The Impact of Oil Spills On The Environment and Surrounding Communities: Case of Spain and Brazil

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MSA-Management science journal

ISSN 2974-3036
Volume: 1, Issue:1, Year: 2022, pp. 1-19



Haykel Hadj Salem1

Department Of Development
University of Monastir, Tunisia
Email: [email protected]
Nour Tamer 2
Department Of Economics
October University for Modern Sciences and Arts, Egypt
Email:: [email protected]

Abstract Marine oil spills have been of tremendous concern due to

their adverse impact on economic and ecological systems. Major oil spills
triggered worldwide consciousness of marine spill response. In past decades,
significant advances have been made in diverse aspects including prevention
and preparedness, spill response and cleanup options, modelling of marine
oil spills, and response decision support. Risk aversion was always a problem
in the oil and gas business, but it has never been more serious. However,
challenges remain particularly associated with cold and harsh
environmental conditions. The research paper will explore how oil spills
influence the environment and surrounding communities, as well as how this
catastrophic issue causes the death of most marine species and threatens the
sustainability of countries, with a focus on the Prestige and Northeast Brazil
oil spills. The paper urges more organizations is needed to follow accessible
standards to improve their operating performance and overcome technical
uncertainty. Oil and gas companies collaborate with their peers to build
transparent platforms that guarantee that automated production projects can
be carried out at low cost and with relatively little interruption.

Keywords: Oil spill, Environment, Life below Water,

JEL Codes: M41

ORCID iD 0000-0002-6134-4785
ORCID iD 0000-0003-4703-1050


An oil spill is a sort of pollution that occurs when a liquid

petroleum hydrocarbon is released into the environment, particularly the
sea. Oil is the primary pollutant of the water. Each year, more than three
million tons of oil are released into the ocean. Most oil pollution in the
oceans occurs on land. Through runoff and garbage from towns,
industries, and rivers, oil enters the oceans. When ships empty their
tanks or release their bilge water, they account for approximately one-
third of the oil pollution in the oceans (Teal & Howarth, 1984).
Typically, when thinking about an oil spill, people envision the
accidental or intentional release of petroleum products into the
environment as a result of human activity (drilling, manufacturing,
storing, transporting, and waste management), which floats on the
surface of water bodies as a discrete mass and is carried by the wind,
currents, and tides. All of these factors have negative effects on coastal
ecosystems. The oil spill in the water is a negative consequence of
offshore oil drilling and shipping. Spill control companies are experts at
preventing, containing, and cleaning up industrial oil spills. In the 1960s,
oceanic oil spills developed into a significant environmental issue. This
was primarily the result of increased petroleum exploration and
production on continental shelves, as well as the utilization of oil tankers
that were able to transport more than 500,000 metric tons of oil (Bakke,
& Sanni, 2013).
Today, oceanic oil spills continue to be a significant
environmental concern. As a result of increasingly severe shipping and
environmental rules, instances of spectacular oil spills caused by ships
carrying supertankers that have run aground or been destroyed are
becoming increasingly uncommon. However, each year there are
hundreds of smaller oil spills and a few significant oil spills that are
publicized. These oil spills are related to good discharges and tanker
activities. The total quantity of til that is spilt annually into the world's
oceans exceeds one million metric tons. The spill of old gasoline
solvents and crankcase lubricants into the environment, whether
unintentionally or through negligence on the part of businesses or
individuals, significantly enhances the overall environmental problem.
Large oil spills are conspicuous examples of large-scale disturbance
pulses in marine ecosystems because they increase marine species'
exposure to toxic compounds across a wide area (Salomone, 2002).

