ReglesMasters2002 EN

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‘FD-RULES’ MAILING LIST INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 3

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................. 4
0- GLOSSARY....................................................................................................................................................... 4
1- TIMED TRIALS ......................................................................................................................................... 4
1-0 Timed Trial Organization.................................................................................................................................. 4
1-1 Procedure for one timed lap .............................................................................................................................. 4
1-2 Errors................................................................................................................................................................. 5
1-3 Results reports and rankings ............................................................................................................................. 6
1-4 Examples........................................................................................................................................................... 6
2- THE RACE ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
3- THE WEATHER .............................................................................................................................................. 7
3-1 Before qualifying session(s).............................................................................................................................. 7
3-2 Before the race .................................................................................................................................................. 7
4- PIT SELECTION AND PDV AVAILABLE .................................................................................................. 9
5- CAR CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................................................ 9
5-1 Reminder about penalties .................................................................................................................................. 9
5-2 Important........................................................................................................................................................... 9
5-3 Note................................................................................................................................................................... 9
6- GEARBOX AND CAR MOVES .............................................................................................................. 10
6-1 The gearbox..................................................................................................................................................... 10
6-2 Car moves ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
6-3 play order for each move................................................................................................................................. 11
7- DRIVING CODE ...................................................................................................................................... 12
7-1 Driving code in the corners ............................................................................................................................. 12
7-2 Driving code in the straights ........................................................................................................................... 12
7-3 Move examples: .............................................................................................................................................. 12
8- TIRES: HARD, SOFT AND RAIN................................................................................................................ 16
8-1 Hard Tires ....................................................................................................................................................... 16
8-2 Soft tires .......................................................................................................................................................... 16
8-3 Rain tires ......................................................................................................................................................... 16
8-4 Notes: .............................................................................................................................................................. 16
8-5 Bonus & penalties table................................................................................................................................... 16
RACE.................................................................................................................................................................... 16
RACE.................................................................................................................................................................... 17
9- RACE START ........................................................................................................................................... 18
9-1 “1” means false start/stall................................................................................................................................ 18
9-2 “20” means SUPER start................................................................................................................................. 18
9-3 Other results .................................................................................................................................................... 18
10-1 Important ....................................................................................................................................................... 19
10-2 Rules.............................................................................................................................................................. 19
10-3 Elimination due to overshooting ................................................................................................................... 19
10-4 special case : the spinout ............................................................................................................................... 20
11- BRAKING...................................................................................................................................................... 21
12- BLOCKING................................................................................................................................................... 22
12-1 Elimination.................................................................................................................................................... 22
12-2 Examples ....................................................................................................................................................... 22

13- OVER-REVVING ......................................................................................................................................... 23
13-1 Number of gears skipped............................................................................................................................... 23
13-2-Important....................................................................................................................................................... 23
13-3 handling sticker ............................................................................................................................................. 23
14- COLLISION ............................................................................................................................................ 24
14-1 Body damage test .......................................................................................................................................... 24
14-2 Elimination.................................................................................................................................................... 24
14-3 Aggravated body damage test ....................................................................................................................... 24
14-4 Important ....................................................................................................................................................... 24
14-5 Example (see graphic above) ........................................................................................................................ 24
15- THE CONCRETE WALL............................................................................................................................ 25
16- ENGINE BLOW ...................................................................................................................................... 26
17- ROAD HANDLING ................................................................................................................................ 27
18- SLIPSTREAMING ....................................................................................................................................... 28
18-1 - Conditions to fulfill..................................................................................................................................... 28
18-2 Comments ..................................................................................................................................................... 28
18-3 Note:.............................................................................................................................................................. 28
18-4 Recapitulative table ....................................................................................................................................... 29
18-5 Examples ....................................................................................................................................................... 29
19- PIT STOPS AND ORDER OF PLAY ................................................................................................... 30
19-1 Driving code in the pit lane ........................................................................................................................... 30
19-2 Pit stops ......................................................................................................................................................... 30
19-3 Quick Pit Stop ............................................................................................................................................... 30
19-4 Long Pit Stop ................................................................................................................................................ 31
19-5 Order of Play ................................................................................................................................................. 31
20 - ELIMINATION............................................................................................................................................ 32
20-1 Elimination due to overshooting ................................................................................................................... 32
20-2 Elimination due to blocking .......................................................................................................................... 32
20-3 Elimination due to collision .......................................................................................................................... 32
20-4 Elimination due to engine blow ............................................................................................................... 32
20-5 Elimination due to handling .......................................................................................................................... 32
20-6 Collision tests with a car eliminated.............................................................................................................. 32
20-7 Recapitulative Table...................................................................................................................................... 32
ELIMINATION ......................................................................................................................................................... 32
CAR IS REMOVED.................................................................................................................................................... 32
21- RACE FINISH............................................................................................................................................... 33
22- RACING EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................................................... 33
APPENDIX 1 - F.D. DRIVER DICTIONARY (NON EXHAUSTIVE) ......................................................... 34
APPENDIX 2 – TABLES.................................................................................................................................... 35
ELIMINATION REASON ............................................................................................................................................ 35
CAR IS IMMEDIATELY REMOVED ............................................................................................................................ 35
ANNEXE 3 - EVOLUTIONS ............................................................................................................................. 36
Masters 1999 ......................................................................................................................................................... 36
Masters 2001 ......................................................................................................................................................... 36
Master 2002........................................................................................................................................................... 37
ANNEXE 4 – PERFECTIBLES POINTS ......................................................................................................... 38

The purpose of the “FD-Regles” (FD-Rules) Mailing list was to rewrite the regulations for the (high level ?)
competition, and also for beginners.
This document is available for tournament organizers.

The initial idea was to start from the basic and advanced rules introduced by Eurogames, and add to it the rules
used for the Masters, annual tournament organized by the ogame authors.
For the 1999 and 2000 Masters, a “Council of Experts” (comprised of 5 "old" players from 5 of the best leagues
nationwide) worked on clarifying some of these rules.
In this document, we’ll talk about rules that do not modify the basic principles, such as overlapping.
Other rules are included with Laurent Lavaur’s approval.
Annex 3 is intended to track rules evolution over time.
Annex 4 reviews “perfectible” rules that are most likely to evolve in the future.

Again, the main purpose of this document is to clarify existing rules, not to add new ones.
If you notice a difference between these rules and the original rules, it’s because we had to amend them after a
real situation exposed the need for clarification.
This is also helpful for “rookie” players in our community, as they might not know exactly how some rules apply
in specific situations.
More annexes might appear in the future to address optional rules such as on “ovals” or league regulations.

Every week for seven months, a new topic was submitted by the list, with a short description of the changes
made, based on the list members comments, status checked on a regular basis.
Comments and suggestions are open to all, but they must be sent to one of the list moderators:

Alain David Jean-Marie Zuffellato

28, rue Santos-Dumont
69008 Lyon

E-Mail : [email protected] E-Mail : [email protected]

ICQ : 19846363

The following people have contributed to this booklet:
Laurent Lavaur, assisted by the “Council of Experts”.

The members of the “Fd-règles” (FD-rules) mailing list are :

David "Buzz l'éclair" Bédènes, Fred "Max Mouïse" Boyé, Emmanuel "Green Panther" Cellier, Hervé "Sam Hu"
Caplane, Joël "Mickaël Treityak" Coste, Guy Delauniere, Alain "C'est quoi ton pseudo aujourd'hui ?" David,
"Dawtiu" , Dominique "Domos" Dufresne, Pierryck Dupont, Gérard "Gerhard Berger" Fayolle, Guillaume
Gallais, Jean-Philippe "Manowar" Hatsch, HMGilles, Stéphane Lafrance, Daniel Marcillat, Christophe Onillon,
Gilles 'Legosbo' Pfeiffer, Thibault "G'Kar" Philippe, Eric Piallat, Jean-Pierre "Plate Bande" Rideau, Siritz,
Stéphane Tanguay, Jean-Marie "Au pied de la lettre" Zuffellato. I apologize for people I might have forgotten.

Special thanks to Jérôme "Pete Stop" Ganiot.

Thanks to the ACFD and the Council of Experts for the various improvements they have brought to the Formula
Dé rules.

The purpose of this booklet is to dissipate any doubt there might be around some of the rules, and to go over
some details in tournament circumstances.
All the rules (basic, advanced and Masters) have been organized in a more useful way for the expert player that
you are.
This booklet will be updated every year, for the Masters tournament. Most recently modified chapters are labeled
with a little checker flag and the changes are underlined. Index #3 shows the modifications made year after year.
We hope you find it useful.

0-0-1 – Circuit lap: doing a lap is driving the car around the entire track once, A Formula Dé race is 3 laps.

