Is There A Trojan!: Literature Survey and Critical Evaluation of The Latest ML Based Modern Intrusion Detection Systems in Iot Environments

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International Journal on Cybernetics & Informatics (IJCI) Vol. 12, No.

3, June 2023


Vishal Karanam

University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA

IoT as a domain has grown so much in the last few years that it rivals that of the mobile network
environments in terms of data volumes as well as cybersecurity threats. The confidentiality and privacy of
data within IoT environments have become very important areas of security research within the last few
years. More and more security experts are interested in designing robust IDS systems to protect IoT
environments as a supplement to the more traditional security methods. Given that IoT devices are
resource-constrained and have a heterogeneous protocol stack, most traditional intrusion detection
approaches don’t work well within these schematic boundaries. This has led security researchers to
innovate at the intersection of Machine Learning and IDS to solve the shortcomings of non-learning based
IDS systems in the IoT ecosystem.

Despite various ML algorithms already having high accuracy with IoT datasets, we can see a lack of
sufficient production grade models. This survey paper details a comprehensive summary of the latest
learning-based approaches used in IoT intrusion detection systems, and conducts a through critical
review of these systems, potential pitfalls in ML pipelines, challenges from an ML perspective and
discusses future research scope, and recommendations.

Intrusion Detection, IDS · IoT · Machine Learning · Deep Learning · Computer Security

Internet of Things (IoT) encompasses tools/devices with sensors, computational power, software,
etc, that form an interconnected system that can exchange information over the broader internet
or other communications channels and with themselves. IoT as an ecosystem has grown
manifold over the years with smart devices, applications in healthcare, and much more domains.
The IoT market cap is valued at more than 400 Billion today and around 13.5 Billion devices are
estimated to be a part of the IoT global ecosystem. With the ever-burgeoning malicious
adversary attacks, spyware, and Trojans inundating the IoT network perimeters, there’s been an
ever-increasing interest in using Machine Learning techniques in conjunction with the
fundamental concepts of computer security to tackle the problem of intrusion detection (1).
Advancements in the fields of Machine Learning and Deep Learning have led cybersecurity
researchers to dip their toes in the intersection of Machine Learning, IoT, and Intrusion

David C. Wyld et al. (Eds): SCDD, CIOS, EDUR, CSEAI -2023

pp. 67-87, 2023. IJCI – 2023 DOI:10.5121/ijci.2023.120306
International Journal on Cybernetics & Informatics (IJCI) Vol. 12, No.3, June 2023
The first half of the paper deals with what an intrusion detection system is, how Intrusion
detection systems in IoT environments differ from the traditional ones, the generic architecture
of an IDS, and different approaches to classify the IDS based on learning approach and datasets.
Then next part is a comprehensive discussion on few of the Machine learning based approaches
in this domain.

Despite several breakthroughs and great potential in unlocking security research in IDS design,
machine learning usage is not devoid of pitfalls that undermine model accuracy/performance in
real scenarios due to training data selection, hyperparameter tuning, over/under-sampling, no
rigid baselines for the model estimate, benchmark, etc.

These miscalculations while applying Machine learning pipeline workflows to ML-based IDS
potentially render them unsuitable for practical deployment in real networks. The second half of
the paper tries to evaluate the ML-based approaches and look at some of the deficiencies in
using ML. The latter sections use the classification, analysis, and pitfall identification
approaches proposed in the paper by Arp et al. (2) to evaluate the deficiencies in IDS for IoT
environments using the latest IoT-relevant datasets.

The last part of the paper looks at the challenges involved, as there’s still a lack of standardization
on which learning-based approaches or datasets are ideal for a generic state-of-the-art IoT IDS.
Furthermore, the lack of many productiongrade IoT models in this space, despite multiple ML
models having > 99% accuracy tells us that there’s a gap to be bridged in evaluating the models
more robustly and utilizing the up-to-date datasets in training our models.

This paper’s contribution can be summarized as:

• Classifying the IoT IDS on the basis of Learning methods and datasets used for
evaluation. [Section 3]
• Discussing the latest works which exclusively use IoT attack trace relevant datasets for
evaluation. (Not older datasets (or) Non IoT) [Section 3]
• Critical evaluation of the Machine Learning approaches for the latest works. [Section 4]
• Recommendations and further research on this topic for security researchers utilizing
ML.[Section 5 and 7]


An IDS is a tool that helps detect Trojans/spyware/malicious traffic inside a system or a network.
Our focus in this paper is on NIDS (Network based) and HIDS (Host-based). Often in the real
world, it’s best to use a combination of both in a hybrid sense and also a distributed IDS, which
is scalable, available, and fault tolerant. An IDS designed for IoT environments must be able to
scan data packets in network layers and stacks, generate responses in real-time, and be adaptable
to different tech stacks in the IoT environment. An IDS that is designed for IoT-based
environments should operate under stringent conditions of low processing capability, fast
response times, and high-volume data processing.

The generic approach to security is to have the system engulfed in security mechanisms, such as
authentication frameworks, encryption, firewalls, VPN’s, etc so that they form a capsule around
the system. But more often than not these techniques are vulnerable and have loopholes. Hence
modern distributed networks need IDS as a complement to the existing security infrastructure.

