Electrochemistry EXAM

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1. Electrochemistry is the branch of chemistry which deals with the relationship between electrical energy and
chemical energy and inter-conversion of one form into another.

2. An electrochemical cell consists of two metallic electrodes dipped in electrolytic solutions. The cells are of two
types: (a) Electrolytic cells (b) Galvanic cells

3. A galvanic cell consists of two half cells. Each half cell contains an electrolytic solution and a metallic electrode.
The electrode at which- oxidation takes place is called an anode and the electrode at which reduction takes place is
called the cathode. The half-cells are separated from each other by means of a salt bridge.. 4.Faraday’s laws of

(a) First law: The amount of a substance deposited or liberated at an electrode is directly proportional to the
quantity of electricity passed through the electrolyte.

Z = constant called electrochemical equivalent

(b) Second law: When the same quantity of electricity is passed through solutions of different electrolytes, the
weight of different substances deposited or liberated at the respective electrodes are proportional to their
chemical equivalent weights.

5. The charge on one mole of electrons is approximately equal to 96500 coulombs. This quantity of electricity is
called Faraday constant (F).

6. The passage of current from one electrode to the other indicates the existence of potential difference between
them. This difference of potential which causes current to flow from the electrode of higher negative potential is
called the electromotive force (emf).

7. Functions of salt bridge: completes the circuit & maintains electrical neutrality of the cell

8. The potential of SHE is assigned an arbitrary value of zero. E° = 0 V. It is used as a reference electrode for
measuring the standard electrode potentials. .

9. When the elements are arranged in order of their standard electrode potentials, a series known as
electrochemical series is obtained.

10. Standard emf of a cell,

E°cell = E°cathode – E°anode = E°Right – E°Left

11. Relation between Gibb’s free energy & E0cell ΔG° = -nFE°cell

If E°cell is positive, ΔG° would be negative and reaction would be spontaneous.

If E°cell is negative, ΔG° would be positive and the reaction would be non-spontaneous.

12. A species with higher standard reduction potential has greater tendency to accept electrons to undergo reduction
or vice versa.

13. The potential of an electrode in contact with its ions in solution varies with the concentration of the
ion. Thus, for a redox reaction.

14. For an electrochemical cell for which the overall reaction is :

15. The equilibrium constant, KC is related to E0cell


1. (a) Calculate G° for the reaction Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq) → Zn2+(aq) + Cu(s) Given: E° for Zn2+/Zn = -0.76V and
E° for Cu+2/Cu = +0.34V R = 8.314JK–1mol–1 F = 96500 C mol–1

2. Calculate emf of the following cell

Cd/Cd2+ (.10 M)//H+ (.20 M)/H2 (0.5 atm)/Pt [Given E° for Cd2+ /Cd = -0.403V] 5. 3.Consider the reaction: Cr2O72- +
14H+ + 6e-→2Cr3+ + 7H2O What is the quantity of electricity in coulombs needed to reduce 1 mol of Cr2O72- ?

4. How many electrons flow when a current of 5A is passed through a solution for 193 sec. Given F = 96500 C. mol-
N0 =6.002 × 1023

5. There are two possible reactions for cathode in the electrolysis of aqueous ZnCl2 :Zn2+ (aq) + 2e- → Zn(s) E0 = -
0.76v 2H2O (l) + 2e- → H2 (g) + 2OH- (aq) E0 = - 0.83v Which one will take place ? Why



( January - 2023 )

Time allotted; 1:30hr

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1. Which cell will measure standard electrode potential of copper electrode?

a. Pt (s) | H2 (g, 0.1 bar) | H+ (aq. , 1 M) || Cu2+(aq.,1M) | Cu

b. Pt(s) | H2 (g, 1 bar) | H+ (aq. , 1 M) || Cu2+ (aq., 2 M) | Cu

c. Pt(s)| H2 (g, 1 bar) | H+ (aq. , 1 M) || Cu2+ (aq.,1 M) | Cu

d. Pt(s) | H2 (g, 1 bar) | H+ (aq.,0.1 M) || Cu2+ (aq.,1 M) | Cu

2. The difference between the electrode potentials of two electrodes when no current is drawn through the cell is
called ___________.

