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The South African Bureau of Standards (SABS), in terms of the Standards Act, 2008 (Act No. 8 of 2008),
is requesting for review and comments on the revised South African National Standard (SANS) 241.
The draft SANS 241 document stipulates the framework for drinking water quality risk management
and specifications for drinking water quality in South Africa. Water that is SANS 241 compliant is
deemed to present an acceptable health risk and is safe to drink. Access to safe drinking water is a
basic human right in South Africa, as such two references to national standards for quality of potable
water exist. The Water Services Act (Act 108 of 1997) in which clause 4 (in terms of section 9(1)(b) of
Water Services Act), refers to a compulsory national standard, where the regulations relating to
compulsory national standards for the quality of potable water. Clause 6.3.2 of the 2003 Strategic
Framework for Water Services document, also stipulates that water supplied by water services
providers intended to be used for drinking or domestic purposes (potable water) must be of a quality
consistent with SANS 241 (as amended). This means that a water service authority (WSA) or provider
(WSP), or any municipality that has been assigned the executive authority to provide water services
within its area of jurisdiction, shall comply with the Compulsory National Standards for the Quality of
Potable Drinking Water as specified in SANS 241 and subsequent updated versions.

The current draft South African National Standard (SANS) 241 has been revised in-line with the latest
World Health Organisation (WHO) guidance document for developing drinking water quality
regulations and standards, international and national best practices in drinking water quality risk
management, as well as using WRC research on water quality and emerging contaminants. The new
aspects covered provide greater attention to the use of alternative raw water sources for drinking
water production, as in the case with water reclamation and reuse, as well as brackish and seawater
desalination, the revised SANS 241 standard provides crucial information on the management and
monitoring of priority chemical and microbiological water quality risks management and their
allowable limits in drinking water deemed safe for consumption.

Public participation in the development of standards in South Africa is important, as it allows standard
users to be aware of upcoming changes and offers the opportunity to influence the standards. To
submit your comments on the draft for SANS 241 document, please follow the link In the search block type 241 and
the document will come up. The closing dates for comments are given in the document.

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