International Journal on Cybernetics & Informatics (IJCI) Vol. 12, No.3, June 2023
2.1. Why do We Need Separate IDS for Iot Ecosystems

The IDS deployed in an IoT environment in the network perimeters must be able to process,
analyze and respond to data packets in different IoT network layers, sometimes in a
heterogeneous network with multiple different network stacks. It must also be operational under
more restricted conditions than a traditional IDS such as it must be functional in sensors of low
processing capability, must have low latency and faster response time with limited hardware(3).
An IoT environment consists of multiple different IoT devices interacting with each other and
exchanging packets of information and data. IoT is a heterogeneous environment, that generates
high-dimensional, multi-modal, and temporal data. Using standard ML and deep learning models
for either training or validation on this data requires a lot of computational power. So, one
approach which was looked by researchers is to leverage the power of the cloud for parallel
processing, storage and availability. Standardization and synchronization between various clouds
is a challenge. Since IoT data is bound by several privacy rules, traditional IDS which leverage
cloud to store data in other jurisdictions can’t be fully applied. In addition to that, latency issues
and maintaining the security of the cloud itself posed a major challenge to researchers (4; 5).

There are many security and privacy challenges in IoT systems which are different from
traditional IDS. Challenges like, hardware corruption, chip and processing power in the physical
layer to distributed DoS attacks, gateway attacks, and packet sniffing in the networking layer.
The application layer is prone to code attacks, code vulnerabilities like injection, scripting bugs,
configurations, broken accessibility protocols etc (6).

Liu et al(7) describe the security analysis from an IoT perspective, and propose a unified
framework for the low capability limits of IoT devices. Various threats can attack various layers
of the IoT ecosystem as seen above, so Liu et al(7) discusses the information flow in the network
and potential security and privacy problems.

Their paper classifies the security challenges into categories which are:

Authentication and physical threats : A wireless sensor or an RFID tag may dubiously claim it
being in a location different from its real existence.

Integrity : IoT data is easily spoofable and tamperable.

Confidentiality and Privacy: Since IoT devices lack processing power, this presents a challenge
to ensure confidentiality, as it introduces barriers to apply standard encryption and key exchange
algorithms. Furthermore, since IoT devices are mostly wireless, snooping over the wireless
communications is another challenge.

For these reasons, conventional IDS may not be fully suitable for IoT environments. IoT security
also needs to continuously evolve in consideration of the ever-changing threats, malicious agents
attacking the very core stability model of the IDS software, and passive analysis of network data
packets for the long term stability of the system. This led security experts to further pursue
offline machine learning, which trains the model with pre-existing datasets and uses the models
in production directly to detect threats, thus saving the time on sniffing for packets real-time,
which is an expensive operation. The machine learning models would also be updated regularly
to detect newer threats.

International Journal on Cybernetics & Informatics (IJCI) Vol. 12, No.3, June 2023
2.2. Generic Architecture of Intrusion Detection Systems

The types of attacks troubling IoT systems are Dos attacks (Syn flood), Spoofing,( Ipsweep,
portsweep, nmap), Compromise (R2l, U2R), Virus, worms ,Trojans etc.

The operations of an IDS can be divided into three stages. The preliminary stage is the data
collection phase. Typically in IoT environments this is a sensor, or a network analyzer. Data is
also collected from logs, kernel application dumps, audit trails, protocol level sniffers, gateway
analysers, Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) , application session logs, wireless
networks etc.

This stage relies on network-based or host-based sensors. The second stage is the analysis stage,
which relies on feature extraction methods or pattern identification methods. It consists of an
analysis engine that collates the data and packets collected from the monitoring stage and stores
in the knowledge databases. This data is refined by knowledge base of attacks and their
signatures, filtered data, data profiles, etc. IDS systems also have a Config setting, which tells
about the current state of an IDS and whether itself is available and ready(8).

Figure 1: Generic Architecture of an IDS in IoT Ecosystem

The final stage is the detection stage, which relies on anomaly or misuse intrusion detection. An
IDS captures a copy of the data traffic in an information system and then analyzes this copy to
detect potentially harmful activities. Post this stage the IDS works to respond to the attack either
autonomously or through human agents.

An ideal IDS should have good prediction performance, low false negative rate, good processing
speed in resource constraint IoT environments, good ROC-AUC curve, distributed in nature and
fault tolerant.

A network-based intrusion detection system (NIDS) sniffs network traffic packets to detect
intrusions andmalicious attacks (9). A NIDS can be either a software-based system or a

International Journal on Cybernetics & Informatics (IJCI) Vol. 12, No.3, June 2023
hardware-based system. For example, Snort (10) NIDS is a software-based NIDS. The
operational structure of a NIDS and its location in the network are shown in the Figure 1.

IDS depends on statistics, pattern matching and ML algorithms for implementing the various sub
stages of intrusion detection. IDS algorithms can be classified as signature based or anomaly


IoT environments are susceptible to many kinds of attacks. The surface area and perimeter of
exposure in IoT environments leads to attacks such as Man in the middle, DDoS, Service scan,
Zero-day attacks, data exfiltration and key-logging etc. Two of the most common kinds of
detection algorithms used in IDS are Misuse-based intrusion detection and Anomaly based.

