s
ARRAYPOLAR allows you to specify the number of objects to be placed in the array, as well as the
radius of the circle and the angle between the objects. You can also specify whether the objects should
be evenly spaced or if they should be spaced based on a specific distance or angle.


The ARRAYRECT command is used to create a rectangular array of objects in AutoCAD using the
corners of a selection set as the base points. This command is useful for quickly creating a grid of
objects, such as tiles on a floor or panels on a wall.

ARRAYRECT allows you to specify the number of rows and columns in the array, as well as the
distance between the objects. You can also specify whether the objects should be evenly spaced or if
they should be spaced based on a specific distance or angle.


The ARX command is used to load and manage ARX applications in AutoCAD. ARX is a programming
language used to create custom applications and plug-ins for AutoCAD. The ARX command provides a
simple interface for loading and unloading ARX applications, as well as managing their settings and

ARX allows you to load and use custom applications that add new functionality to AutoCAD, such as
specialized drawing tools or data management systems. The command also enables you to

Page 16

troubleshoot and manage any issues that may arise when working with ARX applications.


The ATTACH command is used to attach an external reference file to an AutoCAD drawing. External
reference files, or Xrefs, allow you to link to other drawings or files and include them in your current
drawing without actually copying their contents into it.

ATTACH enables you to select a file to attach, specify the insertion point and scale, and adjust other
properties such as layer visibility and color. This command is useful for incorporating existing drawings
or designs into your current project.


The ATTACHURL command is used to attach a URL to an AutoCAD drawing. This command enables
you to link to a website or online resource directly from your drawing, which can be helpful when
sharing designs or collaborating with others.

ATTACHURL allows you to specify the URL, select an insertion point and scale, and adjust the display
properties of the link. You can also set the link to open in a new browser window or in the same
window as the drawing.
d d ik
: / /c a
t t p s
The ATTDEF command is used to define a new attribute in an AutoCAD block. Attributes are text or
data fields that can be associated with a block and used to store information about the block’s
properties or location.

ATTDEF allows you to specify the tag name and prompt for the attribute, as well as its default value
and properties such as color and text style. You can also specify whether the attribute should be visible
or editable when the block is inserted into a drawing.


The ATTDISP command is used to control the display of attribute values in an AutoCAD block. This
command enables you to specify whether the attributes should be displayed as text or as fields, as well
as their formatting and alignment.

ATTDISP provides a simple interface for adjusting the display properties of attributes and can be useful
for ensuring that attributes are displayed in a clear and consistent manner throughout a drawing.


Page 17

The ATTEDIT command is used to edit the attribute values of a block in an AutoCAD drawing. This
command allows you to modify the values of existing attributes or add new ones, as well as adjust their
formatting and alignment.

ATTEDIT provides a simple interface for making changes to block attributes and can be useful for
updating drawing information or adjusting the properties of a block to suit specific requirements.


The ATTEXT command is used to extract attribute data from a block in an AutoCAD drawing and
export it to a text file. This command allows you to quickly gather data from multiple drawings or blocks
and transfer it to another application for further analysis.

ATTEXT allows you to specify the format and location of the output file, as well as the attributes to be
extracted and their formatting. You can also specify whether to include drawing or block information in
the output file.

m /
The ATTIPEDIT command is used to edit attribute values in a block reference directly in the drawing
/c ad
area. This command allows you to modify attribute values quickly without opening the block editor or
using the ATTEDIT command.
p s : /
h t t
ATTIPEDIT enables you to select a block reference with attributes and directly edit their values by
clicking on them in the drawing area. This can be helpful for making quick changes to block attributes
without interrupting your workflow.


The ATTREDEF command is used to redefine an existing block with new attribute definitions in an
AutoCAD drawing. This command enables you to update the attributes of a block without creating a
new block reference or modifying the existing ones.

ATTREDEF allows you to select the block to be redefined and specify the new attribute definitions. The
command also prompts you to update any existing instances of the block in the drawing with the new
attribute definitions.


The ATTSYNC command is used to synchronize the attribute definitions of a block with its existing
instances in an AutoCAD drawing. This command ensures that all instances of the block in the drawing
have the same attribute definitions.

Page 18

ATTSYNC allows you to select the block to be synchronized and updates any instances of the block in
the drawing with the latest attribute definitions. This can be useful for ensuring that block attributes are
consistent and up-to-date throughout a drawing.


The AUDIT command is used to check and repair errors in an AutoCAD drawing. This command
analyzes the drawing’s internal structure and identifies any problems or inconsistencies that may
prevent it from functioning properly.

AUDIT enables you to review the errors found in the drawing and decide whether to repair them. The
command also provides a report of the errors and their severity, which can be helpful for
troubleshooting issues with the drawing.


The AUTOCONSTRAIN command is used to automatically apply geometric constraints to objects in an

AutoCAD drawing. Geometric constraints are rules that define the relationships between objects in a
drawing and ensure that they remain aligned and proportional.

d d ik
AUTOCONSTRAIN enables you to select objects and automatically apply the appropriate constraints

/ /c a
based on their geometry. This command can be useful for quickly aligning and adjusting objects in a
t p s
drawing, especially when working with complex or irregular shapes.
The AUTOPUBLISH command is used to automatically publish a set of drawings to a specified location
in AutoCAD. This command enables you to create a set of drawing files and publish them as a single
multi-page PDF or DWF file.

AUTOPUBLISH allows you to specify the location and format of the output file, as well as the drawings
to be included in the set. The command can also be scheduled to run at specific intervals, which can
be helpful for automating the publishing process.


The BACTION command is used to execute a custom action defined in a toolbar or menu in AutoCAD.
Custom actions are user-defined commands or scripts that can be added to AutoCAD’s interface to
streamline common tasks or automate workflows.

BACTION allows you to select an action from a toolbar or menu and execute it. This command can be
useful for quickly accessing custom commands or scripts without having to navigate through multiple
menus or dialog boxes.

Page 19


The BACTIONBAR command is used to create a new toolbar or edit an existing one in AutoCAD.
Toolbars are customizable interface elements that allow you to add buttons and commands for quick
access to common tasks.

BACTIONBAR enables you to select the commands and actions to be included on the toolbar, as well
as adjust its location and appearance. This command can be useful for creating a personalized
interface that suits your specific needs and workflow.


The BACTIONSET command is used to create a new action set or edit an existing one in AutoCAD.
Action sets are collections of related commands or scripts that can be executed as a single action.

BACTIONSET allows you to select the commands and scripts to be included in the action set, as well
as specify its name and description. This command can be useful for creating custom workflows or
automating complex tasks.
m /
d ik
/c ad
s : /
The BACTIONTOOL command is used to create a new tool or edit an existing one in AutoCAD. Tools
t t
are customizable interface elements that allow you to access and execute commands or scripts with a
single click. h
BACTIONTOOL enables you to select the command or script to be associated with the tool, as well as
specify its name and description. This command can be useful for creating shortcuts to frequently used
commands or scripts.


The BASE command is used to set the current UCS (user coordinate system) origin to a specified point
in AutoCAD. The UCS is a system of coordinates that defines the orientation and position of objects in
a drawing.

BASE allows you to specify the point to be used as the new UCS origin, as well as adjust its orientation
and scale. This command can be useful for working with objects that are oriented at angles other than
the default axes.


The BASSOCIATE command is used to associate external data with a block or other object in an
AutoCAD drawing. External data can include attributes, properties, or custom data fields.

BASSOCIATE enables you to select the object to be associated with the data, as well as specify the

Page 20

type and format of the data. This command can be useful for managing complex drawing data or
sharing information with other applications.


The BATTMAN command is used to manage block attributes in an AutoCAD drawing. This command
allows you to add, remove, or modify block attributes, as well as adjust their properties and values.

BATTMAN provides a simple interface for managing block attributes and can be useful for quickly
updating or modifying attribute information in a drawing.


The BATTORDER command is used to adjust the order in which block attributes are displayed in an
AutoCAD drawing. This command enables you to modify the attribute display order to suit your specific
requirements or preferences.

BATTORDER allows you to select the block containing the attributes and adjust their display order.
This command can be useful for ensuring that attribute information is displayed in a clear and logical

d d ik
: / /c a
t t p s
The BAUTHORPALETTE command is used to create a new palette or edit an existing one in
AutoCAD. Palettes are customizable interface elements that allow you to access and execute
commands or scripts with a single click.

BAUTHORPALETTE enables you to select the commands or scripts to be included on the palette, as
well as adjust its appearance and location. This command can be useful for creating a personalized
interface that suits your specific needs and workflow.


The BAUTHORPALETTECLOSE command is used to close a custom palette in AutoCAD. Custom

palettes are interface elements created with the BAUTHORPALETTE command.

BAUTHORPALETTECLOSE allows you to select the palette to be closed and remove it from the
AutoCAD interface. This command can be useful for managing and organizing your workspace by
removing unnecessary or outdated palettes.


The BCLOSE command is used to close a block editor session in AutoCAD. The block editor is a
separate editing environment that allows you to modify the contents and properties of a block.

BCLOSE enables you to exit the block editor and return to the main drawing environment. This

Page 21

command can be useful for finalizing block edits or reviewing your changes in the context of the entire


The BCONSTRUCTION command is used to specify a block as a construction geometry block in

AutoCAD. Construction geometry blocks are used to define the layout and placement of objects in a

BCONSTRUCTION allows you to select the block to be designated as construction geometry and set
its properties, such as its color and linetype. This command can be useful for organizing and managing
complex drawing layouts.


The BCPARAMETER command is used to define or edit parameters associated with a block in
AutoCAD. Parameters are variables that can be used to control the behavior or appearance of a block.

BCPARAMETER allows you to specify the type and properties of the parameter, as well as its value
and range. This command can be useful for creating custom blocks that can be easily modified or
adjusted to suit specific requirements.
d d ik
: / /c a
t t p s
The BCYCLEORDER command is used to adjust the display order of overlapping objects in a block
definition in AutoCAD. This command enables you to specify the order in which objects are displayed
when they overlap, which can affect their visibility and appearance.

BCYCLEORDER allows you to select the block to be modified and adjust the display order of its
objects. This command can be useful for ensuring that overlapping objects are displayed in a clear and
logical manner.


The BEDIT command is used to open a block definition for editing in AutoCAD. This command allows
you to modify the contents and properties of a block in a separate editing environment.

BEDIT enables you to make changes to the block’s geometry, attributes, and properties, as well as
create or modify parameters associated with the block. This command can be useful for creating
custom blocks or modifying existing ones to suit specific requirements.


Page 22

The BESETTINGS command is used to specify the settings used in the block editor in AutoCAD. The
block editor is a separate editing environment that allows you to modify the contents and properties ofa

BESETTINGS enables you to adjust the display and editing properties of the block editor, such as its
units and scale. This command can be useful for customizing the block editor to suit your specific
needs and workflow.


The BGRIPSET command is used to specify the grip editing behavior for a block in AutoCAD. Grips
are small graphical elements that allow you to manipulate the position and orientation of objects in a

BGRIPSET allows you to select the block to be modified and specify the grip editing behavior. This
command can be useful for controlling how objects are moved and adjusted within a block.

m /
The BLEND command is used to create a smooth transition between two or more objects in AutoCAD.
/c ad
This command enables you to create a smooth curve or surface that blends the shapes of the selected
objects together.
p s : /
h t t
BLEND allows you to select the objects to be blended and specify the parameters of the blend, such
as the number of segments and the curve type. This command can be useful for creating complex and
organic shapes in a drawing.


The BLOCK command is used to create a new block definition in AutoCAD. A block is a collection of
one or more objects that can be referenced multiple times in a drawing.

BLOCK enables you to specify the objects to be included in the block, as well as its name, base point,
and other properties. This command can be useful for creating reusable components that can be easily
inserted and modified in a drawing.


The BLOCKICON command is used to create a custom icon for a block definition in AutoCAD. Icons
are small graphical elements that represent blocks in the AutoCAD interface.

BLOCKICON allows you to specify the appearance and properties of the icon, such as its size, color,
and transparency. This command can be useful for customizing the AutoCAD interface and making it
easier to identify specific blocks in a drawing.

Page 23


The BLOCKSPALETTE command is used to create a new block palette or edit an existing one in
AutoCAD. Palettes are customizable interface elements that allow you to access and insert blocks with
a single click.

BLOCKSPALETTE enables you to select the blocks to be included on the palette, as well as adjust its
appearance and location. This command can be useful for creating a personalized interface that
makes it easier to insert and manage blocks in a drawing.


The BLOCKSPALETTECLOSE command is used to close a block palette in AutoCAD. Block palettes
are interface elements created with the BLOCKSPALETTE command.

BLOCKSPALETTECLOSE allows you to select the palette to be closed and remove it from the
AutoCAD interface. This command can be useful for managing and organizing your workspace by
removing unnecessary or outdated palettes.
m /
d ik
/c ad
s : /
The BLOOKUPTABLE command is used to specify a lookup table for a block attribute in AutoCAD.
t t
Lookup tables are used to define a range of values that can be assigned to an attribute.
BLOOKUPTABLE enables you to specify the name of the lookup table and the attribute to which it
applies. This command can be useful for managing complex attribute data and ensuring that values
are consistent and accurate.


The BMPOUT command is used to export a drawing or selection of objects to a BMP (bitmap) file in
AutoCAD. Bitmap files are image files that can be opened and edited in a variety of applications.

BMPOUT allows you to specify the location and name of the output file, as well as adjust the image
size and resolution. This command can be useful for creating images of drawings or objects for use in
other applications or documents.


Creates a closed polyline or region from an existing enclosed area, such as an enclosed drawing or a
hatch pattern. This command can be used to create boundaries around objects, calculate the area or
volume of the enclosed region, and other purposes.

Boundary command is a powerful tool to manipulate 2D and 3D geometry. It is useful when dealing
with complex geometries and can be used for a variety of applications such as architecture,

Page 24

engineering, and construction.


Creates a 3D solid box with specified dimensions. This command is useful for quickly creating a simple
3D object for visualization or as a base geometry for more complex objects.

Box command is a fast and efficient way to create a 3D object with just a few clicks. It can be used in a
variety of industries such as product design, architecture, and mechanical engineering.


Creates or modifies a dynamic block parameter. This command is used to define a parameter that can
be edited by the user to modify the behavior of a dynamic block. Dynamic blocks are blocks that can
change shape, size, or other properties based on user input.

Bparameter command is a powerful tool for creating intelligent blocks that can adapt to different
situations. It can be used to create parametric families of objects that can be easily customized by the
end-user, making it a valuable tool for architects, engineers, and designers.
d ik
/c ad
s : /
Breaks a selected object into two separate objects at a specified point. This command can be used to
t t
split lines, arcs, polylines, and other objects into separate entities for easier editing or modification.
Break command is a time-saving tool when dealing with complex geometry that needs to be modified
or split into different parts. It can be used for a variety of purposes such as creating gaps in walls,
splitting lines into separate entities, and more.


Breaks a selected object at a specified point, creating two separate objects. This command is similar to
the Break command but allows the user to specify the exact point where the object should be broken.

Breakatpoint command is useful for breaking objects at precise points, such as where two lines
intersect, or where a line crosses a circle. It can be used to split objects into smaller, more manageable
pieces for easier editing or modification.


Converts a mesh object to a solid or surface object. This command can be used to convert a 3D mesh,
which is a collection of faces, edges, and vertices, into a more precise solid or surface object for further
editing or analysis.

Brep command is a useful tool for converting imported or exported 3D models into AutoCAD-
compatible objects. It can be used in a variety of industries such as product design, architecture, and

Page 25

mechanical engineering.


Displays the drawing browser, which is used to navigate and manage the objects in a drawing. This
command can be used to quickly find and select objects in a complex drawing, or to organize the
objects in a logical hierarchy.

Browser command is a useful tool for managing the objects in a drawing. It can be used to create
groups of objects, organize them into layers, and set object properties such as color, line type, and


Saves the current drawing as a backup file, which can be used to recover the drawing in case of a
software or hardware failure. This command can be used to create a backup copy of the drawing at
regular intervals to ensure that important data is not lost due to unforeseen circumstances.

Bsave command is a useful tool for ensuring that important data is not lost due to system crashes or
other issues. It can be used to create a safety net for important drawings, making it a valuable tool for
architects, engineers, and designers.
d d ik
: / /c a
t t p s
Saves the current drawing with a new name and/or file format. This command can be used to create a
copy of the drawing with a different name or to save the drawing in a different file format, such as DXF
or DWG.

Bsaveas command is a useful tool for creating different versions of the same drawing or for exporting
the drawing in a format that is compatible with other software. It can be used to share the drawing with
others who do not have AutoCAD, making it a valuable tool for collaboration and data exchange.


Creates a table that can be linked to data from an external source, such as a spreadsheet or database.
This command can be used to create tables that automatically update when the data in the external
source changes.

Btable command is a powerful tool for creating dynamic tables that are linked to external data sources.
It can be used to create schedules, material lists, and other types of tables that need to be updated
frequently, making it a valuable tool for architects, engineers, and designers.


Page 26

Tests a block for errors and displays a report of any errors found. This command can be used toensure
that a block is error-free before using it in a drawing.

Btestblock command is a useful tool for ensuring the quality of blocks used in a drawing. It can be used
to catch errors such as overlapping geometry, incorrect layer assignments, and other issues that could
cause problems later on.


Hides the boundary of a viewport in paper space. This command can be used to hide the boundary of
a viewport, making it easier to see the contents of the viewport without distractions.

Bvhide command is a useful tool for cleaning up a drawing that contains multiple viewports. It can be
used to create a more streamlined appearance that is easier to read and understand, making it a
valuable tool for architects, engineers, and designers.


m /
Displays the boundary of a viewport in paper space. This command can be used to show the boundary

d d ik
of a viewport that has been hidden using the BVHIDE command.

/c a
Bvshow command is a useful tool for re-enabling the boundary of a viewport that has been hidden. It
: /
p s
can be used to make adjustments to the viewport or to see the exact area that is being displayed,
t t
making it a valuable tool for architects, engineers, and designers.


Saves the current display state of a viewport in paper space. This command can be used to create a
saved view that can be quickly restored at a later time.

Bvstate command is a useful tool for creating multiple views of a drawing. It can be used to save
different display states for different parts of the drawing or for different stages of the design process,
making it a valuable tool for architects, engineers, and designers.


Opens the Windows calculator. This command can be used to open the Windows calculator directly
from within AutoCAD, without having to switch to another application.

Cal command is a useful tool for performing quick calculations while working on a drawing. It can be
used to perform basic arithmetic operations, as well as more advanced functions such as trigonometry,
logarithms, and exponential calculations, making it a valuable tool for architects, engineers, and

Page 27


Creates a camera view for a 3D model. This command can be used to set up a view that simulates a
real-world camera angle and perspective.

Camera command is a useful tool for creating realistic visualizations of 3D models. It can be used to
set up different camera angles and perspectives, adjust the field of view, and create high-quality
rendered images, making it a valuable tool for architects, engineers, and designers.


Removes the association between a center mark or centerline and the object it is attached to. This
command can be used to remove center marks or centerlines from objects that no longer require them.

Centerdisassociate command is a useful tool for cleaning up a drawing that contains multiple center
marks or centerlines. It can be used to remove unwanted center marks or centerlines, or to break the
association between the center mark or centerline and the object it is attached to, making it a valuable
tool for architects, engineers, and designers.
m /
d ik
/c ad
s : /
Creates a centerline for a selected object. This command can be used to create a centerline for objects
t t
such as circles, arcs, and polygons, indicating the center point or axis of symmetry.
Centerline command is a useful tool for creating accurate drawings that require centerlines for
alignment or measurement. It can be used to create centerlines for complex objects, or to modify
existing centerlines, making it a valuable tool for architects, engineers, and designers.


Creates a center mark for a selected circle or arc. This command can be used to create a center mark
indicating the center point of a circle or the center of an arc.

Centermark command is a useful tool for creating accurate drawings that require center marks for
alignment or measurement. It can be used to create center marks for complex objects, or to modify
existing center marks, making it a valuable tool for architects, engineers, and designers.


Reassociates a center mark or centerline with the object it is attached to. This command can be used
to restore the association between a center mark or centerline and the object it is attached to.

Centerreassociate command is a useful tool for restoring the relationship between center marks or
centerlines and the objects they are attached to. It can be used to update the position or orientation of
center marks or centerlines when the associated object has been moved or modified, making it a

Page 28

valuable tool for architects, engineers, and designers.


Resets the center mark or centerline style to the default settings. This command can be used to restore
the default settings for center marks or centerlines.

Centerreset command is a useful tool for restoring the default settings for center marks or centerlines
when the style has been modified or corrupted. It can be used to ensure that center marks or
centerlines are consistent across the drawing, making it a valuable tool for architects, engineers, and


Creates a beveled corner between two lines or curves. This command can be used to create a chamfer
between two intersecting lines or curves, removing the sharp corner and creating a beveled edge.

Chamfer command is a useful tool for creating chamfers in 2D or 3D geometry. It can be used to
create chamfers for objects such as walls, doors, or windows, or to modify existing chamfers, making it
a valuable tool for architects, engineers, and designers.

d d ik
: / /c a
t t p s
Creates a beveled edge on a selected 3D solid object. This command can be used to create a chamfer
on an edge of a 3D solid object, removing the sharp corner and creating a beveled edge.

Chamferedge command is a useful tool for creating chamfers in 3D solid geometry. It can be used to
create chamfers for objects such as mechanical parts, furniture, or architectural elements, or to modify
existing chamfers, making it a valuable tool for architects, engineers, and designers.


Changes the properties of a selected object, such as color, layer, linetype, or thickness. This command
can be used to modify the appearance or behavior of an object in a drawing.

Change command is a useful tool for making quick changes to objects in a drawing. It can be used to
update object properties such as color, layer, or linetype, or to modify the geometry of the object itself,
making it a valuable tool for architects, engineers, and designers.


Checks a drawing against a set of standards or rules to ensure compliance with industry or company
standards. This command can be used to identify and correct errors or discrepancies in a drawing.

Checkstandards command is a useful tool for ensuring the quality and consistency of drawings
produced by multiple users or departments. It can be used to enforce standards for layer names, text

Page 29

styles, linetypes, and other properties, making it a valuable tool for architects, engineers, and


Changes the properties of a selected object, such as color, layer, linetype, or thickness. This command
is similar to the Change command but allows the user to select multiple objects and apply the same
changes to all of them.

Chprop command is a useful tool for making quick changes to multiple objects in a drawing. It can be
used to update object properties such as color, layer, or linetype, or to modify the geometry of the
objects themselves, making it a valuable tool for architects, engineers, and designers.


Switches between model space and paper space. This command can be used to switch between the
two different environments in AutoCAD, where model space is used to create and edit 3D geometry,
and paper space is used to set up the layout and presentation of a drawing.

m /
Chspace command is a useful tool for working with drawings that contain multiple viewports or layouts.

d d ik
It can be used to switch between model space and paper space to perform different tasks, making it a

: / / a
valuable tool for architects, engineers, and designers.
t t p s
Creates a circle with a specified radius and center point. This command can be used to create circular
objects such as holes, wheels, or curves.

Circle command is a basic tool for creating circular geometry in AutoCAD. It can be used to create
circles of different sizes and orientations, and to modify existing circles by changing their radius,
diameter, or position, making it a valuable tool for architects, engineers, and designers.


Groups selected objects into a named group. This command can be used to organize objects in a
drawing into logical groups for easier selection and manipulation.

Classicgroup command is a useful tool for managing complex drawings that contain many objects. It
can be used to create and manage groups of objects, and to perform operations such as moving,
copying, or modifying the entire group as a single entity, making it a valuable tool for architects,
engineers, and designers.


Page 30

Inserts an image file into a drawing. This command can be used to insert a raster image file such as a
JPEG or PNG into a drawing.

Classicimage command is a useful tool for adding context or reference to a drawing. It can be used to
add an image of a site plan, building elevation, or other reference material to a drawing, making it a
valuable tool for architects, engineers, and designers.


Inserts a block into a drawing. This command can be used to insert a pre-defined block or symbol into
a drawing, such as a door, window, or furniture item.

Classicinsert command is a useful tool for adding pre-defined geometry or symbols to a drawing. It can
be used to quickly add commonly used elements to a drawing, making it a valuable tool for architects,
engineers, and designers.


m /
Creates, modifies, or deletes a layer in a drawing. This command can be used to manage the layers

d d ik
used in a drawing, including assigning objects to layers, changing layer properties, or creating new

: / /c a
p s
Classiclayer command is a useful tool for organizing and managing the objects in a drawing. It can be
t t
used to create and manage layers for different types of objects, such as walls, doors, or furniture,
making it a valuable tool for architects, engineers, and designers.


Inserts an external reference file into a drawing. This command can be used to reference a file from
another AutoCAD drawing, or from a different CAD software.

Classicxref command is a useful tool for collaborating with other designers or accessing external files.
It can be used to insert external references into a drawing, allowing multiple users to work on the same
project, or to access information from other sources, making it a valuable tool for architects, engineers,
and designers.


Turns off the clean screen mode, which removes user interface elements to provide a distraction-free
working environment. This command can be used to restore the standard AutoCAD interface.

Cleanscreenoff command is a useful tool for customizing the AutoCAD interface to suit the user’s
preferences. It can be used to turn off the clean screen mode, and restore the standard AutoCAD
interface, making it a valuable tool for architects, engineers, and designers.

Page 31


Turns on the clean screen mode, which removes user interface elements to provide a distraction-free
working environment. This command can be used to customize the AutoCAD interface to provide a
more focused working environment.

Cleanscreenon command is a useful tool for customizing the AutoCAD interface to suit the user’s
preferences. It can be used to turn on the clean screen mode, and remove distracting user interface
elements, making it easier to focus on the drawing itself, and increasing productivity, making it a
valuable tool for architects, engineers, and designers.


Creates a boundary around a selected portion of a drawing, and clips the rest of the drawing outside
the boundary. This command can be used to focus on a specific area of a drawing and hide unwanted

Clip command is a useful tool for managing complex drawings that contain many details. It can be
used to focus on a specific area of a drawing, and hide unwanted details, making it easier to work with,

d d ik
and increasing productivity, making it a valuable tool for architects, engineers, and designers.

: / /c a
t t p s
Closes the current drawing. This command can be used to close the current drawing and return to the
AutoCAD startup screen.

Close command is a basic tool for managing multiple drawings in AutoCAD. It can be used to close the
current drawing and open another drawing, or to close all open drawings and return to the AutoCAD
startup screen, making it a valuable tool for architects, engineers, and designers.


Closes all open drawings. This command can be used to close all open drawings and return to the
AutoCAD startup screen.

Closeall command is a useful tool for managing multiple drawings in AutoCAD. It can be used to close
all open drawings and return to the AutoCAD startup screen, making it a valuable tool for architects,
engineers, and designers.


Closes all open drawings except for the current drawing. This command can be used to close all open
drawings except for the one currently being worked on.

Closeallother command is a useful tool for managing multiple drawings in AutoCAD. It can be used to

Page 32

close all open drawings except for the one currently being worked on, reducing clutter and increasing
productivity, making it a valuable tool for architects, engineers, and designers.


Sets the color for new objects or modifies the color of existing objects. This command can be used to
assign a color to an object, or to modify the color of an existing object.

Color command is a basic tool for managing the appearance of objects in a drawing. It can be used to
assign different colors to different objects or layers, making it easier to distinguish between them, and
creating more visually appealing drawings, making it a valuable tool for architects, engineers, and


Displays the command line, where commands can be entered manually. This command can be used to
access the command line, which allows the user to enter commands manually instead of using the
menus or toolbars.

m /
Commandline command is a basic tool for accessing the AutoCAD command line. It can be used to

d d ik
enter commands more quickly and efficiently, and to access commands that may not be available in

: / / a
the menus or toolbars, making it a valuable tool for architects, engineers, and designers.
t t p s
Hides the command line. This command can be used to hide the command line, providing more screen
real estate for the drawing itself.

Commandlinehide command is a useful tool for customizing the AutoCAD interface to suit the user’s
preferences. It can be used to hide the command line and provide more screen real estate for the
drawing, making it easier to work with, and increasing productivity, making it a valuable tool for
architects, engineers, and designers.


Displays a list of command macros. This command can be used to view and manage command
macros, which are sequences of commands that can be stored and executed with a single command.

Commandmacros command is a useful tool for managing and automating repetitive tasks in AutoCAD.
It can be used to create, edit, and execute command macros, saving time and increasing productivity,
making it a valuable tool for architects, engineers, and designers.


Closes the command macro editor. This command can be used to close the command macro editor
and return to the drawing screen.

Page 33

Commandmacrosclose command is a basic tool for managing command macros in AutoCAD. It can be
used to close the command macro editor, after creating or editing a command macro, and return to the
drawing screen, making it a valuable tool for architects, engineers, and designers.


Compares two drawings and highlights the differences between them. This command can be used to
compare two similar drawings, and identify differences between them, such as changes in geometry,
layer properties, or object properties.

Compare command is a useful tool for managing complex drawings that contain multiple versions or
revisions. It can be used to compare two similar drawings, and identify differences between them,
making it easier to identify changes, and ensure accuracy and consistency, making it a valuable tool
for architects, engineers, and designers.


Closes the compare tool. This command can be used to close the compare tool and return to the
drawing screen.

d d ik
Compareclose command is a basic tool for managing the compare tool in AutoCAD. It can be used to

/ /c a
close the compare tool after comparing two drawings, and return to the drawing screen, making it a
t p s
valuable tool for architects, engineers, and designers.
Exports the comparison results to a file. This command can be used to export the comparison results
to a file, such as a spreadsheet, for further analysis.

Compareexport command is a useful tool for managing the comparison results in AutoCAD. It can be
used to export the comparison results to a file, and share the results with others, making it easier to
collaborate and ensure accuracy and consistency, making it a valuable tool for architects, engineers,
and designers.


Imports comparison settings from a file. This command can be used to import comparison settings
from a file, such as a previously saved comparison configuration.

Compareimport command is a useful tool for managing the comparison settings in AutoCAD. It can be
used to import comparison settings from a file, and apply the same settings to multiple comparison
operations, making it easier to ensure consistency and accuracy, making it a valuable tool for
architects, engineers, and designers.

Page 34


Displays information about the current comparison operation. This command can be used to view
details about the current comparison operation, such as the type of comparison, the files being
compared, and any options that were selected.

Compareinfo command is a useful tool for managing the comparison operation in AutoCAD. It can be
used to view details about the current comparison, and ensure that the correct files and options are
being used, making it a valuable tool for architects, engineers, and designers.


Compiles a script file into an executable file. This command can be used to convert a script file, which
contains a series of commands, into an executable file that can be run on its own.

Compile command is a useful tool for managing and distributing custom scripts in AutoCAD. It can be
used to compile a script file into an executable file, making it easier to distribute the script to other
users, and ensuring that the script will run correctly, regardless of the user’s environment, making it a
valuable tool for architects, engineers, and designers.

d d ik
: / /c a
t t p s
The CONE command creates a 3D cone-shaped object in AutoCAD. It allows you to specify the height,
base radius, and top radius of the cone, as well as its position and orientation in 3D space. This
command is useful for creating solid 3D models of objects with conical shapes, such as traffic cones or
speaker horns.

You can also use the CONE command in combination with other 3D modeling tools in AutoCAD, such
as extrude, sweep, and loft, to create more complex 3D shapes. For example, you could create a 3D
model of a lampshade by using the CONE command to create the basic shape and then using the
sweep command to create the curved shape of the shade.


The CONSTRAINTBAR command toggles the display of the constraint bar in the AutoCAD user
interface. The constraint bar is a toolbar that provides quick access to constraint tools, which allow you
to apply geometric and dimensional constraints to objects in your drawing. These constraints help you
to maintain the integrity of your designs and ensure that they meet the required specifications.

The constraint bar can be customized to include only the tools that you need for your particular design
tasks. You can also use the CONSTRAINTSETTINGS command to configure the behavior of the
constraint tools and set default values for the various constraint types.

Page 35


The CONSTRAINTSETTINGS command opens the Constraint Settings dialog box, which allows you to
configure the behavior of the constraint tools in AutoCAD. You can use this dialog box to set default
values for various constraint types, such as perpendicular, parallel, and tangent, and to specify the
tolerance values for the different constraint types.

The Constraint Settings dialog box also allows you to control the display of constraint symbols and the
behavior of the constraint bar. You can customize the appearance of the constraint symbols to make
them easier to distinguish and use the Constraint Bar tab to add or remove constraint tools from the
constraint bar.


The CONVERT command converts a selected object or a group of objects from one type to another in
AutoCAD. For example, you can use the CONVERT command to convert a 3D solid object to a mesh
or a surface object, or to convert a 2D polyline to a 3D polyline.

m /
This command is useful when you need to change the type of an object to perform a specific operation,

d d ik
such as applying a material or a hatch pattern, or when you need to export your drawing to a different

: / / a
file format that requires a specific type of object.
t t p s
The CONVERTCTB command converts a drawing from using color-dependent plot styles (CTB files) to
using named plot styles (STB files) in AutoCAD. This command is useful when you need to standardize
the plot styles in your drawing to meet specific printing requirements or when you need to collaborate
with other AutoCAD users who use named plot styles.

The CONVERTCTB command preserves the object colors in the drawing and maps them to the
closest named plot style. You can also use the CONVERTOLDMATERIALS command to convert old
materials to new materials in your drawing.


The CONVERTOLDLIGHTS command converts old-style lights in a drawing to new-style lights in

AutoCAD. Old-style lights are no longer used in current versions of AutoCAD and can cause
compatibility issues when opening drawings in newer versions.

This command converts the old light entities to new-style light entities and updates their properties,
such as position, direction, and intensity. It also converts old-style lights to their equivalent photometric
lights in the drawing, which can provide more accurate lighting calculations for rendering purposes.


Page 36

The CONVERTOLDMATERIALS command converts legacy materials in a drawing to new materials in

AutoCAD. Legacy materials are no longer used in current versions of AutoCAD and can cause
compatibility issues when opening drawings in newer versions.

This command converts old materials to new materials and updates their properties, such as color,
transparency, and reflectivity. It also converts the old materials to their equivalent physical materials in
the drawing, which can provide more accurate material calculations for rendering purposes.


The CONVERTPSTYLES command converts a drawing from using named plot styles (STB files) to
using color-dependent plot styles (CTB files) in AutoCAD. This command is useful when you need to
standardize the plot styles in your drawing to meet specific printing requirements or when you need to
collaborate with other AutoCAD users who use color-dependent plot styles.

The CONVERTPSTYLES command preserves the plot style assignments in the drawing and maps
them to the closest color-dependent plot style. You can also use the CONVERTCTB command to
convert CTB files to STB files in your drawing.
m /
d ik
/c ad
p s : /
The CONVTOMESH command converts a selected 3D solid object to a mesh object in AutoCAD.

h t t
Mesh objects are composed of triangular or quadrilateral faces and are useful for creating organic or
irregular shapes that are difficult to model with other object types.

You can use the CONVTOMESH command to convert 3D solid objects to meshes and then use mesh
editing tools to refine the shape of the object. You can also use meshes for rendering and 3D printing


The CONVTONURBS command converts a selected mesh object to a NURBS object in AutoCAD.
NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines) are a type of mathematical representation used to model
curves and surfaces in 3D computer graphics.

This command is useful when you need to convert a mesh object to a NURBS surface for more
accurate rendering or when you need to export your model to other 3D modeling software that requires
NURBS objects.


The CONVTOSOLID command converts a selected 3D mesh or surface object to a 3D solid object in
AutoCAD. Solid objects are closed volumes that have a definite shape and size and are useful for
creating physical models or performing engineering analysis.

You can use the CONVTOSOLID command to convert 3D meshes or surfaces to solid objects and

Page 37

then use solid editing tools to modify the shape of the object. You can also use solid objects for
rendering and 3D printing purposes.


The CONVTOSURFACE command converts a selected 3D solid or mesh object to a surface object in
AutoCAD. Surface objects are thin, shell-like objects that have no thickness and are useful for creating
complex curved shapes or objects with irregular topologies.

You can use the CONVTOSURFACE command to convert 3D solid or mesh objects to surface objects
and then use surface editing tools to refine the shape of the object. You can also use surface objects
for rendering and 3D printing purposes.


The COORDINATIONMODELATTACH command allows you to attach a coordination model to your

AutoCAD drawing. A coordination model is a 3D model that represents the real-world location and
orientation of a building or infrastructure project, and is typically created using BIM (Building
Information Modeling) software.
m /
By attaching a coordination model to your AutoCAD drawing, you can ensure that your design aligns
with the real-world project location and that it meets the project requirements. You can also use the
: /
coordination model to visualize and analyze the project in 3D.
p s
COPY: h t t
The COPY command allows you to make a copy of selected objects in your AutoCAD drawing. You
can specify the number of copies and the distance and direction of the copies from the original objects.

This command is useful when you need to create multiple copies of an object in your design or when
you need to duplicate a complex set of objects. You can also use the COPY command in combination
with other editing tools, such as rotate, scale, and mirror, to create more complex designs.


The COPYBASE command allows you to make a copy of selected objects based on a reference point
in your AutoCAD drawing. You can specify the location of the reference point and the distance and
direction of the copies from the reference point.

This command is useful when you need to create multiple copies of an object that are positioned
relative to a specific point in your design. You can also use the COPYBASE command in combination
with other editing tools, such as rotate, scale, and mirror, to create more complex designs.


The COPYCLIP command allows you to make a copy of selected objects and place them on the

Page 38

clipboard in AutoCAD. You can then paste the copied objects into another drawing or application.

This command is useful when you need to transfer objects between different drawings or applications.
You can also use the COPYCLIP command in combination with other editing tools, such as trim and
extend, to create more complex designs.


The COPYHIST command allows you to make a copy of selected objects and store a copy of the
original objects in the drawing history in AutoCAD. The drawing history allows you to review and
restore previous versions of your drawing, which can be useful when working with complex designs or
collaborating with other users.

You can use the COPYHIST command to create a backup of your design before making major
changes or before collaborating with other users. You can also use the drawing history to track
changes to your drawing and to revert to earlier versions if needed.


m /
The COPYLINK command allows you to create a linked copy of selected objects in your AutoCAD

d d ik
drawing. A linked copy is a copy of an object that is linked to the original object, so that any changes

: / / a
made to the original object are automatically reflected in the linked copy.
t p s
This command is useful when you need to create multiple copies of an object that are positioned
relative to the original object and that need to be updated automatically when the original object
changes. You can also use the COPYLINK command in combination with other editing tools, such as
rotate, scale, and mirror, to create more complex designs.


