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In collaboration with


The 4th edition

Of the Scientific Congress on Geosciences and
Environmental Management
June 22, 23 and 24, 2023

Under the theme

The green in the grey to create sustainable infrastructure

A l’Ecole Supérieure de Technologie de Salé

Présentation of GéoME
1- Presentation

The world's ever-increasing population and the improvement of its living environment are
causing considerable pressure on natural resources. Industrial acceleration is also intensifying
negative environmental impacts mainly in certain highly sensitive geographical areas such as
developing and non-industrialized countries. African countries are affected by environmental
problems, water stress, deadly floods and prolonged periods of drought.

The research lines that focus on water resources management, household and industrial wastes,
natural ecosystems and climate change, are likely to meet the needs of sustainable
development, with increasingly innovative interdisciplinary approaches. The results of the
research carried out on the different themes of the congress can lead to reasonable solutions,
through upstream actions, for the preservation of natural resources to serve the interest of the
countries most affected by environmental problems. The scientific congress on geosciences and
environmental management GeoME'4 with the theme "Green in the gray to create sustainable
infrastructure", is an opportunity to discuss the results of research work conducted by scientists
in different countries on the problems of water stress, household and industrial waste in
particular, and on environmental problems and climate change in general.

The general sessions and plenary lectures, which will be given by world-renowned speakers,
will be devoted specifically to the most advanced work in the various areas of research related
to sustainable development and the environment. The oral communications and posters will
deal with a wide variety of topics on the state of the environment, the diagnosis and solutions
provided, and finally the socio-economic impact on the populations.

2- Objectives

* To bring together national and international decision-makers to discuss and share recent
advances in research and practice on various important areas of environmental sciences, natural
ecosystems and climate change.
* To contribute to the training of participants through the programming of plenary lectures, oral
communications and Posters on LCD screens set up in the congress venue during the three (3)
days of the congress. The themes of the congress cover topics related to the main themes on
green infrastructure and water management, natural resources, renewable energy and energy
efficiency, structural design, materials, pathology and diagnosis, new technologies applied to
the dissemination of heritage and gray infrastructure and land development
* The opportunity to provide a space for exchange for researchers, doctoral students,
practitioners on processes and innovative techniques and equipment used in the various studies.
* Edit the proceedings of the scientific event and distribute them to the participants of the
congress in the form of CD.
* To publish the best papers after their reading by peers in specialized international scientific
journals and indexed Scopus.

3- Languages

- The official languages of the Congress: French and English;

- Papers selected for publication in a Scopus-indexed journal will be exclusively in English.

4- Main Themes
- Plenary lectures;
- Oral communications and posters;
- Round table discussions.

Thème 1 : Green infrastructure and Water management

Thème 2 : Natural Resources, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

Thème 3 : Structural Design, Materials, Pathology and Diagnosis

Thème 4 : New technologies applied to the diffusion of heritage

Thème 5 : Grey infrastructures and Territory development

5- Organizers
 Mohamed V University of Rabat

The first university in modern Morocco, Mohammed V University has trained the vast majority
of the senior officials of the Moroccan state as well as several hundred research professors
currently working in various higher education institutions in the Kingdom. It groups together
18 training establishments in the fields of sciences, humanities, economic and legal sciences,
medical sciences and engineering sciences.

 Higher School of Technology of Salé

The Ecole Supérieure de Technologie de Salé (ESTS) opened its doors at the beginning of the
1993-1994 academic year. The ESTS is the first university establishment in the city of Salé and
is an integral part of the Mohammed V University of Rabat. Its first mission was to train, after
two years, senior technicians holding a University Diploma of Technology (DUT) and
equipped with professional skills and personal abilities that allow them to easily enter the
workforce. As of the 2014-2015 academic year, ESTS is authorized to provide training leading
to a Professional License (LP).
ESTS is structured in five departments: Urban Engineering and Environment, Management
Techniques, Industrial Maintenance, Computer Science and Global Trades of Morocco. These
departments offer eleven DUT courses and ten LP courses in initial training.
In addition to training, scientific research and innovation are an important part of EST-Salé's
activities. Indeed, the school hosts five research structures, two laboratories and three teams,
bringing together teacher-researchers and a significant number of doctoral students in various
fields. These structures contribute to the production of knowledge and the dissemination of
innovations in science and technology as well as in social and economic sciences.
Regional, national and international cooperation and partnerships are important levers for the
school's development. By enriching its repertoire, EST-Salé aims to create an environment
conducive to quality training and an exchange of expertise and successful experiences with its