A. Cell potential B. Electromotive Force C. Potential difference D. Cell voltage

3. What is the coefficient for hydroxide, and how many electrons are transferred after balancing the reaction?
Pb(OH)42- + ClO- →PbO2 + Cl- + OH- + H2O
A. 2OH- and 2 electrons D. 2OH- and 4 electrons
B. 3OH and 4 electrons
C. 1OH- and 2 electrons

4. Which substance is the reducing agent in the following reaction?

Ca(s) + Zn2+ (aq) → Ca2+ (aq) + Zn(s)

a. Ca(s) b. Zn 2+ (aq) c. Ca 2+ (aq) d. Zn(s)

5. Which substance is the reducing agent in the following reaction?

4H+ (aq) + 2Cl- (aq) + MnO2 (s) → Cl2 (g) + Mn2+ (aq) + 2H2O(l)
a. H+ (aq) b. Cl- (aq) c. MnO2 (s) d. Cl2 (g) e. Mn2+ (aq)
6. Which one of the following items does not characterize an oxidizing agent?
a. An oxidizing agent gains electrons.
b. An oxidizing agent causes another species to be oxidized.
c. The oxidation number of an oxidizing agent decreases.
d. A good oxidizing agent is a metal in a high oxidation state, such as Mn7+ .
e. An example of a good oxidizing agent is an alkali metal, such as Na

7. Which statement about a voltaic cell is not correct?

a. Chemical species can have their oxidation number decreased at the cathode.
b. Reduction occurs at the cathode.
c. Usually the cathode is a metal strip.

d. Oxidation occurs at the anode.
e. Elemental metal is routinely converted to metal cations at the cathode

8. For the cell shown, the standard reduction potentials are +0.80 V for Ag+ and –0.76 V for Zn2+ . Based on
the-----------------reduction potentials, the electrode is where the reduction will occur and it is called

a. Ag, cathode b. Ag, anode c. Zn, cathode d. Zn, anode

9. What is the standard cell potential for a voltaic cell using the Al3+ /Al and Fe 3+ /Fe half-reactions? Which metal is
anode? (Use the Standard Reduction Potentials table shown above)
a. –2.43 V, Al is the anode b. +0.89 V, Fe is the anode
b. +2.43 V, Al is the anode d. –0.89 V, Fe is the anode

10. Given the electrochemical reaction shown, what is the standard free energy change ΔG° if E ̊ = +1.61 V?
Mg / Mg 2+ (aq) // Zn 2+ (aq) / Zn E ̊ = +1.61 V
a. -311 kJ/mol b. +311 kJ/mol c. -155 kJ/mol d. +155 kJ/mol

11. For the following reaction, all of the reactants and products are in their standard states/standard 1.0M
concentrations. Which of the following statements must be true? Zn (s) + SnBr 2 (aq) → ZnBr 2 (aq) + Sn (s) E ̊
= +0.60 V
a. The reaction would be product-favored as written

b. ∆G ̊ for the reaction as written is positive c. Zinc is undergoing reduction

d. none of the above

12. How long would it take to electroplate a flute with 28.3 g of silver (107.87 g/mol) at a constant current of 2.0
amps using AgNO3 ?
a. 211 min b. 422 min c. 844 min d. 1688 min e. 105 min

13. What is the simplest whole number coefficient of OH- when the following reaction is balanced in basic solution?
Br2 + Bi3+ → BiO3- + Br-
A. 2 B. 6 C. 3 D. 1
14.What is the anode half reaction when an aqueous solution of diluted CuCl2 salt is electrolyzed in a cell made of
inert electrodes?
A. 2Cl- → Cl2+2e- C.4OH-→O2 + 2H2O + 4e-

B. Cu2+ + 2e- →Cu D.2H+ + 2e-→ H2

15. Consider the following half reactions and ∆E0 values.

Ag+ (aq) + e-→Ag; ∆E0 = + 0.80V

Cu2+ (aq) + 2e-→ Cu; ∆E0 = + 0.34V

Pb2+ (aq) + 2e-→Pb; ∆E0 = - 0.13V Which of these metals or ions is the strongest oxidizing agent?

