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Understanding Rook Endgames


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Haworth, G. (2017) Understanding Rook Endgames. ICGA

Journal, 39 (2). pp. 145-150. ISSN 1389-6911 Available at

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Central Archive at the University of Reading
Reading’s research outputs online
Understanding Rook Endgames

Guy Haworth
Reading, UK1

Understanding Rook Endgames (Müller and Konoval, 2016) or URE is the latest contribution of many to
endgame lore by Gambit Publications, and is the first such work totally checked by 7-man and sub-7-man
‘EGT’ endgame table verification. It is available not only in paperback but on Apple/Android devices
courtesy of the Gambit Chess Studio app, a particularly useful tool here for the mobile reader following
the analysis.

Table 1
maxDTx data for the featured sub-8-man rook endgames.2

maxDTx in winner's moves

1-0 0-1
# #m w-b Endgame DTC DTM DTZ DTZ50 DTZ50-fw DTC DTM DTZ DTZ50 DTZ50-fw
1 4 2-2 KRKP 16 32 13 13 — 11 43 10 10 —
2 5 3-2 KRPKR 60 74 35 35 — 7 33 7 7 —
3 6 4-2 KRPPKR 86 95 ? 45 — 8 42 ? 8 —
4 6 3-3 KRPKRP 41 116 ? 37 11 41 116 ? 37 11
5 7 4-3 KRPPKRP 79 217 ? ? ? 41 144 ? ? ?
6 7 4-3 KQRPKQR 82 137 ? ? ? 94 145 ? ? ?
7 7 4-3 KRRPKRR 135 295 ? ? ? 27 82 ? ? ?

The authors scarcely need any introduction. Karsten Müller is the major and most generous purveyor of
endgame wisdom via magazines, training DVDs and books (2001, 2008, 2016). Yakov Konoval was the
first computer scientist to create a program efficient enough to generate 7-man EGTs in reasonable time.
His fruitful partnership with Marc Bourzutschky not only addressed all 7-man endgames but set new
standards in the independence of EGT-verification. New depth records were repeatedly set, in this case to
the Depth to Conversion metric DTC. New chessic knowledge and insights were also created and many
games and studies were highlighted where optimal moves had previously been missed. Having said that,
the existence of definitive EGTs benchmarks also highlights the excellence of endgame play at the top
level. The 7-man findings of Bourzutschky and Konoval (2006-13) appeared often in the magazine EG
and were reviewed in the ICGA Journal (Haworth, 2005-13). A page on the authors themselves would
have been an interesting addition.

1 33, Alexandra Rd., Reading, Berkshire, RG1 5PG, UK. Email: [email protected]
2 DTM  Depth to Mate. DTZ  Depth to Zeroing of the move-count. The DTZ50 metric considers the 50-move-draw rule
and indicates possibly-modified depths: frustrated wins, fw, are ‘draws’. DTZ50 also gives depths to frustrated wins.
DTZ50 and therefore DTZ50 have been calculated for all 6-man endgames whereas DTZ has not.
Table 2
The structure of URE’s KRPPKRP analysis.

Games Draws Wins

# § Class Configs. pages Total # % # % Subsections (P-file configs., …)
No passed pawns, and
01 4.3 7 28 67-95 24,007 13,144 55 10,863 45 7 hg-h/g, fg-g/f, ef-f/e, de-d
pawns connected
No passed pawns, and
02 4.4 3 4 95-99 4,487 2,753 61 1,734 39 1 fh-g, eg-f etc
pawns isolated
The attacker has a
03 4.5 6 29 99-128 12,358 5,478 44 6,880 56 6 hg-f, gf-e/h, fe-d/g, ed-f
connected passed pawn
The attacker has a nearby,
04 4.6 25 20 128-148 25,510 13,962 55 11,548 45 6 hf-h, eg-g/h, eh-g/h, apP on c-f
isolated passed pawn 'apP'
05 4.7 One outside passed pawn 26 27 148-175 36,677 17,017 46 19,660 54 15 ah/cg-g/h, bg-f/g/h, af-f/g, …
All passed pawns,
06 4.8 9 5 175-180 12,116 3,716 31 8,400 69 4 Assorted R/K/P properties
connected and close
All passed pawns,
07 4.9 6 13 180-193 15,788 4,781 30 11,007 70 5 ab-f/g/h, bc-g/h
connected and far apart
Attacker's pawns passed,
08 4.10 16 4 193-197 13,383 7,288 54 6,095 46 3 ac/bd-pP, (e.g.) eh-b
isolated and close together
Attacker's pawns passed,
09 4.11 14 7 197-204 13,902 7,326 53 6,576 47 1 Many cases and motifs
isolated and far apart
Doubled pawns versus
10 4.12 32 5 204-208 5,765 3,869 67 1,896 33 1 Again, a variety of themes
Totals KRPPKRP 144 142 163,993 79,334 48 84,659 52 49