0-0-2 – Play round: A play round starts when the leader of the race is about to play, and it finishes before it’s this
turn again. (the leader may have changed in between). The only case when a player may skip his turn or play
twice in a row is when he’s being overlapped (cf. 6-2-6)

0-0-3 – Play: A play is all the successive actions a player must take or cause, until it’s the next player’s turn to
play. This includes, but is not limited to, moving the car on the track. (cf. 6-3).

0-0-4 – PdV / PoF: “Point de Vie” (Point of Life). There are six kinds of PdV on a car configuration: Tire,
Brake, Gas, Engine, Body and Handling.

0-0-5 – Black die : it’s the 20-facet die, numbered from 1 to 20, used to decide events other than standard car
movement rolls (which use the gear dice). It is black in the original game package.


1-0 Timed Trial Organization

1-0-1 – To determine the positions on the starting grid, each driver will perform a number of qualifying
session(s) decided by the official. A qualifying session consists of a timed lap around the track. When
performing this lap, all the moving rules and the driving code normally apply (example: no down shift allowed
from 6th gear to 1st gear, see 6-1-2). No PdV is involved, therefore no breaking allowed. Only overshooting
corners (see section 10) cause penalties converted in die rolls.

1-0-2 – At the beginning of each day of competition, referees (designated by the officials) will receive a
stopwatch and an envelope containing timed trial results tables, where they will collect the times and results of
the drivers they will supervise at their table. We recommend that each referee picks 2 assistants (from different
leagues) to help him in this task. One can keep track of the dice sequence and values, while the other follows
carefully with the referee the moves of the player during the timed lap.

1-0-3 – Before each timed trial session, the black die is rolled once to determine the weather conditions that will
apply to all tables. (see section 3-1 for the reading of the die)

1-0-4 Note : Some tables will be reserved for players that typically race under the minute. Extremely
experimented referees (themselves capable of the same type of performance) will supervise such timed lap.

1-1 Procedure for one timed lap

1-1-1 – Before the lap starts, the referee grabs the six gear dice and rolls them all in one move on the board. He
then makes sure that the first gear die lands on the '1'. Before starting his lap, the driver can move the dice over
the board, but without changing their value. The stop watch is put on the table.

1-1-2 – The only other objects allowed on the table (for the player) are his gearbox with the shifter placed on the
first gear. This equipment can be provided by the player or by the organization, as long as it is compliant with
the norms – see section 22).

1-1-3 – The car is positioned on the first full space behind the start/finish line, as shown here:

1-1-4 – The player must inform the referee about the type of tire s/he has chosen to use for the timed lap.

1-1-5 – If it’s raining, the referee reminds the driver that with rain tires, the car slides one space at each corner

1-1-6 – The player must use one hand only (and no other parts of his body) to run the timed lap. The session
starts when the stopwatch is released and stops when it is stopped.

1-1-7 – Each move must be performed with the following steps (in this order):
- move the shifter to the selected gear (if needed),
- roll of the corresponding die,
- move of the car.

1-1-7-1 – Each move must be distinct from the next anc cannot overlap. The next move cannot start if the die is
still rolling.

1-1-7-2 – If a referee notices any infringement to 1-1-7-1, he will say ‘Levier’ (shifter) as mentioned in section

1-1-8 – Once the finish line passed, the driver will stop the stop watch himself.

1-1-9 – After the session has ended, the referee listens to feedback/comments from the audience and takes a
decision should any dispute occur.

1-1-10 – The assistant-referee counts the number of rolls to cover the track lap.

1-1-11 – For each car placement error observed by the referee or his assistants during the timed lap, the driver
will get a penalty of TEN additional rolls.

1-1-12 – For each space of overshooting, the driver will receive a penalty according to the bonus/penalties table

1-1-13 – Each completed minute during the timed lap adds another roll to the total.

1-1-14 Warning : if a driver makes no stop at all inside of a 2-stop corner, or only 1 stop in a 3-stop corner, the
session is immediately aborted. The driver will automatically be classified in last position for this qualifying

1-2 Errors
1-2-1 no-penalty errors

1-2-1-1 – If the die rolled doesn’t match the gear indicated by the shifter, the referee must announce “Levier”
(shifter) and the player must restart the entire move (select a gear with the shifter and then roll the corresponding
die). No penalty is inflicted other than the time wasted.

1-2-1-2 – In case the car position is not clear (overlapping 2 or more spaces)), the assistant-referee overlooking
the session must indicate it to the main referee using an previously agreed sign. If the main referee considers the
position litigious, he announces "voiture" (car) for the player to reposition his car correctly. If the driver already
rolled for the next move, he must move his car back to the litigious spot and rolls again. If the player already
moved his car as part of the next move, the referee can no longer interfere, he should have done it sooner.

1-2-1-3 – If a player uses his wrong hand (the one that didn’t start the stop watch) or any other part of his body,
the referee will announce “main” (hand), and the driver must place his car back to where it was before the illegal
move happened, then go on.

1-2-1-4 – If the driver uses a forbidden gear (shifts down from 6th to 1st or up from 3rd to 5th), the referee will
immediately announce "vitesse interdite" (forbidden gear) for the player to select another gear.

1-2-2 – Positioning mistakes are not reported during the timed lap. Referees should not speak during the session,
except to signal “no-penalty” errors, of course !

1-2-3 – If a driver doesn’t respect a referee’s injunction, the officials will decide of the consequences.

1-3 Results reports and rankings

1-3-1 – The referee will write the driver’s full result on his results card, which the player returns to the PC where
all results are collected. The referee also keeps track of the driver’s name, number and full results on his own
table sheet, used for verification if needed.

1-3-2 – The distribution will be made according to the overall classification for the qualifying session(s) – from
the smallest (fastest) to the biggest (slowest).
Drivers with the same number of rolls will be ranked based on their respective lap time. In case of strict equality
(number of rolls & lap time), the driver who performed his lap first will be ahead of the other.

1-3-3 – The officials can alter the overall classification to avoid, for example, that teammates are assigned at the
same table.

1-4 Examples

1-4-1 – A player did his timed lap in 18 rolls in 1' 15'' 56. He overshot a corner by 2 spaces while using soft tires,
and made a positioning mistake (5 spaces off on a straight).
His score is the sum of his 18 rolls, plus 1 roll for one completed minute during is lap, plus 4 penalty rolls for the
overshooting ( 2x2 with soft tire), plus 10 more rolls for the positioning mistake. The total number of rolls is 33.
His “full result” for this session is 33 rolls in 1'15''56.

1-4-2 – A player did his timed lap in 16 rolls in 1'59''56, overshooting a corner by 2 spaces (when it should really
had been 3). He is using rain tires.
His score is 16 rolls plus 1 for the completed minute, 2 more for the overshooting, and 10 more for the
positioning mistake. Total score: 29.
His “full result” for this session is 29 rolls in 1'59''56.

1-4-3 - A player did his timed lap in 17 rolls in 2'00''00. Using soft tires, he reached a corner when he should
have actually ended his move 2 spaces before that corner.
His score is 17 rolls plus 2 for the two completed minutes, plus 10 more for the positioning mistake. Total = 29.
His “full result” for this session is 29 rolls in 2'00''00.

2-0-1 – As soon as the qualifying session is over, the author of the best performance (or absolute pole) rolls for
weather. The weather conditions are the same on all the tables. If it’s changeable, the weather may evolve
differently between tables, depending on the each race events.

2-0-2 – On each table, a referee is named to represent the officials among the players.

2-0-3 – The race length is 3 laps. The referee write on the race sheet the name, number and position on the
starting grid of all the players at his table, and later the reasons of retirements and the finish positions. He will
submit the race sheet to the PC when the race is over.

3-0-1 – The weather, or weather conditions, is determined before each qualifying session and before the race.
Consequently, the players can choose their tire type for the qualifying sessions, and configure their car for the
race. The weather is defined by rolling the black die. Each track shows a different “weather conversion table”
which is used to interpret the black die value. There are 3 types of weather:


3-1 Before qualifying session(s)

3-1-1 – The black die value is compared to the table printed on the track. If the weather is:

3-1-2 SUNNY: It’s sunny for the entire qualifying session. The track is dry.

3-1-3 RAINING: It’s raining for the entire qualifying session. The track is wet.

3-1-4 CHANGEABLE: The sky is filled with clouds but it doesn’t rain during the entire qualifying
session. The track is dry.

3-1-5 – The resulting weather applies to all tables.

3-2 Before the race

3-2-1 – The “absolute pole” sitter has the privilege to roll the race weather and rolls the black die. The value is
compared to the table printed on the track. If the weather is:

3-2-2 SUNNY: It’s sunny for the entire race on all the tables. The track is dry for the entire race.

