Q4 - G7 - DLL WK 1 May 1 May 5

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Teaching Dates MAY 1 - 5, 2023
Quarter Fourth
and Time
Teaching Day and Time May 1, 2023 May 2, 2023 May 3, 2023 May 24 2023 May 5, 2023
7:30 AM – 12:00 PM 7:30 AM – 11:00 PM 7:30 AM – 12:00 PM 7:30 AM – 11:00 PM 7:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Grade Level Section

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

1. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts, uses and importance of Statistics, data collection/gathering and the
Standards different forms of data representation, measures of central tendency, measures of variability, and probability.

2. Performance The learner is able to collect and organize data systematically and compute accurately measures of central tendency and variability
Standards and apply these appropriately in data analysis and interpretation in different fields.

3. Learning The learner poses real- The learner poses real-life The learner poses real-life
Competencies/ life problems that can be problems that can be problems that can be
Objectives solved by Statistics. solved by Statistics. solved by Statistics.
(M7SP-IVa-2) (M7SP-IVa-2) (M7SP-IVa-3)

a. Define statistics and its a. Define statistics and its a. Identify the methods in
related terms. related terms. data collection
b. Determine the b. Determine the functions b. Make a survey form
functions and uses of and uses of Statistics. c. Value accumulated
Statistics. c. Relate a real-life knowledge in real life
c. Relate a real-life situation in Statistics. situation.
situation in Statistics.
II. CONTENT Real-life situations Real-life situations Formulating Simple
Holiday (Labor Day)
involving Statistics involving Statistics Statistical Instruments
A. References

1. Teacher’s DepEd Cavite’s LCTG in DepEd Cavite’s LCTG in DepEd Cavite’s LCTG in
Guide G7 Mathematics 2017, G7 Mathematics 2017, G7 Mathematics 2017,
Quarter 4, pp. 4-9 Quarter 4, pp. 4-9 Quarter 4, pp. 4-9

2. Learner’s Learner’s Packet (LeaP) Learner’s Packet (LeaP) Learner’s Packet (LeaP)
Materials Grade 7 – Mathematics Grade 7 – Mathematics Grade 7 – Mathematics

3. Textbook Mathematics- Grade 7 Mathematics- Grade 7 E-math by Oronce and

Learner’s Material First Learner’s Material First Mendoza, Rex Book Store,
Edition, 2013 by DepEd Edition, 2013 by DepEd pp.485-488
Philippines pp. 237-238; Philippines pp. 237-238;
Altares, Priscilla S., Altares, Priscilla S., Copo,
Copo, Antonio I., Antonio I., Elementary
Elementary Statistics, pp. Statistics, pp. 3-4
4. Additional http:// http://
Materials www.mathworksheetscen www.mathworksheetscent
from ter.com/mathtips/ er.com/mathtips/
Learning statsareimportant.html statsareimportant.html
(LR) portal

B. Other Learning Grade 7 LCTG by DepEd Grade 7 LCTG by DepEd Grade 7 LCTG by DepEd
Resources Cavite Mathematics, Cavite Mathematics, 2016, Cavite Mathematics, 2016,
2016, laptop, LCD laptop, LCD Monitor, laptop, LCD Monitor,
Monitor, pictures, pictures, pictures,


previous lesson or A. Perform the following A. Perform the following A. Perform the following
presenting the operation. operation. operation.
new lesson
B. Drill using D-1 Cards B. Drill using D-1 Cards

Preliminaries: Preliminaries:
Motivational/Purpose Motivational/Purpose
Setting Activity Setting Activity
B. Drill using D-1 Cards
Activity No. 1 Activity No. 1
“Sing a Song” “Sing a Song” Preliminaries:
Data, Data Data, Data Motivational/Purpose
(To the tune of Twinkle, (To the tune of Twinkle, Setting Activity
Twinkle Little Star) Twinkle Little Star)
Data, Data What are Data, Data What are Activity No. 1
you? you? With your classmates in
We COLLECT you, oh We COLLECT you, oh your row, do the
it’s true. it’s true. following:
ANALYZE you that’s my ANALYZE you that’s my
plan plan 1. Record the number of
INTERPRET to INTERPRET to siblings of each of your
understand understand classmates.
Data, Data what are Data, Data what are you? 2. List down the type of
you? I’ll PRESENT you right
I’ll PRESENT you right cellphone used by your
on cue.
on cue. classmates

