Lesson Plan Plant and Animal Cell

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LESSON School Tagaytay City Grade Seven

EXEMPLAR Integrated School Level

Teacher Jamie Lou P. Rocillo Learning Science


Teaching November 24, 2022 Quarter Second


Teaching 8:30AM-9:30AM No. of 1

Time Days

Content: Living Things and Their Environment

Content Standard: The learners demonstrate understanding of the

difference between animal and plant cells.

Performance Standard: The learners should employ appropriate techniques

using the compound microscope to gather data about very small objects.

Most Essential Learning Competency: (S7LT-IId-4) Differentiate

plant and animal cells according to presence or absence of certain

TOPIC: Animal and Plant Cell


At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:

1. Describe plant and animal cell according to its size, shape and
size of organelles;

2. Differentiate plant and animal cell according to presence or

absence of certain organelles; and
3. Appreciate the importance of studying plant and animal cell.

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Classroom Routine (2 minutes)
Good morning, grade 7! Good morning, ma’am!
Prayer (The student/s lead the prayer)

Checking of Classroom
1. Kindly pick up the pieces of paper (The students pick up the pieces of papers)
or any garbage that may be under
your chair.
2. Arrange your chairs (The students arrange their chairs)
Checking of Attendance
Class monitor, how many are (Class monitor answers)
absentees today?
Checking of the students
How are you today class? We’re good and fine ma’am
Good, that’s nice to hear

Priming/ Motivation (7 minutes)

As you can see, these are some parts of cell or
sihay in tagalog. To start our lesson, let us have
a short class activity to open up a new
knowledge about the cell.

Instructions: Identify some parts of the cell

using the tagalog terms as a clue.

Are you ready? Yes ma’am

Okay, so let’s start

Very good everyone!

Activity (10 minutes)
Now, to widen your understanding about the
cell you are going to watch the video clip about
it. But, before we start watching the video these
are the questions that you are going to answer

Previewing questions:
1. What are the two types of cells mentioned
in the video?
2. How will you differentiate the plant cell
and animal cell in accordance to its
3. Plant and animal cell may differ
according to its size, how will you
differentiate the animal cell from plant
cell based on its size?
4. As per the video, how does the
vacuoles/vesicle of animal cell differ from
the vacuoles of plant cell?

Are you ready to watch the video? Yes ma’am

(The teacher plays the video.)

Do you understand the video that you have Yes ma’am


Okay, great. Now, let’s answer the post viewing


Are you ready? Yes ma’am

Okay, let us start.

Postviewing questions: Possible Answers:

1. What are the two types of cells mentioned 1. The two types of cells as per the video
in the video? are Plant Cell and Animal Cell

2. How will you differentiate the plant cell 2. The differences of the two cells based
and animal cell in accordance to its on its shape is that plant cell is
shape? angular or rectangular while the
animal cell is sphere or round.

3. Plant and animal cell may differ 3. The size of the plant cell is larger
according to its size, how will you than the size of animal cell.
differentiate the animal cell from plant
cell based on its size?

4. As per the video, how does the 4. According to the video, the animal
vacuoles/vesicle of animal cell differ from vacuoles are smaller than the
the vacuoles of plant cell? vacuoles in plant cell.
Analysis (10 minutes)
To widen your knowledge, you have to assemble
the parts of the plants and animal cell and look
for its differences based on its size, shape and
Plant Cell:

Animal Cell:

Abstraction (8 minutes)
Since you already know the parts of these two
types of cells let’s have another activity about
the plant and animal cell.

Instructions: Inside this animal cell model are

the lists of your names. I will randomly pick
names, and the chosen names will answer the
given questions.

Possible Answers:
1. Which parts of the cell are found in both 1. Golgi body, mitochondrion, rough
cell? endoplasmic reticulum, nucleus,
nucleolus, smooth endoplasmic
reticulum, vacuole, lysosome,
ribosome and cell membrane.

2. Which cell parts are present only in 2. Centrioles are present only in animal
animal cells? cells.
3. What parts of the cells are present only 3. Chloroplasts and Cell wall are the
in plant cell? parts that are present only in plant
4. Cell wall is the outer lining beside
4. What is the function of cell wall in plant the plasma membrane, it adds
cell? stability and protection to the plant
5. Chloroplast is an organelle that is
present only in plant cell. It absorbs
5. In plant cell chloroplast is present, how light energy and convert it into
will you define this organelle? chemical energy.

6. Centrioles are located near the

6. There is this one organelle which is nucleus. They help organize
known as centriole that is present only in structures during cell division.
an animal cell. What is the role/function
of centriole in an animal cell?

Very good everyone. None ma’am

Any questions?
Now, let’s proceed

Generalization: I have learned that there are two different

What have you learned about our lesson for types of cell, the animal cell and plant cell.
today? These two have similarities and differences
according to its size, shape and organelles.
There are certain organelles that is present
in plant cell only; chloroplast and cell wall.
However, the organelle that is present in
animal cell only is the centrioles.