The COPYTOLAYER command allows you to make a copy of selected objects and place them on a
different layer in your AutoCAD drawing. This command is useful when you need to organize your
drawing by placing objects on different layers or when you need to apply different settings, such as
linetype or color, to different groups of objects.

You can use the COPYTOLAYER command to make a copy of an object and place it on a layer that
has different settings than the original object. For example, you could use this command to make a
copy of a line and place it on a layer with a different linetype to distinguish it from the original line.


The COUNT command allows you to count the number of selected objects in your AutoCAD drawing.
You can specify the types of objects to count and the units of measurement to use.

This command is useful when you need to calculate the quantity of materials or components needed
for a project, such as the number of light fixtures or electrical outlets. You can also use the COUNT

Page 39

command to check the accuracy of your design or to validate that the correct number of objects has
been installed in the field.


The COUNTAREA command allows you to count the number of objects within a specified area in your
AutoCAD drawing. You can specify the types of objects to count, the units of measurement to use, and
the shape and size of the counting area.

This command is useful when you need to calculate the quantity of materials or components needed
for a specific area of a project, such as the number of tiles or paving stones needed for a patio. You
can also use the COUNTAREA command to validate that the correct number of objects has been
installed in the field within a specific area.


The COUNTAREACLOSE command allows you to count the number of closed objects within a
specified area in your AutoCAD drawing. A closed object is an object that has a defined boundary and
encloses an area.
m /
This command is useful when you need to count the number of objects that have a specific shape or
size within a specific area of your design, such as the number of windows or doors in a room. You can
: /
also use the COUNTAREACLOSE command to validate that the correct number of objects has been
p s
h t t
installed in the field within a specific area.


The COUNTCLOSE command allows you to count the number of closed objects that intersect a
selected object in your AutoCAD drawing. A closed object is an object that has a defined boundary and
encloses an area.

This command is useful when you need to count the number of objects that intersect a specific object
in your design, such as the number of trees or shrubs that intersect a building. You can also use the
COUNTCLOSE command to validate that the correct number of objects has been installed in the field
that intersect a specific object.


The COUNTFIELD command allows you to count the number of objects in your AutoCAD drawing that
have a specified value in a specific field. A field is a value or expression that can be assigned to an
object in AutoCAD and can be used for data extraction or analysis.

Page 40

This command is useful when you need to calculate the quantity of objects that meet a specific criteria
or have a specific value in your design, such as the number of pipes that have a specific diameter or
material. You can also use the COUNTFIELD command to validate that the correct number of objects
with a specific value or criteria has been installed in the field.


The COUNTLIST command allows you to create a list of objects in your AutoCAD drawing and the
number of times each object appears in the drawing. You can specify the types of objects to include in
the list and the units of measurement to use.

This command is useful when you need to review the objects in your design and identify the most
frequently used objects or components. You can also use the COUNTLIST command to validate that
the correct number of objects has been installed in the field.


The COUNTLISTCLOSE command allows you to create a list of closed objects in your AutoCAD
drawing and the number of times each object appears in the drawing. A closed object is an object that
has a defined boundary and encloses an area.
d d ik
/ /c a
This command is useful when you need to review the closed objects in your design and identify the
t p s
most frequently used objects or components that enclose an area. You can also use the
COUNTLISTCLOSE command to validate that the correct number of objects has been installed in the
field that enclose an area.


The COUNTNAVNEXT command allows you to navigate to the next occurrence of a selected object in
your AutoCAD drawing and count the number of occurrences of the object. You can specify the types
of objects to include in the count and the units of measurement to use.

This command is useful when you need to locate all occurrences of a specific object in your design and
calculate the quantity of objects. You can also use the COUNTNAVNEXT command to validate that the
correct number of objects has been installed in the field.


The COUNTNAVPREV command allows you to navigate to the previous occurrence of a selected
object in your AutoCAD drawing and count the number of occurrences of the object. You can specify
the types of objects to include in the count and the units of measurement to use.

Page 41

This command is useful when you need to locate all occurrences of a specific object in your design and
calculate the quantity of objects. You can also use the COUNTNAVPREV command to validate that the
correct number of objects has been installed in the field.


The COUNTTABLE command allows you to create a table in your AutoCAD drawing that lists the
objects in the drawing and the number of times each object appears in the drawing. You can specify
the types of objects to include in the table and the units of measurement to use.

This command is useful when you need to create a summary of the objects in your design and identify
the most frequently used objects or components. You can also use the COUNTTABLE command to
validate that the correct number of objects has been installed in the field.


The CUI command opens the Customize User Interface (CUI) editor in AutoCAD, which allows you to
customize the user interface and create custom commands, menus, and toolbars.
This command is useful when you need to customize the AutoCAD interface to suit your workflow or to
/c ad
create custom commands and tools to automate repetitive tasks. You can also use the CUI command

p s : /
to import or export user interface customization settings to other computers or users.

The CUIEXPORT command allows you to export your AutoCAD user interface customization settings
to a file that can be imported into another AutoCAD installation or shared with other users.

This command is useful when you need to transfer your user interface settings to another computer or
when you need to collaborate with other users who have different user interface preferences. You can
also use the CUIEXPORT command to create backups of your user interface customization settings.


The CUIIMPORT command allows you to import user interface customization settings from a file into
your AutoCAD installation. The customization settings can include custom commands, menus, and
toolbars created using the Customize User Interface (CUI) editor.

This command is useful when you need to transfer user interface customization settings from another
AutoCAD installation or from another user. You can also use the CUIIMPORT command to restore
backups of your user interface customization settings or to update your user interface settings with new
custom commands or tools.


Page 42

The CUILOAD command allows you to load a custom user interface (CUI) file into your AutoCAD
installation. The CUI file contains customized commands, menus, and toolbars that can be used to
streamline your workflow and automate repetitive tasks.

This command is useful when you have created or obtained a custom user interface file and need to
load it into your AutoCAD installation. You can also use the CUILOAD command to switch between
different custom user interface files depending on your workflow.


The CUIUNLOAD command allows you to unload a custom user interface (CUI) file from your
AutoCAD installation. Unloading a CUI file removes the custom commands, menus, and toolbars
associated with the file from the AutoCAD interface.

This command is useful when you no longer need a custom user interface file or when you want to
switch to a different custom user interface file. You can also use the CUIUNLOAD command to reduce
clutter in the AutoCAD interface by removing unused custom commands or tools.

m /

d d ik
The CUSTOMIZE command opens the Customize User Interface (CUI) editor in AutoCAD, which

/ /c a
allows you to customize the user interface and create custom commands, menus, and toolbars.
t t p s
This command is useful when you need to customize the AutoCAD interface to suit your workflow or to
create custom commands and tools to automate repetitive tasks. You can also use the CUSTOMIZE
command to import or export user interface customization settings to other computers or users.


The CUTBASE command allows you to make a copy of selected objects based on a reference point in
your AutoCAD drawing and remove the original objects. You can specify the location of the reference
point and the distance and direction of the copies from the reference point.

This command is useful when you need to create multiple copies of an object that are positioned
relative to a specific point in your design and remove the original objects. You can also use the
CUTBASE command in combination with other editing tools, such as rotate, scale, and mirror, to
create more complex designs.


The CUTCLIP command allows you to make a copy of selected objects and place them on the
clipboard in AutoCAD, and then remove the original objects. You can then paste the copied objects
into another drawing or application.

This command is useful when you need to transfer objects between different drawings or applications
and remove the original objects. You can also use the CUTCLIP command in combination with other

Page 43

editing tools, such as trim and extend, to create more complex designs.


The CVADD command allows you to add a control vertex (CV) to a spline or NURBS curve in your
AutoCAD drawing. A control vertex is a point that defines the shape of the curve.

This command is useful when you need to modify the shape of a spline or NURBS curve in your
design. You can use the CVADD command to add additional control vertices and adjust the shape of
the curve to meet your design requirements.


The CVHIDE command allows you to hide the control vertices (CVs) of a spline or NURBS curve in
your AutoCAD drawing. Hiding the CVs can make it easier to see the shape of the curve and to select
other objects in the drawing.

This command is useful when you need to work with a spline or NURBS curve and want to hide the
CVs to reduce clutter in the drawing. You can also use the CVHIDE command to show the CVs again
when you need to modify the shape of the curve.

d d ik
: / /c a
t t p s
The CVREBUILD command allows you to rebuild a spline or NURBS curve in your AutoCAD drawing
by adding or removing control vertices (CVs) and adjusting the shape of the curve. Rebuilding the
curve can improve its accuracy and smoothness.

This command is useful when you need to modify the shape of a spline or NURBS curve in your design
and want to improve its accuracy and smoothness. You can use the CVREBUILD command to adjust
the number and location of the CVs and to adjust the weight of the curve at each CV.


The CVREMOVE command allows you to remove a control vertex (CV) from a spline or NURBS curve
in your AutoCAD drawing. A control vertex is a point that defines the shape of the curve.

This command is useful when you need to modify the shape of a spline or NURBS curve in your design
and want to remove unnecessary CVs. You can use the CVREMOVE command to reduce the number
of CVs and simplify the shape of the curve.


The CVSHOW command allows you to show the control vertices (CVs) of a spline or NURBS curve in
your AutoCAD drawing. Showing the CVs can help you visualize the shape of the curve and adjust its
shape more accurately.

Page 44

This command is useful when you need to work with a spline or NURBS curve and want to see the
location of the CVs. You can also use the CVSHOW command to hide the CVs again when you don’t
need to see them.


The CYLINDER command allows you to create a 3D cylinder object in your AutoCAD drawing. You
can specify the radius, height, and location of the cylinder.

This command is useful when you need to create a cylindrical object, such as a pipe or column, in your
design. You can use the CYLINDER command in combination with other editing tools, such as rotate
and move, to create more complex designs.


The DATAEXTRACTION command allows you to extract data from your AutoCAD drawing and create
a table or file containing the extracted data. You can specify the types of data to extract and the format
of the table or file.
m /
This command is useful when you need to extract data from your design for analysis or documentation
/c ad
purposes, such as creating a material list or generating a bill of quantities. You can also use the

p s : /
DATAEXTRACTION command to automate the extraction of data and streamline your workflow.

The DATALINK command allows you to link an Excel spreadsheet or Access database to your
AutoCAD drawing and use the data in the spreadsheet or database in your design. You can specify the
location and format of the spreadsheet or database and the data to link to the drawing.

This command is useful when you need to use data from an external source, such as a material list or
equipment schedule, in your AutoCAD design. You can use the DATALINK command to update the
linked data automatically when changes are made to the spreadsheet or database.


The DATALINKUPDATE command allows you to update the data in a linked Excel spreadsheet or
Access database in your AutoCAD drawing. You can use this command to ensure that the data in your
drawing is up-to-date with the data in the external source.

This command is useful when you have linked an Excel spreadsheet or Access database to your
AutoCAD drawing and need to update the data after changes have been made to the spreadsheet or


Page 45

The DBCCLOSE command allows you to close the current drawing database connection in AutoCAD.
This command is used when working with database-linked drawings.

This command is useful when you need to close the connection to the current database to perform
maintenance or other tasks on the database.


The DBCCONFIGURE command allows you to configure the database connection settings in
AutoCAD. This command is used when working with database-linked drawings.

This command is useful when you need to configure the database connection settings to connect to a
different database or to modify the connection properties, such as the user name and password.


The DBCDEFINELLT command allows you to define a new linked database table in AutoCAD. This
command is used when working with database-linked drawings.
m /
This command is useful when you need to link a new table from an external database to your AutoCAD
/c ad
drawing and use the data in the table in your design.

p s : /
h t t
The DBCDEFINELT command allows you to define a new local database table in AutoCAD. This
command is used when working with database-linked drawings.

This command is useful when you need to create a new local database table in your AutoCAD drawing
and use it to store data that is specific to your design.


DBCONNECT command is used to establish a connection to an external database and link it to the
AutoCAD drawing. This command can be used to extract data from external databases and import
them into the drawing. It can also be used to update the external database with the data in the
drawing. This command is useful when working with large amounts of data that are stored in a
database outside of AutoCAD. By linking the database to the drawing, changes made to the drawing
can be automatically reflected in the external database.

DBCONNECT is a powerful tool for automating repetitive tasks and improving productivity. It can be
used to create reports, schedules, and bills of materials directly from the drawing. It can also be used
to update external databases with information from the drawing, saving time and reducing errors. With
this command, users can streamline their workflow and improve efficiency.

Page 46


DBLIST command is used to display a list of objects that are linked to an external database. This
command is useful for identifying objects that are linked to the database and for reviewing the
properties of those objects. The list includes the object name, database name, and other relevant
information. This command can be used in conjunction with the DBCONNECT command to manage
data between the drawing and external database.

DBLIST is a valuable tool for managing data in large projects that involve external databases. It allows
users to quickly identify objects that are linked to the database and to review the properties of those
objects. This command can be used to verify that data has been correctly linked to the drawing and to
troubleshoot any issues that arise during the linking process.


DCALIGNED command is used to create a dimension that is aligned with an object. This command is
useful when creating drawings that require precise dimensions that are parallel to an object. The

m /
dimension line is drawn at an angle that is parallel to the object and the text is oriented horizontally.

d ik
The dimension can be moved and rotated as needed to achieve the desired result.

DCALIGNED is a powerful tool for creating precise drawings that require accurate dimensions. It
: /
allows users to quickly and easily create dimensions that are aligned with objects, reducing the time
p s
errors in their drawings. h t t
required to manually create dimensions. With this command, users can improve accuracy and reduce


DCANGULAR command is used to create a dimension that measures the angle between two objects.
This command is useful when creating drawings that require precise angles to be measured. The
dimension line is drawn between the two objects and the angle is displayed in degrees. The dimension
can be moved and rotated as needed to achieve the desired result.

DCANGULAR is a valuable tool for creating precise drawings that require accurate angle
measurements. It allows users to quickly and easily create dimensions that measure the angle
between two objects, reducing the time required to manually create dimensions. With this command,
users can improve accuracy and reduce errors in their drawings.


DCCONVERT command is used to convert a dimension from one type to another. This command is
useful when changing the type of dimension that has already been created. For example, a linear
dimension can be converted to an aligned dimension. The dimension is selected and then converted to
the desired type. The new dimension can be moved and rotated as needed to achieve the desired

Page 47

DCCONVERT is a powerful tool for making changes to dimensions that have already been created. It
allows users to quickly and easily change the type of dimension, reducing the time required to
manually create a new dimension. With this command, users can make changes to their drawings
more efficiently and improve productivity.


DCDIAMETER command is used to create a dimension that measures the diameter of a circle or arc.
This command is useful when creating drawings that require precise diameter measurements. The
dimension line is drawn through the center of the circle or arc and the diameter is displayed. The
dimension can be moved and rotated as needed to achieve the desired result.

DCDIAMETER is a valuable tool for creating precise drawings that require accurate diameter
measurements. It allows users to quickly and easily create dimensions that measure the diameter of a
circle or arc, reducing the time required to manually create dimensions. With this command, users can
improve accuracy and reduce errors in their drawings.

m /
DCDISPLAY command is used to control the display of dimensions in the drawing. This command can
be used to show or hide dimension lines, dimension text, and other components of dimensions. It can
: /
also be used to adjust the size and style of dimension text. This command is useful for controlling the
p s
h t t
appearance of dimensions in the drawing and making them easier to read and understand.

DCDISPLAY is a valuable tool for improving the clarity of drawings that contain dimensions. It allows
users to adjust the display of dimensions to make them more readable and easy to understand. With
this command, users can improve the overall quality of their drawings and communicate their designs
more effectively.


DCFORM command is used to create a custom dimension style. This command allows users to specify
the appearance of dimension lines, text, arrows, and other components of dimensions. Users can also
specify the units of measurement and the precision of the dimensions. The custom dimension style can
be saved and reused in other drawings.

DCFORM is a powerful tool for creating consistent and professional-looking dimensions in drawings. It
allows users to define a custom dimension style that meets their specific requirements and use it in
multiple drawings. With this command, users can improve the quality of their drawings and ensure that
their dimensions are accurate and easy to read.


DCHORIZONTAL command is used to create a dimension that is horizontal to an object. This

command is useful when creating drawings that require precise dimensions that are parallel to the x-

Page 48

axis. The dimension line is drawn horizontally and the text is oriented vertically. The dimension can be
moved and rotated as needed to achieve the desired result.

DCHORIZONTAL is a powerful tool for creating precise drawings that require accurate dimensions. It
allows users to quickly and easily create dimensions that are parallel to the x-axis, reducing the time
required to manually create dimensions. With this command, users can improve accuracy and reduce
errors in their drawings.


DCLINEAR command is used to create a dimension that measures the distance between two points.
This command is useful when creating drawings that require precise distance measurements. The
dimension line is drawn between the two points and the distance is displayed. The dimension can be
moved and rotated as needed to achieve the desired result.

DCLINEAR is a valuable tool for creating precise drawings that require accurate distance
measurements. It allows users to quickly and easily create dimensions that measure the distance
between two points, reducing the time required to manually create dimensions. With this command,
users can improve accuracy and reduce errors in their drawings.
m /
d ik
/c ad
: /
DCRADIUS command is used to create a dimension that measures the radius of a circle or arc. This
p s
h t t
command is useful when creating drawings that require precise radius measurements. The dimension
line is drawn from the center of the circle or arc to the edge and the radius is displayed. The dimension
can be moved and rotated as needed to achieve the desired result.

DCRADIUS is a valuable tool for creating precise drawings that require accurate radius
measurements. It allows users to quickly and easily create dimensions that measure the radius of a
circle or arc, reducing the time required to manually create dimensions. With this command, users can
improve accuracy and reduce errors in their drawings.


DCVERTICAL command is used to create a dimension that is vertical to an object. This command is
useful when creating drawings that require precise dimensions that are parallel to the y-axis. The
dimension line is drawn vertically and the text is oriented horizontally. The dimension can be moved
and rotated as needed to achieve the desired result.

DCVERTICAL is a powerful tool for creating precise drawings that require accurate dimensions. It
allows users to quickly and easily create dimensions that are parallel to the y-axis, reducing the time
required to manually create dimensions. With this command, users can improve accuracy and reduce
errors in their drawings.


Page 49

DELAY command is used to delay the execution of a script or macro in AutoCAD. This command is
useful when a script or macro needs to wait for a specific event to occur before continuing. The delay
time can be specified in seconds, and the script or macro will resume execution after the delay time
has elapsed.

DELAY is a valuable tool for automating repetitive tasks in AutoCAD. It allows users to add a delay to a
script or macro, ensuring that the desired conditions are met before continuing. With this command,
users can improve the efficiency and accuracy of their automation scripts.


DELCONSTRAINT command is used to delete a constraint that has been applied to an object in
AutoCAD. Constraints are used to control the geometry of objects and ensure that they meet specific
design requirements. This command is useful when a constraint is no longer needed or when it is
causing issues in the drawing.

DELCONSTRAINT is a valuable tool for managing constraints in AutoCAD. It allows users to remove

constraints that are no longer needed, reducing the clutter in the drawing and improving performance.
With this command, users can maintain control over the geometry of their objects and ensure that they
meet the desired design requirements.

d d ik
: / /c a
t t p s
DETACHURL command is used to detach a URL link from an object in AutoCAD. URL links can be
attached to objects in the drawing, allowing users to access external resources such as websites and
files. This command is useful when a link is no longer needed or when it is causing issues in the

DETACHURL is a valuable tool for managing URL links in AutoCAD. It allows users to remove links
that are no longer needed, reducing the clutter in the drawing and improving performance. With this
command, users can maintain control over the links in their drawing and ensure that they are relevant
and up-to-date.


DGNADJUST command is used to adjust the alignment of a DGN underlay in AutoCAD. DGN
underlays are used to bring in design files from other software applications such as MicroStation. This
command is useful when the underlay is not aligned correctly with the drawing.

DGNADJUST is a valuable tool for managing DGN underlays in AutoCAD. It allows users to adjust the
alignment of the underlay, ensuring that it matches the drawing accurately. With this command, users
can improve the quality of their drawings and ensure that they meet the desired design requirements.


DGNATTACH command is used to attach a DGN file as an underlay in AutoCAD. DGN underlays are

Page 50

used to bring in design files from other software applications such as MicroStation. This command is
useful when working with files that have been created in other software applications.

DGNATTACH is a valuable tool for managing DGN underlays in AutoCAD. It allows users to attach
external design files to the drawing, providing additional context and information that may be useful for
the design process. With this command, users can improve the quality and accuracy of their drawings
and ensure that they meet the desired design requirements.


DGNCLIP command is used to clip a DGN underlay in AutoCAD. DGN underlays are used to bring in
design files from other software applications such as MicroStation. This command is useful when part
of the underlay is not needed or when it is causing issues in the drawing.

DGNCLIP is a valuable tool for managing DGN underlays in AutoCAD. It allows users to clip the
underlay, reducing the clutter in the drawing and improving performance. With this command, users
can maintain control over the DGN underlay and ensure that it provides the relevant information for the
design process.

m /

d d ik
: / / a
DGNEXPORT command is used to export a drawing to a DGN file format. DGN files are commonly
used in MicroStation and other design software applications. This command is useful when working
t p s
with files that need to be shared with other software applications.
DGNEXPORT is a valuable tool for managing design files in AutoCAD. It allows users to export their
drawings to a format that is compatible with other software applications, ensuring that the design can
be shared and reviewed by other stakeholders. With this command, users can improve collaboration
and ensure that their designs meet the desired requirements.


DGNIMPORT command is used to import a DGN file as an underlay in AutoCAD. DGN files are
commonly used in MicroStation and other design software applications. This command is useful when
working with files that have been created in other software applications.

DGNIMPORT is a valuable tool for managing design files in AutoCAD. It allows users to import
external design files to the drawing, providing additional context and information that may be useful for
the design process. With this command, users can improve the quality and accuracy of their drawings
and ensure that they meet the desired design requirements.


Page 51

DGNLAYERS command is used to manage the layers in a DGN underlay in AutoCAD. DGN underlays
are used to bring in design files from other software applications such as MicroStation. This command
is useful for managing the visibility and properties of the layers in the underlay.

DGNLAYERS is a valuable tool for managing DGN underlays in AutoCAD. It allows users to control the
visibility and properties of the layers in the underlay, providing additional context and information that
may be useful for the design process. With this command, users can improve the quality and accuracy
of their drawings and ensure that they meet the desired design requirements.


DGNMAPPING command is used to map the layers in a DGN underlay to the layers in the AutoCAD
drawing. DGN underlays are used to bring in design files from other software applications such as
MicroStation. This command is useful for ensuring that the layers in the underlay are mapped correctly
to the layers in the drawing.

DGNMAPPING is a valuable tool for managing DGN underlays in AutoCAD. It allows users to map the

layers in the underlay to the layers in the drawing, providing additional context and information that
may be useful for the design process. With this command, users can improve the quality and accuracy

d d ik
of their drawings and ensure that they meet the desired design requirements.

: / /c a
t t p s
DIGITALSIGN command is used to digitally sign a drawing in AutoCAD. Digital signatures provide a
way to verify the authenticity of a drawing and ensure that it has not been tampered with. This
command is useful for ensuring that the drawing meets the desired security and quality requirements.

DIGITALSIGN is a valuable tool for managing the security and quality of drawings in AutoCAD. It
allows users to digitally sign their drawings, providing assurance that the drawing is authentic and has
not been altered. With this command, users can improve the security and reliability of their drawings.


DIM command is used to create a linear, aligned, or angular dimension in AutoCAD. This command is
useful for adding dimension lines to objects in the drawing, providing additional context and information
that may be useful for the design process. The type of dimension can be specified in the command line
or in the Dimension Style Manager.

DIM is a valuable tool for adding dimensions to objects in AutoCAD. It allows users to quickly and
easily add dimension lines to objects, providing additional context and information that may be useful
for the design process. With this command, users can improve the quality and accuracy of their
drawings and ensure that they meet the desired design requirements.


DIMALIGNED command is used to create an aligned dimension in AutoCAD. Aligned dimensions are

Page 52

used to measure the distance between two points on an object, regardless of the orientation of the
object. The dimension line is drawn perpendicular to the measurement line and the distance is

DIMALIGNED is a valuable tool for creating precise measurements in AutoCAD. It allows users to
quickly and easily create dimensions that measure the distance between two points on an object,
regardless of the orientation of the object. With this command, users can improve the accuracy and
efficiency of their drawings.


DIMANGULAR command is used to create an angular dimension in AutoCAD. Angular dimensions are
used to measure the angle between two lines or objects. The dimension line is drawn between the two
lines or objects and the angle is displayed.

DIMANGULAR is a valuable tool for creating precise measurements in AutoCAD. It allows users to
quickly and easily create dimensions that measure the angle between two lines or objects. With this
command, users can improve the accuracy and efficiency of their drawings.

m /

d d ik
: / / a
DIMARC command is used to create a dimension that measures the radius of an arc or the length of
an arc segment. The dimension line is drawn between the endpoints of the arc segment and the radius
or length is displayed.
t t p s
DIMARC is a valuable tool for creating precise measurements in AutoCAD. It allows users to quickly
and easily create dimensions that measure the radius or length of an arc segment. With this command,
users can improve the accuracy and efficiency of their drawings.


DIMBASELINE command is used to create a baseline dimension in AutoCAD.

Baseline dimensions are used to measure the distance between a series of points on an object. The
dimension line is drawn between the first and last point and the distance is displayed along with the
location of each point.

DIMBASELINE is a valuable tool for creating precise measurements in AutoCAD. It allows users to
quickly and easily create dimensions that measure the distance between a series of points on an
object. With this command, users can improve the accuracy and efficiency of their drawings.


DIMBREAK command is used to add a break to a dimension line in AutoCAD. This command is useful
when the dimension line is too long and needs to be shortened to fit in the drawing space. The break
can be specified at a specific point along the dimension line.

Page 53

DIMBREAK is a valuable tool for managing the length of dimension lines in AutoCAD. It allows users to
add breaks to dimension lines, reducing the clutter in the drawing and improving the readability of the
drawing. With this command, users can maintain control over the length of their dimension lines and
ensure that they meet the desired design requirements.


DIMCENTER command is used to create a center mark and a centerline extension for a circle or arc in
AutoCAD. This command is useful for providing additional context and information about the center of
the circle or arc.

DIMCENTER is a valuable tool for improving the readability of drawings in AutoCAD. It allows users to
add center marks and centerline extensions to circles and arcs, providing additional context and
information that may be useful for the design process. With this command, users can improve the
quality and accuracy of their drawings.


m /
DIMCONSTRAINT command is used to apply a dimensional constraint to an object in AutoCAD.

d d ik
Dimensional constraints are used to control the size and location of objects in the drawing. This

: / / a
command is useful for ensuring that objects meet specific design requirements.
t p s
DIMCONSTRAINT is a valuable tool for managing constraints in AutoCAD. It allows users to apply
dimensional constraints to objects, ensuring that they meet specific design requirements. With this
command, users can improve the accuracy and efficiency of their drawings.


DIMCONTINUE command is used to continue a dimension line that has been interrupted by an object
in AutoCAD. This command is useful for ensuring that dimension lines are continuous and accurate.

DIMCONTINUE is a valuable tool for managing dimension lines in AutoCAD. It allows users to
continue dimension lines that have been interrupted by objects, ensuring that they are accurate and
provide the necessary context and information for the design process. With this command, users can
improve the quality and accuracy of their drawings.


DIMDIAMETER command is used to create a dimension that measures the diameter of a circle or arc
in AutoCAD. The dimension line is drawn across the center of the circle or arc and the diameter is

DIMDIAMETER is a valuable tool for creating precise measurements in AutoCAD. It allows users to
quickly and easily create dimensions that measure the diameter of a circle or arc, reducing the time
required to manually create dimensions. With this command, users can improve the accuracy and

Page 54

efficiency of their drawings.


DIMDISASSOCIATE command is used to remove the association between a dimension and an object
in AutoCAD. This command is useful when a dimension is no longer needed or when it is causing
issues in the drawing.

DIMDISASSOCIATE is a valuable tool for managing dimensions in AutoCAD. It allows users to remove
the association between dimensions and objects, providing greater flexibility and control over the
drawing. With this command, users can easily modify and adjust dimensions without affecting the
associated objects, improving the quality and accuracy of their drawings.


DIMEDIT command is used to edit the properties of a dimension in AutoCAD. This command is useful
for modifying the appearance and location of dimensions in the drawing. The command allows users to
modify the text, placement, and style of dimensions, as well as adjust the location of the dimension line.

m /
DIMEDIT is a valuable tool for managing dimensions in AutoCAD. It allows users to easily modify and

d d ik
adjust dimensions to meet specific design requirements, improving the quality and accuracy of their

: / /c a
t t ps
DIMINSPECT command is used to inspect the dimensions in a drawing in AutoCAD. This command is
useful for verifying the accuracy and consistency of dimensions in the drawing.

DIMINSPECT is a valuable tool for managing dimensions in AutoCAD. It allows users to inspect the
dimensions in the drawing, ensuring that they are accurate and consistent with the design
requirements. With this command, users can improve the quality and reliability of their drawings.


DIMJOGGED command is used to create a jogged dimension in AutoCAD. Jogged dimensions are
used to measure the distance between two points on an object that is not a straight line. The
dimension line is drawn in a zig-zag pattern between the two points, providing additional context and
information about the shape of the object.

DIMJOGGED is a valuable tool for creating precise measurements in AutoCAD. It allows users to
quickly and easily create dimensions that measure the distance between two points on an object that is
not a straight line. With this command, users can improve the accuracy and efficiency of their drawings.


DIMJOGLINE command is used to add a jog to a dimension line in AutoCAD. This command is useful

Page 55

for managing the length of dimension lines and improving the readability of the drawing.

DIMJOGLINE is a valuable tool for managing the length of dimension lines in AutoCAD. It allows users
to add jogs to dimension lines, reducing the clutter in the drawing and improving the readability of the
drawing. With this command, users can maintain control over the length of their dimension lines and
ensure that they meet the desired design requirements.


DIMLINEAR command is used to create a linear dimension in AutoCAD. Linear dimensions are used to
measure the distance between two points on an object. The dimension line is drawn parallel to the
measurement line and the distance is displayed.

DIMLINEAR is a valuable tool for creating precise measurements in AutoCAD. It allows users to
quickly and easily create dimensions that measure the distance between two points on an object,
improving the accuracy and efficiency of their drawings.


m /
DIMORDINATE command is used to create an ordinate dimension in AutoCAD. Ordinate dimensions

d d ik
are used to measure the distance of a point from a reference point or line. The dimension line is drawn

: / / a
perpendicular to the reference line and the distance is displayed.
t p s
DIMORDINATE is a valuable tool for creating precise measurements in AutoCAD. It allows users to
quickly and easily create dimensions that measure the distance of a point from a reference point or
line. With this command, users can improve the accuracy and efficiency of their drawings.


DIMOVERRIDE command is used to override the properties of a dimension in AutoCAD. This

command is useful for modifying the appearance of dimensions in the drawing. The command allows
users to modify the text, placement, and style of dimensions, as well as adjust the location of the
dimension line.

DIMOVERRIDE is a valuable tool for managing dimensions in AutoCAD. It allows users to easily
modify and adjust dimensions to meet specific design requirements, improving the quality and
accuracy of their drawings.


DIMRADIUS command is used to create a dimension that measures the radius of a circle or arc in
AutoCAD. The dimension line is drawn from the center of the circle or arc to the endpoint and the
radius is displayed.

DIMRADIUS is a valuable tool for creating precise measurements in AutoCAD. It allows users to
quickly and easily create dimensions that measure the radius of a circle or arc, reducing the time

Page 56

required to manually create dimensions. With this command, users can improve the accuracy and
efficiency of their drawings.


DIMREASSOCIATE command is used to re-associate a dimension with an object in AutoCAD. This

command is useful when a dimension has been disassociated from an object or when it needs to be
associated with a different object.

DIMREASSOCIATE is a valuable tool for managing dimensions in AutoCAD. It allows users to easily
re-associate dimensions with objects, ensuring that they are accurate and provide the necessary
context and information for the design process. With this command, users can improve the quality and
accuracy of their drawings.


DIMREGEN command is used to regenerate the dimension objects in a drawing in AutoCAD. This
command is useful when dimensions are not displaying correctly or when changes have been made to
the drawing that affect the dimensions.
m /
DIMREGEN is a valuable tool for managing dimensions in AutoCAD. It allows users to regenerate the
dimension objects in the drawing, ensuring that they are displaying correctly and providing the
: /
necessary context and information for the design process. With this command, users can improve the
p s
h t t
quality and accuracy of their drawings.


DIMROTATED command is used to create a rotated dimension in AutoCAD. Rotated dimensions are
used to measure the distance between two points on an object that is not aligned with the x or y axis.
The dimension line is drawn at an angle to the measurement line and the distance is displayed.

DIMROTATED is a valuable tool for creating precise measurements in AutoCAD. It allows users to
quickly and easily create dimensions that measure the distance between two points on an object that is
not aligned with the x or y axis. With this command, users can improve the accuracy and efficiency of
their drawings.


DIMSPACE command is used to set the spacing between dimension lines in AutoCAD. This command
is useful for managing the length of dimension lines and improving the readability of the drawing.

DIMSPACE is a valuable tool for managing the spacing of dimension lines in AutoCAD. It allows users
to set the spacing between dimension lines, reducing the clutter in the drawing and improving the
readability of the drawing. With this command, users can maintain control over the spacing of their
dimension lines and ensure that they meet the desired design requirements.

Page 57


DIMSTYLE command is used to create and modify dimension styles in AutoCAD. A dimension style is
a collection of settings that control the appearance and behavior of dimensions in the drawing. This
command is useful for managing the appearance and behavior of dimensions in the drawing.

DIMSTYLE is a valuable tool for managing dimension styles in AutoCAD. It allows users to create and
modify dimension styles, ensuring that they meet specific design requirements. With this command,
users can improve the consistency and accuracy of their drawings.


DIMTEDIT command is used to edit the text of a dimension in AutoCAD. This command is useful for
modifying the text of dimensions in the drawing. The command allows users to modify the text,
placement, and style of dimensions, as well as adjust the location of the dimension line.

DIMTEDIT is a valuable tool for managing dimensions in AutoCAD. It allows users to easily modify and
adjust the text of dimensions to meet specific design requirements, improving the quality and accuracy
of their drawings.

d d ik
: / /c a
t t p s
DIST command is used to measure the distance between two points in AutoCAD. This command is
useful for creating precise measurements in the drawing. The command allows users to select two
points in the drawing and displays the distance between them.

DIST is a valuable tool for measuring distances in AutoCAD. It allows users to quickly and easily
measure the distance between two points in the drawing, improving the accuracy and efficiency of their


DISTANTLIGHT command is used to create a distant light in AutoCAD. Distant lights are used to
simulate natural lighting conditions in the drawing. The command allows users to specify the direction
and intensity of the light.

DISTANTLIGHT is a valuable tool for creating realistic lighting conditions in AutoCAD. It allows users
to simulate natural lighting conditions, improving the quality and realism of their drawings.


Page 58

The DIVIDE command is used to divide an object or a selected line segment into equal parts. This
command is useful when creating grids or measuring distances between objects. To use thecommand,
select the object or line segment you want to divide, then specify the number of segmentsyou want to

You can also specify a distance between the segments. DIVIDE creates points at the locations of the
divisions, which can be used as snap points or reference points for other commands.


The DONUT command is used to create a solid-filled circle with a hole in the center. This command is
useful when creating mechanical parts or decorative shapes. To use the command, specify the outer
and inner diameters of the donut.

You can also specify the number of segments to use when creating the donut, which affects the
smoothness of the edges. Additionally, you can specify the center point of the donut or use object
snapping to locate it precisely.

m /

d d ik
The DOWNLOADMANAGER command is used to manage downloaded content from the Autodesk

/ /c a
App Store or other online sources. This command opens the Download Manager palette, where you
t p
can view and manage downloaded files.
t s
You can install or uninstall apps, view the details of each app, and browse the available apps in the
Autodesk App Store. The Download Manager also provides access to software updates and other
resources from Autodesk.


The DRAGMODE command is used to control how objects are moved or copied when using the drag
method. This command affects the behavior of the grip editing tools, such as Move, Rotate, and Scale.

There are three modes for DRAGMODE: “Auto”, “ON,” and “OFF.” “Auto” is the default mode, and it
automatically determines whether objects should be moved or copied based on the current selection
set. “ON” forces objects to be copied, while “OFF” forces objects to be moved.


The DRAWINGRECOVERY command is used to recover a drawing that was not saved properly due to
a system crash or other problem. This command searches for and attempts to recover any unsaved
changes to the drawing.

Page 59

The DRAWINGRECOVERY command opens a dialog box that shows a list of any recovered files. You
can then choose which file to open or discard. It is recommended to save the recovered file as soon as
possible to prevent any loss of data.


The DRAWINGRECOVERYHIDE command is used to hide the dialog box that appears when
AutoCAD detects an unsaved drawing recovery file. This command prevents the dialog box from
appearing, even if there are unsaved changes to the drawing.

You can use this command to avoid interruptions when working with AutoCAD, especially if you are
frequently switching between different files or using other software that may cause system crashes.


The DRAWORDER command is used to change the display order of objects in a drawing. This
command is useful when objects overlap and you want to change their visibility or order of appearance.

m /
To use the command, select the objects you want to change the order of, then use the Bring to Front

d d ik
or Send to Back options in the DRAWORDER dialog box. You can also use the Bring Forward, Send
Backward, or Reverse Order options to adjust the order of selected objects.

: / /c a
t t p s
The DSETTINGS command is used to manage various settings and options for drawing and editing in
AutoCAD. This command opens the Drawing Settings dialog box, where you can adjust settings
related to units, text styles, dimensions, and more.

You can also access other settings and preferences related to general program behavior, display, and
performance. The DSETTINGS command is a powerful tool for customizing AutoCAD to your specific
needs and workflow.


The DVIEW command is used to create and save 3D views of a drawing. This command is useful
when working with complex 3D models or when you need to view a drawing from multiple angles or

To use the command, first set up the desired viewpoint, orientation, and visual style, then use the
DVIEW command to create a named view. You can then easily switch between different views or
restore saved views at any time.


The DWFADJUST command is used to adjust the visual properties and display quality of DWF files,

Page 60

which are a type of file format used for sharing and viewing AutoCAD drawings. This command is
useful when you need to optimize the display of DWF files for specific applications or devices.

You can adjust settings related to color, line weight, transparency, and other visual properties of DWF
files. The DWFADJUST command can also be used to control the level of detail displayed in DWF files
or to convert them to other file formats.


The DWFATTACH command is used to attach a DWF file as an underlay to a drawing. This command
is useful when you need to reference or compare a DWF file with an existing AutoCAD drawing.

