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Classification and Explanation for Intrusion Detection System
Based on Ensemble Trees and SHAP Method
Thi-Thu-Huong Le 1,2 , Haeyoung Kim 3 , Hyoeun Kang 3 and Howon Kim 3, *

1 IoT Research Center, Pusan National University, Busan 609735, Korea; [email protected]
2 Faculty of Information Technology, Hung Yen University of Technology and Education,
Hung Yen 160000, Vietnam
3 School of Computer Science and Engineering, Pusan National University, Busan 609735, Korea;
[email protected] (H.K.); [email protected] (H.K.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]

Abstract: In recent years, many methods for intrusion detection systems (IDS) have been designed
and developed in the research community, which have achieved a perfect detection rate using
IDS datasets. Deep neural networks (DNNs) are representative examples applied widely in IDS.
However, DNN models are becoming increasingly complex in model architectures with high resource
computing in hardware requirements. In addition, it is difficult for humans to obtain explanations
behind the decisions made by these DNN models using large IoT-based IDS datasets. Many proposed
IDS methods have not been applied in practical deployments, because of the lack of explanation
given to cybersecurity experts, to support them in terms of optimizing their decisions according to
the judgments of the IDS models. This paper aims to enhance the attack detection performance of
IDS with big IoT-based IDS datasets as well as provide explanations of machine learning (ML) model
predictions. The proposed ML-based IDS method is based on the ensemble trees approach, including
decision tree (DT) and random forest (RF) classifiers which do not require high computing resources
for training models. In addition, two big datasets are used for the experimental evaluation of the
Citation: Le, T.-T.-H.; Kim, H.; Kang, proposed method, NF-BoT-IoT-v2, and NF-ToN-IoT-v2 (new versions of the original BoT-IoT and
H.; Kim, H. Classification and ToN-IoT datasets), through the feature set of the net flow meter. In addition, the IoTDS20 dataset
Explanation for Intrusion Detection is used for experiments. Furthermore, the SHapley additive exPlanations (SHAP) is applied to the
System Based on Ensemble Trees and eXplainable AI (XAI) methodology to explain and interpret the classification decisions of DT and
SHAP Method. Sensors 2022, 22, 1154. RF models; this is not only effective in interpreting the final decision of the ensemble tree approach but also supports cybersecurity experts in quickly optimizing and evaluating the correctness of their
Academic Editors: Zhongyun Hua judgments based on the explanations of the results.
and Yushu Zhang
Keywords: decision tree; ensemble trees; explanation AI (XAI); intrusion detection systems (IDS);
Received: 3 January 2022
random forest; SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP)
Accepted: 28 January 2022
Published: 3 February 2022

Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral

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The intrusion detection system (IDS) has a vital role to play against cyberattacks in
global business enterprises and governments. Therefore, both the research and industry
communities have been engaged in rapidly developing IDSs. The amount of resources
spent annually to fight cybercrime is increasing annually [1]. Denial of services (DoS), web-
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
based attacks, and malicious insiders are the most harmful types of cybercrimes; intellectual
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. properties can be lost because of these attacks. Several businesses or governments are
This article is an open access article deploying antivirus software, firewalls, and IDS to fight against cybercrime as well as
distributed under the terms and to reduce the annual cost of these attacks. Hence, to provide a more secure network
conditions of the Creative Commons environment, an IDS has become a necessary tool in computer networks. Moreover,
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// the objectives of IDSs are to detect unauthorized use and misuse in the host network [2,3]. Recently, the Internet of Things (IoT) has become attractive in the research community
4.0/). and industry owing to its benefits. IoTs comprise interconnected devices that are embed-

Sensors 2022, 22, 1154.

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ded with computational tools, such as processing units or sensors. These computational
tools support collecting, storing, and exchanging data over the Internet [4]. Although the
IoT ecosystem has great potential advantages in automated intelligence and digital capa-
bilities, securing IoT networks has become the main challenge to their implementation
or deployment [5]. The main reason for the less secure current state of IoT networks is
that criminals can hack into IoT devices when the IoT connects the physical and digital
worlds [6]. Therefore, IoT security becomes extremely necessary with the continuous
development of internet technology today.
IoT-based IDS has become a popular and essential approach because the number
of IoT devices and IoT infrastructure development has increased sharply with the rapid
development of wireless networking. Research has pointed out that machine learning
(ML) and software-defined networking (SDN)-based IDS are useful tools for fast responses
to different attacks in IoT networks [7]. Nevertheless, the ML-based IDS so far has been
performed only on old datasets; in other words, these IDS have become out-of-date and are
not suitable for modern attacks. Spadaccino and Cuomo [8] analyzed the opportunities
and challenges for edge computing in an IDS-based IoT environment. ML was applied to
their IDS, which can be leveraged to detect abnormalities. They analyzed the advantages
and disadvantages of the IDS application with requirements for real-time response, storage
capacity, and computational power.
Traditional IDSs based on ML models have been developed, with most of them having
been developed as black-box models with promising detection results on certain IDS
datasets. On the one hand, traditional IDS models that use sophisticated algorithms do
not provide insights into their behavior and reasoning. In particular, many IDS methods
have been designed and developed in the research community, which have achieved a
perfect detection rate using IDS datasets in recent years. DNNs are representative examples
applied widely in IDS. However, DNN models are becoming increasingly complex in model
architectures with high resource computing and hardware requirements. The complexity
of ML-based IDS models makes it difficult to explain the reason behind the predictions
made. In addition, it is difficult for humans to obtain explanations behind the decisions
made by these DNN models using large IoT-based IDS datasets.
Indeed, many proposed IDS methods have not been applied in practical deployments,
because of the lack of explanation given to cybersecurity experts to support them in terms of
optimizing their decisions according to the judgments of the IDS models. Therefore, experts
are reluctant to trust decisions made by IDSs based on ML models [9]. The major influencing
factor in trusting any IDS detection is understanding the impact of malicious data on the
detection of any intrusion in the system. Most previous studies have concentrated more on
the accuracy of various classification models than on placing trust in the IDS. On the other
hand, XAI has recently become increasingly important for interpreting ML models. This
technique enhances trust in IDS management by allowing human experts to understand
the underlying data evidence and causal reasoning of IDS-based ML decisions. Hence, this
paper focuses on both aspects: improving IDS model accuracy and explaining the decisions
so that it is possible to trust the IDS model.
In this study, two effective ensemble trees are used, namely: DT and RF models for
IoT-IDSs datasets to improve the detection rate of attack types. Although these models
are conventional models in ML, they are widely applied to both traditional IDSs and other
fields. This approach is both efficient and accurate; moreover, it has low complexity and
high resource computing requirements compared to advanced DNNs. In addition, this
study explains the prediction results of these models using the SHAP technique for local
and global explanations. Therefore, the main contributions of this study are as follows.
• Improvement of attack detection performance of IDS with big IoT-based IDS datasets
based on ensemble tree models. In particular, in the first step, model selection has per-
formed to determine the best model for tuning, along with adjusted hyperparameters,
on preprocessing IoT-based IDS datasets. Better model results and their hyperparame-
ters were used to build the best IDS model. The best IDS model selection algorithm
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is presented in Algorithm 14; the Pycaret library [10] was used to support the imple-
mentation of this algorithm. In the next step, the selected model classification has
built with the training and evaluation process by tuning the hyperparameter values.
These models are ensemble tree classifications, including DT (decision tree) and RF
(random forest). They have been evaluated using the receiver operating characteristic
(ROC) curve and validation curve on three IoT-based IDS datasets, including IoTID20,
NF-BoT-IoT-v2, and NF-ToN-IoT-v2. The training and evaluation process of the best
selected models with turned hyperparameters is presented in Algorithm 2.
• Explanation about attack detection results achieved from a decision of the proposed
ensemble IDS methods based on the SHAP (SHapley additive exPlanations) method.
The SHAP method [11,12] has been used for the global and local explanation of ensem-
ble trees for binary classifiers and multiclass classifiers to increase the trustability of the
prediction results. The SHAP value is calculated based on Algorithm 3. In particular,
a heatmap for global explanation and a decision plot for a local explanation was used
in the SHAP method. The proposed model explanation with SHAP is presented in
Algorithm 4.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes related works,
such as the AI-based IDS approach, AI-based IDS-related IoT approach, AI-based IDS for
the IoT, and the explanation approach. The related material and proposed method are
introduced in Section 3. Section 4 presents the results of the two experiments, including
classification model performance evaluation, and explanation of model classification deci-
sion with global and local interpretation. Section 5 discusses and compares the proposed
method with other methods in the same field. Finally, Section 6 presents the conclusions of
the study.