A misuse-based intrusion detection technique uses a knowledge history of known signatures and
patterns of malicious codes and intrusions to detect well-known attacks. Some known constrains
are Network packet overload, the high cost of signature matching, memory constraints wrt
storage , continuous database key-value updates(8).

In an anomaly-based intrusion detection technique, a perfectly stable and normal data pattern is
created based on data from valid users and is then compared against current data patterns to
detect anomalies or abnormal behaviour(11).

Some other approaches used in Intrusion detection are Data discovery approach which uses
summarizing and scrapping techniques, commonly used in data mining to extract knowledge
from a massive traffic and network datasets. This knowledge can be combined with algorithms
to predict behavior of data from users or networks. Other classifications also include rule-model-
based , formalism based, specification based etc. Several supervised, unsupervised, transfer
learning, pattern detection models have also been suggested for various IDS cases .

Security researchers typically look at 2 broad classifications of IDS in IoT environments. One
where the IDS solutions utilize machine learning-based techniques, and one where they don’t.
The focus in this paper is on the former, but as a precursor let us briefly take a look at the latter.

3.1. Classification based on Non-Learning Approaches

Raza et al.(12) proposed SVELTE, the first IDS of its kind for IoT environments. SVELTE is a
real time IDS that combines both signature and anomaly detection methodologies and focuses on
spoofing and sinkhole attacks targeting IoT devices using IPv6. SVELTE had a weakness as it
was susceptible to DoS attacks. Shen et al.(13) proposed an device fingerprint hybrid approach
based IDS for ICS networks with a memory database to cordon the security perimeter. This
could be extrapolated to IoT environments which are similar to the ICS network in terms of
processing, threats, storage, computation power etc.

Jun and Chi(14) proposed a CEP event-processing IDS architecture that uses a rule based
approach and performs particularly well in detection of Trojans in real time.

Krimmling et al.(15) proposed a NIDS framework for smart cities transport networks that use
CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol useful) . A CoAP is a specialized transfer protocol
used in resource constrained IoT networks.

International Journal on Cybernetics & Informatics (IJCI) Vol. 12, No.3, June 2023
Several state of the art IDS have been proposed based on 6LoWPAN in IoT networks. Kasinathan
et al. (16) proposed a Denial of service attack detection architecture which was a very novel
approach for 6LoWPAN in 2013. Surendar et al. (17) proposed a constraint based IDS and
response navigation system for IoT networks. Le et al (18) also proposed a specification IDS to
defend attacks such as sinkhole, local repair and other RPL topology attacks.

Midi et al.(19) proposed Kalis which is a combination of signature and anomaly-based IDS
which is adaptable to network features. This is very effective as it’s protocol independent.

3.2. IDS for IoT Environments Based on Machine Learning Techniques

Sniffing for real time data in huge networks and detecting for threats is a computationally
expensive process. Instead models can be trained on data, both benign and non-benign, captured
apriori and then deployed in real time to detect malicious actors. For this the training data and the
model itself must be continually updated and trained with the latest malicious actors inundating
the IoT space.

Recently there has been a lot of focus on applying machine learning and deep learning models to
detect security threats and vulnerabilities in the IoT space. After machine learning standing out
as the go to approach in spam detection, credit card fraud detection, text classification and
anomaly detection space, many security researchers have put forward the case to use ML/DL
models in IDS systems. Based on the results and accuracy of the various state of the art methods,
ML/DL seems to be a good choice for architecting anomaly based IDS. The Machine Learning
Taxonomy is presented in this paper to classify the IDS with the algorithm used in modelling.

The top level classification for IDS based on learning methods is :

1. Supervised
2. Unsupervised
3. Semi-Supervised
4. Deep Learning
5. Mix and Match(Hybrid)

Interesting and state of the art approaches : Several papers have been looked at and analyzed,
belonging to these categories. The next subsections classify them on the type of machine learning
technique and takes a look at them in depth. The paper by Hodo et al.(20) which uses an
Artificial Neural network is particularly interesting. It combines transfer learning and stochastic
learning methods to analyze the IoT Networks IP stack. Furthermore, their paper also simulates
the working of their model in a real simulated environment where it bears the brunt of a few DoS
attacks. The model also has interesting applications in other resource constraint environments
like ICS. Another fascinating paper is the one by Koroniotis et al.(21) the original creators of the
Bot-IoT dataset. They laid the foundation for IoT specific datasets to be used for better accuracy
and go in depth covering the various kinds of attacks affecting the IoT systems. Additionally,
they make the case for ML models to be tailor made to the kinds of attacks rather than over
generalization. Lastly, despite deep learning’s disadvantages with respect to performance and
time complexity, Abdalgawad et al’s.(22) auto encoder and Generative deep learning models are
a breakthrough. Their models do a great job in detecting attacks like distributed denial of service,
and various botnets like Mirai, Okiruk and Torii.

