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Draft OISD–STD–236 Page No. 1
Design, Layout, Operation & Maintenance of
Refrigerated LPG Storage

Design, Layout, Operation & Maintenance of Refrigerated LPG Storage


Safety in Refrigerated LPG Storage facilities need specific attention considering the fact
that large volumes of LPG are stored at near atmospheric pressure well below the ambient
atmospheric temperatures. Any change in the ambient conditions of the product would result
in boiling of large volume of liquid at a very high rate which may lead to rise in tank pressure
and failure of storage tanks. These tanks are prone to collapse under vacuum in case of high
rate of evacuation of product. The product stored in the tanks is without any odour. At present,
there is no specific standard in the country for standardizing the design, Layout, Operation and
Maintenance of the refrigerated LPG Storage Facilities. This standard is intended to serve as a
guide to the Design, Layout, Operation & Maintenance of Refrigerated LPG Storage

The primary objective of preparing this standard is to ensure safety in Refrigerated LPG
Storage facilities by following the basic safety requirements and practices in the design,
construction and Operation of Refrigerated Storage Facilities .


This standard lays down the minimum safety requirements for Design, Layout, Operation &
Maintenance of Refrigerated LPG Storage facilities. The facilities at port and the associated
cross country pipelines are not part of the scope of the present standard. This standard does not
cover the buried / semi buried refrigerated LPG storage facilities.

The requirements of OISD-STD-144 / 150 / 214 shall be applicable after the point LPG is no
longer in Refrigerated State.


(1) Aboveground Tank or Aboveground Vessel: a tank or vessel all or part of which is
exposed above grade.

(2) Auto-refrigeration: The chilling effect of vaporization of LPG when it is released or vented
to a lower pressure.

(3) Annular Space: The space between the primary cylindrical liquid container and the
primary cylindrical product vapor container or cylindrical purge gas container of a double
wall tank.

(4) Base Heating System: A heating system provided in the base slab or soil below the tank
system to prevent freezing of the soil and frost heave.

(5) Base Slab: A continuous concrete base supporting the tank system. This base may be
either at grade or elevated and may be either supported by soil or piles.

(6) Deriming: Synonymous with defrosting or de-icing refers to the removal, by heating and
evaporation, sublimation, or solution, of accumulated constituents that form solids, such as
water, carbon dioxide, etc. from the low-temperature process equipment.

(7) Dyke: A structure remote from the tank system used to establish an impounding area for
the purpose of containing any accidental spill of stored liquid. Sometimes this structure is
referred to as a bund wall.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Draft OISD–STD–236 Page No. 2
Design, Layout, Operation & Maintenance of
Refrigerated LPG Storage

(8) Elevated Foundation: A foundation with base slab, supported by either piles or piers
located at an elevation above grade, leaving an air gap between the grade and the bottom
of the base slab.

(9) Flameproof Enclosure: Type of protection in which the parts which can ignite an explosive
atmosphere are placed in an enclosure which can withstand the pressure developed during
an internal explosion of an explosive mixture and which prevents the transmission of the
explosion to the explosive atmosphere surrounding the enclosure.

(10) Frostbite: Frostbite is the medical condition where localized damage is caused to skin and
other tissues due to freezing temperatures. Frostbite is likely to happen when human body
comes in accidental contact with refrigerated LPG at subzero temperatures.

(11) Hazardous area: An area shall be deemed to be a hazardous area, where

(i) Petroleum having flash point below 65°C or any flammable gas or vapour in a
concentration capable of ignition is likely to be present.
(ii) Petroleum or any flammable liquid having flash point above 65°C is likely to be refined,
blended, handled or stored at or above its flash point.

(12) Hazardous Atmosphere: An atmosphere containing any flammable gas or vapour in a

concentration capable of ignition.

(13) Levels and Volumes

Design Liquid Level: Maximum liquid level that will be experienced during operation of
the tank. This is used for the static shell thickness determination.

Maximum Liquid Capacity: The total volume between the design liquid level and the
tank bottom. (This is also referred to as total liquid capacity in API 620.)

Maximum Normal Operating Level: Maximum liquid level that will be experienced during
normal operation of the tank.

Minimum Normal Operating Level: Minimum liquid level that will be maintained during
normal operation of the tank. The unusable volume of liquid below the minimum normal
operating level is known as Heel.

Net Working Capacity: The volume between the maximum normal operating level and
minimum normal operating level.

