Research Proposal (Physics) - Pitlongay

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Republic of the Philippines

Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College

Tagudin Campus

Master of Science in Education



Julianne Rebecca M. Pitlongay

A Research Proposal presented to Mr. Larry Mostoles

of Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College
Graduate School
Tagudin Campus
S.Y. 2020-2021

In partial fullfillment of the

requirement of the subject Advanced Topics in Physics

January 2021


Background of the Study

Conceptual Framework of the Study

Statement of the Problem

Limitations of the Study

Significance of the Study

Review of Literature


Research Design

Population and Locale of the Study

Research Instruments

Education has undergone major transformational changes in the last decade. Several
new technologies have evolved in the past decade, enabling visual communication between
people across continents. Since education involves transfer of knowledge between people, the
process of education leans heavily on available communication methodologies. For this reason,
evolution in communication has caused a renewal of interest in education
methodologies, thereby contributing to metamorphose changes in a common classroom.
Computer based communication like Skype have contributed to peer interactions across
continents in classrooms (Macharaschwili & Skidmore Coggin, 2013). Internet based social
interactions in the classroom have contributed to enhancement in student learning (Resta &
Laferriere, 2007). Several advantages of technology based learning such as accessibility,
self-paced learning, and scalability have made computer based learning a favorite choice for
many learners. Tutorials that are recorded and transmitted over internet enable learners to learn
at their own times of convenience. The learning materials can be paused and played back as
many times as the learner needs, without bothering the teacher. Web conferences have
enabled eminent speakers in a subject deliver live lectures across continents, without the
rigmaroles of travel. Online forums and electronic mail enable synchronous and
asynchronous peer interaction. Collaborative workspaces such as Wikis enable students to work
in tandem with each other. Such tools have enabled teachers provide learner centric pedagogy
(Koller, Harvey, & Magnotta, 2005).
Physics is a subject that involves several real world phenomena. In physics, we study nature at
various sizes and scales. We study the physical world at the atomic level, and at the
astronomical levels, peering into galaxies billions of light years away. We study ultrafast
processes such as interatomic collisions, and processes of the universe such as life cycle of a
star. Using simple rules such as Newton's laws or laws of quantum mechanics, we try
to make models of the physical world. In trying to solve physics problems, we
often have to understand physical phenomena happening in three dimensions. Since many
real world problems involve more than one phenomenon, the students need to have a strong
understanding of several underlying physics concepts to solve a problem correctly. It has long
been understood that textbooks, by themselves, cannot communicate physics concepts
effectively to students (Tuite, 1967). Considering the diversity of students all across the
globe, the problem of providing physics education is even more complex (Rolin, 2008).
Making physics accessible to physically challenged students presents another level of
challenge (Hemantha & Srikanth, 2013) .Extensive work has been done in the pursuit of
overcoming these challenges in physics education (Long, 2013). Simulations tools such as
PhET are now visible in the classroom (Perkins et al., 2006; Wieman, Perkins, & Adams, 2008).
To add interactivity and to infuse theoretical learning of physics with real time phenomena,
interactive video vignettes in physics have been introduced. These high resolution real
world phenomena encourage students to think about and discuss physical processes in the
light of their current knowledge of physics (Laws, Willis, Jackson, Koenig, & Teese,
2015). Active learning strategies such as investigative learning that requires the students to
think deeply and analyze models critically have promoted internalizing physics concepts. In
investigative learning, the students construct their own knowledge from experimental
observations, make models based on this knowledge, and design other experiments to test
their models. These experiments might either support their models, or they may
be required to modify their hypothesis to explain these newly observed facts. Such an
iterative model of learning physics from well-designed experiments has been shown to promote
critical thinking skills and result in deeper knowledge of physics concepts (Etkina & Heuvelen,
2007). Techniques like interactive lecture demonstrations (ILD) have contributed to students
designing their own experiments, making their models of physical systems, and testing their
models by modifying their experimental setup (Miller, Lasry, Chu, & Mazur, 2013; Sokoloff &
Thornton, 1997). Some of these physics education tools have regularly been reviewed in
greater detail (Aravind, Goksu, Miller, & Heard, 2010; Aravind & Heard, 2010, 2011; Aravind &
Tangirala, 2012). The issue of incorporating physics lessons to physically challenged students
are being studied by physics educators (Bulbul & Eryilmaz, 2010; Şahin Bülbül, 2013).