Some 10% of games arrive at a rook endgame, and the main focus of this new book is on KRPPKRP to
which 160 pages are devoted. The preparatory material necessarily includes KRPKR (14pp), KRPPKR
(23pp), KRKP (4pp) and KRPKRP (11pp), and refers to the earlier rook-endgame work of Müller (2001,
2008) and Nunn (1992, 2009, 2010). The last endgames highlighted are KQRPKQR and KRRPKRR (7pp).
Each chapter is laced with history, corrections to past analysis, new discoveries and exercises for the
reader. Closing out, there are chapters on principles of play, theoretical endgames, historic games and
solutions to the exercises. There are comprehensive indexes on players, composers and analysts: all world
champions across 130 years from Steinitz to Carlsen have contributed examples of play.
Examples of longest wins are listed as usual and will fascinate those interested in the most profound, subtle
and inscrutable play, especially as the initial positions are unlikely to occur on the board. See Tables 1 and
3 here, and Haworth (2017) for extended statistics and lines of play. The practical player will be more
assisted by the three tables of statistics, showing the distribution and win/draw profile of actual games
across the various parts into which the endgames are divided. KRPKR for example is simply studied in
terms of the four files for the pawn: a/h, b/g etc. The b/g files feature the most games (18,830 of 60,802)
and the highest likelihood of winning (48%).
KRPKRP is divided according to whether there are passed pawns or not. Winning chances are 31% on
average with maxDTC (per Pp-file arrangement) varying from 25 moves for KRP(a)KRP(b) to 41 for
Devising a taxonomy for KRPPKRP is the data-mining grand challenge solved by this book. There are
144 configurations of the pawns3 and these are discussed under ten themes based mainly on the relative
positions of the pawns’ files, see Table 2 which is based on the book’s p66. Sub-configurations are again

3 Exercise for the reader? Black pawn on files a-d; White pawns on aa/ab/…/hh; 4 * C(2+7, 2) = 4 * (9 * 8/2) = 144.
usually in terms of specific files for the pawns – ab-a (the most common, 46% wins), bc-a (63% wins),
gh-a (69% wins) etc. Even where pawn-files are not used, readers should easily be able to find the relevant
part of the KRPPKRP chapter.

Table 3
Some highlighted rook endgame positions, with references to URE.

