Inception Report Group 24

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CE 376


Name Index No

Antwi Kwame 9712413

Tokognon Vaneça 9723913

Alhassan Basit Issah 9710913

Aboah Armstrong 9708913

Anyidoho-Kumi Paul Einstein 9712713

29th February, 2016

1.0 Background............................................................................................................................. 6
2.0 Objectives............................................................................................................................... 6
3.0 Progress of Work, and Work Schedule...................................................................................6
1.0 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................. 8
1.1 Background............................................................................................................................. 8
1.2 Objectives............................................................................................................................... 8
1.3 Scope of the Project................................................................................................................ 9
1.3.1 Site layout.............................................................................................................................. 9
1.3.2 Geotechnical Investigation for Road Pavement Design..................................................9
1.3.3 Pavement Design of Roads and Parking Facilities..........................................................9
1.3.4 Geometric Design of Road Network...............................................................................9
1.3.5 Storm Drainage............................................................................................................. 10
1.3.6 Environmental Impact Assessment Report:..................................................................10
1.3.7 Costing and Contract Documentation:..........................................................................12
1.3.8 Economic Appraisal of the Project:..............................................................................12
1.4 Project Information Available.............................................................................................. 12
2.0 PROJECT LOCATION AND AREA................................................................................... 13
2.1 Geology and Soils of the Area.............................................................................................. 13
2.2 Climate & Rainfall................................................................................................................ 13
2.3 Demographic characteristics................................................................................................. 14
2.3.1 Population and growth rate.................................................................................................. 14
2.3.5 Occupational Distribution............................................................................................. 15
3.0 MOBILIZATION AND FIELD RECONNAISSANCE.......................................................16
3.1 Mobilization.......................................................................................................................... 16
3.1.1 The Project Team.......................................................................................................... 16
3.2 Field Reconnaissance............................................................................................................ 16
3.2.1 Terrain........................................................................................................................... 18
3.2.2 Soils and Vegetation Cover........................................................................................... 18
3.2.3 Existing Roads.............................................................................................................. 19
3.2.4 Traffic........................................................................................................................... 21
3.2.5 Drainage........................................................................................................................ 21
3.2.6 Environmental Impact................................................................................................... 21
3.2.7 Road Safety................................................................................................................... 23
3.3 Initial Consultations.............................................................................................................. 23
KNUST Development Office....................................................................................................... 23
4.0 PROGRESS OF WORK, METHODOLOGY AND WORK SCHEDULE...............................24
4.1 Progress of Work........................................................................................................................ 24
4.1.1 Desk Study.......................................................................................................................... 24
4.1.2 Materials and Pavement Investigation..........................................................................24
4.1.3 Traffic Studies and Projections..................................................................................... 25
Forecasting of Future Traffic (Traffic Demand)..........................................................................26
4.1.4 Hydrological Studies and Hydraulic Design.................................................................26
4.1.5 Geometric Design......................................................................................................... 27
Proposed Design Standards.......................................................................................................... 28
4.1.6 Pavement Design........................................................................................................... 28
4.1.7 Impact Study and Assessment....................................................................................... 29
4.1.8 Construction quantities, Cost Estimates and Contract Documents...............................29
4.1.9 Economic Appraisal of Project..................................................................................... 29
HDM-4 Input Data....................................................................................................................... 30
4.2 Work Schedule/Programme of Works.................................................................................. 30
5.0 PROPOSED CONTENT OF DRAFT FINAL REPORT...........................................................30
6.0 CHALLENGES ENCOUNTERED...................................................................................... 31
7.0 APPENDIX................................................................................................................................ 32

Figure 3.2.2. 1 soil and vegetation cover.......................................................................................... 17

Figure 3.2.7. 1 Emena –Boadi road showing open drainage a safety hazard...................................21

Figure 3.2.3. 1 existing road on the site......................................................................................... 19

Figure 7. 1 Aerial view of the site.................................................................................................... 31


Table 2.3.2. 1 A table showing the household distribution and sizes...............................................13

Table 2.3.3. 1 Variation of population density with years................................................................14

Table 3.3.1. 1Project Team Responsibility Assignment Schedule...................................................15

1.0 Background

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi (KNUST) is

undertaking the construction of a new 800-bed teaching hospital. The KNUST Teaching
Hospital is to become a referral centre for hospitals in the Ashanti Region in order to
ease the pressure currently on the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, Kumasi. The new
hospital is being constructed in two phases.

Phase One was awarded on contract and construction is in progress at the site. Phase
two, which is at the design stage comprises staff accommodation, ancillary support
facilities, as well as drainage, water supply and waste management for the entire
Teaching Hospital.