3-2-3 RAINING: It’s raining for the entire race on all the tables. The track is wet for the entire

3-2-4 CHANGEABLE: The race starts with uncertain weather conditions. The track condition
depends on the weather of the previous qualifying session. It is dry if the weather was sunny or
changeable, and it is wet of it was raining. The weather evolution will depend on the course of
each race on each table. Every time a driver get a 20 in 5th gear or a 30 in 6th, he will roll the black
die at the end of the table round, which could change the weather, depending on the die value
compared to the weather table printed on the board.

3-2-5 – The weather test is performed at the end of the table round.

3-2-6 – The graphic below summarizes the possibilities of weather evolution:

1) From Changeable to Sun, the sun is TEMPORARY until the next weather challenge. The track remains /
becomes dry.
2) From Changeable to Rain causes a TEMPORARY rain until the next weather challenge. The track remains /
becomes wet.
3) From Sun to Changeable or Rain to Changeable, the track remains in the same state as before the weather test.
4) After 2 consecutive sunny weather rolls or two consecutive rain rolls, the weather and the track condition are
final for the remaining of the race.
5) From Sun to Rain the track becomes wet and from Rain to Sun, it becomes dry.

4-0-1 – Before each player configures his car, he must choose a pit in the pit lane. The pole sitter is the first one
to pick a pit by writing his driver name or number on it, and so on until the last driver on the starting grid.

4-0-2 – Each pit is accessible from only one space, and there can be up to 2 PdV (repair points) in each pit.

5-0-1 – During a race, a car is solicited in several different ways: TIRES, BRAKES, GAS, BODY, ENGINE and
HANDLING. The cart configuration contains life point (PdV) which allow to respond to eight types of events
susceptible to occur during the race: OVERSHOOTING, BRAKING, BLOCKING, HEAVY
manages his points the way he wants according his own race strategy. He will spend them based on the risks
taken and for race events out of his control. Each point spent must be crossed out on the car racing sheet.

5-0-2 – Each driver has a capital of 20 PdV for the race plus two more available in his pit for repair. These points
can be assigned to any of the six categories of the car, with a minimum of one PdV per category. Configurations
must be drawn with a ball point or felt pen, not with a pencil.

5-1 Reminder about penalties

5-1-1 – You’re officially out of race if you cross out the last PdV for BODY, NGINE, or HANDLING of your
car configuration.
5-1-2 - You can no longer brake after you cross out the last BRAKE point of your car configuration.
5-1-3 – You can no longer downshift by skipping gears (i.e. from 5th to 3rd) after you crossed out the last GAS
point of your car configuration.
5-1-4 – When overshooting a corner, you spin out when you cross out the last TIRE point of your car
configuration and do not need to spend more. (if you need more, you can brake, and if you have no more
BRAKE points either, you’re out of the race).

5-2 Important
You must have at least one point (PdV) for each category of your car configuration when the race starts.

5-3 Note
The two PdV available in the pit can be included in the initial car configuration, raising the maximum number of
points on the car configuration to 22. Of course, if they are on the car, they’re no longer available in the pit! It is
allowed to mix and have 21 PdV on the car and only 1 in the pit. The pit is therefore the only configuration
category that can actually have zero points at the start (and of course for the entire race).

6-1 The gearbox

6-1-1 – All cars have six gears. To each gear corresponds a distinct die. The numbers displayed on the die sides
indicates the number of spaces the car moves. The higher the gear the faster and farther the car can travel (see
table below). When shifting up, it is forbidden to skip gears (i.e. from 1st to 3rd). When downshifting, it is
however allowed to skip 1,2, 3 or 4 gears.
6-1-2 For example, you can downshift from 6th to 4th, from 4th to 1st, etc. Skipping gears causing “heavy
downshifting” will cause penalties discussed later. It is strictly forbidden to downshift from 6th gear down to 1st.
6-1-3 Note : The value of the yellow die (1st gear) that applies is the one located at the top corner of any of the 3
visible sides.

6-2 Car moves

6-2-1 – Just like in real life, a car starts up in 1st gear, then shifts up to Gear / Die Spaces
2nd gear, and so on, possibly all the way to 6th gear to go faster and 1st From 1 to 2
faster. The driver, when his turn comes up, must proceed in this order: 2nd From 2 to 4
He announces the gear of his choice, moves his shifter accordingly, rolls 3rd From 4 to 8
the corresponding die, and finally moves his car forward the number of
4th From 7 to 12
spaces indicated by the die. After the car move is completed (main move
5th From 11 to 20
+ mandatory move + optional move), he comes to a “stop”. This notion
6th From 21 to 30
of “stop” is very important in the corners (see section 7 – driving code).

6-2-2 – During the race, at each round of play, drivers play in the order of their car position on the track.

6-2-3 During a round of play, car B overtakes car A which was in 1st position. When the next round starts, car B,
now in 1st, will play before car A.

6-2-4 Important : When 2 cars are strictly side by side on the track, the car in a higher gear plays first, If both
cars are in the same gear, the car who got there first plays first.

6-2-5 Warning : The special case of the pit lane is addressed in section 19-5 – order of play during pit stops.
“Special case” rules always prevail over standard rules.

6-2-6 Order of play when cars are getting lapped (car in first catches up with last car).
When a car gets lapped by another car, the car in first continues to play first. The order remains the same until
the car just in front of the leader. Therefore, the car that got lapped plays 1 less time than the car that passes it.
However, if the slower car passes the leader again, he recovers his lost move and plays twice in the same round
of play.
Example with 4 cars :
1 (passes 4) – 2 (passes 4) - 3
1 - 2 - 4 (passes 2) - 3
1 - 4 (passes 1) - 2 - 3 - 4
1 - 2 - 3 - 4.

6-3 play order for each move

1) Announcement of the gear for the upcoming move.

2) The shifter is moved on the gearbox to reflect the selected gear.
3) if “heavy downshifting” cross out of the corresponding PdV on the race sheet.
4) Die roll.
5) The car is moved forward as indicated on the die.
6) if “sliding”(corner stop in the rain), move additional space(s) forward.
7) if in “recent”soft tires (1st lap of use), move an optional space forward, or use brakes.
8) optional slipstreaming (if allowed). Go back to step 6 after each slipstream.
9) If during its move, the car runs over one or more dangerous space(s) or alongside the concrete wall, the driver
rolls the black die for each one of them. (theoretically, these tests should have been done during the move, but
for practical reasons, they’re done after the car stops).
10) “blocking” rules.
11) If entering his pit, the driver announces which tires will be mounted on his car for the next lap.
12) “quick pit stop” or “long pit stop” procedure
In case of a successful quick pit stop, the car can benefit from a slipstream on the way out (in 4th gear) if the car
has exited the pit lane, of course. When this happens, go back to step 7. Reminder: even if wearing soft tires, you
cannot apply the “+1” during this move.
13) Collision tests, if any.
14) Engine tests, if any.

Note : Weather tests are rolled at the *end* of the round of play (when the leader “is up”).

6-3-1 – If the gear indicated by the shifter and the die rolled are inconsistent, the shifter prevails. Effectively, If
the player moves his shifter in accordance to the previous round (or forgets to move it), and then rolls a die
corresponding to a different gear, it’s the gear indicated by the shifter that prevails. The player must roll again,
using the die indicated by his shifter.

6-3-2 If the next player has rolled his own die when the error is noticed, and only in this case, the player moves
his shifter to the gear corresponding to his roll. (too late to replay).

6-3-3 If you crossed out PdV(s) while planning a downshift but forgot to move your shifter, same thing: the
shifter prevails. You get your PdV point(s) back and replay in the gear indicated by the shifter. (in what language
should we tell you?).

7-0-1 – Cars move around in the track lanes respecting one driving code in the straights and another in the
corners. In both cases, it is strictly forbidden to go (jump?) over a car. You must go around it. It is also forbidden
to back up (go reverse).

7-1 Driving code in the corners

7-1-1 – To go through a corner, a car must stop a minimum number of times

(indicated by yellow flag) inside the limits of the corner. After the required
number of stops, the car can proceed and exit the corner on its next move. Any
additional stop inside the corner is not considered as a corner stop (i.e. the car no
longer “slides” if it’s raining). To better handle the corner, make sure you’re
aware of the minimum and maximum number of spaces inside the corner,
indicated under the corner’s yellow flag (L =longest path; C = shortest path).
7-1-2 – The bi-colored shoulders (b), mostly read-and-white, indicate the limits
of a corner or of a succession of corners.
7-1-3 – the thin red line (c), (sometimes blue) indicates the beginning and the end
of a corner for the 3 lanes.
7-1-4 – The arrows (d) indicate the only authorized directions from that space,
inside and at the door of corners.