2. Related Work
In this section, a review of several learning-based approaches used in traditional IDSs,
as well as IDSs related to IoTs, and current IDSs related to IoTs and explanation methods,
is presented.

2.1. AI-Based IDS Approach

Earlier, various ML models were used for the IDS approach, such as the support vector
machine (SVM), naive Bayes, DT, RF, and neural networks. DT and RF might be better
approachable than SVM and naive Bayes models. In [13–15], the SVM classification detected
a set of hyperplanes as separators in a high-dimensional space. However, the difficulty
and challenge in this IDS-based SVM are finding a suitable kernel function and the high
time complexity of the learning phase. By contrast, Bayesian classifiers [16–18] predicted
the output classes using Bayes’ rule. In addition, association rules are used to detect
normal or abnormal traffic. In the naive Bayesian model, conditionally independent
features are assumed. Although this assumption is not valid in practice, experiments have
demonstrated its good performance.
A DT is used in IDS with the main data mining technique. To improve signature-based
IDS, Kruegel et al. [19] used the DT model; their research indicated that the speed of the
DT detection process is significantly improved by experimental results. Kumar et al. [20]
applied a decision tree algorithm to detect misuse and anomaly attacks. The proposed
method can detect unknown attacks. Moreover, [21] introduced an IDS based on a DT using
big data in a fog environment. The proposed method was able to completely detect four
types of attacks and enabled the detection of twenty-two other kinds of attacks. Another
study [22] combined a DT with sensitive pruning to tackle the privacy issue by modifying
the C4.8 decision tree on the 6% GureKDDCup NIDS dataset.
Another ensemble model of DT is RF, which has good performance compared with
SVM and neural networks. In particular, the research conducted in [23] applied an RF
classifier with information gain-based feature selection that was able to obtain better
performance accuracy on the NSL-KDD dataset. The authors of [24] also used the RF
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model on the NSL-KDD dataset with a high detection rate and low false alarm rate results.
Aung et al. [25] proposed a hybrid IDS method based on k-means and RF algorithms on the
KDD’99 dataset, with the results indicating a high-performance accuracy and low model
training time. Another study [26] used the RF model and adapted it to the Apache Spark
distributed processing system to realize real-time detection with satisfactory efficiency and
accuracy compared to existing systems. In recent years, researchers [27–29] applied random
forest to the problem, and their experimental results showed the improved performance of
the algorithm compared with the existing algorithms. In addition, Le et al. [30] used the
RF model to classify DoS attacks in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In summary, the RF
model can run efficiently on large datasets and features. In addition, this model is robust
against overfitting and can handle unbalanced data.
DL methods such as DNN are considered potential methods for IDS in [31,32]. In par-
ticular, Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM), and Gated
Recurrent Unit (GRU) methods have recently been widely used in IDSs. These networks
are suitable for sequential inputs that depend on each other. Le et al. [33] applied an RNN
model with a variant effective for activation functions in an IDS. However, this method
cannot detect U2R attacks. Next, Kim et al. [34] proposed an LSTM model for an IDS using
the KDD cup dataset. Although it obtained a high result of 98.88% for the detection rate
(DR), the false alarm rate (FAR) was still high at 10.04%. Hence, the study [35] improved the
performance of LSTM on the same dataset, KDD cup, by applying variant gradient descent
optimization. The obtained results were 98.95% for RD and 9.98% for FAR. In addition,
although the type attack of the U2R classification result was improved by 50% compared
to [33], the U2R classification result still needed improvement. Hence, the authors of [36]
applied the GRU model with the PCA scale to improve the classification of each attack
type, especially the U2R attack type, as well as reduce the FAR value. The accuracy of U2R
was 86% with PCA-MinMax and GRU. In addition, the FAR obtained was 1.4% with the
same method and KDD cup dataset. In addition, [37] used variant RNN, LSTM, and GRU
with a novel feature section model to build robust IDS methods on two datasets: NSL-KDD
and ISCX datasets. The results of this study show that the proposed method (SFSDT+GRU)
can obtain the best performance among variant RNN models with a detection rate of
91.8% and 90% for detecting U2R attack types. On the other hand, Y. Mirsky et al. [38]
proposed the Kitsune method which is a plug and play NIDS (network IDS), based on
neural network, and can learn to detect attacks on the local network. The core of Kitsune is
KitNET, which is an online algorithm that is efficient enough to run on a single core of a
Raspberry PI. However, the authors only tested or evaluated their method on their private
dataset. Furthermore, M. Roopak et al. [39] proposed a hybrid method based on Convolu-
tion Neural Network (CNN) and LSTM for classifying attacks using the CISIDS2017 dataset
with DDoS attacks in IoT Networks. This method was obtained 99.03% in terms of accurate
measurement. Nevertheless, their proposed method needs extending to apply and evaluate
different cyber-attacks in the IoT environment.
In summary, DNN models have good effective intrusion detection along with attack
types classification with high performance. However, DNN-based IDS approaches often
used some kinds of traffic flow feature, for example, start time, IP address, destination port,
duration time, byte number packets, and packet. These features are generally important for
detecting several attacks, including DDoS and portscan. However, almost all IDS datasets
contain data with imbalanced outputs, which in turn, reduce the accuracy performance of
the variant RNN models because overfitting or underfitting occurs. Another reason is that
the requirement for a deep learning model with big data processing requires considerable
performance computing and more complexity using a graphical processing unit (GPU) or
tensor processing unit (TPU).