We (civil3 students) have been assigned to undertake the design of the Transportation
Engineering Infrastructure Works.

2.0 Objectives

The objective of the assignment is to provide engineering designs for components of

transportation infrastructure works required for ensuring the efficient functioning of the
Teaching Hospital PHASE TWO project including the following:
- Road Network

- Vehicular Parking

- Drainage

3.0 Progress of Work, and Work Schedule

Our group (group24) comprising five (5) civil engineering students has familiarized
itself with the Terms of Reference and the project site.

A desk study of available project drawings, standards and specifications has been

Detailed engineering studies have also begun.


1.1 Background

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi (KNUST) is

undertaking the construction of a new 800-bed teaching hospital. The KNUST Teaching
Hospital is to become a referral centre for hospitals in the Ashanti Region in order to
ease the pressure currently on the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, Kumasi. The new
hospital is being constructed in two phases.

Phase One which has comprehensive structural and building services design for a
teaching hospital was awarded on contract and construction is in progress at the site.
Phase two, which is at the design stage comprises staff accommodation, ancillary
support facilities, as well as drainage, water supply and waste management for the
entire Teaching Hospital.

The Management of KNUST, the Client, commissioned the Development Office of the
university to undertake the general planning and the design of the architectural aspects
of the

Teaching Hospital scheme. Similarly the Client engaged the services of Engineering
Consultants for the design of the mechanical and the electrical engineering aspects of
the proposed Teaching Hospital scheme. Preliminary planning and designs of the
various units for the Phase Two scheme have been completed and approved by the
Civil Engineering 3 students have now been commissioned to undertake the design of
the Transportation Engineering Infrastructure Works for the said Phase Two of the new
Teaching Hospital project for the University in Kumasi, with a view to equipping
students with the knowledge and skill that will enable them better manage a road

1.2 Objectives

The objective of the assignment is to provide engineering designs for components of

transportation infrastructure works required for ensuring the efficient functioning of the
Teaching Hospital PHASE TWO project including the following:
 Road Network;
 Vehicular Parking
 Drainage
 Solid and Liquid Waste Management
 Water Supply and Distribution

1.3 Scope of the Project

The summary of the scope of works to be designed or performed under the assignment is
given below:

1.3.1 Site layout

We reviewed the preliminary site layout provided and confirmed that it included the
• The road layout;
• Drainage network
• Contour map of the area
• Location of the nearest water body.
We have been tasked with providing the following in addition:
 Location of the proposed water reservoir;
 Water distribution network;
 Solid waste disposal system
 Liquid waste disposal system

1.3.2 Geotechnical Investigation for Road Pavement Design

This entails:

• Adequate investigation on the subsoil to determine its adequacy for its intended
purposes (i.e. Road network, Building). These investigations include foundation
design and index properties tests.
• Obtaining the necessary information about required type of soil with which to
undertake this project.

1.3.3 Pavement Design of Roads and Parking Facilities

This entails:

• Visiting the site to obtain the necessary traffic characteristics for the site
• Propose a suitable road layout.
• Ensure that the walkways and drains are adequate, as well as the traffic flow for
the hospital.
• Design adequate parking facilities for an estimated 100 cars.
• Investigate the maximum parking capacity for the land available
• Provide appropriate bill of quantities for construction of the proposed layout.

1.3.4 Geometric Design of Road Network

This should include:

• A suitable entry and exit point to the site

• All vertical and horizontal alignment details required for the proper setting out of
the works.
• Pedestrian walkways, lay-bys and appropriate intersection details incorporated
into the designs where appropriate.
• All relevant traffic control devices and systems to ensure efficient movement of
• Consulting with relevant road agencies such as Department of Urban Roads and
Ghana Highway Authority for specifications and standards.
• Provide appropriate bill of quantities for construction of the proposed layout.

1.3.5 Storm Drainage

• Obtaining relevant hydrological properties of the area, including maximum
rainfall intensity and maximum temperature.
• Design drains which are self-cleansing.
• Design of appropriate concrete drains that prevent siltation.
• Storm water from the areas of phase one and two must be estimated and drainage
facilities designed to cater for it.
• Storm drainage ensuring that adjacent properties are not unreasonably hampered
and that all drains have a desirable outfall.
• Provision of drawings of designed drainage system.
• Provision of bill of quantities and cost estimates for proposed layout