Once attached, the DWF file is displayed as a background image in the drawing, which can be scaled,
positioned, and clipped to suit your needs. You can also adjust the opacity or fade of the underlay or
use it as a snap or reference point for other commands.


The DWFCLIP command is used to clip or crop a DWF file that has been attached as an underlay to a
drawing. This command is useful when you need to focus on a specific portion of the DWF file or
remove unwanted portions of the underlay.
d d ik
/ /c a
To use the command, select the DWF underlay and specify the clipping boundary using a closed
t p s
polyline or other shape. The DWF file is then clipped to the boundary, and only the visible portion of the
underlay is displayed in the drawing.


The DWFFORMAT command is used to set up and configure the properties of DWF files, which are a
type of file format used for sharing and viewing AutoCAD drawings. This command is useful when you
need to control the output format or quality of DWF files.

You can adjust settings related to color, line weight, transparency, and other visual properties of DWF
files. The DWFFORMAT command can also be used to set up templates for DWF files or to customize
the appearance of the DWF publishing dialog box.


The DWFLAYERS command is used to manage the layer properties and settings of DWF files, which
are a type of file format used for sharing and viewing AutoCAD drawings. This command is useful
when you need to control the visibility or display of layers in DWF files.

You can adjust settings related to color, line type, transparency, and other layer properties of DWF
files. The DWFLAYERS command can also be used to create, delete, or modify layers in DWF files or
to control the visibility of layers in the DWF publishing dialog box.

Page 61


The DWGCONVERT command is used to convert AutoCAD drawings from one file format to another.
This command is useful when you need to share or open a drawing in a different version or format of

You can convert drawings to or from various file formats, such as DWG, DXF, PDF, or DWF. The
DWGCONVERT command can also be used to convert drawings between different versions of
AutoCAD, which can be especially useful when working with collaborators or clients who use different
versions of the software.


The DWGHISTORY command is used to display and manage the version history of an AutoCAD
drawing. This command is useful when you need to keep track of changes made to a drawing or to
revert to an earlier version of the drawing.

You can view a list of all the saved versions of the drawing, along with information about the user who
saved the version, the date and time it was saved, and any comments or notes associated with the

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version. You can also open, save, or delete versions of the drawing directly from the DWGHISTORY
dialog box.

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The DWGHISTORYCLOSE command is used to close the DWGHISTORY dialog box after you have
finished reviewing or managing the version history of an AutoCAD drawing. This command is useful
when you want to free up screen space or reduce clutter in the AutoCAD interface.

You can use this command to close the DWGHISTORY dialog box without affecting the drawing or any
of the saved versions. You can also use the DWGHISTORYCLOSE command to quickly switch back to
the drawing or to other AutoCAD commands.


The DWGPROPS command is used to display and edit the properties of an AutoCAD drawing, such as
author, title, description, or keywords. This command is useful when you need to organize or manage a
large number of drawings or to search for specific drawings based on their properties.

You can also add custom properties to a drawing or import properties from other drawings. The
DWGPROPS command can be especially useful when working with clients or collaborators who need
to review or access your drawings.


The DXBIN command is used to load or unload DirectX shaders, which are special programs that

Page 62

control the display and rendering of 3D objects in AutoCAD. This command is useful when you need to
customize the appearance or behavior of 3D objects or when you need to troubleshoot display issues
in AutoCAD.

You can use the DXBIN command to load or unload specific shaders or to manage the overall
performance or memory usage of DirectX in AutoCAD. The DXBIN command can be a powerful tool
for enhancing the visual quality and speed of 3D objects in AutoCAD.


The EATTEDIT command is used to edit the attribute values of selected objects or blocks. Attributes
are special properties that can be attached to objects or blocks and can contain information such as
part numbers, descriptions, or other data.

To use the command, select the objects or blocks you want to edit, then specify which attributes you
want to modify. You can also use the EATTEDIT command to add or delete attributes or to update
attribute values based on user input or external data sources.

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The EATTEXT command is used to edit or extract text from selected objects or blocks. This command
is useful when you need to modify or reuse text content in a drawing, such as titles, labels, or
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You can use the EATTEXT command to edit or delete text directly in the drawing, or to extract text to a
separate file or clipboard. The command supports various formatting options, such as font, size, style,
and color, which can be useful when maintaining consistent formatting across multiple drawings or


The EDGE command is used to create 3D edges or wireframes from selected objects or surfaces. This
command is useful when you need to visualize or analyze the geometry of 3D models or when you
need to create stylized or schematic representations of objects.

To use the command, select the objects or surfaces you want to create edges for, then specify the
options for edge type, color, and thickness. You can also use the EDGE command to hide or display
edges, to create curves or arcs instead of straight lines, or to convert edges to lines or polylines for use
in other commands.


The EDGESURF command is used to create 3D edges or wireframes from selected surfaces or
regions. This command is useful when you need to visualize or analyze the geometry of 3D models or
when you need to create stylized or schematic representations of objects.

Page 63

To use the command, select the surfaces or regions you want to create edges for, then specify the
options for edge type, color, and thickness. You can also use the EDGESURF command to hide or
display edges, to create curves or arcs instead of straight lines, or to convert edges to lines or polylines
for use in other commands.


The EDITSHOT command is used to edit or modify the settings of a captured screenshot or image.
This command is useful when you need to enhance or modify a screenshot or image for
documentation or presentation purposes.

You can use the EDITSHOT command to adjust settings such as brightness, contrast, color balance,
or size. You can also add annotations or callouts to the image, or use other image editing tools such as
crop, rotate, or filter. The EDITSHOT command can be a powerful tool for creating professional-quality
documentation or presentations directly from AutoCAD.


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The ELEV command is used to set or adjust the current elevation or height value for drawing objects or

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blocks. This command is useful when working with 3D models or when you need to specify or control
the height or depth of objects in a drawing.

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You can use the ELEV command to set the current elevation relative to a specified plane or to the
current UCS, or to specify a new elevation for selected objects or blocks. The ELEV command can
also be used to adjust the display of objects in 3D views or to control the behavior of other commands
that use height or elevation values.


The ELLIPSE command is used to create an elliptical or oval shape in a drawing. This command is
useful when creating mechanical parts, decorative shapes, or other curved objects.

To use the command, specify the center point of the ellipse, then specify the major and minor axes or
the distance and angle of the endpoints. You can also specify other options such as the start and end
angles, the rotation angle, or the axis ratio. The ELLIPSE command can be a versatile tool for creating
precise and complex curves or shapes in a drawing.


The ERASE command is used to delete or remove selected objects or entities from a drawing. This
command is useful when cleaning up or modifying a drawing, or when removing unnecessary or
unwanted elements.

To use the command, select the objects or entities you want to delete, then press enter to confirm. You
can also use the ERASE command to remove hidden or overlapped objects, or to specify additional

Page 64

options such as undo, multiple selection, or filtering. The ERASE command is a quick and efficient tool
for managing the contents of a drawing.


The ETRANSMIT command is used to create a package or archive of an AutoCAD drawing and its
related files, such as xrefs, fonts, or plot styles. This command is useful when sharing or distributing a
drawing to other users or clients, especially when they may not have access to the same resources or
settings as the original drawing.

To use the command, specify the files you want to include in the package, then select the options for
compression, encryption, or removal of unused resources. The ETRANSMIT command can also create
a report of the files included in the package or perform pre-flight checks for compatibility or errors.


The EXPLODE command is used to break down or convert selected objects or entities into their
component parts or elements. This command is useful when working with complex objects or entities,
or when you need to modify or extract specific parts or attributes.
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To use the command, select the objects or entities you want to explode, then specify the options for
the type of breakdown or conversion. You can also use the EXPLODE command to convert blocks or
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groups into individual objects or to convert polylines or splines into lines or arcs. The EXPLODE
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command can be a powerful tool for dissecting or analyzing complex drawings or models.


The EXPORT command is used to save or convert a drawing to a different file format or program. This
command is useful when sharing or transferring a drawing to other users or applications, especially
when they may not have access to the same software or version as the original drawing.

To use the command, specify the format or program you want to export to, then select the options for
the type of output or settings. You can also use the EXPORT command to create templates or presets
for commonly used file formats or programs. The EXPORT command can be a versatile tool for
sharing or reusing drawing data across different platforms or applications.


The EXPORTDWF command is used to save or convert a drawing to DWF format, which is a type of
file format used for sharing and viewing AutoCAD drawings. This command is useful when you need to
share or distribute a drawing to other users or clients who may not have access to the original
AutoCAD software.

To use the command, specify the options for the type of DWF file, such as single or multiple sheets, 2D
or 3D, or quality and resolution. You can also use the EXPORTDWF command to include or exclude
layers or entities in the DWF file, or to create compressed or password-protected files. The

Page 65

EXPORTDWF command can be a powerful tool for creating portable and accessible versions of
AutoCAD drawings.


The EXPORTDWFX command is used to save or convert a drawing to DWFX format, which is an
extended version of DWF format that includes additional features and functionalities. This command is
useful when sharing or distributing a drawing to other users or clients who may not have access to the
original AutoCAD software or who require advanced visualization or collaboration features.

To use the command, specify the options for the type of DWFX file, such as 2D or 3D, model or sheet
views, or color or monochrome. You can also use the EXPORTDWFX command to include or exclude
layers or entities in the DWFX file, or to create compressed or password-protected files. The
EXPORTDWFX command can be a powerful tool for creating high-quality and interactive versions of
AutoCAD drawings.


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The EXPORTLAYOUT command is used to save or convert a layout or sheet in a drawing to a

different file format or program. This command is useful when sharing or transferring a specific view or
section of a drawing to other users or applications, especially when they may not need or want to
access the entire drawing.
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To use the command, specify the options for the type of output or settings, such as paper size,
orientation, scale, or resolution. You can also use the EXPORTLAYOUT command to include or
exclude layers or entities in the exported layout, or to create templates or presets for commonly used
file formats or programs. The EXPORTLAYOUT command can be a quick and convenient tool for
sharing or archiving specific views or sections of a drawing.


The EXPORTPDF command is used to save or convert a drawing to PDF format, which is a type of file
format used for sharing and printing documents across different platforms and applications. This
command is useful when you need to share or distribute a drawing to other users or clients who may
not have access to the original AutoCAD software.

To use the command, specify the options for the type of PDF file, such as single or multiple sheets, 2D
or 3D, or quality and resolution. You can also use the EXPORTPDF command to include or exclude
layers or entities in the PDF file, or to create compressed or password-protected files. The
EXPORTPDF command can be a powerful tool for creating professional-quality and print-ready
versions of AutoCAD drawings.


The EXPORTSETTINGS command is used to save or export the current settings or preferences of
AutoCAD to a file or location. This command is useful when you need to transfer or back up your

Page 66

AutoCAD settings or when you need to apply the same settings to multiple installations or computers.

To use the command, specify the options for the type of settings or preferences to export, such as user
interface, system variables, or customization files. You can also use the EXPORTSETTINGS
command to import or merge settings from other files or installations. The EXPORTSETTINGS
command can be a convenient tool for managing and maintaining your AutoCAD configuration and


The EXPORTTOAUTOCAD command is used to save or convert a drawing to a different version or

format of AutoCAD. This command is useful when you need to share or open a drawing in a different
version or configuration of AutoCAD.

To use the command, specify the options for the type of output or settings, such as file format, version,
or compatibility. You can also use the EXPORTTOAUTOCAD command to include or exclude layers or
entities in the exported file, or to adjust the scale or units of the drawing. The EXPORTTOAUTOCAD
command can be a valuable tool for working with drawings across different versions or configurations
of AutoCAD, or when collaborating with users who may have different software or preferences.
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The EXTEND command is used to extend or lengthen selected lines, arcs, or polylines to intersect with
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other objects or boundaries. This command is useful when modifying or completing the geometry of a
drawing or when creating complex shapes or designs.

To use the command, select the objects or entities you want to extend, then specify the boundaries or
objects to extend to. You can also use the EXTEND command to extend objects to a specified point or
to adjust the trim or corner options. The EXTEND command can be a powerful tool for creating precise
and accurate geometry in a drawing.


The EXTERNALREFERENCES command is used to manage or insert external references or xrefs in a

drawing. External references are files or drawings that are linked or referenced from the main drawing
and can be used to create complex or modular designs or to collaborate with other users.

To use the command, specify the options for inserting, attaching, or binding external references, such
as path, scale, insertion point, or clipping. You can also use the EXTERNALREFERENCES command
to manage or edit the properties of existing xrefs, such as layers, visibility, or path. The
EXTERNALREFERENCES command can be a crucial tool for working with complex or collaborative
drawings in AutoCAD.


The EXTERNALREFERENCESCLOSE command is used to detach or unload external references or

Page 67

xrefs from a drawing. This command is useful when you need to reduce the file size or complexity of a
drawing or when you need to work offline or without access to the xref files.

To use the command, select the external references or xrefs you want to detach, then specify the
options for detaching or unloading, such as prompt, nesting, or saving changes. The
EXTERNALREFERENCESCLOSE command can be a quick and convenient tool for managing the
contents of a drawing and optimizing the performance of AutoCAD.


The EXTRUDE command is used to create 3D solids or surfaces by extruding 2D entities or shapes
along a path or direction. This command is useful when creating mechanical parts, architectural
designs, or other complex 3D models or objects.

To use the command, select the entities or shapes you want to extrude, then specify the options for
extrusion distance, direction, or taper angle. You can also use the EXTRUDE command to create
holes, chamfers, or other features in the extruded object or to adjust the thickness or orientation of the
extruded shape. The EXTRUDE command can be a versatile tool for creating complex and accurate
3D geometry in AutoCAD.
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The FIELD command is used to insert or update fields or dynamic text elements in a drawing. Fields
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are placeholders or variables that can automatically update or display specific information or properties
of a drawing, such as date, time, author, or page number.

To use the command, specify the options for the type of field or text element, such as format, content,
or source. You can also use the FIELD command to edit or update existing fields or to refresh the
display of fields in a drawing. The FIELD command can be a powerful tool for creating dynamic and
informative documentation or reports directly in AutoCAD.


The FILETAB command is used to display or switch between open drawings or files in AutoCAD. This
command is useful when you have multiple drawings or files open and need to quickly navigate or
organize them.

To use the command, click on the file tabs at the top of the drawing area or use the options for
switching or managing files, such as opening, closing, saving, or arranging. You can also use the
FILETAB command to customize the appearance or behavior of the file tabs, such as hiding or
displaying them, changing their order or color, or grouping them by file type or location. The FILETAB
command can be a convenient tool for managing and navigating multiple files or drawings in AutoCAD.


The FILETABCLOSE command is used to close or remove a specific file tab or drawing from the

Page 68

current session of AutoCAD. This command is useful when you need to close or switch between
different files or drawings in AutoCAD.

To use the command, click on the close button on the file tab or use the options for closing or saving
the file, such as saving changes or discarding them. You can also use the FILETABCLOSE command
to close multiple file tabs or to specify additional options for saving or discarding changes. The
FILETABCLOSE command can be a quick and efficient tool for managing and organizing your
drawings or files in AutoCAD.


The FILL command is used to fill or hatch a closed boundary or region with a pattern or gradient. This
command is useful when you need to distinguish or highlight different areas or objects in a drawing,
such as land masses, materials, or sections.

To use the command, select the closed boundary or region you want to fill, then specify the options for
the type of pattern or gradient, such as angle, scale, or color. You can also use the FILL command to
create custom or predefined patterns or gradients or to edit or remove existing ones. The FILL
command can be a versatile tool for creating visually appealing and informative drawings in AutoCAD.
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The FILLET command is used to create a rounded or curved corner between two selected lines or
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entities in a drawing. This command is useful when you need to create smooth transitions or blends
between different parts or sections of a drawing, such as walls, pipes, or corners.

To use the command, select the two lines or entities you want to fillet, then specify the options for the
radius or type of fillet, such as tangent, polyline, or arc. You can also use the FILLET command to fillet
multiple lines or entities at once or to adjust the trim or corner options. The FILLET command can be a
quick and easy tool for creating precise and aesthetically pleasing geometry in AutoCAD.


The FILLETEDGE command is used to fillet or chamfer the edges of 3D solid or surface objects in a
drawing. This command is useful when you need to create rounded or beveled edges on mechanical
parts, architectural designs, or other 3D models or objects.

To use the command, select the edges of the 3D object you want to fillet or chamfer, then specify the
options for the radius or type of fillet or chamfer, such as constant or variable, or length and angle. You
can also use the FILLETEDGE command to preview the fillet or chamfer before applying it or to modify
or remove existing ones. The FILLETEDGE command can be a powerful tool for creating detailed and
realistic 3D models or objects in AutoCAD.


The FILTER command is used to filter or select specific entities or objects in a drawing based on their

Page 69

properties or criteria. This command is useful when you need to isolate or modify certain parts or
sections of a drawing, such as specific layers, colors, or types of objects.

To use the command, specify the options for the type of filter or criteria, such as layer, color, linetype,
or block. You can also use the FILTER command to save or manage custom or predefined filters or to
apply or remove them from a selection set. The FILTER command can be a powerful tool for managing
and organizing complex or large-scale drawings in AutoCAD.


The FIND command is used to search or locate specific entities or objects in a drawing based on their
properties or criteria. This command is useful when you need to locate or identify certain parts or
sections of a drawing, such as text, dimensions, or blocks.

To use the command, specify the options for the type of search or criteria, such as text string, attribute,
or layer. You can also use the FIND command to navigate or browse through the search results or to
edit or modify the entities or objects that match the search criteria. The FIND command can be a
valuable tool for managing and searching for specific elements or components in a drawing in
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The FLATSHOT command is used to create a 2D flattened or projected view of a 3D solid or surface
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object in a drawing. This command is useful when you need to create 2D documentation or views of
3D models or objects, such as plans, elevations, or sections.

To use the command, select the 3D object you want to flatten or project, then specify the options for
the view or layout, such as scale, origin, or orientation. You can also use the FLATSHOT command to
adjust the properties or appearance of the flattened or projected view, such as layers, linetypes, or
hatches. The FLATSHOT command can be a powerful tool for creating accurate and informative 2D
documentation or views directly from 3D models or objects in AutoCAD.


The FREESPOT command is used to insert or place a block or symbol at a specific point or location in
a drawing. This command is useful when you need to mark or annotate certain parts or sections of a
drawing, such as details, symbols, or callouts.

To use the command, specify the options for the type of block or symbol to insert or place, such as
size, rotation, or scale. You can also use the FREESPOT command to adjust the properties or
appearance of the inserted block or symbol, such as layers, linetypes, or color. The FREESPOT
command can be a quick and easy tool for marking and annotating specific parts or sections of a
drawing in AutoCAD.


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FREEWEB command allows users to create and edit free-form 3D meshes in AutoCAD. This
command can be used to create complex 3D models such as organic shapes, sculpted surfaces, and
other complex geometries. Users can control the shape and size of the mesh by manipulating the
vertices, edges, and faces of the mesh. This command is especially useful for creating models of
irregular or asymmetrical shapes that are difficult to create with other modeling techniques.

Overall, the FREEWEB command is a powerful tool for creating 3D models in AutoCAD. It can help
users to create complex geometries that would be difficult to create using other modeling techniques. It
is an essential command for users who work with 3D modeling and is recommended for anyone who
wants to create advanced 3D models.


GCCOINCIDENT is a constraint command in AutoCAD that constrains two objects to be coincident.

This command is especially useful when working with complex geometries and can help to ensure that
objects are aligned correctly. When using this command, users can select two objects, and they will be
automatically constrained to be coincident. This command is commonly used when aligning two lines
or when aligning a point to a line or circle.
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Overall, the GCCOINCIDENT command is a useful tool for ensuring that objects are aligned correctly
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in AutoCAD. It can help to save time and increase productivity by automating the process of aligning
objects. It is recommended for anyone who works with complex geometries or who wants to improve
their productivity in AutoCAD.
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GCCOLLINEAR is a constraint command in AutoCAD that constrains two or more objects to be

collinear. This command is commonly used when aligning two or more lines or when aligning a point to
a line. When using this command, users can select two or more objects, and they will be automatically
constrained to be collinear. This command is especially useful when working with complex geometries
and can help to ensure that objects are aligned correctly.

Overall, the GCCOLLINEAR command is a useful tool for ensuring that objects are aligned correctly in
AutoCAD. It can help to save time and increase productivity by automating the process of aligning
objects. It is recommended for anyone who works with complex geometries or who wants to improve
their productivity in AutoCAD.


GCCONCENTRIC is a constraint command in AutoCAD that constrains two circles or arcs to have the
same center point. This command is especially useful when working with circular or arc-shaped objects
and can help to ensure that they are aligned correctly. When using this command, users can select two
circles or arcs, and they will be automatically constrained to have the same center point. This
command is commonly used when working with mechanical drawings or architectural drawings that
involve circular or arc-shaped objects.

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Overall, the GCCONCENTRIC command is a useful tool for ensuring that circular or arc-shaped
objects are aligned correctly in AutoCAD. It can help to save time and increase productivity by
automating the process of aligning objects. It is recommended for anyone who works with mechanical
drawings or architectural drawings that involve circular or arc-shaped objects.


GCEQUAL is a constraint command in AutoCAD that constrains two or more objects to have the same
length or radius. This command is especially useful when working with drawings that involve symmetry
or where objects need to be the same size. When using this command, users can select two or more
objects, and they will be automatically constrained to have the same length or radius. This command is
commonly used when working with mechanical drawings, architectural drawings, or any other drawings
that involve symmetry or objects that need to be the same size.

Overall, the GCEQUAL command is a useful tool for ensuring that objects are the same size or length
in AutoCAD. It can help to save time and increase productivity by automating the process of creating
symmetrical or uniform objects. It is recommended for anyone who works with drawings that involve
symmetry or objects that need to be the same size.
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GCFIX is a constraint command in AutoCAD that fixes the position of an object in the drawing. This
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command is especially useful when working with complex drawings that involve many objects and
where it is important to keep the position of an object fixed. When using this command, users can
select an object, and it will be fixed in its current position. This command is commonly used when
working with drawings that involve many layers or when creating drawings that require precise
positioning of objects.

Overall, the GCFIX command is a useful tool for ensuring that objects stay in their intended position in
AutoCAD. It can help to save time and increase productivity by preventing objects from moving
unintentionally. It is recommended for anyone who works with complex drawings or who wants to
improve their precision when creating drawings in AutoCAD.


GCHORIZONTAL is a constraint command in AutoCAD that constrains two objects to be horizontal.

This command is commonly used when aligning two lines or when aligning a point to a line or circle.
When using this command, users can select two objects, and they will be automatically constrained to
be horizontal. This command is especially useful when working with complex geometries and can help
to ensure that objects are aligned correctly.

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Overall, the GCHORIZONTAL command is a useful tool for ensuring that objects are aligned correctly
in AutoCAD. It can help to save time and increase productivity by automating the process of aligning
objects. It is recommended for anyone who works with complex geometries or who wants to improve
their productivity in AutoCAD.


GCPARALLEL is a constraint command in AutoCAD that constrains two lines to be parallel to each
other. This command is especially useful when working with drawings that involve parallel lines, such
as mechanical drawings or architectural drawings. When using this command, users can select two
lines, and they will be automatically constrained to be parallel to each other.

Overall, the GCPARALLEL command is a useful tool for ensuring that lines are parallel in AutoCAD. It
can help to save time and increase productivity by automating the process of aligning lines. It is
recommended for anyone who works with drawings that involve parallel lines or who wants to improve
their productivity in AutoCAD.

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GCPERPENDICULAR is a constraint command in AutoCAD that constrains two lines to be
perpendicular to each other. This command is especially useful when working with drawings that
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involve perpendicular lines, such as mechanical drawings or architectural drawings. When using this
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command, users can select two lines, and they will be automatically constrained to be perpendicular to

Overall, the GCPERPENDICULAR command is a useful tool for ensuring that lines are perpendicular
in AutoCAD. It can help to save time and increase productivity by automating the process of aligning
lines. It is recommended for anyone who works with drawings that involve perpendicular lines or who
wants to improve their productivity in AutoCAD.


GCSMOOTH is a constraint command in AutoCAD that smooths a curve or a surface. This command
is especially useful when working with complex curves or surfaces, such as those found in automotive
or aerospace design. When using this command, users can select a curve or surface, and it will be
automatically smoothed according to the specified tolerance level.

Overall, the GCSMOOTH command is a useful tool for creating smooth curves and surfaces in
AutoCAD. It can help to save time and increase productivity by automating the process of smoothing
complex curves and surfaces. It is recommended for anyone who works with complex curves or
surfaces or who wants to improve their productivity in AutoCAD.


GCSYMMETRIC is a constraint command in AutoCAD that constrains an object to be symmetric with

Page 73

respect to a line or a plane. This command is especially useful when working with drawings that involve
symmetry, such as mechanical drawings or architectural drawings. When using this command, users
can select an object and specify the line or plane of symmetry, and the object will be automatically
constrained to be symmetric.

Overall, the GCSYMMETRIC command is a useful tool for ensuring that objects are symmetric in
AutoCAD. It can help to save time and increase productivity by automating the process of creating
symmetric objects. It is recommended for anyone who works with drawings that involve symmetry or
who wants to improve their productivity in AutoCAD.


GCTANGENT is a constraint command in AutoCAD that constrains a curve or a surface to be tangent

to another curve or surface. This command is especially useful when working with complex curves or
surfaces, such as those found in automotive or aerospace design. When using this command, users
can select two curves or surfaces, and they will be automatically constrained to be tangent to each

Overall, the GCTANGENT command is a useful tool for ensuring that curves or surfaces are tangent in
AutoCAD. It can help to save time and increase productivity by automating the process of aligning

wants to improve their productivity in AutoCAD.

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curves or surfaces. It is recommended for anyone who works with complex curves or surfaces or who

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GCVERTICAL is a constraint command in AutoCAD that constrains two objects to be vertical. This
command is commonly used when aligning two lines or when aligning a point to a line or circle. When
using this command, users can select two objects, and they will be automatically constrained to be
vertical. This command is especially useful when working with complex geometries and can help to
ensure that objects are aligned correctly.

Overall, the GCVERTICAL command is a useful tool for ensuring that objects are aligned correctly in
AutoCAD. It can help to save time and increase productivity by automating the process of aligning
objects. It is recommended for anyone who works with complex geometries or who wants to improve
their productivity in AutoCAD.


GEOGRAPHICLOCATION is a command in AutoCAD that allows users to set the geographic location
of their drawing. This command is useful when working on drawings that involve geographic
information, such as maps or architectural designs that need to be aligned with real-world coordinates.
When using this command, users can specify the latitude and longitude of the drawing’s location, as
well as the time zone and daylight savings time settings.

Overall, the GEOGRAPHICLOCATION command is a useful tool for ensuring that drawings are
accurately aligned with real-world coordinates. It can help to save time and increase productivity by

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automating the process of aligning drawings. It is recommended for anyone who works with drawings
that involve geographic information or who wants to improve their accuracy in AutoCAD.


GEOLOCATEME is a command in AutoCAD that allows users to automatically set the geographic
location of their drawing based on their current location. This command is useful when working on
drawings that involve geographic information, such as maps or architectural designs that need to be
aligned with real-world coordinates. When using this command, AutoCAD will use the user’s device
location to automatically set the latitude and longitude of the drawing’s location, as well as the time
zone and daylight savings time settings.

Overall, the GEOLOCATEME command is a useful tool for ensuring that drawings are accurately
aligned with real-world coordinates. It can help to save time and increase productivity by automating
the process of aligning drawings. It is recommended for anyone who works with drawings that involve
geographic information or who wants to improve their accuracy in AutoCAD.


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GEOMAP is a command in AutoCAD that allows users to access online maps and aerial imagery from
within the AutoCAD interface. This command is useful when working on drawings that involve
geographic information, such as maps or architectural designs that need to be aligned with real-world
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coordinates. When using this command, users can access maps and aerial imagery from providers
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such as Bing Maps or Google Maps, and they can import the imagery directly into their drawing.
Overall, the GEOMAP command is a useful tool for accessing online maps and aerial imagery from
within AutoCAD. It can help to save time and increase productivity by providing users with easy access
to geographic information. It is recommended for anyone who works with drawings that involve
geographic information or who wants to improve their productivity in AutoCAD.


GEOMAPIMAGE is a command in AutoCAD that allows users to import a map or aerial imagery into
their drawing. This command is useful when working on drawings that involve geographic information,
such as maps or architectural designs that need to be aligned with real-world coordinates. When using
this command, users can select a location on the map or aerial imagery and import it directly into their

Overall, the GEOMAPIMAGE command is a useful tool for importing geographic information into
AutoCAD. It can help to save time and increase productivity by providing users with easy access to
maps and aerial imagery. It is recommended for anyone who works with drawings that involve
geographic information or who wants to improve their productivity in AutoCAD.


GEOMAPIMAGEUPDATE is a command in AutoCAD that allows users to update a map or aerial

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imagery that has been imported into their drawing. This command is useful when working on drawings
that involve geographic information, as the imagery may need to be updated periodically. When using
this command, AutoCAD will update the imported map or aerial imagery to reflect the latest information
from the provider, such as changes in the landscape or new buildings.

Overall, the GEOMAPIMAGEUPDATE command is a useful tool for keeping geographic information up-
to-date in AutoCAD. It can help to ensure that drawings accurately reflect real-world conditions, and it
can save time by automating the process of updating imagery. It is recommended for anyone who
works with drawings that involve geographic information or who wants to improve their accuracy and
productivity in AutoCAD.


GEOMARKLATLONG is a command in AutoCAD that allows users to mark a point on a map or aerial
imagery using latitude and longitude coordinates. This command is useful when working on drawings
that involve geographic information, such as maps or architectural designs that need to be aligned with
real-world coordinates. When using this command, users can specify the latitude and longitude of a
point, and AutoCAD will mark that point on the map or aerial imagery in the drawing.

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Overall, the GEOMARKLATLONG command is a useful tool for marking specific points on a map or

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aerial imagery in AutoCAD. It can help to save time and increase productivity by providing users with
an easy way to mark points based on real-world coordinates. It is recommended for anyone who works

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with drawings that involve geographic information or who wants to improve their productivity in
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GEOMARKME is a command in AutoCAD that allows users to mark their current location on a map or
aerial imagery. This command is useful when working on drawings that involve geographic information,
such as maps or architectural designs that need to be aligned with real-world coordinates. When using
this command, AutoCAD will use the user’s device location to mark their current location on the map or
aerial imagery in the drawing.

Overall, the GEOMARKME command is a useful tool for marking the user’s current location on a map
or aerial imagery in AutoCAD. It can help to save time and increase productivity by providing users with
an easy way to mark their location based on real-world coordinates. It is recommended for anyone who
works with drawings that involve geographic information or who wants to improve their productivity in


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GEOMARKPOINT is a command in AutoCAD that allows users to mark a point on a map or aerial
imagery in their drawing. This command is useful when working on drawings that involve geographic
information, such as maps or architectural designs that need to be aligned with real-world coordinates.
When using this command, users can specify the location of a point on the map or aerial imagery in the

Overall, the GEOMARKPOINT command is a useful tool for marking specific points on a map or aerial
imagery in AutoCAD. It can help to save time and increase productivity by providing users with an easy
way to mark points based on real-world coordinates. It is recommended for anyone who works with
drawings that involve geographic information or who wants to improve their productivity in AutoCAD.


GEOMCONSTRAINT is a command in AutoCAD that allows users to apply geometric constraints to

objects in their drawing. This command is useful when working with complex geometries, as it can help
to ensure that objects are properly aligned and connected. When using this command, users can
select objects and apply constraints such as parallel, perpendicular, tangent, or coincident.

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Overall, the GEOMCONSTRAINT command is a powerful tool for ensuring that objects in a drawing

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are properly aligned and connected. It can help to save time and increase productivity by automating
the process of applying constraints. It is recommended for anyone who works with complex geometries
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or who wants to improve their productivity in AutoCAD.
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GEOREMOVE is a command in AutoCAD that allows users to remove geographic information from
their drawing. This command is useful when working on drawings that no longer require geographic
information, as it can help to reduce file size and simplify the drawing. When using this command,
users can select the objects that contain geographic information and remove it.

Overall, the GEOREMOVE command is a useful tool for simplifying drawings that no longer require
geographic information. It can help to reduce file size and improve performance in AutoCAD. It is
recommended for anyone who works with drawings that involve geographic information or who wants
to improve their productivity in AutoCAD.


GEOREORIENTMARKER is a command in AutoCAD that allows users to reorient the marker for a
geographic location in their drawing. This command is useful when working on drawings that involve
geographic information, as it can help to ensure that the marker is pointing in the correct direction.
When using this command, users can select the marker and specify a new direction.

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Overall, the GEOREORIENTMARKER command is a useful tool for ensuring that geographic markers
are properly oriented in a drawing. It can help to improve accuracy and productivity when working with
geographic information in AutoCAD. It is recommended for anyone who works with drawings that
involve geographic information or who wants to improve their productivity in AutoCAD.


GOTOSTART is a command in AutoCAD that allows users to quickly navigate to the beginning of their
drawing. This command is useful when working on large or complex drawings, as it can help to save
time by quickly returning to the beginning of the drawing. When using this command, AutoCAD will
navigate to the first object in the drawing.

Overall, the GOTOSTART command is a useful tool for quickly navigating to the beginning of a
drawing in AutoCAD. It can help to save time and improve productivity when working with large or
complex drawings. It is recommended for anyone who wants to improve their productivity in AutoCAD.


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GOTOURL is a command in AutoCAD that allows users to quickly navigate to a specified URL. This

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command is useful when working on drawings that require access to online resources, such as product

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catalogs or design specifications. When using this command, users can specify a URL and AutoCAD
will open the default web browser and navigate to the specified page.

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Overall, the GOTOURL command is a useful tool for quickly accessing online resources from within
AutoCAD. It can help to save time and increase productivity by providing users with easy access to
external resources. It is recommended for anyone who works with drawings that require access to
online resources or who wants to improve their productivity in AutoCAD.


GRADIENT is a command in AutoCAD that allows users to apply gradient fills to objects in their
drawing. This command is useful when working with drawings that require shading or color gradients,
such as architectural designs or product renderings. When using this command, users can select
objects and apply gradient fills, choosing from a variety of predefined gradients or creating custom

Overall, the GRADIENT command is a useful tool for adding visual interest and depth to drawings in
AutoCAD. It can help to improve the overall appearance of a drawing and can save time by automating
the process of applying gradient fills. It is recommended for anyone who works with drawings that
require shading or color gradients or who wants to improve their productivity in AutoCAD.


GRAPHICSCONFIG is a command in AutoCAD that allows users to configure the graphics settings for
their drawing. This command is useful when working with complex or detailed drawings that require

Page 78

specific graphics settings to improve performance. When using this command, users can adjust
settings such as the display resolution, hardware acceleration, and anti-aliasing.

Overall, the GRAPHICSCONFIG command is a useful tool for improving the performance of complex
or detailed drawings in AutoCAD. It can help to reduce lag and improve graphics quality by optimizing
the graphics settings for the user’s hardware. It is recommended for anyone who works with complex
or detailed drawings or who wants to improve their productivity in AutoCAD.


GRAPHSCR is a command in AutoCAD that allows users to manage the display settings for their
drawing. This command is useful when working with multiple displays or when working in a multi-user
environment. When using this command, users can select the display to be used for the drawing and
adjust settings such as the display resolution and color depth.

Overall, the GRAPHSCR command is a useful tool for managing the display settings for drawings in
AutoCAD. It can help to improve the appearance of the drawing and can simplify the process of
working in a multi-display or multi-user environment. It is recommended for anyone who works with
multiple displays or who wants to improve their productivity in AutoCAD.
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GRID is a command in AutoCAD that allows users to toggle the visibility of the grid. The grid is a series
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of horizontal and vertical lines that can be used as a visual aid when working on drawings. When using
this command, users can turn the grid on or off and adjust settings such as the grid spacing and color.

Overall, the GRID command is a useful tool for providing a visual aid when working on drawings in
AutoCAD. It can help to improve accuracy and productivity by providing a reference for object
alignment and spacing. It is recommended for anyone who wants to improve their accuracy and
productivity in AutoCAD.


GROUP is a command in AutoCAD that allows users to group multiple objects together as a single
object. This command is useful when working with complex drawings that require multiple objects to be
moved or modified together. When using this command, users can select the objects to be grouped
and specify a name for the group.

Overall, the GROUP command is a useful tool for simplifying the management of objects in AutoCAD.
It can help to save time and increase productivity by providing an easy way to move or modify multiple
objects together. It is recommended for anyone who works with complex drawings or who wants to
improve their productivity in AutoCAD.


GROUPEDIT is a command in AutoCAD that allows users to edit the properties and contents of a

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group. This command is useful when working with complex drawings that require modifications to the
properties or contents of a group. When using this command, users can select a group and make
modifications to the objects within the group or to the group properties.

Overall, the GROUPEDIT command is a useful tool for simplifying the management of objects in
AutoCAD. It can help to save time and increase productivity by providing an easy way to modify the
properties or contents of a group. It is recommended for anyone who works with complex drawings or
who wants to improve their productivity in AutoCAD.


HATCH is a command in AutoCAD that allows users to fill a closed area with a pattern or solid color.
This command is useful when working with drawings that require shading or texture, such as
architectural designs or product renderings. When using this command, users can select a closed area
and apply a predefined pattern or create a custom pattern.

Overall, the HATCH command is a useful tool for adding visual interest and depth to drawings in
AutoCAD. It can help to improve the overall appearance of a drawing and can save time by automating
the process of applying fills. It is recommended for anyone who works with drawings that require
shading or texture or who wants to improve their productivity in AutoCAD.

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HATCHEDIT is a command in AutoCAD that allows users to edit the properties of an existing hatch
pattern. This command is useful when working with drawings that require modifications to the
properties of a hatch pattern, such as changing the scale or angle of the pattern. When using this
command, users can select the hatch pattern and modify its properties.

Overall, the HATCHEDIT command is a useful tool for modifying existing hatch patterns in AutoCAD. It
can help to save time and increase productivity by providing an easy way to modify the properties of a
hatch pattern. It is recommended for anyone who works with drawings that require modifications to
hatch patterns or who wants to improve their productivity in AutoCAD.


HATCHGENERATEBOUNDARY is a command in AutoCAD that allows users to create a closed

boundary around a set of selected objects. This command is useful when working with drawings that
require hatching or filling of specific areas, as it can help to create the boundaries needed for the hatch
pattern. When using this command, users can select the objects to be included in the boundary and
specify the type of boundary to be created.