2.2. AI-Based IDS Related IoT Approach

There are several well-known datasets in IDS, such as ISCX2012 [40], UNSWNB15 [41],
and CICIDS2017 [42]; however, these datasets were not collected from an IoT environment.
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In recent years, several studies have started to focus on IDS with IoT environments, such as
NSL-KDD and DS2OS. However, the number of IoT devices and novel attack techniques
has grown in recent years. Hence, it is necessary to upgrade datasets to reflect the IoT
environment and novel attacks. In addition, the available IoT-based IDS datasets lack a large
number of features. Therefore, recent datasets have been introduced, such as the original
BoT-IoT [43] and ToN-IoT datasets [44] and their various versions by other authors, such as
NetFlow V1 [45] (NF-BoT-IoT-v1 and NF-ToN-IoT-v1) and NetFlow V2 [46] (NF-BoT-IoT-v2
and NF-ToN-IoT-v2) and IoTID20 [47]. These datasets focus more on daily home usage
devices, whereas other datasets concentrate on academic network traffic. Consequently,
this study considered these datasets to investigate IoT IDS for IoT environments.

2.2.1. IoT-IDS with BoT-IoT, ToN-IoT Datasets and Their Variant Datasets
There are some representative papers that used the BoT-IoT dataset in the proposed
methods. For example, D. Ores̆ki and D. Androc̆ec [48] proposed a useful predictive
IDS model based on the genetic algorithm which was applied to optimize the neural
network (NN) parameters. This method can solve the issue of spending a lot of time in
the trial-and-error phase of the traditional NN model process. Although they presented
a good performance in terms of F1 measurement, they did experiments to evaluate their
method on only public dataset Bot-IoT along with binary classification (normal and attack
prediction). Next, [49] proposed a temporal convolution neural network (TCNN) and
evaluated it on the BoT-IoT dataset. The research obtained high accuracy for multiclass
traffic detection, but TCNN needed to be combined with an oversampling method, SMOTE-
NC (synthetic minority oversampling technique-nominal continuous) to solve unbalanced
datasets. Therefore, the TCNN model might become more complex in architecture and
computation. G. Boventzi et al. [50] proposed H2ID (hierarchical hybrid for intrusion
detection) with high performance in both anomaly detection and recognizing unknown
attacks tasks, applied on the BoT-IoT dataset. Nevertheless, the research needs to be
expanded to evaluate attack types with different thresholds of new datasets.
Recently, Nimbalkar and Kshirsagar [51] proposed an IDS method using features
such as information gain (IG) and gain ratio (GR) with JRipclassifier and then evaluated
and validated the results on IoT-BoT and KDD Cup 99 datasets, respectively. The unique
features with the top 50% ranked feature of the total number of features in the compact
dataset were extracted using IG and GR. IG-TFP-FS and GR-TFP-FS have two unique
features. Two groups of unique features to obtain sub-features, namely RFS-1 and RFS-2,
are generated using intersection and union operations. The JRip rule-based classifier uses
these subsets of features to select a single feature subset that includes the minimum number
of features. Although the proposed method can obtain high-performance accuracy, their
proposed approach might contain complex steps.
On the other hand, the DT model with the J48 algorithm was applied to detect four
different IoT attack types in a smart home environment by Anthi et al. [52]. Although the
proposed method obtained high precision and recall results as well as a low classifica-
tion time, there are two existing problems, including using default model parameters
for different models and failure to address the class imbalance issue. Therefore, some
researchers have improved the performance of their detection IDS methods by optimizing
the ML models. For example, [53] combined the Bayesian optimization Gaussian process
(BO-GP) algorithm and the DT model in an effective way to detect attacks on IoT devices.
The BoT-IoT-2018 dataset was used to evaluate the proposed method and the experimental
results of the optimized framework show effectiveness and robustness for detecting botnet
attacks in IoT environments. However, the drawback of this method is that it does not
use a complete dataset. In other words, the authors reduced the dataset from 72 million
records to 3.6 million records, representing 5% of the dataset size used. This results in less
enrichment in the normal traces scenario. Another limitation of this research is that it does
not consider time-related features to identify temporal behaviors or patterns that may be
helpful in detecting botnet attacks in IoT environments.
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On the ToN-IoT dataset, [54] discovered six ML models, including a deep feedforward
(DFF), convolutional neural network (CNN), RNN, DT, logistic regression (LR), and Naive
Bayes (NB), and evaluated them on the ToN-IoT dataset. They concluded that the ML model
achieved the best scores for all the datasets used. However, it is very difficult to compare
the performance of ML-based IDS classifiers in different network scenarios because of
the lack of a standard performance and feature set among the various IDS datasets. This
problem was addressed by providing the NetFlow version of two IoT-based IDS datasets
[45]. In particular, they used the raw packet capture (pcap) files of the original datasets
and then converted to the NetFlow format based on nprobe tool. After that, they extracted
12 features.
Next, Lo et al. [55] proposed E-GraphSAGE for IDS using both versions, such as
BoT-IoT & ToN-IoT and NF-BoT- IoT & NF-ToN-IoT compared with extra tree and random
forest classifiers in [45]. Another study [56] introduced two approaches, deep feed-forward,
and random forest, on both original ToN-IoT and NF-ToN-IoT datasets, and the results
showed that the accuracy initially increased rapidly with the addition of features but
converged quickly to the maximum achievable detection accuracy.

2.2.2. IoT-IDS with IoTID20 Dataset

In [57], the authors proposed a hybrid method between unsupervised learning and
supervised learning. The proposed method includes a clustering with three stages: re-
duction stage, oversampling stage, and classification by single hidden layer feedforward
neural network (SLFN) on the IoTDS20 dataset. Although the obtained result has high
accuracy, the proposed architecture is very complex with a high computational cost.
Alkahtani et al. [58] proposed a hybrid convolutional neural network with a long short-
term memory (CNN-LSTM) model on the IoTDS20 dataset with 98.80% accuracy. However,
their approach requires a particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm for selecting subset
features. Islam et al. [59] identified various types of IoT threats using shallow models,
such as DT, RF, and SVM, and deep models such as DNN, deep belief network (DBN),
LSTM, stacked LSTM, bidirectional LSTM (Bi-LSTM)) based IDS in the IoT environment.
Five benchmark datasets, NSL-KDD, IoTDevNet, DS2OS, IoTID20, and IoT botnet datasets
were used to evaluate these models. Next, Song et al. [60] used autoencoders to develop
an IDS method. The proposed method used three benchmark datasets, including NSL-
KDD, IoTID20, and N-BaIoT. Although the proposed method obtained high performance
detection for unknown attack types, this model spent much time and effort to optimize
the hyperparameters setting to find the best detection performance. However, recently,
Hussein et al. [61] proposed a method using the random forest to combine one-hot encoding
for IoT IDS on the IoTID20 dataset. The achieved results were a binary label accuracy of
99.9%, a division label accuracy of 99.3%, and a subcategory label accuracy of 95.8%.
To that end, in this paper, different optimization approaches have been used to build
the best performance model with hyper-parameters selected by the model selection process
on complete IoT-related IDS datasets, along with using the time-related feature in each
dataset used. In addition, Spaqddicino & Cuomo [8] reviewed ML techniques applied
to IDS and their main requirements with a high level for input knowledge and training
resource requirements, and a low level for memory and operation resource requirements.
Hence, this study used base-supervised ML models to develop the proposed methods.
In addition, in this study, machine learning methods were applied to the IoTDS20 dataset
and the two newest versions of ToN-IoT-v2 and BoT-IoT-v2.

