Fairyland Clasa I

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Prof.: Ana-Monica Cojocărescu
Clasa/nr. ore pe săpt.: I, 1h/săpt. Avizat Șef catedră,
Manual: Fairyland, UniScan, Express Publishing
Nr. 1694/10.10.2018
Planificare calendaristică an şcolar 2018-2019

Nr. Unităţi de Conţinuturi Competenţe specifice N Săpt. Observaţii

crt. învăţare r.
1. Module 1 1.1. Respond appropriately (in basic communication situations) 8 S1, S2, S3, S4,
to short, simple questions in a clear and concise way. S5, S6, S7, S8
Hello! Greetings 1.2. Recognize the basic location (left, right, here, there) of 10.09-02.11 Happy
Introduce objects in the surrounding environment. Halloween!-
themselves and 1.3. Develop interest and general comprehension of films and 24.10-28.10
greet others songs in the English language. Trick or Treat!
Colours 2.3. Participate in communication games and reproduce or
create rhymes/ short messages. Vacanţă 27.10-
2.4. Express a simple request to obtain an object from the 04.11
immediate environment.
4.1. Participate in group/ class projects .
2.1. Reproduce short and simple songs/ poems
2.3. Participate in communication games and reproduce or
create rhymes/ short messages.
2.4. Express a simple request to obtain an object from the
My School objects immediate environment.
schoolbag Numbers 1-5 3.1. Understand short, simple written texts used in everyday
Counting songs situations.

2. Module 2 1.3. Develop interest and general comprehension of films and 8 S9, S10, S11,
songs in the English language. S12, S13, S14, Winter holiday
My home Rooms 2.3. Participate in communication games and reproduce or S15, S16 24.12-8.01
Talk about create rhymes/ short messages. 05.11-18.01
locatations 2.4. Express a simple request to obtain an object from the Merry
Prepositions ( on, immediate environment. Christmas!-
in, next to, under, 3.1. Understand short, simple written texts used in everyday 19.12-23.12-
behind) situations. songs/ carols
Furniture and games
1.3. Develop interest and general comprehension of films and
songs in the English language.
2.3. Participate in communication games and reproduce or
create rhymes/ short messages.
My toys Toys
Numbers 6-1o
Count from 1-1o
Size (big-small) 4.1. Participate in group/ class projects and create and write
Season’s My favourite toy short texts.
Greetings! project
Revision 2 S17, S18 Vacanţă
21.01-1.02 intersemestrială
3 Module 3 1.1. Respond appropriately (in basic communication situations) 7 S19, S20, S21,
to short, simple questions in a clear and concise way. S22, S23, S24,
My face Parts of the face 1.2. Recognize the basic location (left, right, here, there) of S25
keep clean! objects in the surrounding environment. 11.02-29.03
Commands: touch 1.3. Develop interest and general comprehension of films and
your songs in the English language.
nose/eyes/mouth/t 1.3. Develop interest and general comprehension of films and
eeth/ears songs in the English language.
2.2. Create short texts to express personal information (hobbies,
Food and food 2.4. Express a simple request to obtain an object from the *unitatea
My food preferences immediate environment. Mother’s Day va
Make a lunchbox 3.1. Understand short, simple written texts used in everyday fi studiata
My favourite food situations. inaintea unit.

project 4.1. Participate in group/ class projects and create and write My food
short texts.
4. Module 4 2.1. Reproduce short and simple songs/ poems S26, S27, S28, S28-Scoala
2.3. Participate in communication games and reproduce or S29, S30, S31, Altfel
My Animals create rhymes/ short messages. S32
animals 4.1. Participate in group/ class projects and create and write 1.04-31.05
short texts. (S28 -
1.2. Recognize the basic location (left, right, here, there) of Săptămâna
objects in the surrounding environment. Şcoala Altfel)
3.1. Understand short, simple written texts used in everyday
Abilities situations.
My senses Actions: jump,
climb, swim, fly,
The five senses
5. Final Colours, - all previous 2 S33-S34 Oral assessment,
Revision Numbers, 3.06-14.06 projects&
and Commands, Toys, portfolio
assessment Greetings, assessment
Rooms, Furniture,

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