Overfill Protection Margin: Capacity (tank height or volume) between the maximum
normal operating level and the design liquid level

Seismic Freeboard: The design height above the maximum normal operating level to
minimize or prevent overflow or damage to the roof due to sloshing of the liquid contents
during a seismic event.

Refer figure in Annexure A1 for details of Level and Volumes

(14) Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG or LP-Gas):

The term applies to a mixture of certain light hydrocarbon predominately C3 & C4, derived
from petroleum & natural gas which are gaseous at ambient temperature and pressure,
may be condensed to a liquid state at normal ambient temperature by the application of
moderate pressure and conforming to IS : 4576 or IS: 14861.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Draft OISD–STD–236 Page No. 3
Design, Layout, Operation & Maintenance of
Refrigerated LPG Storage

(15) Load Bearing Insulation: Insulation with special compressive strength properties used for
thermal insulation and for transferring the load to the load bearing structure.

(16) Primary Liquid Container: Parts of a tank system that contain the liquid during normal

(17) Primary Vapour Container: Parts of a tank system that contain the product vapour during
normal operation.

(18) Pump Column: A pipe column to house a combined vertical pump and close coupled
electric motor. The column itself protrudes through the outer tank roof.

(19) Secondary Liquid Container: Parts of a tank system that contain the liquid in the event of
leakage from the primary liquid container.

(20) Process

Boil-Off: The process of vaporization of refrigerated product by heat conducted through the
insulation surrounding the tank.

Design Pressure: The maximum gauge pressure permissible in the vapour space above
the product of a tank system in its design condition.

Rollover: The spontaneous and sudden uncontrolled movement of a large mass of liquid
from the bottom to the top surface of a refrigerated storage vessel due to an instability
caused by an adverse density gradient due to presence of stratified liquids of different
densities. Rollover can cause a sudden pressure increase and can affect vessel integrity.

Set Pressure: The gauge pressure at which the pressure relief device first opens.

Set Vacuum: The gauge pressure at which the vacuum relief device first opens.

Sweetening : Introduction of LPG vapour into the tank

(21) Purging: The replacement of one gas/vapour by another in an enclosed tank system by
displacement, by dilution, by diffusion or by combinations of these actions.

(22) Shall: Indicates provisions that are mandatory;

(23) Should: Indicates provisions that are recommended but not mandatory;

(24) Storage Concepts

Double Containment (double integrity) Tank System

A double containment system is one having a double tank designed so that both the inner
tank and the outer tank are capable of independently containing the refrigerated liquid
stored. The inner tank contains the refrigerated liquid under normal operating conditions.
The outer tank is intended to contain the refrigerated liquid product leakage from the inner
tank. The outer tank is not designed to contain product vapour in the event of liquid leakage
from the inner tank.

Full Containment Tank System

A full containment storage tank is one meeting all the requirements of double containment
storage plus the additional requirement of that it shall avoid the uncontrolled release of

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Draft OISD–STD–236 Page No. 4
Design, Layout, Operation & Maintenance of
Refrigerated LPG Storage

product vapour in the event of liquid leakage from the inner tank. The outer tank shall
always contain the vapour during normal operation.

Refrigerated Tank System

Storage in a vessel or tank artificially maintained at a temperature below the nominal

ambient temperature. This includes the combination of a primary liquid container, together
with secondary liquid container (if any), insulation, vapor container, appurtenances,
instrumentation and all other associated elements. The product is stored at their respective
boiling point depending upon the constitution at near atmospheric pressure.

Single containment

A single containment system is one having either a single tank or a tank comprising an
inner tank and an outer container designed and constructed so that only the inner tank is
required to meet the low temperature ductility requirements for storage of that product. The
outer container of a single containment storage tank would primarily be for retention and
protection of insulating material and to contain the vapour gas pressure, and would not be
designed to contain liquid in the event of leakage from the inner tank.

(25) Stratification: When liquids of different densities are received in the same tank, there is a
possibility that layers are created with a less dense liquid overlaying a heavier one. This is
called stratification. Unstable stratification may also occur when the liquid in the lower layer
becomes less dense due to heat input, while the liquid in the upper layer becomes heavier
due to the evaporation at the surface. This unstable situation can relieve itself with a
sudden /spontaneous rapid mixing process (Roll over) which occurs in tanks as a result of
a density inversion.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Draft OISD–STD–236 Page No. 5
Design, Layout, Operation & Maintenance of
Refrigerated LPG Storage


Refrigerated LPG:

The product stored either in pure propane & pure butane form or in premixed LPG (i.e. mix of propane &
butane conforming to IS: 4576) at their respective boiling point at near atmospheric pressure.