2.3. AI-Based IDS for the IoT and Explanation Approach

The authors of [62] mentioned interpretabbility using XAI-based techniques to un-
derstand the behavior of ML and DL models. However, humans encounter difficulty in
interpreting the decision results of complex ML or DL models. Moreover, XAI mostly
focused on popular fields, such as computer vision, biologies, and nature language process-
ing, meanwhile the cybersecurity field was rarely applied. Hence, cybersecurity experts
Sensors 2022, 22, 1154 7 of 28

cannot optimize their decision following the judgments of ML or DL models. Explana-

tions give measurable factors as to what features influence the prediction of a cyber-attack
and to what degree. Hence, we used a well-known ML-based XAI method, SHAP to
provide explanation of our proposed IDS classifiers. The SHAP method was provided in
global and local explanation in this work. While global explanation provides important
features, the local explanation explains why the model makes certain decision on a specific
input. In addition, we provided full interpretation in both cases: binary classification and
multi-class classification.
The role of explaining the IDS method’s decision gives measurable factors, such as
which feature influences the prediction of a cyber-attack and degree. Marino et al. [63]
introduced an explanation interface to provide explanations for misclassified samples.
Experimental evaluation was conducted on the NSL-KDD99 benchmark dataset using
linear and multilayer perceptron classifiers. Mane & Rao [64] proposed the XAI framework
to explain measurable factors as to what features influence the prediction of a cyberattack
and the degree to which it is generated from SHAP, local interpretable model-agnostic
explanations (LIME), contrastive explanations method (CEM), ProtoDash, and Boolean
decision rules via column generation (BRCG). These approaches were applied to the NSL-
KDD dataset for intrusion detection systems (IDS) and demonstrated the results. Next,
Wang et al. [65] introduced an explainable ML framework for an IDS, where the NSL-KDD
dataset was used to test the feasibility of the proposed framework. Mahbooba et al. [66]
used XAI to enhance trust management in IDSs using a DT on the KDD dataset and a DT
algorithm for decision making.
Moreover, Szczepanksi & Choras [67] introduced a hybrid oracle-explainer approach
for IDS, which is a solution that allows for the possible model performance and delivers
human-understandable interpretations well. They evaluated their proposed method using
the CICIDS2017 dataset. In addition, in two recent research papers [68,69], Sarhan et al.
proposed the IDS method as well as the explainable AI method, SHAP, to explain and
interpret the classification decisions of two ML models on one of the feature sets of NetFlow,
including BoT-IoT and ToN-IoT. Their experimental results show that the NetFlow feature
set enhances the detection accuracy of the two ML models.

3. Material and Method

This section provides briefly background knowledge related to the proposed method.
In particular, the main information of ensemble tree classification, including DT and RF
classifiers, SHAP explanation with global and local explanation information, and how to
estimate the SHAP value is summarized.

3.1. Ensemble Trees Classification

Firstly, the concept of DT involves determining the most informative feature and
splitting the data value of these features to become the target features as node representa-
tions. The most informative features are searched until they end up with pure leaf nodes.
To measure the most informative feature values, this study used the information gain (IG) to
measure how the uncertainty of the target variable given by a set of independent variables
was reduced. Furthermore, the hyperparameter of DT model is considered because of
its effectiveness in the DT model’s performance accuracy in a practical model. Hence,
we consider and adjust DT’s parameters comprising [criterion, splitter, max depth, min
samples split, min samples leaf, max features, random state, max leaf nodes, max leaf
nodes, min impurity decrease, min impurity split, class weight, ccp alpha].
Secondly, an RF is an ensemble tree that is built from a DT model. The forest is
created by training an RF using the bagging or bootstrap aggregating technique. The RF
is established based on the predictions of the DTs. The final prediction of RF is based on
achieving the average or mean output value from various DTs. Similar to the DT model,
most of the hyperparameters of the DT model are pointed out, which are in the RF model.
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Other important hyperparameters include n estimators, min weight fraction leaf, bootstrap,
oob score that also are considered to adjust in the practical RF model.

3.2. SHAP Explanation

Shapley values, a game-theoretic approach, are often used for optimal credit allocation.
SHAP is a method to explain individual predictions and that was proposed by Lundberge
and Lee [11]. Furthermore, a variant of SHAP, such as tree-based SHAP, named TreeSHAP
was introduced by Lundberg et al. [12]. TreeSHAP has faster performance than Ker-
nelSHAP. There are two types of SHAP explanations including global explanation and local
explanation. In particular, detailed information on the two kinds of SHAP explanations are
presented as follows.

3.2.1. Shap Global Explanation

In terms of general XAI, global explanation is associated to the average behavior of the
method after some pooling/aggregation. The benefit of the global explanation using SHAP
values which can show how much each predictor/feature contributes to the output features
for either positive or negative values. In this study, a heatmap plot was used to visualize the
results of the global explanation of the proposed ML model prediction. The heatmap matrix
is used to present the model’s output. Besides, a bar plot on the right-hand side (black
color) presents the global importance of each model input (feature). Figure 1 shows an
example heatmap plot with features (predictors) and f ( x ) prediction results. The heatmap
above shows high predictions (high values in f ( x ) to the left) associated with high feature
A content (red color) (high SHAP value).

Figure 1. Example of heatmap plot.

3.2.2. SHAP Local Explanation

In XAI, local explanations explain how a model makes decisions. The local explanation
using the SHAP values via each individual SHAP value which explains why the ML model
gives its decision and the contributions of the predictors/features. A decision plot was used
to visualize local explanation results to explain the classifiers’ predictions. A decision plot
is a good choice when we need to present many predictors/features of the dataset. Figure 2
shows the decision plot example. In particular, the model output is represented by the
x-axis. The model features are listed on the y-axis. At the top of the plot, each observation’s
predicted value corresponds to each line striking the x-axis. This value represents the color
of the line in a spectrum. From the bottom to the top of the plot, SHAP values for each
predictor/feature were added to the model’s base value.
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(a) (b)

Figure 2. Examples of decision plot. (a) Left given the forces of predictors. (b) Right give the forces
of predictors.

3.3. The Proposed Method

This section describes the general proposed architecture. The main concept of the pro-
posed architecture is illustrated in Figure 3. IoT IDS datasets, which are IoTID20, NF-BoT-
IoT-v2, and NF-ToN-IoT-v2, have been used for the experiment in the proposed method.
The output of the proposed method is the classification results and their explanations.
In addition, the three main components of the proposed architecture are the best model
selection method, the selected model’s classification, and the model explanation with SHAP.

Figure 3. The main concept of the proposed architecture.