# #m w-b Endgame FEN Pos. # Val. dtc dtm dtz50 Notes

01 4 2-2 KRKP 5K2/8/p7/8/k7/8/3R4/8 b — 1-0 -16 -26 -7 a maxDTC KRKP win
02 5 3-2 KRPKR 6K1/3k2P1/8/8/8/8/7r/4R3 w 1.01 1-0 7 20 7 the 'Lucena' win
03 5 3-2 KRPKR 1r3k2/R7/8/5PK1/8/8/8/8 b 1.03 = = = = the Philidor draw (1777): wtm wins, dtm =24
04 5 3-2 KRPKR 5k2/R7/6K1/5P2/8/8/8/1r6 b 1.05 = = = = the Karstedt draw (1909): wtm wins, dtm =23
05 5 3-2 KRPKR r7/4K1k1/3RP3/8/8/8/8/8 b 1.07 = = = = the Tarrasch (1906) draw: wtm also draws
06 5 3-2 KRPKR R7/6k1/P4r2/8/3K4/8/8/8 w 1.17 = = = = the Vančura draw (1924)
07 5 3-2 KRP(a/h)KR k7/8/8/K7/7R/8/7P/3r4 w 1.26 1-0 51 65 25 a maxDTC KRP(a/h)KR win
08 5 3-2 KRP(b/g)KR k7/8/7r/8/8/4R3/6P1/1K6 w 1.25 1-0 60 74 33 a maxDTC KRPKR win
09 5 3-2 KRP(c/f)KR 8/2r4k/8/8/8/8/2P5/RK6 w 1.24 1-0 57 72 33 a maxDTC KRP(c/f)KR win
10 5 3-2 KRP(d/e)KR k7/8/8/K6R/8/6r1/4P3/8 w 1.23 1-0 59 71 33 a maxDTC KRP(d/e)KR win
11 6 4-2 KRP(e)P(g)KR 8/8/8/8/K4r2/8/1k2P1P1/4R3 w 2.36 1-0 70 89 9 a maxDTC KRP(e)P(g)KR win
12 6 4-2 KRP(e)P(h)KR 8/8/8/2K5/5k2/1R6/4P2P/5r2 w 2.35 1-0 75 91 26 a maxDTC KRP(e)P(h)KR win
13 6 4-2 KRP(g)P(h)KR 8/8/8/8/1k6/3r2P1/7P/K6R w 2.34 1-0 86 95 45 a maxDTC KRPPKR win
14 6 3-3 KRP(b)KRP(e) 8/4p3/1RK5/8/8/8/1P4r1/7k w — 1-0 41 69 1 a maxDTC ('be/gd') KRPKRP win
15 6 3-3 KRP(h)KRP(f) 8/r4p2/8/4R3/8/K7/7P/k7 w — 1-0 41 67 8 also 'ac': a maxDTC KRPKRP win
16 7 4-3 KRPPKRP 4R3/6p1/r2K4/k7/8/8/P4P2/8 w 4.15.01 1-0 79 114 ? a maxDTC KRPPKRP (af-g) win
17 7 4-3 KRPPKRP 8/8/5pP1/5P2/8/6rk/5R2/K7 w 4.15.08 1-0 51 82 = a 50-move-rule draw: 1. Rf1!! Rg2
18 7 4-3 KQRPKQR 6k1/5q2/8/8/4r3/2R5/1Q4P1/K7 w 4.17.03 1-0 82 104 ? a maxDTC KQRPKQR win
19 7 3-4 KQRKQRP r6Q/8/4q3/8/2k5/8/p3R3/2K5 w 4.17.04 1-0 94 104 ? a maxDTC KQRKQRP win after 94 checks
20 7 3-4 KRPKRPP 2R5/p7/p7/2P5/8/rk6/8/2K5 w 4.18.06 1-0 41 63 ? a maxDTC KRPKRPP win
21 7 4-3 KRRPKRR 8/8/1r6/2R5/8/1k1K3P/1r6/2R5 w 8.06 1-0 135 154 ? a maxDTC KRRPKRR win
22 7 4-3 KRPPKRP 2r4k/7P/8/8/1p1K4/1P2R3/8/8 w 4.14.03 1-0 8 52 ? Komodo-Stockfish (2013), 71w. 71. Rh3?
23 7 4-3 KRPPKRP 6k1/5p2/1R6/8/8/8/P4P1r/5K2 w 4.15.09 1-0 61 92 ? Lauronen-Kivipelto, 34w. 34. a4? (34. Ke2)
24 7 3-4 KRPKRPP k7/5R2/6Kp/2r3pP/8/8/8/8 b 4.18.05 = = = = Levenfish and Smyslov (1957). 1. … Rc6+!!
25 11 5-6 KRP(3)KRP(4) 8/p1r4p/1p4p1/6k1/P7/5RKP/5P2/8 b 7.07 = = = = Botvinnik-Fischer (1962). 45. … Rc5 46. Rf7
26 7 3-4 KRPKRPP R7/8/P4ppk/8/r7/5K2/8/8 b 4.9.18 0-1 14 35 1 Euwe-Grünfeld: 3 mutual zugs in a variation
27 7 4-3 KRPPKRP 8/1k6/1P6/3p4/7r/1R1K1P2/8/8 b Cover 1-0 -25 -50 ? mutual zugzwang: wtm draws
28 7 4-3 KRPPKRP 8/4k3/8/3P1R2/5K2/3r2p1/6P1/8 b Cover 1-0 -13 -50 ? mutual zugzwang: wtm draws