1.3.6 Environmental Impact Assessment Report:

The report should highlight the following:
• The positive and negative environmental impacts of the project on the environs.
• The positive and negative social impacts of the project on the environs.
• Identification of appropriate mitigation measures to lessen the objectionable
• Drafting of appropriate management clauses and actions to be included in the
Contract document during implementation and operation of the facilities
• Assessment of Traffic impacts, especially at the main entrance from the network
of roads around the development during construction and operation of the
• Development of a monitoring programme for each of the facilities to ensure that
mitigation being implemented is effective
• Assessment of the cost of an Environmental Management Plan

Solid waste Management

The solid waste shall be separated into two main categories:

 Domestic Waste- Regular waste which would otherwise be produced in

a domestic environment (e.g. food wrappers and banana peels)
Collection and disposal shall be done in accordance with the KMA
methods for solid waste disposal. Garbage collection points will be
positioned so that they are easily located but at the same time do not
create health problems such as bad odour and attraction of disease-
carrying organisms. The amount of solid waste from both phase one and
two which will be produced by all who will use the hospital will be
estimated and designed for.

 Medical Waste-Waste produced from specifically medical procedures

(e.g. used band aids and syringes)
Medical waste will be collected separately from domestic waste, possibly
through the use of chutes. Disposal will be in accordance with the
methods employed by KATH, as it is similar in characteristics.

Liquid waste Management

Like solid waste, liquid waste shall be separated into two main categories:
 Domestic Waste- Regular waste which would otherwise be produced in
a domestic environment (e.g. urine from toilets). Collection and disposal
shall be done in accordance with the KMA methods for solid waste
disposal. It will be collected from inspection chambers at each facility
and transported through sewers (to be designed by the team) to a central
sewage treatment plant. An appropriate sewage treatment system should
be designed to handle and treat all domestic waste and the effluent
discharged into the nearest natural water body in accordance with the
EPA guidelines for effluent discharge into natural water bodies. The
amount of liquid waste from both phase one and two which will be
produced by all who will use the hospital will be estimated and designed

 Medical Waste-Waste produced from specifically medical procedures

(e.g. blood/urine samples treated with chemicals)

Medical waste will be collected separately from domestic waste. The medical waste, to
be generated from the operations of the various units of the proposed hospital shall be
disposed of in accordance with approved methods for handling such wastes. However,
where feasible and appropriate, the medical waste shall be connected to the domestic
sewers and treated at the treatment plant for domestic waste. Disposal will be in
accordance with the methods employed by KATH, as it is similar in characteristics.

1.3.7 Costing and Contract Documentation:

• Bill of quantities and other costing projects will be carried out by the team,
according to the Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement(CESMM)
• Development of rates for various work items, compared with rates from recent
tenders and adjustments will be made, according to the CESMM, if necessary.
Pricing of the bill of quantities will be based on these rates, to obtain an estimate
of the cost of the works.
• Any tender documents will be handled in accordance will the Public
procurement Act (act 663, 2003);

1.3.8 Economic Appraisal of the Project:

Evaluation of the economic cost and benefits of the project for the calculation of the Net
Present Value (NPV), Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR) and Benefit/Cost Ratio.
1.4 Project Information Available

The following information has been made available by the Project Architect.
• Topographic Site Survey Map
• Proposed site layout drawing showing the proposed location of the buildings and
associated infrastructure


The site for the proposed Phase Two of the new Teaching Hospital is located on the
Northeastern side of the KNUST campus near Boadi, and opposite the Ghana Telecom
Exchange Station, along the Boadi Junction–Emena Road.

2.1 Geology and Soils of the Area

The geology of Ghana consists mainly of the parallel disposition of evenly spaced belts
of folded Birimian metalavas. It is divided mainly into upper and lower Birimian. The
project area which is within Ashanti region falls within the upper Birimian. These
consist chiefly of metalavas (metamorphosed basaltic and andesitic lavas). The
Birimian System in Ghana is part of the Birimian supracrustal sequence of West Africa,
which extends from Ghana westwards to Senegal and Mauritania and northwards into
Burkina Faso.
The Birimian rocks consist of interlayered sedimentary and volcanic flow rocks
metamorphosed to low green schist faces of Barrovian type. It is divided mainly into
upper and lower Birimian. From visual inspection, it was discovered that, the soil at the
project site is lateritic intermixed with fused laterite.

