Unit 2, Business Communication

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Unit 2

Mediums of Oral Communication

What Is Oral Communication?

Oral communication refers to the process of expressing ideas through word of

mouth. This can be done in a conversation between two or more individuals. It

can either be direct (face-to-face) or indirectly through telephone conversation.

Besides, speeches, discussions, and presentations are also perceived as oral

communication. As one of the communication methods, oral communication

can help build trust—becoming the most reliable communication method.

Moreover, because of its immediate feedback, it’s more effective than email or

even text messages.

This is because you can have sensitive conversations—you negotiate and

resolve conflict, get your points across, avoid misunderstanding, and reduce


The Scope of Oral Communication

Oral communication is the most suitable communication method. For example,

verbal communication is fundamental when learning a language since listening

allows one to master each word’s correct pronunciation and articulation.

Additionally, listening and speaking skills used during verbal communication

helps convey emotions during a conversation. Let’s dive in and see other

benefits of oral communication:

• It has a high level of understanding and transparency, thanks to its

interpersonal nature.

• Oral communication is flexible, which allows changes in decisions

that have been made.

• It has immediate feedback, making decisions quickly and without

any delay.

• Oral communication is the most suitable method of solving

conflicts, disputes, and many other differences within an


• It fosters teamwork and group energy.

• Promotes receptive and encouraging confidence among

organizational employees.

• You can use oral communication to transfer private and

confidential information in an organization since it cannot be easily

intercepted but other organizations.

Nature of Oral Communication

• Language is very important in our lives as it is the means by which

people communicate. English language in particular is the language of

globalization and international communication. We use language to

communicate our feelings, knowledge and thoughts in life. In that sense,

people need to hear and be heard, to know and be known, to understand

and be understood. This can be achieved by effective and interactive

communication. In fact, language and communication are keys to success

in life. Effective communication's real purpose is to relay information,

feelings, ideas and thoughts successfully from one person to another.

• Communication is a two way interactive process of reaching mutual

understanding, in which participants not only exchange (encode-decode)

information but also create and share meaning. communication is

described as" a process of sharing facts, ideas, opinions, thoughts and

information through speech , gestures or symbols between two or more".

Thus effective communication depends on the richness of ideas

.Communication is therefore not what is said verbally or none but what is

understood. In fact, understanding is the essence of communication. This

only happens when there is intention of understanding and being

understood by those involved in a communication context. Semenov

defines Communication as " an exchange of messages, sent and received

by at least two people, expressing their feelings, thoughts and intentions

to each other in the hope for reciprocity."

• Communication is a key element involved in teaching process. El- Essery

defines oral expression as the process of externalizing and reflecting out

the different thinking skills through words. El-Besh referred to oral

communication as the students' effective ability to speak and

communicate with others, which helps in achieving the goals of the

communication process.

Successful or effective oral communication requires some principles to

exist in the communication to overcome the defects and eliminate the

reasons for the failure of oral communication. The following 12

principles of effective oral communication:

• Well-Planned

Before presenting something, there should be proper planning regarding

the audience, topics to be delivered, timing, and other factors: So, a

person must be well-prepared to deliver his speech.

• Clear pronunciation

To make oral messages meaningful to receivers, words should be clearly

and correctly pronounced. There should not be any lack of clarity,

otherwise, the communication would be confusing.

• Brevity

Effective oral communication desires that a message should be brief. If

the sender took a long time for talking, his message may not get the

attention of the receiver.

• Precision

Precision is needed to make oral communication effective. There should

not be any confusing words rather a message to be delivered should be

specific so that there is no misunderstanding.

• Natural voice

Any sort of unnatural voice may distort the message. A natural voice can

do a lot to make oral communication effective.

• Logical sequence

Ideas should be organized in a sequential way to make the message

communicative and attractive. Unorganized ideas do not provide a clear

sense while a logical sequence of ideas gives a clear sense.

• Suitable words

Words have different meanings to different people in different situations

in oral communication, a speaker should use common, simple, and

familiar words so that the receiver can react to the message without any


• Courteous

Courtesy costs nothing but can earn many things. So, a speaker should be

courteous while addressing listeners. It helps create a good impression in

the mind of listeners regarding the speaker.