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Overall, the HATCHGENERATEBOUNDARY command is a useful tool for creating closed boundaries
around selected objects in AutoCAD. It can help to improve accuracy and productivity by simplifyingthe
process of creating boundaries for hatch patterns. It is recommended for anyone who works with
drawings that require hatching or filling of specific areas or who wants to improve their productivity in


HATCHSETBOUNDARY is a command in AutoCAD that allows users to set the boundary for a hatch
pattern. This command is useful when working with drawings that require specific hatch patterns to be
applied to specific areas, as it can help to ensure that the hatch pattern is applied only within the
specified boundary. When using this command, users can select the boundary and specify the hatch
pattern to be applied within it.

Overall, the HATCHSETBOUNDARY command is a useful tool for ensuring that hatch patterns are
applied only within the desired boundaries in AutoCAD. It can help to improve accuracy and
productivity by simplifying the process of applying hatch patterns to specific areas. It is recommended
for anyone who works with drawings that require specific hatch patterns to be applied to specific areas
or who wants to improve their productivity in AutoCAD.

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HATCHSETORIGIN is a command in AutoCAD that allows users to set the origin point for a hatch
pattern. This command is useful when working with drawings that require hatch patterns to be aligned
with specific objects or angles, as it can help to ensure that the hatch pattern is applied in the desired
orientation. When using this command, users can select the origin point and specify the hatch pattern
to be applied.

Overall, the HATCHSETORIGIN command is a useful tool for ensuring that hatch patterns are applied
in the desired orientation in AutoCAD. It can help to improve accuracy and productivity by simplifying
the process of aligning hatch patterns with specific objects or angles. It is recommended for anyone
who works with drawings that require hatch patterns to be aligned with specific objects or angles or
who wants to improve their productivity in AutoCAD.


HATCHTOBACK is a command in AutoCAD that allows users to move a hatch pattern to the back of a
drawing. This command is useful when working with drawings that require specific hatch patterns to be
applied behind other objects in the drawing, such as with a floor plan. When using this command,
users can select the hatch pattern and move it to the back of the drawing.

Overall, the HATCHTOBACK command is a useful tool for managing the placement of hatch patterns
in a drawing in AutoCAD. It can help to improve accuracy and productivity by simplifying the process of
moving hatch patterns behind other objects in the drawing. It is recommended for anyone who works
with drawings that require specific hatch patterns to be applied behind other objects or who wants to

Page 81

improve their productivity in AutoCAD.


HELIX is a command in AutoCAD that allows users to create a 3D helix shape. This command is useful
when working with drawings that require 3D shapes or spirals, such as with mechanical designs. When
using this command, users can specify the center point, height, and other parameters to create a
customized helix shape.

Overall, the HELIX command is a useful tool for creating 3D shapes and spirals in AutoCAD. It can
help to add depth and visual interest to drawings and can be useful for mechanical designs or other
applications that require 3D shapes. It is recommended for anyone who works with 3D designs or who
wants to improve their productivity in AutoCAD.


HELP is a command in AutoCAD that allows users to access the AutoCAD help system. This
command is useful when working with AutoCAD and needing assistance with specific commands or

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functions. When using this command, the AutoCAD help system will open and provide access to a
wealth of information on AutoCAD.

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Overall, the HELP command is a useful tool for accessing the AutoCAD help system in AutoCAD. It
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can help users to find information on specific commands or functions and can be useful for new users
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or those looking to improve their understanding of AutoCAD. It is recommended for anyone who uses
AutoCAD and wants to improve their productivity and understanding of the software.


HIDE is a command in AutoCAD that allows users to hide selected objects in their drawing. This
command is useful when working with drawings that require selective viewing or editing of objects,
such as when working with complex or detailed drawings. When using this command, users can select
the objects to be hidden and specify a hide boundary or choose to hide the objects completely.

Overall, the HIDE command is a useful tool for managing the display of objects in a drawing in
AutoCAD. It can help to simplify the viewing and editing of complex or detailed drawings and can
improve productivity by allowing users to focus on specific objects. It is recommended for anyone who
works with complex or detailed drawings or who wants to improve their productivity in AutoCAD.


HIDEOBJECTS is a command in AutoCAD that allows users to hide selected objects in their drawing
while still allowing them to be edited. This command is useful when working with drawings that require
selective editing or modification of objects, such as when working with complex or detailed drawings.
When using this command, users can select the objects to be hidden and specify a hide boundary, and
the hidden objects will still be editable.

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Overall, the HIDEOBJECTS command is a useful tool for managing the display and editing of objects
in a drawing in AutoCAD. It can help to simplify the editing of complex or detailed drawings and can
improve productivity by allowing users to focus on specific objects. It is recommended for anyone who
works with complex or detailed drawings or who wants to improve their productivity in AutoCAD.


HIDEPALETTES is a command in AutoCAD that allows users to hide the palette windows in their
drawing. Palette windows are used for displaying and accessing various AutoCAD tools and
commands, and can take up a significant portion of the screen. When using this command, users can
toggle the visibility of the palette windows on or off.

Overall, the HIDEPALETTES command is a useful tool for managing the screen real estate in
AutoCAD. It can help to improve productivity by allowing users to focus on the drawing without
distractions from the palette windows. It is recommended for anyone who wants to improve their
productivity in AutoCAD.

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HIGHLIGHTNEW is a command in AutoCAD that allows users to highlight new objects that have been
added to the drawing since the last save. This command is useful when working with drawings that
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require tracking of changes or modifications, such as with collaborative drawings. When using this
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command, users can toggle the visibility of the highlight for new objects on or off.

Overall, the HIGHLIGHTNEW command is a useful tool for tracking changes and modifications in a
drawing in AutoCAD. It can help to improve collaboration and communication among team members
and can be useful for reviewing and approving changes. It is recommended for anyone who works with
collaborative drawings or who wants to improve their productivity in AutoCAD.


HLSETTINGS is a command in AutoCAD that allows users to adjust the settings for the highlight and
selection of objects in a drawing. This command is useful when working with drawings that require
precise selection and editing of objects, as it can help to improve accuracy and productivity. When
using this command, users can adjust settings such as the size and color of the highlight and selection

Overall, the HLSETTINGS command is a useful tool for improving the selection and editing of objects
in a drawing in AutoCAD. It can help to improve accuracy and productivity by providing more precise
and customizable selection and highlight settings. It is recommended for anyone who works with
drawings that require precise selection and editing of objects or who wants to improve their productivity
in AutoCAD.


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HYPERLINK is a command in AutoCAD that allows users to create hyperlinks within their drawing.
This command is useful when working with drawings that require links to external files or websites,
such as with architectural or engineering designs. When using this command, users can select an
object in their drawing and specify the hyperlink destination, such as a file or URL.

Overall, the HYPERLINK command is a useful tool for adding interactivity and functionality to drawings
in AutoCAD. It can help to improve communication and collaboration among team members and can
be useful for sharing information and resources. It is recommended for anyone who works with
drawings that require links to external files or websites or who wants to improve the functionality of
their drawings in AutoCAD.


HYPERLINKOPTIONS is a command in AutoCAD that allows users to adjust the settings for hyperlinks
in their drawing. This command is useful when working with drawings that require customization of
hyperlink settings, such as with complex or detailed drawings. When using this command, users can
adjust settings such as the hyperlink display type and color.

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Overall, the HYPERLINKOPTIONS command is a useful tool for customizing the display and

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functionality of hyperlinks in a drawing in AutoCAD. It can help to improve the functionality and
accessibility of drawings and can be useful for improving communication and collaboration among
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team members. It is recommended for anyone who works with complex or detailed drawings or who
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wants to improve the functionality of their drawings in AutoCAD.
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ID is a command in AutoCAD that allows users to display the object and entity information for a
selected object in their drawing. This command is useful when working with drawings that require
identification or verification of specific objects, such as with engineering or architectural designs. When
using this command, users can select an object in their drawing and view information such as its layer,
color, and object type.

Overall, the ID command is a useful tool for identifying and verifying specific objects in a drawing in
AutoCAD. It can help to improve accuracy and productivity by providing detailed information about
objects and their properties. It is recommended for anyone who works with drawings that require
identification or verification of specific objects or who wants to improve their productivity in AutoCAD.


IGESEXPORT is a command in AutoCAD that allows users to export their drawing as an IGES file.
IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) is a file format used for exchanging CAD data between
different systems. When using this command, users can select the objects to be included in the IGES
file and specify the file format and settings.

Overall, the IGESEXPORT command is a useful tool for sharing CAD data between different systems
in AutoCAD. It can help to improve collaboration and communication among team members and can

Page 84

be useful for sharing data with clients or other stakeholders. It is recommended for anyone who works
with CAD data or who wants to improve their productivity in AutoCAD.


IGESIMPORT is an AutoCAD command that allows users to import geometry data from an IGES file.
This command is useful when working with data from other CAD systems or when needing to import
complex 3D models. IGESIMPORT provides users with the ability to easily import complex data while
maintaining its integrity and accuracy. This command can be accessed through the “Import” option in
the “File” menu or by typing “IGESIMPORT” in the command line.

Using IGESIMPORT can save time and increase productivity as it eliminates the need to manually
recreate geometry data. It also allows users to work with a wider range of data, opening up new
possibilities for design and collaboration.


The IMAGE command in AutoCAD allows users to create and insert images into their drawings. This

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command provides users with a simple and efficient way to include visual elements in their designs,

such as logos, photographs, or scanned documents. To insert an image using the IMAGE command,
users can either select “Insert” in the “Reference” tab of the ribbon or type “IMAGE” in the command
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IMAGE provides users with a wide range of options for customizing the image’s appearance, such as
adjusting the brightness, contrast, and color balance. It also allows users to specify the insertion point,
scale, and rotation angle of the image. Using images in AutoCAD can help to create more detailed and
visually appealing drawings, improving communication and understanding between design teams and


The IMAGEADJUST command in AutoCAD is used to adjust the color, brightness, and contrast of an
inserted image. This command can be accessed through the “Adjust Image” option in the “Reference”
tab of the ribbon or by typing “IMAGEADJUST” in the command line. IMAGEADJUST allows users to
improve the quality of their images, making them clearer and easier to read.

Using IMAGEADJUST can help to enhance the visual impact of a drawing and improve communication
with clients and colleagues. By adjusting the brightness, contrast, and color balance of an image, users
can ensure that it accurately represents the original document and highlights important information.
This can be particularly useful when working with scanned documents or photographs that may have
poor contrast or color balance.


The IMAGEATTACH command in AutoCAD is used to insert an external image file into a drawing. This
command can be accessed through the “Attach” option in the “Reference” tab of the ribbon or by typing

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“IMAGEATTACH” in the command line. IMAGEATTACH allows users to easily add visual elements to
their drawings, such as logos, photographs, or scanned documents.

Using IMAGEATTACH can improve the overall quality of a drawing by providing users with a simple
and efficient way to include visual elements. It also allows for greater collaboration between design
teams and clients, as images can help to clarify design intent and highlight important information.
IMAGEATTACH provides users with a wide range of options for customizing the appearance of the
image, such as adjusting the scale and rotation angle.


The IMAGECLIP command in AutoCAD is used to clip an inserted image to a specified boundary. This
command can be accessed through the “Clip Image” option in the “Reference” tab of the ribbon or by
typing “IMAGECLIP” in the command line. IMAGECLIP allows users to control the visibility of an image
by masking out unwanted portions.

Using IMAGECLIP can help to improve the clarity and readability of an image by removing distracting
or irrelevant background information. It can also help to reduce file size and improve performance by
eliminating unnecessary data. IMAGECLIP provides users with a simple and efficient way to control the
appearance of an image, allowing them to focus on the most important aspects of their design.

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The IMAGEQUALITY command in AutoCAD is used to adjust the resolution of an inserted image. This
command can be accessed through the “Adjust Image Quality” option in the “Reference” tab of the
ribbon or by typing “IMAGEQUALITY” in the command line. IMAGEQUALITY allows users to balance
the image quality with file size and performance, providing a flexible and customizable solution for
working with images in AutoCAD.

Using IMAGEQUALITY can help to improve the visual clarity and detail of an image, making it easier to
read and understand. It can also help to reduce file size and improve performance by optimizing the
image for the specific requirements of the drawing. IMAGEQUALITY provides users with a range of
options for controlling the image quality, including the resolution, compression level, and color depth.


The IMPORT command in AutoCAD is used to import data from a wide range of file formats, including
DXF, DWG, DGN, and SAT. This command can be accessed through the “Import” option in the “File”
menu or by typing “IMPORT” in the command line. IMPORT provides users with a simple and efficient
way to work with data from other CAD systems or applications.

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Using IMPORT can save time and improve productivity by eliminating the need to manually recreate
data in AutoCAD. It can also help to increase collaboration and communication between design teams
by allowing for the easy exchange of data. IMPORT provides users with a range of options for
customizing the import process, including specifying the insertion point, scale, and rotation angle of the
imported data.


The IMPRINT command in AutoCAD is used to create a 3D solid object by projecting the edges of one
object onto another. This command can be accessed through the “Imprint” option in the “Solid Editing”
panel of the “3D Modeling” tab or by typing “IMPRINT” in the command line. IMPRINT allows users to
easily create complex 3D objects by combining the geometry of multiple objects.

Using IMPRINT can save time and improve productivity by eliminating the need to manually create
complex geometry. It can also help to improve the accuracy and integrity of the design by ensuring that
the geometry of the new object matches that of the original objects. IMPRINT provides users with a
simple and efficient way to create complex 3D objects in AutoCAD.

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The INPUTSEARCHOPTIONS command in AutoCAD is used to customize the behavior of the
“Search” command. This command can be accessed through the “Options” button in the “Search”
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panel of the “Manage” tab or by typing “INPUTSEARCHOPTIONS” in the command line.
INPUTSEARCHOPTIONS allows users to control the scope and priority of the search, improving the
efficiency and accuracy of the search process.

Using INPUTSEARCHOPTIONS can save time and improve productivity by ensuring that the search
results are relevant and accurate. It can also help to reduce frustration and errors by providing users
with a more intuitive and user-friendly search experience. INPUTSEARCHOPTIONS provides users
with a range of options for customizing the behavior of the “Search” command, including specifying the
search scope, priority, and filters.


The INSERT command in AutoCAD is used to insert blocks or other external references into a drawing.
This command can be accessed through the “Insert” option in the “Home” tab of the ribbon or by typing
“INSERT” in the command line. INSERT allows users to easily add pre-defined geometry or other data
to their drawings, improving productivity and accuracy.

Using INSERT can save time and improve productivity by providing users with a simple and efficient
way to add pre-defined geometry or other data to their drawings. It can also help to ensure the
consistency and accuracy of the design by using pre-defined objects. INSERT provides users with a
range of options for customizing the insertion process, including specifying the insertion point, scale,
and rotation angle of the inserted objects.

Page 87


The INSERTOBJ command in AutoCAD is used to insert objects from other applications, such as
Microsoft Word or Excel, into a drawing. This command can be accessed through the “OLE Object”
option in the “Insert” tab of the ribbon or by typing “INSERTOBJ” in the command line. INSERTOBJ
allows users to easily include data from other applications in their drawings, improving collaboration
and communication.

Using INSERTOBJ can save time and improve productivity by allowing users to work with data from
other applications without having to switch between programs. It can also help to improve
communication and understanding between design teams and clients by allowing for the inclusion of
non-CAD data in the drawing. INSERTOBJ provides users with a simple and efficient way to include
non-CAD data in their AutoCAD drawings.


The INTERFERE command in AutoCAD is used to identify and visualize interferences between 3D

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objects in a drawing. This command can be accessed through the “Interference Check” option in the

“Solid Editing” panel of the “3D Modeling” tab or by typing “INTERFERE” in the command line.
INTERFERE allows users to easily identify and resolve interferences between complex 3D objects.
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Using INTERFERE can help to improve the accuracy and integrity of the design by ensuring that there
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are no interferences between 3D objects. It can also help to save time and improve productivity by
allowing users to quickly identify and resolve any interferences. INTERFERE provides users with a
powerful tool for working with complex 3D objects in AutoCAD.


The INTERSECT command in AutoCAD is used to create a new object that represents the intersection
of two or more objects. This command can be accessed through the “Intersect” option in the “Modify”
panel of the “Home” tab or by typing “INTERSECT” in the command line. INTERSECT allows users to
easily create new objects based on the intersection of existing objects.

Using INTERSECT can save time and improve productivity by providing users with a simple and
efficient way to create new objects based on the intersection of existing objects. It can also help to
improve the accuracy and integrity of the design by ensuring that the new object matches the geometry
of the original objects. INTERSECT provides users with a flexible and powerful tool for creating new
objects in AutoCAD.


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The ISODRAFT command in AutoCAD is used to create 2D isometric drawings from 3D models. This
command can be accessed through the “Isodraft” option in the “Solid Editing” panel of the “3D
Modeling” tab or by typing “ISODRAFT” in the command line. ISODRAFT allows users to easily create
isometric drawings, improving communication and understanding between design teams and clients.

Using ISODRAFT can save time and improve productivity by automating the process of creating
isometric drawings from 3D models. It can also help to improve the accuracy and consistency of the
drawings by ensuring that the isometric views are generated correctly. ISODRAFT provides users with
a simple and efficient way to create isometric drawings in AutoCAD, improving collaboration and
communication in the design process.


The ISOLATEOBJECTS command in AutoCAD is used to isolate selected objects in a drawing,

making it easier to work with them. This command can be accessed through the “Isolate Objects”
option in the “Object” panel of the “Home” tab or by typing “ISOLATEOBJECTS” in the command line.
ISOLATEOBJECTS allows users to focus on a specific set of objects in a drawing, improving
productivity and accuracy.
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Using ISOLATEOBJECTS can save time and improve productivity by allowing users to work with a
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specific set of objects without distractions from other objects in the drawing. It can also help to improve
accuracy and reduce errors by providing users with a clearer view of the objects they are working on.

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ISOLATEOBJECTS provides users with a simple and efficient way to focus on specific objects in a
drawing in AutoCAD.
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The ISOPLANE command in AutoCAD is used to set the current drawing plane to isometric orientation.
This command can be accessed through the “Isoplane” option in the “View” panel of the “Home” tab or
by typing “ISOPLANE” in the command line. ISOPLANE allows users to easily switch between the
standard 2D drawing plane and the isometric plane.

Using ISOPLANE can save time and improve productivity by allowing users to quickly switch between
the standard 2D drawing plane and the isometric plane, depending on the task at hand. It can also help
to improve the accuracy and consistency of the drawings by ensuring that the isometric views are
generated correctly. ISOPLANE provides users with a simple and efficient way to work with isometric
views in AutoCAD.


The JOIN command in AutoCAD is used to join two or more objects into a single object. This command
can be accessed through the “Join” option in the “Modify” panel of the “Home” tab or by typing “JOIN”
in the command line. JOIN allows users to easily combine objects, improving productivity and accuracy.

Using JOIN can save time and improve productivity by providing users with a simple and efficient way
to combine objects into a single object. It can also help to improve the accuracy and consistency of the

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design by ensuring that the new object matches the geometry of the original objects. JOIN provides
users with a flexible and powerful tool for creating new objects in AutoCAD.


The JPGOUT command in AutoCAD is used to create a JPEG file of the current drawing. This
command can be accessed through the “Export” option in the “Output” panel of the “Home” tab or by
typing “JPGOUT” in the command line. JPGOUT allows users to easily create JPEG files for use in
other applications or for sharing with clients and colleagues.

Using JPGOUT can save time and improve productivity by providing users with a simple and efficient
way to create JPEG files without the need for external software. It can also help to improve
communication and understanding between design teams and clients by providing high-quality images
that accurately represent the design. JPGOUT provides users with a simple and efficient way to create
JPEG files in AutoCAD, improving collaboration and communication in the design process.


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The JUSTIFYTEXT command in AutoCAD is used to align text within a specified boundary. This

command can be accessed through the “Justify” option in the “Paragraph” panel of the “Annotate” tab
or by typing “JUSTIFYTEXT” in the command line. JUSTIFYTEXT allows users to easily align text for
improved readability and presentation.
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Using JUSTIFYTEXT can save time and improve productivity by providing users with a simple and
efficient way to align text. It can also help to improve the readability and presentation of the text,
making it easier to read and understand. JUSTIFYTEXT provides users with a flexible and powerful
tool for working with text in AutoCAD.


The LAYCUR command in AutoCAD is used to set the current layer. This command can be accessed
through the “Layer” option in the “Home” tab of the ribbon or by typing “LAYCUR” in the command line.
LAYCUR allows users to easily switch between layers, improving productivity and accuracy.

Using LAYCUR can save time and improve productivity by allowing users to quickly switch between
layers without the need to navigate through the layer properties manager. It can also help to improve
accuracy and reduce errors by providing users with a clearer view of the layer they are working on.
LAYCUR provides users with a simple and efficient way to work with layers in AutoCAD.


The LAYDEL command in AutoCAD is used to delete a layer from a drawing. This command can be
accessed through the “Layer” option in the “Home” tab of the ribbon or by typing “LAYDEL” in the
command line. LAYDEL allows users to easily remove unnecessary layers, improving the organization
and efficiency of the drawing.

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Using LAYDEL can save time and improve productivity by providing users with a simple and efficient
way to remove unnecessary layers. It can also help to improve the organization and clarity of the
drawing by removing clutter and unnecessary information. LAYDEL provides users with a powerful tool
for working with layers in AutoCAD.


The LAYER command in AutoCAD is used to create, modify, and manage layers in a drawing. This
command can be accessed through the “Layer Properties Manager” option in the “Home” tab of the
ribbon or by typing “LAYER” in the command line. LAYER allows users to easily manage the layers in
their drawings, improving organization and efficiency.

Using LAYER can save time and improve productivity by providing users with a flexible and powerful
way to manage layers in their drawings. It can also help to improve the organization and clarity of the
drawing by providing a structured way to organize and manage the different elements of the design.
LAYER provides users with a comprehensive set of tools for working with layers in AutoCAD.

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The LAYERCLOSE command in AutoCAD is used to close the layer properties manager. This
command can be accessed through the “Close” option in the “Layer Properties Manager” or by typing
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“LAYERCLOSE” in the command line. LAYERCLOSE allows users to quickly close the layer properties
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manager, improving productivity and reducing clutter on the screen.

Using LAYERCLOSE can save time and improve productivity by providing users with a simple and
efficient way to close the layer properties manager. It can also help to improve the clarity and
organization of the drawing by reducing clutter on the screen. LAYERCLOSE provides users with a
convenient way to work with layers in AutoCAD without being distracted by unnecessary information on
the screen.


The LAYERP command in AutoCAD is used to display the layer properties manager. This command
can be accessed through the “Layer Properties Manager” option in the “Home” tab of the ribbon or by
typing “LAYERP” in the command line. LAYERP allows users to easily manage the layers in their
drawings, improving organization and efficiency.

Using LAYERP can save time and improve productivity by providing users with a flexible and powerful
way to manage layers in their drawings. It can also help to improve the organization and clarity of the
drawing by providing a structured way to organize and manage the different elements of the design.
LAYERP provides users with a comprehensive set of tools for working with layers in AutoCAD.


The LAYERPALETTE command in AutoCAD is used to display the layer palette. This command can

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be accessed through the “Layer Properties Manager” option in the “Home” tab of the ribbon or by
typing “LAYERPALETTE” in the command line. LAYERPALETTE allows users to easily manage the
layers in their drawings, improving organization and efficiency.

Using LAYERPALETTE can save time and improve productivity by providing users with a flexible and
powerful way to manage layers in their drawings. It can also help to improve the organization and
clarity of the drawing by providing a structured way to organize and manage the different elements of
the design. LAYERPALETTE provides users with a comprehensive set of tools for working with layers
in AutoCAD.


The LAYERPMODE command in AutoCAD is used to control the visibility and behavior of the layer
properties manager. This command can be accessed through the “Layer Properties Manager” option in
the “Home” tab of the ribbon or by typing “LAYERPMODE” in the command line. LAYERPMODE
allows users to customize the layer properties manager to suit their specific needs and preferences.

Using LAYERPMODE can save time and improve productivity by providing users with a customized
layer properties manager that suits their specific needs and preferences. It can also help to improve
the clarity and organization of the drawing by providing a structured way to manage the different

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elements of the design. LAYERPMODE provides users with a powerful tool for working with layers in

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The LAYERSTATE command in AutoCAD is used to save and restore layer settings in a drawing. This
command can be accessed through the “Layer State” option in the “Layer Properties Manager” or by
typing “LAYERSTATE” in the command line. LAYERSTATE allows users to easily switch between
different layer configurations, improving organization and efficiency.

Using LAYERSTATE can save time and improve productivity by providing users with a simple and
efficient way to switch between different layer configurations. It can also help to improve the
organization and clarity of the drawing by providing a structured way to manage the different elements
of the design. LAYERSTATE provides users with a powerful tool for working with layers in AutoCAD.


The LAYERSTATESAVE command in AutoCAD is used to save the current layer configuration as a
layer state. This command can be accessed through the “Layer State” option in the “Layer Properties
Manager” or by typing “LAYERSTATESAVE” in the command line. LAYERSTATESAVE allows users
to save different layer configurations for easy access and management.

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Using LAYERSTATESAVE can save time and improve productivity by providing users with a simple
and efficient way to save different layer configurations. It can also help to improve the organization and
clarity of the drawing by providing a structured way to manage the different elements of the design.
LAYERSTATESAVE provides users with a powerful tool for working with layers in AutoCAD.


The LAYFRZ command in AutoCAD is used to freeze a layer in a drawing. This command can be
accessed through the “Layer Properties Manager” option in the “Home” tab of the ribbon or by typing
“LAYFRZ” in the command line. LAYFRZ allows users to easily hide or remove unnecessary
information from the drawing, improving clarity and organization.

Using LAYFRZ can save time and improve productivity by providing users with a simple and efficient
way to hide or remove unnecessary information from the drawing. It can also help to improve the clarity
and organization of the drawing by reducing clutter and unnecessary information. LAYFRZ provides
users with a flexible and powerful tool for working with layers in AutoCAD.

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The LAYISO command in AutoCAD is used to isolate a layer in a drawing. This command can be
accessed through the “Layer Properties Manager” option in the “Home” tab of the ribbon or by typing
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“LAYISO” in the command line. LAYISO allows users to easily focus on specific layers in the drawing,
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improving productivity and accuracy.

Using LAYISO can save time and improve productivity by providing users with a simple and efficient
way to focus on specific layers in the drawing. It can also help to improve accuracy and reduce errors
by providing a clearer view of the objects on the selected layer. LAYISO provides users with a flexible
and powerful tool for working with layers in AutoCAD.


The LAYLCK command in AutoCAD is used to lock a layer in a drawing. This command can be
accessed through the “Layer Properties Manager” option in the “Home” tab of the ribbon or by typing
“LAYLCK” in the command line. LAYLCK allows users to prevent accidental changes to important
layers in the drawing.

Using LAYLCK can save time and improve productivity by providing users with a simple and efficient
way to prevent accidental changes to important layers in the drawing. It can also help to improve the
accuracy and consistency of the drawing by ensuring that important layers remain unchanged.
LAYLCK provides users with a powerful tool for protecting important layers in AutoCAD.


The LAYMCH command in AutoCAD is used to match the properties of one layer to another layer in a
drawing. This command can be accessed through the “Layer Properties Manager” option in the “Home”

Page 93

tab of the ribbon or by typing “LAYMCH” in the command line. LAYMCH allows users to easily match
the properties of multiple layers, improving productivity and consistency.

Using LAYMCH can save time and improve productivity by providing users with a simple and efficient
way to match the properties of multiple layers. It can also help to improve the consistency and
accuracy of the drawing by ensuring that the layers share the same properties. LAYMCH provides
users with a flexible and powerful tool for working with layers in AutoCAD.


The LAYMCUR command in AutoCAD is used to match the properties of the current layer to another
layer in a drawing. This command can be accessed through the “Layer Properties Manager” option in
the “Home” tab of the ribbon or by typing “LAYMCUR” in the command line. LAYMCUR allows users to
quickly match the properties of the current layer to another layer in the drawing, improving productivity
and consistency.

Using LAYMCUR can save time and improve productivity by providing users with a simple and efficient
way to match the properties of the current layer to another layer. It can also help to improve the
consistency and accuracy of the drawing by ensuring that the layers share the same properties.
LAYMCUR provides users with a flexible and powerful tool for working with layers in AutoCAD.

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The LAYMRG command in AutoCAD is used to merge layers in a drawing. This command can be
accessed through the “Layer Properties Manager” option in the “Home” tab of the ribbon or by typing
“LAYMRG” in the command line. LAYMRG allows users to easily combine multiple layers into a single
layer, improving organization and reducing clutter.

Using LAYMRG can save time and improve productivity by providing users with a simple and efficient
way to merge multiple layers into a single layer. It can also help to improve the organization and clarity
of the drawing by reducing clutter and unnecessary information. LAYMRG provides users with a
flexible and powerful tool for working with layers in AutoCAD.


The LAYOFF command in AutoCAD is used to turn off a layer in a drawing. This command can be
accessed through the “Layer Properties Manager” option in the “Home” tab of the ribbon or by typing
“LAYOFF” in the command line. LAYOFF allows users to easily hide unnecessary information from the
drawing, improving clarity and organization.

Using LAYOFF can save time and improve productivity by providing users with a simple and efficient
way to hide unnecessary information from the drawing. It can also help to improve the clarity and
organization of the drawing by reducing clutter and unnecessary information. LAYOFF provides users
with a flexible and powerful tool for working with layers in AutoCAD.

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The LAYON command in AutoCAD is used to turn on a layer in a drawing. This command can be
accessed through the “Layer Properties Manager” option in the “Home” tab of the ribbon or by typing
“LAYON” in the command line. LAYON allows users to easily show hidden information in the drawing,
improving clarity and organization.

Using LAYON can save time and improve productivity by providing users with a simple and efficient
way to show hidden information in the drawing. It can also help to improve the clarity and organization
of the drawing by providing a clear view of the objects on the selected layer. LAYON provides users
with a flexible and powerful tool for working with layers in AutoCAD.


The LAYOUT command in AutoCAD is used to create and manage layouts in a drawing. This
command can be accessed through the “Layout” option in the “Home” tab of the ribbon or by typing
“LAYOUT” in the command line. LAYOUT allows users to easily manage the different layouts in their
drawing, improving organization and efficiency.
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Using LAYOUT can save time and improve productivity by providing users with a simple and efficient
way to manage the different layouts in their drawing. It can also help to improve the clarity and
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organization of the drawing by providing a structured way to manage the different elements of the
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design. LAYOUT provides users with a comprehensive set of tools for working with layouts in AutoCAD.


The LAYOUTWIZARD command in AutoCAD is used to create a new layout in a drawing using a
predefined template. This command can be accessed through the “Layout” option in the “Home” tab of
the ribbon or by typing “LAYOUTWIZARD” in the command line. LAYOUTWIZARD allows users to
quickly create a new layout based on a predefined template, improving productivity and consistency.

Using LAYOUTWIZARD can save time and improve productivity by providing users with a simple and
efficient way to create new layouts in their drawing. It can also help to improve the consistency and
accuracy of the drawing by using predefined templates. LAYOUTWIZARD provides users with a
flexible and powerful tool for working with layouts in AutoCAD.


The LAYTHW command in AutoCAD is used to thaw all frozen layers in a drawing. This command can
be accessed through the “Layer Properties Manager” option in the “Home” tab of the ribbon or by
typing “LAYTHW” in the command line. LAYTHW allows users to quickly show all frozen layers,
improving clarity and organization.

Using LAYTHW can save time and improve productivity by providing users with a simple and efficient
way to show all frozen layers in the drawing. It can also help to improve the clarity and organization of

Page 95

the drawing by providing a clear view of all the layers in the drawing. LAYTHW provides users with a
flexible and powerful tool for working with layers in AutoCAD.


The LAYTRANS command in AutoCAD is used to change the transparency of a layer in a drawing.
This command can be accessed through the “Layer Properties Manager” option in the “Home” tab of
the ribbon or by typing “LAYTRANS” in the command line. LAYTRANS allows users to adjust the
transparency of a layer, improving the visibility and clarity of the drawing.

Using LAYTRANS can save time and improve productivity by providing users with a simple and
efficient way to adjust the transparency of a layer in the drawing. It can also help to improve the
visibility and clarity of the drawing by making it easier to see and distinguish between different layers.
LAYTRANS provides users with a flexible and powerful tool for working with layers in AutoCAD.


The LAYULK command in AutoCAD is used to unlock a layer in a drawing. This command can be

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accessed through the “Layer Properties Manager” option in the “Home” tab of the ribbon or by typing

improving the accuracy and consistency of the design.
“LAYULK” in the command line. LAYULK allows users to unlock important layers in the drawing,

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Using LAYULK can save time and improve productivity by providing users with a simple and efficient
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way to unlock important layers in the drawing. It can also help to improve the accuracy and consistency
of the design by ensuring that important layers are editable. LAYULK provides users with a flexible and
powerful tool for working with layers in AutoCAD.


The LAYUNISO command in AutoCAD is used to unisolate a layer in a drawing. This command can be
accessed through the “Layer Properties Manager” option in the “Home” tab of the ribbon or by typing
“LAYUNISO” in the command line. LAYUNISO allows users to easily return to the default view of the
drawing, improving productivity and efficiency.

Using LAYUNISO can save time and improve productivity by providing users with a simple and efficient
way to return to the default view of the drawing. It can also help to improve the clarity and organization
of the drawing by providing a clear view of all the layers in the drawing. LAYUNISO provides users with
a flexible and powerful tool for working with layers in AutoCAD.


The LAYVPI command in AutoCAD is used to control the visibility of a layer in a specific viewport in a
layout. This command can be accessed through the “Layer Properties Manager” option in the “Home”
tab of the ribbon or by typing “LAYVPI” in the command line. LAYVPI allows users to control the
visibility of a layer in a specific viewport, improving the clarity and organization of the drawing.

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Using LAYVPI can save time and improve productivity by providing users with a simple and efficient
way to control the visibility of a layer in a specific viewport. It can also help to improve the clarity and
organization of the drawing by providing a clear view of the selected layer in the selected viewport.
LAYVPI provides users with a flexible and powerful tool for working with layers in AutoCAD.


The LAYWALK command in AutoCAD is used to cycle through the layers in a drawing one at a time.
This command can be accessed through the “Layer Properties Manager” option in the “Home” tab of
the ribbon or by typing “LAYWALK” in the command line. LAYWALK allows users to quickly cycle
through the layers in the drawing, improving productivity and efficiency.

Using LAYWALK can save time and improve productivity by providing users with a simple and efficient
way to cycle through the layers in the drawing. It can also help to improve the accuracy and
consistency of the drawing by ensuring that all layers have been reviewed. LAYWALK provides users
with a flexible and powerful tool for working with layers in AutoCAD.

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The LEADER command in AutoCAD is used to create a leader line in a drawing. This command can be
accessed through the “Leader” option in the “Annotation” tab of the ribbon or by typing “LEADER” in
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the command line. LEADER allows users to add notes and annotations to the drawing, improving
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communication and clarity.
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Using LEADER can save time and improve productivity by providing users with a simple and efficient
way to add notes and annotations to the drawing. It can also help to improve communication and clarity
by providing additional information about the design. LEADER provides users with a flexible and
powerful tool for adding annotations to drawings in AutoCAD.


The LENGTHEN command in AutoCAD is used to adjust the length of an object in a drawing. This
command can be accessed through the “Modify” tab of the ribbon or by typing “LENGTHEN” in the
command line. LENGTHEN allows users to easily adjust the length of an object, improving accuracy
and consistency.

Using LENGTHEN can save time and improve productivity by providing users with a simple and
efficient way to adjust the length of an object in the drawing. It can also help to improve accuracy and
consistency by ensuring that all objects have the correct length. LENGTHEN provides users with a
flexible and powerful tool for modifying objects in AutoCAD.


The LIGHT command in AutoCAD is used to create and manage lights in a 3D drawing. This command
can be accessed through the “Visualize” tab of the ribbon or by typing “LIGHT” in the command line.

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LIGHT allows users to add and adjust lights in the 3D drawing, improving the visualization and realism
of the design.

Using LIGHT can save time and improve productivity by providing users with a simple and efficient way
to add and adjust lights in the 3D drawing. It can also help to improve the visualization and realism of
the design by providing accurate lighting conditions. LIGHT provides users with a comprehensive set of
tools for working with lights in AutoCAD.


The LIGHTLIST command in AutoCAD is used to display a list of lights in a 3D drawing. This command
can be accessed through the “Visualize” tab of the ribbon or by typing “LIGHTLIST” in the command
line. LIGHTLIST allows users to view and manage the different lights in the drawing, improving
organization and efficiency.

Using LIGHTLIST can save time and improve productivity by providing users with a simple and efficient
way to view and manage the different lights in the drawing. It can also help to improve the organization
and efficiency of the design by providing a clear view of all the lights in the drawing. LIGHTLIST
provides users with a flexible and powerful tool for working with lights in AutoCAD.
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The LIGHTLISTCLOSE command in AutoCAD is used to close the Light List palette in a 3D drawing.
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This command can be accessed through the “Visualize” tab of the ribbon or by typing
“LIGHTLISTCLOSE” in the command line. LIGHTLISTCLOSE allows users to easily close the Light
List palette, improving the clarity and organization of the drawing.

Using LIGHTLISTCLOSE can save time and improve productivity by providing users with a simple and
efficient way to close the Light List palette in the drawing. It can also help to improve the clarity and
organization of the drawing by reducing clutter and unnecessary information. LIGHTLISTCLOSE
provides users with a flexible and powerful tool for working with lights in AutoCAD.


The LIMITS command in AutoCAD is used to set the drawing limits for a new drawing or adjust the
limits for an existing drawing. This command can be accessed through the “Modify” tab of the ribbon or
by typing “LIMITS” in the command line. LIMITS allows users to set the drawing limits, improving the
accuracy and consistency of the drawing.

Using LIMITS can save time and improve productivity by providing users with a simple and efficient
way to set the drawing limits for a new or existing drawing. It can also help to improve the accuracy
and consistency of the drawing by ensuring that all elements of the design fit within the set limits.
LIMITS provides users with a flexible and powerful tool for setting drawing limits in AutoCAD.


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The LINE command is used to draw a straight line between two points in a drawing. It is one of the
most basic and essential commands in AutoCAD. To use this command, simply select the LINE tool,
specify the starting point and ending point of the line, and press Enter.

You can use this command to create a wide range of shapes and designs, from simple lines to
complex geometries. The LINE command is particularly useful for creating construction lines, reference
lines, and other basic shapes that form the foundation of more complex designs. It is also useful for
creating boundaries or outlines for areas that need to be defined or marked in a drawing.