2.2 Climate & Rainfall

Kumasi features a tropical wet and dry climate with relatively constant temperatures
throughout the course of the year. Kumasi is noticeably wetter than nearby Accra, the
capital of Ghana averaging around 1484 mm of rain per year.
The city almost features two different rainy seasons, a longer rainy season from March
through July and a shorter rainy season from September to November. In actuality, the
month of February through to November is one long wet season, with a relative lull in
precipitation in August. Similar to the rest of West Africa, Kumasi experiences the
Harmattan during the “low sun” months. Lasting from December to February, the
Harmattan is the primary source of the city’s dry season.
• The average temperature in Kumasi, Ghana is 26.1°C
• The range of average monthly temperatures is 21.5 °C to 30.7°C.
• The warmest average max/ high temperature is 30.7°C in February.
• The coolest average min/ low temperature is 21.5 °C in January, February &
• Kumasi receives on average 1484 mm of precipitation annually or 124 mm each
• On average there are 137 days annually on which greater than 0.1 mm (0.004 in)
of precipitation occurs or 11 days on an average month.
• The month with the driest weather is January when on balance 20 mm (0.8 in) of
rain falls across 2 days.
• The month with the wettest weather is June when on balance 234 mm (9.2 in) of
rain falls across 17 days.
• Mean relative humidity for an average year is recorded as 84.16% and on a
monthly basis it ranges from 75% in February to 87% in June, July, August,
September & October.
• There is an average range of hours of sunshine in Kumasi of between 2.3 hours per
day in August and 6.7 hours per day in March.
• On average there are 1870 sunshine hours annually and approximately 5.1 sunlight
hours for each day.

2.3 Demographic characteristics

2.3.1 Population and growth rate

The Kumasi metropolis is the most populous district in the Ashanti region. The
population of Kumasi metropolis is 1730249 represents 36.2 percent of the total
population of Ashanti region (4780380).
The growth rate of 5.4% per annum and this accounts for just under a third (32.4%) of
this region population.
2.3.2 Household sizes and characteristics
Kumasi metropolis has total household population of 1674862 with 440283 households.
This translates into an average household size of 3.8 persons per household which is
slightly lower than the region.

Table 2.3.2. 1 A table showing the household distribution and sizes

Category Region Kumasi metropolis

Total household population 4671982 1674862

Number of household 1126205 440283

Average household size 4.2 3.8

There are 440286 heads of households in the metropolis consisting 26.3% of all
household members.
Biological children constitute the largest percentage of household members (39.7%)
while spouse constitute 9.9%.
Among the males population in the metropolis, 33.6% are heads and 40.8% are children.
With regards to the female population, 19.7% are heads, 17.2% are spouses and 38.8%
are children.
2.3.3 Population density
The Kumasi metropolitan area has a total surface area of 254 square km (2010
population census) with a population density of 9434 person per square km.
It is the second largest metropolis in terms of population density. In 2000 population
census, the population density of 5419 persons per square km. The population density in
Kumasi keeps increasing each and every single year.

Table 2.3.3. 1 Variation of population density with years

Year Population density

1960 45 persons per square km

1970 61 persons per square km

1984 86 persons per square km

2000 5419 persons per square km

2010 9434 persons per square km

2.3.4 Age and Sex Structure
There are more females (52.22%) in the metropolis than males (47.78%). The population
65years and older is 61457 and forms 3.6% of the population. Person 0-14 years in the
metropolis are 573602 constituting 33.2%.

2.3.5 Occupational Distribution

Sales and Production work are the major occupations in the Kumasi metropolis. The
fact that the Kumasi metropolis is the main commercial and industrial centre in the
region, may partly account for the large proportion of the population in Sales and
Production work. The proportions of the economically active population in
Professional and Technical work are relatively small.
The government’s policy of making the private sector the engine of growth of the
economy needs to be encouraged, since a greater proportion of the population in the
district tends to be engaged in this sector. The private sector, as presently constituted
with such high proportions of single person enterprises, cannot be an engine of growth.
Such enterprises do not expand to absorb the ever-increasing labour force. Moreover,
they contribute next to nothing to taxes.
Policies aimed at improving the private sector and creating an enabling environment,
should therefore aim at capacitating such enterprises to expand their base in order to be
able to absorb extra labour. The self-employed without employees, in the private
informal sector, many of whom are not even properly registered, also raise problems of
mobilization for such social welfare issues as social security and health insurance,
which are becoming important concerns for Government. Appropriate policies to
integrate this sector into the various social sector schemes will therefore need to be
evolved. Such integration can even have an indirect positive effect on the growth and
expansion of such private sector enterprises.


3.1 Mobilization

3.1.1 The Project Team

Group24 comprises five (5) Civil engineering3 students.