7-2 Driving code in the straights

7-2-1 – Straights are the portions of the track between corners. Depending on the length of each straight, cars
might need a variable number of moves (stops) before entering the next corner.

7-2-2 – It is not required to stop in any straights (i.e. in one single move, a car can go from the last required stop
of a corner to the first stop of the next).

7-2-3 – In all cases, the move must follow the shortest path in number of spaces while in a straight line. To go
from one space to another in a straight line, the car must use travel the less possible number of spaces, unless
avoiding another car, a dangerous space, or the concrete wall.

7-2-4 - Warning: It is strictly forbidden to zigzag!

zigzag definition: while moving the car on a straight line, it is the action of changing lane (1 or 2) back and forth
without justification such as passing a car or avoiding a dangerous space.

7-2-5 - Note: When starting from the middle lane on a 3 lanes track portion, a car can only change lane once. If
it moves to the left or right lane, it must then complete its move on that lane without coming back to the middle
lane again. This applies with a clear track (no car or dangerous space to avoid).

7-2-6 – When a move starts on a straight and finishes inside a corner or vice versa, zigzags become possible as
long as the driving code for each portion is respected.

7-3 Move examples:

7-3-1 – In a clear straight:


7-3-2 – In a busy straight:

7-3-2-1 – If car X wants to go to D :
- Valid path : A-C-D (7 spaces).
- Invalid path : B-C-D (8 spaces).

7-3-2-2 – If car Y wants to go to G :

- Valid path: B-E-G (9 spaces).
- Invalid paths: any path outside of the B-E-G lane.

7-3-2-3 – If car Y wants to go to C :

- Valid path: B-C (6 spaces).
- Invalid path: A-C (7 spaces).

7-3-2-4 – If car X wants to go to F, avoiding the dangerous space:

- Valid paths: A-C-D-F, A-C-E-F or B-E-F (9 spaces).
- Invalid path: B-C-D-F (10 spaces).

7-3-2-5 – If car X wants to go to F, going through the dangerous space:

- Valid path: A-C-F (8 spaces).
- Invalid path: B-C-F (9 spaces).

7-3-2-6 – If car Z wants to go to F, avoiding the dangerous space:

- Valid path: B-E-F (9 spaces).
- Invalid paths: B-C-D-F, A-C-D-F, A-C-E-F (10 spaces).
Note : the path B-C-E-F is in violation with article 7-2-4 because of a unjustified zigzag between B and E.

7-3-3 – exiting a corner / entering a straight :

7-3-3-0 – In this example, car A stopped the required number of times in the corner and is not in a
“overshooting” situation, as described in chapter 10.

7-3-3-1 – According to the “driving code in the corners”, a car in A can go to B and C, and then continue to D
and E with the 2 lane changes allowed by the “driving code in the straights”. If there is no car ahead of E, the car
can continue to move straight.

7-3-3-2 – If a car wants to go from A to H cannot follow A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H because it is in violation with article
7-2-3 between D and F.

7-3-4 – entering a corner:

7-3-4-1 – Car B can go through C and then D.

7-3-4-2 – Car A cannot go through B and then C (violation of article 7-2-3).

7-3-5 – A wall of dangerous spaces:

As indicated in article 17-1 on Dangerous Spaces, the player decides which dangerous spaces he considers as
obstacles. In this example, the following scenarii are all valid:
- with a 6, the car can go straight to the finish position (doted line), going through A
- with a 7, the car can reach the same finish position, by going through B and considering A as an obstacle to be
- with a 8, the car can reach the same finish position, by going through C and considering that A and B are
obstacles to be avoided.

7-3-6 – A double wall of dangerous spaces:

- with a 12, the car can go to the finish position, going through C and D. This type of zigzag is permitted because
spaces A, B, E, F are considered as obstacles.
- with a 11, the car can reach the same finish line by going though C and E, or B and D.

7-3-7 – move against the concrete wall (ovals) :

The red car want to go to A. The shortest paths (7 spaces) are through B with a body test against the concrete
wall, or through C, with a handling test. However, going through D instead (8 spaces) is allowed because the car
avoids obstacles (see article 7-2-3) and doesn’t have to roll any test.

7-3-8 – Going from one corner to the next:

7-3-8-1 – The car in X can go to Y, going through A, B, C, D, then straight until E, and finally Y.

7-3-8-2 – If there is a car in Y, The car in X cannot follow A, B, C, D until E and then F (zigzag situation). The
longest path the car in X can use is A, B, C until F, then enter the corner.

7-3-9 – Going through a 2-stops corner:

7-3-9-1 – The red car, just outside the corner, rolls 8 in 3rd gear. To “stay alive”, the driver must use a brake to
stay within the corner (7 spaces long).

8-0-1 – The tire choice is crucial for both the qualifying session(s) and for the race. Each type of tires has
qualities that vary depending on the weather conditions. Your choice also depend on your own race strategy.

8-1 Hard Tires

They are recommended on a dry track and inefficient on a wet track.

8-1-1 Dry track

With hard tires on, the driving and the overshooting penalties (die roll(s) or PdV) are normal during the
qualifying session(s) and the race. By “normal penalty”, we mean that each space of overshooting adds 1 die roll
to your qualifying score, and the loss of 1 tire PdV during the race).

8-1-2 Wet track

The car slides 3 additional spaces for each of its required moves inside of a corner (qualifying & race).
Overshooting penalties are normal.

8-2 Soft tires

They are recommended on a dry track and inefficient – if not handicapping - on a wet track.

8-2-1 Dry track

A car with soft tires on can add one “bonus” space to all of its moves, in any gear, during qualifying or during
the race. However, overshooting penalties (rolls during qualifying or PdV during the race) are doubled. The “+1”
bonus is not mandatory (driver’s discretion). During the race, the “+1” bonus is valid for only 1 lap. If the car
doesn’t pit to get new soft tires (whether he used any at all), the “+1” bonus disappears as soon as he passes the
start/finish line. If the car starts a third lap with the same set of soft tires, the overshooting penalties are then
tripled for the third lap.

8-2-2 Wet track

There is no more “+1” bonus if it starts raining, and the car slides 3 additional spaces for each of its required
moves inside of a corner (qualifying & race). Over shooting penalties (rolls during qualifying or PdV during the
race) are doubled on the first and second lap, and tripled on the third lap with the same set of tires.

8-3 Rain tires

They are highly recommended on a wet track, but fragile on a dry track.

8-3-1 Dry track

Overshooting penalties (rolls during qualifying or PdV during the race) are doubled during the first 2 laps. If the
car doesn’t pit after 2 laps and starts a 3rd lap with the same set of rain tires, penalties are then tripled, regardless
of the weather history.

8-3-2 Wet track

the car slides only one additional space for each of its required moves inside of a corner (qualifying & race).
Overshooting penalties are normal.

8-4 Notes:
8-4-1 – When mentioning second or third lap in this section, we’re talking about the tires, not the car. i.e. If a car
changes tires at the end of the second lap of the race, the car starts its third lap, but the tires are on their first lap.

8-4-2 – the soft tires bonus is applicable until the move before going over the start/finish line, or until the car
reaches its pit if taking the pit lane.

8-5 Bonus & penalties table

Qualif. Race
Hard tires 1st lap 2nd lap 3rd lap

Dry track Moving Corners - - - -
bonus Straights - - - -
Penalties Overshooting *1 *1 *1 *1
Wet track Sliding Corners +3 +3 +3 +3
Straights - - - -
Penalties Overshooting *1 *1 *1 *1

Qualif. Race
Soft tires 1st lap 2nd lap 3rd lap
Dry track Moving Corners +1 +1 - -
bonus Straights +1 +1 - -
Penalties Overshooting *2 *2 *2 *3
Wet track Sliding Corners +3 +3 +3 +3
Straights - - - -
Penalties Overshooting *2 *2 *2 *3

Qualif. Race
Rain tires 1st lap 2nd lap 3rd lap
Dry track Moving Corners - - - -
bonus Straights - - - -
Penalties Overshooting *2 *2 *2 *3
Wet track Sliding Corners +1 +1 +1 +1
Straights - - - -
Penalties Overshooting *1 *1 *1 *1

8-5-1 – The “moving bonus” is always optional whereas the “sliding” is mandatory.

9-0-1 – Drivers, start your engine. Ready … Set … Go ! Before engaging the first gear, each driver rolls the back
die to test how he started.

9-1 “1” means false start/stall

9-1-1 – The driver missed the start and his engine stalled. He cannot play in first gear now and will have to wait
for the next round to shift in first and play normally, without having to roll the black die again.
9-1-2 – Any collision test with a stalled car becomes aggravated (see article14-3 – aggravated body damage
9.1.3 – If the playing order described in article 6-2-4 happens with a stalled car, the other car plays before the car
that stalled.