First, for the input data and output results of the proposed method, the related IoT
IDS datasets were chosen as input, after which the proposed method can process and
obtain the output results. Then, two recent publicly available IDS datasets, including the
IoTID20 dataset and NetFlow IoT V2 datasets have been chosen. In the NetFlow IoT V2
datasets, two related IoT IDS datasets have been chosen: NF- BoT-IoT-v2 and NF-ToN-
IoT-v2. Each dataset has two types of data: binary-class output and multi-class output
(category). Second, the output data were obtained. Two results obtained are presented here,
namely: classification results and explanation results. To classify the results, they have been
plotted using the ROC curve and validation curve. To explain the results, the proposed
results have been plotted by global explanation with a heatmap and local explanation with
a decision plot. Figure 4 shows the IoT IDS dataset used in the experiments.
Sensors 2022, 22, 1154 10 of 28

Figure 4. IoT IDS dataset used.

Second, for the best model selection, some ML models have been selected to train on
two types of IDS datasets: binary class and multi-class data. Hence, two types of models
have been applied on each dataset: binary class classification and multi-class classification.
The best model selection algorithm has been developed using Pycaret. Pycaret is an open
source code for workflows. The purpose of this library is a low-code ML and an end-to-end
model management tool that builds the Python language. In Pycaret, model training,
selection steps are very important. This step relates to the training progress and some
of the models’ tasks comprise tuning hyperparameters, model evaluation of some ML
models. Serveral performance metrics were used to evaluate these ML models, for example,
confusion matrix, AUC, and so on. Based on results of the performance models obtained, it
allows to select the best model for further use. After this component finishes its operation,
the best model for the data can be determined with the best adjustment of the model
hyperparameters in Algorithm 14. This algorithm shows the process of the best model
comparison and selection with the tuned model hyperparameters.

Algorithm 1: The Best Model Selection and Turned Model Hyperparameters

input : Original Datasets (oD), Input Feature Columns (i f C), Output Feature
Column (o f C)
output : Best Models Selection (bmS),
Turned Models Hyperparameters (tmP)
1 (1) Preprocess datasets (pD)
2 pD ← Remove_NULL_values(oD )
3 pD ← Remove_I NF_values( pD )
4 (2) Model comparison and selection
5 (2.1) Setup the dataset
6 grid ← Setup_Data( pD [i f C ], target = o f C )
7 (2.2) Evaluate and compare performance models
8 bmS ← Compare_Models()
9 (3) Tune models with adjusted hyperparameters
10 (3.1) Create the best model selected
11 model ← Create_Model (bmS)
12 (3.2) Turn the best model to obtained adjusted hyperparameters
13 tmP ← Tuned_Model (model )
14 return ( bmS, tmP )
Sensors 2022, 22, 1154 11 of 28

Third, for selected model classification, based on the results of the best model selection
method, the best classification model with the highest model analysis metric results in
AUC, accuracy, recall, precision, F1 have evaluated and selected. The trained models have
then been saved for each dataset. Subsequently, the classification model has been evaluated
using methods such as ROC curve plotting and validation curve plotting. The training and
evaluation processes of the best-selected model classification with tuned hyperparameters
are presented in Algorithm 2.

Algorithm 2: Training and Evaluation Process of the Best Selected Models with
Turned Hyperparameters
input : Best Model Selected (bmS), Turned Model Hyperparameters (tmP),
Processed Datasets (pD), Input Feature Columns (i f C), Output Feature
Column (oFC)
output : Trained Model (tM),
ROC Curve (rC),
Validation Curve (vC)
1 (1) Get input and output values
2 (1.1) Get the input value of dataset
3 x ← pD (i f C )
4 (1.2) Get the output value of dataset
5 tC ← pD (oFC )
6 (1.3) Label encoding the output value
7 y ← Label_Encoder (tC )
8 (2) Split processed dataset into training, validating, and testing data
9 trD, teD, vaD ← Split_Data( x, y)
10 (3) Train on the best selected model with turned hyperparameters
11 (3.1) Build the best selected model with turned hyperparameters
12 model ← bmS(tmP)
13 (3.2) Train the built model above with training and testing data
14 tM ← model. f it(trD, teD )
15 (4) Evaluation trained model
16 (4.1) ROC curve evaluation for validating data
17 rC ← ROCAUC (vaD )
18 (4.2) Validation curve for validating data
19 vC ← ValidationCurve(vaD )
20 return ( tM, rc, vC )

Finally, for model explanation with SHAP, the SHAP method has been used to explain
why the selected model classification can decide and make classification results. The
Shapley value is calculated by evaluating all possible sets of feature values with and
without the ith feature. To approximate the SHAP estimation for single feature values,
Algorithm 3 was used. First, an instance or sample x, feature index i, and iteration number
K needs to be selected. A random sample is selected from the data, and a random feature
ordering is generated for each iteration. By combining the values of x and r, two new
samples are obtained. The sample x+i is an interesting sample; the number of possible
coalitions exponentially increases. Hence, Strumbelj et al. [70] proposed a solution to solve
this, but all values in the order after feature j are replaced by feature values from sample r.
Sensors 2022, 22, 1154 12 of 28

Algorithm 3: SHAP value estimation for single feature value

input : Pre-trained model ( f ), example/instance (x), feature index (i),
data matrix (X), number of iterations (K)
output : SHAP value for the value of the ith feature(S)
1 (1) For all k = 1, . . . , K:
2 Do random instance r from the data matrix X
3 Choose a random permutation o of the feature values
4 Order instance x: xo = ( x1 , . . . , xi , . . . x p )
5 Order instance z: ro = (r1 , . . . , ri , . . . z p )
6 Construct two new instances
7 With feature:
8 i : x + i = ( x 1 , . . . , x i −1 , x j , r i +1 , . . . , r p )
9 Without feature:
10 i : x − i = ( x 1 , . . . , x i −1 , r i +1 , . . . , r p )
11 Compute marginal contribution:
12 Cik = f ( x+i ) − f ( x−i )
13 Compute SHAP value as the average:
14 Ci ( x ) = K1 ∑iK=1 Cik
15 S ← Ci ( x )
16 return S

The SHAP results of global and local explanations have been used to interpret the
decision classification results of the proposed method. Trained models and testing data
have been used for this component. The explanation decisions for the best models for the
classification is presented in Algorithm 4.