The roles and designations of the team members on the assignment are shown in Table 3.1.
Table 3.3.1. 1Project Team Responsibility Assignment Schedule


Armstrong Aboah Solid and liquid waste
1 9708913
Geotechnical studies
2 Basit Issah Alhassan 9710913

3 Kwame Antwi 9712413 Traffic studies

4 Paul Anyidoho-Kumi 9712713 Road network

Drainage, water supply and
5 Vaneça Tokognon 9723913

3.2 Field Reconnaissance

The Project Team paid visit to the project site on 18th February, 2016. The team
traversed the entire site on foot inspecting the features of the existing road, traffic
operations and conditions, drainage structures. The visit helped us to appreciate the
existing site conditions and to know what needed to be done to accomplish the
objectives of the assignment.

A summary of information obtained from the site reconnaissance is presented below.

3.2.1 Terrain
The existing ground features three main slopes.

When facing the administration block, the land in the Westward direction appears to
slope upward. However after a short distance in that direction the land begins to slope
downward again towards the Boku stream.

In the Eastward direction the land slopes downward toward the road before sloping
upward a little to meet the road.

In the Southward direction the land meant to be the centre of the site is relatively level,
with its gentle downward slope only noticeable after a look at the contour map
Figure 3.2.1: Site terrain showing cross slopes

3.2.2 Soils and Vegetation Cover

The immediate surroundings of the administration block site are mainly lateritic soils.
As one moves downwards towards the Boku stream, vegetation gradually becomes
denser. It increases from normal household weeds to maize plants to tall trees.
In the Southward direction the vegetation behaves similarly, as with the land in the
Eastward direction towards the road.
Figure 3.2.2. 1 soil and vegetation cover

3.2.3 Existing Roads

There are no existing roads within the site perimeter. There is however a track from the
main Boadi Junction – Emena road through the site to the Phase One site entrance.
There are also footpaths leading to the vegetable plantations surrounding the site, most
probably created by the farmers. There are also footpaths that lead from the
administration block site to the classroom block site. These are very beneficial as cars
cannot move around freely on the site. The proposed main entrance to the site is located
on the Boadi Junction – Emena road, on the eastern side. By the DUR road
classification system the Boadi Junction – Emena road is a Collector/distributor
handling traffic between access roads along it, Boadi, Kotei and the Accra –Kumasi
road (N6).

The Team came to the conclusion that the main entrance design would become a critical
aspect of the overall road network design given the current traffic volume, speeds of
vehicles observed, and the estimated future traffic upon completion of the project. It
was observed that vehicles travelling on the road between the proposed project site and
the adjacent ECG substation/Ghana Telecom office through to Boadi were travelling at
relatively high speeds. This could pose a challenge after the hospital becomes
operational, because entry and exit of cars will be very difficult due to high speeds
along the road. Visibility is impaired near the current access point due to the steep
upward vertical profile on the approach from Emena. The proposed entrance location is
not close to the vertical curve but has entrances to the ECG and Ghana Telecom
premises in close proximity. It is recommended that the location of the intersection
must therefore be moved a few meters from the proposed location in order to avoid
some of these challenges and improve general safety. A traffic control device may also
be introduced, such as a traffic light, or at least a stop/slow down sign, to reduce speed
approaching the intersection. The current super elevation of the main road may need
some improvement since the road surface appears to be flat.

Besides the intersection, most parts of the site did not seem to present any challenges.
The terrain is relatively level with mainly gentle slopes if any at all and it is not
expected that there would be many cuts or fills required.

Figure 3.2.3. 1 Existing road on the site

3.2.4 Traffic
The traffic on the main road next to the site is mainly free-flowing with relatively low
traffic volumes. On site, traffic is mainly due to construction-related vehicles and
pedestrians (workers and visitors). Commercial vehicles are not allowed in the site. This
may be a major cause of the free flow of vehicles.

3.2.5 Drainage
As stated in the terrain paragraph above the site features appreciable slopes that make it
well-drained. The surface slopes are such that runoff collects naturally towards the
centre and then flows outward to the east into the Boku stream. Due to the good slopes
and the high elevation of the site from the Boku stream it is not expected that
groundwater would in any way hinder construction work or be deleterious to
constructed infrastructure.

3.2.6 Environmental Impact

As with all construction projects, there will be some social, physical and biological
impacts on the surrounding environment of the site. Some positive, others negative.
Some during construction, and others linger after the work is done.

Social impacts

 Improvement of public health for the developing community and Kumasi

 Reduction in the number of emergency cases sent to Komfo Anokye and the
Tech Hospital which helps reduce the burden of the hospitals.
 A source of employment opportunity for the nation.
 Safety Development
 Helps medical students to be much closer to fellow students and not be so

Negative impacts

 Noise pollution during construction

 Loss of livelihood through loss of farm land (through borrowing and

 High pedestrian safety risk due to increase in vehicle-pedestrian interaction Physical Impacts
There are a few positive impacts on the physical environment, such as

 Beautification due to the presence of the hospital.