 Mohammadia School of Engineering-Rabat

- A reference school on a national, regional and international scale;

- A generator of skills and innovation;
- Offers a very strong, diversified training and meets the needs of the socio-professional
- Training of engineers in Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering,
Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mineral Engineering, Computer and
Scientific Modeling, Process Engineering, Networks and Telecommunications. The School has
a doctoral center with 748 students in 24 research structures working in the field of Engineering
Sciences and Techniques.

 The civil engineering, water, environment and geosciences research center


The Research Center for Civil Engineering, Water, Environment and Geosciences with its three
(3) laboratories: the Laboratory of Civil Engineering and Environment (EST-Salé), the
Laboratory of Applied Geophysics, Geotechnics, Engineering Geology and Environment (EMI-
Rabat) and the Laboratory of Civil Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering (EMI-Rabat).

The center produces more than thirty scientific articles in indexed journals, and does not cease
to encourage through its activities the young researchers to carry out a research of quality in the
field of the development of the territory and the environment.

Permanent administration
Conference Chair
Pr. Khadija BABA
Higher School of Technology, Salé
[email protected]

Pr. Latifa OUADIF
Mohammadia Engineering School, Rabat
[email protected]

Permanent Coordination
Pr. Essediya CHERKAOUI
Higher School of Technology, Salé
[email protected]

Permanent Coordination
Mohammadia Engineering School, Rabat
[email protected]

GeoME'4 Honorary Committee

 Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation

 President of the Mohammed V University of Rabat
 President of the Rabat-Salé-Kénitra Region
 Mayor of the city of Salé
 Director of CNRST Rabat
 Director of Higher School of Technology- Salé
 Director of the Mohammadia Engineering School
 Director of the Normal High School
 Dean of the Faculty of Sciences of Rabat
 Director of the Scientific Institute of Rabat
 Director of the Research Center for Civil Engineering, Water, Environment and
Geosciences (CICEEG)

Organizing Committee
AKHSSAS A. Mohammadia Engineering School, Mohammed V University of Rabat,
BABA K. Higher School of Technology of Sale, Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco
BAHI A., Mohammadia Engineering School, Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco
BAHI L., Mohammadia Engineering School, Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco
BENRADI F. Higher School of Technology of Sale, Mohammed V University of Rabat,
CHEIKHI W. Higher School of Technology of Sale, Mohammed V University of Rabat,
CHERKAOUI E. Higher School of Technology of Sale, Mohammed V University of Rabat,
CHERRADI C. Higher School of Technology of Sale, Mohammed V University of Rabat,
EL RHAFFARI Y. Higher School of Technology of Sale, Mohammed V University of Rabat,
KHAMAR M. Higher School of Technology of Sale, Mohammed V University of Rabat,
LAHMILI A. Mohammadia Engineering School, Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco
MENZHI M. National Center for Scientific and Technical Research, Mohammed V University
of Rabat, Morocco
NOUNAH A. High School of Technology, Salé, , Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco
OUADIF L. Mohammadia Engineering School, Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco
ZERROUK L. Higher School of Technology of Sale, Mohammed V University of Rabat,

Young researchers:
AKKOURI N. Mohammadia Engineering School, Mohammed V University of Rabat,
BOURZIK O. Mohammadia Engineering School, Mohammed V University of Rabat,
DOUGHMI A. Mohammadia Engineering School, Mohammed V University of Rabat,
DOUGHMI K. Mohammadia Engineering School, Mohammed V University of Rabat,

KHLIFATI O. Mohammadia Engineering School, Mohammed V University of Rabat,
NAJIMI C. Mohammadia Engineering School, Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco
SIMOU S. Mohammadia Engineering School, Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco
TALBI O. Mohammadia Engineering School, Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco

International Scientific Committee

AARAB A. High Normal School of Rabat, Morocco
AKHSSAS A. Mohammadia Engineering School, Mohammed V University of Rabat,
BABA K. Higher School of Technology of Sale, Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco
BAHI L., Mohammadia Engineering School, Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco
BENCHEKROUN S. High Normal School of Rabat, Morocco
BENQLILOU C. National School of Mines of Rabat, Morocco
BOUASSIDA M. National Engineering School of Tunis, Tunisia
BOUKDIR A. Sciences and technologies Faculty, Soutan Moulay Slimane University of Beni
Mellal, Morocco
CHAKIRI S. Faculty of Science, Ibn Tofail University of Kenitra, Morocco
CHERKAOUI E. Higher School of Technology of Sale, Mohammed V University of Rabat,
CHERKAOUI M. National Graduate Engineering School – Mines, Rabat, Morocco
CHERRADI T. Mohammadia Engineering School, Mohammed V University of Rabat,
CYR M. Paul Sabatier University, France
EL HARROUNI K. National School of Architecture, Rabat, Morocco
EL JALIL M. H. Higher School of Technology of Sale, Mohammed V University of Rabat,
ELAHMADI Z. Mohammadia Engineering School, Mohammed V University of Rabat,
ESSAHLAOUI A. Faculty of Science, Moulay Ismail University of Meknes, , Morocco
FRIKHA W. National Engineering School of Tunis, Tunisia
GHORBEL E. University of Cergy-Pontoise in the department of Civil Engineering (IUT)
HAKKOU M.  Scientific Institute, Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco
KHAMAR L. National School of Applied Sciences of Khouribga, Sultan Moulay Slimane
University, Morocco
KHAMAR M. Higher School of Technology of Sale, Mohammed V University of Rabat,
LAAROUSSI N. Higher School of Technology of Sale, Mohammed V University of Rabat,
LAGHZIZIL A. Faculty of Science, Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco
LAHMILI A. Mohammadia Engineering School, Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco
LAMDAOUAR N. Mohammadia Engineering School, Mohammed V University of Rabat,
LOTFI E., National School of Arts and Crafts, Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco
MENZHI M. National Center for Scientific and Technical Research, Morocco
MOUHAT O. Higher School of Technology of Sale, Mohammed V University of Rabat,
OUADIF L. Mohammadia Engineering School, Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco
OULD AWA M. Al Aasriya University of Nouakchott, Mauritania
ROUGUI M. National School of Arts and Crafts, Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco

SBARTAÏ Z.B. University of Bordeaux, France
TAYEH B. A. Islamic University of Gaza Dep. of Civil Eng.
TBATOU T. National School of Applied Science, Ibn Zohr University of Agadir, Morocco
ZERROUK L. Higher School of Technology of Sale, Mohammed V University of Rabat,
ZINEDINE A. Faculty of Sciences, Chouaib Doukkabi University of El Jadida, Morocco

History of GéoME

GéoME Establishment University Organization date coordonnateurs Nombre de


GéoME’1 Mohammadia Pr. Latifa OUADIF & Pr.

Mohammed V University 19 march 2013 40
Engineering School Khadija BABA

GéoME’2 Higher School of Pr. Latifa OUADIF & Pr.

Mohammed V University 23 May 2017 120
Technology of Salé Khadija BABA

GéoME’3 Mohammadia Pr. KHAMAR Mohamed &

Mohammed V University 20 December 2018 150
Engineering School Pr. LAHMILI Abdelaziz


Number Quantity Unit price (DH) Total price (DH)

Coffee breaks 200 6 150 180000
Lunches 200 3 310 186000
Binders or
200 1 266 53200

Note blocks 200 1 33 6600

Flyers 200 1 5 1000
Posters 1 200 7 1400
Badge 200 1 9 1800
Banners 1 2 500 1000
Prompts (speaker support) 6 5 1500 45000
Publications 100 1 1000 100000
Invitations 10 1 4 40
Gala Dinner 100 1 400 40000
Total (DH) 616040

Participating in the GeoME'4 congress as a sponsor will allow you to promote your company's
brand image nationally and especially internationally, as a socially responsible company that :

 Contributes actively to the protection of the environment;

 Promotes the concept of sustainable development in Morocco and Africa;
 Supports young Moroccan scientists; creative minds for a better contribution to the
development of researchers;
 Increase the visibility of your company, by seizing the wide media coverage that we offer
you: Presses, Radios, Social networks, Physical supports;
 To have an entry door to the Ecole Supérieure de Technologie (EST Salé) of the
Mohammed V University of Rabat, the first school of technology in the city of Salé: with
a rich technical experience without precedent

The two sponsorship formulas proposed below represent an exceptional opportunity to

communicate within the GeoME'4 Congress. Sponsors will be thanked on the congress
website and in the Final Program of the Conference upon receipt of their commitment.
Sponsors will also be thanked during the Opening and Closing sessions of the Congress.

