Final Examination: Media and Information Literacy
Final Examination: Media and Information Literacy
Final Examination: Media and Information Literacy
NAME: ______________________________
GRADE AND SECTION: _________________
DATE: _______________
Approved by:
Romeo S. Venancio
The letters are written with style. It gives meaning to the readers. ______ 50. What type of camera shot is being shown at the image below?
What type of code is used?
A. Low Angle
A. Technical Code C. Written Code B. Over the Shoulder Shot
B. Symbolic Code D. all of the C. Medium Shot
above D. Full Shot
A. Haptics Technology C. Contextual Awareness
B. Voice and Tone Recognition D. Intelligent Routing Device A. Wide Shot
_____ 34. The power of a machine to copy intelligent human behavior. B. Close-up Shot
A. Haptics Technology C. Artificial Intelligence C. Eye Level
B. Augmented Reality D. Virtual Reality D. High Level
_____ 35. It measures eye positions and movements which are analyzed through
computer applications.
A. Eye Tracking Technology C. Intelligent Routing Device _____ 8. Using the previous picture, what is the genre of the scene?
B. Voice and Tone Recognition D. Haptics Technology A. Romantic – Comedy C. Action-Fantasy
_____ 36. Technology that can display images directly onto our retinas while not B. Action – Drama D. Fantasy-Drama
blocking our sight. This technology can be used in eyeglasses and have uses _____ 9. What can you infer from these – Remember the human, adhere to the
ranging from e-Gaming to military defense. same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life, know where you are
A. Internet Glasses C. Virtual Reality in cyberspace?
B. Augmented Reality D. Virtual World A. Know your limitations while using the internet. C. Both A and B.
_____ 37. These are smart electronic devices that can be worn on the body as B. Remember the core rules of netiquette. D. Neither A nor B.
implant or accessories. _____ 10-11. Which statements will support the concept about the ethical use of
A. Haptics Technology C. Contextual Awareness information? Choose two answers.
B. Wearable Technology D. Artificial Intelligence A. Give credit where credit is due.
_____ 38. Which of the following is NOT an example of wearable technology? B. When you come across information, validation is an option.
A. Google Glass B. Smart Watch C. GPS D. Smart Ring C. Users should not share personal information about someone else without
_____ 39. It is often simply defined as learning anywhere, anytime and is therefore their consent.
closely associated with mobile technologies. D. Little information from a source can be copied and cannot be accused of
A. MOOC B. Online Learning C. Ubiquitous Learning D. Google Meet plagiarism.
_____ 40. It refers to persons that are involved in the use, analysis, evaluation and _____ 12-13. Look at the picture below. Why do you think viewers are convinced
production of media and information. that this movie is an action film? Choose two answers.
A. Media Practitioners C. People as Media A. Because the actor in the movie is Tom Cruise
B. People in Media D. People Media popular in portraying action films.
_____ 41. People who are well-oriented to media sources and messages and able to B. Symbolic Codes are used to indicate that the genre is
provide information as accurate and reliable as possible. an action film.
A. Media Practitioners C. People as Media C. A woman and a car are seen in the poster which are
B. People in Media D. People Media part of the convention of action films.
_____ 42. Media practitioners who provide information coming from their expert D. Because of its title.
knowledge or first-hand experience of event.
A. Media Practitioners C. People as Media
B. People in Media D. People Media
_____ 14. If a man would buy flowers to his loved one, what
color and kind of flower will he buy and why?
_____ 6-7. Given a picture of a particular scene below, what basic camera shots A. He will buy red anthurium because this symbolizes happiness and
and angles have you observed? Choose two answers. abundance.
B. He will buy white daisy because this symbolizes innocence and purity. _____ 25. It is the use of language style and textual layout like headline captions,
C. He will buy sunflower because this symbolizes adoration and dedication. speech bubbles and font types.
D. He will buy red roses because this is closest symbolic likeness to the heart. A. Technical Code C. Symbolic Code
_____ 15. Jorinda is an active user of Facebook. Which of the following is NOT a B. Written Code D. Media Languages
proper way in the use of social media. _____ 26. It is a law in the Philippines approved on September 12, 2012 which
A. Uploading photos. C. Posting hate messages intended for enemies. aims to address legal issues concerning online interactions and the internet.
B. Posting current feelings for the day. D. Sharing favorite quotes. A. R.A 10175 B. R.A 9595 C. R.A 241 D. R.A 10276
_____ 16. Raizy and Taiga are now part of the school paper. As members of the _____ 27. It refers to the virtual computer world, and more specifically, is an
writers, they want to write a featured story that would appeal to senior high school electronic medium used to form a global computer network to facilitate online
students, but they have no idea what to do. What suggestion can you give them? communication.
A. Write funny blind items about their teachers. A. Internet B. Cyber C. Cyberspace D. Network
B. Use colorful paper that the students will like. _____ 28. It refers to the criminal activities carried out by means of computers or
C. Search for latest news about K-pop. the internet.
D. Conduct an interview with the students to know what they like. A. Cyberbullying B. Cybercrime C. Cyberspace D. Cyber Defamation
_____ 17. Macario Mabungkagay Jr. has been told online that his name is _____ 29. What kind of cybercrime is illustrated in the picture below?
ridiculous. Later, more and more internet users came telling him that his name
sucks. Macario is likely a victim of _______________?
A. Cyberbullying B. Identity Theft C. Infringement D. A. Hacking
Cybersquatting B. Pharming
_____ 18. Chix is having a compulsive use of internet pornography, adult chat C. Identity Theft
rooms, and adult fantasy role-play sites. What type of cybercrime is he D. Phishing
A. Cyber Defamation B. Child Pornography C. Cybersex D.
Plagiarism _____ 30. It is the deliberate use of someone else’s
______ 19. These are systems of signs, which create meaning. identity, usually as a method to gain a financial advantage or obtain credit and
A. Code B. Conventions C. Symbolic D. Technical other benefits in the person’s name, and perhaps to the other person’s disadvantage
_____ 20. These are generally accepted ways of doing something. or loss.
A. Code B. Conventions C. Symbolic D. Technical A. Hacking B. Cybersquatting C. Identity Theft D. Libel
_____ 21. Codes, conventions, formats, symbols and narrative structures that _____ 31. Violation of copyright is called ____________.
indicate the meaning of media messages to an audience. A. Plagiarism B. Infringement C. Fair Use D. Copyright
A. Media Languages B. Codes C. Genre D. Conventions _____ 32. It is an economic inequality between groups in terms of access to, use
_____ 22. It comes from the French word meaning “type” or “class”. of, or knowledge of ICT.
A. Media Languages B. Codes C. Genre D. Conventions A. Computer Addiction B. Plagiarism C. Digital Divide D. Cyberspace
_____ 23. All of the following are example of technical codes EXCEPT: _____ 33. It is a feedback technology that takes advantage of the user’s sense of
A. Camera Techniques C. Lighting and Exposure touch by applying force, vibrations and/or motions to the user.
B. Depth of Fields D. Body Language
_____ 24. Which of the following is an example of a symbolic code?
A. Camera Movements C. Setting
B. Camera Angles D. Basic Camera Shots