International Journal on Cybernetics & Informatics (IJCI) Vol. 12, No.3, June 2023
Supervised Machine Learning :

Khraisat, et al. (23) (24)proposed an ensemble Hybrid IDS by combining a C5.0 Decision Tree
classifier and a One-Class SVM. C5.0 DT classifier is used to detect well know intrusion. One-
Class SVM classifier is used to detect a new attack. This approach classifies both known and
Zero-day attacks with good accuracy. This ensemble method has an accuracy of 97.40 on the
ADFA dataset. Nobakht et al.(25) used a combo of Logistic Regression and SVM for anomaly
detection in Real IoT Hue lights. Their method IoT-IDM uses both an SDN and Machine
Learning as detection strategies.

Hodo et al.(20) proposed an ANN with 3-layer Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) approach for IDS
design with an emphasis to combat DDoS attacks in the IoT ecosystems. The hidden layers of
the ANN used a unipolar sigmoid transfer function and a stochastic learning algorithm with a
mean square error function was used. Their analysis is built on Internet packet traces and the
validation of the proposed method was done on a simulated IoT network with an accuracy of
99.4 percent. The simulated IoT network comprised of 4 clients and one server. The malicious
simulated adversaries targeted the server node by sending more than 10 million packets
ultimately making it go to a failed state.

Thaseen et al(26) suggested an IDS using correlation-based attribute selection (sorts features
based on the correlation coefficient) and ANN. The suggested approach was tested against the
NSL-KDD and UNSW-NB datasets. Ashraf et al (27) developed a statistical learning-based IDS
which aims to protect the network perimeters of smart cities. The paper investigates attacks such
as Mirai and bashlite which compromise nodes in smart cities through DDoS attacks. The paper
explores IoTBoT-IDS which uses Beta Mixture Model (BMM) and a Correntropy model that
learns the normal behaviour and flags any abnormal behaviour and classifies it as a security
threat. The results were evaluated against 3 realistic IoT environment datasets.

Nguyen, Ninh and Hung’s paper (28) on MidSiot( A Multistage Intrusion Detection System for
Internet of Things) presents a new state of the art distributed IDS for IoT use cases in both
resource constraint and heterogeneous hardware specification stacks. This 3 stage approach has
been evaluated against IoTID20, CIC-IDS-2017, and BOT-IoT datasets with 99.68% accuracy.

Ferrag et al. (29) proposed RDTIDS: Rules and Decision Tree-Based Intrusion Detection System
for Internet-of-Things Networks which uses multiple approaches (DT and rule based): REP Tree,
JRip algorithm and Forest PA. It uses 3 classifiers where the result of the first 2 classifiers which
happen simultaneously are used by the 3rd one. The model is tested against the real traffic data
set CIC-IDS-2017 and BoT-IoT and performs with an accuracy of >96%.

Soe YN, Feng Y, Santosa PI, Hartanto R, Sakurai K (30)suggested a supervised approach CST-
GR algorithm implemented on raspberry pi. This approach is unique in the sense that it’s very
light weight and very fast. CST-GR employs a feature selection criterion such that only the most
important and necessary features are selected which betters it’s time and space complexity. This
approach has an accuracy (TPR) of 99.4% when J48 and RF being used as the classifier and
CST-GR does the feature selection.

A. Alhowaide, I. Alsmadi, J. Tang (31) suggest emsemble feature selection methods, PCA and
Random Forest for dimensionality reduction. The methodology proposed uses BoTNeTIoT-L01,
the latest IoT dataset, containing real IoT data traffic sniffed through Wireshark and two Botnet
attacks (Mirai and Gafgyt).

International Journal on Cybernetics & Informatics (IJCI) Vol. 12, No.3, June 2023
Aldhaheri et al. (32) present a system which models a neural network similar to the human body
and achieves an accuracy of 98.73 on the IoT-BoT dataset. Their model tries to reduce false
positives and performs well in comparison to other supervised methods.

Koroniotis et al.(21) the original founders of the Bot-IoT dataset, the most recent and the largest
publicly available dataset with IoT Trace data, fit multiple ML models, created a usable test
simulation environment, reported the accuracy and performance.

Semi Supervised Machine Learning :

Supervised ML has a good accuracy in general but does a poor job with zero-day attacks whereas
Unsupervised ML has lower accuracy but has good detection capability on unknown/zero-day
attacks. Hence, Rathore and Park (33) proposed a semi-supervised Fuzzy C-Means approach
using the supervised and unsupervised ML for labelled and unlabelled inputs. This distributed
Network IDS utilizes a new paradigm called fog computing and works in distributed and low
latency resource constrained IoT ecosystems.

Unsupervised Machine Learning :

Lopez-Martin et al.(34) proposed an unsupervised anomaly NIDS for IoT based on Conditional
Variational AutoEncoder (CVAE). Their method is unique due to its ability to carry out feature
reconstruction, i.e., it can retrieve missing features from incomplete training datasets. Authors
claimed to achieve 99% accuracy.

Apostol et al.(35) proposed an Anomaly Detection model using Unsupervised Deep Learning.
They use a deep auto encoder model with ReLU for the hidden layers. This method when
evaluated with the Bot-IoT traffic from IoT devices and cloud resulted in 99.7 %for accuracy and
99% for precision.