The LINETYPE command is used to control the appearance of lines in an AutoCAD drawing. It allows
you to change the type of line used for different objects, such as hidden lines, centerlines, and object
lines. To use this command, select the object whose line type you want to change, select the
LINETYPE tool, and choose the new line type from the list of available options.

The LINETYPE command is particularly useful for creating professional-looking technical drawings that

require precise line types and styles. By controlling the appearance of lines in this way, you can make
your drawings more easily understandable and visually appealing. This command is also useful for

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creating customized line types that can be saved and reused in future drawings.

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The LIST command is used to display information about selected objects in an AutoCAD drawing. It
provides a detailed report of the selected objects, including their type, location, size, and other
properties. To use this command, select the objects you want to analyze, select the LIST tool, and
review the resulting report.

The LIST command is particularly useful for troubleshooting and analyzing complex drawings that
contain many objects. It allows you to quickly identify the properties and attributes of specific objects,
which can help you diagnose and fix problems. This command is also useful for verifying that your
drawings meet specific design requirements, such as size and location constraints.


The LIVESECTION command is used to create a dynamic cross-sectional view of a 3D object in an

AutoCAD drawing. It allows you to view the interior of the object from different angles and
perspectives, which can be useful for visualizing complex designs. To use this command, select the
LIVESECTION tool, specify the location and orientation of the section plane, and view the resulting live

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The LIVESECTION command is particularly useful for analyzing the internal structure and layout of 3D
objects, such as mechanical parts, architectural models, and industrial designs. By creating a dynamic
cross-sectional view, you can gain a better understanding of how different parts and components fit
together and interact with each other. This command is also useful for presenting your designs to
others, such as clients or stakeholders, who may need to review the internal details of your designs.


The LOAD command is used to load additional software components, such as plug-ins or extensions,
into AutoCAD. It allows you to extend the functionality of AutoCAD and add new features and tools to
your workflow. To use this command, select the LOAD tool, specify the location of the software
component you want to load, and follow the on-screen instructions.

The LOAD command is particularly useful for customizing your AutoCAD setup and adapting it to your
specific needs and preferences. By loading new software components, you can streamline your
workflow and increase your productivity. This command is also useful for experimenting with new tools
and features that may not be included in the default AutoCAD installation, and for staying up-to-date
with the latest developments in AutoCAD technology.
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The LOFT command is used to create a 3D solid or surface by joining two or more profiles or cross-
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sections. It allows you to create complex shapes and surfaces that would be difficult or impossible to
create using other methods. To use this command, select the LOFT tool, specify the profiles or cross-
sections you want to use, and follow the on-screen instructions.

The LOFT command is particularly useful for creating organic shapes, such as aerodynamic curves,
sculptural forms, and complex geometries. By combining multiple profiles or cross-sections, you can
create smooth and seamless transitions between different shapes and surfaces. This command is also
useful for creating custom shapes and surfaces that can be used in a variety of design applications.


The LOGFILEOFF command is used to stop logging AutoCAD events to a file. It allows you to
conserve system resources and reduce the size of log files. To use this command, select the
LOGFILEOFF tool, and follow the on-screen instructions.

The LOGFILEOFF command is particularly useful for optimizing system performance and minimizing
disk space usage. By stopping logging events to a file, you can reduce the amount of disk space used
by log files, which can be especially important in environments where disk space is limited. This
command is also useful for preventing sensitive or confidential information from being recorded in log


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The LOGFILEON command is used to start logging AutoCAD events to a file. It allows you to track
system activity and diagnose problems. To use this command, select the LOGFILEON tool, specify the
name and location of the log file, and follow the on-screen instructions.

The LOGFILEON command is particularly useful for troubleshooting and debugging AutoCAD
applications. By recording events to a log file, you can track system activity and diagnose problems
that may be causing errors or crashes. This command is also useful for auditing and security purposes,
as it allows you to monitor who is accessing AutoCAD and what actions they are performing.


The LTSCALE command is used to control the line type scale factor in an AutoCAD drawing. It allows
you to adjust the size of lines relative to the size of the drawing. To use this command, select the
LTSCALE tool, specify the new line type scale factor, and press Enter.

The LTSCALE command is particularly useful for creating drawings with consistent line weights and
styles. By adjusting the line type scale factor, you can ensure that lines appear the same size and style

regardless of their location in the drawing. This command is also useful for controlling the visual
appearance of drawings, and for complying with drafting standards and guidelines.

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The LWEIGHT command is used to control the line weight of objects in an AutoCAD drawing. It allows
you to adjust the thickness of lines relative to the size of the drawing. To use this command, select the
object whose line weight you want to change, select the LWEIGHT tool, and choose the new line
weight from the list of available options.

The LWEIGHT command is particularly useful for creating professional-looking technical drawings that
require precise line weights and styles. By controlling the line weight of objects in this way, you can
make your drawings more easily understandable and visually appealing. This command is also useful
for complying with drafting standards and guidelines, and for creating drawings that meet specific
design requirements.


The MAKELISPAPP command is used to create a new AutoCAD application file from a LISP program.
It allows you to package LISP programs as stand-alone applications that can be distributed to other
AutoCAD users. To use this command, select the MAKELISPAPP tool, specify the name and location
of the new application file, and follow the on-screen instructions.

The MAKELISPAPP command is particularly useful for sharing custom LISP programs with other
AutoCAD users, or for creating specialized applications that are tailored to specific design
requirements. By packaging LISP programs as stand-alone applications, you can make them easier to
use and distribute, and reduce the risk of errors or compatibility issues. This command is also useful
for automating repetitive tasks or creating custom tools that streamline your workflow.

Page 101


The MARKUP command is used to add markup annotations to an AutoCAD drawing. It allows you to
add comments, notes, and other annotations to specific parts of the drawing. To use this command,
select the MARKUP tool, specify the location of the annotation, and enter the text or other content you
want to add.

The MARKUP command is particularly useful for collaborating with other designers, engineers, or
stakeholders who may need to review or comment on your drawings. By adding markup annotations,
you can provide additional context or explanation for specific parts of the drawing, and make it easier
for others to understand your design intent. This command is also useful for creating revision notes,
comments, and other documentation that can be used for design reviews or quality control.


The MARKUPASSIST command is used to enable or disable the Markup Assist feature in AutoCAD.
Markup Assist is a set of tools and features that make it easier to add markup annotations to a

m /
drawing. To use this command, select the MARKUPASSIST tool, and follow the on-screen instructions.

The MARKUPASSIST command is particularly useful for improving the efficiency and accuracy of
markup annotations in AutoCAD. By enabling Markup Assist, you can access a range of tools and
: /
features that help you create and manage markup annotations more quickly and easily. This command
p s
requirements. h t t
is also useful for customizing the behavior of Markup Assist to suit your specific workflow and design


The MARKUPCLOSE command is used to close the markup editor in AutoCAD. It allows you to
finalize and save any markup annotations you have added to the drawing. To use this command,
select the MARKUPCLOSE tool, and follow the on-screen instructions.

The MARKUPCLOSE command is particularly useful for ensuring that your markup annotations are
properly saved and documented in the drawing. By closing the markup editor, you can finalize any
changes you have made to the drawing and ensure that they are stored in a way that can be easily
accessed and understood by others. This command is also useful for completing the markup
annotation process and moving on to other tasks in your design workflow.


The MARKUPIMPORT command is used to import markup annotations from an external file into an
AutoCAD drawing. It allows you to incorporate feedback or comments from other designers or
stakeholders into your drawing. To use this command, select the MARKUPIMPORT tool, specify the
location and format of the external file, and follow the on-screen instructions.

The MARKUPIMPORT command is particularly useful for collaborating with others and incorporating

Page 102

feedback into your design process. By importing markup annotations from external files, you can
streamline the feedback process and ensure that all comments and suggestions are properly
documented and accounted for. This command is also useful for reviewing and comparing different
versions of a drawing, and for integrating feedback into your design workflow.


The MASSPROP command is used to calculate the mass properties of a 3D object in an AutoCAD
drawing. It allows you to determine the volume, center of gravity, moment of inertia, and other
properties of the object. To use this command, select the object whose mass properties you want to
calculate, select the MASSPROP tool, and review the resulting report.

The MASSPROP command is particularly useful for analyzing and optimizing 3D objects for weight,
balance, and other mechanical properties. By calculating the mass properties of an object, you can
gain a better understanding of its behavior and performance in real-world conditions. This command is
also useful for creating accurate bill of materials and cost estimates for manufacturing or construction

m /
The MATBROWSERCLOSE command is used to close the Material Browser in AutoCAD. The Material
Browser is a tool that allows you to view and manage materials in a drawing. To use this command,
s : /
select the MATBROWSERCLOSE tool, and follow the on-screen instructions.
h t t
The MATBROWSERCLOSE command is particularly useful for optimizing screen space and reducing
visual clutter in AutoCAD. By closing the Material Browser, you can free up space on your screen and
focus on the parts of the drawing that are most important to your workflow. This command is also
useful for switching between different views or layouts in a drawing, and for accessing other tools and
features in AutoCAD.


The MATBROWSEROPEN command is used to open the Material Browser in AutoCAD. The Material
Browser is a tool that allows you to view and manage materials in a drawing. To use this command,
select the MATBROWSEROPEN tool, and follow the on-screen instructions.

The MATBROWSEROPEN command is particularly useful for working with materials and textures in
AutoCAD. By opening the Material Browser, you can access a wide range of pre-defined materials and
textures, or create your own custom materials from scratch. This command is also useful for assigning
materials to specific objects in a drawing, or for creating realistic renderings and visualizations of your


The MATCHCELL command is used to match the properties of one cell to another cell in an AutoCAD
table. It allows you to quickly and easily update the formatting and layout of a table to match a

Page 103

predefined style. To use this command, select the cell whose properties you want to match, select the
MATCHCELL tool, and specify the cell you want to match to.

The MATCHCELL command is particularly useful for creating consistent and professional-looking
tables in AutoCAD. By matching the properties of one cell to another, you can ensure that all cells in
the table have a uniform appearance and layout. This command is also useful for updating tables to
conform to specific design standards or guidelines, or for creating tables that meet specific functional


The MATCHPROP command is used to copy the properties of one object to another object in an
AutoCAD drawing. It allows you to quickly and easily update the appearance and properties of multiple
objects in a drawing. To use this command, select the object whose properties you want to copy, select
the MATCHPROP tool, and select the object you want to copy the properties to.

The MATCHPROP command is particularly useful for creating consistent and professional-looking
drawings in AutoCAD. By copying the properties of one object to another, you can ensure that all
objects in the drawing have a uniform appearance and style. This command is also useful for updating
drawings to conform to specific design standards or guidelines, or for creating drawings that meet
specific functional requirements.
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The MATEDITORCLOSE command is used to close the Material Editor in AutoCAD. The Material
Editor is a tool that allows you to create and edit materials in a drawing. To use this command, select
the MATEDITORCLOSE tool, and follow the on-screen instructions.

The MATEDITORCLOSE command is particularly useful for optimizing screen space and reducing
visual clutter in AutoCAD. By closing the Material Editor, you can free up space on your screen and
focus on the parts of the drawing that are most important to your workflow. This command is also
useful for switching between different views or layouts in a drawing, and for accessing other tools and
features in AutoCAD.


The MATEDITOROPEN command is used to open the Material Editor in AutoCAD. The Material Editor
is a tool that allows you to create and edit materials in a drawing. To use this command, select the
MATEDITOROPEN tool, and follow the on-screen instructions.

The MATEDITOROPEN command is particularly useful for working with materials and textures in
AutoCAD. By opening the Material Editor, you can access a wide range of tools and features that allow
you to create custom materials, adjust lighting and shading, and apply textures and patterns to objects
in a drawing. This command is also useful for creating realistic renderings and visualizations of your
designs, or for creating detailed material schedules for manufacturing or construction projects.

Page 104


The MATERIALASSIGN command is used to assign a material to a selected object in an AutoCAD

drawing. It allows you to control the appearance and properties of objects in a drawing. To use this
command, select the object you want to assign a material to, select the MATERIALASSIGN tool, and
choose the material you want to assign from the list of available options.

The MATERIALASSIGN command is particularly useful for creating realistic renderings and
visualizations of your designs. By assigning materials to objects in a drawing, you can create realistic
textures and finishes that accurately represent the materials and products you are designing. This
command is also useful for creating detailed material schedules for manufacturing or construction
projects, or for ensuring that all objects in a drawing have a uniform appearance and style.


The MATERIALATTACH command is used to attach a material to an object in an AutoCAD drawing. It

allows you to apply a material to an object without changing the object’s original properties. To use this

m /
command, select the object you want to attach a material to, select the MATERIALATTACH tool, and

d ik
choose the material you want to attach from the list of available options.

The MATERIALATTACH command is particularly useful for creating temporary or experimental
: /
designs in AutoCAD. By attaching materials to objects, you can quickly and easily visualize different
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design options and make changes without permanently altering the original objects. This command is
also useful for creating prototype or mock-up designs that can be used for testing or evaluation.


The MATERIALMAP command is used to apply a material map to an object in an AutoCAD drawing. A
material map is a special type of material that uses an image file to define the appearance and
properties of an object. To use this command, select the object you want to apply a material map to,
select the MATERIALMAP tool, and choose the material map you want to use from the list of available

The MATERIALMAP command is particularly useful for creating realistic renderings and visualizations
of your designs. By applying material maps to objects in a drawing, you can create photorealistic
textures and finishes that accurately represent the materials and products you are designing. This
command is also useful for creating 3D models for gaming or animation, or for creating detailed
product visualizations for marketing or advertising purposes.


The MATERIALS command is used to manage materials in an AutoCAD drawing. It allows you to
create, edit, and delete materials, as well as import and export material libraries. To use this command,
select the MATERIALS tool, and choose the option you want from the list of available options.

Page 105

The MATERIALS command is particularly useful for working with materials and textures in AutoCAD.
By managing materials, you can ensure that all objects in a drawing have a consistent appearance and
style, and create realistic textures and finishes that accurately represent the materials and products
you are designing. This command is also useful for creating material schedules for manufacturing or
construction projects, or for organizing and cataloging your material library for future use.


The MATERIALSCLOSE command is used to close the Materials Editor in AutoCAD. The Materials
Editor is a tool that allows you to create and edit materials in a drawing. To use this command, select
the MATERIALSCLOSE tool, and follow the on-screen instructions.

The MATERIALSCLOSE command is particularly useful for optimizing screen space and reducing
visual clutter in AutoCAD. By closing the Materials Editor, you can free up space on your screen and
focus on the parts of the drawing that are most important to your workflow. This command is also
useful for switching between different views or layouts in a drawing, and for accessing other tools and
features in AutoCAD.

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The MEASURE command is used to measure distances, angles, and other geometric properties in an
AutoCAD drawing. It allows you to obtain precise measurements of objects and features in a drawing,
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and to verify that they meet specific design requirements or standards. To use this command, select
the MEASURE tool, specify the points or objects you want to measure, and review the resulting

The MEASURE command is particularly useful for quality control and design verification in AutoCAD.
By measuring objects and features, you can ensure that they meet specific dimensional or geometric
requirements, and identify any errors or deviations that may impact the performance or functionality of
the design. This command is also useful for creating accurate drawings and specifications for
manufacturing or construction projects.


The MEASUREGEOM command is used to measure geometric properties, such as area, perimeter,
and volume, in an AutoCAD drawing. It allows you to obtain precise measurements of objects and
features in a drawing, and to verify that they meet specific design requirements or standards. To use
this command, select the objects you want to measure, select the MEASUREGEOM tool, and review
the resulting measurements.

Page 106

The MEASUREGEOM command is particularly useful for calculating material requirements and
estimating costs in manufacturing or construction projects. By measuring the geometric properties of
objects, you can accurately determine the amount of material required to complete a project, and
estimate the associated costs. This command is also useful for creating detailed material schedules
and cost estimates for project planning and budgeting purposes.


The MENU command is used to customize the AutoCAD user interface by creating, modifying, or
deleting menus. It allows you to create custom menus that include the commands and tools you use
most frequently, and to organize them in a way that makes sense for your workflow. To use this
command, select the MENU tool, and follow the on-screen instructions to create, modify, or delete

The MENU command is particularly useful for improving productivity and efficiency in AutoCAD. By
customizing the user interface to match your specific needs and preferences, you can save time and
reduce errors by quickly accessing the commands and tools you use most frequently. This command is
also useful for creating consistent and standardized user interfaces across multiple workstations or
users, and for sharing your custom menus with others in your organization.

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The MESH command is used to create 3D meshes in an AutoCAD drawing. A mesh is a collection of
vertices, edges, and faces that define a 3D object. To use this command, select the MESH tool, specify
the vertices and faces that define the mesh, and adjust the mesh properties as necessary.

The MESH command is particularly useful for creating complex 3D shapes and structures in AutoCAD.
By creating meshes, you can create more organic and irregular shapes that are difficult to create using
traditional solid modeling techniques. This command is also useful for creating realistic 3D models for
gaming, animation, or visualization purposes.


The MESHCAP command is used to cap holes in a 3D mesh in an AutoCAD drawing. It allows you to
create closed 3D shapes by capping the open faces of a mesh. To use this command, select the
MESHCAP tool, specify the holes you want to cap, and adjust the cap properties as necessary.

The MESHCAP command is particularly useful for creating closed 3D shapes and structures in
AutoCAD. By capping holes in a mesh, you can create watertight shapes that are suitable for
manufacturing or prototyping purposes. This command is also useful for creating realistic 3D models
for gaming, animation, or visualization purposes.


The MESHCOLLAPSE command is used to reduce the complexity of a 3D mesh in an AutoCAD

Page 107

drawing. It allows you to simplify a mesh by merging adjacent faces and vertices that are coplanar or
nearly coplanar. To use this command, select the MESHCOLLAPSE tool, specify the edges you want
to collapse, and adjust the mesh properties as necessary.

The MESHCOLLAPSE command is particularly useful for optimizing 3D meshes for performance and
efficiency in AutoCAD. By reducing the complexity of a mesh, you can improve rendering times and
reduce file size, without sacrificing the overall quality or accuracy of the mesh. This command is also
useful for creating simplified versions of complex meshes for prototyping or manufacturing purposes.


The MESHCREASE command is used to add creases to a 3D mesh in an AutoCAD drawing. It allows
you to create sharp edges and angles on a mesh by defining crease weights for specific edges or
vertices. To use this command, select the MESHCREASE tool, specify the edges or vertices you want
to crease, and adjust the crease weights as necessary.

The MESHCREASE command is particularly useful for creating more detailed and realistic 3D models
in AutoCAD. By adding creases to a mesh, you can create sharper edges and corners that accurately
represent the features of the object you are designing. This command is also useful for creating 3D
models for gaming, animation, or visualization purposes.

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The MESHEHEXTRUDE command is used to extrude a 2D shape into a 3D mesh in an AutoCAD
drawing. It allows you to create complex 3D shapes by extruding a 2D shape along a specified path.
To use this command, select the MESHEXTRUDE tool, specify the 2D shape you want to extrude,
select the path you want to extrude along, and adjust the extrusion properties as necessary.

The MESHEXTRUDE command is particularly useful for creating complex 3D structures and objects in
AutoCAD. By extruding 2D shapes along specified paths, you can create more intricate and detailed
shapes that accurately represent the features of the object you are designing. This command is also
useful for creating 3D models for gaming, animation, or visualization purposes.


The MESHMERGE command is used to merge two or more 3D meshes into a single mesh in an
AutoCAD drawing. It allows you to combine multiple meshes into a single object, and to adjust the
mesh properties as necessary. To use this command, select the MESHMERGE tool, specify the
meshes you want to merge, and adjust the merge properties as necessary.

The MESHMERGE command is particularly useful for simplifying complex 3D models in AutoCAD. By
merging multiple meshes into a single object, you can reduce file size and improve rendering times,
without sacrificing the overall quality or accuracy of the model. This command is also useful for
combining multiple models into a single assembly for manufacturing or prototyping purposes.

Page 108


The MESHOPTIONS command is used to adjust the mesh settings and properties in AutoCAD. It
allows you to control the behavior and appearance of 3D meshes, and to adjust the display and
rendering options as necessary. To use this command, select the MESHOPTIONS tool, and adjust the
settings and properties as necessary.

The MESHOPTIONS command is particularly useful for fine-tuning the appearance and behavior of 3D
models in AutoCAD. By adjusting the mesh settings and properties, you can create more realistic and
detailed models that accurately represent the features of the object you are designing. This command
is also useful for optimizing the display and rendering performance of large and complex models.


The MESHPRIMITIVEOPTIONS command is used to adjust the properties and settings of primitive
shapes in AutoCAD. It allows you to control the behavior and appearance of primitive shapes, and to
adjust the display and rendering options as necessary. To use this command, select the

m /
MESHPRIMITIVEOPTIONS tool, and adjust the settings and properties as necessary.

The MESHPRIMITIVEOPTIONS command is particularly useful for creating detailed and complex 3D
models in AutoCAD. By adjusting the properties and settings of primitive shapes, you can create more
: /
intricate and detailed models that accurately represent the features of the object you are designing.
p s
complex models. h t t
This command is also useful for optimizing the display and rendering performance of large and


The MESHREFINE command is used to refine the topology of a 3D mesh in an AutoCAD drawing. It
allows you to improve the overall quality and accuracy of a mesh by smoothing or subdividing its faces
and vertices. To use this command, select the MESHREFINE tool, specify the areas you want to
refine, and adjust the refine properties as necessary.

The MESHREFINE command is particularly useful for creating more detailed and accurate 3D models
in AutoCAD. By refining the topology of a mesh, you can create smoother and more realistic surfaces
that accurately represent the features of the object you are designing. This command is also useful for
creating 3D models for gaming, animation, or visualization purposes.


The MESHSMOOTH command is used to smooth the faces and vertices of a 3D mesh in an AutoCAD
drawing. It allows you to create smoother and more organic surfaces by averaging the vertices and
faces of a mesh. To use this command, select the MESHSMOOTH tool, specify the areas you want to
smooth, and adjust the smooth properties as necessary.

The MESHSMOOTH command is particularly useful for creating more realistic and detailed 3D models

Page 109

in AutoCAD. By smoothing the faces and vertices of a mesh, you can create more organic and natural
shapes that accurately represent the features of the object you are designing. This command is also
useful for creating 3D models for gaming, animation, or visualization purposes.


The MESHSMOOTHLESS command is used to reduce the smoothing of a 3D mesh in an AutoCAD

drawing. It allows you to create sharper and more angular surfaces by decreasing the amount of
smoothing applied to the vertices and faces of a mesh. To use this command, select the
MESHSMOOTHLESS tool, specify the areas you want to reduce the smoothing on, and adjust the
smooth properties as necessary.

The MESHSMOOTHLESS command is particularly useful for creating more angular and precise 3D
models in AutoCAD. By reducing the amount of smoothing applied to a mesh, you can create sharper
edges and corners that accurately represent the features of the object you are designing. This
command is also useful for creating 3D models for gaming, animation, or visualization purposes.


m /
The MESHSMOOTHMORE command is used to increase the smoothing of a 3D mesh in an AutoCAD
drawing. It allows you to create smoother and more organic surfaces by increasing the amount of
smoothing applied to the vertices and faces of a mesh. To use this command, select the
s : /
MESHSMOOTHMORE tool, specify the areas you want to increase the smoothing on, and adjust the
smooth properties as necessary.
h t
The MESHSMOOTHMORE command is particularly useful for creating more realistic and detailed 3D
models in AutoCAD. By increasing the amount of smoothing applied to a mesh, you can create more
organic and natural shapes that accurately represent the features of the object you are designing. This
command is also useful for creating 3D models for gaming, animation, or visualization purposes.


The MESHSPIN command is used to spin a 3D mesh around a specified axis in an AutoCAD drawing.
It allows you to create rotational symmetries and patterns by spinning a mesh around a specified axis.
To use this command, select the MESHSPIN tool, specify the axis of rotation, and adjust the spin
properties as necessary.

The MESHSPIN command is particularly useful for creating rotational symmetries and patterns in
AutoCAD. By spinning a mesh around a specified axis, you can create complex and intricate shapes
that are difficult to create using traditional modeling techniques. This command is also useful for
creating 3D models for gaming, animation, or visualization purposes.


The MESHSPLIT command is used to split a 3D mesh into multiple parts in an AutoCAD drawing. It
allows you to separate a mesh into multiple pieces, and to adjust the properties and settings of each

Page 110

part individually. To use this command, select the MESHSPLIT tool, specify the areas you want to split
the mesh, and adjust the split properties as necessary.

The MESHSPLIT command is particularly useful for managing and manipulating complex 3D models in
AutoCAD. By splitting a mesh into multiple parts, you can isolate specific features or components of
the model, and adjust them independently of the rest of the model. This command is also useful for
creating 3D models for gaming, animation, or visualization purposes.


The MESHUNCREASE command is used to remove creases from a 3D mesh in an AutoCAD drawing.
It allows you to create smoother and more organic surfaces by removing the crease weights from
specific edges or vertices. To use this command, select the MESHUNCREASE tool, specify the areas
you want to remove the creases from, and adjust the uncrease properties as necessary.

The MESHUNCREASE command is particularly useful for creating more organic and natural shapes in
AutoCAD. By removing creases from a mesh, you can create smoother and more natural surfaces that
accurately represent the features of the object you are designing. This command is also useful for
creating 3D models for gaming, animation, or visualization purposes.
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The MIGRATEMATERIALS command is used to migrate materials and textures from one AutoCAD
p s
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drawing to another. It allows you to transfer the material and texture definitions from one drawing to
another, and to adjust the properties and settings of the materials and textures as necessary. To use
this command, select the MIGRATEMATERIALS tool, specify the source and destination drawings,
and adjust the migration properties as necessary.

The MIGRATEMATERIALS command is particularly useful for managing and reusing materials and
textures across multiple AutoCAD drawings. By migrating materials and textures from one drawing to
another, you can ensure consistency and standardization across your designs, and save time by
reusing existing materials and textures. This command is also useful for sharing materials and textures
with others in your organization.


The MINSERT command is used to insert blocks into an AutoCAD drawing as 3D meshes. It allows
you to insert a block and automatically convert it into a 3D mesh, and to adjust the properties and
settings of the mesh as necessary. To use this command, select the MINSERT tool, specify the block
you want to insert, and adjust the insert properties as necessary.

The MINSERT command is particularly useful for inserting complex 3D models into an AutoCAD
drawing. By automatically converting a block into a 3D mesh, you can ensure that the model is inserted
correctly and accurately into the drawing. This command is also useful for creating 3D models for
gaming, animation, or visualization purposes.

Page 111


The MIRROR command is used to mirror objects in an AutoCAD drawing across a specified plane. It
allows you to create mirrored copies of objects and adjust the properties and settings of the copies as
necessary. To use this command, select the MIRROR tool, specify the objects you want to mirror, and
specify the plane of reflection.

The MIRROR command is particularly useful for creating symmetrical designs in AutoCAD. By
mirroring objects across a specified plane, you can create perfectly symmetrical copies of the objects,
and ensure that the design is balanced and harmonious. This command is also useful for creating 3D
models for gaming, animation, or visualization purposes.


The MIRROR3D command is used to mirror objects in an AutoCAD drawing across a specified 3D
plane. It allows you to create mirrored copies of objects in 3D space and adjust the properties and
settings of the copies as necessary. To use this command, select the MIRROR3D tool, specify the
objects you want to mirror, and specify the 3D plane of reflection.
m /
The MIRROR3D command is particularly useful for creating complex 3D designs in AutoCAD. By
mirroring objects across a 3D plane, you can create intricate and detailed designs that are difficult to
: /
create using traditional modeling techniques. This command is also useful for creating 3D models for
p s
h t t
gaming, animation, or visualization purposes.


The MLEADER command is used to create multileader annotations in an AutoCAD drawing. It allows
you to create callouts, dimension lines, and other annotations that reference specific points or features
in a drawing. To use this command, select the MLEADER tool, specify the reference points, and adjust
the annotation properties as necessary.

The MLEADER command is particularly useful for creating technical drawings and schematics in
AutoCAD. By creating multileader annotations, you can provide additional context and information
about specific features or components in a drawing, and communicate your design intent more
effectively. This command is also useful for creating documentation and presentation materials for your


MLEADERALIGN is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to align multiple mleaders or multileaders
with a single mleader. This is useful when you have several mleaders or multileaders in a drawing and
you want to align them to a specific position or object. The command provides options to align the
mleaders horizontally or vertically, or to align them to a specific object in the drawing.
MLEADERALIGN helps to save time and ensures accurate placement of mleaders in a drawing.

Page 112


MLEADERCOLLECT is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to collect multiple mleaders or

multileaders and group them together. This is useful when you want to move or edit a group of
mleaders or multileaders as a single unit. The command provides options to select the mleaders or
multileaders to collect and then creates a new mleader or multileader with the selected items.
MLEADERCOLLECT simplifies the editing process and reduces the risk of errors when working with
multiple mleaders or multileaders.


MLEADEREDIT is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to edit mleaders or multileaders in a

drawing. The command provides options to edit the content, formatting, and style of the mleader or
multileader. You can also use MLEADEREDIT to add or remove leader lines, change the attachment
point of the mleader or multileader, or change the text height and width of the content. MLEADEREDIT
helps to improve the appearance and readability of mleaders or multileaders in a drawing.

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MLEADERSTYLE is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to create and modify mleader or

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multileader styles in a drawing. The command provides options to specify the arrowhead, leader line,
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and landing settings for the mleader or multileader. You can also set the default text style, content
h t t
alignment, and other formatting options for the style. MLEADERSTYLE helps to maintain consistency
and improve the efficiency of creating and using mleaders or multileaders in a drawing.


MLEDIT is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to edit multiple mtext objects in a drawing. The
command provides options to select and edit the content, formatting, and style of the mtext objects.
You can also use MLEDIT to add or remove paragraph breaks, change the text height and width, or
adjust the justification and spacing of the text. MLEDIT helps to save time and improve the consistency
of mtext objects in a drawing.


MLINE is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to draw multiple parallel lines in a drawing. The
command provides options to specify the start and end points of the lines, the distance between the
lines, and the style and width of the lines. MLINE is useful for drawing walls, fences, and other linear
features in a drawing.


MLSTYLE is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to create and modify multiline styles in a drawing.
The command provides options to specify the line type, line weight, and color for each line in the

Page 113

multiline. You can also set the default text style and height, as well as other formatting options for the
style. MLSTYLE helps to maintain consistency and improve the efficiency of creating and using
multilines in a drawing.


MODEL is a command in AutoCAD that switches the active viewport to the model space. Model space
is the workspace in AutoCAD where you create and edit the 2D or 3D geometry of your drawing. When
you switch to model space using the MODEL command, you can access all the tools and commands
that are specific to the model space, such as the LINE, CIRCLE, and SOLID commands. MODEL is
useful when you need to work exclusively in the model space and do not need to see or edit any
layouts or viewports.


MOVE is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to move one or more objects from one location to
another. The command provides options to specify the base point and destination point of the move,
as well as the distance and direction of the move. MOVE is useful for repositioning objects in a drawing
or for aligning objects to a specific point or object.
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MREDO is a command in AutoCAD that undoes the previous undo operation. This means that MREDO
h t t
restores the changes made by the last UNDO command, effectively redoing the previous action.
MREDO can be useful when you accidentally undo an action and want to quickly restore it without
having to go through multiple UNDO commands.


MSLIDE is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to create a new layout with a predefined size and
orientation. The command provides options to select the paper size, scale, and orientation for the
layout. MSLIDE also creates a new viewport in the layout, which can be used to display a portion of the
model space geometry. MSLIDE is useful when you need to create a new layout quickly and want to
ensure that the layout has the correct size and scale.


MSPACE is a command in AutoCAD that switches the active viewport to the model space. Model
space is the workspace in AutoCAD where you create and edit the 2D or 3D geometry of your drawing.
When you switch to model space using the MSPACE command, you can access all the tools and
commands that are specific to the model space, such as the LINE, CIRCLE, and SOLID commands.
MSPACE is useful when you need to work exclusively in the model space and do not need to see or
edit any layouts or viewports.

Page 114


MTEDIT is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to edit multiline text (mtext) objects in a drawing.
The command provides options to select and edit the content, formatting, and style of the mtext
objects. You can also use MTEDIT to add or remove paragraph breaks, change the text height and
width, or adjust the justification and spacing of the text. MTEDIT helps to save time and improve the
consistency of mtext objects in a drawing.


MTEXT is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to create and edit single or multiline text objects in a
drawing. The command provides options to specify the content, formatting, and style of the text. You
can also use MTEXT to add symbols, special characters, and fields to the text. MTEXT is useful for
creating annotations, notes, and labels in a drawing.


m /
MULTIPLE is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to perform multiple operations on selected
objects. The command provides options to select the objects to modify and the operations to perform,
d ik
such as move, rotate, scale, and copy. MULTIPLE is useful when you need to perform the same
/c a
operation on multiple objects in a drawing, such as aligning, spacing, or duplicating objects.
: /
t t p s
MVIEW is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to create and manage viewports in a drawing. The
command provides options to specify the size, location, and scale of the viewport, as well as the
display options and layer visibility for the viewport. You can also use MVIEW to create and switch
between multiple viewports in a layout. MVIEW is useful for creating detailed views of specific areas in
a drawing or for creating multiple views of the same geometry.


MVSETUP is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to customize the display and properties of
viewports in a layout. The command provides options to set the viewport scale, size, and location, as
well as the display options and layer visibility for the viewport. MVSETUP also allows you to create and
modify viewports in a layout using a wizard interface. MVSETUP is useful for fine-tuning the layout and
display of viewports in a drawing.


Page 115

NAVBAR is a command in AutoCAD that displays a floating toolbar that provides quick access to
navigation and view control tools. The toolbar includes options to pan, zoom, rotate, and navigate
through the drawing using a variety of methods. NAVBAR is useful for quickly adjusting the view and
navigation settings in a drawing without having to navigate through the menu and toolbar system.


NAVSMOTION is a command in AutoCAD that enables motion navigation in 3D models. The

command provides options to control the speed and direction of the motion, as well as the type of
motion, such as fly, walk, or orbit. NAVSMOTION is useful for navigating through complex 3D models
and exploring the model from different angles and perspectives.


NAVSMOTIONCLOSE is a command in AutoCAD that stops the current motion navigation mode in a
3D model. The command returns the view to the previous state before the motion navigation mode was
enabled. NAVSMOTIONCLOSE is useful for quickly returning to the original view or state of a 3D

m /
model after exploring or navigating through it using the NAVSMOTION command.

d ik
/c ad
s : /
NAVSWHEEL is a command in AutoCAD that displays a customizable wheel of navigation tools that
t t
allows you to quickly adjust the view and navigation settings in a drawing. The wheel includes options
to pan, zoom, rotate, and navigate through the drawing using a variety of methods. NAVSWHEEL is
useful for quickly accessing and using navigation tools in AutoCAD without having to navigate through
the menu and toolbar system.


NAVVCUBE is a command in AutoCAD that displays a 3D navigation cube that allows you to orient
and navigate through a 3D model using a visual reference. The cube provides options to pan, zoom,
rotate, and navigate through the model using a variety of methods. NAVVCUBE is useful for navigating
through complex 3D models and orienting the view to specific angles and perspectives.


NCOPY is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to copy nested objects from a block or xref drawing
into the current drawing. The command provides options to select the nested objects to copy and the
destination point for the copy. NCOPY is useful for copying complex objects or groups of objects from
one drawing to another without having to recreate them.


NETLOAD is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to load an application or plug-in from a network

Page 116

location. The command provides options to specify the location of the application or plug-in and to load
it into the current session of AutoCAD. NETLOAD is useful for sharing and distributing custom
applications or plug-ins across a network of users.


NEW is a command in AutoCAD that creates a new drawing from scratch. The command provides
options to specify the template file, units, and settings for the new drawing. NEW is useful for creating
a new drawing with specific settings or for starting a new project from scratch.


NEWSHEETSET is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to create a new sheet set from scratch.
The command provides options to specify the template file, units, and settings for the new sheet set.
NEWSHEETSET is useful for creating a new sheet set for organizing and managing multiple layouts
and viewports in a drawing.

m /
d ik
NEWSHOT is a command in AutoCAD that creates a new view or snapshot of the current drawing. The
command provides options to specify the scale, viewport, and display settings for the new view.

/c ad
NEWSHOT is useful for creating and managing multiple views of a drawing or for creating a backup
copy of a specific view or layout.
p s : /
h t t

NEWVIEW is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to create a new named view of the current
drawing. The command provides options to specify the location, orientation, and display settings for the
new view. NEWVIEW is useful for creating and managing multiple named views of a drawing or for
creating a specific view for printing or publishing.


OBJECTSCALE is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to scale an object or group of objects by a
specified factor. The command provides options to select the objects to scale and to specify the scale
factor and reference point for the scale. OBJECTSCALE is useful for resizing objects or groups of
objects without having to recreate them.


OFFSET is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to create a parallel copy of a selected object or
group of objects. The command provides options to specify the distance and direction of the offset, as
well as the side of the object to offset. OFFSET is useful for creating walls, fences, and other parallel
features in a drawing.

Page 117


OFFSETEDGE is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to offset an edge of a 3D solid or surface by
a specified distance. The command provides options to select the edge to offset and to specify the
distance and direction of the offset. OFFSETEDGE is useful for creating chamfers, fillets, and other
features on 3D solids and surfaces.


OLECONVERT is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to convert an OLE (Object Linking and
Embedding) object in a drawing to a native AutoCAD object. The command provides options to select
the OLE object to convert and to specify the destination object type. OLECONVERT is useful for
editing and manipulating OLE objects in a drawing using the native AutoCAD commands and tools.


OLELINKS is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to manage the OLE (Object Linking and
m /
Embedding) links in a drawing. The command provides options to display a list of all the OLE objects in
the drawing and their associated links. You can also use OLELINKS to update or break the links
d ik
between the OLE objects and their source applications. OLELINKS is useful for managing and
maintaining the OLE objects in a drawing.
: / /c a
t t p s
OLEOPEN is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to open and edit an OLE (Object Linking and
Embedding) object in its source application. The command provides options to select the OLE object to
open and to specify the application to use for editing. OLEOPEN is useful for editing and modifying
OLE objects in a drawing using their source applications.


OLERSET is a command in AutoCAD that resets the OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) links in a
drawing. The command provides options to select the OLE objects to reset and to specify the source
applications to use for resetting the links. OLERSET is useful for troubleshooting and fixing broken
OLE links in a drawing.


OLESCALE is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to scale an OLE (Object Linking and
Embedding) object in a drawing. The command provides options to select the OLE object to scale and
to specify the scale factor and reference point for the scale. OLESCALE is useful for resizing OLE
objects in a drawing to fit the scale of the rest of the drawing.