The first formula (Gold) makes you one of the official sponsors of the event. We offer you a
great visibility at the heart of the GeoME'4 Congress:

 Your color logo on the event's web site;

 Your color logo on the GeoME'4 Conference promotional documents
 Distributed on the basis of a qualified file, flyers, official letters and any information and
distribution letter;
 Advertising in the conference binder
 1 page of color advertising in the Final Program and the CD-Rom of the GeoME'4
 Your logo on the cover of the Congress proceedings;
 Your logo on the banners that will be displayed during the congress at the entrance of the
venue, in the conference rooms and in other areas of the city;
 3 free registrations giving access to the GeoME'4 Congress Sessions, to the exhibition
area, to the lunches and coffee breaks of the 3 days of the congress;

The second formula (Silver) makes you one of the sponsors of the event and we offer you
an optimal visibility at the heart of the GeoME'4 Congress:

 Your color logo on the event's website;

 Your color logo on the GeoME'4 promotional documents
 1 advertising insertion in the congress binder
 Your logo on the cover of the Congress proceedings

 Your logo on the banners that will be displayed during the congress at the entrance of the
venue, in the conference rooms and in other areas of the city;
 1 page of color advertising in the Final Program and the CD-Rom of the GeoME'4
 2 free registrations giving access to the GEOME'4 Congress Sessions, to the exhibition
area, to the lunches and coffee breaks of the 3 days of the congress;

* Your logo must be sent to us in high definition digital format within the deadlines imposed
on us for the preparation of the various media.

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 4th edition of the scientific congress
Geosciences and Environmental Management GeoME'4, we would like to present you our
warmest thanks for the attention you will pay to this event which will undoubtedly
contribute to the success of this scientific event which is very much awaited by
researchers, practitioners and PhD students. Convinced that your contribution will be very
beneficial, we expect a favorable response from you that will allow the organization of this
congress which is, in its essence, an excellent alternative to the disintegration of the
general interest and the impotence of public action.

We remain at your disposal for any further information and we will be happy to welcome
you during this international congress at the Ecole Supérieure de Technologie de Salé.

Tel:    0661672871
Mail : [email protected]

Return this form as soon as possible to the following address
Ecole Supérieure de Technologie, Avenue Le Prince Héritier, B.P. : 227 Salé médina
+ Scanned copy to the e-mail address: [email protected]

Society :……………..…………………………………………………………………
Adress :…………………………………………..…………………………………..
Name of the person in charge:………………………..…………………………..
Zip code:…………………City :………………..……………………………….
Country :……………………….E-mail :……………………….……………………….
Phone :………………….Fax:……………………..……………………

REGISTRATION Check the corresponding box(es)

Formula Amout
1. Sponsor Gold (≥ 30 000 DH) TTC

2. Sponsor Silver (< 30 000 DH) TTC

BILLING ADDRESS (if different from Main Identity)

Society :……………..…………………………………………………………………
Adress :…………………………………………..…………………………………..
Name of the person in charge:………………………..…………………………..
Zip code:…………………City :………………..……………………………….
Country :……………………….E-mail :……………………….……………………….
Phone :………………….Fax:……………………..……………………

Payment by check or bank transfer to the order of : Ecole Supérieure de Technologie de Salé
(EST Salé).
Bank references : Trésorerie générale du Royaume
Adress : Agence Bancaire centrale-Rabat
Account number : RIB: TG 310810100002400403430196
Code Swift : BKAMMAMR
I, the undersigned, (name of the person in charge of the organization)
Certify that I have read and agree with the above general booking conditions:
"Good for order".

Date Signature Stamp


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