9-2 “20” means SUPER start

9-2-1 – The driver did a “flying” start. He moves his car 4 spaces forward without rolling the first gear die. Lane
changes are allowed. Next round, he will play in second gear.
9-2-2 – If wearing soft tires, the car can use the “+1” bonus during a super start.

9-3 Other results

Any other result on the black die has no effect. The driver rolls the first gear die and moves his car normally. If
wearing soft tires, the car can use the “+1” bonus during this move.

10-0-1 – Every time a car goes beyond a corner’s limit without marking all the required number of stops, it is
said to be “overshooting” the corner. It is then losing a number of tire points (PdV) corresponding to the number
of spaces overshot, multiplied by a penalty factor based on the types of tire worn and the weather conditions, as
indicated in chapter 8 (hard, soft, and rain tires).

10-0-2 – Recapitulative table

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Hard tires 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Soft tires
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 - - - - - - - - -
1st & 2nd lap
Soft tires
3 6 9 12 15 - - - - - - - - - - - -
3rd lap
Rain tires
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
wet track
Rain Tires
dry track 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 - - - - - - - -
1st & 2nd lap
Rain Tires
dry track 3 6 9 12 15 - - - - - - - - - - - -
3rd lap

Columns : Number of spaces overshot

Raws : Type of tires.

10-0-3 - Example
A car that overshoots a corner by 3 spaces loses:
- 3 PdV hard tires.
- 6 PdV soft tires, on their first or second lap of use.
- 9 PdV soft tires if it is the third lap with the same soft tires.
- 3 PdV rain tires on a wet track, no matter how many laps they’ve been on the car.
- 6 PdV rain tires on a dry track, on their first or second lap of use.
- 9 PdV rain tires on a dry track, on their third lap of use.

10-1 Important
In the case of a 2-stops corner, if a car makes no stop inside of the corner’s limits, it is immediately retired from
the race for “excessive overshooting”. In the case of a 3-stops corner, the same sanction applies of the car makes
zero or one stop only inside of the corner’s limits.

10-2 Rules
When overshooting, the drive must respect the following rules:

10-2-1 – After the first space outside the corner, the car must finish its move in the same lane. It is strictly
forbidden to change lane in this case, even if there are obstacles ahead.
10-2-2 – If the overshooting takes the car into the next corner, it is not accounted as the first stop of that new
10-2-3 – If a car is blocked by another car, it cannot go around it (see 10-2-1). This is a “blocking” situation (see
article 12– Blocking).

10-3 Elimination due to overshooting

A corner overshooting causing a loss of more tires than left on the car (including possible brakes), results in the
immediate retirement of the car, which is removed from the track immediately. The space where the car is
eliminated does not become a dangerous space.

10-4 special case : the spinout
10-4-1 – When a driver crosses out his last tire point (PdV), his car spins out. The car stays where it is, but it is
turned around to face the opposite direction. The shifter also stays in the current gear. At the end of the round of
play, the driver will turn the car in the right direction again, and the shifter will be placed in 1st gear for his next

10-4-2 – After a spinout, any additional loss of another tire PdV will cause another spinout. If the loss is for
more than 1 tire, the car is eliminated for “excessive overshooting”. Note that with soft tires on, a car can never
do a second spinout with the same set of tires (since they are spent by pair).

10-4-3 – Collision tests with a spun out car becomes “aggravated” (see article 14-3 aggravated body damage

10-4-4 – No one can slipstream a spun out car.

10-4-5 – A spun out car must roll for engine tests if its current gear is 5th or 6th.

10-4-6 – Restart after a spinout:

When it’s the turn of the car that has spun out, the driver first rolls the black die. On a “1”, the car stalls and must
wait for the following turn to play in first gear. On a "20", he moves his car 4 spaces forward without rolling the
yellow die. Next turn around, he will be able to play in 1st or 2nd gear as he wishes. Any other result on the black
die has no effect and the player rolls immediately the yellow die to move in 1st gear.

10-4-7 - Note: If another car is side by side with a spun out car, as described in article 6-2-4, the gear comparison
is made with the 1st gear where the player just placed his shifter

11-0-1 – A driver can use his brake points (PdV) at any time to avoid advancing the entire number or spaces
shown on the die.
11-0-2 – When overshooting a corner, he can choose to brake to save tire PdV(s) by combining tire and brake
points at will.
11-0-3 – For each brake point used, the car will be moved one space less than indicated on the die.
11-0-4 – When the last brake PdV is crossed out, the car continues to race but can no longer brake.

12-0-1 – A driver can find himself blocked by one or more cars, SPACES BRAKE TIRE
unable to overtake them, and also unable to complete its entire points points
movement. This is called “blocking” situation. After having moved 1 1 0
his car as far as possible, the driver calculates the number of spaces 2 2 0
that would remain to be moved if he had not been blocked. Then, 3 3 0
using the adjacent table, he determines his car’s tire and brake point 4 3 1
losses, regardless of the type of tires. 5 3 2
6 3 3
12-0-2 - Note: No matter what type of tire is mounted on the car, the 7 Elimination Elimination
losses indicated in the table show the number of tire points to cross
out. Example: a 4 spaces blocking for a car in soft tires costs the driver 3 brake points and 1 tire point.

12-0-3 - Note: according to article 11.0.1, it is possible for a driver to ‘voluntarily’ spend one or more brake
points before being blocked: this allows him to spend more than 3 brake points before being forced to spend tire
when the blocking of for more than 3 spaces.

12-1 Elimination
12-1-1 – When a car cannot pay the required number of either brake or tire points to survive the blocking, or
when the blocking is for 7 or more spaces, it is eliminated. The car right in front of it is then forced to lose a
body PdV.

12-1-2 – When a car is eliminated because of a blocking, a sticker will be placed under it to indicate a dangerous
space. The car is removed from the track when it’s his next turn to play. Therefore, a fatal blocking situation
causes 2 new dangerous spaces, 1 under the eliminated car, and 1 under the car just in front. Other potential
collision tests must still be rolled.

12-1-3 – The farthest possible space where the car should stop before being blocked is determined by the
maximum number of spaces the car can move and then by the space that would allow the car to play first on the
next turn (if it was not blocked). If there is still more than one possible space for the car to stop, the choice is
made at the player’s discretion.

12-1-4 – A car that crossed out its last tire point as a result of a blocking, spins out. See article 10-4 for the
procedure to follow.

12-1-5 – The cars in contact with a car eliminated after a blocking are subject to an “aggravated” collision test
(see article 14-3) except the one that automatically lost a body PdV.

12-2 Examples

Car X on rain tires (1st lap) just rolled 14 on a dry track, but has only 9 spaces available before being blocked.
The car is placed right behind the green car and the driver must spend 3 brake PdV and 2 tire PdV to survive the

13-1 Number of gears skipped
When a driver downshifts and skips 1, 2 or 3
Number of gears skipped Gas Brake Engine
gears, he is “over-revving”. The number of gears
1 gear (ex. from 6th to 4th) 1 0 0
skipped determines the loss in Gas, Brake and
2 gears (ex. from 5th to 2nd) 1 1 0
Engine PdV (see table).
3 gears (ex. from 6th to 2nd) 1 1 1
When a car loses its last Gas PdV, it continues to
race, can downshift “normally” but can no longer skip gears.

It is forbidden to skip 4 gears when downshifting (from 6th to 1st).

13-3 handling sticker

When a car skips 3 gears while downshifting and uses an engine PdV, the space where the car started its
movement is now considered dangerous and must be marked as such.

14-1 Body damage test
Whenever a car ends its movement on a space next or behind (but not in
front of) one or more cars, there is a risk of collision. To determine if the car
collided with another, affected drivers must roll the black die. Those who
roll a 1 on adry track, or 1 to 2 on a wet track, have damaged their car and
lose a body point (PdV). A sticker indicating a dangerous space must be
placed under the affected car(s). When a car loses its last body PdV, it is
destroyed and therefore eliminated from the race.

14-2 Elimination
A car eliminated after a collision will place a sticker under its car (where the damage occurred) and will wait for
its next turn to play to actually remove it from the track.

14-3 Aggravated body damage test

While waiting to be removed from the track, if an eliminated car is again involved in a collision test with one or
more cars, the damage probabilities are increased for the cars involve: 1 to 2 on a dry track, and 1 to 3 on a wet
Similarly, collision tests with a car that has spun out, or is eliminated after a blocking, or has stalled during the
start procedure, are “aggravated” for all the cars involved.

14-4 Important
The driver who causes the collision rolls the black die last. If ever one or more cars are eliminated as a result of
this collision, the driver who caused it automatically looses as many body PdV(s) as cars are eliminated, without
rolling the black die. He will still have to roll for each car involved in the accident that were not eliminated.