A. Cu2+ B. Pb2+ C. Ag+ D. Pb

16.Metals conduct electricity. This is because metals posses

A. migrating ions B. all electrons held in fixed position

C. Delocalized electrons D. Migrating cation

17. One of the following is a solution of a weak electrolyte

A. A solution of acetic acid B. A solution of sulphuric acid

C. A solution of hydrochloric acid D. A solution of Nitric acid

18. Which of the following is the correct cathode reaction in the extraction of chlorine from sodium Chloride are

A. Na++le- → Na B. 2H-→H2+2e-

C. 2Cl-→Cl2+2e- D. 2H2O+2e- →H2+2OH

19. What is the purpose of the salt bridge in a voltaic cell?

A. maintain electrical Neutrality between the two solution

B. prevent electrical Neutrality between the two solution

C. allow mixing of the electrode solutions

D. Increase the concentration of electrolyte

20. A chemistry teacher in a chemistry laboratory asked students, to perform an experiment the teacher told them to
refine impure silver. How can these students accomplish the tasks given to them?

A. using pure silver as the anode

B. using an electrolyte containing copper ions

C. using impure silver as the cathode D. using impure silver as the anode

21. What volume of O2 required to produce 18.3L of NO at standard temperature and pressure (STP)? NH3 + O2
→NO +H2O (unbalanced)

A. 22.9L B. 7.5L C. 22.4L D.18.3L

22. At which temperature the melting and freezing point of ice is equal

A.-1 0c B.1000c C. 00c D. 1 0c

23. According to the kinetic theory,
A. The motion of particles in gases is smaller than in liquids and solids
B. The closeness of particles in solid is greater than in liquid and gases
C. The closeness of particles in solid is less than in liquid and gases
D. Particles in gases are less kinetic energy than solid

24. The law which describes the relationship b/n the volume , pressure, Temperature and number of mole of the gas
is called
A. Boyle’s law C. Charles law
B. The Ideal gas D. The combined gas law

25. Which one of the following is Not the properties of liquid state of matter
A. Have a definite volume, but have no definite shape
B. Are fluids. can easily flow.
C. Are extremely difficult to compress
D. take the shape of their container

26. The coefficient of nitric acid when the following equation is balanced
Cu + HNO3 Cu(NO3 )2 + NO + H2O
A. 8 B. 3 C. 4 D. 2
27. The charge carriers in electrolytic conduction are
A Neutral molecules. B. Water
C.Delocalized electrons D. Cations and anions.
28. During purification of copper metal by electrolysis process:
A Impure copper is used as cathode.
B. The mass of cathode electrode decreases.
C. The mass of anode electrode increases.
D. Copper (II) sulfate is used as electrolyte.
29. Increasing the concentration of ions in an electrolyte solution:
A. Has no effect on the conduction of electricity
B. Changes the direction of electron flow
C. Decreases the extent of conduction of electricity through it
D. A increases the extent of conduction of electricity through it.
30. Which one of the following compounds does not under go addition reaction?
A. C4H8 B. C3H4 C. C3H8 D. C2H4

31. The quantity of heat required to convert one mole of solid to a gas is
A Molar heat of fusion B. Molar heat of sublimation
C. Molar heat condensation D. Molar heat of crystallization

32. Which of the following correctly compares the relative distance between the particles of most
substances in their solid (S), liquid (L), and gas (G) states?
A) S < L< G B) S < G < L C) G < L< S D) L < S < G

33. If the temperature of a gas is increased from -73oc to 27 oc , at constant pressure. By what factor will the volume
A. 2 B. 1.5 C. 4 D. 3

34. If 10L of sample of nitrogen gas at 250torr and -173co is heated to 127 co at 500 torr. What will be the new
A. -3.678L B. 20L C.10L D.-36.7L

35. What is the volume of 2.8 g of CO at 27 oC and 0.821 atmospheres

( Given R= 0.0821 L.atm.K-1, molar mass : CO= 28 g/mol)
A. 3 L B. 30 L C. 0.27 L D. 27 L

36. Which one of the following is not true about liquid?

A. An increases in temperature results in increasing the average kinetic energy of the liquid.
B. Non-volatile liquids have lower tendencies to evaporate at room temperature.
C. Boiling point is the temperature at which the vapour pressure liquid equal to the
atmospheric pressure.
D.Liquids with higher intermolecular force have high vapour pressure at room temperature.