B. Establishing a Activity No. 2 Activity No. 2 Activity No. 2

purpose for the Measuring the arm span: Measuring the arm span: How Honest Can You
lesson Stretch out both arms and Stretch out both arms and Be?
measure the length from measure the length from
the tip of a middle finger the tip of a middle finger to 1.You found someone’s
to the tip of the other the tip of the other middle wallet in the canteen, what
middle finger. finger. would you do?
a.Return the wallet to the
b.Return the wallet but
keep the money.
c.Keep the wallet and the
Do you think students in Do you think students in money.
this class have different this class have different
arm spans? How many in arm spans? How many in
this class have the same this class have the same 2.You are mistakenly given
arm spans? What is the arm spans? What is the 50 pesos extra change
most common measure most common measure of when you buy a notebook
of arm spans? arm spans? from the school’s book
store, what would you do?
To answer these To answer these a.Return the 50 pesos to
questions, you will to do questions, you will to do the cashier
the following: Instructions: the following: Instructions: b.Keep the money
a. Using a tape measure a. Using a tape measure or
or a meter stick, measure a meter stick, measure 3.An extra 10 points
your individual arm span. your individual arm span. mistakenly added to your
Use the centimeter (cm) Use the centimeter (cm) score in the examination
unit of length. Round off unit of length. Round off made you pass. Would you
measures to the nearest measures to the nearest report it to your teacher?
cm. cm. a. Yes b. No
b. On the board, write b. On the board, write your
your measures measures individually 4.You know that your
individually teacher is not that strict
during examination. Would
you cheat on the exam?
a. Yes b. No

5.Are you honest most of

the time?
a. Yes b. No

Guided Questions:
What is the population for
this honest survey? What
is the Sample?
Suppose 200 students in
your school complete the
survey and 180 students
answer “No” to Question 4,
what percent of the
respondents said they
would not cheat on the
C. Presenting Data are collected from
examples/ MODELLING MODELLING different sectors such as
instances of the Introduction to Introduction to Statistics business, education,
lesson Statistics medicine, etc. A leading
Statistics is a branch of newspaper conducted a
Statistics is a branch of Applied Mathematics survey on honesty. Below
Applied Mathematics specializing in procedures are the five questions to be
specializing in procedures for collecting, organizing, asked to the readers.
for collecting, organizing, presenting, analyzing, and
presenting, analyzing, interpreting data from 1.Conducting surveys –
and interpreting data from observations. a.interview method is
observations. done when a person
Importance of Statistics solicits information from
Importance of Statistics a. Business another person (face-to-
a. Business Production Planning face)
Production Planning Quality of products b.questionnaire method
Quality of products Location of business is done through the use of
Location of business Advertising of products printed questions regarding
Advertising of products Financial resources a certain matter (pen and
Financial resources Capital resources paper)
Capital resources
b. Banking 2.Observing the
b. Banking Cash flow Outcomes of Events/
Cash flow Interest rates Observation- the person
Interest rates Lending feasibility who gathers data is called
Lending feasibility Estimation on the number investigator while the
Estimation on the number of depositors person/object being
of depositors observed is called the
c. Economics Imports and subject.
c. Economics Imports and exports
exports Inflation rates 3.Experimentation is used
Inflation rates Per capita income by physicists and
Per capita income Law of Supply and behavioral scientists in
Law of Supply and Demand collecting data.
d. Education 4. Reading Statistical
d. Education Assessments on student’s Publication/ Registration
Assessments on performance Method- refers to
student’s performance Planning for educational continuous, permanent,
Planning for educational design and curriculum compulsory recording of
design and curriculum Policy planning for school the occurrence of vital
Policy planning for school system events together with
system certain identifying or
e. Mathematics descriptive characteristics
e. Mathematics Dispersion concerning them
Dispersion Precision in describing
Precision in describing results on measurements
results on measurements Estimation of Values
Estimation of Values
In Statistics we commonly
In Statistics we commonly use the terms population
use the terms population and sample.
and sample.
A population is a
A population is a complete collection of all
complete collection of all elements ( scores, people,
elements ( scores, …) to be studied.
people, …) to be studied. A census is a collection of
A census is a collection data from every element in
of data from every a population.
element in a population.
A sample is a sub-
A sample is a sub- collection of elements
collection of elements drawn from a population
drawn from a population
D. Discussing new Activity No. 3 Activity No. 3 Activity No. 3
concepts and Think- Pair- Share Think- Pair- Share Think- Pair- Share
practicing new
skills #1 Match each field of Match each field of study Situation # 1
study under Column A under Column A to its Mrs. Rivera wants to find
to its importance of importance of statistics the number of students in
statistics under column under column B. her advisory class who
B. have birthdays falling on
each of the 12 months.
She collects the data in the
following manner.
a. Check the date of birth
of each student in the class
b. Ask the students to raise
their hands if their
birthdays fall in a certain
c. Make a form and ask the
students to write their
birthdates and return the
form to her.