Deep Learning :

Khan, M.A. (36) suggested a hybrid convolutional recurrent neural network to classify
cyberattacks. The guiding principle is leveraging the fact that the CNN better models the spatial
features while the RNN models the temporal features and use the benefits of both
Anomaly/Signature based approaches. The proposed HCRNNIDS has an accuracy of up to
97.75% for the CSE-CIC-IDS2018 dataset with 10-fold cross-validation.

Abdalgawad et al.(22) used generative deep learning methods like Adversarial Autoencoders
(AAE) and Bidirectional Generative Adversarial Networks (BiGAN) to successfully classify IoT
threats. The results were evaluated using the IoT-23 dataset based on a limited set of IoT devices
like Somfy door lock, Philips Hue and Amazon Echo. Their premise was to use generative deep
learning models to thwart DDoS attacks and BotNets like Mirai and Okiruk. Empirically their
models when tested on IoT-23 got an F1-Score of 0.99 and were also able to predict zero-day
attacks with an F-score between 0.85 and 1. This is one of the few approaches which predicts
zero-day attacks with good accuracy.

Ullah and Mahmoud (37) presented a CNN as an alternative to anomaly detection to build a
multi class classification model. Classification is done through 1D,2D,3D CNN models and
transfer learning is used to build multi class models. The proposed CNN is validated using latest
IoT ecosystem datasets like BoT-IoT, IoT Network Intrusion, MQTTIoT-IDS2020, and IoT-23
intrusion detection datasets with a comparable accuracy to the state of the art approaches.

International Journal on Cybernetics & Informatics (IJCI) Vol. 12, No.3, June 2023
The base detection rates of the 1D, 2D and 3D models are 99.74, 99.42%, and 99.03%
respectively for BoT-IoT, MQTT-IoT-IDS2020, IoT-23, and IoT-DS-2 datasets.

Mix and Match Approaches :

Pajouh et al.(38) presented an anomaly IDS built with Two-layer Dimension Reduction and
Two-tier Classification (TDTC) for IoT Backbone with the First layer unsupervised and the
second layer supervised.

Alani and Miri(39) proposed a practical recursive feature selection approach and forbids relying
on traditional feature reduction algorithms like PCA or SVD as they can have a huge time
penalty in IoT environments and create a processing bottleneck. TON_IoT, IoT-ID, and IoT-23
datasets were used to validate the hypothesis and produced an accuracy of 99% in validation.

Abdulaziz et al. (40) proposed a hybrid model which uses Convolution networks and a transient
search technique to balance between different phases of operation. The unique thing about their
work is that they test their proposal on both the older NSL KDD datasets and also the new BoT-
IoT dataset and provide a more nuanced estimate of performance.

Figure 2: Classification of an IDS based on the ML approach

Nahida et al(41). have suggested using a Bi-LSTM after evaluating against both newer datasets
like IoT Botnet and IoTID20 and older KDD datasets. As per their experimentation, Bi-LSTM
performs the best and they have also suggested optimizations for using it in low power

Ullah et al.(42) use a hybrid convolutional neural network (CNN) and gated recurrent unit
(GRU) to detect and classify binary and multiclass IoT network data. The multiclass classifier
has 2 CNN and 2 GRU layers while the binary one has1 each. The hypothesis is evaluated using
BoT-IoT, IoT Network Intrusion, MQTT-IoT-IDS2020, and IoT-23 datasets. Vitorini et al(43)
and Albulayhi et al. (44) also put forth various approaches, taxonomies and guidances for
intrusion detection techniques for IoT environments.

3.0.3 Taxonomy of learning-based IDS with respect to Datasets used for training and testing.

International Journal on Cybernetics & Informatics (IJCI) Vol. 12, No.3, June 2023
The second Taxonomy proposed in this paper is to classify the learning-based IDS models wrt
the dataset used for testing.

Selecting the right datasets for training machine learning models is very important to get the
desired results. There is a severe drought of available literature in this area due to data
complexity, privacy of data and the difficulty of capturing and segregating data to make it
explainable and useful (45). A model can give us a very high accuracy on a particular dataset but
that would be of no use to us, if the dataset itself is not a representative of the problem being

This paper only considers models which are tested with the latest IoT trace datasets. The models
trained on old datasets, while widely referenced are no longer trusted to predict new attacks in the
IoT ecosystem. A few publicly available datasets used for Intrusion Detection in the IoT space
are KDD(46), NSL-KDD (47), UNSW’s dataset(48), BoT-IoT, MQTT-IoT-IDS2020 (49),CIC
datasets (50), ToN-IoT & IoT-23(51)(52), BoTNeTIoT-L01. The KDD, NSL-KDD and UNSW’s
dataset are prominently featured and used by many IDS systems, but the issues with using them
for training models are recency of data, lack the IoT traffic, unbalanced class wise and need
sampling techniques to avoid biases, non-representative of the feature set(extrapolation) etc. This
paper looks at recent datasets which are more relevant to the IoT ecosystem primarily BoT-IoT,
MQTT-IoT-IDS2020,CIC datasets, IoT-23, BoTNeTIoT-L01 and study the ML approaches
which utilize them.