The environment has been recognized as a crucial component in
reaching or not achieving optimum health.. The quality of the
environment affects man's behaviours and inactions, and vice versa
(Oluwafolahan et al, 2012).
On November 13, 2002, the single-hulled tanker Prestige in Spain,
flying the Bahamas flag and carrying 77,000 tons of heavy petroleum,
sent an SOS signal off Cape Tourina, Galicia. The tanker broke in two
and sank at 428150 N and 128080 W, 260 km west of Vigo on the
Galicia Bank .The oil spill damaged a coastline from Portugal to France.
At least three oil pollution pulses containing 60,000 tones hit Galicia's
coastline (Montero et al. 2003). First oil reached the coast on 16
November, six days after the ship sank. The ship sank and hit the coast
on December 1, causing a second big spill. Once any oil split reaches
the marine environment, it is subjected to a number of processes known
as weathering, including, dissolution, emulsification, microbial
degradation, photo-oxidation, adsorption to suspended matter, and
deposition on the sea floor. These processes help to determine the oil's
ultimate fate and the impact it has on the environment.
The primary processes and the broad patterns they follow are
common knowledge, and a vast number of models have been developed
to forecast the paths and behaviors of spills in the ocean as well as to
analyze the effects of these spills on the species and habitats found in
aquatic environments.
On August 30, 2019, a crude oil spill was detected on the Brazilian
coast; as of November 22, 2019, it had touched 4,334 km of coastline
in 11 Northeast and Southeast states, 120 municipalities (counties), and
724 locations. This oil spill is one of the worst in recorded history. The
sequence of phenomena cannot be attributed to randomness, but rather
to an unsustainable development model, environmental crisis,
institutional unpreparedness for the prevention of expanded social and
technical events, outdated legal frameworks that rarely punish large
conglomerates responsible for them, and discriminatory policies against
vulnerable populations, among other weaknesses.
This research paper will explore how oil spills influence the
environment and surrounding communities, as well as how this
catastrophic issue causes the death of the majority of marine species and
threatens the sustainability of countries, with a focus on the Prestige and
Northeast Brazil oil spills.

Literature review and hypotheses development:

The relationship between economic growth and the environment

has always been and will continue to be a subject of debate. Some people
believe that the emergence of new environmental issues, the inability to
prevent global warming, and the continued increase in the number of
people living in the Third World are all evidence that humans are short-
sighted and greedy. However, others see the glass as merely half empty.
They discuss the progress that has been done in urban sanitation and
how the air quality in large cities has improved. They also discuss how
incredible it is that technology continues to improve people's lives. The
first group examines the lingering and frequently severe environmental
issues of the present day. The second group concerns the long, although
the inconsistent, history of improved living conditions.
Every model that relates economic growth to emissions or
environmental quality implicitly assumes the magnitude of scale,
composition, and technique effects. These assumptions are frequently
disguised by decisions on functional form, the number of commodities,
the inclusion of limited resources, and assumptions regarding
abatement. Since we have data on the composition of output, its scale,
and emissions per unit of output, it is often useful to classify models
based on their reliance on the scale, technique, and composition effects,
as opposed to model specifics such as the number of goods, types of
factors, or abatement assumptions.
By dividing the literature along these lines, we can evaluate the
relative merits of models that rely solely on composition effects based
on their strength in the data, as opposed to asking for less obvious
questions such as whether capital and resources are good or poor
substitutes or whether abatement yields increasing returns.
Beginning with very early work in the 1970s by Forster (1973),
Solow (1973), Stiglitz (1974), Brock (1977), and others, and
culminating with more recent work investigating the Environmental
Kuznets Curve by Stokey (1998), Aghion and Howitt (1998), and Jones
and Manuelli (2000). All models of economic growth must provide
changes in scale, composition, or procedures that satisfy the underlying
assumptions of previous and later works of literature addressing the
driving force behind economic growth. Models that generate similar
aggregate connections between income and pollution frequently rely on
distinct methods to reduce pollution. Due to these distinctions, they have
additional observable implications that can be used for evaluation.