• Attractive presentation

It is another principle to make oral communication effective. A speaker

should deliver his speech in very nice and sweet language so that the

receiver is attracted to take part in the communication.

• Avoiding Emotions

Speaker must control his emotions to make oral communication effective.

Too much emotion will take the speaker away from the main subject.

• Emphasis

The speaker must be knowledgeable regarding the portion of the speech

where he should give emphasis. Giving emphasis on respective points

will help draw the attention of the audience.

• Controlling Gesticulation

The speaker on many occasions, consciously or unconsciously,

gesticulates for expressing his ideas or thoughts. This is a habit and

should be avoided. Otherwise, the application of such a habit may lead to

% disinterest of the audience.

• Besides, objective information, the capacity of the listener, interesting

language, and proper fluency should be considered also as the principles

of oral communication.

How to improve verbal communication skills

You can use the following 10 steps to help improve your verbal

communication at work:

1. Think before speaking

People often feel uncomfortable with silence, but pausing before answering a

question can improve your response. Taking time to reflect allows you to

organize your thoughts into a concise, clear statement. If you feel rushed to

answer, that feeling will get reflected in how you respond, so your message may

not come out as intended. Pauses convey a sense of thoughtfulness, so your

audience will gain the impression that you considered the best response before


Similarly, if your counterpart pauses for a moment, do not feel the need to jump

in and counter the silence. The person will appreciate that you gave them the

time to contemplate their response, rather than interrupting their thought

process. Not only does this show professionalism, but it also demonstrates your

interest in hearing what they have to say.

2. Use concise language

Being succinct when speaking not only make your message easier to understand

but also gets your main points across to the audience sooner. Before speaking,

ask yourself how you can present the information as clearly and in as few words
as possible. Whether you are writing or speaking, avoid using complicated

words and sentences or including irrelevant information. Taking these steps will

ensure your audience clearly understands your primary points and can respond

accordingly. This skill is especially beneficial when providing instructions or

expectations to colleagues, as your directness ensures there is little confusion.

3. Understand your audience

To effectively communicate messages, you need to understand your audience

and put yourself in their position. Not everyone has the same knowledge or

background as you, so ensure you explain information in a manner easily

understood by anyone—especially when discussing complex or technical topics.

Also, try to take your audience's culture or personality into consideration, as

different demographics have their own communication preferences. For

example, you would speak to a close friend much differently than you would to

an executive at a company.

Before presentations, ask yourself what your audience wants and needs to know

and what their knowledge base is. When you understand who you are speaking

to, it makes it easier to tailor your message to their needs. Taking this tailored

approach also ensures your audience stays interested because you provide only

the most relevant information they want to hear.

4. Be mindful of your tone

Your tone plays a crucial role in verbal communications, and how you use it can

affect the way your audience engages with you. Combing a friendly and warm

tone with a smile makes a positive impression. Meanwhile, speaking in a flat or

monotone manner can make you appear uninterested, which can put off an

audience. Also, try to vary your tone and use inflection to emphasize important

points. This technique is an easy way to focus the attention of your audience.

You can also use the verbal modelling method, in which you try to copy the

tone of another person. For example, during a conversation, speak softly when

they speak softly or if they have excited energy, try to match it. People feel

drawn to voices that sound like theirs, making this a helpful method of

increasing engagement.

5. Pay attention to your body language

Your body language can affect how you deliver messages despite it being a

nonverbal method of communication. Ways to convey confident body language

include maintaining eye contact and having relaxed body language. You can

also use gestures or facial expressions to emphasize points and grab audiences'

attention or focus.
6. Employ active listening

Listening is as essential as speaking during conversations because it

demonstrates a genuine interest in the other speaker and guarantees you

understand their needs. As a result, you will find it easier to build rapport and

relationships. To apply active listening skills, give the other person your full

attention to ensure you not only hear the words they say but also the message

they want to convey. When the other person feels heard, they feel more

interested in reciprocating and hearing what you have to say.