 Effective usage of land for a good purpose.
 Encourages the development of the area i.e. increase construction of
facilities in and around vicinity to ease the congestion the Kumasi.


 During, the construction stages the works on the hospital would cause
noise population from huge machines which would be used for excavations and
 Also, after the construction of the hospital from ambulance and workers.
 Excavations and other earth works for the construction of the hospital
would reduce the quality of air in the area.
 Construction would disturb the earth formation.
 Surface water contamination.
 The production of biomedical waste during operation.
 Eventual increase in congestion of vehicular traffic in and around the

 Soil erosion through increased runoff

 Pollution of water bodies by earthworks, fuel and lubricants, night soil, bath
water and refuse during construction
 Air and soil pollution from refuse and litter during and after construction Biological
Negative impacts
 Loss of natural habitat for squirrels, birds and other animals
 Loss of vegetation cover through land take by construction and borrowing
 Destruction of aquatic life through water pollution
 Unhealthy irrigation water for vegetable plantations due to water pollution
3.2.7 Road Safety
The road safety leaves much to be desired. This is due to the following factors:
 No road safety sign
 No pedestrians walkways
 No zebra crossings
 No speed ramps
 The roadside drains are also open concrete u-drains – a safety hazard for both
pedestrians and vehicles.

Figure 3.2.7. 1 Emena –Boadi road showing open drainage a safety hazard

3.3 Initial Consultations

KNUST Development Office

In order to understand the basis for the architectural road layout, including selection of
main entrance location, size of parking areas, we went to the KNUST Development
Office. We were hoping to obtain an engineering/architectural consultant’s report.
However we were told that they didn’t have the information we were looking for. We
wanted information on the road works but they only had structural plans. We were thus
referred to the Faculty of Architecture for the said information, only to be informed that
all such reports had been handed over to a foreign consultant who never returned them.
The team is therefore not in possession of any information forming the basis of the road
layout concept. We have resolved to develop our own design for the road works.


4.1 Progress of Work

In order to ensure the timely completion the Project Team has begun conducting
detailed materials investigations, traffic studies, preliminary geometric designs,
hydrological studies and hydraulic analyses and design. Investigations into the use of
rates of similar works as well the survey of inputs encompassing machine, labour
wages, cost materials for use for sample rate analysis are underway. Scoping of
potential impacts of the project on components of the environment has been done and
will be the basis of the determination of mitigation measures.

4.1.1 Desk Study

The team has started working on obtaining all required Specifications and Standards for
the various aspects of the project. Available reports and data on materials, traffic
volumes, axle load factors, and hydrological data are being studied to inform the
appropriate design of the various features.

4.1.2 Materials and Pavement Investigation

This will be led by Alhassan Basit Issah. Geotechnical investigations will be conducted
on the subgrade to determine its index and other properties including bearing capacity
to sustain the traffic load that will be imposed on it. The in situ test that will be carried
out will include Dynamic Cone penetration (DCP) test and trial pitting along the road
corridor as well as the car parks. The Dynamic cone penetration (DCP) Test will be
conducted at specified ranges which we shall decide later on. This is because the
Dynamic cone penetration test (DCP) determines the sub grade strength and also
informs the decision on the design of the pavement layers. The trial pitting will be
conducted at specified ranges which we shall decide later on. The project area is a small
area and so it is safe to assume it does not span across different soil formations. Sample
of the in situ soil will also be taken to the laboratory for the relevant test to be
Soil samples from identified borrow pits will also be tested to decide their suitability for
the road works and identified car parks. Some of the laboratory test that will be
conducted will include grading, compaction, California bearing ratio, Atterberg limits
and moisture content. Quarry aggregates that will be used for sealing works will also
tested at the laboratory to determine its suitability. Grading, ten percent fines, Impact
test, Los Angeles Abrasion (LAA) and flakiness Index (FI) are some of the test that will
be conducted on the aggregates.
Investigations into borrow materials (including gravel, crushed rock and sand) will also
be carried out. Samples would be taken from some existing borrow sites to determine
their suitability.
All soil and aggregates test will be conducted in accordance with the Ministry of Roads
and Transport specifications, a copy of which has been supplied by Alhassan Basit.