14-5 Example (see graphic above)

Cars C and D must roll to test their body damage, but not car B since car A stopped in front of it. Then, car A
must roll twice for its body damage test, unless either car C or D is eliminated.
- if C or D is eliminated, A automatically loses 1 body point and must roll once (for the remaining car).
- if both C and D are eliminated, then A automatically loses 2 body points and doesn’t roll the black die.

15-0-1 – Oval tracks, like Indianapolis or Daytona, are surrounded by a red line on the outside lane representing
the concrete wall protecting the audience.

15-0-2 – Every time a car takes the outside lane on an oval track, there is a risk of hitting the wall. The driver
must interrupt its movement as soon as he enters the first space of that lane and roll the black die to test the risk
of collision with the wall (see article 14-1).

15-0-3 – After this test, the car can continue its movement, following the standard rules (see 7- driving code).

15-0-4 –As long as the car stays in the outside lane, there is no additional collision tests with the wall, even over
several rounds of play. However, if it changes lane once towards the inside, and then comes back on the outside
lane, a new collision test is required.

15-1 – Note:
If a car finishes its movement by moving to the outside lane (last space), and is also in contact with one or more
cars by doing so, the collision test with the concrete wall must be done after the collision tests with the car(s).

16-0-1 – When a driver rolls a 20 in 5th gear or 30 in 6th gear, his engine is pushed to its limit. After he moved his
car, he must roll the black die to test the resistance or reliability of his engine, and so must do all the other
drivers in 5th or 6th gear at this moment. The order for rolling the engine tests must follow the order of the cars on
the track.

16-0-2 – Drivers who roll a number between 1 and 4 on the black die in the sun, or 1 to 3 in the rain, lose an
engine PdV.

16-0-3 – When a car loses its last engine PdV, the engine blows and the car is eliminated from the race. A
“dangerous space” sticker is placed under the car, and the driver will play one more time in 4th gear on the next
round (rule of inertia).
He will move his car to go as far as possible (see article 12-1-3) without excessive overshooting (if possible) and
will then place another sticker under his car. In case of blocking, he will try to minimize the consequences as
much as possible by using what he has left of tire and brake PdV(s). On the next round, the car is removed from
the track.
When in a corner, inertia must respect the arrows.

16-0-3-1 – If for any reason the car is in 4th gear or less (over-revving with loss of the last engine, or spinout), the
inertia rule doesn’t apply.

16-0-4 – If there is a collision test to be played, the probabilities are normal (not aggravated as described in
article 14-3).

16-0-5 – A car in inertia cannot benefit from, nor cause a slipstreaming. However, a car that just blew its engine
(and will be in inertia for the next move) can be slipstreamed.

16-0-6 - Warning: If the engine blows after the penultimate corner of the race (no more than 1 more corner to
go through before the end), the car is allowed to extend the inertia to try and reach the finish line. To do so, the
car is forced to downshift 1 gear at every round, to finish in 1st gear. At every stop, a sticker must be placed
under the car. The driver is allowed to use gas PdV(s) during inertia.

16-0-7 – A car that overshoots the corner before last and loses its last engine at the same time, is not eliminated
and can benefit from the extended inertia rule described above. However, if the car is inside the corner before
last when losing its last engine PdV, it has not passed the corner and therefore won’t be able to benefit from the
extended inertia rule. In this situation, the car is removed after playing just one more movement in 4th gear, as
described in article 16-0-3.

17-0-1 – Every time a car loses a body or an engine point, the space where the incident took place becomes
“dangerous”. The dangerous space must be visually marked with a sticker.

17-0-2 – If a car happens to enter that space, the driver will have to roll the black die to evaluate his car’s
HANDLING capability.
A result of 1 to 4 on a dry track, or 1 to 5 on a wet track causes the loss of a handling PdV, which must be
crossed out from the car’s race sheet. When a car loses its last handling PdV, it is eliminated from the race.

17-0-3 – A car eliminated on handling is immediately removed from the track. NO sticker gets placed under the
car. (the car was actually eliminated where there is already a sticker).

17-1- Note: Dangerous spaces throughout the track are considered as obstacles, which can be avoided by going
around them (see examples in article 7-3).

17-2 – A car “staying” on a dangerous space during its turn doesn’t have to roll for handling because it didn’t
“enter” that space. A car “stays” on a space when playing in 1st or 2nd gear and uses brake PdV(s) to intentionally
avoid to move forward.

17-2-1 – A car “staying” on a space must roll any potential body damage tests again, if any.

18-0-1 – A slipstreaming situation occurs when a car is in wake of another car, and find itself “pulled” by the car
in front, enough to pass it. This can only happen when both cars are in 4th, 5th or 6th gear, never in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd.

18-0-2 – To benefit from a slipstreaming, car B must finish its normal movement just behind car A.

18-0-3 – From that position, 3 additional spaces can be added to its movement.

18-0-4 – Possible moves for the slipstreaming:

a) pull out 1 lane to pass the car and go back right in front of the car.
b) pull out 1 lane and continue straight.
c) pull out 2 lanes and continue straight.
c') If there is a car C, car B can pull out 1 lane, move one space straight, and then
pull out 1 more lane to end in front of car C.

18-1 - Conditions to fulfill

18-1-1 – A car can only benefit from a slipstreaming if it is in equal or higher gear as the car in front of it. Both
cars must be at least in 4th gear.

18-1-2 – A slipstream must be “fully” realized (3 spaces), unless the driver decides to use brake PdV(s) to
advance less.

18-1-3 – If a slipstream brings a car immediately behind another car, a new slipstream can take place, and so on.
A car can connect in this way as many slipstreams as possible during the same movement.

18-1-4 – If a car benefits from a slipstream to enter a corner (and couldn’t enter the corner without the
slipsteam), it will automatically lose a brake PdV without going back 1 space. This is to illustrate the typical
situation where the car is forced to brake very late following the slipstream.

18-1-5 – When inside a corner or a series of corners, a car benefiting from one or more slipstreams must follow
the arrows for its entire movement, including the additional 3 spaces (if it’s not using any brake PdV).

18-1-6 – It is not allowed to brake in order to benefit from a slipstream, even in the middle of multiple

18-1-7 – There is no slipstream allowed for car in inertia or spun out.

18-1-8 – A car that just blew its engine can be slipstreamed.

18-2 Comments

18-2-1 – Slipstreaming is always optional.

18-2-2 – If a car overshoots a corner as the result of a slipstream, it must assume the consequent penalties. In this
situation, the car must continue straight in the same lane after existing the corner, which forbids any additional
slipstream during that movement.

18-2-3 – Slipstreaming a car while already inside of a corner doesn’t cost a mandatory brake PdV.

18-3 Note:

18-3-1 – The soft tires “+1” bonus can be applied before or after a slipstream, or event in the middle of a series
of successive slipstreams.

18-3-2 – When the soft tires “+1” bonus is applied during a slipstream move and allows a car to enter a corner
this way, the car automatically loses a brake PdV as indicated in article 18-1-4, even if the “+1” bonus is the last
portion of the move, allowing effectively the car to make it inside the corner.

18-3-2 – the various lane changes due to one or more successive slipstreams are not considered as zigzags. Such
lane changes are independent from the lane changes that were made as part of the previous movement.

18-4 Recapitulative table

Car A is in gear #
1, 2, 3 4 5 6
1, 2, 3 NO NO NO NO
Car B is in gear #

18-5 Examples

18-5-0 – All cars in the illustration are in 4th gear.

18-5-1 – Car X, wearing soft tires on a dry track, just rolled 7 in 4th gear. It can slipstream the car in front of A,
moving 3 additional spaces to B, applying the soft tires bonus to get to C where a second slipstream is possible,
and takes the car to D. The driver crosses out a brake PdV since the slipstream(s) helped him get inside the
corner. If the driver decides to take an additional slipstream (taking him to F), it doesn’t cost him another brake
point since he is already inside the corner when benefiting from the slipstreaming.

18-5-2 – The track is wet. Car X, wearing rain tires, rolls a 14 in 5th gear, which takes it to D. Because it’s
raining, the car must first apply the “sliding” penalty of +1, going to E. There, the driver can decide to take the
slipstreaming to finish in G. There is no additional “sliding” penalty (only once per movement).

18-5-3 – The track is wet. Car X in rain tires rolls 11 in 5th gears, arrives in C, does a first slipstream to D
(costing him a brake PdV), slides to E because of the rain, and can decide to take a second slipstream to G
without sliding again.

18-5-4 – A Car ending its movement in H, can slipstream only once. (taking a breake to slipstream again in I is
not allowed).