The remainder of this review aims to capture the range and depth of research, and the flavour of the book’s
text, using just six Table 3 positions (#02 and #22-26) as illustrated in Figure 1.
No book on rook endgames is complete without the misnamed KRPKR ‘Lucena’ position which is traced
back (Nunn, 1992, #179; Winter, 2016) to Salvio (1634) rather than to de Lucena (1497). This shows a
common winning technique: the pawn when off the edge allows the king and rook to line up together
behind it to exploit the opposing rook’s lack of diagonal mobility. “1. Re4. The rook moves up the board
to provide a shield for the king. 1. … Rh1 2. Kf7 Rf1+ 3. Kg6 Rg1+ 4. Kf6 Rf1+ (4. … Kd6 5. Re6+
Kd7 6. Re5 Rg2 7. Rg5 +-) 5. Kg5 Rg1+ 6. Rg4 +-. This technique is often referred to as ‘building a
bridge’, with White’s king and rook forming the pillar in the middle. The Lucena win can also be used
with a bishop’s or central pawn.”
KOMODO-STOCKFISH shows that even a top class chess engine can be confounded by a zugzwang. “71.
Rh3? (71. Kd5! Rc3 72. Ke4! Rc5 73. Rh3) Rc6 72. Ke4 Rc5 and now White is to move in the mutual
zugzwang. 73. Rd3 Kxh7 74. Rd4 Kg7 75 Rxb4 [KRPKR] Kf6 76. Kd4 Rg5 77. Kc4 Ke6 78. Rb5 Rg1
79. Kc5 Kd7 80. Rb7+ Kc8 81. Rb6 and the game was later drawn.” There are other examples in the
‘computer games’ §4.14 of engines struggling with fortresses and positional draws.
a b c

d e f
Fig. 1. Table 3 positions: a) #02 ‘Lucena’, b) #22 KOMODO-STOCKFISH, c) #23 Lauronen-Kivipelto,
d) #24 Levenfish and Smyslov, e) #25 Botvinnik-Fischer and f) #26 Euwe-Grünfeld.

Lauronen-Kivipelto includes the DTC-deepest KRPPKRP position which has occurred over the board:
dtc = 61 compared with the maxDTC of 79 moves.4 “34. a4? The win starts with 34. Ke2! Rh4 35. a3!
Kg7 36. Rb2! Ra4 37. Ra2! 34. ... Rh1+? (34. ... Rh5=) 35. Ke2 Ra1 36. Rb4 Ra3 37. f4? (37. Rf4) 37.
... Kg7 38. Kd2 Kg6 39. Kc2 Kf5 40. Kb2 Rh3 41. a5 Kg4 42. a6 Rh6 43. Ra4 Rh8 44. Kc3 f5 45. a7
Ra8 46. Kd3 Kf3 47. Kd2 Rd8+ 48. Ke1 Re8+ 49. Kf1 Ra8 50. Kg1 Rg8+ 51. Kf1 Ra8 52. Ke1 Re8+
53. Kd2 Rd8+ 54. Kc3 Ra8 55. Kd3 Kg4? (55. ... Kg3=) 56. Ke3 Re8+ 57. Kf2 Ra8 5s8. Kg2 Kh4 59.
Kf3 Kh5 60. Ra6 1-0.”
The position from Levenfish and Smyslov (1986, 1989), originally published in 1957, has already been
analysed by Nunn (2014) in his EGT-assisted revisit of that book. The URE text: "According to Levenfish
and Smyslov, White wins, but Black has a nice draw: 1. ... Rc6+ (1... g4? 2. Kxh6 g3 (2. ... Rc6+ 3. Kh7 Kb8
4. Rf4 g3 5. Rg4 Rc3 6. Kg6 +–) 3. Rg7 Rc3 4. Rg4 Ka7 5. Kg5 +–) 2. Kh7 Kb8 3. Rg7 Kc8? This move
loses as does 3. ... Rc7? 4. Kxh6 Rxg7 5. Kxg7 g4 6. h6 +–. Black can hold by 3. ... g4 4. Rxg4 Kc7 5. Rg6
Rc5!! 6. Kxh6 Kd7! = or 3. ... Rd6 4. Rg6 Kc7 5. Kxh6 g4 6. Kh7 Rd7+ 7. Kg8 Rd8+ 8. Kf7 Rd5!! (Levenfish
and Smyslov missed this tactical nuance) 9. h6 Rd7+ 10. Ke6 Rd6+ 11. Kf5 Rxg6 and White doesn't have
hxg6. The move 8. … Rd5!! was also found by John Nunn. 4. Rg6 Kb7 5. Kxh6 g4 6. Kh7 Rc7+ 7. Kg8
Rc8+ 8. Kf7 Rc5 9. h6 Rc7+ 10. Kg8 Rc8+ 11. Kh7 Rc7+ 12. Rg7 g3 13. Kh8! +–.”
From the Historic Games chapter, the only Botvinnik-Fischer confrontation. "One of the most famous
adjourned games. Fischer had sealed 45. ... Rc5. 46. Rf7 Ra5 47. Rxh7. The Soviet team had analysed all