The Green Solow benchmark

This theory demonstrates that the Environmental Kuznets Curve

(EKC) and the Solow model, the fundamental model of contemporary
macroeconomics, are intimately connected. Once the Solow model is
modified to integrate technological development in mitigation, the EKC
is a required by-product of convergence on a path of sustainable growth.
This modified model, which is referred to as the "Green Solow," creates
an EKC link between the flow of pollution emissions and per capita
income, as well as the stock of environmental quality and per capita
income. The resultant EKC could be humped or purely decreased (Brock
& Taylor 2010). To investigate the many strategies authors have used to
achieve sustainable growth or an EKC prediction, an expanded Solow
model was built in which exogenous technical improvement in both
goods production and abatement leads to continuous growth
accompanied by growing environmental quality. This is the simplest
model to examine the significance of technical advancement in reducing
emissions per unit of output. As economic expansion continues, there
are many different opportunities to get away from a deteriorating
environment. The Green Solow model illustrates one possibility, which
is that technological advancement in pollution control will reduce
pollution levels.
Another potential involves intensified pollution control, which is
illustrated by the Stokey alternative and the third and last approach is
Altering the composition of outputs or inputs so that they are comprised
of less pollutant-intensive activities. Due to its close relationship with
Solow, the Green Solow model is also related to a number of other
theoretical contributions. Its aim is similar to that of Stokey (1998),
however, it varies in that Stokey does not account for technical
advancement in abatement. It relates to the new growth theory model
of Bovenberg and Smulders (1995) since these authors permit
"pollution-enhancing technology development," which, under certain
conditions, is similar to our technological advance in abatement.
In the same sense, we add that Kijima et al. (2010) define the
Green Solow model like ''a macroeconomic dynamic model in which
total production is allocated to consumption and abatement expenditure''
(Kijima et al., 2010, p. 1193). In others words, the Green Solow model
is consider like a simple dynamic model that may give a strong rationale
behind the EKC hypothesis, and an adapted empirically testable
convergence equation for emissions per capita.
Among the authors who have invested in this direction, we
propose Ordás Carido et al. (2011) who they developed the Green Solow

model and provide a theoretical framework in which the reduction in
pollution is endogenously determined. In particular, the theoretical
predictions formulated by authors suggest that through the scale
(defensive) effect, the growth rates in pollution are associated positively
(negatively) with GDP growth (emissions levels). The theoretical model
introduced by Ordás Carido et al. (2011) is opposed to the model of
Brock and Taylor (2010), who link CO2 emissions (a global stock
pollutant) with economic growth. Their model is designed for local flow
pollutants, such as SO2 and NOx emissions.

Stokey alternative: intensifying abatement

In a significant study, Stokey (1998) introduced a set of basic

growth and pollution models to examine the connections between
growth limits and industrial pollution. She analyzed the capacity of these
models to mimic the results of empirical research establishing an
Environmental Kuznets Curve, as well as how an active environmental
policy might limit growth. An essential aspect of Stokey's analysis was
its reliance on increased abatement and stricter restrictions to reduce
pollution. Stokey’s analysis contributes in two ways. The first is a
straightforward explanation for the observed Environmental Kuznets
Curve (EKC). Stokey also demonstrates how an income-elastic demand
for environmental protection can lead to stricter laws and, ultimately, a
decline in pollution levels similar to Lopez (1994) and Copeland and
Taylor (2003)
This assumption about preferences, in conjunction with some
assumptions about pollution reduction, results in a deterioration of the
environment, followed by an improvement in it, all while economic
growth continues.
Stokey (1998) assumed zero population increase, exogenous
technological advancement in goods production, a Cobb–Douglas
aggregator over capital and labour in final products production, and a
Copeland and Taylor-derived abatement function (1994). In Stokey's
analysis, savings and abatement decisions are determined by an optimal
representative agent.

The source and sink Model (composition shifts)

Here are ways to prevent an economic downturn. The Green

Solow model illustrates how technological,, progress in pollution
control can reduce pollution levels. The Stokey Alternative proposes
intensified mitigation. Change to less polluting outputs or inputs. This
section explores changes in production's energy consumption. If the
economy conserved energy, environmental quality would be improved.
Because energy is a valuable input and its use is limited, increasing
energy efficiency per unit of output incurs expenses. If growth is not to
decline, these losses must be compensated for through additional
capital, efficient labour, or innovative technology.
Changing the input composition of an economy to reduce
pollution may be inefficient. These growth concerns are one of the
reasons why so many countries have delayed ratifying the Kyoto
Protocol, and why so many developing nations refuse to sign the deal.
Few models of the growth-pollution relationship explicitly account for
energy's function. Copeland and Taylor (2003) present a "Sources of
Growth" explanation for the Environmental Kuznets Curve, arguing
that if the development process relies heavily on capital accumulation in
the early stages and human capital formation in the later stages, then
these changes will alter the pollution intensity of production, causing
the environment to initially deteriorate and then improve over time.
Antweiler, Copeland, and Taylor (2001) find that growth fueled by
capital accumulation increases pollution, but neutral technological
progress decreases pollution. This indicates a connection between
growth, energy consumption, and emissions. Similarly, in Aghion and
Howitt's (1998) examination of long-term growth and environmental
outcomes, their clean capital – knowledge – plays an ever-increasing
role in long-term growth, resulting in an improving economy. However,
as they adopt the same abatement assumptions as Stokey (1998), even
with a shifting composition of output, substantial increases in abatement
are required to maintain acceptable levels of pollution.
In the majority of these formulations, the connection to energy use
is at best implicit, requiring the reader to define capital or other
productive components broadly so as to include energy or other natural
resources. One of the key achievements of early resource literature was
the identification of how and where finite resources affect the growth
process. By disregarding the role of depletable resources in generating
pollution, they run the risk of making pollution reductions appear
comparatively painless, as these studies will fail to account for the
economic growth drag that is created.
Combining older models of growth and depletable resources with
modern models addressing the pollution and growth link, this section
clarifies the relationship between energy use, economic growth, and
environmental impacts. By doing so, this section demonstrates that
several findings from the 1960s and 1970s literature on natural
resources and economic growth are still relevant today. The previous