37. The general formula for alkyls is

A. Cn H2n+1 B. Cn H2n C. Cn H2n+2 D. Cn H2n-2
38. Which compound is a carboxylic acid?

39. Which of the following statements is true about aromatic hydrocarbons?

A. They are more stable than unsaturated hydrocarbons.
B. Most of their reaction can be characterized as addition reaction.
C. The have general molecular formula CnH2n
D. They can be oxidizedby potassium permanganet solution more easily.

40. Which one of the following statement is true about a soap?

A. The alkyl group is hydrophilic portion. B. The hydrophophic portion is water soluble.
C. -COONa is the hydrophilic part of soap. D. The alkyl group is water soluble part
41. Which one of the following is reaction can be used as general method of preparation of alkanes?
A. Dehydration of alcohols with sulphuric acids.
B. Reaction of calcium carbide with water.
C. Dehydro hologenation of vicinal dihalides with water.
D. Heating sodium salts of an organic acid with soda lime

42. Which one of the following is most soluble in water?


43. Which of the following phase changes is (are) endothermic?

1. melting 3. sublimation 5. deposition
2. vaporization 4. Condensation 6. freezing
A. 1, 2, and 3 C. 1 and 2 only
44. What are the oxidation state of vanadium in the VO2+ and VO43 ions - respectively?

A) +4 and +5 B) +4 and +8 C). +6 and +5 D) +6 and +8.

45.What mass (in grams) of nickel could be electroplated from a solution of nickel(II) chloride by a current of 0.25
amperes flowing for 10 hours?

A) 12 g B) 5.5 g C) 0.046 g D) 2.7 g

46. Which of the following statements accurately describes the difference between galvanic and electrolytic cells?
A. The anode is the negative terminal for a Galvanic cell because the anode is the source of the electrons where
oxidation occurs.
B. The flow of electrons is from anode to cathode only in galvanic cells.
C. Oxidation occurs at the negative terminal, and reduction occurs at the positive terminal for an electrolytic cell.
D. Electrolytic cells have a positive emf
and positive ∆G° such that it requires an external battery source to drive electrons.
47. The following equation has an equilibrium constant Keq of 6 x 1025. Which of the following correctly describes
the standard electrode potential, E°, and the standard Gibbs free energy change, ∆G°? Zn(s) + 2H+ (aq) → Zn2+ (aq)
+ H2 (g)
A. Both ∆G0 and E0 are zero B. ∆G0 is negative and E0 is positive
C. Both ∆G0 and E0 have the same sign D. ∆G0 is positive and E0 is negative
48. What is the simplest whole number coefficient of OH- when the following reaction is balanced in basic solution?
Br2 + Bi3+ → BiO3- + Br-
A. 2 B. 6 C. 3 D. 1
49. Which one of the following statement is not spontaneous process?
A. Oxidation of copper B. Rusting of iron C.Flowing of heat from hot body to cold body D.
Cleaning room
50.Oxidation of a secondary alcohol yields
A. a carboxylic acid B. a Ketone C. An aldehyde D. An Aromatic
51.The part of a large molecule which is compassed of atom or a group of atom that have a characteristic chemical
behavior is ––––––
A. Homolgous series B. Catenation
C. Functional group D. Nomenclature
52.Which one of the following is Not a product of organic compound?
A. Alcoholic beverages B. Cement C. Detergents D. Pharmaceuticals
53.Which one of the following is not natural sources of hydrocarbons?
A. Natural gas B. Petroleum C. Alcohols D. Coal
54. Which of the following statements is correct about ΔG , K and E cell?
o o

a If K is less than one, ΔGo is negative.

b If ΔGo is zero, K is greater than one.
c If K is greater than one, the ΔGo is negative.
d If a reaction is spontaneous, then ΔGo is positive.
55. Which one of the following equations shows the relationship between standard Gibbs free energy and
equilibrium constant?
a K = ΔGo c ΔGo = – RT ln K
b K = RT ln ΔGo d ΔGo = RT ln K

56. When does a spontaneous cell reaction occur:

a. ΔG < 0 c .Ecell < 0
b .Ecell > 0 d .a and b

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