Algorithm 4: Models Explanation with SHAP

input : Trained Model (tM),
Testing Data (teD)
output : Global Explanation with Heatmap (geH),
Local Explanation with Decision plot (leD),

1 (1) Get SHAP value (S) from Algorithm 3

2 shap ← S
3 (2) Plot global explanation with heatmap
4 (2.1) Declare SHAP explanation for trained model
5 shap ← shap.Explainer (tM)
6 (2.2) Get the SHAP value on testing data
7 sV ← shap(teD )
8 (2.3) Get global explanation with heatmap plot
9 geH ← shap.heatmap(sV )
10 (2.4) Get local explanation with decision plot
11 leD ← shap.decision_plot(sV )
12 return ( geH, leD )

4. Experiment
4.1. Related IoT IDS Datasets
This section provides the main information of the related IoT-IDS datasets used in the
experiments. They are IoTID20 and NetFlow V2 datasets, including NF-BoT-IoT-v2 and
Sensors 2022, 22, 1154 13 of 28

4.1.1. Iotid20
An attack is launched because the growth of IoT devices provides a surface and
environment for intruders to develop cyber-attacks. The hackers attack the target IoT
network resources by exhausting them with malicious activity. Hence, a new dataset was
proposed in [47], namely, IoTID20, for a well-designed dataset for IoT networks, and a
reference point to determine anomalous activity across the IoT network. This dataset
is a new IoT botnet dataset that comprises two advantages: flow-based features and
comprehensive networks. This flow-based feature technique was used to analyze and
evaluate flow-based IDS. Thus, the IoTID20 dataset will provide a foundation for the
development of new IDS techniques in IoT networks. There are 80 network features and
three features for output labels, including binary, category, and sub-categories. In this study,
we performed an experiment on two label features: binary and category. This is because
the number of examples in the training dataset for each subcategory class label was not
balanced and contained minority classes. Minority classes are difficult to predict for ML or
DL models. Table 1 shows the description of the dataset.

Table 1. IoTID20 dataset description.

Label Name Value Number of Samples

Normal 40.073
Anomaly 585.710
Normal 40.073
DoS 59.391
Category Mirai 415.677
MITM ARP Sppofing 35.377
Scan 75.265

4.1.2. Netflow V2 Datasets

This dataset is version 2, which was created by the NetFlow technique with 43 ex-
tended Netflow features [46]. The data comprise two IoT datasets namely: NF- BoT-IoT-v2
and NF-ToN-IoT-v2.
The first dataset, NF-BoT-IoT-v2, which was generated from the original dataset
version, namely the BoT-IoT dataset. From the original and available pcap file, the feature
data were extracted. Based on the corresponding attack categories, the flows were labeled.
The number of samples of the attack is 600,100 with 97.69%, meanwhile, 2.31% of the
samples are benign (13,859 samples). There were four attack categories in the dataset.
Table 2 lists the NF-BoT-IoT distribution of all flows.

Table 2. NF-BoT-IoT-v2 dataset description.

Label Name Value Number of Samples

Normal 13.859
Anomaly 586.241
Benign 13.859
Reconnaissance 470.655
Attack DDoS 56.844
DoS 56.833
Theft 1.909

The second dataset is NF-ToN-IoT-v2, which was generated from the original dataset
version, namely the ToN-IoT dataset. From the original and available pcap files, the feature
data were extracted. Based on the corresponding attack categories, the flows were labeled.
The number of samples of attack is 1,379,274 with 80.4%, meanwhile, 19.6% of the samples
are benign (270,279 samples). Table 3 lists and defines the distribution of the NF-ToN-
IoT dataset.
Sensors 2022, 22, 1154 14 of 28

Table 3. NF-ToN-IoT-v2 dataset description.

Label Name Value Number of Samples

Normal 270.279
Anomaly 1.379.274
Ransomware 142
Benign 270.279
XSS 99.944
Scanning 21.467
Attack Password 156.299
DoS 17.717
DDoS 326.345
Injection 468.539
MITM 1.295

4.2. Experimental Setup and Evaluation Metrics

In this study, two experiments have been performed. In the first experiment, the best
model has been evaluated and selected using performance evaluation metrics such as the
ROC curve and validation curve. The second experiment is to explain the model-selected
decision in global and local explanations. The purpose is to trust the best AI model selected
in this approach. Experiments have been conducted on three public IoT-based IDS datasets.
In the preprocessing, we have divided the dataset into 2 parts for training and testing
progress with the following ratio 80:20, respectively. To process input for model classifiers,
for input variable features with non-numeric values, we have used character-to-numeric
conversion techniques using encoding techniques, such as OrdinalEncoder. This is a
technique that will encode categorical features as an array of integers. OrdinalEncoder is
called from scikit learner with python language.
Two experiments have been conducted in the following programming environment:
OS: Windows 10 education, RAM 32 GB, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700K CPU 3.80 GHz
3.79 GHz; and programming language: Python. Several evaluation metrics have been used
to measure and verify the proposed method, which are accuracy, area under curve (AUC),
and receiver operating characteristics (ROC), Recall, Precision (Prec.), F1.
• Accuracy. Accuracy measures how many observations, both positive and negative,
were correctly classified.

Accuracy = (1)
TP + FP + TN + FN

• AUC and ROC. The AUC and ROC curves can be used to measure the performance
of the classification models at various threshold settings. The probability curve is
presented by ROC, whereas the degree of separability area under the ROC curve is
represented by the AUC. These curves show the extent to which the classification
model can distinguish between each output class. The higher the AUC, the better the
model is for predicting each class correctly. Figure 5 shows the AUC and ROC curves.
The curve plots two parameters: true positive rate (TPR ) and false positive rate (FPR),
as follows:
TPR = (2)
FPR = (3)
• Recall. Recall indicates how many of the actual positive cases the model was able to
accurately predict.
Recall = (4)
Sensors 2022, 22, 1154 15 of 28

• Precision. Precision indicates how many of the correctly predicted cases actually turned
out to be positive.
Precision = (5)
• F1. This combines precision and recall into one metric by calculating the harmonic
average between precision and recall.

Precision × Recall
F1 = 2 × (6)
Precision + Recall

Figure 5. ROC and AUC plotting example.

4.3. Experimental Results

4.3.1. First Experimental Results: Classification Model Performance Evaluation
Two efficient performance evaluation metrics, comprising the ROC curve and valida-
tion curve, have been measured to determine the best model classification performance. In
the experiment, the results of the classification model evaluation are shown in Table 4.

Table 4. Classification model evaluation on the datasets: IoTID20, NF-BoT-IoT-v2 & NF-ToN-IoT-v2.

Best Output
Dataset Output Label AUC Validation
Model Class
Anomaly 1.00
IoTID20 DT Binary class 1.00
Normal 1.00
MITM ARP Spoofing 1.00
Scan 1.000
IoTID20 DT Multiclass DoS 1.000 1.00
Mirai 1.000
Normal 1.000
Anomaly 0.97
NF-BoT-IoT-v2 DT Binary class 0.97
Normal 0.97
Sensors 2022, 22, 1154 16 of 28

Table 4. Cont.

Best Output
Dataset Output Label AUC Validation
Model Class
Ransomware 1.00
DoS 1.00
DDoS 1.00
NF-BoT-IoT-v2 RF Multiclass
Reconnaissance 1.00 0.99
Benign 1.00
Theft 1.00
Anomaly 1.00
NF-ToN-IoT-v2 RF Binary class 1.00
Normal 1.00
Ransomware 1.00
Benign 1.00
XSS 1.00
Scanning 1.00
NF-ToN-IoT-v2 RF Multiclass Password 1.00 0.99
DoS 1.00
DDoS 0.86
Injection 1.00
MITM 1.00

In particular, the details of the evaluation of the two metrics, ROC curve and validation
curve for two datasets, are visualized as follows:
For the IoTID20 dataset, in the first metric, the results obtained for the ROC curve in
two cases are shown in Figure 6a,b, respectively. In the second metric, the results obtained
for the validation curve in two cases are shown in Figure 7a,b, respectively.