"limits to growth" literature investigated how exhaustible natural
resources affected expansion.
Solow (1974) and Stiglitz (1974) demonstrated that growth with
nonrenewable was possible, but that it required regulating population
increase, technological progress, and natural resource usage. Two
results are well-known. Solow (1974) argues that constant consumption
is possible even with limited exhaustible resources and a constant
population if the share of capital in production surpasses the share of
resources in final output. This insight led to the optimal savings rate to
maximize continuous consumption.
John Hartwick (1977) supplied the answer in the now-famous
Hartwick's rule: invest all rents from exhaustible resources in capital,
and future generations will be as well off as the currently alive
notwithstanding the asymptotic extinction of natural resources. Stiglitz
(1974) found that per capita consumption can grow with positive
population growth if technological advancement outpaces population
growth. Our formulation likewise restricts technical progress to create
positive per capita output growth, but we also require environmental
improvement. Even if expansion with exhaustible resources can
generate positive output growth Stiglitz (1974), it may not be sustainable
since it increases pollution.

Descriptive Analysis

On November 13, 2002, the single-hulled tanker Prestige, flying

the flag of the Bahamas and carrying 77,000 tons of heavy petroleum,
transmitted an SOS signal 15 nautical miles off Cape Tourin ana, Galicia
(southeast North Atlantic). Following an erratic path to the north and
south, the tanker finally broke in two and sank at 428150 N and 128080
W, some 260 kilometers west of Vigo on the southwestern flank of the
Galicia Bank .The oil spilt into the ocean polluted a wide coastline
stretching from northern Portugal to France. At least three huge oil
pollution pulses containing more than 60,000 tons of oil hit Galicia’s
shores (Montero et al. 2003). The initial spill occurred between 13
November and the ship’s sinking six days later, with the first oil
reaching the coast on the morning of 16 November. The second (major)
spill happened after the ship sank and struck the coast on December 1.
On 3 January, the last spill consisted of oil that poured through the
tanker’s hull breaches and washed ashore.

Figure 1: Prestige Tanker Path in Spain
Source: Munilla Rumbao, I., Arcos, J. M., Oro, D., Álvarez Fernández, D.,
Leyenda, P. M., & Velando Rodríguez, A. (2011). Mass mortality of seabirds in the
aftermath of the Prestige oil spill.

As shown in the previous figure the prestige tanker following an

erratic path to the north and south, the tanker finally broke in two and
sank at 428150 N and 128080 W, some 260 kilometers west of Vigo on
the southwestern flank of the Galicia Bank .The oil spilt into the ocean
polluted a wide coastline stretching from northern Portugal to France.
At least three huge oil pollution pulses containing more than 60,000 tons
of oil hit Galicia’s shores (Montero et al. 2003).

Mortality of sea Birds in Spain due to prestige oil spill

Figure 2: Sea-Bird Mortality in Spain Source: Munilla

Rumbao, I., Arcos, J. M., Oro, D., Álvarez Fernández, D., Leyenda, P. M., &
Velando Rodríguez, A. (2011). Mass mortality of seabirds in the aftermath of the
Prestige oil spill.

