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ENS 243


Ethics and Social

Responsibility &

Agenda What is Business Ethics

The Need for Ethical Behavior
Areas of Concern for Business Ethics
Laws and Regulations Requiring Ethical

Benefits and costs of Social Actions


What is Globalization
What does it mean to be an
international business
Impact of Globalization
study of morals and moral
choices of human being
The behavior of individuals and groups
which are governed by standards, rules,
and codes of conduct consist of the
subjects covered by ethics.
What is Business Ethics
The moral principles defining
right and wrong behavior of COMMON AREAS WHERE
businesspersons and their ETHICS ARE TESTED
It implores them to adhere to
certain ethical conduct when
dealing with anybody especially
those affected by their business
The Need for Ethical Behavior

Ethical behavior is needed

to make the "playing field"
free and orderly. If the
business person does not
adhere to ethical principles,
public opinion may
pressure the government to
Areas of Concern for Business Ethics

Ethics covers all areas encompassed by

business trasnsactions. The ethical conduct
of a business person may be measured
against how the following are adhered to :

1. Laws and regulations 2. Specific ethical conduct

promulgated by the not yet passed into law.
1. Product safety and
Laws and quality
Ethical 2. Fair employment
Behavior practices

3. Fair marketing and

selling practices
4. The use of confidential
Laws and information for personal
5. Community involvement
6. Bribery

7. Illegal payments
to foreign governments
to obtain business
Social Responsibility

Social responsibility refers to the concern of

business for the welfare of the society.

that the firm must perform its function without harming the
produce goods or services that will adversely affect any component
of the society
make profits but not to the public detriment of society.
Interested Groups Owners Consumers
there are various groups the interest of the the basic rights of
with interest that are owners is expected to consumers include those
different from one the highest priority. concerning
another. These interests representation,
must be properly information, a healthy
considered by the environment, safety,
business firm it will have basic goods and
to be successful. services, choice,
consumer education and
Minority Groups Women
Among the specific
management must avoid the view that
points of interest in
treating them outright as management must have
caring about employees
inferior so as not affect is to regard women as a
their employment and force with potentials "to
1. Health and safety
promotion lead" as much as "to
2. Appropriate salaries and
employee benefits follow"
3. Right to speak out
4. Right to privacy
Older People The Handicapped The Community at
older people have firm's management must
distinct needs that must be responsible for there are business
be the concern of removing hazards and activities that may affect
business. Many of them obstacles which prevent any of the widely diverse
are highly qualified and them from doing their interest of people. The
able to perform special jobs effectively. modern manager must
tasks which youngers have multiple abilities
persons cannot do. and an open mind if he
wants to succeed in his
Benefits and Benefits
costs of 2. Company becomes
1. Improved employee
Social satisfaction and
more aware of changing
consumer's tastes and
Actions preferences

3. Greater demand for 4. Preference byy

the company's investors to buy firm's
products of services stocks

6. Elimination of
possible legislative
controls on business
Benefits and Costs
costs of 1. The money spent in
2. Reduction of
Social direct support of
social projects
competitive power

Actions 3. The private provision

of social services and
programs may later on,
be also regulated by the
What is

Globalization is the
increase in the flow of
goods, services, capital,
people, and ideas across
international boundaries.

An international business is any company that

operates and produces or sells goods between two
or more countries. There are three ways a
business can be considered international:

1. It produces goods domestically and sells

domestically and internationally.
2. It produces goods in a different country but
sells domestically.
3. It produces goods in a different country and
sells domestically and internationally.
Impact of Globalization

Market Globalization Production Globalization

the decline in barriers to selling in the sourcing of materials and services
countries other than the home country. from other countries to gain advantage
This change will make it easier for your from price differences in different nations.
company to begin selling products

internationally, since lower tariffs keep

consumer prices lower and fewer

restrictions when crossing borders makes

it easier for a company to enter a foreign
To sum up it all:
It is accepted that globalization is an inevitable process and will
progress forever.
All business that firms desire to compete successfully in
international environment should obey to legal and ethical rules
and regulations.
To behave in an ethically and socially responsible way should be
a hallmark of every marketer`s behavior, domestic or
international. It requires little thought for most of us to know the
socially responsible or ethically correct response to questions
about breaking the law, destroying the environment, denying
someone his or her rights, taking unfair advantage, or behaving in
a manner that would bring bodily harm or damage .

Group 9 :

Silorio, Kim M.
Silorio, Rica Mae S.
Santillan, Jhunfel Jay A.
Saguban, Alvin C.
Plecer, Irish S.
Raipan, Rialie Hope G.
Ramirez, Ericka Joy
Lajada, Angeline Y.
Luching, Key Lucill A.

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