Valuing: Animal and plant cells are significant since

What did you realize after our discussion about it allows plants and animals to thrive. Every
plant and animal cell? What is the importance activity required for a body to operate
of studying animal and plant cell? properly is performed by cells. Without cells,
the body would be unable to perform any
vital processes as breathing, respiration,
movement, etc.
Application (15 minutes)
Now that you understand each part of the cell
and you already know the similarities and
differences of animal cell and plant cell. Let’s
now proceed to your group work.

Instructions: The class will be divided into four

groups. Each group will work with different kind
of activity but the goal is to differentiate/
compare and contrast the animal cell from plant
cell. Discuss your work.
Group 1: Venn Diagram
Complete the Venn Diagram by writing the
differences and similarities of plant cell and
animal cell.
Plant Cell Animal Cell Plant Cell Animal Cell

Chloroplast Golgi body Centriole

Cell wall Nucleus Has smaller
Bigger in size Nucleolus vacuole
Rectangular/ Mitochondrion Round in
Angular in shape Rough ER shape
Has large vacuole Smooth ER Smaller than
Endoplasmic plant cell

Group 2: Present or Absent

Complete the table by writing Present or
Absent. Notice the organelles that can be found
in both types of cells and observe carefully the
organelles which are present only in animal cell
or in plant cell

Basis of Plant Cell Animal Cell Basis of Plant Cell Animal Cell
Comparison Comparison
Centrioles Centrioles Absent Present
Cytoplasm Cytoplasm Present Present
Endoplasmic Endoplasmic Present Present
Reticulum Reticulum
Cell Wall Cell Wall Present Absent
Golgi body Golgi body Present Present
Chloroplast Chloroplast Present Absent
Mitochondria Mitochondri Present Present
Nucleus a
Lysosome Nucleus Present Present
Ribosome Lysosome Present Present
Plasma Ribosome Present Present
Membrane Plasma Present Present
Vacuole Membrane
Nucleolus Vacuole Present Present
Nucleolus Present Present
Group 3: Put a check (√) mark in the column
where each of the organelle is found and (x) if it
is not found in that cell. Observe carefully the
organelles which are present only in animal cell
or in plant cell.

Basis of Plant Cell Animal Cell Basis of Plant Cell Animal Cell
Comparison Comparison
Centrioles Centrioles ✖ √
Cytoplasm Cytoplasm √ √
Endoplasmic Endoplasmic √ √
Reticulum Reticulum
Cell Wall Cell Wall √ ✖
Golgi body Golgi body √ √
Chloroplast Chloroplast √ ✖
Mitochondria √ √
Nucleus Nucleus √ √
Lysosome √ √
Ribosome Ribosome √ √
Plasma Plasma √ √
Membrane Membrane
Vacuole √ √
Nucleolus Nucleolus √ √

Group 4: Label and Differentiate

Instructions: Label the parts of animal and
plant cell and discuss the presence and absence
of organelles in animal and plant cell.

A. Cytoplasm
B. Cell membrane
C. Cell wall
D. Endoplasmic reticulum
E. Nucleolus
F. Vacuoles
G. Centriole
H. Mitochondria
I. Chloroplast
Assessment (6 minutes)
General Instructions: This is a 5 item quiz, you
have limited time to answer the questions.

Multiple Choice(1 pt. each)

Directions: Read and analyze the questions
carefully and choose the BEST CORRECT

1. Which of the paired organelles are found

in plant cell ONLY?
a. Cell wall and nucleus B. Cell wall and Chloroplast
b. Cell wall and chloroplast
c. Nucleus and mitochondria
d. Cell wall and cell membrane
2. What organelle is found in animal cell
a. Nucleus B. Centrioles
b. Centrioles
c. Golgi body
d. Mitochondria
3. Which of the following is a correct list of
structures found in both plant and
animal cells?
a. Mitochondria, vacuole, nucleus,
cell membrane, cell wall
b. Mitochondria, vacuole, nucleus, D. Mitochondria, vacuole,
cell membrane, cell wall, nucleus, cell membrane,
chloroplasts cytoplasm
c. Mitochondria, nucleus, cell
membrane, cytoplasm, cell wall,
d. Mitochondria, vacuole, nucleus,
cell membrane, cytoplasm
4. Which of the following organelles can be
found in a plant cell but NOT in an
animal cell?
a. Vacuole C. Chloroplast
b. Nucleus
c. Chloroplast
d. Mitochondria
5. Which of the following organelles can be
found in animal cell but NOT in plant
a. Centrioles A. Centrioles
b. Cytoplasm
c. Lysosomes
d. Mitochondria
Index of Mastery
How many of you got?

Closure (2 minutes)
For your assignment:

Read and Study about the basic structural

and functional unit of all organisms.
1. Create a plant or animal cell model using
recycled materials.
2. Why the cell is considered the basic
structural and functional unit of all

Any questions? Clarifications? Suggestions? None, Ma’am.

That's all for today, Grade 7. Goodbye. Goodbye, Ma’am Jamie!

Science 7 Teacher’s Guide. Unit 2 Module 2 Plant and Animal Cell p. 77-79.
Science 7 Quarter 2-Module 3 Comparing Plant and Animal Cell p. 4-8.
PIVOT 4A G7 Learner’s Material Quarter 2 p. 20-22.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Practice Teacher Science- Cooperating Teacher

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