4 #8.05, Dyckhoff-Eliskases (1930), 0-1: KRRKRRP, 4R3/3r4/8/8/2K1p2R/5k2/4r3/8 b - - 12 69, dtc = 79 moves.

The 50-move rule might have intervened with best defence but White resigned on move 86.
night long and established that Geller’s fantastic idea was sufficient for a draw. This concept of fighting
against Black’s queenside pawns had escaped Fischer's attention. 47. … Rxa4 48. h4+ Kf5 49. Rf7+ Ke5
50. Rg7 Ra1 51. Kf3 b5?! After 51... Kd4 52. Rxg6 b5 53. h5 b4 54. h6 b3 55. Rg4+ Kc5 56. Rg5+ Kc6 57.
Rg6+ Kb7 58. Rg7+ Ka6 59. Rg6+ Ka5 60. Rg5+ Ka4 61. Rg4+ Ka3 62. Rh4 b2 63. h7 b1=Q 64. h8=Q
Qb3+ 65. Ke2 Qd1+ 66. Ke3 Rb1 Fischer claimed that Black wins in My 60 Memorable Games. But
Botvinnik found that 67. Qf8+ Ka2 68. Qc5 draws and the 13-year-old Garry Kasparov even found a second
drawing method in a session of the Botvinnik school: 67. Rc4! =. 52. h5! Ra3+ 53. Kg2 gxh5 54. Rg5+ Kd6
55. Rxb5 [KRPKRPP, =] h4 56. f4 Kc6 57. Rb8 h3+ 58. Kh2 a5 59. f5 Kc7 60. Rb5 Kd6 61. f6 Ke6 62.
Rb6+ Kf7 63. Ra6 Kg6 64. Rc6 a4 65. Ra6 Kf7 66. Rc6 Rd3 67. Ra6 a3 68. Kg1 'With a face as white as
a sheet, Fischer shook my hand and left the hall with tears in his eyes' (Botvinnik)."
Euwe-Grünfeld (1921) features three mutual zugzwangs in a variation just off the played line. “This is a well-
known theoretical position. 48. ... Kg5? Black’s king should not move in front of the pawns. One sample win
is 48. ... f5 49. a7 Kg7 50. Kg3 g5 51. Kf3 Ra3+ 52. Kg2 g4 53. Kf2 f4 54. Rb8 Rxa7 55. Rb4 Ra2+ 56. Kg1
Ra1+ 57. Kf2 g3+ 58. Kg2 Ra2+ 59. Kg1 Rf2 +–. 49. a7 Kf5 50. Kg3? This curious error also occurs in
Dvoretsky’s Endgame Manual (though corrected in the 4th edition of 2014), Levenfish and Smyslov’s famous
rook endings book and several practical games. The correct line is 50. Kg2 Ra2+ 51. Kg3 g5 52. Kf3 Ra3+
53. Kg2 Kg4 54. Rf8 Ra2+ 55. Kg1 Rxa7 56. Rxf6 Kg3 57. Rf1 =. 50. ... Ra3+? After 50. ... Ra2! with
mutual zugzwang, Black wins, e.g., 51. Kf3 g5 mz 52. Kg3 (52. Ke3 g4 mz) 52. ... g4 53. Rb8 Ra3+ 54. Kf2
Rxa7 –+. 51. Kf2 Ra2+ 52. Kg3 Kg5 53. Kf3 f5 54. Kg3 Ra3+ 55. Kg2 f4 56. Kf2 Kg4 57. Rg8 Ra2+ 58.
Kg1 Rxa7 59. Rxg6+ Kf3 60. Rf6 Ra1+ 61. Kh2 Re1 62. Rf8 Re4 63. Kg1 Re1+ 64. Kh2 Rf1 65. Ra8
Players at all levels will benefit from URE’s new approach and insights into rook endgames, particularly
KRPPKRP. There are many mansions in the world of chess: the game, the study, the puzzle, the statistics
and the historical heritage. Whatever one’s interest, there is much to discover, savour, absorb and enjoy here.
The Gambit team’s professional editorial and production standards are well in evidence with an intriguing
‘deus ex machina’ cover, balanced coverage edited by Graham Burgess, typesetting by Petra Nunn and a
perceptive foreword from John Nunn with his own choice of highlights. Understanding Rook Endgames is
a major and definitive step forward on the topic, sets the bar high and will surely be the reference text for
years to come. It entertains as much as it educates and is thoroughly welcome and recommended from all
points of view.
My thanks to Yakov Konoval for tabular data which could not be accommodated in URE, to colleagues for
supplementary information, and to Eiko Bleicher (2017), Ronald de Man and Niklas Feikas (2017), John
Tamplin (2017) and Victor Zakharov (2017) for the service provided by their DTC, DTM and DTZ50 EGT-
query sites.