Situation # 2
A chemist conducts
experiments in order to
know if it is possible to
produce paper from the
manure of cows.

Situation # 3
A restaurant manager
requests her customers to
fill out this questionnaire:
E. Discussing new Activity No. 4 Activity No. 4 Follow-Up Questions:
concepts and
practicing new Identify the population Identify the population and a. What are the
skills and possible sample. possible sample. ways/methods of collecting
#2 data used in each
1. A school administrator 1. A school administrator is situation?
is trying to determine the trying to determine the b. How would you know
percentage of students percentage of students which method to use in a
who work while in school. who work while in school. given situation?
2. A researcher is trying 2. A researcher is trying to c. How does Statistics help
to know the relationship know the relationship us in our decision-making?
between educational between educational
attainment of parents and attainment of parents and
their occupation in the their occupation in the
municipality of Alfonso. municipality of Alfonso.
3. A teacher is trying to 3. A teacher is trying to find
find out the best out the best technique to
technique to motivate motivate students to love
students to love Math. Math.
F. Developing Activity No. 5 Activity No. 5 Activity No. 4
mastery Let’s Try This! Let’s Try This! Let’s Try This!
(Leads to Formative
Assessment 3) Match the Problem Match the Problem Suggest a way to collect
Statements in COLUMN Statements in COLUMN B each set of data.
B that corresponds to that corresponds to what a. Favorite sports of your
what FIELD OF STUDY/ FIELD OF STUDY/ Subject classmates.
Subject Area it belongs in Area it belongs in b. Population of Region IV-
COLUMN A by writing the COLUMN A by writing the A
letter on the blanks. letter on the blanks. c. Most famous K-pop
d. Can sawdust be
substituted for sand in the
production of sand?
e. The number of students
who participated in the
class discussion

G. Finding practical Activity No. 6 Activity No. 6 Activity No. 5

applications of “Time Management “Time Management Pie
concepts and skills Pie Chart” Chart” Divide the class into two
in daily living groups and collect a data
Analyze the diagram Analyze the diagram as to what school are your
below. below. classmates intend to enroll
in college and their course

Group A
Conduct a survey using the
interview method

Group B
Conduct a survey using
questionnaire method
Guide Questions: Guide Questions:
1. What is the largest 1. What is the largest and
and smallest data given smallest data given in the
in the pie chart? pie chart?
2. As a student, do you 2. As a student, do you
follow the same time follow the same time
management? If not, management? If not,
tasks that you do and tasks that you do and
their corresponding their corresponding
percentage. percentage.
3. Explain the importance 3. Explain the importance
of time management. of time management.