18-5-5 – A car wearing soft tires (dry track) ending its movement in I can slipstream the car in front, moving to
J, and with the soft tires bonus, to K. Although the movement that helped the car get inside the corner is the soft
tires bonus, a slipstream was part of that movement BEFORE entering the corner, so the driver must cross out a
brake PdV on his car sheet.

18-5-6 – A car ending its movement in K on a dry track can slipstream the car in front, but finds itself blocked in
L. The car cannot change lane once in L because it is now overshooting the corner, so the car cannot complete
the “+3” of the slipstreaming and must use a brake PdV.

18-5-7 – A car ending its movement in L cannot slipstream because a car cannot change lane when overshooting.

To repair used PdV(s) and change tires, a car must make a pit stop.

19-1 Driving code in the pit lane

19-1-1 – To reach their pit, cars must use the pit lane (single lane).

19-1-2 – Entering and exiting a pit is controlled by the arrow-marked spaces in front of each pit.

19-1-3 – The rules for collision, blocking, and engine blow don’t apply in the pit lane. The rules for over-
revving, braking and slipstream do apply in the pit lane.

19-1-4 - In case of a "20" or "30", even if done by a driver entering the pits or the pit lane, all cars in the pits or
the pit lane are exempted from testing their engine, but others are not. If the weather was changeable, the new
weather roll is done at the end of the round of play.

19-1-5 – Cars cannot pass other cars in the pit lane (it is a single lane). There is no blocking situation as
described in chapter 12, but until the car in front moves forward, it stays right behind it.

19-1-6 – There is no minimum or maximum gear (except on oval tracks) in the pit lane.

19-1-7 – The pit lane is closed during the start procedure, as well as during the last lap. No car can enter it at
these times. Article 19-5 does not apply in the case.

19-2 Pit stops

19-2-1 – To be considered in its pit, a car must reach the space “pit”. If it is next to it, but still in the pit lane, the
car is not considered in its pit yet. In illustration 19-5-6, cars E and H are indeed in their pit, but F and G are not.

19-2-2 – There is no “speed limit to enter one’s pit. Also, the driver doesn’t need to roll the exact number needed
to reach the pit. Any value equal or greater to that number is ok.

19-2-3 – Once in his pit, the driver regenerates all his tires by erasing the ones he previously crossed out. If he
didn’t use any tire, he is still allowed to make a pit stop and “renew” them, whether they’re soft, hard, or rain

19-2-4 – You must have done at least 1 entire lap to be able to pit stop.

19-2-5 – If entering the pit lane, you must stop in your pit.

19-3 Quick Pit Stop

19-3-1 – The Quick Pit Stop procedure is intended to regenerate or replace the tires only, including if the new
tires are of the same type as the old ones, and if none of them had been crossed out in the previous lap(s).

19-3-2 – Immediately after regenerating his tires, the driver rolls the black die to find out how “quickly” his crew
changed his tires:

19-3-3 – from 1 to 10 on the black die: SUCCESSFUL QUICK PIT STOP. Great! The crew was fast and
didn’t waste time. The value on the die is divided by 2 (rounded up for an odd number), and the result is the
number of spaces the car can move immediately, coming out of his pit.
The pit exit being executed in 4th gear, the driver can change gear normally when he’s up next round of play. (i.e.
5th gear if desired, or 2nd gear, or spending a Gas PdV if choosing to downshift to 2nd gear).
19-3-4 – from 11 to 20 on the black die: QUICK PIT STOP MISSED. Ouch! Your crew didn’t get enough
sleep last night… The car stays in its pit until next round. He will then leave his pit in 4th gear or less.

19-3-5 - Important: A car wearing soft tires cannot add the “+1” bonus to the result of a successful quick pit

19-3-6 - The soft tires “+1” bonus is available to a car up until it enters its pit, even if the pit is beyond the
start/finish line.

19-4 Long Pit Stop

19-4-1 – The Long Pit Stop procedure is intended to regenerate 1 or more PdV(s) crossed out during the previous
lap(s), other than the tires, which get replaced anyhow. Here’s how it goes: When entering his pit, the driver
announces that he’s doing a long pit stop, as well as the point(s) he’s repairing. Each point repaired other than
tire is crossed out of the pit’s points.

19-4-2 – The car stays in its pit and will come out of it in 4th gear or less on the next round of play.

19-4-3 – It is possible to do a Long Pit Stop without repairing anything but the tires.

19-5 Order of Play

19-5-1 – The doted line on the illustration below (19-5-6) indicates the virtual limit after which it is no longer
possible to enter the pit lane. In this example, car C can no longer take the pit lane while car I still can.

19-5-2 – The cars play in the following order:

1) Cars on the track that passed the limit described in 19-5-1.
2) Cars in the pit lane. Whenever 2 cars are at the same level (G and H in the example), the car in the pit lane
(G) plays first.
3) Cars behind the pit lane accessibility limit.

19-5-3 - Reminder: Cars in the pit lane are in a “neutral zone”. Cars A and D do not have to roll for collision

19-5-4 – In the illustration below, the order of play is: A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I

19-5-5 - Note : Even if car I arrived before car C with the same or higher gear, car C passed the pit lane entrance
limit while car I didn’t. Therefore car C plays before car I.

19-5-6 - Illustration:

19-5-7 – Important: regardless of the type of pit stop performed, the driver must announce the type of tires he
will use for the next lap before taking any other action (rolling for a quick pit stop, repairing other points,
weather roll, etc.) The selected type of tires cannot be changed on the next round of play, even if the car is still in
its pit.

20 - Elimination

20-1 Elimination due to overshooting

Overshooting a corner by more spaces that the car has tires and brakes available causes the immediate
elimination of the car, which is removed from the track on the spot. No “dangerous space” sticker is placed
where the car is eliminated.

20-2 Elimination due to blocking

20-2-1 – If a car doesn’t have enough brakes and tires PdV to assume a blocking, or if the blocking is of 7 spaces
or more, it is eliminated. The car just in front of it automatically loses a body PdV.

20-2-2 – The driver puts a sticker under his car and waits for his next turn to remove it from the track. Note that
a fatal blocking situation causes 2 dangerous spaces: where the car is blocked, and the space just in front where
another car has lost a body PdV. This doesn’t affect other possible collision tests caused by this situation.

20-3 Elimination due to collision

20-3-1 – When a car loses its last body PdV, it is destroyed and therefore eliminated from the race.

20-3-2 – The driver puts a sticker to mark the “dangerous space” and waits his next turn to play to remove the
car from the track.

20-3-3 – The driver who causes the collision rolls the black die last. If ever one or more cars are eliminated as a
result of this collision, the driver who caused it automatically looses as many body PdV(s) as cars are eliminated,
without rolling the black die. He will still have to roll for each car involved in the accident that were not

20-4 Elimination due to engine blow

20-4-1 – When a car looses its last engine PdV, its engine blows up and the car is eliminated - if this happens
before the last corner of the race (see article 16-0-6 for details).

20-4-2 – The driver puts a sticker under his car to indicate a “dangerous space” and will play the inertia on his
next round of play, by rolling one last time in 4th gear. He then moves his car as far as possible (see article 12-1-
3) and places another sticker where the car ends its movement. He will try to avoid any blocking situation as
much as possible by using whatever tire and brake PdV(s) he has left. The car is finally removed from the track
on his next turn to play. In a corner, the inertia movement must follow the arrows.

20-4-3 – If the engine blows while in 4th gear or less (over-revving or spinout) there is no inertia movement.

20-5 Elimination due to handling

20-5-1 – When a car looses its last handling PdV, the car is eliminated from the race.

20-5-2 – A car eliminated on a handling is immediately removed from the track and there is no additional sticker
placed on the track (the car is actually eliminated on the space where there is already a sticker.

20-6 Collision tests with a car eliminated

If a car already eliminated due to a collision or a blocking is involved in a collistion test with one or more cars,
the collision probabilities are increased for the cars involved: 1 to 2 on a dry track, and 1 to 3 on a wet track.

20-7 Recapitulative Table

Elimination Car is removed Aggravated collision Sticker
immediately test added
overshooting YES NO NO
blocking NO YES YES

collision NO YES YES
engine blow NO NO YES
handling YES NO NO


21-1-1 – The car who passes the finish line first on its turn to play, is the winner.

21-1-2 – Cars must pass the finish line to be ranked and earn the corresponding points awarded by the

21-1-3 – The race is over when all cars have either passed the finish line or are eliminated.

21-1-4 – If, during the same round of play, several cars pass the finish line, the finish positions are determined by
the order of passing the finish line, not by the positions of the cars at the end of their move.