Receipt of refrigerated LPG, butane or propane.

The refrigerated propane, butane or LPG is discharged by the pumps of the ocean tanker through the
unloading arms at the port to the cross country pipelines and is transferred to the designated storage
vessels at the terminal through insulated pipelines.

Storage of Refrigerated LPG:

The primary function of storage vessel is to receive, hold and stock refrigerated product. Above ground
dome roof tanks are used to store the liquefied gas at or below its boiling point. The tank is designed to
ensure the following functions:

Liquid Retention

The storage tank shall be capable of withstanding the hydrostatic load of the liquid and low
temperature of the propane, Butane and /or LPG.

Gas Tightness

Tanks should be tight enough to prevent any evaporation losses and also to avoid ingress of air and

Thermal Insulation

Thermal insulation shall be provided to:

Limit boil-off rates
Avoid cold spots on the outer shell.

Thermal Stresses

Under normal operating conditions, the tank is subjected to variation in the temperatures. Also during
start up, tank temperature is required to be brought down from ambient to refrigerated temperatures.
Sometimes the tank may require deriming for various reasons like repair of internals, modifications
etc. Hence, the tanks shall be capable of withstanding the heat variation.

The detailed requirements of Refrigerated Storage Tanks has been detailed in section 5



An auto-refrigeration system comprising of positive displacement compressors, LPG condenser and liquid
receiver is provided to maintain refrigerated LPG tank pressure. The auto-refrigeration system
compensates for heat gain in the tank, headers and in-tank pump heat.

Large capacity refrigeration compressors called Flash Compressors are operated to handle large-scale
refrigeration requirement during ocean tanker receipts and smaller capacity refrigeration compressors
called Boil-Off Compressors are used during normal course of operations to maintain tank temperatures
at required levels.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Draft OISD–STD–236 Page No. 6
Design, Layout, Operation & Maintenance of
Refrigerated LPG Storage

The vapor thus extracted is compressed and then re-liquefied by condensing in condensers / chillers. The
condensate, intermediately stored in condensate receivers, is then pumped to separate buffer storage
tanks thereby completing an open-cycle auto-refrigeration process. The liquid returned to the either
refrigerated storage tank or above ground tank as per the designed process flow.

Refrigerated storage tanks and refrigeration systems are designed to maintain normal process operations
during routine maintenance of equipment, and to assure plant safety under emergency conditions.
Sufficient sparing of equipment is provided so that any single piece of equipment can be removed from
service while maintaining normal operations.

The terminal shall be provided with flare system to enhance the plant safety. The flaring is done only as a
final solution when the normal Boil / Flash compressor are not available able to meet the requirement.
Flare is connected to the tank pressure vent valve to provide sufficient time for operator intervention in
case of pressure rise.

Product withdrawal

The product stored in the tanks is pumped out using In tank Pumps (duty and standby) installed inside
each tank.

Heating / Blending:

The refrigerated product (LPG/propane/ butane) is brought to ambient condition from its sub-zero
temperature by various method of heating the product by either through steam / heat exchangers / air
preheaters etc. It is very important to ensure that the product LPG / propane / butane at downstream of
heating arrangement shall be at temperature above 15°C. The failure of the heating arrangement to
increase the temperature of the product upto 15°C should immediately trip the intank pump and prevent
flow of refrigerated product from heating arrangement.

The product (propane & butane) at normal temperature above 15°C is blended in a blending unit in the
correct ratio to make commercial LPG. The final product is dozed with ethyl mercaptan from the dozing
facilities for odorizing LPG in the correct proportion. Beyond this point provision of OISD-144/150 shall be

The pipings/equipments at the downstream of the heating arrangement upto the next storage vessel or
despatch / loading end shall be of LTCS material only.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Draft OISD–STD–236 Page No. 7
Design, Layout, Operation & Maintenance of
Refrigerated LPG Storage

5.0 Terminal Layout:


Terminal lay out philosophy shall consider location of the facilities at a site of suitable size, topography
and configuration with a view to minimise the hazards to persons and property due to leaks and spills of
LPG. Before selecting a site, all site related characteristics which could affect the integrity and security of
the facility shall be determined. A site shall provide ease of access so that personnel, equipment,
materials from offsite locations can reach the site for fire fighting or controlling spill associated hazards or
for the evacuation of the personnel.