Figure 2 is a diagram that shows the primary sources of variance

in drift tests that were conducted to calculate the number of seabirds who
died at sea as a result of oil spills. Although the actual seabird mortality
is determined by the characteristics of the oil spill as well as the location
of vulnerable seabird populations, the number of seabirds that are
reported to be oiled is determined by the conditions of the ocean as well
as the level of searching effort at beaches. Drift blocks are meant to
simulate the drifting behaviour of handicapped oiled seabirds and

seabird carcasses. However, drift blocks do not sink and are not preyed
upon by marine or terrestrial scavengers. Drift blocks were released at
sea in the aftermath of the spill. A further point to consider is that the
detectability and reporting probability of drift blocks and beach-washed
seabirds are likely to be different from one another.

Losses in Spain attributed to the Oil Spill

Capture fisheries production (Metric Tons)








1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004


Figure 3: Capture fisheries production (Metric Tons) in Spain

This graph illustrates Capture fisheries production, which counts

the quantity of fish caught for commercial, industrial, recreational, and
subsistence reasons. In this graph, it is evident that there are fluctuations,
but the overall trend is upward. Beginning in 1990, there is an increase
in the capture fisheries production, followed by a slight decline in the
years that followed, and then a return to growth until 2002, when there
was a precipitous decline due to the catastrophic accident of the prestige
oil spill, which caused the death of many marine species and ended up
causing environmental damage.

According to published death numbers from other marine oil spills
that utilized similar estimation methodologies, there were a total of 8 oil
spills. These figures imply that the amount of oil leaked didn't have an
impact on the mortality of seabirds (F1, 7 = 0.01, P = 0.99); Munilla ET
AL. (2011). The numbers from the Prestige are in the same range as the
highest seabird mortality estimates ever reported after an oil spill
anywhere in the world; moreover, the estimated mortality was higher
than expected based on the number of carcasses that were retrieved.

Areas damaged in Brazil due to Oil Spill

The natural disaster affected eleven Brazilian states from Maranho
to Rio de Janeiro, nine in the Northeast and two in the Southeast. This
region possesses unique demographic characteristics, such as a dense
population distribution in the coastal zones (10 of 11 state capitals are
located along the coast), as well as natural characteristics. These factors
combine to make this location extremely fascinating (owing to the
diversity of the tropical ecosystems in this region). Moreover, a variety
of human activities in this region, such as tourism, artisanal fisheries,
nautical sports, and fishing/aquaculture, are highly dependent on natural
resources. In addition, this region is plagued by high levels of social
inequality and poverty, which impede its ability to pursue legal action
and seek compensation for losses.

Figure 4: Temporal and quantitative development of oil-

impacted coastal areas in Brazil

Source: Disner, G. R., & Torres, M. (2020). The environmental

impacts of 2019 oil spill on the Brazilian coast: Overview. Revista
Brasileira de Gestão Ambiental e Sustentabilidade, 7(15), 241-256.
Figure 4 illustrates that there is a strong increasing trend and curve
toward the locations that were considerably impacted by the oil leak that
happened in Brazil between September 2019 and February 2020,
indicating that places were significantly affected.

Birds and animals Mortality in Brazil due to oil spill

According to IBAMA estimates, 11 states (9 in the Northeast and

2 in the Southeast) and 130 localities were affected till February 2020.
As stated in, 1009 locations have reported oil contamination to date. The
mapping notion of locality is restricted to an area of one kilometre along
the coast. Therefore, a 10- kilometre-long beach contains ten spots.
Regarding affected fauna, IBAMA is currently aware of 159 affected
species (112 dead and 47 alive but oiled) In Bahia and Sergipe, 2,814
young turtles were proactively captured. At least 14 conservation units
on the Northeastern coast and over 55 marine protected areas in the
Tropical Atlantic have already been impacted by pollution (Soares et al.,
Brazil has a 7,367-kilometer coastline, of which approximately
4,000 kilometres were damaged by oil at some point during this period
(Marinha do Brasil, 2019). River mouths, water catchment points,
mangroves, conservation units, and rhodolith beds are among the
sensitive environments that have been damaged (Nasri Sissini et al.,
2020; Soares et al., 2020).