Identify the population Identify the population and

and sample in the sample in the following
following problem. problem.
1. A scientist is 1. A scientist is
investigating the investigating the
effectiveness of a new effectiveness of a new
drug to relieve the drug to relieve the
symptoms of symptoms of
hypertensions. He hypertensions. He
administers the drug to administers the drug to 100
100 adults. adults.
P - __________ P - __________
S - __________ S - __________
2. Teacher Arlyn wants to 2. Teacher Arlyn wants to
know the common height know the common height
of the Grade 7 students in of the Grade 7 students in
the school. She the school. She interviews
interviews only 100 grade only 100 grade 7 students.
7 students. P - __________
P - __________ S - __________
S - __________


generalizations and Introduction to Introduction to Statistics Statistical Instruments
abstractions about Statistics
the lesson Statistics is a Data is a collection of facts
Statistics is a branch of Mathematics that or information. They may
branch of Mathematics deals with the collection, be gathered using the
following methods:

1. Conducting surveys –
a. interview method is
done when a person
solicits information from
that deals with the another person (face-to-
organization, presentation,
collection, organization, face)
analysis, and interpretation
presentation, analysis, b. questionnaire method is
of data.
and interpretation of data. done through the use of
Statistics is being
Statistics is being printed questions regarding
used in various fields of
used in various fields of a certain matter (pen and
discipline, such as
discipline, such as paper)
business statistics, medical
business statistics,
statistics, statistics for
medical statistics, 2. Observing the
historians, in education,
statistics for historians, in Outcomes of Events/
government and many
education, government Observation- the person
and many more. who gathers data is called
In Statistics we
In Statistics we investigator while the
commonly use the terms
commonly use the terms person/object being
population and sample.
population and sample. observed is called the
A population is a
A population is a subject.
complete collection of all
complete collection of all
elements ( scores, people,
elements ( scores, 3. Experimentation is used
…) to be studied.
people, …) to be studied. by physicists and
A census is a
A census is a behavioral scientists in
collection of data from
collection of data from collecting data.
every element in a
every element in a
population. • Reading Statistical
A sample is a sub-
A sample is a sub- Publication/ Registration
collection of elements
collection of elements Method- refers to
drawn from a population
drawn from a population continuous, permanent,
compulsory recording of
the occurrence of vital
events together with
certain identifying or
descriptive characteristics
concerning them
I. Evaluating A. The following words A. The following words and Match Column A with
learning and phrases are some phrases are some column B. Write the letters
importance importance of your answer.
of Statistics. Choose the of Statistics. Choose the Column A
word or phrases inside word or phrases inside the ___1. Data collected using
the box and write it box and write it face-to-face interviews or
under its uses. under its uses.
written questionnaires
___2. A small part of a
group chosen to represent
the whole group
___3. The information
___4. The person who
gathers data
using the observation
B. Given are samples B. Given are samples
___5. The method used by
taken from population. taken from population.
the physicist in collecting
Identify the possible Identify the possible
population. population.
1. a senior student with a 1. a senior student with a
Column B
part time job in a school part time job in a school
a. data
2. scores in Math on a 2. scores in Math on a test
b. survey
test 3. the number of absences
c. experimentation
3. the number of made by the male students
d. sample
absences made by the in a school year
e. investigator
male students in a school
J. Additional Follow- up: Follow- up: Follow-up
activities for Find a survey form and
The learners The learners communicate answer the following
application or
communicate the the explanation on the questions:
explanation on the quote quote below. a. Give the objective of the
below. survey.
b. Describe some of its
good parts.
c. Give suggestions to
improve it.

Different Kinds of Graphs



a. No. of learners who

earned 80% on the

b. No. of learners who

require additional
activities for

c. Did the remedial

lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.

d. No. of learners who

continue to require

e. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?

f. What difficulties did

I encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?

g. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to
share with other

Prepared by:


Grade 7-Mathematics Teachers

Checked by:


Head Teacher VI

Noted by:

Principal III

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