Figure 3: Classification of an IDS based on the Dataset used


Several advancements have been made combining ML with Security research and there have
been significant breakthroughs. This development has influenced several related areas of
computer security, such as work on learning-based security systems, malware/trojan detection,
vulnerability discovery, and code analysis.

Sommer et al (53)have made an attempt to identify pitfalls and issues with using ML for
intrusion detection systems and practical considerations.

International Journal on Cybernetics & Informatics (IJCI) Vol. 12, No.3, June 2023
This research in ML deficiencies has seen tremendous interest, and has been extended more
recently to other domains, such as malware analysis and website fingerprinting. The highly cited
paper(2) Do’s and Don’ts of Machine learning published in USENIX-22 has provided a
taxonomy to classify the common pitfalls of Machine Learning workflows in the security
domain. Arp et al.(2) discuss the common pitfalls, machine learning approaches are prone to be
exposed to in the security domain and suggest recommendations. Arp et al.(2) surveyed 30 papers
from A* security conferences over the years and from their research show that these gaps/pitfalls
are spread out in the security domain.

Extending the line of work by Arp et al, this paper tries to discuss the generic pitfalls related to
machine learning security in IDS for IoT Environments. This part of the paper plays the devil’s
advocate and critically evaluate the various learning-based approaches through the Do’s and
Don’ts lens.

The general ML pipeline can be divided into 4 key steps(2). They are Data collection and
labeling, Model design, evaluating the designed Model and making the model live in production.
The Intrusion detection approaches in IoT ecosystems which use learning-based methods also
follow the similar sequence of actions. In each of these steps the Figure 4 identifies potential
fallacies which can be easily overlooked during the design and development stage.

Various studies have been looked at to understand what parameters need to taken into
consideration for the IDS in IoT ecosystem case to make the critical evaluation meaningful(54;
55; 56; 57; 2). These works also help how to identify the pitfalls and what criteria must satisfy for
the deficiency to be deemed as present.

Base line Parameters used for the taxonomy to critically evaluate issues associated with ML/DL
approaches :

1. Sampling bias : The distribution of the data used to train the ML models is different from
the real-word data. This happens when the variety/complexity in the real-world data is not
accounted for during data collection.

Figure 4: General Machine Learning Pipeline Workflow

2. Label Inaccuracy : Supervised methods rely heavily on label information in data. As a

result, inaccurate and erroneous labelling adversely affects model performance.
3. Spurious Correlations : ML models are prone to overfit to training data and learn patterns
that do not generalise to real world data. Consequently, the learning model adapts to these
spurious patterns/ artifacts instead of solving the actual task.

International Journal on Cybernetics & Informatics (IJCI) Vol. 12, No.3, June 2023
4. Inappropriate Baseline : When the proposed ML models are evaluated without, or with
limited, baseline methods it is not possible to demonstrate improvements against the state
of the art.
5. Biased Parameters : When the learning parameters of the models are not tuned using a
validation set and instead only optimised over the training set. These parameters may not
give the best performance during test time.
6. Not enough Metric Comparison : The performance metrics used to evaluate the ML
models should be in-line with the application scenario. For instance, if the labels are
imbalanced then accuracy is a poor metric as it does not give an accurate measure for
model performance on the minority class. Instead, class wise precision and recall can be
7. Lab-Only Evaluation : Using sufficient compute resources, learning models can achieve
good performance on data collected in laboratory setting. But it is difficult to say if this
performance is transferable to real world setting. Thus it important to test the models in a
real world setting and report observations.
8. Inappropriate Threat Model (Security of ML model) : The security of model itself isn’t
taken into account. The model is itself prone to be outdated if doesn’t used the latest
dataset or if it’s not regularly update with current info on attacks in the IoT space. The
attackers can implant various DoS attacks, evasion attacks and make the model redundant.
If there is no discussion on this, then the table has an entry of present , stating a possible

The table below is a summary after parsing the papers using the latest IoT datasets through the
pitfall checks.

Table 1: Figure 5 results

Field Value Description

Present The bias is present in the paper
Present* The bias is partially present in the paper
Not Present The bias is not present in the paper
Unknown The presence of bias is unknown due to dataset being

Inference from the Critical Evaluation: This paper critically evaluated the IDS which utilize
learning-based methods and summarized the findings in the below table. From the evaluation,
it’s learnt that sampling bias is more prevalent in the datasets which are public and label
inaccuracy is present to some extent in most datasets. The private datasets/simulations/testing
methods couldn’t be evaluated due to their opaque nature.

International Journal on Cybernetics & Informatics (IJCI) Vol. 12, No.3, June 2023

Figure 5: Pitfalls Summary of the IDS in IoT using latest datasets.

In deep learning-based approaches, raw data is given to the model as input and both extracting
features and classifying the input are handled by the network. While this approach circumvents
the need for manual effort in identifying the right features, they lack the explainability of the
traditional supervised ML techniques like SVM and decision trees. Consequently, deep learning
models are susceptible to learning spurious patterns and it is difficult to identify this patterns.