7. Speak with confidence

Confidence is crucial because if you sound like you do not believe in what you

are saying, neither will your audience. You want to establish that you have

credibility or authority, which makes people trust you and feel more interested

in listening to you. There are a variety of ways to convey confidence, including

the way you hold yourself during conversations and the tone of voice that you


One way to build confidence before planned conversations, presentations or

speeches is to make mental or physical notes about what you will discuss. These

notes do not have to be a script but should highlight the main points you want to

make. Your notes provide a direction for your verbal interaction, showing you

know what you need to focus on or where you need to steer the conversation.
Having a plan will make you feel much more prepared, boosting your


8. Show your authentic self

While you can gain inspiration from other communicators to improve your

skills, always bring your honest self to interactions. People feel more drawn to

speakers who seem genuine and act transparently. For example, if you do not

have the answer to a question, it is okay to admit it. Your colleagues will

respect your honesty more than if you pretend to know something and provide a

response that ends up inaccurate.

Furthermore, showing your authentic self during a conversation or presentation

helps you build relationships because your audience gets to know you as a

person. It conveys a sense of comfort and ease that lets them genuinely engage

with you. If they feel like you are faking your personality or putting on a show,

it can create distance between you. As a result, it may make it harder to build

trust because they cannot tell how real the conversation is.

9. Practice your skills

Now that you know the various ways to improve verbal communication skills,

you must practice them. Not only will this develop these skills, but it can also

help you feel more confident in your speaking abilities. Apply these techniques
as often as possible in your daily work and personal interactions to ensure you

feel comfortable using them.

Practice alone by speaking in front of a mirror or recording yourself doing a

presentation or speech. When watching yourself, you can study your body

language and take steps to improve it—for example, by using or limiting your

gestures and maintaining a smile or friendly demeanour. When you record

yourself, assess your voice and tone. Again, you can use these recordings to

determine which areas you need to work on to speak more clearly and


10. Gain feedback

You can also practice your verbal communication skills in more realistic

settings, such as in front of friends or family. Not only will this help you feel

more comfortable speaking in front of others, but it also allows you to gain

feedback. If you have a speech or presentation planned, perform it as you would

in front of the actual audience and ask these friends and family to judge your

verbal and nonverbal communication abilities. Their insights will instruct you

on what you already do well and where you need improvement.

Seeking feedback does not strictly apply to practice situations. After you make a

presentation at work, ask a trusted colleague or a supervisor for their opinion on

your performance. Asking a supervisor can provide added benefits, as it shows

them that you strive to develop yourself professionally. Once they know about

your interest in building these skills, they can watch your future performances

and gauge your progress or provide you with more opportunities for verbal

communication development.

Mediums of Oral Communication

Oral communication is concerned with the use of spoken word as a medium

for the exchange of information. It is a type of oral communication

Oral communication can take place by face-to-face conversation and through

electronic devices.

1. Face-to-face conversation

Oral communication consists in face-to-face situation when the sender and the

receiver of the message are in close physical proximity to each other. Face-to-

face discussions, formal presentations, and meetings are the most important

kinds of face-to-face communication.

A face-to-face communicative encounter has the potential advantages of being

vivid, stimulating and commanding attention. In most organizational situations,

it is difficult for receivers, the listeners to ignore the words spoken or the person

speaking to them.
Furthermore, face-to-face communication gives the sender immediate feedback

from the receiver and the opportunity to adjust the emotional tone of the

message and tailor content accordingly.

Oral communication can also take place through the use of mechanical and

electronic devices such as landline telephones, cell phones, e-mail, instant

messaging, voice mail, video and web conferencing, web logs (blogs), etc.

Electronic means of communicating enhances interactive exchange of

messages— text, voice, graphics or video—between senders and receivers, even

when they are separated by physical distance and busy schedules.

Communicating electronically can reduce time and expenses devoted to

traveling, photocopying and mailing.

2. Teleconference
Teleconference connects several participants at the same time with the help of

telecommunications devices. It allows attendees from different locations to

participate in a virtual business meeting instead of in-person meetings.

Web conferencing is a globally available service, that can be accessed from any

device, at any time. Its flexibility makes it the perfect communication tool for

businesses with:

• remote teams

• multiple offices
• partners

• clients from afar

Uses of Teleconference

Cost efficiency is the primary benefit of voice and video conferencing.