Page 118


OOPS is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to restore the last object that was deleted from a
drawing. The command provides options to restore the object to its original location and properties.
OOPS is useful for quickly recovering deleted objects in a drawing without having to recreate them.


OPEN is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to open an existing drawing file. The command
provides options to specify the location and file name of the drawing to open. OPEN is useful for
opening and editing existing drawings or for referencing external drawings into the current drawing.


OPENDWFMARKUP is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to open a DWF (Design Web Format)
file and view its markups and comments. The command provides options to select the DWF file to
open and to display the markups and comments in a separate window. OPENDWFMARKUP is useful
m /
for reviewing and commenting on DWF files using AutoCAD.

d d ik
: / /c a
p s
OPENFROMWEBMOBILE is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to open and edit a drawing file
t t
from a web or mobile application. The command provides options to select the drawing file to open and
to specify the web or mobile application to use for editing. OPENFROMWEBMOBILE is useful for
accessing and editing AutoCAD drawings from remote locations or from mobile devices.


OPENSHEETSET is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to open an existing sheet set file. The
command provides options to specify the location and file name of the sheet set to open.
OPENSHEETSET is useful for opening and managing existing sheet sets or for referencing external
sheet sets into the current drawing.


OPTIONS is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to customize the settings and preferences of
AutoCAD. The command provides options to change the user interface, display, and behavior of
AutoCAD, as well as the system settings and drawing settings. OPTIONS is useful for fine-tuning the
settings and preferences of AutoCAD to suit your workflow and working environment.


ORTHO is a command in AutoCAD that enables or disables the ortho mode. Ortho mode constrains
cursor movement to the horizontal and vertical directions in the drawing area, making it easier to draw

Page 119

and edit geometric shapes. ORTHO is useful for precise drawing and editing of geometric shapes and
for aligning objects in a drawing.


OSNAP is a command in AutoCAD that enables or disables object snap mode. Object snap mode
allows the cursor to snap to specific points on objects in the drawing, such as endpoints, midpoints,
and intersections. OSNAP is useful for precise drawing and editing of objects in a drawing and for
aligning objects with each other.


OVERKILL is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to remove duplicate or overlapping objects in a
drawing. The command provides options to select the objects to clean up and to specify the criteria for
determining duplicate or overlapping objects. OVERKILL is useful for cleaning up and simplifying
drawings that contain duplicate or overlapping objects.

m /
d ik
PAGESETUP is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to customize the page layout and printing
settings for a drawing. The command provides options to specify the page size, orientation, margins,

/c ad
and plot style settings, as well as the plot area and scale for the drawing. PAGESETUP is useful for
s : /
customizing the page layout and printing settings of a drawing for a specific output device or purpose.
h t t

PAN is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to move the view of a drawing in a horizontal or vertical
direction. The command provides options to specify the distance and direction of the pan, as well as
the viewport to pan. PAN is useful for navigating through large or complex drawings and for adjusting
the view of the drawing to focus on specific areas.


PARAMETERS is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to define and manage parametric
constraints on objects in a drawing. Parametric constraints allow you to control the dimensions and
relationships of objects in a drawing, making it easier to modify and maintain the drawing as design
changes occur. PARAMETERS is useful for creating and managing complex drawings with
interdependent objects and relationships.


Page 120

PARAMETERSCLOSE is a command in AutoCAD that closes the Parameters Manager window and
exits the parameters editing mode. The command returns the drawing to the regular editing mode.
PARAMETERSCLOSE is useful for exiting the parameters editing mode after creating or modifying
parametric constraints on objects in a drawing.


PARTIALOAD is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to load only specific components of a
complex drawing file, such as a block or xref drawing. The command provides options to select the
components to load and to specify the insertion point and scale of the loaded components.
PARTIALOAD is useful for managing large or complex drawings and for reducing the file size and
memory usage of the drawing.


Use this command to open a specific portion of a drawing. This is useful when you only need to work
on a small portion of a large file, saving you time and resources. Simply select the area you want to
open and AutoCAD will load only that part of the drawing.
m /
Partialopen is a great tool for managing large drawings that may take a long time to open or load. By
opening only the necessary section, you can save time and work more efficiently.
p s : /
h t t
Use this command to paste a hyperlink into your drawing. This is useful when you want to reference
external files or websites within your drawing. Simply copy the hyperlink and use this command to
paste it into the drawing. The hyperlink will be active and clickable within your drawing.

Pasteashyperlink is a great tool for creating interactive drawings that reference external sources of
information. It can also help you keep your drawings organized by linking to related files or web pages.


Use this command to paste a block into your drawing. A block is a group of objects that can be saved
and reused within your drawing or in other drawings. Simply copy the block and use this command to
paste it into your drawing.

Pasteblock is a great tool for reusing frequently used objects and elements within your drawing. By
creating and reusing blocks, you can save time and work more efficiently.


Page 121

Use this command to paste an image or graphic into your drawing. Simply copy the image and use this
command to paste it into your drawing. This command is useful for adding logos, graphics, or other
visual elements to your drawings.

Pasteclip is a great tool for creating visually appealing drawings that incorporate images or graphics.
By pasting images directly into your drawing, you can create more professional and polished-looking


Use this command to paste an object to its original location. This is useful when you have moved an
object and want to move it back to its original position. Simply select the object and use this command
to paste it back to its original location.

Pasteorig is a great tool for undoing accidental movements or changes to your drawing. By quickly
restoring objects to their original location, you can save time and avoid mistakes.

m /
Use this command to paste objects with specific properties. This is useful when you want to copy an
/c ad
object and paste it with specific properties, such as color, linetype, or layer. Simply copy the object,

p s : /
select the location for pasting, and use this command to specify the properties you want to use.

h t t
Pastespec is a great tool for copying and pasting objects with specific properties, saving you time and
ensuring consistency throughout your drawing. By using pastespec, you can quickly and easily create
objects with the same properties as other objects in your drawing.


Use this command to extract the centerline from a polyline. This is useful when you want to create a
new object that follows the centerline of an existing polyline. Simply select the polyline and use this
command to extract the centerline.

Pcextractcenterline is a great tool for creating new objects that follow the centerline of an existing
polyline, such as pipes or cables. By quickly extracting the centerline, you can save time and ensure
accuracy in your designs.


Use this command to extract the corner points from a polyline. This is useful when you want to create a
new object that follows the corners of an existing polyline. Simply select the polyline and use this
command to extract the corner points.

Page 122

Pcextractcorner is a great tool for creating new objects that follow the corners of an existing polyline,
such as walls or buildings. By quickly extracting the corner points, you can save time and ensure
accuracy in your designs.


Use this command to extract the edges from a polyline. This is useful when you want to create a new
object that follows the edges of an existing polyline. Simply select the polyline and use this command
to extract the edges.

Pcextractedge is a great tool for creating new objects that follow the edges of an existing polyline, such
as fences or boundaries. By quickly extracting the edges, you can save time and ensure accuracy in
your designs.


Use this command to extract a section from a 3D object. This is useful when you want to create a new
object that is a section of an existing 3D object. Simply select the 3D object and use this command to
specify the section plane.

d d ik
Pcextractsection is a great tool for creating new objects that are sections of existing 3D objects, such

/ /c a
as cross-sections of buildings or machinery. By quickly extracting sections, you can save time and
ensure accuracy in your designs.
t t p s
Use this command to start the Point Cloud Import wizard. This is useful when you want to import point
cloud data into your drawing. The wizard will guide you through the process of importing the data and
creating a point cloud object in your drawing.

Pcinwizard is a great tool for working with point cloud data, which is often used in surveying,
architecture, and engineering. By importing point cloud data directly into your drawing, you can work
more efficiently and accurately.


Use this command to adjust the scale of a PDF underlay. This is useful when you want to scale the
PDF to match the scale of your drawing. Simply select the PDF underlay and use this command to
adjust the scale.

Pdfadjust is a great tool for working with PDF underlays, which are often used to reference external
files in AutoCAD. By adjusting the scale, you can ensure that the PDF is accurately represented in your

Page 123


Use this command to attach a PDF file as an underlay in your drawing. This is useful when you want to
reference external information within your drawing, such as architectural plans or specifications. Simply
select the PDF file and use this command to attach it as an underlay.

Pdfattach is a great tool for working with external files in AutoCAD. By attaching PDF files as
underlays, you can reference important information within your drawing and ensure accuracy in your


Use this command to clip a PDF underlay to a specific boundary. This is useful when you only want to
display a portion of the PDF in your drawing. Simply select the PDF underlay and use this command to
specify the clipping boundary.

Pdfclip is a great tool for managing large PDF underlays in your drawing. By clipping the PDF to a
specific boundary, you can focus on the relevant information and eliminate unnecessary clutter.
d ik
/c ad
s : /
Use this command to import PDF files as AutoCAD objects. This is useful when you want to convert
t t
PDF files into editable AutoCAD drawings. Simply select the PDF file and use this command to import
it as an AutoCAD object. h
Pdfimport is a great tool for converting external files into AutoCAD objects, which can be edited and
manipulated within your drawing. By importing PDF files, you can work more efficiently and accurately.


Use this command to manage layers in a PDF underlay. This is useful when you want to control the
visibility and properties of layers within the PDF. Simply select the PDF underlay and use this
command to manage the layers.

Pdflayers is a great tool for working with PDF underlays that contain multiple layers. By managing the
layers, you can control the visibility of different parts of the PDF and ensure accuracy in your designs.


Use this command to convert SHX text in a PDF underlay to text objects in AutoCAD. This is useful
when you want to edit the text in the PDF and convert it to AutoCAD text. Simply select the PDF
underlay and use this command to convert the SHX text to AutoCAD text.

Page 124

Pdfshxtext is a great tool for working with text in PDF underlays. By converting the SHX text to
AutoCAD text, you can edit the text directly in your drawing and ensure accuracy in your designs.


Use this command to edit polylines and splines. This is useful when you want to modify the shape or
properties of a polyline or spline. Simply select the polyline or spline and use this command to modify it.

Pedit is a great tool for working with complex objects in AutoCAD. By editing polylines and splines, you
can make precise changes to the shape and properties of objects in your drawing.


Use this command to analyze the performance of AutoCAD. This is useful when you want to identify
issues that may be affecting the performance of the software. Simply use this command to start the
performance analyzer.

Perfanalyzer is a great tool for troubleshooting performance issues in AutoCAD. By analyzing the
performance, you can identify areas for improvement and optimize the software for your specific needs.

d d ik
: / /c a
t p s
Use this command to close the performance analyzer. Simply use this command to close the
performance analyzer window.h
Perfanalyzerclose is a simple tool for closing the performance analyzer window when you are finished
using it.


Use this command to create a 3D face object. This is useful when you want to create a flat, planar
surface in 3D space. Simply select the vertices that define the face and use this command to create
the object.

Pface is a great tool for creating 3D objects in AutoCAD. By creating 3D faces, you can build complex
shapes and surfaces in 3D space.


Use this command to set the current UCS to a predefined planar view. This is useful when you want to
work in a specific view, such as top, front, or right. Simply select the view you want to work in and use
this command to set the UCS.

Page 125

Plan is a great tool for working in specific views in AutoCAD. By setting the UCS to a predefined planar
view, you can work more efficiently and accurately in your drawing.


Use this command to create a planar surface in 3D space. This is useful when you want to create a flat
surface that is oriented to a specific plane. Simply select the boundary of the surface and use this
command to create the object.

Planesurf is a great tool for creating planar surfaces in 3D space. By creating planar surfaces, you can
build complex 3D objects that are oriented to specific planes or surfaces.


Use this command to create a polyline object. A polyline is a connected sequence of line and arc
segments. Simply select the points that define the polyline and use this command to create the object.

Pline is a fundamental tool in AutoCAD for creating 2D shapes and objects. By using polylines, you can
create complex shapes and objects with precision and accuracy.

d d ik
: / /c a
t p s
Use this command to plot your drawing to a printer or plotter. This is useful when you want to create a
physical copy of your drawing. Simply select the plotting settings and use this command to print the

Plot is a critical tool in AutoCAD for creating physical copies of your drawing. By using the plot
command, you can ensure that your drawing is accurately represented on paper or other media.


Use this command to add a plot stamp to your drawing. A plot stamp is a text object that contains
information about the plot, such as the date, time, and plotter name. Simply use this command to add
the plot stamp to your drawing.

Plotstamp is a useful tool for adding important information to your drawing. By adding a plot stamp, you
can track the history of your drawing and ensure that the information is up-to-date.


Use this command to manage plot styles in your drawing. A plot style is a collection of settings that
determine how objects in your drawing are plotted. Simply use this command to manage the plot styles
in your drawing.

Plotstyle is a critical tool in AutoCAD for controlling how objects in your drawing are plotted. By

Page 126

managing the plot styles, you can ensure that your drawing is accurately represented on paper or other


Use this command to manage the printers and plotters installed on your system. This is useful when
you want to select a specific device for plotting your drawing. Simply use this command to manage the
devices in the plotter manager.

Plottermanager is a useful tool for managing the printers and plotters used in AutoCAD. By managing
the devices, you can ensure that your drawing is accurately represented on paper or other media.


Use this command to toggle between paper space and model space. This is useful when you want to
switch between working in different spaces in your drawing. Simply use this command to toggle
between paper space and model space.

Pmtoggle is a useful tool for switching between different spaces in your drawing, such as paper space
and model space. By toggling between spaces, you can work more efficiently and accurately in your
d d ik
: / /c a
t t p s
Use this command to export your drawing to a PNG image file. This is useful when you want to share
your drawing as an image file. Simply select the settings for the PNG file and use this command to
export the drawing.

Pngout is a great tool for exporting your drawing as an image file that can be easily shared with others.
By exporting to PNG format, you can ensure that the image quality is high and the file size is small.


Use this command to create a point object. A point is a single location in 2D or 3D space. Simply select
the location and use this command to create the object.

Point is a basic tool in AutoCAD for creating objects with a single location. By using points, you can
mark important locations in your drawing and reference them in other objects.


Use this command to attach a point cloud object to your drawing. A point cloud is a collection of points
that represent a 3D object or environment. Simply select the point cloud file and use this command to
attach it to your drawing.

Pointcloudattach is a great tool for working with point cloud data, which is often used in surveying,

Page 127

architecture, and engineering. By attaching point cloud data directly to your drawing, you can work
more efficiently and accurately.


Use this command to manage the color mapping of a point cloud object in your drawing. This is useful
when you want to change the way the point cloud is displayed. Simply use this command to manage
the color mapping settings.

Pointcloudcolormap is a useful tool for managing the color mapping of point cloud objects in AutoCAD.
By managing the color mapping, you can control the way the point cloud is displayed and ensure
accuracy in your designs.


Use this command to crop a point cloud object to a specific boundary. This is useful when you want to
display only a portion of the point cloud. Simply select the point cloud object and use this command to
specify the cropping boundary.

m /
Pointcloudcrop is a great tool for managing large point cloud objects in AutoCAD. By cropping the point

d d ik
cloud to a specific boundary, you can focus on the relevant information and eliminate unnecessary

: / /c a
t t p s
Use this command to manage the state of the point cloud crop. This is useful when you want to switch
between the cropped and uncropped views of the point cloud. Simply use this command to toggle the
crop state.

Pointcloudcropstate is a simple tool for managing the crop state of point cloud objects in AutoCAD. By
toggling between the crop states, you can switch between different views of the point cloud and work
more efficiently in your drawing.


Use this command to manage point cloud objects in your drawing. This is useful when you want to add,
remove, or edit point cloud objects. Simply use this command to manage the point cloud objects in the
point cloud manager.

Pointcloudmanager is a critical tool for working with point cloud data in AutoCAD. By managing the
point cloud objects, you can ensure that the data is accurately represented in your drawing and work
more efficiently.


Use this command to close the point cloud manager. Simply use this command to close the point cloud

Page 128

manager window.

Pointcloudmanagerclose is a simple tool for closing the point cloud manager window when you are
finished using it.


Use this command to stylize a point cloud object in your drawing. This is useful when you want to
change the way the point cloud is displayed. Simply select the point cloud object and use this
command to apply the styling settings.

Pointcloudstylize is a great tool for managing the appearance of point cloud objects in AutoCAD. By
stylizing the point cloud, you can control the way it is displayed and ensure accuracy in your designs.


Use this command to uncrop a point cloud object in your drawing. This is useful when you want to view
the entire point cloud. Simply select the point cloud object and use this command to remove the
cropping boundary.
m /
Pointclouduncrop is a simple tool for removing the crop boundary of point cloud objects in AutoCAD.
/c ad
By uncropping the point cloud, you can view the entire object and work more efficiently in your drawing.

p s : /
h t t
Use this command to create a point light object in 3D space. A point light is a light source that radiates
light in all directions from a single point. Simply select the location and use this command to create the

Pointlight is a great tool for adding lighting effects to your 3D designs in AutoCAD. By using point
lights, you can create realistic lighting that enhances the visual impact of your designs.


Use this command to create a closed polygon object. A polygon is a 2D shape with straight sides and
angles. Simply select the points that define the polygon and use this command to create the object.

Polygon is a fundamental tool in AutoCAD for creating 2D shapes and objects. By using polygons, you
can create complex shapes and objects with precision and accuracy.


Use this command to create a 3D solid object from a polygon. Simply select the polygon and use this
command to create the object.

Polysolid is a great tool for creating 3D objects from 2D shapes in AutoCAD. By using polysolids, you

Page 129

can add depth and dimension to your designs and create complex 3D shapes.


Use this command to extrude or cut a region from an enclosed 2D shape. This is useful when you want
to create a 3D object from a 2D shape or cut a hole in an existing object. Simply select the region and
use this command to extrude or cut the object.

Presspull is a powerful tool in AutoCAD for creating 3D objects from 2D shapes and modifying existing
objects. By using presspull, you can add depth and dimension to your designs and make precise
modifications to existing objects.


Use this command to preview the plot settings for your drawing. This is useful when you want to see
how the drawing will appear when printed or plotted. Simply use this command to preview the plot

Preview is a great tool in AutoCAD for ensuring that your drawing will be accurately represented when
printed or plotted.

d d ik
By previewing the plot settings, you can make any necessary adjustments before actually printing or
plotting the drawing.
: / /c a
t t p s
Use this command to project 2D geometry onto a 3D surface. This is useful when you want to create
3D objects that are based on 2D shapes. Simply select the 2D geometry and the surface, and use this
command to project the geometry onto the surface.

Projectgeometry is a powerful tool in AutoCAD for creating complex 3D objects from 2D shapes. By
projecting the 2D geometry onto a 3D surface, you can add depth and dimension to your designs and
create intricate 3D shapes.


Use this command to view and modify the properties of an object in your drawing. This is useful when
you want to change the appearance or behavior of an object. Simply select the object and use this
command to access its properties.

Properties is a critical tool in AutoCAD for managing the properties of objects in your drawing. By using
the properties command, you can control the appearance and behavior of objects, ensuring accuracy
and consistency in your designs.


Page 130

Use this command to close the properties window. Simply use this command to close the properties
window when you are finished using it.

Propertiesclose is a simple tool for closing the properties window when you no longer need to view or
modify object properties.


Use this command to import plot settings from another drawing. This is useful when you want to use
the same plot settings as another drawing. Simply select the drawing and use this command to import
the plot settings.

Psetupin is a great tool in AutoCAD for quickly applying plot settings from another drawing. By
importing the plot settings, you can ensure that your drawing is accurately represented when printed or


m /
Use this command to export plot settings to a file. This is useful when you want to save a set of plot

d d ik
settings for future use. Simply select the settings and use this command to export the file.

/c a
Psout is a useful tool in AutoCAD for saving a set of plot settings for future use. By exporting the plot
: /
p s
settings, you can ensure that your drawing is accurately represented when printed or plotted in the
t t

Use this command to switch to paper space. Paper space is a layout environment where you can
create and arrange views of your drawing for printing or plotting. Simply use this command to switch to
paper space.

Pspace is a critical tool in AutoCAD for creating and arranging views of your drawing for printing or
plotting. By working in paper space, you can ensure that your drawing is accurately represented on
paper or other media.


PTYPE is a command that controls the display of point objects in AutoCAD. It allows you to change the
point style, size, and scale factor of points, as well as the layer on which they are placed. This
command is useful when working with point clouds or when you need to change the appearance of
point objects in your drawing.

Using PTYPE, you can select from a variety of point styles, such as squares, circles, and crosses, and
you can adjust the size and scale factor of points to make them more visible. You can also use the
command to set the default point style for new drawings.

Page 131


PUBLISH is a command that allows you to create and share a set of drawing files in a single PDF or
DWF file. This command is useful when you need to share a set of drawings with other people who
may not have AutoCAD or when you want to print a set of drawings in one go.

Using PUBLISH, you can select the drawings you want to include in the set and specify the settings for
the output file. You can also create multiple sets with different output settings and publish them all at
once. This command can save you time and effort when sharing or printing multiple drawings.


PURGE is a command that removes unused named objects, such as layers, linetypes, and text styles,
from your drawing. This command is useful when you want to reduce the size of your drawing file and
improve its performance.

Using PURGE, you can select the types of objects you want to remove and see a list of the named
objects that are currently in use. You can also use the command to remove unreferenced blocks and
remove zero-length geometry. This command can help you clean up your drawing and make it more
d d ik
: / /c a
t t p s
PURGEAECDATA is a command that removes unused AEC data, such as spaces, zones, and styles,
from your drawing. This command is useful when you want to reduce the size of your drawing file and
improve its performance.

Using PURGEAECDATA, you can select the types of AEC data you want to remove and see a list of
the data that is currently in use. This command can help you clean up your drawing and make it more
efficient, especially if you are working with large AEC models.


PUSHTODOCSCLOSE is a command that closes all open documents and saves changes to the
current drawing before closing it. This command is useful when you want to quickly close all open
drawings and save any changes you made.

Using PUSHTODOCSCLOSE, you can avoid the time-consuming process of manually saving and
closing each drawing. This command can help you streamline your workflow and save you time.


PUSHTODOCSOPEN is a command that opens a set of drawings specified in a sheet set file. This
command is useful when you want to quickly open a set of related drawings, such as a project set.

Page 132

Using PUSHTODOCSOPEN, you can select the sheet set file you want to open and choose which
drawings you want to open. This command can help you organize your drawing files and improve your


PYRAMID is a command that creates a four-sided pyramid object in your drawing. This command is
useful when you need to create 3D objects for architectural or mechanical designs.

Using PYRAMID, you can specify the base and height of the pyramid, as well as the location and
orientation in 3D space. You can also adjust the number of sides and the slope of the pyramid. This
command can help you create complex 3D objects quickly and efficiently.


QCCLOSE is a command that closes the QuickCalc calculator in AutoCAD. This command is useful
when you want to quickly close the calculator and return to your drawing.

m /
Using QCCLOSE, you can avoid the need to manually close the calculator window or click on the close

d d ik
button. This command can help you save time and streamline your workflow.

: / /c a
t t p s
QDIM is a command that creates dimensions for selected objects in your drawing. This command is
useful when you need to annotate your drawing with accurate and consistent dimensions.

Using QDIM, you can specify the dimension style, text height, and precision. You can also choose to
create dimensions for all objects in the drawing or only for selected objects. This command can help
you create clear and precise drawings that are easy to read and understand.


QLEADER is a command that creates a leader with a text annotation in your drawing. This command is
useful when you need to add explanatory notes or labels to your drawing.

Using QLEADER, you can specify the location and orientation of the leader, as well as the text content
and formatting. You can also adjust the arrowhead style and size. This command can help you create
professional-looking drawings that are easy to read and interpret.


QNEW is a command that creates a new drawing file in AutoCAD. This command is useful when you
need to start a new drawing from scratch or create a template for future drawings.

Using QNEW, you can specify the drawing units, paper size, and layout settings. You can also choose

Page 133

to start with a predefined template or a blank drawing. This command can help you get started with a
new drawing quickly and easily.


QSAVE is a command that saves the current drawing file in AutoCAD. This command is useful when
you want to save your work and avoid losing any changes you made.

Using QSAVE, you can quickly save your drawing without having to navigate through the save dialog
box. This command can help you save time and avoid the risk of losing your work due to unexpected
system crashes or power outages.


QSELECT is a command that selects objects in your drawing based on specific criteria. This command
is useful when you need to select a subset of objects for editing or analysis.

Using QSELECT, you can specify the object type, layer, color, linetype, or other properties. You can
also choose to select objects based on their geometric properties, such as size, shape, or location.
This command can help you save time and avoid the need to manually select objects one by one.

d d ik
: / /c a
t t p s
QTEXT is a command that creates single-line text objects in your drawing. This command is useful
when you need to add text annotations or labels to your drawing.

Using QTEXT, you can specify the text content, location, and orientation, as well as the text style and
formatting. You can also choose to create text in a specific height, width, or angle. This command can
help you create clear and legible text annotations that are easy to read and understand.


QUICKCALC is a command that opens a calculator in AutoCAD. This command is useful when you
need to perform quick calculations without leaving the drawing environment.

Using QUICKCALC, you can perform a variety of mathematical operations, such as addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division. You can also perform more complex calculations, such as
trigonometric functions, exponentials, and logarithms. This command can help you save time and avoid
the need to switch between different applications or tools.


QUICKCUI is a command that opens the Customize User Interface (CUI) editor in AutoCAD. This
command is useful when you need to customize the AutoCAD interface to your specific needs and

Page 134

Using QUICKCUI, you can add or remove commands, menus, toolbars, and shortcuts. You can also
modify the appearance and behavior of existing elements or create new ones from scratch. This
command can help you create a personalized and efficient working environment that suits your
workflow and style.


QUICKPROPERTIES is a command that displays a dialog box with the properties of selected objects
in your drawing. This command is useful when you need to quickly view or change the properties of
multiple objects at once.

Using QUICKPROPERTIES, you can see a list of object properties, such as layer, color, linetype, and
thickness. You can also change the value of specific properties without having to open the properties
dialog box. This command can help you save time and improve your productivity when working with
complex drawings.


m /
QUIT is a command that closes AutoCAD and exits the program. This command is useful when you

d d ik
have finished your work and want to close the application.

/ /c a
Using QUIT, you can avoid the need to manually close each drawing and exit the program. This
t p s
command can help you save time and streamline your workflow.
QVDRAWING is a command that switches the current view to a different drawing in AutoCAD. This
command is useful when you need to switch between different drawings quickly.

Using QVDRAWING, you can specify the name of the drawing you want to switch to and choose to
open it in the same or a new window. This command can help you manage multiple drawings and
improve your productivity when working on complex projects.


QVDRAWINGCLOSE is a command that closes the current drawing in AutoCAD. This command is
useful when you have finished working on a drawing and want to close it.

Using QVDRAWINGCLOSE, you can avoid the need to navigate through the close dialog box or click
on the close button. This command can help you save time and streamline your workflow.


QVLAYOUT is a command that switches the current view to a different layout in AutoCAD. This
command is useful when you need to switch between different layouts, such as paper space or model

Page 135


Using QVLAYOUT, you can specify the name of the layout you want to switch to and choose to open it
in the same or a new window. This command can help you manage multiple layouts and improve your
productivity when working on complex projects that require different types of views.


QVLAYOUTCLOSE is a command that closes the current layout in AutoCAD. This command is useful
when you have finished working on a layout and want to close it.

Using QVLAYOUTCLOSE, you can avoid the need to navigate through the close dialog box or click on
the close button. This command can help you save time and streamline your workflow.


RAY is a command that creates an infinite line in your drawing that starts from a specified point and
extends infinitely in one direction. This command is useful when you need to create construction lines
or reference lines that extend infinitely in one direction.
m /
Using RAY, you can specify the start point and the direction of the line. You can also use the command
/c ad
to create multiple rays that intersect at a specific point. This command can help you create accurate

p s : /
and precise drawings that are easy to read and understand.

RECOVER: h t t
RECOVER is a command that repairs a damaged or corrupted drawing file in AutoCAD. This
command is useful when you encounter issues with your drawing file, such as crashes, freezes, or
missing data.

Using RECOVER, you can select the damaged file and let AutoCAD attempt to repair it. You can also
specify the type of data to recover and whether to create a backup copy. This command can help you
recover valuable work and avoid the need to recreate drawings from scratch.


RECOVERALL is a command that repairs all damaged or corrupted drawing files in a specified folder
in AutoCAD. This command is useful when you have multiple drawing files that need to be repaired or
when you want to recover files automatically.

Using RECOVERALL, you can select the folder that contains the damaged files and let AutoCAD
attempt to repair them all. You can also specify the type of data to recover and whether to create
backup copies. This command can help you save time and recover valuable work without having to
manually repair each file.

Page 136


RECTANG is a command that creates a rectangular object in your drawing. This command is useful
when you need to create shapes or boundaries with a rectangular shape.

Using RECTANG, you can specify the location, size, and orientation of the rectangle. You can also
specify whether to create the rectangle as a polyline or a closed solid. This command can help you
create precise and accurate drawings with rectangular shapes.


REDEFINE is a command that redefines an existing block or xref in your drawing. This command is
useful when you need to update the definition of a block or xref without having to insert a new instance
of it.

Using REDEFINE, you can select the block or xref you want to redefine and specify the new definition.
You can also choose to update all instances of the block or xref in the drawing. This command can
help you update your drawing efficiently and avoid the need to manually replace each instance of the
block or xref.

d d ik
: / /c a
t t p s
REDO is a command that redoes the last action in your drawing. This command is useful when you
have undone an action and want to redo it again.

Using REDO, you can quickly repeat the last action without having to perform it again from scratch.
This command can help you save time and improve your productivity when working on complex
drawings that require multiple edits and changes.


REDRAW is a command that updates the display of your drawing. This command is useful when you
have made changes to your drawing and want to see the updated version.

Using REDRAW, you can force AutoCAD to update the display without having to manually zoom or
pan the view. This command can help you save time and improve your productivity when working on
large and complex drawings.


REDRAWALL is a command that updates the display of all open drawings in AutoCAD. This command
is useful when you have multiple drawings open and want to update them all at once.

Using REDRAWALL, you can force AutoCAD to update the display of all open drawings without having
to switch between them. This command can help you save time and improve your productivity when

Page 137

working on multiple drawings simultaneously.


REFCLOSE is a command that closes one or more attached reference files (xrefs) in your drawing.
This command is useful when you want to remove an xref from your drawing or when you have
finished working with a referenced file.

Using REFCLOSE, you can select the xrefs you want to close and choose to detach them or unload
them. You can also choose to save or discard any changes made to the referenced file. This command
can help you manage your xrefs efficiently and avoid the risk of errors or conflicts.


REFEDIT is a command that opens a referenced file (xref) for editing within the current drawing. This
command is useful when you need to make changes to a referenced file without having to open it in a
separate session of AutoCAD.

Using REFEDIT, you can edit the contents of the referenced file as if it were part of the current
drawing. You can also specify the editing options and settings, such as the color, layer, and linetype.

d d ik
This command can help you save time and improve your productivity when working with complex

: / / a
drawings that require frequent edits and changes.
t t p s
REFSET is a command that sets the scale, rotation, and insertion point of a referenced file (xref) in
your drawing. This command is useful when you need to adjust the position and orientation of a
referenced file to match the current drawing.

Using REFSET, you can specify the scaling factor, angle of rotation, and offset of the xref. You can
also choose to update all instances of the xref in the drawing. This command can help you create
accurate and precise drawings that are easy to read and understand.


REGEN is a command that regenerates the display of your drawing, recalculating all object properties
and updating the screen. This command is useful when you encounter display issues or when the
screen does not update correctly.

Using REGEN, you can force AutoCAD to recalculate all object properties and update the screen
without having to zoom or pan the view. This command can help you improve the accuracy and clarity
of your drawing and avoid display errors or glitches.


REGEN3 is a command that regenerates the display of your drawing in 3D, recalculating all object

Page 138

properties and updating the screen. This command is useful when you are working with 3D models or
when you encounter display issues in the 3D view.

Using REGEN3, you can force AutoCAD to recalculate all object properties and update the screen in
3D mode. This command can help you improve the accuracy and clarity of your 3D models and avoid
display errors or glitches.


REGENALL is a command that regenerates the display of all open drawings in AutoCAD, recalculating
all object properties and updating the screen. This command is useful when you have multiple
drawings open and want to update them all at once.

Using REGENALL, you can force AutoCAD to recalculate all object properties and update the screen
of all open drawings without having to switch between them. This command can help you save time
and improve your productivity when working on multiple drawings simultaneously.


m /
REGENAUTO is a command that enables or disables the automatic regeneration of your drawing. This

d d ik
command is useful when you want to control when and how the display is updated.

/ /c a
Using REGENAUTO, you can specify the settings for the automatic regeneration, such as the delay
t p s
time and the object selection. You can also choose to enable or disable the command for the current
drawing or for all future drawings. This command can help you optimize the performance and efficiency
of AutoCAD and avoid unnecessary delays or interruptions.


REGION is a command that creates a closed 2D region in your drawing from a specified set of objects.
This command is useful when you need to create a boundary or fill area that has a specific shape.

Using REGION, you can select the objects you want to include in the region and specify the properties,
such as the color and transparency. You can also use the region as a boundary for trimming or
hatching. This command can help you create complex shapes and boundaries with precision and


REINIT is a command that reinitializes the AutoCAD environment, resetting all system variables and
user preferences. This command is useful when you encounter issues with the AutoCAD interface or

Page 139

Using REINIT, you can restore the default settings and preferences of AutoCAD without having to
manually adjust each setting. This command can help you troubleshoot and fix issues with AutoCAD
quickly and efficiently.


RENAME is a command that renames a selected object in your drawing. This command is useful when
you need to change the name of an object to a more descriptive or meaningful one.

Using RENAME, you can select the object you want to rename and specify the new name. You can
also choose to update all references to the object in the drawing. This command can help you organize
and manage your drawing files and avoid confusion or errors.


RENDER is a command that generates a photorealistic image of your 3D model in AutoCAD. This
command is useful when you need to create high-quality and realistic images for presentations,
marketing materials, or design reviews.
m /
Using RENDER, you can specify the rendering settings, such as the lighting, materials, and camera
/c ad
settings. You can also choose the output format and resolution of the image. This command can help

p s : /
you showcase your designs and ideas in a professional and visually appealing way.

RENDERCROP is a command that crops a rendered image in AutoCAD, removing any unwanted parts
of the image. This command is useful when you want to focus on a specific part of the image or
remove any distractions or irrelevant elements.

Using RENDERCROP, you can specify the area you want to keep in the image and remove the rest.
You can also choose the output format and resolution of the cropped image. This command can help
you refine and polish your rendered images and make them more effective for your intended purpose.


RENDERENVIRONMENT is a command that manages the environment settings for rendering in

AutoCAD. This command is useful when you need to adjust the lighting, background, and other
environmental factors for your rendered images.

Using RENDERENVIRONMENT, you can specify the lighting and background settings for the
rendering, such as the type of lighting, the color of the sky, and the ground plane. You can also choose
to apply the settings to the current rendering or to all future renderings. This command can help you
create realistic and visually appealing rendered images that convey your design intent effectively.

Page 140


RENDERENVIRONMENTCLOSE is a command that closes the environment settings window for

rendering in AutoCAD. This command is useful when you have finished adjusting the environment
settings and want to close the window.

Using RENDERENVIRONMENTCLOSE, you can avoid the need to navigate through the close dialog
box or click on the close button. This command can help you save time and streamline your workflow
when working on rendering projects.


RENDEREXPOSURE is a command that manages the exposure settings for rendering in AutoCAD.
This command is useful when you need to adjust the brightness, contrast, and other exposure factors
for your rendered images.

Using RENDEREXPOSURE, you can specify the exposure settings for the rendering, such as the
exposure value, the white balance, and the gamma correction. You can also choose to apply the
settings to the current rendering or to all future renderings. This command can help you create high-

d d ik
quality and visually appealing rendered images that showcase your design intent effectively.

: / /c a
t t p s
RENDEREXPOSURECLOSE is a command that closes the exposure settings window for rendering in
AutoCAD. This command is useful when you have finished adjusting the exposure settings and want to
close the window.

Using RENDEREXPOSURECLOSE, you can avoid the need to navigate through the close dialog box
or click on the close button. This command can help you save time and improve your workflow when
working on rendering projects.


RENDERONLINE is a command that renders your 3D model using the Autodesk rendering cloud
service. This command is useful when you need to render high-quality and photorealistic images but
do not have the hardware or resources to do so locally.

Using RENDERONLINE, you can upload your 3D model to the Autodesk rendering cloud and specify
the rendering settings. You can also preview the rendering and download the final image. This
command can help you access advanced rendering capabilities and create stunning images without
the need for expensive hardware or software.


RENDERPRESETS is a command that manages the rendering presets for your 3D model in AutoCAD.

Page 141

This command is useful when you need to apply predefined rendering settings to your model quickly
and easily.

Using RENDERPRESETS, you can select from a list of preset rendering settings, such as indoor,
outdoor, or product design.

You can also create your own custom presets and save them for future use. This command can help
you streamline your workflow and create high-quality rendered images efficiently.


RENDERPRESETSCLOSE is a command that closes the rendering presets window in AutoCAD. This
command is useful when you have finished selecting or creating the rendering presets and want to
close the window.

Using RENDERPRESETSCLOSE, you can avoid the need to navigate through the close dialog box or
click on the close button. This command can help you save time and improve your workflow when
working on rendering projects.

m /

d d ik
RENDERWIN is a command that opens the render window in AutoCAD, allowing you to preview and

/ /c a
adjust the rendering settings for your 3D model.
t t p s
Using RENDERWIN, you can preview the rendering in real-time and adjust the lighting, materials, and
camera settings. You can also specify the output format and resolution of the rendered image. This
command can help you fine-tune your rendering settings and create high-quality and visually appealing
images that communicate your design intent effectively.


Allows you to create a rendered image of your 3D model by defining a window or boundary within
which to render. You can adjust the rendering settings to achieve the desired output. This command is
useful for creating high-quality images to be used in presentations or marketing materials.

It is important to note that rendering can be a time-consuming process, especially for complex models,
and may require a powerful computer with a dedicated graphics card.


Closes the Render Window and cancels the current rendering process. Use this command if you need
to stop the rendering process for any reason.


Resets a block to its default position, scale, and rotation. This command is useful when you want to

Page 142

revert a block to its original state or undo any modifications made to it.

It is important to note that this command will reset all instances of the block in your drawing, not just
the selected instance.


Resumes a paused command. If you accidentally paused a command or need to return to a paused
command, use this command to resume it.


Creates a revision cloud around selected objects to indicate changes or revisions made to a drawing.
You can adjust the properties of the revision cloud to change its appearance, such as the radius of the
cloud or the style of the arc segments.