(a) Label output. (b) Cat output.

Figure 6. ROC curve results for IoTID20 dataset in two cases: (a) Binary class output and
(b) Multiclass output.
Sensors 2022, 22, 1154 17 of 28

(a) Label output. (b) Cat output.

Figure 7. Validation curve results for IoTID20 dataset in two cases: (a) Binary class output and
(b) Multiclass output.

For NetFlow version 2 datasets, the first evaluation metric, ROC curve, the result
for the NF-BoT-IoT- v2 dataset has been obtained in two cases, as shown in Figure 8a,b,
respectively. In the second metric, the results for the validation curve have been obtained
in two cases, as shown in Figure 9a,b, respectively. They are similar to those values for the
NF-ToN-IoT-v2 dataset.

(a) Label output. (b) Cat output.

Figure 8. ROC curve results for NF-BoT-IoT-v2 of NetFlow V2 dataset in two cases: (a) Binary class
output and (b) Multiclass output.
Sensors 2022, 22, 1154 18 of 28

(a) Label output. (b) Attack output.

Figure 9. Validation curve results for NF-BoT-IoT-v2 of NetFlow V2 dataset in two cases: (a) Binary
class output and (b) Multiclass output.

4.3.2. Second Experimental Results: Explanation of Model Classification Decision

The SHAP value method has been used for global and local interpretation to explain
the decisions of the DT and RF classifications on two datasets. In particular, a heatmap
representation has been used to explain each model classification on each dataset in global
interpretation. In the local interpretation, a decision plot has been employed for the
explanation decision of each classification on each dataset.
• Global Explanation with Heatmap
For the IoTID20 dataset, the heatmap result for the binary classification of the DT
model is presented in Figure 10a,b for two label output values (0—anomaly and 1—normal).
In addition, the heatmap results obtained for multiclass classification of the DT model are
presented in Figure 11a–e.

(a) Anomaly output. (b) Normal output.

Figure 10. Heatmap curve results of global explanation for IoTID20 dataset in two Label output
values: (a) 0—anomaly and (b) 1—normal.
Sensors 2022, 22, 1154 19 of 28

(a) (b)

(c) (d)


Figure 11. Heatmap curve results of global explanation for IoTID20 dataset in five Cat output values:
(a) 0—MITM ARP Spoofing; (b) 1—Scan; (c) 2—DoS; (d) 3—Mirai; (e) 4—Normal.

For the NF-BoT-IoT-v2 dataset, heatmap results for the global explanation of DT and
RF models have been obtained in two cases: binary and multiclass classification. In binary
classification, the heatmap results of the DT model have been calculated for two label
output values (0 and 1). In multiclass classification, the heatmap results of the RF model
and the heatmap result of this dataset for multiclass classification are given in Figure 12a–e.
Similar to NF-BoT, the IoT-v2 dataset in NF-ToN-IoT-v2, heatmaps for the global results
have also been generated for the explanation of the RF model’s decision in two cases: binary
classification and multiclass classification.
Sensors 2022, 22, 1154 20 of 28

(a) (b)

(c) (d)


Figure 12. Heatmap results of global explanation for NF-BoT-IoT-v2 of NetFlow V2 dataset in five
Cat output values: (a) 0—DoS; (b) 1—DDoS; (c) 2—Reconnaissance; (d) 3—Benign; (e) 4—Theft.

• Local Explanation with Decision Plot

For the IoTID20 dataset, the decision plot result for the binary classification of the
decision model has been generated within the local explanation, as shown in Figure 13a,b.
In addition, the decision plot results for multiclass classification of the DT model within
the local explanation have also been calculated, as shown in Figure 14a–e.
For NF-BoT-IoT-v2, decision plot results for local explanation of DT and RF models
have been calculated in two cases: binary and multiclass classification. In binary classi-
fication, the decision plot results of the DT model for two label output values (0 and 1)
were obtained. Then, in multiclass classification, the decision plot results of the random
forest model have been obtained. The decision plot results of this dataset are presented
in the case of multiclass classification in Figure 15a–e. Similar to NF-BoT-IoT-v2 dataset,
Sensors 2022, 22, 1154 21 of 28

in NF-ToN-IoT-v2, decision plot results have also been generated for local explanation of
random forest model decision in two cases: binary and multiclass classification.

(a) (b)

Figure 13. Decision plot results of local explanation for IoTID20 dataset in two Label output values:
(a) 0—anomaly and (b) 1—normal.

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e)

Figure 14. Decision plot results of local explanation for IoTID20 dataset in five Cat output values:
(a) 0—MITM ARP Spoofing; (b) 1—Scan; (c) 2—DoS; (d) 3—Mirai; (e) 4—Normal.
Sensors 2022, 22, 1154 22 of 28

(a) (b)

(c) (d)


Figure 15. Decision plot results of local explanation for NF-BoT-IoT-v2 dataset in five Cat output
values: (a) 0—DoS; (b) 1—DDoS; (c) 2—Reconnaissance; (d) 3—Benign; (e) 4—Thref.
Sensors 2022, 22, 1154 23 of 28