Bleicher, E. (2017). http://www.k4it.de. EGT-query service on Nalimov-style sub-6-man DTC/Z EGTs.
Bourzutschky, M. and Konoval, Y. (2006-13) Findings from 7-man DTC EGTs. EG issues 11.162,
17.185/6, 18.188/190 and 19.191.
De Lucena, L. R. (1497). Repetición de Amores y Arte de Ajedrez con 101 Juegos de Partido. Online copy
at http://preview.tinyurl.com/hojcn5v.
Dvoretsky, M. (2003). Dvoretsky’s Endgame Manual. Russell Enterprises. 4th edition, 2014.
Fiekas, N. (2017). https://syzygy-tables.info/. Query service on de Man’s ‘syzygy’ DTZ50 EGTs.
Haworth, G. McC. (2005-13) Reviews of MB/YK ‘EG’ articles on 7-man DTC EGT discoveries. ICGA
Journal issues 28.4, 32.4, 34.2, 35.2, 36.1 and 36.2.
Haworth, G. McC. (2017). http://centaur.reading.ac.uk/65694/. This review plus supplementary data and
pgn file.
Левенфиш, Г., Смыслов В. (1986). Теория ладейных окончаний, (The Theory of Rook Endings), 3rd
revised and extended edition. YoYo Media, Moscow.
Levenfish G. and Smyslov, V. (1989). Rook Endings. 2nd revised edition. Batsford. ISBN 978071-
Müller, K. (2014). Chess Endgames. DVD series. Chessbase.
Müller, K. and Lamprecht, F. (2001). Fundamental Chess Endings, Gambit, esp. chapter 6.
Müller, K. and Konoval, Y. (2016). Understanding Rook Endgames. Gambit. ISBN-13 978191-0093818.
Müller, K. and Pajeken, W. (2008). How to Play Chess Endgames. Gambit. ISBN-13: 978190-4600862.
MVL team (2017). http://tb7.chessok.com/probe. DTM-evaluation service for sub-8-man endgames.
Nunn, J. (1992). Secrets of Rook Endings. Gambit. Second edition (1999). ISBN-13: 978190-1983180.
Nunn, J. (2009). Understanding Chess Endgames, Gambit. ISBN-13: 978190-6454111.
Nunn, J. (2010). Nunn’s Chess Endings Volume 2, Gambit, esp. chapter 8. ISBN-13: 978190-6454234.
Nunn, J. (2014). Discoveries in R+2P v R+P Endings. ICGA Journal, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 139-142.
Salvio, A. (1634). Il Puttino. Online copy at http://preview.tinyurl.com/h8ckttg.
Tamplin, J. (2017). http://chess.jaet.org/endings/ DTC/Z/Z50 EGT-query service.
Winter, E. (2014). The Lucena Position. http://www.chesshistory.com/winter/extra/lucena.html.
Zakharov, V. (2016). http://tb7.chessok.com/. The ‘MVL’ query-service on the Lomonosov sub-8-man

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