In terms of Model evaluation strategies, most papers fall short as there’s either a lack of holistic
comparison with multiple other models for different scenarios, a lack of comparison with non-
learning based approaches, insufficient comparison amongst all kinds of ML approaches or no
meaningful discussion at all. In terms of model’s production deployment capabilities, most
models fall short as they are only simulated in a lab specific environment and not an environment
more close to the real world IoT ecosystems. This kind of evaluation is often overlooked with
very few papers which even talked about a real world simulation. Models need to be tested and
tried in a kind of IoT test-suite before being deployed in real world for more accurate
performance. The model designed itself is vulnerable to attacks by adversaries. Some malicious
hackers try to target the self-learning model with false data and mess up its algorithm. Some
adversaries try to hack the model, create a Distributed DoS attack hampering its performance by
overwhelming it, or learn its parameters while others can trick the model by training the attack
itself to avoid the model’s detection span. This can be done through various methods as some of
the publicly available datasets are easily obtainable and the attacker can fit several ML
approaches discussed and mask the attack to avoid getting detected by the IDS. The security of
the ML model itself and continually updating the model(with latest attack knowledge) is very
important and this an area which is not well discussed in the IDS systems surveyed.

The purpose of the evaluation in this section is not to downplay any contributions, but to learn
and understand the challenges in designing the systems and also to help security researchers to
design more robust solutions in this space. The hope is to discuss the shortcomings, so that future
research in this space is not prone to them.

While the intrusion detection systems have great accuracy reported, there are quite a few things
as discussed above, which were overlooked while estimating which might have led to
overestimation (58).

These pitfalls can play spoilsport in analysis and result in overestimating the true accuracy, affect
the design of the machine learning workflow, let researchers make incorrect assumptions and
also cause failures when models are deployed in the real world.

International Journal on Cybernetics & Informatics (IJCI) Vol. 12, No.3, June 2023


Several challenges need to be overcome to create a robust production grade IDS in IoT
ecosystems. The datasets used by a lot of the learning-based approaches are older and stale
datasets with respect to IoT traces, traffic and threats. Even though those approaches have high
accuracy, their deployment on a large scale production level is questionable, given their lack of
training on newer kinds of IoT traffic and attacks. The bottleneck is that there are very few
publicly available datasets that cater to this domain.

The second challenge is collecting data points. Since IoT is a huge heterogeneous domain,
collecting the data points and feature sets is a challenging and time consuming affair.
Furthermore, a one size fits all collection of data is questionable and even if done the algorithms
trained on them might be difficult to both explain and understand.

The third limitation which is stopping these approaches from attaining practicality is a lack of
simulation in real IoT environments. Most approaches using ML, especially deep learning despite
performing really well, are computationally expensive and given the resource constraint
environments that IoT devices are, their performance in production falls short. The lack of
publicly available real time IoT simulated environment for researchers to test is another
bottleneck to further exploration. Unless researchers are able to test the models in close similarity
to real ecosystems it becomes difficult to improve upon the shortcomings. The creation of a
simulated environment itself is quite challenging and has many constraints with respect to scale,
cost and maintenance.

The fourth limitation is the performance metrics. Most approaches discussed in this paper focus
only on either accuracy, F statistics, TPR, FPR, ROC-AUC curve etc as baselines for model
performance. But there needs to be an update to the metrics as the models need to be evaluated
holistically with respect to accuracy, time taken to train, response time, computational
complexity, latency etc.

There have been many papers evaluating intrusion detection systems. This paper differs from
them in the context that the current work evaluates those ML based IDS in IoT environments
which use newer IoT relevant datasets. The older datasets like KDD99, NSL-KDD etc though
have good amount of data, they are expired wrt IoT traffic and also don’t have the kind of attacks
penetrating IoT environments. The work in this paper also critically evaluates the ML models
with respect to several parameters and the pipeline workflow itself, which is also another major
differentiation point from other related works in this area.

The studies below in their recommendations, have also highlighted the issue with extrapolating
models designed on older datasets to newer IoT environments. Several highly cited works (59;
60; 61) have been done by researchers at the intersection of security and ML and suggest
explainable frameworks, methodologies, issues with using ML in IDS, classifications and

One of the earliest works of IDS classification was the highly cited paper of (Liao et al (62))
which reviews concepts related to IDS, IPS and a classification of IDS into signature based,
anomaly-based or SPA.

International Journal on Cybernetics & Informatics (IJCI) Vol. 12, No.3, June 2023
Khraisat et al (23)discuss detection systems, techniques, datasets and challenges and also present
novel IDS for IoT environments. The highly cited paper of Benkhelifa et al. (63)discusses the
Practices and Challenges in IDS for IoT, while also critically suggesting the need for robustness,
different research directions and critical recommendations.

Chaabouni et al (64) discuss in-depth the threats and challenges for IoT networks by evaluating,
comparing and analyzing state-of-the-art IoT NIDS in terms of architecture, detection strategies,
validation techniques & deployment modes. It also gives a thorough review of open source
datasets, tools and sniffers.