4.1.3 Traffic Studies and Projections

This will be led mainly by Kwame Antwi. Considering that the traffic characteristics of
the area cannot be readily determined at this time, because conditions will be different
by the time the hospital is completed, we shall study the characteristics of a similar
hospital with similar characteristics to our projected vision of the hospital. The studies
we will conduct shall include the following:

 Traffic Volume count

 AADT determination
 Intersection count at the entry and exit point

Our chosen hospital of study is the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital in Bantama,
Kumasi. It houses the same number of patients and about the same number of staff
while hosting roughly the same amount of non-staff human and vehicle traffic we
expect of our hospital. Parking studies will also be conducted at the KATH to enable us
design an adequate parking facility.

Traffic counts and Data Collection

Traffic counts will be conducted on the Emena-Boadi road, near the site. Similar counts
will be conducted at the KATH. The results of both will be compared to see whether
any differences occur, and we will try to account for these differences. Each count will
be a 12-hour count, as is usually done for most traffic studies. Parking studies will
however have to be done solely on KATH, because it can’t be done on the site. The
parking data from the KATH study will hopefully provide a reliable model on which we
can base our parking facility on.

Data Analysis
The data obtained from our counts will be analysed and used to obtain the following:
• Proportion or composition of each vehicle type /group in the traffic stream. This
will assist in the choice of pavement materials and road width.
• Monthly variation factor – needed for the estimation of Base year AADT
• Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volume for each vehicle type /group and the total
• Base Year Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT), volume for each vehicle
type/group in the traffic stream.

Forecasting of Future Traffic (Traffic Demand)

The hospital is expected to serve the community for a very long time. Because of this,
our design is supposed to cater for any changes in traffic conditions and traffic mix,
projecting for at least decades into the future. We will apply population growth rates
and figures from KATH development office to assist us in this.
Traffic Management and Safety
Based on our design, traffic control devices and personnel will be planned for
where necessary. These include road signs, barriers, or traffic signals if needed.

4.1.4 Hydrological Studies and Hydraulic Design

The objective of the hydraulic and hydrological studies is to identify the climate,
weather and other hydrology-related properties of the area, so as to determine drainage
requirements for the proposed construction layout. The following activities will be
undertaken in order to complete the drainage design process:
• Collection and Review of Existing Data
• Drainage Survey
• Hydrological Analysis
• Hydraulic Analysis
• Design of Drainage Structures
During the field reconnaissance survey the surface topography through which the Boku
stream flows was observed and described as seen above. The topography of the area, as
provided together with the terms of reference, will be analysed and the data will be used
for the design of drainage system.

Hydrological Analysis
Meteorological information for the Kumasi area has been obtained, as seen above.
Using a hydrologic model and return period recommended by DUR in conjunction with
the proposed land use of the site catchment areas and their slopes, appropriate peak
flows will be estimated.

Hydraulic Analysis
Based on the estimated peak flows, land area, topography and other hydrological data
and results, suitable drainage systems will be designed, taking into account the
materials required, cost of construction and location of the nearest water body.

Drainage Schedule
On completion of the hydraulic analysis and design, a schedule summarising all drain
types, sizes, lengths, locations and construction information would be provided.
The necessary standards and guidelines have already been collated to aid the drainage
analyses and design. They include: Road Design Guide (GHA, 1991);

Highway Drainage Manual (DUR);

Ghana Meteorological Services Department Departmental Note 23 (Maximum Rainfall

Intensity - Duration Frequencies in Ghana) by J. B. Dankwa (1974).

4.1.5 Geometric Design

This will be led mainly by Paul Anyidoho-Kumi. Based on the Terms of Reference
provided it is understood that the geometric design and road safety aspects of the task
would entail primarily;
1. The design of the Vertical and Horizontal alignment of the roads showing details
for the proper setting out of works.
2. The design of the main access entry junction
3. Design of pedestrian walkways, lay-bys and appropriate intersection details as
well as all relevant traffic management features (such as traffic signs, road
markings, etc.) that are required for the safe and efficient operation of the road
4. Liaising with relevant road agencies for appropriate specifications and standards
to aid in the performance of these tasks.
5. Providing appropriate bill of quantities and appraisal of construction.
The two main types of traffic to be designed for are vehicular and pedestrian traffic. The
two main traffic movements to be handled are those at the entrance and those within the
site. In both cases the objective of design would be to provide geometry and physical
structure so as to ensure reasonable flow for all traffic while minimising or eliminating
conflict between different streams and types of traffic.
The topographical data supplied by the Client have been scrutinized and validated for
the work to be carried out. The survey extent and details are deemed sufficient for
undertaking the geometric design.

Since speeds within the site are expected to be low the horizontal alignments are
expected to follow the architectural road layout closely. Any deviations from this
layout, where necessary for safety, would be proposed.