Teleconference services are provided by vendors specialized in web

conferencing or by cloud telephony providers. They often provide competitive

monthly rates and usually include free conference tools in the monthly


Audio and video calls are usually conducted via local access numbers, which

reduces significantly their costs or by entering a pin to join. Regardless of the

call’s duration and time of day it is held the expenses for the teleconferencing

are minimal.

Furthermore, web conferencing reduces significantly the need for face-to-face

meetings. This results in less business travel and accommodation costs.

Colleagues, partners, and clients from different locations can easily exchange

information and ideas via an audio or video service.

Press Release vs Press Conference

A press release is commonly usually a written or non-written statement which

contains very serious matters about the organization or state that it is to be read

to the public. The person preparing is usually the head of an organization,

political party or state and mostly handed to the media so that it can be passed
as soon as possible to the public. A press conference entails a large gathering of

people or media who have come to listen to ideas and discuss the way forward.

There is always a question and answer session in a press conference. There is

some difference between the press release and press conference.

Main differences are:

1. Press releases are issued by those in authority while press conference

may not necessarily involve those in power:

The press conference can be given by any person who plays a certain role in the

society such as a business entrepreneur or politicians to the members of the

public while the press release is a written statement which is read to public by a

specific person or media about a certain matter that has emerged.

2. Press releases are specific to the subject matter:

a press release the person giving out the speech speaks on specific topic

concerning the issue that has emerged while in press conference the speaker

talks of a wide variety of issues and when he or she has finished delivering his

or her speech, can allow being asked questions by the members of the public

and can speak on any of the topics that are raised.

3. A press release can be said on behalf of another person:

A press release is delivered in the quoted speech that is it’s delivered in direct

speech while in the press conference the speech is delivered in indirect speech
as mostly it speaks about different matters, unlike press release which speaks on

a specific matter raised and speaks on the way forward.

4. Press releases are more question-oriented when the media is called than

for press conferences: A press conference usually entails a question and

answer sessions especially when the media is called. The reporters will ask

questions and the people giving out the speech are to answer while the press

release is like an official document which is prepared given to the public a

certain issue for information purposes and it normally does not have question

answer sessions. Immediately the message is passed to the concerned party that

becomes the end of the press release.

5. Little or no discussions during a press release when compared to a press


A press release is usually a typed document with information to be passed to

certain members or organizations and therefore there is no discussion while a

press release is usually a word of mouth that a certain member or leader of a

certain organization passes to some people and also allows discussions if there

is a certain topic that it was not well understood.

6. A press release is more direct and straight to the point than a press

A press release is a prepared statement to be given to the peoples concerned and

therefore it goes straight to the point giving out clear purpose for the statement

by the heads of the organizations or leaders while a press conference is an open

session with no straight topic to be covered and therefore it covers different

topic especially when it comes to question and answer session where one can

ask any kind of question he or she would wish to.

7. Less contact of the source with the audience during a press release than

in a press conference:

In a press release, the statement which is in written form is handed out to some

specific people or organizations so that from there it can be read to the people or

members involved while in a press conference the members of the public gather

on a certain place so that you can direct and address them face to face. All the

information is then delivered to the gathering and if any of them has a burning

issue can raise it for discussion and also be directed or advised on the matter.

8. Fewer people involved in a press release than for a press conference:

In a press release, people who participate or give out the statement are usually

very few since its public participation may not have a chance. Even a single

person is enough to deliver the information while in a press conference there

must always a large gathering for it to go on. Sometimes the press conference is

canceled if there are few attendances as required as it will be inappropriate, as it

requires much on public participation.

9. Press releases are issued during emergent issues that require quick

response than for a press conference:

A press conference can be called when there has been a lot of disagreement

between the members of the public and the concerned parties such as if there

have been strikes by workers due to violations of their rights, a press conference

will help to settle this as their opinions are taken into considerations and this

can help settle the dispute while in a press release the statement is given with

public participation and hence if the rights of the members are violated they are

not given an opportunity to express their feelings towards the matter.