Figure 5: Number of oiled animals per state, of which 70.4% were
determined to be killed in Brazil.
Source: Disner, G. R., & Torres, M. (2020). The environmental
impacts of 2019 oil spill on the Brazilian coast: Overview. Revista
Brasileira de Gestão Ambiental e Sustentabilidade, 7(15), 241-256.

Figure 5 depicts the percentage of seabirds that died in each state,

including sea turtles, birds, mammals, and other marine species. The
seabird turtle has the largest percentage of deaths, followed by birds and


In conclusion, marine oil spills have the potential to have

devastating effects not just on marine life but also on the economic
activities that take place along the coast and the populations who depend
on the sea's resources. In general, the consequences of oil toxicity rely
on a wide variety of parameters. These aspects include the oil's
composition and properties (both physical and chemical), condition (i.e.,
whether it has been weathered or not), exposure routes and routine, and
the oil's bioavailability.
Oil dispersants, a frequent tool used after oil spills, are also
hazardous and pose a threat to pelagic creatures, benthic organisms, and
fish. Oil dispersants are commonly employed after oil disasters. Cleanup
activities and the direct or indirect destruction of the environments in
which plants and animals have their natural homes both have the
potential to have an impact on marine life.
Communities that are in danger of being contaminated by oil spills
in marine environments are aware of the risk, and as a result, they have
devised their plans and policy problems to mitigate the threat posed by
oil in marine environments.
In addition to the natural environmental pressures that are already
present in the Gulf region, several human activities that are
anthropogenic, such as oil spills, are expected to affect the region's
economy. These are summed up by the fact that the fish business and
desalination plants, which provide the vast majority of the residents in
the Gulf region with freshwater, are in danger, in addition to the tourism
industry that relies on scuba diving.

Many municipalities have responded to the threat posed to marine
ecosystems by petroleum oil spills by drafting their plans and addressing
related policy concerns. These have included everything from building
infrastructure to dealing with oil spills to deciding whether or not to
allow more oil to be transported. Given the likelihood of such
catastrophes, the government's response, especially the health sector,
must be evaluated to minimize the population's health worries and plan
appropriate solutions. There are many recommendations and they are
categorized into so many different types.
Oil spills caused by human Fault
These guidelines emphasize management support for spill
prevention programmes, sufficient resources, meeting or exceeding
regulatory criteria, implementing redundant safety systems,
discouraging risk-taking, and creating annual performance targets.
Implement formal risk assessment and correction processes, employee
involvement, accountability, and performance rewards.
Oil spills caused by Boat Owners, Marinas, and Boatyards
Proper storage and disposal of wasted oil and oily wastes are
emphasized, as well as frequent and thorough boat maintenance. In this
area, we also urge that marinas construct effective runoff measures,
educate their boat owners, and have them sign written agreements
committing them to use best management practices.

Oil spills caused by tankers and Tank Barges
This set of guidelines includes monitoring operations,
maintenance, personnel policies, health and safety, waste management
systems, and spill and near-miss accidents. Reliable safety systems and
annual performance benchmarks are suggested. Management policies
and programmes are certified using international standards. We
recommend watch practices for navigation, anchor, engineering, and
security rounds. For both tankers and tank barges, the vessel master
should prepare written emergency protocols to cover all possible
emergency scenarios and necessary actions. We propose that tanker and
tank barge crew members participate in a thorough personnel training
programme that covers vessel orientation, particular position
requirements, regular refresher training, and periodic safety and reaction
drills. We recommend crew fitness checks and annual performance
reviews. Keep training, drill, and performance records. We propose that
tanker owners and operators follow OPA 90's work hours and navigation
watch rules in West Coast waters. We also recommended that all
licensed deck officers and the vessel's Person in Charge of oil transfers
speak English and that multinational crews employ a common language
understandable by both officers and unlicensed crew. We recommend
that tanker or tank barge owners/operators demand frequent health
checkups and a policy requiring notification of prescription medication
use. Tank barge tow vessel masters shall keep a record of all crew
members and have three licensed officers or tow operators on board
during coastal transit.
All of these recommendations may serve as guidance before an oil
spill occurs, but there are further recommendations when oil spills occur
Oil Boom is the most common and extensively used equipment for oil
cleanup. These are also known as containment booms because they
inhibit the spread of oil inside a limited region.


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