5. Discussion and Comparison

In this section, the classification and SHAP explanation results are discussed, and then, the
performance accuracy between the proposed method and other IoT-IDS methods is evaluated.
The proposed method can improve the performance detection rate in terms of the AUC
and validation metrics. In particular, the performance evaluation of the proposed method
is summarized based in Table 4 as follows: for the IoTID20 dataset, the performance evalu-
ation obtained by DT models in both cases, binary class and multiclass classification, are
100% in AUC and validation measurements. In addition, each type of attack has correctly
been detected for the two cases. In addition to the NF-BoT-IoT-v2 dataset, the average AUC
obtained was 97%, and the validation measurement obtained 97% for binary classification.
Meanwhile, the average AUC and validation measurements had 100% and 99% in the
multiclass classification case, respectively. With the NF- ToN-IoT-v2 dataset, the average
AUC obtained had 100%, and the validation measurement had also 100% for the binary
classification. Meanwhile, the average AUC and validation measurements had 93% and
99% in the multiclass classification case, respectively.
Furthermore, the prediction results of the proposed ML methods have been explained
by calculating the SHAP values of each feature. Based on the explained results, the key
features utilized in the classification prediction have been identified as follows:
First, in the global explanation with heatmap visualization, in the IoTDS20 dataset,
the heatmap plot explanation is depicted in Figure 10 for two cases of classifications.
Figure 10b shows the low predictions with low SHAP values in f ( x ) on the right. This
means that the DT’s prediction made the decision for this testing sample with normal
detection (label output value of 1). In Figure 10b, the heatmap results show high predictions
of the DT model (denoted by f ( x )) (high values in f ( x ) on the right) associated with high
SHAP values of three important features, including [Dst_Port, Timestamp, Flow_ID] (in
red color). Similar to multiclass classification for global exploration with a heatmap, five
heatmap plots corresponding to five attack types of output were generated, as shown in
Figure 11. Among these figures, the highest SHAP values of the important features along
with f ( x ) are as shown in Figure 11d. This figure explains the DT’s detection Mirai attack
(Cat output value is Mirai) for this testing sample. In addition, the important features
with high SHAP values comprise the timestamp and flow duration for this multiclass
classification. Similar to the global explanation of IoTDS20, for the NF-BoT-IoT-v2 dataset,
a testing sample was also chosen for a global explanation of the RF model’s prediction
by generating heatmap plots for the multiclass classification. The results are shown in
Figure 12. The reason why the random forest model predicted DoS attack (with Cat value 0)
with the most important feature is [L7_PROTO], as shown in Figure 12a.
Second, in the local explanation with decision plot, the model’s base value is marked by
the straight vertical line of the decision plot. Next to the prediction line, feature values are
printed for reference. The SHAP values with representative feature effects are accumulated
from the base value starting at the bottom plot to arrive at the final score of the top plot.
Decision plots are literal representations of SHAP values, making them easy to interpret.
In the local explanation with decision plot, in the IoTDS20 dataset, we present the decision
plots to explain for DT models’ prediction for two cases classification in Figures 13 and 14.
In particular, Figure 13 explains the DT model prediction for each output for the case of
binary classification. Besides, Figure 14 shows the DT model prediction for each attack.
Similar to the NF-BoT-IoT-v2 dataset, the result of the decision plot to explain the RF
model’s prediction is shown in Figure 15 in case of multiclass classification. Moreover,
the vertical format of the decision plot can illustrate the effect clearly for any number of
features. For example, Figures 13 and 14 show the 20 most important features out of the
total 71 features for IoTDS20 dataset in case binary and multiclass classification. Another
example is presented in Figure 14 showing the 20 most important features out of the total
43 features for NF-IoT-BF-v2 dataset in case multiclass classification.
In addition, we have compared the performance accuracy of the proposed method to
other methods on the same datasets. The comparison results are shown in Table 5.
Sensors 2022, 22, 1154 24 of 28

Table 5. Performance comparison between the proposed method and prior methods on datasets:
IoTID20, NF-BoT-IoT-v2 & NF-ToN-IoT-v2.

Dataset Model Accuracy F1 AUC

Ensemble [47] 87% 87% -
SLFN [57] 98.42% 98% -
CNN-LSTM [58] 98% 98.40% -
IoTID20 DT [59] 100% - -
AutoEncoders [60] 94% - -
RF [61] 97.85% - -
Proposed Method 100% 100% 100%
Extra trees [45] 93.82% 97% 96.28%
Extra trees [46] 99.99% 100% -
E-GraphSAGE [55] 93.57% 97% -
RF [68,69] 100% 100% 99.88%
DFF [68,69] 99.54% 100% 99.96%
Proposed Method 100% 100% 100%
Extra trees [45] 99.66% 100% 99.65%
Extra trees [46] 98.05% 98% -
E-GraphSAGE [55] 99.69% 100% -
DFF [56] with CHI 85.61% 91% 85.19%
RF [56] with COR 99.38 % 100% 99.46%
RF [68,69] 99.66% 100% 99.61%
DFF [68,69] 94.74% 96% 98.43%
Proposed Method 100 % 100% 93%

Although the DFF and RF methods [68,69] were competitive with the proposed
method, our method can be implemented in low-source computing requirements with a
CPU and does not require GPU or TPU for complex architecture of DNNs models.

6. Conclusions
As a first contribution, this paper proposes a novel and efficient approach to enhance
the performance of IoT-IDS systems on three public IoT-based IDS datasets, including the
IoTID20, NF-BoT-IoT-v2, and NF-ToN-IoT-v2 datasets. The approach for the ensemble tree
models are the DT and RF models. The proposed ensemble tree methods have achieved
100% performance in terms of accuracy and F1 score comparative to other methods on
the same datasets used. Although our proposed method with lower AUC measurement
results in NF-ToN-IoT-v2 dataset compared to previous DFF and RF methods, the proposed
classification results obtained in terms of accuracy and F1 score outperformed the state-of-
the-art IoT-IDS methods on the three datasets.
As a second contribution, this paper has approached the SHAP method for both
global and local explanations. The global explanation used in the proposed method can
interpret the effect of each feature using the heatmap plot technique. In addition, the local
explanation used in this framework can interpret the prediction results using the decision
plot technique. Both the classification results and explanation results are more useful for
enabling cyber-network experts to trust and make better-optimized decisions fast when
they face massive IoT-IDS datasets.
In future work, we apply the suitable method to solve the imbalance data issue of
the NF-ToN-v2 dataset to improve AUC performance result of our proposed method on
this dataset. In addition, we investigate our classification and explanation methods in
a practical IoT context to support security experts in their optimized, fast and accurate
decision making.
Sensors 2022, 22, 1154 25 of 28

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, T.-T.-H.L., H.K. (Haeyoung Kim) and H.K. (Hyoeun
Kang); methodology, T.-T.-H.L.; software, T.-T.-H.L., H.K. (Haeyoung Kim) and H.K. (Hyoeun Kang);
validation, T.-T.-H.L. and H.K. (Howon Kim); formal analysis, T.-T.-H.L., H.K. (Haeyoung Kim) and
H.K. (Hyoeun Kang); investigation, H.K. (Howon Kim); resources, H.K. (Howon Kim); data curation,
T.-T.-H.L., H.K. (Haeyoung Kim) and H.K. (Hyoeun Kang); writing—original draft preparation, T.-T.-
H.L., H.K. (Haeyoung Kim) and H.K. (Hyoeun Kang); writing—review and editing, T.-T.-H.L. and
H.K. (Howon Kim); visualization, T.-T.-H.L.; supervision, H.K. (Howon Kim); project administration,
H.K. (Howon Kim); funding acquisition, H.K. (Howon Kim). All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This This research was supported by Energy Cloud R&D Program through the National Re-
search Foundation of Korea(NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT (NRF-2019M3F2A1073385).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:

IDS Intrusion Detection System

DNN Deep Neural Network
ML Machine Learning
DL Deep Learning
DT Decision Tree
RF Random Forest
SHAP SHapley Additive exPlanation
XAI eXplanation Artificial Intelligent
DoS Denial of Service
IoTs Internet of Things
SDN Software Defined Networking
ROC Receiver Operating Computing
SVM Support Vector Machine
WSN Wireless Sensor Network
RNN Recurrent Neural Network
LSTM Long Short Term Memory
GRU Gated Recurrent Unit
GPU Graphic Processing Unit
TPU Tensor Processing Unit
TCNN Temporal Convolution Neural Network
H2ID Hierarchical Hybrid for Intrusion Detection
IG Information Gain
GR Gain Ratio
BO-GP Bayesian Optimization Gaussian Process
DFF Deep FeedForward
CNN Convolution Neural Network
LR Logistic Regression
NB Naive Bayes
SLFN Single Hidden FeedForward Neural Network
PSO Particle Swam Optimization
DBN Deep Bayesian Network
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