10. Not anyone who can issue a press release but a press conference can be

held by anyone:

A press release the speech is usually prepared a specific person who plays a

great role to the information to be passed such as interior security minister

preparing press real due to emergence of terror attack in the country and the

steps they have taken to overcome it while in a press conference even a person

within the congregation can be chosen to give his or her opinion on a certain

topic and there it is open to all and the topic to be discovered is open.

Difference Between Dramatization and Demonstration:


A product demonstration is one of your best sales tools if you have a high-

quality product. A product demonstration helps you get a prospective

customers or investors interested and excited about your solution. It is also an

effective way to address the prospect's specific product-related concerns.

Simulates Interest

Product demonstrations provide visual support to enhance the quality of your

sales presentation. Prospects who are more visual or hands-on learners often

need to see your product in action to fully grasp its value and potential. This is

especially true if unique design features are key selling points, such as with

fashion or furnishings. The ability to see, feel and sometimes smell your

product is generally more appealing to prospects than simply listening to your

sales pitch.

Conveys Ownership

One of the benefits of product demonstrations is instilling a sense of

ownership of the product to the prospect. For example, car salespeople

typically try to get a buyer behind the wheel to feel what it would be like to

own and drive the car. Free trials have a similar intent of letting buyers'

experience temporary ownership of a product without the risk of paying for it.
Helping prospects' connect with this feeling of ownership is an important step

to persuasive selling.

Provides Proof

The product, sample, video, brochures, pictures and other tools used in a demo

are often called proof devices because they offer tangible evidence that

supports what you say, according to Vantage Advertising LLC. Buyers assume

you will say good things about a product you sell. Buyers sometimes have a

built-in distrust for salespeople. Showing what your product can do, and even

letting the customer experience it, provide necessary proof. For example, food

samples help grocery shoppers experience taste quality for themselves.

Combats Concerns

Your demonstration also helps you combat product-related concerns presented

by a buyer. Prospects often come with preconceived notions or misinformation

based on things they have heard in the marketplace. If a prospect questions

key claims or doubts your product and its performance capabilities, a demo

can ease those concerns. The key is to view buyer concerns as a request for

more information and not a condemnation of your solution.

It is important to tailor your product demonstration to your audience,

says Pragmatic Institute. Depending on whether your demonstration will be at

an investor meeting, a trade show or a public park, you want to consider your
target market and environment when designing the specific types of product

demonstration to implement. This preparation will ensure an impressive



A dramatization in a sales presentation is nothing more than ensuring maximum

effectiveness in communicating the sales message to prospects.

In other words, it is a set of various activities carried out by the salesperson to

make the prospect understand the message, believe in the message, and

remember the message.

Benefits of Dramatization In Sales Presentation

An effective dramatization in a sales presentation has a certain strong power to

make sales effective. Here, we understand the importance of dramatization in

making the sales presentation effective in six major ways.

Getting and Maintaining Buyers’ Interest

No doubt, prospects listen to sales presentation stories, statements, points, etc.

but closing a sale is impossible unless the prospects take interest in the sales

presentation. Hence, the seller needs to make the sales presentation dramatic,

i.e. doing something which holds the buyers’ attention for a period of time.
Convincing Prospects

Dramatization helps in convincing prospects on the very point of sale because

the prospects’ objections are practically overcome during the presentation.

When once buyers/prospects are convinced of the quality of the product, there

can be the opportunity to the closing of a sale.

However, some product use cannot be dramatized and hence there is no

question of convincing the prospect in spot-selling. In such

instances, descriptive sales presentations can prove fruitful.

Improving Understanding

Specifically, with respect to technical products like computers, projectors,

cameras, etc., demonstration or dramatization plays a vital role in improving

understanding in the minds of prospects.

Making Lasting Impression

Dramatizing sales means, in other words, describing a product’s features

demonstratively. Such dramatization may have a lasting and strong impression

on customers.
As a result, a customer experiencing direct benefits of the product may

remember such benefits for a long period of time. The customer may, then,

voluntarily talk of the benefits of the product while talking to friends and other


Helping Sales Representatives

Dramatization develops more confidence in the salespeople in the sales

presentation because they plan and rehearse before the presentation and

implement the planned and rehearsed action during an actual sales presentation.