OISD–STD-118 covers the layout consideration for the Oil and Gas Installations. The above standard is
generally applicable for consideration of layout of Refrigerated LPG Terminal. The Control Room shall be
constructed as per OISD-STD-163.The minimum distance of 60 m shall be maintained between LPG
Storage Tank and Substation. Specific points related to Refrigerated LPG are brought out here.

Basic Information

Information on following items should be collected before proceeding with the development of overall plot


- Site location map

- Site Geotechnical and Seismic data.
- Soil characteristics
- Prevailing wind speed and direction over a period
- Meteorological data including corrosive characteristics of the air and frequency of lightening
- Area topography contour map
- High flood level in the area and worst flood occurrence.
- Storm water disposal point and effluent disposal point
- Source of water supply and likely entry / exit point
- Electric supply source and direction of entry point
- LPG entry point/ Gas exit point
- Approach roads to main Terminal areas
- Surrounding risks
- Air routes and the proximity of the Airports.
- Fire station
- The Proximity to the unloading jetty.


- Terminal capacity-
- Process flow diagram indicating flow sequence
- Process units and capacities
- Refrigerated LPG storage tanks, sizes and type of storage tanks
- Other LPG storage tanks
- LPG transfer
- No. of flares
- Provision for spill containment and leak control
- Minimum inter distances between facilities as well as between facilities & boundaries
- Operating and maintenance philosophy for grouping of utilities
- Plant and non-plant buildings
- Space for future Expansion
- Chemical storage
- Ware house and open storage areas.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Draft OISD–STD–236 Page No. 8
Design, Layout, Operation & Maintenance of
Refrigerated LPG Storage


The Refrigerated LPG Terminal may consist of the following basic facilities.

- Refrigerated LPG receipt line to shore terminal.

- Refrigerated LPG Storage
- Pressurized LPG storage facilities.
- Boil Off / Flash Compressor, condensers, chillers,
- Process Area
- Heating / Blending / dozing facilities.
- Flare system
- Utility Block (Air Compressors, De-mineralization plant, Boiler Room etc.)
- Fire water Storage and fire water Pump House.
- LPG loading/ transfer facilities Road / Rail / Pipeline
- Control Room
- Administrative Block
- Workshop
- Warehouse
- Electrical Substation.
- Laboratory

General Considerations

- Future expansion requirement shall be assessed and provision of space for the same should be
- The Erection and Maintenance requirements shall be considered.
- The layout of the facilities including the arrangement and location of plant roads, walkways, doors
and operating equipment shall be designed to permit personnel and equipment to reach any area
effected by fire rapidly and effectively.
- The layout shall permit access from at least two directions.
- Each group shall be separated by roads on all four sides for easy access and emergency
- Classification of areas for Electrical Installations in LPG Terminal shall be as per OISD-STD-113
as applicable.

Processing Equipment Spacing:

The table II of OISD-STD-118 shall be applicable for process equipment.

Aboveground Refrigerated LP-Gas Containers

- The minimum horizontal distance between the shell of a refrigerated LPG tank and the line of
adjoining property that may be developed shall be 60 m. Where residences, public buildings,
places of assembly, or industrial sites are located on adjacent property, greater distances or other
supplemental protection shall be evaluated.

- Non refrigerated LP-Gas containers or flammable liquid tanks shall not be located within dykes or
impoundments enclosing refrigerated LP-Gas containers.

- Refrigerated LP-Gas containers shall not be installed one above the other.

- The minimum distance between aboveground refrigerated LP-Gas containers shall be one-half
the diameter of the larger container.

- The minimum horizontal distance between the shell of a refrigerated LPG tank and the shell of
another non-refrigerated hydrocarbon storage facility shall be the largest of the following
distances subject to a max of 60 m.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Draft OISD–STD–236 Page No. 9
Design, Layout, Operation & Maintenance of
Refrigerated LPG Storage

i. If the other storage is pressurized, three quarters of the larger tank diameter. or 30 m
whichever is more.
ii. If the other storage is in atmospheric tanks and is designed to contain material with a
flash point of 55 or less, one diameter of the larger tank or 30 m whichever is more
iii. If the other storage is in atmospheric tanks and is designed to-contain material with a
flash-point greater than 55 C, half the diameter of the larger tank or 30 m whichever is

- Refrigerated LPG tanks shall not be located within buildings, within the spill containment areas of
other flammable or combustible liquid storage tanks or within the spill containment areas of
pressurized storage tanks.