Data Collection
and Analysis
Compare or Interpretation
Qualitative Data
Collection and


There is global concern about the number of students pursuing physics in secondary schools.
The loss in interest of students taking physics could do due to a combination of factors including
the perception that physics is a ‘hard’ subject with low levels of student achievement, the
perceived nature of the subject as being highly mathematical and abstract, and how the subject
is taught at the high school level.
It would not be unreasonable to speculate that those factors accounting for this worrying
development may include teaching methodology, instructional resources, teachers’ and
students’ attitude towards physics. It would be intriguing, therefore, to investigate issues
concerning the teaching and learning of the subject and the reasons why students lose interest
in it.


The survey and case study approaches, have the advantage of describing thoroughly how
physics is taught in the secondary schools for students and teachers. However, there is no
method that is free of problems (Sarantakos, 2005). First of all, survey questionnaires are
difficult to construct and secondly, the success of using questionnaires lies in getting
respondents to answer questions thoughtfully and honestly.
Another limitation is the time and effort of delivering and collecting the questionnaires and
getting sufficient numbers of participants to respond. The main limitation of the case study
method is that the subjectivity of respondents, their opinions, attitudes and perspectives together
contribute to a degree of bias.


The use of ICTs is increasing all over the world in teaching science. The present study analyzes
the impact of using multimedia teaching on students’ academic achievement and their attitude.
The study is useful for policy-makers in the field of science education, curriculum developers,
school administrators, principals, teachers, parents, and students. The study will provide a
guideline to the teachers to develop a strategy for effective teaching. It will help to develop
positive attitude of student’s towards science. The study is a variable contribution in indigenous

The roles of interactive multimedia and its effectiveness have been the subject of many studies.
This section intends to shed light on the main works in this area.
User Interactivity is a major feature of well-designed multimedia courseware. In fact, researchers
have shown that an interactive learning environment can generate effective instruction and
learning system (Harper & Hedberg, 1997; Sims, 1998; Shinde, 2003). In different researches
by Mayer, results indicate that using multi-modal instruction is more effective than using any
single mode (Norhayati & Siew; 2004; Mayer, 1997). In other words, this finding demonstrates
that media do impact learning, through the instructional possibilities that they enable. For
example, based on Mayer’s research, one could state that when used appropriately, the video
medium should be more effective than radio, since the latter cannot provide visual information.
The presentation of ideas in visual form has proven to be particularly important as it critically
helps the educational process. In a review by various researchers of studies that have
investigated the effectiveness of multimedia in learning suggested that the people who used
computer-based multimedia instruction performed better in terms of test scores, compared to
those who received instruction through traditional classroom lectures. Bayhan et al. explored the
use of computers at home to develop mathematical ideas and reported that there were
considerable potential for computer games to support such learning (Bayhan et al. 2002).

Similar research papers showed that kids who are exposed or have and use the computer and
Internet at home for education can have better chances understanding basic learning skills such
as the basics of Math and Alphabets. This early exposal to technology may offer new potentials
for both children and the pedagogy in early childhood settings. Special terms used to describe
this new generation can be seen in different papers. For example: “Generation Y” (Zabel, 1999;
Charp, 2003), “Digital natives” (Prensky, 2001), and “Millennials” (Zemke, 2001; Howe &
Strauss, 2000). Children homes have computer technology in all facets of gadgets: TV remote
control, the programmable microwave, wireless phones, computers, digital games (such as
Play-station, Xbox, etc). These offer significantly different ways of playing from what had been
possible in non-digital worlds (Zevenbergen, 2007). In trying to keep up and compete with those
kids, educators may have to continuously update their knowledge and skills and should always
include those methods in their education (at least in preparation and presentation) no matter
what is their major.

Tsai (2002) investigated science teachers’ conceptions about teaching, learning science and the
nature of science. Research data were gathered through interviews with 37 secondary school
science (physics and chemistry) teachers. Results from the study showed that most science
teachers had ‘traditional’ beliefs about the teaching and learning of science – science is best
taught by transferring knowledge from teacher to students (e.g. transferring of knowledge, giving
firm answers, providing clear definition, giving accurate explanations, presenting the scientific
truths or facts.