This sort of practice may enhance the enthusiasm of the salespeople to exert

utmost effort for influencing customers, prospects. The salespeople become

perfect in dramatizing sales presentations only after endless practice and effort.

After they become experienced, they can also make their presentation more

focused which will help them in closing a sale within a short time.

Creating Value of Product

While dramatizing, salespeople handle the products showing them in action.

But their handling can create both positive and negative impacts on the

customer. If the salespeople handle the product carefully, the customer may get

the impression that the product is valuable.

But if the salespeople handle the product rather carelessly, the customer may get

the impression that the product is of little value. This concept can best be

applicable with regard to jewellery and perishable goods.

Public Address System

This system increases the apparent volume of vocals, musical instruments, other

sound sources, or recorded sounds or music. The sound enhancement system

can be used in public places where announcers, performers, etc. and need to

hear in a remote or large area. Typical applications include sports fields, public

transport and facilities, live or recorded music venues and events. PA system

may include multiple microphones or other sources, a mixer to combine and

change multiple sources, and multiple amplifiers and speakers for higher

volume or wider distribution.

Simple public address systems are commonly used in small rooms such as

school rooms, churches and small bars. Acoustic reinforcement systems with

many speakers are widely used for presentations in public, institutional and

commercial buildings and places such as schools, stadiums, cruise ships and

airplanes. Intercom systems installed in many buildings have speakers

throughout the building and many rooms have microphones so residents can
respond to notifications. Public address and intercom systems are commonly

used in emergency communications systems.

Advantages of Public address system are:

Here are three uses of a public address system

Public address systems are typically used for public announcements, playing

(background) music, or just speaking to a large crowd, indoors or outdoors and

because of this, they can be used as:

Ceiling speaker systems

Wall speaker systems

Outdoor speaker systems

Let’s see some of the advantages that the use of a public address system


1. It can overshadow background noise: No matter how noisy it may

be, a public address system will get through to the crowd whether

indoors or outdoors.

2. It helps you to capture attention: Even if your audience wasn’t

listening initially, you will be sure to get their attention once your

voice is heard over the speakers.

3. It is not invasive: It is a more informative, less invasive, and a more

acceptable method of passing information to a large number of

people in public.
4. It is easy to maintain: Maintenance can be done with ease, if they

are properly installed and anyone can be trained to operate it

properly in no time.

Group Discussion

Group Discussion is a method used in the corporate world to measure certain

personality traits and/or skills that an organization may look for in the

candidates. It allows a group to exchange thoughts and ideas among themselves.

GD helps the organization get an idea about candidates in a short time and

assess those skills, which normally cannot be evaluated in an interview.

A GD generally consists of three parts:

1.the initiation,

2.the body of the GD,

3. and summarization/conclusion.

Initiation : The candidate initiating a GD not only gets the opportunity to speak

first but also grabs the attention of the evaluator and his/her fellow candidates. It

helps if the candidate can make a favourable first impression with his/her

content and communication skills in initiating a GD. However, if a candidate

initiates a GD and falters, it might dent his/her chances of making a favourable

impression on the evaluator.

If the candidate initiates the GD clearly but remains quiet after that, s/he will

end up giving the impression that s/he started the GD only for the sake of

starting it or getting those initial brownie points awarded to an initiator. It is the

initiator‘s responsibility to put the topic into the right perspective or framework.

So it is better to initiate a GD only if one has in-depth knowledge about the

topic being discussed. If one is not sure of the topic at hand, it is better to listen

carefully to the views being expressed by others and then speak. One should not

be in a hurry to express one‘s opinion.

The Body of Discussion: This is the main part of the GD where all the

members of the group express their opinions on the topic. Candidates must

restrict themselves to conveying their viewpoints and not use the GD as a

contest to run down other arguments. Candidates can politely agree, disagree or

choose to remain neutral. A speaker should never be interrupted while speaking.