The highly cited paper of Elrawy et al.(8) surveys Intrusion detection systems as a whole for IoT
Networks. They have reviewed several summary papers and presented an in-depth taxonomy of
various approaches to IDS and the general architecture of an IDS. Additionally, the work of both
(64) and (8), looked at both non-learning based approaches as well as learning-based approaches.
Furthermore, they suggested challenges to solving the IDS problem in IoT networks and have a
detailed set of recommendations for further research on this topic. Several other works (65;
36)have analyzed IoT IDS from a ML/Deep learning perspective and suggest further deep dive
into using ensemble methods.

H. Hindy et al (49)propose a new taxonomy and survey state of the art intrusion detection system
design techniques, network threats and datasets particularly on the newer related data, while
Yang et al.(66) and Zarpelao et al(67), also present a comprehensive survey on intrusion
detection in internet of things. The more recent works particularly that of Khraisat and
Alazab(68), extend taxonomy classifications, propose challenges related to IoT dataset collation,
recent research on models to improve accuracy and results of IoT IDS and recommendations for
further research.

Nahida et al.(41) have done a comprehensive evaluation of multiple ML techniques and also
reviewed the existing methods and summarize them. They have provided multiple taxonomy
classifications and used both the Older (KDD) datasets as well as the newer datasets like IoT
Botnet and IoTID20. As per their experimentation Bi-LSTM performs the best amongst the deep
learning techniques. AbdulAziz et al. (69) have proposed using a feature selection method
with Aquila optimizer.


Since one size fits all approach is difficult to implement in IoT ecosystems, the recommendation
is to use a majority voting strategy and combine learning-based IDS approaches with newer areas
of research which are showing promise. Some early research in combining multiple domains of
computing by Spadaccino et al.(70) have yielded promising results. Combining ML with edge
computing and fog computing is one area which should be further explored.

Creating a reliable dataset for IoT use cases must be explored. With privacy challenges involved
in using data, masking and non-attribution techniques could be evaluated to look at how the data
could be collected and used for model training purposes.

More research on better data cleaning and sampling pertaining to IoT data points, holistic
evaluation techniques to try to eliminate pitfalls and biases in data collections could go along a
long way in pushing the models to a realistic scenario. Standardization and interoperability of IoT
devices must be considered so that IDS research can be streamlined as well as data collection,
processing and monitoring .(71)

International Journal on Cybernetics & Informatics (IJCI) Vol. 12, No.3, June 2023
Just having an IDS is not sufficient, which is often the case in IoT environments. Its of
paramount importance to initiate a response in the fastest time. So there is a need to combine
IDS and IRS for an effective security package. Additionally, models must be continually updated
to keep them active to track new malicious threats. There are a lot of opportunities in this area.
New emerging response systems with autonomous agents capable of responding based on AI is a
fascinating area to be explored.

Dataset selection must follow guidelines like those researched by Torralba et al.(72) to avoid
biases and sampling issues. More collaboration between ML and Security domains is needed to
minimize drawbacks pertaining to model training, selection, testing, cross validation and model

Zhang et al.(73) have done novel work in using genetic algorithms and belief systems for
intrusion detection and it has proven to be effective in a lot of use cases. It would be highly useful
to try combining this approach with a non-learning based IDS and see its results in a simulated

Additionally, The paper recommends exploring the untapped area of establishing model
benchmark estimation holistically and not just with respect to accuracy, F-scores/TPR,FPR but
also performance, time complexity and TTR (response time) for a more comprehensive and
robust IDS design. Additionally, new research needs to carefully evaluate the ML pitfalls while
designing newer models.

The IoT environment , be it the number of users/devices/threats is seeing an unprecedented
growth and there is an urgent need to cordon the perimeter from risks especially since
attacks(DoS, RPL etc) can have devastating consequences especially in critical IoT
environments like health care, transportation and industrial applications.. This paper looks at
Intrusion detection systems for IoT Networks as a supplement to the more traditional methods of
computer security for C,I,A (Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability). The first section of the
paper explored what is an IDS, what is a generic architecture for IDS in IoT environments and
then looked at why traditional IDS systems might not work seamlessly in IoT environments. The
next section surveyed various state of the art IDS systems for IoT use cases primarily using the
more recent data sets, having IoT traces/traffic packets and summarized the findings along with
taxonomy classification. The latter sections of this survey paper look at the pitfalls of using ML/
learning-based systems in this domain and critically evaluate the papers on several grounds.
Finally, the challenges to be overcome in this domain are studied with some recommendations
and potential future work.

The author would like to express his gratitude to Dr. Clifford Neuman (Associate Professor,
USC) for his invaluable support in reviewing the paper contents and providing feedback. Dr.
Neuman’s experience and encouragement have been instrumental in piquing my interest in the
field of Computer Security.

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Vishal Karanam is a graduate student in Computer Science at the University of

Southern California, Los Angeles. His current areas of interest are Security, Machine
Learning and Distributed Systems. He’s currently working with the Cloud Security team
at Intel, Santa Clara. Vishal has previously worked with Amazon, Goldman Sachs and JP
Morgan Chase in a variety of software roles and internships. He received his Bachelor’s
degree(Hons) in CS from the National Institute of Technology Calicut, India.


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