Proposed Design Standards

1. Ghana Highway Road Design Guide (1991)

2. BS EN 1436 Road Marking Performance for Road Users.
3. Standard Specification for Road and Bridge Works, (2007), Published by the
Ministry of
Road Transport;
4. Standard Details, Road Signs and Marking for Urban and Trunk Roads;

4.1.6 Pavement Design

The above mentioned geotechnical investigation in section 4.1.2 will provide the
required information on the subsoil to determine its suitability to bear the load imposed
by the traffic which the road network will be designed for.

Use will be made of available data on the following

• Construction materials exploration
• Pavement material and subgrade investigation
• Laboratory testing of representative soil, water and rock samples.
Primary data will be collected where such information is not available.
Pavement configurations will be designed according to the GHA Pavement Design
Manual and the AASHTO Pavement Design Methods.

Impact Assessment

The Construction of the pavement will impact on the environment both positively and
The design aims to minimise the negative impact.
Selection of pavement materials in conjunction with the geotechnical engineer and the
construction by layer thickness and compactive effort at optimum level will be
The double seal construction method may be applied, as it is more advantageous than
the single seal. It will provide a better smoother pavement than the conventional single
chip seal. However, it is more expensive, and so the available funds will go a long way
to decide which method shall be used. Recent research is increasingly confirming the
role of pavement smoothness in reducing the emissions and fuel consumption of the
vehicles that use the road.
Pavement will be designed as Perpetual pavements, designed to last indefinitely with
just the top 25-30 mm wearing course needing to be replaced every 10 years or so,
significantly reducing both the maintenance and construction costs and the need for new

4.1.7 Impact Study and Assessment

The immediate environmental impacts have been discussed above in section 3.2.6

Further studies will be considered so that we can identify more of them, particularly the
negative ones. This will enable us to avoid or at least minimize these negative impacts.
This will be treated in detail in our Environmental Impact Assessment Report.

4.1.8 Construction quantities, Cost Estimates and Contract Documents

• Bill of quantities and other costing projects will be carried out by the team,
according to the Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement(CESMM)
• Development of rates for various work items, compared with rates from recent
tenders and adjustments will be made, according to the CESMM, if necessary.
Pricing of the bill of quantities will be based on these rates, to obtain an estimate
of the cost of the works.
• Any tender documents will be handled in accordance will the Public
procurement Act (act 663, 2003);
Tender documents to enable procurement of works on the principle of competitiveness
and transparency will be prepared. The standards to be used include:
• Civil Engineering Standard Methods of Measurement (CESMM3, 1988);
• Public procurement Act (act 663, 2003);
4.1.9 Economic Appraisal of Project
For the economic appraisal of the project, the Team will employ the Highway
Development and Management Investment Model, (HDM-4) , for the economic
analysis and evaluation of the Project for the 20 years following the completion of the
construction of the road. The economic evaluation would be carried out for both "with"
and "without" project cases.
The team is aware that the Road Deterioration sub-model is one of the sensitive models
in the HDM-4 Model. In this regard, a calibrated model will be used to predict the
behaviour of the road.

HDM-4 Input Data

The following data will be collected to serve as input into the HDM-4 Model:

• Existing road characteristics

• Vehicle fleet characteristics
• Road works standards
• Economic costs
• Economic benefits
In accordance with the terms of reference, the economic cost and benefits of the project
will be evaluated for the calculation of the Net Present Value (NPV), Economic Internal
Rate of Return (EIRR) and Benefit/Cost Ratio. Benefits will be calculated based on
savings in vehicle operating cost and time. Other non-quantifiable costs and benefits
will also be listed. Groups that benefit and cost accrued will be identified. Staging and
Implementation for the project will also be analyzed and discussed by the team to arrive
at a final result.

4.2 Work Schedule/Programme of Works

Attached is our planned work schedule for the construction works.


Executive Summary

Background &Introduction
Traffic Studies & Analyses

Geometric Designs

Hydrological Studies and Drainage Design

Geotechnical Investigations and Analyses

Pavement and Foundation Design

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

Cost Estimates, Bill of Quantities & Bid Documentation

Progress of Work/ Current Activities

Working Drawings

Plans & profiles



 Interpretation of the map was a little tedious because some

environmental changes altered
 Traffic studies is difficult because of the existing road conditions and
heavy machinery on or around the site.
 Due to occasional changes between the plan and the actual site, certain
details are difficult to interpret by us.
 We weren’t able to get sufficient counsel with the civil engineer on site.
 Traffic and weather characteristics of the area were difficult to obtain
due to time constraints.
 Transportation to and from the site is quite expensive.

Figure 7. 1 Aerial view of the site

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