This command is useful when working with drawings that require revision tracking, such as
architectural plans or engineering schematics.

m /

d ik
Allows you to modify the properties of an existing revision cloud, such as its style, arc length, or color.
s : /
Use this command if you need to make changes to an existing revision cloud.
REVERSE: h t t
Reverses the direction of selected objects. This command is useful for flipping objects horizontally or
vertically, such as text or lines.


Creates a 3D solid or surface by revolving a 2D object around an axis. You can specify the axis of
revolution, angle of rotation, and other properties of the resulting object. This command is useful for
creating objects with rotational symmetry, such as vases or columns.


Creates a 3D surface by revolving a 2D curve around an axis. You can specify the axis of revolution,
angle of rotation, and other properties of the resulting surface. This command is useful for creating
complex shapes or surfaces with rotational symmetry, such as turbine blades or automotive parts.


Page 143

Toggles the display of the ribbon interface. The ribbon provides access to various AutoCAD commands
and tools through a series of tabs and panels.


Closes the ribbon interface. Use this command if you need to maximize the drawing area or prefer to
use the command line to access AutoCAD commands.


Rotates selected objects around a specified base point. You can specify the angle of rotation and other
properties of the resulting object. This command is useful for adjusting the orientation of objects or
aligning them with other elements in your drawing.


Rotates selected objects around a specified axis in 3D space. You can specify the angle of rotation
m /
and other properties of the resulting object. This command is useful for adjusting the orientation of 3D
objects or aligning them with other elements in your drawing.

d ik
/c ad
p s : /
h t t
Displays the Reference Editor palette, which allows you to manage external references (Xrefs) in your
drawing. You can use this command to attach or detach Xrefs, reload Xrefs, and modify their

This command is useful when working with complex drawings that contain multiple Xrefs, or when
collaborating with other designers who may be working on separate parts of the same project.


Closes the Reference Editor palette.


Runs a script file that contains a sequence of AutoCAD commands. You can use this command to
automate repetitive tasks or perform complex operations that would be cumbersome to execute


Page 144

Creates a ruled surface between two selected curves. A ruled surface is a surface that can be created
by sweeping a straight line between two curves. This command is useful for creating complex surfaces,
such as ship hulls or airplane wings.


Saves the current drawing. Use this command frequently to avoid losing any changes made to your


Saves the current drawing under a new name or file format. Use this command when you want to save
a copy of your drawing with a different name or in a different file format.


Saves a rendered image of your drawing as a file. You can specify the output format, resolution, and
m /
other properties of the image. This command is useful for creating high-quality images to be used in
presentations or marketing materials.

d ik
/c ad
p s : /
h t t
Publishes a copy of your drawing to Autodesk’s web and mobile platform. This command allows you to
share your drawing with others who may not have access to AutoCAD, or to access your drawing from
a different device or location.


Changes the size of selected objects uniformly in all directions. You can specify the base point of the
scaling operation, as well as the scale factor or reference length. This command is useful for resizing
objects or adjusting their proportions.


Modifies the list of available scales that can be used in the SCALE command. You can add or remove
scales from the list, or modify the properties of existing scales. This command is useful when working
with drawings that require precise scaling, such as architectural plans or engineering schematics.


Changes the size of selected text objects. You can specify the base point of the scaling operation, as
well as the scale factor or reference height. This command is useful for adjusting the size of text to fit
within a specific area or to match the scale of other elements in your drawing.

Page 145


Loads a script file that contains a sequence of AutoCAD commands. Use this command when you
want to execute a script file that has already been created, or to load a script file that is included with


Executes a specific command in a script file. You can use this command to run a specific portion of a
script file, rather than executing the entire script from the beginning.


Creates a section view of your 3D model by defining a cutting plane and a viewing direction. You can
specify the properties of the section view, such as the depth and offset of the cutting plane, or the
scale of the resulting view. This command is useful for creating detailed section views of mechanical or
architectural designs.
m /
d ik
/c ad
p s /
Creates a section plane object that can be used to create a section view of your 3D model. You can
specify the properties of the section plane, such as its location and orientation, or use it to create a
new section view.
h t t

Creates a jog in a section plane to show an angled cut through an object in a section view. You can
specify the properties of the jog, such as the angle of the cut or the length of the jog.


Modifies the properties of a section plane object, such as its location, orientation, or depth. You can
use this command to fine-tune the appearance of a section view or adjust the position of a section
plane object.


Converts a section plane object to a block, which can be saved for later use or inserted into other
drawings. This command is useful for creating standard section plane blocks that can be used across
multiple drawings.


Controls the properties of section view labels, such as the text style or content. Use this command to

Page 146

customize the appearance of section view labels in your drawing.


Displays the AutoCAD Security Options dialog box, which allows you to set password protection for
your drawing files or control access to certain AutoCAD features. This command is useful for protecting
sensitive or confidential information in your drawings.


Selects objects in your drawing based on a variety of criteria, such as object type, layer, or color. You
can use this command to select objects for modification or manipulation.


Displays the number of objects currently selected in your drawing.

m /
Selects objects in your drawing that are similar to a selected object. You can specify the criteria for
/c ad
similarity, such as object type, layer, or color. This command is useful for selecting multiple objects that
share common properties.

p s : /
Sets the properties of selected objects to match the properties of the current layer. This command is
useful for maintaining consistent properties across multiple objects in your drawing.


Displays or modifies the value of an AutoCAD system variable. System variables control various
aspects of AutoCAD’s behavior, such as units of measurement or display settings.


Changes the display mode of your drawing between 2D wireframe, 3D wireframe, or shaded. This
command is useful for toggling between different display modes to better visualize your design.


Inserts a custom shape from a specified shape file. You can use this command to add unique shapes
to your drawing that are not available in AutoCAD’s default shape library.


Page 147

Allows you to collaborate with others in real-time on a drawing using Autodesk’s cloud-based
collaboration platform. Use this command to invite others to view or edit your drawing, or to view and
edit drawings shared with you by others.


Allows you to share a view of your drawing with others who may not have access to AutoCAD. Use this
command to create a shared view link that can be shared via email or other communication channels.


Closes the Shared Views palette.


Displays a shared view of your drawing that has been shared with you by someone else. Use this
command to view and interact with a shared view link that has been sent to you.
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Creates and manages a set of sheets or drawings within a single file. You can use this command to
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organize your drawings into sets, add or remove sheets from the set, or modify the properties of the
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Hides the Sheet Set Manager palette. Use this command to maximize the drawing area or to
temporarily hide the Sheet Set Manager palette.


Creates a 3D solid or surface by removing the interior material from a selected 3D object. You can
specify the thickness of the resulting shell, as well as other properties of the object. This command is
useful for creating hollow objects or removing material from solid objects.


Toggles the display of the palettes interface. The palettes provide access to various AutoCAD tools
and settings through a series of tabs and panels.


Page 148

Displays the Render Gallery palette, which provides access to a variety of rendering presets and
settings. Use this command to quickly apply a rendering effect to your 3D model.


Validates the digital signature of a drawing file to ensure that it has not been modified or tampered
with. This command is useful for verifying the authenticity and integrity of a drawing file.


The SKETCH command in AutoCAD allows you to create freehand sketches or lines with precision. It’s
useful for creating initial design concepts or adding annotations to drawings. You can choose from
different drawing modes and set the accuracy of your sketch. You can also convert your sketch into
geometry or edit it further using the Sketch Editor.

SKETCH is particularly useful for architects, engineers, and designers who need to create rough
sketches or drawings quickly and accurately. It’s also helpful for anyone who needs to annotate
existing drawings or add details to them.
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The SLICE command in AutoCAD allows you to divide 3D objects into smaller sections. You can
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specify a cutting plane or surface to slice an object, and then choose to keep or discard the sections on
either side of the slice. You can also use the SLICE command to create new objects from the sliced

The SLICE command is useful for architects and engineers who need to analyze or modify complex 3D
objects. For example, you can use the SLICE command to analyze the cross-section of a building or
mechanical part, or to create a mold for manufacturing purposes.


The SNAP command in AutoCAD allows you to align your cursor with predefined snap points, such as
endpoints, intersections, or midpoints. This makes it easier to draw accurate and consistent geometry.
You can customize the snap settings to suit your needs, and toggle the snap mode on or off as needed.

The SNAP command is essential for anyone who needs to create precise drawings, such as architects,
engineers, and designers. It can save time and reduce errors by ensuring that lines and objects are
aligned correctly.


The SOLDRAW command in AutoCAD allows you to create 3D solid objects by drawing lines or
shapes in 3D space. You can extrude or revolve 2D geometry to create solid objects, or create
complex shapes using Boolean operations. You can also edit the resulting solids using various tools

Page 149

and commands.

SOLDRAW is useful for anyone who needs to create 3D objects, such as architects, engineers, and
product designers. It’s also helpful for anyone who needs to visualize or simulate real-world objects in
3D space.


The SOLID command in AutoCAD allows you to create a 3D solid object from existing geometry, such
as lines, arcs, or circles. You can specify the thickness and height of the solid, as well as the material
and properties. You can also edit the solid using various tools and commands.

The SOLID command is useful for anyone who needs to create 3D objects quickly and easily, such as
architects, engineers, and designers. It’s also helpful for anyone who needs to import 3D objects from
other software or formats.


The SOLIDEDIT command in AutoCAD allows you to modify 3D solid objects using various tools and
commands. You can edit the faces, edges, and vertices of a solid, as well as move, rotate, or scale it.

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You can also use Boolean operations to combine or subtract solids.

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SOLIDEDIT is useful for architects, engineers, and designers who need to modify or customize existing
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3D objects. It’s also helpful for anyone who needs to analyze or simulate 3D objects for various
purposes. h

The SOLPROF command in AutoCAD allows you to create a profile view of a 3D solid object. You can
choose from various options to customize the appearance of the profile view, such as the scale, layer,
and annotation style. You can also update the profile view automatically if the solid object changes.

SOLPROF is useful for architects, engineers, and designers who need to create detailed sections or
elevations of 3D objects. It’s also helpful for anyone who needs to document or communicate 3D
objects in a clear and concise way.


The SOLVIEW command in AutoCAD allows you to create 2D views of a 3D solid object. You can
choose from various options to customize the appearance of the view, such as the scale, layer, and
annotation style. You can also update the view automatically if the solid object changes.

SOLVIEW is useful for architects, engineers, and designers who need to create 2D drawings or
diagrams of 3D objects. It’s also helpful for anyone who needs to document or communicate 3D
objects in a simplified way.

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The SPACETRANS command in AutoCAD allows you to transform objects or entities between model
space and paper space. You can specify the scaling, rotation, and translation of the objects, as well as
the insertion point and reference angle. You can also apply different transformations to different
objects or entities.

SPACETRANS is useful for architects, engineers, and designers who need to create drawings or
layouts in different scales or orientations. It’s also helpful for anyone who needs to arrange or align
objects or entities in different views.


The SPELL command in AutoCAD allows you to check the spelling of text in your drawing. You can
specify the dictionary and language for the spell check, as well as the options for ignoring or adding
words. You can also correct the spelling errors manually or automatically.

SPELL is useful for anyone who needs to create documents or annotations with accurate spelling and
grammar. It can save time and improve the quality of your work.

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The SPHERE command in AutoCAD allows you to create a 3D sphere object with a specified center
point and radius. You can customize the appearance of the sphere, such as the color, material, and
transparency. You can also edit the sphere using various tools and commands.

SPHERE is useful for architects, engineers, and designers who need to create 3D objects quickly and
easily, such as for rendering or visualization purposes. It’s also helpful for anyone who needs to
simulate or model spherical objects.


The SPLINE command in AutoCAD allows you to create a smooth curve that passes through a series
of control points. You can choose from different spline types and options to customize the appearance
of the curve. You can also edit the spline using various tools and commands.

SPLINE is useful for architects, engineers, and designers who need to create curved or organic shapes
with precision. It’s also helpful for anyone who needs to interpolate or approximate a curve based on a
set of data points.


The SPLINEDIT command in AutoCAD allows you to modify a spline curve by editing its control points,
knots, or fit points. You can add or delete control points, adjust their position or weight, or convert them
to different types. You can also smooth or straighten the curve, or change its continuity or tangent

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SPLINEDIT is useful for architects, engineers, and designers who need to refine or tweak existing
spline curves. It’s also helpful for anyone who needs to create or modify complex organic shapes with


The SPOTLIGHT command in AutoCAD allows you to create a spotlight object that simulates the
lighting effects of a real-world spotlight. You can customize the intensity, angle, and color of the light,
as well as the shape and size of the cone. You can also adjust the position and orientation of the

SPOTLIGHT is useful for architects, engineers, and designers who need to create realistic lighting
effects for their drawings or renderings. It’s also helpful for anyone who needs to simulate or visualize
the effects of different lighting scenarios.


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The STANDARDS command in AutoCAD allows you to define, manage, and apply standards for your

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drawings. You can specify various settings and criteria, such as layer names, colors, line types, and

external sources.
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dimension styles. You can also create and customize your own standards, or import them from
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STANDARDS is useful for architects, engineers, and designers who need to ensure that their drawings
comply with industry or organizational standards. It can also help to improve the consistency and
quality of your work.


The STATUS command in AutoCAD allows you to display information about the current status of your
drawing. You can view the current settings and values for various parameters, such as the drawing
units, scale, and layout. You can also check the system variables and view any messages or errors.

STATUS is useful for anyone who needs to monitor or troubleshoot their AutoCAD session. It can help
you to identify any issues or errors that may affect your work.


The STLOUT command in AutoCAD allows you to export a 3D solid object to an STL
(STereoLithography) file format. STL files are commonly used in 3D printing and rapid prototyping
applications. You can specify the resolution and quality of the output, as well as the units and

STLOUT is useful for architects, engineers, and designers who need to prepare their 3D models for
manufacturing or prototyping. It’s also helpful for anyone who needs to share or exchange 3D models

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with other software or platforms.


The STRETCH command in AutoCAD allows you to move or stretch a selection of objects or entities.
You can specify a base point and a second point to define the stretching direction and distance. You
can also choose to stretch only certain parts of the selection or maintain the relative distances between

STRETCH is useful for anyone who needs to modify or adjust the position of objects or entities in their
drawing. It can save time and reduce the need for manual editing or redrawing.


The STYLE command in AutoCAD allows you to create or modify text styles for your drawing. You can
specify various parameters, such as the font, size, spacing, and alignment. You can also preview and
apply the styles to your text objects.

STYLE is useful for anyone who needs to customize the appearance of their text or create consistent
text styles throughout their drawing. It can also help to improve the readability and clarity of your
annotations or labels.
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The STYLESMANAGER command in AutoCAD allows you to manage and organize your text,
dimension, and table styles in one place. You can create, modify, copy, or delete styles, and preview or
apply them to your objects. You can also export or import style files to share or transfer styles between
drawings or projects.

STYLESMANAGER is useful for architects, engineers, and designers who need to maintain a
consistent and organized library of styles for their drawings. It can also help to streamline the style
management process and reduce errors or inconsistencies.


The SUBTRACT command in AutoCAD allows you to subtract one set of objects or entities from
another set. You can choose from different subtraction options, such as keeping or discarding the
subtracted objects or creating a new set of objects. You can also use Boolean operations to subtract
multiple sets of objects or entities.

SUBTRACT is useful for architects, engineers, and designers who need to modify or subtract parts of
their drawings or models. It can also help to create complex or custom shapes or objects.


The SUNPROPERTIES command in AutoCAD allows you to specify the location, date, and time of day

Page 153

for a sun or sky light in your drawing. You can choose from different presets or set your own values for
the latitude, longitude, and time zone. You can also adjust the intensity, color, and other properties of
the light.

SUNPROPERTIES is useful for architects, engineers, and designers who need to simulate or analyze
the lighting conditions for their projects. It can also help to create realistic or artistic renderings or


The SUNPROPERTIESCLOSE command in AutoCAD allows you to close the Sun Properties dialog
box, which is opened by the SUNPROPERTIES command. This command is useful for anyone who
wants to close the dialog box quickly or return to their drawing.


The SURFBLEND command in AutoCAD allows you to blend two or more surfaces or curves into a
smooth transition. You can choose from different blending options, such as lofting, sweeping, or

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patching. You can also adjust the continuity, curvature, and other properties of the blend.

SURFBLEND is useful for architects, engineers, and designers who need to create complex or organic
shapes with smooth transitions. It can also help to create realistic or artistic renderings or visualizations.
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The SURFEXTEND command in AutoCAD allows you to extend a surface or curve beyond its original
boundaries. You can specify the direction and distance of the extension, as well as the continuity and
curvature of the resulting surface or curve.

SURFEXTEND is useful for architects, engineers, and designers who need to modify or extend existing
surfaces or curves. It can also help to create smooth or seamless transitions between different parts of
a drawing or model.


The SURFEXTRACTCURVE command in AutoCAD allows you to extract a curve from a surface or
edge of a solid object. You can choose from different extraction options, such as the degree of the
curve or the proximity to other surfaces or edges. You can also adjust the continuity and curvature of
the resulting curve.

SURFEXTRACTCURVE is useful for architects, engineers, and designers who need to create or
modify complex shapes or objects. It can also help to analyze or simulate the geometry of a drawing or


Page 154

The SURFFILLET command in AutoCAD allows you to create a fillet or rounded corner between two
surfaces or edges of a solid object. You can choose from different fillet types and options, such as the
radius, mode, or trim behavior. You can also preview and adjust the fillet using various tools and

SURFFILLET is useful for architects, engineers, and designers who need to create smooth transitions
between different parts of a solid object. It can also help to improve the aesthetics or functionality of a


The SURFNETWORK command in AutoCAD allows you to create a surface network or mesh from a
set of curves or surfaces. You can choose from different network options, such as the resolution,
continuity, or density. You can also edit the resulting network using various tools and commands.

SURFNETWORK is useful for architects, engineers, and designers who need to create or modify
complex or irregular shapes. It can also help to simulate or analyze the behavior of a surface or object
under different conditions.
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The SURFOFFSET command in AutoCAD allows you to offset a surface or curve to create a new

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surface or curve at a specified distance. You can choose from different offset options, such as the
direction, side, or continuity. You can also preview and adjust the resulting surface or curve using
various tools and commands.

SURFOFFSET is useful for architects, engineers, and designers who need to create or modify complex
shapes or objects. It can also help to simulate or analyze the behavior of a surface or object under
different conditions.


The SURFPATCH command in AutoCAD allows you to create a surface patch or fill between two or
more curves or surfaces. You can choose from different patch options, such as the method, tolerance,
or continuity. You can also preview and adjust the resulting surface using various tools and commands.

SURFPATCH is useful for architects, engineers, and designers who need to create or modify complex
or irregular shapes. It can also help to simulate or analyze the behavior of a surface or object under
different conditions.


The SURFSCULPT command in AutoCAD allows you to sculpt or deform a surface using a set of
curves or points. You can choose from different sculpting options, such as the brush size, strength, or
falloff. You can also preview and adjust the resulting surface using various tools and commands.

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SURFSCULPT is useful for architects, engineers, and designers who need to create or modify complex
or organic shapes. It can also help to simulate or visualize the behavior of a surface or object under
different forces or stresses.


The SURFTRIM command in AutoCAD allows you to trim or split a surface using a set of curves or
surfaces. You can choose from different trimming options, such as the mode, direction, or extend
behavior. You can also preview and adjust the resulting surface using various tools and commands.

SURFTRIM is useful for architects, engineers, and designers who need to create or modify complex or
irregular shapes. It can also help to simulate or analyze the behavior of a surface or object under
different conditions.


The SURFUNTRIM command in AutoCAD allows you to untrim or restore a trimmed surface to its
original state. You can choose from different untrimming options, such as restoring the surface to its
previous trim boundary or extending it to a new boundary. You can also preview and adjust the
resulting surface using various tools and commands.
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SURFUNTRIM is useful for architects, engineers, and designers who need to modify or restore a
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previously trimmed surface. It can also help to simulate or analyze the behavior of a surface or object
under different conditions. h

The SWEEP command in AutoCAD allows you to create a 3D solid or surface object by sweeping a 2D
profile along a path or curve. You can choose from different sweep options, such as the twist, scale, or
orientation. You can also preview and adjust the resulting object using various tools and commands.

SWEEP is useful for architects, engineers, and designers who need to create complex or irregular
shapes or objects. It can also help to simulate or analyze the behavior of a surface or object under
different conditions.


The SYSVARMONITOR command in AutoCAD allows you to monitor and track the changes to system
variables in your drawing. You can specify the variables to monitor, the frequency of updates, and the
display format. You can also save or export the monitor data for further analysis or sharing.

SYSVARMONITOR is useful for anyone who needs to monitor or troubleshoot their AutoCAD session
or drawing. It can help you to identify any issues or errors that may affect your work.

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The SYSWINDOWS command in AutoCAD allows you to display or hide various system windows or
panels in your AutoCAD interface. You can choose from different windows, such as the command line,
properties palette, or toolbars. You can also customize the layout and position of the windows.

SYSWINDOWS is useful for anyone who needs to adjust or customize their AutoCAD interface or
workspace. It can also help to improve the productivity and efficiency of your work.


The TABLE command in AutoCAD allows you to create or modify a table object in your drawing. You
can specify the number of rows and columns, the cell size and style, and the content or data. You can
also format or customize the table using various tools and commands.

TABLE is useful for architects, engineers, and designers who need to create or present tabular data or
information in their drawings. It can also help to improve the clarity and organization of your
annotations or labels.
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The TABLEDIT command in AutoCAD allows you to edit or modify an existing table object in your
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drawing. You can add or delete rows and columns, adjust the cell size and style, and edit the content
or data. You can also format or customize the table using various tools and commands.

TABLEDIT is useful for architects, engineers, and designers who need to modify or update an existing
table in their drawing. It can also help to improve the accuracy and completeness of your data or


The TABLEEXPORT command in AutoCAD allows you to export a table object in your drawing to
various file formats, such as CSV, TXT, or XLS. You can choose the output format and options, such
as the delimiter, encoding, or layout. You can also customize the data or information exported.

TABLEEXPORT is useful for anyone who needs to share or exchange tabular data or information with
other software or platforms. It can also help to improve the compatibility and accessibility of your data
or information.


The TABLESTYLE command in AutoCAD allows you to manage and modify the table styles in your
drawing. You can create, copy, or delete styles, and adjust the settings or properties of the styles. You
can also apply or preview the styles to your tables.

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TABLESTYLE is useful for architects, engineers, and designers who need to maintain a consistent and
organized library of table styles for their drawings. It can also help to streamline the table management
process and reduce errors or inconsistencies.


The TABLET command in AutoCAD allows you to display or hide the Tablet Tools toolbar, which
provides additional tools and commands for users who use a tablet or pen input device. You can
choose from different tablet options, such as the pressure sensitivity, tilt, or orientation. You can also
customize the toolbar or settings.

TABLET is useful for users who work with a tablet or pen input device, such as graphic designers or
artists. It can help to improve the precision and accuracy of your work, as well as the efficiency of your


The TABSURF command in AutoCAD allows you to create a surface object from a set of tabulated
data or points. You can specify the format and layout of the data, as well as the interpolation method

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and options. You can also preview and adjust the resulting surface using various tools and commands.

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TABSURF is useful for architects, engineers, and designers who need to create or analyze surfaces
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from tabulated data or information, such as terrain elevations or temperature distributions. It can also
help to improve the accuracy and completeness of your data or information.


The TARGETPOINT command in AutoCAD allows you to specify or modify the target point for a
camera view or perspective. You can choose from different options, such as the location, distance, or
angle. You can also preview or adjust the camera view or perspective using various tools and

TARGETPOINT is useful for architects, engineers, and designers who need to create or modify
camera views or perspectives for their drawings or models. It can also help to improve the realism or
visualization of your design.


The TASKBAR command in AutoCAD allows you to display or hide the Windows taskbar in your
AutoCAD interface. You can choose from different options, such as the position, size, or behavior. You
can also customize the taskbar or settings.

TASKBAR is useful for anyone who needs to adjust or customize their AutoCAD interface or
workspace. It can also help to improve the productivity and efficiency of your work.

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The TEXT command in AutoCAD allows you to create or modify a single-line or multiline text object in
your drawing. You can specify the content, format, size, and style of the text. You can also adjust the
position, alignment, or angle of the text using various tools and commands.

TEXT is useful for architects, engineers, and designers who need to add annotations, labels, or notes
to their drawings. It can also help to improve the clarity and organization of your design.


The TEXTALIGN command in AutoCAD allows you to align or distribute multiple text objects in your
drawing. You can choose from different alignment options, such as left, center, or right, as well as
distribute options, such as evenly or spaced. You can also preview or adjust the alignment using
various tools and commands.

TEXTALIGN is useful for architects, engineers, and designers who need to align or distribute multiple
text objects in their drawings. It can help to improve the organization and readability of your
annotations or labels.

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The TEXTEDIT command in AutoCAD allows you to edit or modify an existing text object in your
drawing. You can change the content, format, size, and style of the text. You can also adjust the
position, alignment, or angle of the text using various tools and commands.

TEXTEDIT is useful for architects, engineers, and designers who need to modify or update an existing
text object in their drawings. It can also help to improve the accuracy and completeness of your
annotations or labels.


The TEXTSCR command in AutoCAD allows you to create or modify a text object using the screen text
editor. You can specify the content, format, size, and style of the text. You can also adjust the position,
alignment, or angle of the text using various tools and commands.

TEXTSCR is useful for anyone who needs to create or modify text objects quickly and easily using the
screen text editor. It can help to improve the efficiency and speed of your work.


The TEXTTOFRONT command in AutoCAD allows you to bring a text object to the front of the drawing
order, so that it is displayed in front of other objects. You can select the text object and use the
command to bring it to the front.

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TEXTTOFRONT is useful for architects, engineers, and designers who need to ensure that text objects
are displayed clearly and prominently in their drawings. It can also help to improve the readability and
organization of your annotations or labels.


The THICKEN command in AutoCAD allows you to create a 3D solid or surface object by thickening a
2D profile or curve. You can choose from different thickening options, such as the thickness, taper, or
offset. You can also preview and adjust the resulting object using various tools and commands.

THICKEN is useful for architects, engineers, and designers who need to create complex or irregular
shapes or objects. It can also help to simulate or analyze the behavior of a surface or object under
different conditions.


TIFOUT is an AutoCAD command that is used to convert vector graphics to a raster image format like
TIFF. This command is useful when you want to create an image of your drawing that can be easily
shared or printed. TIFOUT supports various settings to control the output image resolution, color depth,

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and compression. To use TIFOUT, simply type the command in the command line, specify the settings

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you want, and select the objects you want to convert to TIFF.
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Using TIFOUT can be helpful when you want to create high-quality images for presentations, reports,
or marketing materials. TIFF images are widely supported by most image editing software and can be
easily edited or modified as needed.


TIME is an AutoCAD command that displays the current system time in the command line. This
command can be useful for keeping track of time spent on a drawing or for measuring the duration of
specific commands or operations. To use TIME, simply type the command in the command line, and
the current time will be displayed.

Using the TIME command can help you track how much time you are spending on different parts of a
drawing or project. This information can be useful for estimating project timelines, identifying areas
where you can improve your workflow, or billing clients for your time.


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TINSERT is an AutoCAD command that is used to insert a block or drawing file into the currentdrawing
as an external reference (XREF). This command is useful when you want to reuse contentfrom another
drawing or when you want to work on different parts of a large project separately.TINSERT supports
various settings to control the insertion point, scale, rotation, and visibility of theXREF. To use
TINSERT, simply type the command in the command line, select the file you want toinsert, and specify
the insertion settings you want.

Using TINSERT can help you save time by reusing content from other drawings and reduce the size of
your current drawing by separating it into different files. XREFs can also be easily updated or modified
in their original file, which can be helpful when working on collaborative projects or when making
changes to shared resources.


TOLERANCE is an AutoCAD command that is used to set the precision and display format of linear
and angular dimensions. This command is useful when you want to control how measurements are
displayed in your drawing or when you want to match the precision of your drawing to a specific
industry standard. TOLERANCE supports various settings to control the number of decimal places, the
display units, and the tolerance value. To use TOLERANCE, simply type the command in the

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command line, specify the settings you want, and select the dimensions you want to apply the settings

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Using TOLERANCE can help you ensure that your drawings meet the required precision and accuracy
t t
standards for your industry. This information can be important for manufacturing, engineering, or
architectural applications where small deviations can have significant consequences. TOLERANCE
can also help you make your drawings more readable and easier to understand by displaying
measurements in a consistent and standardized format.


TOOLBAR is an AutoCAD command that is used to display or hide toolbars in the AutoCAD interface.
This command is useful when you want to customize your workspace or when you want to free up
screen space by hiding toolbars you do not frequently use. TOOLBAR supports various settings to
control the visibility, position, and size of toolbars. To use TOOLBAR, simply type the command in the
command line, select the toolbar you want to show or hide, and specify the settings you want.

Using the TOOLBAR command can help you customize your workspace to your specific needs and
improve your productivity by organizing and accessing the tools you use most frequently. You can also
use TOOLBAR to create custom toolbars that contain only the commands you need for a specific task
or project, which can help you work more efficiently.


TOOLPALETTES is an AutoCAD command that is used to display or hide the tool palettes in the
AutoCAD interface. This command is useful when you want to access a collection of related tools or
commands quickly and easily. TOOLPALETTES supports various settings to control the visibility,

Page 161

position, and content of the tool palettes. To use TOOLPALETTES, simply type the command in the
command line, select the tool palette you want to show or hide, and specify the settings you want.

Using the TOOLPALETTES command can help you work more efficiently by providing quick access to
the tools and commands you use most frequently. You can also use TOOLPALETTES to create
custom tool palettes that contain only the tools you need for a specific task or project, which can help
you work more efficiently and improve your productivity.


TOOLPALETTESCLOSE is an AutoCAD command that is used to close all open tool palettes in the
AutoCAD interface. This command is useful when you want to free up screen space or when you want
to quickly close all the tool palettes that you have opened. To use TOOLPALETTESCLOSE, simply
type the command in the command line.

Using TOOLPALETTESCLOSE can help you streamline your workflow and free up screen space by
quickly closing all the tool palettes you have opened. This can be particularly useful when working on a
small screen or when you need to focus on a specific part of your drawing without any distractions.

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TORUS is an AutoCAD command that is used to create a 3D torus object. A torus is a geometric
shape that resembles a donut, and it is created by revolving a circle around a point in space. This
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command is useful when you need to create complex 3D shapes for visualization or modeling
purposes. TORUS supports various settings to control the size, shape, and orientation of the torus. To
use TORUS, simply type the command in the command line, specify the settings you want, and select
the point and circle that define the torus.

Using TORUS can help you create complex 3D shapes quickly and easily, which can be useful for
visualization, animation, or prototyping purposes. Torus objects can also be combined with other 3D
objects to create even more complex shapes, and they can be edited or modified as needed using
other AutoCAD commands.


TPNAVIGATE is an AutoCAD command that is used to navigate the model space or the layout space
using touchpad gestures on a laptop or a touch-enabled device. This command is useful when you
want to use touch gestures to zoom, pan, or rotate your drawing without using a mouse or a keyboard.
TPNAVIGATE supports various touch gestures, including pinch-to-zoom, two-finger pan, and three-
finger rotate. To use TPNAVIGATE, simply type the command in the command line and start using
touch gestures on your touchpad or touch-enabled device.

Using TPNAVIGATE can help you work more efficiently and comfortably, particularly if you use a
laptop or a touch-enabled device as your primary input device. By using touch gestures to navigate
your drawing, you can reduce the need for a separate mouse or keyboard and improve your posture
and ergonomics. TPNAVIGATE also supports customizable touch gesture settings, which can help you

Page 162

optimize your touchpad experience for your specific needs and preferences.


TRACE is an AutoCAD command that is used to create a raster image from a selected portion of a
drawing. This command is useful when you want to capture a specific part of your drawing as an image
and save it for later use. TRACE supports various settings to control the resolution, color depth, and
file format of the output image. To use TRACE, simply type the command in the command line, select
the portion of your drawing you want to capture, and specify the output settings you want.

Using TRACE can help you create high-quality images of your drawing that can be used for
documentation, communication, or presentation purposes. You can also use TRACE to capture
specific parts of your drawing that you want to highlight or annotate, and save them as separate
images for later use.


TRACEBACK is an AutoCAD command that is used to display the last error message in the command

m /
line. This command is useful when you encounter an error or a warning message while using AutoCAD

and want to know more about the problem. TRACEBACK displays the error message and the
command or operation that caused the error. To use TRACEBACK, simply type the command in the
command line after encountering an error or a warning message.
p s : /
h t t
Using TRACEBACK can help you troubleshoot and fix errors or issues that you encounter while using
AutoCAD. By displaying the error message and the command or operation that caused the error, you
can identify the problem more easily and take appropriate action to fix it.


TRACEEDIT is an AutoCAD command that is used to edit the contents of a raster image created using
the TRACE command. This command is useful when you want to modify or annotate a captured image
before using it in your drawing. TRACEEDIT supports various editing tools, including image cropping,
scaling, rotation, and brightness/contrast adjustments. To use TRACEEDIT, simply type the command
in the command line and select the raster image you want to edit.

Using TRACEEDIT can help you modify and enhance the quality of the images you capture using the
TRACE command, and make them more suitable for your specific needs. You can also use
TRACEEDIT to add annotations or labels to your captured images, which can be useful for
documentation or presentation purposes.


TRACEFRONT is an AutoCAD command that is used to display the front side of a raster image
created using the TRACE command. This command is useful when you want to see the contents of a
captured image from the front side, rather than the back side. TRACEFRONT displays the front side of
the image as a flipped and rotated version of the back side. To use TRACEFRONT, simply type the

Page 163

command in the command line and select the raster image you want to display.

Using TRACEFRONT can help you view the contents of a captured image more clearly and accurately,
particularly if the back side of the image is distorted or difficult to read. By flipping and rotating the
image, TRACEFRONT can provide a better view of the contents and improve the readability of the


TRACEPALETTECLOSE is an AutoCAD command that is used to close the Trace and Reference
Manager palette in the AutoCAD interface. This command is useful when you want to free up screen
space or when you want to quickly close the palette after using it. To use TRACEPALETTECLOSE,
simply type the command in the command line.

Using TRACEPALETTECLOSE can help you streamline your workflow and free up screen space by
quickly closing the Trace and Reference Manager palette. This can be particularly useful when working
on a small screen or when you need to focus on a specific part of your drawing without any distractions.

m /
TRACEPALETTEOPEN is an AutoCAD command that is used to open the Trace and Reference
Manager palette in the AutoCAD interface. This command is useful when you want to manage, view, or
: /
edit the images or files that are attached to your drawing. The Trace and Reference Manager palette
p s
h t t
provides tools to manage and display raster images, PDF files, and other file types in your drawing. To
use TRACEPALETTEOPEN, simply type the command in the command line.

Using TRACEPALETTEOPEN can help you manage the images or files that are attached to your
drawing more efficiently and effectively. You can use the Trace and Reference Manager palette to
control the visibility, location, and scale of the attached images or files, and to make annotations or
markups on the images or files as needed.


TRACEVIEW is an AutoCAD command that is used to display the back side of a raster image created
using the TRACE command. This command is useful when you want to see the contents of a captured
image from the back side, rather than the front side. TRACEVIEW displays the back side of the image
as a flipped and rotated version of the front side. To use TRACEVIEW, simply type the command in the
command line and select the raster image you want to display.

Using TRACEVIEW can help you view the contents of a captured image more clearly and accurately,
particularly if the back side of the image contains important information or details that are not visible
from the front side. By flipping and rotating the image, TRACEVIEW can provide a better view of the
contents and improve the readability of the image.


Page 164

TRANSPARENCY is an AutoCAD command that is used to control the opacity or transparency of

selected objects in the drawing. This command is useful when you want to make certain parts of your
drawing less visible or less distracting, or when you want to create a special effect or a visual
emphasis. TRANSPARENCY supports various settings to control the transparency level of the
selected objects. To use TRANSPARENCY, simply type the command in the command line, select the
objects you want to apply transparency to, and specify the transparency level you want.

Using TRANSPARENCY can help you create more sophisticated and visually appealing drawings,
particularly when working with complex or layered designs. You can use TRANSPARENCY to highlight
specific parts of your drawing, create depth and dimensionality, or add a subtle or dramatic effect to
your design.


TRAYSETTINGS is an AutoCAD command that is used to customize the settings of the sheet set
manager tray in the AutoCAD interface. This command is useful when you want to control the
appearance and behavior of the sheet set manager tray, which is used to manage and organize sheet
sets in your drawing. TRAYSETTINGS supports various settings to control the size, position, and
content of the sheet set manager tray. To use TRAYSETTINGS, simply type the command in the
command line and specify the settings you want.
d d ik
/c a
Using TRAYSETTINGS can help you organize and manage your sheet sets more efficiently and
: /
p s
effectively. You can use TRAYSETTINGS to customize the appearance and behavior of the sheet set
t t
manager tray to suit your specific needs and preferences. This can include controlling the size and
position of the tray, adjusting the column widths and sorting options, and customizing the display of the
sheet set information.


TREESTAT is an AutoCAD command that is used to display information about the drawing hierarchy
and the objects contained in the drawing. This command is useful when you want to understand the
structure and organization of your drawing, or when you want to analyze and optimize the performance
of your drawing. TREESTAT displays various statistics about the drawing hierarchy, including the
number of objects, the number of layers, and the number of blocks. To use TREESTAT, simply type
the command in the command line.

Using TREESTAT can help you gain a better understanding of the structure and content of your
drawing, and identify any issues or inefficiencies that may be affecting the performance of your
drawing. You can use TREESTAT to optimize the drawing hierarchy, remove unnecessary objects or
layers, and improve the overall performance and stability of your drawing.


TRIM is an AutoCAD command that is used to trim or extend the edges of selected objects to the
nearest object or boundary. This command is useful when you want to modify or adjust the shape or
size of your drawing, or when you want to clean up or simplify your drawing. TRIM supports various

Page 165

settings to control the trim and extension behavior, including the trim mode, the cutting edges, and the
extend factor. To use TRIM, simply type the command in the command line, select the objects you
want to trim or extend, and specify the settings you want.

Using TRIM can help you modify or adjust the shape or size of your drawing quickly and accurately,
without the need for complex or manual editing. You can use TRIM to remove unwanted or overlapping
objects, create clean and precise boundaries, or adjust the geometry of your drawing to match your
design intent.