21-1-5 – A car is considered past the finish line as soon as any part of the car is beyond the finish line,


22-0-1 – On each table of play, you’ll find the selected track as well as the standard equipment found in the
game box (gearboxes, racing sheets, cars, shifters and one set of dice).

22-0-2 - Important : All drivers must play with the same set of dice, provided on each table of play. However,
pieces of equipment such as gearboxes, racing sheets, cars, pits and shifters can be custom made as long as they
comply with the competition regulations. In case of suspicious custom equipment, the competition organizers
will rule.

APPENDIX 1 - F.D. DRIVER DICTIONARY (non exhaustive)
a « FD » : the small car (made of plastic, led, wood, or whatever, as long as its size and weight are regulatory!)
that you’re trying to take to victory.

A move: it’s the die roll. A 3-lap race is usually comprised of 30 to 60 moves.

A lap: the succession of moves that make you do one lap around the track.

A full result: it’s the result of a qualifying session, measured by the number of dice roll, to which is added the
penalties and the number of minutes.

The Absolute Pole: The overall best full result between the competitors after 1 or 2 qualifying sessions.

A time: it’s the duration, measured in minutes, seconds et hundreds of a second, of a qualifying lap performed
by a driver.

a PdV : it’s a point of life (“Point de Vie”). There are 6 different kinds of PdV on a FD’s configuration.

a Config : it’s the PdV configuration of your FD.

Come on ! : expression of a confident and optimistic driver.

Oops ! : observation of a driver too confident or optimistic.

I’m going for it ! : Speech of a driver full of faith … and luck...

It’s in! : Expression of a fine & strategic driver who thinks he’s the best.

I missed! : Expression of a driver who thought he had faith.

It’s out! : Expression of the driver on the limit, and in a hurry to conclude.

Yes ! : Exclamation of a successful and oh so lucky driver.

Yes :o)): Exclamation of a successful and oh so lucky driver, during a race by email!

Order of play for each player
OVER-REVVING 1) Announcement of the gear he’s about to play.
2) Move his shifter on the “gearbox”.
Number of gears skipped Gas Brake Engine 3) Die roll of the corresponding gear.
1 gear (i.e. from 6th to 4th) 1 0 0 4) cross-out PdVs for potential over-revving.
2 gears (i.e. from 5th to 2nd) 1 1 0 5) Car is moved for the number of spaces indicated
3 gears (i.e. from 6th to 2nd) 1 1 1 on the die.
6) On a wet track, additional move due to enforced
sliding in the corners, if not done yet for this move.
Dry track Wet track 7) Optional “+1” move if using “new” soft tires, if not
Collision 1 1 to 2 applied yet for this move, or use of brakes.
Engine Blow 1 to 4 1 to 3 8) If allowed, slipstream, then going back to point (6)
Handling 1 to 4 1 to 5 after each slipstream.
9) Handling and concrete wall (oval track) test(s).
10) Blocking rules.
BLOCKING 11) Tire choice (when in the pit).
SPACES BRAKES TIRES 12) Quick or long pit stop process. If a quick pit stop
1 1 0 is successful, the car (in 4th gear) cannot use its soft
2 2 0 tire +1 bonus for this move, but can possibly benefit
3 3 0 from a slipstream (then goes back to point (7).
4 3 1 13) Collision test(s).
5 3 2 14) Engine test(s).
6 3 3


Elimination Car is immediately Collision Sticker

reason removed test
overshooting YES NO NO
blocking NO YES YES
collision NO YES YES
Engine blow NO NO YES
handling YES NO NO

Qualif. Race
Hard Tires Lap 1 Lap 2 Lap 3
Dry track Movement Corners - - - -
bonus Straights - - - -
Penalties Overshooting *1 *1 *1 *1
Wet track Sliding Corners +3 +3 +3 +3
Straights - - - -
Penalties Overshooting *1 *1 *1 *1

Qualif. Race
Soft Tires Lap 1 Lap 2 Lap 3
Dry track Movement Corners +1 +1 - -
bonus Straights +1 +1 - -
Penalties Overshooting *2 *2 *2 *3
Wet track Sliding Corners +3 +3 +3 +3
Straights - - - -
Penalties Overshooting *2 *2 *2 *3

Qualif. Race
Rain Tires Lap 1 Lap 2 Lap 3
Dry track Movement Corners - - - -

bonus Straights - - - -
Penalties Overshooting *2 *2 *2 *3
Wet track Sliding Corners +1 +1 +1 +1
Straights - - - -
Penalties Overshooting *1 *1 *1 *1
NOTE: All bonuses are optional whereas sliding is mandatory.


Masters 1999

Chapter 3 : Weather conditions.

- When the weather changes to “changeable”, the track remains in the same state as it was before the change.
- Weather change rolls take place at the end of the round of play.

Masters 2001

Chapter 1 : Timed trials.

- implementation of the 1-hand qualifying session:

The qualifying session starts when the stop watch is started, and finishes when it is stopped. Between these 2
actions, the player can only use one hand (and no other part of his body!) to perform the timed trial.
For each move, the following steps must take place in this order:
- move of the shifter the right gear (if necessary),
- corresponding die roll,
- car movement.
If a player uses his other hand or any other part of his body, the referee announces “Main” (hand) and the driver
must move everything back to their position before the mistake, and then resume his session. No other penalty
than the lost time is inflicted.
- Simplified penalty table: all errors will be penalized by 10 rolls.

Chapter 3 : Weather conditions.

- If, at the start of the race, the weather is “changeable”, the track condition will depend on the last qualifying
session before the race: if it was sunny or changeable, the track is dry at the start of the race. If it was raining
during the qualifying session, the track is still wet at the start of the race.

Chapter 8 : Tires.

8-2 : Soft tires.

- No more “malus” (mandatory -1) applicable in the third lap.

Chapter 10 : Overshooting.

10-4 : Spinout.
- No slipstream allowed around a car that span out.
- Restarting after a spinout: on a 1, the car skips a round of play. On a 20, the car moves 4 spaces forward in 1st
gear. On any other roll, the driver rolls the 1st gear die.

Chapter 12 : Blocking.

- Clarification about “the farthest space” the car can go.

Chapter 16 : Engine blow.

- The way the car travels after its engine blew changed from “straight ahead” to “as far as possible”.

- Slipstreaming is allowed behind a car that just blew its engine (still in 5th or 6th gear), but forbidden behind a
car in inertia.
- A sticker (dangerous space) is placed after each move of a car in intertia.

Chapter 18 : Slipstreaming.

- Slipstreaming is allowed behind a car that just blew its engine (still in 5th or 6th gear), but forbidden behind a
car in inertia or in spinout.

Master 2002

Chapter 1 : Timed trials.

- Clarification: the die must stop for the next move to begin.
- The organization reserves the right to modify the rankings based on predefined criteria.

Chapter 6 : Gearbox and movements.

- Precisions about full movements.

- addendum regarding the cross-out of PdV(s) when over-revving et about the consequences of a shifter
positioning mistake.
- Precisions about handling and concrete wall tests.

Chapter 7 : Driving code.

- Addition of an example going through a 2-stoper corner.

Chapter 8 : Tires.

- Precision that malus (-1) applies only to mandatory movements.

Chapters 9 and 10 : The start & overshooting.

- Precisions on the order of play when a car is spun out or stalled: the other car plays first.

Chapter 14 : Collision.

- illustration update and addition of an example.

Chapter 16 and 20 : Engine blow.

- Inertia rule is no longer applicable in the case of an engine blow in 4th gear or lower.

Chapter 17 : Handling.

- Precision on the timing for road handling tests: at the entrance.

Chapter 19 : Pit stops.

- Addition of the possibility to slipstream in the pit lane.

- Indication of no maximum gear.

1 – Timed trials:
Should the corner entrance penalty be increase? It seems disproportionate compared to others
Decision: Obsolete.

12 - Blocking
What influence does the type of tires have on the blocking rule?
Decision: The loss of tires doesn’t depend at all on the type of tires used.

16 – Engine blow
Is it possible to slipstream a car that just blew its engine or is in “inertia” ?
Decision : Yes and no.

16, 10-4, 20 – Engine blow

Does the inertia rule apply when blowing its engine after a spinout?
Decision: No.

19 – Pits
Should there be a minimum speed (gear) to enter and leave the pit lane?
Decision: No.

21 – Finnish line
A clarification about points allocation is probably needed.
Decision: Done.

Transmit to the author(s):

1 – Timed trials :
What should be done if a player doesn’t respond to the referee’s injunctions?

4 – Pit choice
Where are the 11th and 12th pits located whenever there are 11 or 12 players?

18 – Slipsteam
A car spends a brake point when a slipstream helps it get inside a corner, but doesn’t when the slipstream occurs
inside the corner… not very logical! Should slipstreaming be forbidden inside the corners?


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