Speaking out of turn and cutting others short create a negative impression. Too

much aggression can put off prospective employers. While speaking, the entire

group must be addressed so that everyone is attentive towards what is being

said. The focus should never be

on the evaluator. To emphasize the content, relevant proverbs, quotes,

definitions, facts and figures, statistics, etc. may be used. While using figures or

statistics, it must be remembered that macro figures may be generalized, while

micro figures must be specific.

Summarization / Conclusion: A conclusion is where the whole group decides

in favor of against the topic. Generally, a GD does not have a conclusion. But

the discussion is always summarized. One of the candidates is invited to

summarize the discussion. This signals the end of the GD. The candidate must

summarize all that the group has discussed. The following can be kept in mind

while summarizing a GD:

1. The summary must be brief and succinct.

2. All important points discussed must be included.

3. The focus must not be on the points made by the presenter, alone.

4. No new points must be stated here.

Oral Report

An oral report is a face to face communication about something seen, observed

or investigated. Therefore, an oral report is any presentation of factual

information using the spoken word.

An Oral Report is the presentation of the findings obtained in form of spoken

words. Oral reports mainly lack visual presentation or advantage. In such type
of report the pace at which it is delivered cannot be controlled. These reports are

generally not precise and the presenter is not given much time for its

presentation since the time is limited.

Points to Remember in Report Writing

There are some important points that need to be considered while making an

oral report these are :

§ The reporter must be aware of the audience to whom the report is to be


§ There should be proper planning before delivering the report like the

objective must be clear, there should be all the necessary information in

it that should be organized in an efficient manner with respect to the


§ The language that is to be used must be suitable to the audiences and

should be simple and convincing enough

§ To make the report effective the reporter can give the handouts of the

report which would contain the summary of the report being delivered

Reports can be classified in different ways –

§ Reports can be classified based on the time interval like it can be weekly,

monthly, yearly quarterly etc.

§ On the basis of the subject matter or field.

§ Based on the form of the presentation like it can be short (e.g.: memos,

letters) or it can be long( e.g.: information and examination reports).

Radio Recording

This is any type of audio recording of a radio broadcast. Industry people

sometimes use the term “aircheck” to mean the same thing.

The recording can be made at the radio station studio or transmitter site, or it

can be made by a listener, using a receiver connected to some kind of recording


Radio broadcast professionals can use recordings of their own broadcasts as

tools to help them improve their on-air presentation and as material for

promotional packages that they send to radio stations when applying for


Radio stations can use recordings of their broadcasts as evidence in the event

that there is some kind of dispute regarding something that one of their hosts

has said on the air.

Radio listeners make recordings for a variety of reasons. Some simply wish to

be able to listen to certain songs or personalities over and over again. Some

listeners collect recordings as a hobby (recordings of live broadcasts of

newsworthy events can be particularly interesting when listened to years later).

Some listeners record content that they find objectionable so that they can use

the recordings as evidence when filing complaints with regulatory agencies.

Many different types of recording devices have been used to record radio

broadcasts over the years, including: transcription disk recorders, wire

recorders, reel-to-reel tape recorders, cassette recorders, etc.


Sound recording devices used for efficient oral dictation in business settings. A

Dictaphone is a high-performing voice recorder designed for use by busy

professionals. With a Dictaphone, you are able to stop and restart a recording

without creating a new file. You can also review, insert additional, and erase

unnecessary recordings.

Features of a Dictaphone:

• Files are encrypted to increase the security of sensitive information.

• A large battery life, so they can record 10-30 hours of audio before

running out of charge.

• They work best for one voice but settings can be adjusted to create high-

quality recordings of meetings.

• Unidirectional microphone to reduce background noise.

• Dictaphones also create small file sizes which are small enough to send

via email (specialised software is required for playback). Settings can be

adjusted to create files that can be listened to on most playback software

Dictaphones are most often purchased by doctors, lawyers and other

professionals who create voice recordings of letters. Generally, these are to be

transcribed into text format by a secretary or sent to a transcription service

provider. You can also use speech recognition software such as Dragon to

automatically produce transcripts of your dictations. The editing feature of a

Dictaphone is useful if you are planning on getting your audio transcribed as it

cuts out additional work for a typist.

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