TXT2MTXT is an AutoCAD command that is used to convert single-line text objects to multi-line text
objects in the drawing. This command is useful when you want to convert large amounts of single-line
text to multi-line text, or when you want to apply formatting or styling to your text. TXT2MTXT supports
various settings to control the text conversion and formatting, including the line width, the text height,
and the text style. To use TXT2MTXT, simply type the command in the command line, select the single-
line text objects you want to convert, and specify the settings you want.

Using TXT2MTXT can help you convert and format your text more efficiently and effectively,
particularly when working with large amounts of text or complex text styles. You can use TXT2MTXT to

readability and visual appeal of your drawing.

d d ik
convert single-line text to multi-line text, apply formatting and styling to your text, and improve the

: / /c a
t t p s
U is an AutoCAD command that is used to undo the previous action or command in the drawing. This
command is useful when you want to undo a mistake or a change that you made to the drawing, or
when you want to revert to a previous version of the drawing. U supports various options to control the
undo behavior, including the number of actions to undo and the types of actions to undo. To use U,
simply type the command in the command line or use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + Z”.

Using U can help you correct mistakes or changes that you made to the drawing quickly and easily,
without the need for manual editing or redoing the work. You can use U to undo the previous action or
command, undo multiple actions or commands, or undo specific types of actions or commands that
you want to revert.


UCS is an AutoCAD command that is used to set and manipulate the User Coordinate System (UCS)
in the drawing. This command is useful when you want to control the orientation and alignment of the
drawing objects, or when you want to work with objects in a specific coordinate system. UCS supports
various options to set and manipulate the UCS, including the rotation angle, the origin point, and the
viewing angle. To use UCS, simply type the command in the command line or use the UCS icon in the
AutoCAD interface.

Using UCS can help you work with objects more efficiently and effectively, particularly when working

Page 166

with complex or three-dimensional designs. You can use UCS to align and orient objects in a specific
direction, manipulate objects in a specific coordinate system, or simplify the view of the drawing by
changing the viewing angle.


UCSICON is an AutoCAD command that is used to control the display of the UCS icon in the AutoCAD
interface. This command is useful when you want to hide or show the UCS icon, or when you want to
change the appearance or location of the UCS icon. UCSICON supports various options to control the
display of the UCS icon, including the size, color, and style. To use UCSICON, simply type the
command in the command line or use the UCS icon settings in the AutoCAD interface.

Using UCSICON can help you customize the appearance and behavior of the UCS icon to suit your
specific needs and preferences. You can use UCSICON to hide or show the UCS icon, change the
size and location of the UCS icon, or customize the color and style of the UCS icon to match your


m /
UCSMAN is an AutoCAD command that is used to manage and manipulate the User Coordinate
Systems (UCS) in the drawing. This command is useful when you want to create, modify, or delete
UCSs, or when you want to switch between different UCSs. UCSMAN supports various options to
s : /
create and manipulate UCSs, including the origin point, the orientation, and the name of the UCS. To
t t
use UCSMAN, simply type the command in the command line.
Using UCSMAN can help you create and manipulate UCSs more efficiently and effectively, particularly
when working with complex or three-dimensional designs. You can use UCSMAN to create custom
UCSs for specific objects or views, modify existing UCSs to match your design intent, or switch
between different UCSs to work with objects in different coordinate systems.


ULAYERS is an AutoCAD command that is used to unisolate all layers in the drawing that have been
previously isolated using the ISOLATE command. This command is useful when you want to restore
the visibility and accessibility of all layers in the drawing, or when you want to work with objects on
multiple layers at once. ULAYERS supports various options to control the unisolation behavior,
including the preservation of layer settings and the automatic regeneration of the drawing. To use
ULAYERS, simply type the command in the command line.

Using ULAYERS can help you manage the visibility and accessibility of layers in your drawing more
efficiently and effectively. You can use ULAYERS to unisolate all layers that have been previously
isolated, restore the visibility and accessibility of all layers in the drawing, and work with objects on
multiple layers at once without any restrictions.


Page 167

UNDEFINE is an AutoCAD command that is used to remove a previously defined variable or user-
defined command from the AutoCAD system. This command is useful when you want to clean up or
simplify the AutoCAD environment, or when you want to remove unwanted or obsolete variables or
commands. UNDEFINE supports various options to control the removal behavior, including the
removal of multiple variables or commands at once. To use UNDEFINE, simply type the command in
the command line and specify the variable or command you want to remove.

Using UNDEFINE can help you remove unwanted or obsolete variables or commands from the
AutoCAD environment quickly and easily, without the need for manual editing or modification. You can
use UNDEFINE to clean up or simplify the AutoCAD environment, avoid conflicts or errors caused by
duplicate or conflicting variables or commands, and improve the overall performance and stability of


UNDO is an AutoCAD command that is used to undo the previous action or command in the drawing.
This command is useful when you want to undo a mistake or a change that you made to the drawing,
or when you want to revert to a previous version of the drawing. UNDO supports various options to
control the undo behavior, including the number of actions to undo and the types of actions to undo. To

d d ik
use UNDO, simply type the command in the command line or use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + Z”.

/c a
Using UNDO can help you correct mistakes or changes that you made to the drawing quickly and
: /
p s
easily, without the need for manual editing or redoing the work. You can use UNDO to undo the
t t
previous action or command, undo multiple actions or commands, or undo specific types of actions or
commands that you want to revert.


UNGROUP is an AutoCAD command that is used to ungroup a group of objects that have been
previously grouped using the GROUP command. This command is useful when you want to edit or
manipulate the individual objects in a group, or when you want to apply different settings or properties
to each object in the group. UNGROUP supports various options to control the ungrouping behavior,
including the preservation of group properties and the automatic regeneration of the drawing. To use
UNGROUP, simply type the command in the command line and select the group you want to ungroup.

Using UNGROUP can help you edit or manipulate the individual objects in a group more efficiently and
effectively, particularly when working with complex or layered designs. You can use UNGROUP to
ungroup a group of objects, apply different settings or properties to each object in the group, or simplify
the editing process by working with individual objects instead of groups.


UNION is an AutoCAD command that is used to merge or join two or more objects into a single object.
This command is useful when you want to create a new object that is a combination of two or more
objects, or when you want to simplify the drawing by reducing the number of objects. UNION supports
various options to control the merging or joining behavior, including the selection of objects, the

Page 168

preservation of object properties, and the automatic regeneration of the drawing. To use UNION,
simply type the command in the command line and select the objects you want to merge or join.

Using UNION can help you create new objects that are combinations of two or more objects quickly
and easily, without the need for manual editing or modification. You can use UNION to merge or join
objects that have similar properties or characteristics, simplify the drawing by reducing the number of
objects, or create complex objects or shapes that are composed of multiple parts or components.


UNISOLATEOBJECTS is an AutoCAD command that is used to unisolate a selection of objects that

have been previously isolated using the ISOLATEOBJECTS command. This command is useful when
you want to restore the visibility and accessibility of selected objects in the drawing, or when you want
to work with isolated objects and other objects at the same time. UNISOLATEOBJECTS supports
various options to control the unisolation behavior, including the selection of objects and the automatic
regeneration of the drawing. To use UNISOLATEOBJECTS, simply type the command in the
command line and select the objects you want to unisolate.

Using UNISOLATEOBJECTS can help you manage the visibility and accessibility of selected objects in
your drawing more efficiently and effectively. You can use UNISOLATEOBJECTS to unisolate a

d d ik
selection of objects that have been previously isolated, restore the visibility and accessibility of the
selected objects, and work with isolated objects and other objects at the same time without any
: / /c a
t t p s
UNITS is an AutoCAD command that is used to control the units and scale of measurement used in the
drawing. This command is useful when you want to set or change the units and scale of measurement
used in the drawing, or when you want to work with objects or dimensions that use a specific unit of
measurement. UNITS supports various options to control the units and scale of measurement,
including the type of unit, the precision, and the conversion factor. To use UNITS, simply type the
command in the command line or use the UNITS dialog box in the AutoCAD interface.

Using UNITS can help you work with objects or dimensions in a specific unit of measurement more
efficiently and effectively. You can use UNITS to set or change the units and scale of measurement
used in the drawing, work with objects or dimensions that use a specific unit of measurement, or
ensure consistency and accuracy in the measurement and dimensioning of the drawing.


Page 169

UPDATEFIELD is an AutoCAD command that is used to update the values of fields in the drawing.This
command is useful when you want to update the values of fields that have changed or beenmodified,
or when you want to refresh the values of fields that are linked to external data or formulas.
UPDATEFIELD supports various options to control the update behavior, including the selection offields
and the update type. To use UPDATEFIELD, simply type the command in the command line andselect
the fields you want to update.

Using UPDATEFIELD can help you keep the values of fields in the drawing up-to-date and accurate,
particularly when working with dynamic or linked data. You can use UPDATEFIELD to update the
values of fields that have changed or been modified, refresh the values of fields that are linked to
external data or formulas, or automate the updating of fields to save time and improve the accuracy of
the drawing.


UPDATETHUMBSNOW is an AutoCAD command that is used to update the thumbnail images of the
drawing in the Windows file explorer or the AutoCAD Open dialog box. This command is useful when
you want to update the thumbnail images of the drawing to reflect the current state of the drawing, or
when you want to improve the visual representation of the drawing in the file explorer or the Open

d d ik
dialog box. UPDATETHUMBSNOW supports various options to control the update behavior, including
the selection of drawings and the update type. To use UPDATETHUMBSNOW, simply type the
command in the command line.
: / /c a
t t p s
Using UPDATETHUMBSNOW can help you improve the visual representation of the drawing in the file
explorer or the Open dialog box, and ensure that the thumbnail images reflect the current state of the
drawing. You can use UPDATETHUMBSNOW to update the thumbnail images of the drawing, improve
the visual presentation of the drawing in the file explorer or the Open dialog box, or make it easier to
identify and locate the drawing among other files and documents.


VBAIDE is an AutoCAD command that is used to launch the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) in AutoCAD. This command is useful when you want to
create or modify VBA macros or applications for AutoCAD, or when you want to customize the
AutoCAD environment using VBA. VBAIDE provides a powerful and flexible development environment
for creating and editing VBA code, debugging and testing VBA applications, and integrating VBA with
AutoCAD. To use VBAIDE, simply type the command in the command line or use the VBAIDE icon in
the AutoCAD interface.

Using VBAIDE can help you customize and extend the functionality of AutoCAD using VBA, and create
custom macros or applications that automate repetitive or complex tasks. You can use VBAIDE to
create or modify VBA code, debug and test VBA applications, and integrate VBA with AutoCAD to add
new features or functionality.

Page 170


VBALOAD is an AutoCAD command that is used to load a VBA project or application into the AutoCAD
environment. This command is useful when you want to use a VBA macro or application that you have
created or downloaded, or when you want to share a VBA project or application with other AutoCAD
users. VBALOAD supports various options to control the loading behavior, including the selection of
files and the update type. To use VBALOAD, simply type the command in the command line and select
the VBA project or application you want to load.

Using VBALOAD can help you use or share VBA macros or applications with other AutoCAD users,
and extend the functionality of AutoCAD with custom code or applications. You can use VBALOAD to
load a VBA project or application into the AutoCAD environment, modify or customize the VBA code as
needed, and share the VBA project or application with other AutoCAD users to improve productivity
and efficiency.


m /
VBAMAN is an AutoCAD command that is used to manage and manipulate the VBA projects and

applications in the AutoCAD environment. This command is useful when you want to create, modify, or
delete VBA projects or applications, or when you want to control the behavior or settings of VBA in
AutoCAD. VBAMAN supports various options to create and manipulate VBA projects and applications,
s : /
including the creation of new projects, the modification of existing projects, and the removal of projects.
t t
To use VBAMAN, simply type the command in the command line.
Using VBAMAN can help you manage and manipulate VBA projects and applications more efficiently
and effectively, particularly when working with complex or customized AutoCAD environments. You
can use VBAMAN to create, modify, or delete VBA projects or applications, control the behavior or
settings of VBA in AutoCAD, or customize the AutoCAD environment to meet your specific needs or


VBAPREF is an AutoCAD command that is used to configure and customize the VBA environment in
AutoCAD. This command is useful when you want to set or change the VBA preferences or settings, or
when you want to customize the VBA environment to match your workflow or preferences. VBAPREF
supports various options to control the VBA preferences or settings, including the VBA security
settings, the VBA editor settings, and the VBA library paths. To use VBAPREF, simply type the
command in the command line or use the VBAPREF dialog box in the AutoCAD interface.

Using VBAPREF can help you configure and customize the VBA environment in AutoCAD to match
your specific needs or preferences. You can use VBAPREF to set or change the VBA preferences or
settings, customize the VBA editor or library paths, or enhance the security of the VBA environment to
prevent unauthorized access or modification of VBA code or applications.

Page 171


VBARUN is an AutoCAD command that is used to run or execute a VBA macro or application in the
AutoCAD environment. This command is useful when you want to use a VBA macro or application that
you have created or downloaded, or when you want to automate repetitive or complex tasks using VBA
code. VBARUN supports various options to control the execution behavior, including the selection of
files and the parameters or arguments passed to the VBA code. To use VBARUN, simply type the
command in the command line and select the VBA macro or application you want to run.

Using VBARUN can help you automate repetitive or complex tasks in AutoCAD using custom VBA
code or applications, and improve productivity and efficiency. You can use VBARUN to run or execute
a VBA macro or application in the AutoCAD environment, pass parameters or arguments to the VBA
code, and customize or modify the VBA code as needed to meet your specific needs or preferences.


VBASTMT is an AutoCAD command that is used to execute a VBA statement or expression in the

m /
AutoCAD environment. This command is useful when you want to perform a specific action or

operation using VBA code, or when you want to test or debug a VBA statement or expression.
VBASTMT supports various options to control the execution behavior, including the selection of
statements or expressions and the display or output of results. To use VBASTMT, simply type the
s : /
command in the command line and enter the VBA statement or expression you want to execute.
h t t
Using VBASTMT can help you perform specific actions or operations in AutoCAD using VBA code or
expressions, and test or debug VBA statements or expressions more efficiently and effectively. You
can use VBASTMT to execute a VBA statement or expression in the AutoCAD environment, display or
output the results of the operation or calculation, and modify or customize the VBA code or
expressions as needed to meet your specific needs or preferences.


VBAUNLOAD is an AutoCAD command that is used to unload or remove a VBA project or application
from the AutoCAD environment. This command is useful when you want to remove or delete a VBA
project or application that you no longer need or want to use, or when you want to free up memory or
system resources in AutoCAD. VBAUNLOAD supports various options to control the unloading
behavior, including the selection of projects or applications and the update type. To use VBAUNLOAD,
simply type the command in the command line and select the VBA project or application you want to

Using VBAUNLOAD can help you remove or delete VBA projects or applications from the AutoCAD
environment to free up memory or system resources, and simplify the AutoCAD environment. You can
use VBAUNLOAD to unload or remove a VBA project or application that you no longer need or want to
use, manage the memory or system resources used by VBA code or applications, or ensure the
stability and performance of the AutoCAD environment.

Page 172


VIEW is an AutoCAD command that is used to create, modify, or manage the views in the drawing.
This command is useful when you want to create or edit a view that shows a specific part or aspect of
the drawing, or when you want to manage the views and layouts in the drawing more efficiently and
effectively. VIEW supports various options to control the view behavior, including the creation of new
views, the modification of existing views, and the management of viewports or layouts. To use VIEW,
simply type the command in the command line or use the VIEW dialog box in the AutoCAD interface.

Using VIEW can help you create or edit views that show specific parts or aspects of the drawing more
efficiently and effectively, and manage the views and layouts in the drawing to improve productivity and
organization. You can use VIEW to create new views, modify existing views, manage viewports or
layouts, or ensure the consistency and accuracy of the views in the drawing.


VIEWBACK is an AutoCAD command that is used to restore the previous view or state of the drawing.

m /
This command is useful when you want to undo a change or modification to the view or the drawing, or

when you want to return to the previous view or state of the drawing after navigating or editing.
VIEWBACK supports various options to control the view behavior, including the number of views to
restore and the order of restoration. To use VIEWBACK, simply type the command in the command
p s : /
h t t
Using VIEWBACK can help you undo a change or modification to the view or the drawing, or return to
the previous view or state of the drawing more efficiently and effectively. You can use VIEWBACK to
restore the previous view or state of the drawing, navigate or edit the drawing more easily, or ensure
the accuracy and consistency of the drawing.


VIEWBASE is an AutoCAD command that is used to create 2D views of 3D models or assemblies.

This command is useful when you want to create 2D views of 3D models or assemblies for
documentation or production purposes, or when you want to extract specific views or details of the 3D
models or assemblies. VIEWBASE supports various options to control the view behavior, including the
selection of the model or assembly, the type of view, and the level of detail. To use VIEWBASE, simply
type the command in the command line.

Using VIEWBASE can help you create 2D views of 3D models or assemblies more efficiently and
effectively, and simplify the documentation or production process. You can use VIEWBASE to extract
specific views or details of the 3D models or assemblies, create 2D views that accurately represent the
3D models or assemblies, or ensure the consistency and accuracy of the documentation or production


Page 173

VIEWCOMPONENT is an AutoCAD command that is used to create or edit a component view in the
drawing. This command is useful when you want to create or edit a component view that shows a
specific part or aspect of the drawing, or when you want to manage the component views and layouts
in the drawing more efficiently and effectively. VIEWCOMPONENT supports various options to control
the view behavior, including the selection of the component or assembly, the creation or modification of
the component view, and the management of the viewports or layouts. To use VIEWCOMPONENT,
simply type the command in the command line or use the VIEWCOMPONENT dialog box in the
AutoCAD interface.

Using VIEWCOMPONENT can help you create or edit component views that show specific parts or
aspects of the drawing more efficiently and effectively, and manage the component views and layouts
in the drawing to improve productivity and organization. You can use VIEWCOMPONENT to create or
modify component views, manage viewports or layouts, or ensure the consistency and accuracy of the
views in the drawing.


VIEWDETAIL is an AutoCAD command that is used to create or edit a detail view in the drawing. This
command is useful when you want to create or edit a detail view that shows a specific part or aspect of

d d ik
the drawing at a larger scale or in more detail, or when you want to manage the detail views and
layouts in the drawing more efficiently and effectively. VIEWDETAIL supports various options to control

/ /c a
the view behavior, including the selection of the detail or the boundary, the creation or modification of
t p s
the detail view, and the management of the viewports or layouts. To use VIEWDETAIL, simply type the
command in the command line or use the VIEWDETAIL dialog box in the AutoCAD interface.

Using VIEWDETAIL can help you create or edit detail views that show specific parts or aspects of the
drawing at a larger scale or in more detail, and manage the detail views and layouts in the drawing to
improve productivity and organization. You can use VIEWDETAIL to create or modify detail views,
manage viewports or layouts, or ensure the consistency and accuracy of the views in the drawing.


VIEWDETAILSTYLE is an AutoCAD command that is used to create, modify, or manage the detail
view styles in the drawing. This command is useful when you want to create or modify the detail view
styles that define the appearance and behavior of the detail views, or when you want to manage the
detail view styles more efficiently and effectively. VIEWDETAILSTYLE supports various options to
control the style behavior, including the creation or modification of the detail view styles, the application
of the detail view styles to the detail views, and the management of the detail view style libraries. To
use VIEWDETAILSTYLE, simply type the command in the command line or use the
VIEWDETAILSTYLE dialog box in the AutoCAD interface.

Page 174

Using VIEWDETAILSTYLE can help you create or modify the detail view styles more efficiently and
effectively, and ensure the consistency and accuracy of the detail views in the drawing. You can use
VIEWDETAILSTYLE to create or modify the detail view styles, apply the detail view styles to the detail
views, manage the detail view style libraries, or customize the detail view styles to meet your specific
needs or preferences.


VIEWEDIT is an AutoCAD command that is used to edit an existing view in the drawing. This
command is useful when you want to modify or update a view that you have already created, or when
you want to change the properties or settings of the view. VIEWEDIT supports various options to
control the view behavior, including the selection of the view, the modification of the view properties or
settings, and the update of the view in the drawing. To use VIEWEDIT, simply type the command in the
command line or use the VIEWEDIT dialog box in the AutoCAD interface.

Using VIEWEDIT can help you modify or update views in the drawing more efficiently and effectively,
and ensure the accuracy and consistency of existing views, update the views in the drawing, or
manage the views and layouts more easily.
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/c ad
: /
VIEWFORWARD is an AutoCAD command that is used to advance to the next view in a sequence of
p s
h t t
views in the drawing. This command is useful when you are reviewing or editing a series of views in
the drawing, or when you want to navigate through the views in a particular order. VIEWFORWARD
supports various options to control the view behavior, including of navigation. To use
VIEWFORWARD, simply type the command in the command line or use the VIEWFORWARD dialog
box in the AutoCAD interface.

Using VIEWFORWARD can help you navigate through a sequence of views in the drawing more
efficiently and effectively, and ensure that you review or edit all the views in the sequence. You can
use VIEWFORWARD to advance to the next view in the sequence, display the views in a particular
order, or navigate through the views more easily.


VIEWGO is an AutoCAD command that is used to navigate to a specific view or location in the
drawing. This command is useful when you want to go to a specific view or location in the drawing, or
when you want to navigate to a location that is not currently visible in the drawing. VIEWGO supports
various options to control the navigation behavior, including the selection of the view or location, the
display of the view or location, and the method of navigation. To use VIEWGO, simply type the
command in the command line or use the VIEWGO dialog box in the AutoCAD interface.

Using VIEWGO can help you navigate to specific views or locations in the drawing more efficiently and
effectively, and ensure that you can access all the necessary parts of the drawing. You can use
VIEWGO to navigate to a specific view or location in the drawing, display the view or location in a

Page 175

particular way, or navigate using different methods, such as panning, zooming, or orbiting.


VIEWPLAY is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to play back previously saved animation paths
in your drawing. This command can be used to preview how objects in your drawing move and interact
with each other over time. It can also be used to create stunning visual effects for presentations or

To use VIEWPLAY, you first need to create an animation path using the ANIPATH command. Once
you have created an animation path, you can use VIEWPLAY to play it back. You can also adjust the
playback speed and choose which objects to include in the animation using the options provided by the


VIEWPLOTDETAILS is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to view the plot settings for a layout.
This command displays the Plot Details dialog box, where you can see the current plot settings for the

m /
layout, including the plot area, plot scale, paper size, and other settings.

This command can be useful when you need to verify or modify the plot settings for a layout. You can
access the Plot Details dialog box by typing VIEWPLOTDETAILS at the command prompt or by
: /
clicking the Plot Details button in the Plot dialog box.
p s
VIEWPROJ is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to change the projection of the current viewport.
This command can be used to switch between 2D and 3D views, or to change the perspective of the

VIEWPROJ provides several options for changing the projection, including Orthographic, Perspective,
and Isometric. You can also adjust the view rotation and elevation using the options provided by the


VIEWRES is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to change the resolution of the current viewport.
This command can be used to adjust the display quality of the view.

VIEWRES provides several options for changing the resolution, including Low, Medium, and High. You
can also specify a custom resolution using the Custom option.


Page 176

VIEWSECTION is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to create a 2D section view of a 3D object.
This command can be used to cut a section through a complex object and view its internal structure.

To use VIEWSECTION, you first need to specify the location and orientation of the section plane. You
can then choose which objects to include in the section view and adjust the display settings using the
options provided by the command.


VIEWSECTIONSTYLE is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to create and modify section view
styles. This command can be used to define the appearance and behavior of section views created
using the VIEWSECTION command.

With VIEWSECTIONSTYLE, you can specify the section line type, hatching pattern, and other settings
for a section view style. You can also save and apply section view styles to other drawings.


m /
VIEWSETPROJ is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to define a new projection for a viewport.

orthographic or isometric projections.

d d ik
This command can be used to create custom views of your drawing that are not based on the standard

: / /c a
p s
With VIEWSETPROJ, you can define a custom projection matrix that specifies the transformation from
t t
object space to view space. You can then assign the new projection to a viewport using the VIEWS


VIEWS is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to manage views and viewports in your drawing.
This command provides several options for creating, modifying, and organizing views and viewports.

With VIEWS, you can create new viewports, change the view orientation and projection, and adjust the
view scale and display settings. You can also save and restore view configurations, and set up named
views that can be used for navigation and plotting.


VIEWSKETCHCLOSE is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to close the sketch editor for a 2D
sketch. This command can be used to return to the main drawing environment after editing a 2D sketch.

When you open a sketch using the SKETCH command, the sketch editor opens in a separate window.
You can use VIEWSKETCHCLOSE to close this window and return to the main drawing window.


VIEWSTD is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to switch to a standard view orientation. This

Page 177

command can be used to quickly orient your view to one of the standard orthographic or isometric

VIEWSTD provides several options for selecting a standard view orientation, including Front, Back,
Top, Bottom, Left, Right, and Isometric. You can also specify a custom view orientation using the
Custom option.


VIEWSYMBOLSKETCH is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to create a symbol sketch for a
symbol in your drawing. This command can be used to define the appearance and behavior of a
custom symbol.

With VIEWSYMBOLSKETCH, you can create a 2D sketch that defines the shape and size of the
symbol, as well as any annotations or attributes associated with the symbol. You can then save the
symbol sketch and use it to insert instances of the symbol in your drawing.


m /
VIEWUPDATE is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to update the display of the current viewport.

d d ik
This command can be used to refresh the view and display any changes made to the drawing.

/ /c a
VIEWUPDATE can be useful when working with complex or dynamic drawings that require frequent
t p s
updates. You can access the VIEWUPDATE command by typing it at the command prompt or by using
the Refresh button on the status bar.


VISUALSTYLES is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to manage visual styles in your drawing.
This command can be used to change the display style and properties of objects in your drawing.

With VISUALSTYLES, you can choose from a variety of display styles, including 2D Wireframe,
Hidden, Shaded, and Realistic. You can also adjust the display properties for each style, such as the
color, transparency, and edge settings.


VISUALSTYLESCLOSE is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to close the Visual Styles Manager
dialog box. This command can be used to return to the main drawing environment after editing visual

When you open the Visual Styles Manager using the VISUALSTYLES command, it opens in a
separate dialog box. You can use VISUALSTYLESCLOSE to close this dialog box and return to the
main drawing window.

Page 178


VLISP is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to start the Visual LISP Integrated Development
Environment (VLIDE). This command can be used to create and edit AutoLISP programs and routines.

VLISP provides a powerful set of tools and features for developing and debugging AutoLISP code.
With VLISP, you can create custom commands and functions, automate repetitive tasks, and extend
the functionality of AutoCAD.


VPCLIP is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to clip a viewport to a specific boundary or shape.
This command can be used to control the display of objects within a viewport and create custom views
of your drawing.

With VPCLIP, you can specify a rectangular or polygonal boundary for the viewport, or use an existing
closed object as the clipping boundary. You can also adjust the view scale and position using the
options provided by the command.
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VPLAYER is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to manage layer visibility in viewports. This
t t
command can be used to control which layers are visible in a specific viewport, and create custom
layer states for different views of your drawing.

With VPLAYER, you can turn layers on or off, freeze or thaw layers, and adjust the layer properties for
a specific viewport. You can also save and restore layer states, and apply layer states to multiple


VPMAX is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to maximize the active viewport to fill the entire
drawing area. This command can be used to quickly switch between full-screen and multi-viewport
display modes.

VPMAX provides a quick and easy way to focus on a specific viewport and hide the other viewports.
You can access the VPMAX command by typing it at the command prompt or by clicking the Maximize
Viewport button on the status bar.


VPMIN is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to minimize all viewports to a single tile. This
command can be used to quickly switch between full-screen and multi-viewport display modes.

VPMIN provides a quick and easy way to view all viewports in a single tile, and restore the previous

Page 179

layout of viewports. You can access the VPMIN command by typing it at the command prompt or by
clicking the Minimize Viewports button on the status bar.


VPOINT is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to set the view direction and target point for a
viewport. This command can be used to adjust the view orientation and perspective for a specific

With VPOINT, you can specify the view direction and target point using the options provided by the
command. You can also set the view twist angle, adjust the view depth, and switch between parallel
and perspective projection modes.


VPORTS is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to manage viewports in your drawing. This
command can be used to create, modify, and organize viewports, as well as adjust their display

m /
With VPORTS, you can create new viewports, adjust their position and size, and set the view scale

d d ik
and orientation. You can also control the display properties of viewports, such as the layer visibility,
linetype, and shading.

: / /c a
t t p s
VSCURRENT is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to set the current viewport for editing. This
command can be used to switch between multiple viewports and modify their properties.

With VSCURRENT, you can specify the viewport number or use the Next and Previous options to
cycle through the viewports in the drawing. You can also use the Select option to choose a viewport by
clicking on it in the drawing area.


VSLIDE is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to create and manage named views in your
drawing. This command can be used to save and restore specific views of your drawing, and create
custom views for presentations or printing.

With VSLIDE, you can create new named views, modify their properties, and organize them into slide
shows for presentations. You can also use the Preview option to preview the current view before
saving it as a named view.


Page 180

VSSAVE is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to save a named view to a file. This command can
be used to share named views with other users or transfer them between drawings.

With VSSAVE, you can specify the name and location of the file to save the named view to. You can
also choose to include or exclude the view scale, UCS, and other settings when saving the named


VTOPTIONS is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to configure options for viewports. This
command can be used to set the default behavior and display properties for viewports in your drawing.

With VTOPTIONS, you can specify options such as the viewport grid, the display of hidden lines, and
the display of clipping boundaries. You can also set options for viewport scale and locking, and specify
default settings for new viewports.


m /
WALKFLYSETTINGS is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to configure options for the Walk and

settings for these modes.

d d ik
Fly navigation modes. This command can be used to adjust the navigation speed, direction, and other

: / /c a
p s
With WALKFLYSETTINGS, you can specify options such as the navigation speed, turn angle, and
t t
height above ground. You can also set options for collision detection and clipping, and specify default
settings for new navigation paths.


WBLOCK is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to save a selected part of your drawing as a
separate drawing file. This command can be used to extract specific objects or parts of a drawing for
reuse in other drawings.

With WBLOCK, you can specify the objects to be extracted using a variety of selection methods. You
can also choose the name and location of the new drawing file, and specify options for the file format,
layer settings, and other properties.


WEBLIGHT is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to create web-friendly 3D models using WebGL
technology. This command can be used to export your 3D models to the web and share them with

With WEBLIGHT, you can export your 3D models to a format that can be viewed in any modern web
browser. You can also specify options such as the level of detail, shading, and navigation controls for
the web-friendly model.

Page 181


WEBLOAD is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to load a web-friendly 3D model into your
drawing. This command can be used to insert 3D models created using the WEBLIGHT command into
your drawing.

With WEBLOAD, you can specify the location of the web-friendly model and insert it into your drawing.
You can also adjust the position, size, and orientation of the model in your drawing using the standard
AutoCAD editing tools.


WEDGE is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to create a 3D solid wedge shape. This command
can be used to create a variety of wedge shapes for use in mechanical and architectural drawings.

With WEDGE, you can specify the location and size of the wedge, as well as the angle and height of
the tapered face. You can also specify options for the number of sides and smoothness of the edges.

m /

d ik
WHOHAS is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to find out who has a specific drawing file or
s : /
object checked out in a collaborative environment. This command can be used to prevent conflicts and
t t
ensure that all team members are working with the most current version of the drawing.
With WHOHAS, you can specify the name of the drawing file or object and view a list of users who
have it checked out. You can also view information about the check-out status and duration, and
contact the users if necessary.


WIPEOUT is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to create a solid-filled area that masks underlying
objects. This command can be used to hide objects or parts of objects in your drawing without deleting

With WIPEOUT, you can create a rectangular or polygonal boundary for the masked area, and adjust
the display properties of the mask. You can also choose to display or hide the mask frame, and specify
options for the transparency and color of the mask.


WMFIN is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to import a Windows metafile (.WMF) into your
drawing. This command can be used to insert graphics or diagrams created in other programs into
your AutoCAD drawing.

With WMFIN, you can specify the location and name of the .WMF file and insert it into your drawing as

Page 182

a block. You can also adjust the position, size, and orientation of the block using the standard
AutoCAD editing tools.


WMFOPTS is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to configure options for importing and exporting
Windows metafiles (.WMF) in AutoCAD. This command can be used to adjust the behavior and
settings of the WMFIN and WMFOUT commands.

With WMFOPTS, you can specify options such as the default import and export file types, the
resolution and color depth of the imported or exported file, and the scaling factor for imported or
exported graphics.


WMFOUT is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to export a selected part of your drawing as a
Windows metafile (.WMF). This command can be used to create graphics or diagrams that can be
used in other programs or inserted into other AutoCAD drawings.

m /
With WMFOUT, you can specify the objects to be exported using a variety of selection methods. You

d d ik
can also choose the name and location of the new .WMF file, and specify options for the file format,
layer settings, and other properties.

: / /c a
t t p s
WORKSPACE is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to switch between different workspace
configurations. This command can be used to customize the user interface and tools for specific tasks
or workflows.

With WORKSPACE, you can choose from a variety of predefined workspace configurations, such as
2D drafting or 3D modeling. You can also create and customize your own workspace configurations to
suit your specific needs and preferences.


WSSAVE is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to save a named workspace configuration to a
file. This command can be used to transfer your customized workspace settings between computers or
share them with other users.

With WSSAVE, you can specify the name and location of the file to save the workspace to. You can
also choose to include or exclude the current viewport and display settings when saving the workspace


WSSETTINGS is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to manage workspace configurations and

Page 183

settings. This command can be used to create, modify, and organize workspace configurations, as well
as adjust their display properties.

With WSSETTINGS, you can create new workspace configurations, adjust their position and size, and
set the default settings for new workspaces. You can also control the display properties of workspace
configurations, such as the background color, toolbars, and menus.


XATTACH is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to attach an external reference (XREF) file to
your drawing. This command can be used to reference parts or details of another drawing in your
current drawing.

With XATTACH, you can specify the name and location of the XREF file, and adjust the insertion point,
scale, and orientation of the referenced objects. You can also control the display properties of the
XREF file, such as the layer visibility and color.


m /
XBIND is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to bind external reference (XREF) files to your

d d ik
drawing. This command can be used to convert the referenced objects to local objects and remove the
reference to the original XREF file.

: / /c a
t p s
With XBIND, you can specify the name and location of the XREF file, and choose whether to bind all or
selected objects in the XREF file. You can also choose to preserve or discard the original layer and
color properties of the XREF objects.


XCLIP is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to create a clipping boundary for an external
reference (XREF) file. This command can be used to control the display of XREF objects within a
specific boundary or shape.

With XCLIP, you can specify a rectangular or polygonal boundary for the XREF file, or use an existing
closed object as the clipping boundary. You can also adjust the display properties of the XCLIP
boundary, such as the layer visibility and color.


XCOMPARE is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to compare two versions of a drawing file and
highlight the differences between them. This command can be used to identify and resolve changes
made to a drawing by multiple users.

Page 184

With XCOMPARE, you can specify the names and locations of the two drawing files to compare, and
view a list of differences between them. You can also view the differences graphically and choose to
accept or reject individual changes.


XCOMPARECLOSE is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to close the comparison window
created by the XCOMPARE command. This command can be used to exit the comparison mode and
return to the normal drawing editing mode.

With XCOMPARECLOSE, you can close the comparison window without saving any changes made
during the comparison process. This command is typically used after the XCOMPARE command has
been completed and all changes have been reviewed and accepted or rejected.


XCOMPARERCNEXT is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to navigate to the next difference in
the comparison window created by the XCOMPARE command. This command can be used to quickly
review and accept or reject differences between two drawing files.

d d ik
With XCOMPARERCNEXT, you can move to the next difference in the comparison window and view it

/ /c a
in more detail. You can also choose to accept or reject the difference, or move to the next difference
without making any changes.
t t p s
XCOMPARERCPREV is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to navigate to the previous difference
in the comparison window created by the XCOMPARE command. This command can be used to
review and modify previously viewed differences in the comparison window.

With XCOMPARERCPREV, you can move to the previous difference in the comparison window and
view it in more detail. You can also choose to accept or reject the difference, or move to the next
difference without making any changes.


XEDGES is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to display the edges of 3D solids and surfaces in
your drawing. This command can be used to highlight the geometry and structure of 3D objects.

With XEDGES, you can specify the objects to display the edges of, and adjust the display properties of
the edges. You can also choose to display the edges of hidden or obscured surfaces, and set the color
and linetype of the edges.


Page 185

XLINE is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to create an infinite line in your drawing. This
command can be used to create construction lines or reference lines for other objects.

With XLINE, you can specify the location and direction of the infinite line using a variety of methods.
You can also specify options such as the angle, length, and justification of the line.


XOPEN is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to open an external reference (XREF) file in its own
drawing window. This command can be used to edit or view the XREF file separately from the current

With XOPEN, you can specify the name and location of the XREF file to open, and edit or view its
contents in a separate drawing window. You can also save any changes made to the XREF file
separately from the current drawing.


m /
XPLODE is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to explode a block or group into its component

d d ik
objects. This command can be used to modify or manipulate individual objects within a block or group.

/c a
With XPLODE, you can specify the block or group to explode, and choose to explode it into its
: /
p s
individual objects or into sub-objects such as lines and arcs. You can also choose to retain or discard
t t
the original block or group definition.


XREF is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to attach an external reference (XREF) file to your
drawing. This command is similar to the XATTACH command, but provides additional options for
managing and displaying the XREF file.

With XREF, you can specify the name and location of the XREF file, adjust the display properties of the
referenced objects, and control the layer visibility and color of the XREF file. You can also specify
options for the XREF file such as the insertion point, scale, and rotation angle.


ZOOM is a command in AutoCAD that allows you to adjust the magnification and view of your drawing.
This command can be used to zoom in or out on specific parts of your drawing, or adjust the overall
view of the drawing.

With ZOOM, you can specify the location and scale of the zoom, and choose from a variety of zoom
options such as centering on the cursor, scaling to fit the drawing area, or specifying a custom window.
You can also use the ZOOM command in conjunction with other commands such as PAN and VIEW to
adjust the position and orientation of the drawing.

Page 186

In this comprehensive guide, we have explored more than 800 AutoCAD commands, offering a
thorough resource for users of all skill levels. With this extensive list, you will have the tools to tackle
any project, no matter how complex or demanding. From basic drawing and editing commands to
advanced 3D modeling and rendering features, the possibilities with AutoCAD are virtually limitless.

As you continue to hone your skills, remember that practice makes perfect. The more you experiment
with these commands and integrate them into your workflow, the more adept you will become at using
AutoCAD. This guide is a valuable resource, but it is essential to apply what you’ve learned and
explore the software’s capabilities in real-world applications. By mastering AutoCAD commands, you’ll
be able to bring your creative visions to life with unparalleled precision and efficiency.

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