Mulhall and Gunstone (2008, 2012), for example, found that the approaches used by physics
teachers to teach physics were generally linked to their views about learning physics. Mulhall
and Gunstone used qualitative methodology to explore views about physics held by a group of
physics teachers whose teaching practice was traditional, and compared them with the views
held by physics teachers who used conceptual change approaches. Semi-structured interviews
and observations were employed for this purpose. The authors discovered that the perception
that particular physics teaching approaches may be linked to particular views about physics
“seemed to apply to the traditional group but not to the conceptual group” (Mulhall & Gunstone,


In this study, an attempt was made to investigate and describe the multimedia strategy in
teaching physics by looking at the current state of physics teaching and learning, by conducting
a multimedia strategy teaching to students and assessing its effects. The study therefore
followed a mixed method design using both survey and case study techniques. Specifically, the
convergent parallel design (Creswell & Clark, 2011) was employed for this study. The design
involved two stages in which mixed methods were used to collect data.
The convergent parallel design (also called convergent design) involves the use of concurrent
quantitative and qualitative data collection, separate quantitative and qualitative analysis and the
merging of the two data sets (Creswell & Clark, 2011). It has been observed that if a study uses
different research methods, for example quantitative and qualitative, it has the advantage of
helping the researcher to gain a deeper understanding of certain issues pertaining to the
problem under investigation (Best & Kahn, 2005; Cohen, Manion, & Morrison, 2007; Taylor,
2004). The use of multiple data sources and cross comparisons to gain understanding of a
phenomenon ensures trustworthiness and credibility of interpretation of data collected (Creswell,
A survey method was used in the first stage in which questionnaires were administered to
physics students of Alilem National High School. The students’ survey was designed to gather
students views about their interest in physics, the strategies used by teachers, their own
competencies and challenges, and what would motivate them to study physics more.
The second stage was carried out in two phases. Phase one involved collection of quantitative
data from students and classroom observations. Phase two of the second stage involved focus
group interviews with physics students and individual interviews with high school physics
teachers. The purpose of this was to investigate qualitatively and delve deeper into issues that
were not possible to obtain from questionnaires.


The study will take place in Alilem National High School-Senior High School. All Grade 11
students will participate in the said study. The population for the study comprised of senior
physics teachers and 93 Grade 11 students enrolled in the subject physics.


The research instruments used for data collection for this study were: survey questionnaires for
teachers and students, interview protocols, classroom observational guides and situational
analysis of documents, including units and lesson plans.

Survey Questionnaire
Two forms of both closed and open-ended questionnaires were developed and used for data
collection. These were the Physics Teachers’ Questionnaire (PTQ) and Physics Students’
Questionnaire (PSQ). It has been noted that closed and open-ended questionnaires are useful
to elicit both quantitative and qualitative data (Best & Kahn, 2005; Fraenkel et al., 2012). Also,
many people’s opinions can be elicited through questionnaires and participants can respond in a
place and time convenient to them (Gray, 2009). Both the PTQ and PSQ were adapted from
existing surveys for evaluating secondary schools science and mathematics classrooms (Angell
et al., 2004; Hackling et al., 2001; Ogunmade, 2005; Weiss et al., 2001). The items selected
were modified to suit the purpose and context of this study. Particular attention ensured that the
items constructed were unambiguous, unbiased, unloaded and relevant (Fraenkel et al., 2012;
May, 2001; Sarantakos, 2005).
Interview Protocols
Semi-structured interview protocols were designed for physics teachers, students, and physics
teacher educators. The semi-structured interview is suitable for probing views and opinions and
permits respondents to develop and expand on their own responses (Gray, 2009). The semi-
structured interview protocols were designed to gather data in the participants’ own words
(Fraenkel et al., 2012) so that greater insight could be gained about the teaching and learning of
senior physics. The semi-structured method of interviewing allows the interviewer to have more
opportunities to probe beyond the answers. As May (2001) noted: “the interviewer can seek both
clarification and elaboration on the answers given and thus enter into a dialogue with the
interviewee” (p. 123). The semi-structured method also allows the researcher to raise issues of
particular concern to the study (Fraenkel et al., 2012). Further questions, which were not
expected at the commencement of the interview, could be also be asked as new issues arose
(Gray, 2009).

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