- The inter-distance requirements among various process facilities such as flash / boil off
compressor area heat exchanger / condensors / blending / dosing facilities shall be governed by
process / design / hazop considerations.

There shall not be any process facility such as condenser / compressor house / dosing / blenders
within 30 m of tank shell.

The inter-distance for the facilities handling non refrigerated LPG shall be as per OISD-
144/150/214 for respective facilities.

Spill Containment

a. Single containment Refrigerated LPG tanks shall be provided with spill containment facilities. Spill
containment shall be provided by the dyking of the area surrounding the vessel.

b. For double and full containment tanks, only kerb wall of atleast 0.6 m height shall be provided.
The distance of kerb wall from tank shell shall not be less 15 m. In this case, double wall tanks
shall be designed to hold the entire quantity in the outer shell as well as suitable to handle
hydrostatic pressure and low temperature requirements.

c. To prevent the accumulation of flammable material under or near a refrigerated LPG tank, the
ground under and surrounding the tank shall be graded to drain any spills to a safe area away
from the tank.

d. Diking:

(i) If diking around the vessel is to be used for spill containment, the dyked area shall be
designed to meet the capacity of single largest tank in the dyke. Effective containment
capacity shall be after considering 0.2 m of free board.

(ii) The grading of the area under and surrounding the vessel shall direct any leaks or spills to the
edge of the dyked area. The grading shall be a minimum of 1% slope. Within the dyked area,
the grading shall cause spills to accumulate away from the vessel and any piping located
within the dyked area.

(iii) Each refrigerated LPG tank shall be provided with its own dyked area. The holdup of the
dyked area shall be at least 100% of the volume of the tank.

(iv) More than one tank may be enclosed within the same dyked area provided provisions are
made to prevent low temperature exposure resulting from leakage from any one tank from
causing subsequent leakage from any other tank. When dykes are used as part of the spill
containment system, the minimum height shall be 0.5 m, measured from the inside of the
dyked area. Where dykes are higher than 1.8 m, provisions shall be made for normal and
emergency access into and out of the dyked enclosure. The height of dyke shall not exceed

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Draft OISD–STD–236 Page No. 10
Design, Layout, Operation & Maintenance of
Refrigerated LPG Storage

2.0 m excluding free board of 0.2 m

e. The edge of a dyke/ kerb wall , impoundment, or drainage system that is intended for a
refrigerated LP-Gas container shall be 30 m or more from a property line that can be built upon, a
public way, or a navigable waterway.

f. The ground within 7.5 m of any aboveground refrigerated LP-Gas container and all ground within
a dyke, impoundment, or drainage area shall be kept clear of readily ignitable materials such as
weeds and long, dry grass.

Marking of Tanks

Each refrigerated storage system shall be identified by the attachment of name plates readily visible
and accessible which shall give the following details:

- Manufacturers name and serial number

- Design standard
- Maximum LPG filling level
- Liquid volume of the tank when filled with LPG to the maximum safe level
- Maximum and minimum design pressure
- Maximum and minimum design temperature
- Density of the LPG for which the tank is designed
- Year of construction and test

Piping, Valves and Equipment:

a. Piping, valves and equipment for handling refrigerated LPG shall confirm to the low temperature
requirements and to be suitable for use at the temperature of the application and shall be designed
for not less than the maximum pressure and for minimum temperature to which they may be

b. Cast iron shall not be used for piping systems handling refrigerated LPG

c. Screwed joints and compression fittings shall not be used in piping for low temperature Propane,
Butane or LPG service , except for the instrument lines downstream of an isolation valve.

d. All the welds of Propane, Butane or LPG service line shall be 100% radiographed and retained for
future references.

e. Piping systems and their supports shall be suitably insulated / protected for fire exposure

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Draft OISD–STD–236 Page No. 11
Design, Layout, Operation & Maintenance of
Refrigerated LPG Storage


Design Information: Following information shall be collected at the design stage:

- Natural environmental loads (such as earthquake, wind),

- Spillage handling requirements,
- Corrosion allowances,
- Hazard Protection System requirements (such as water spray, gas detection, if any);
- Accidental loads determined by assessment of risk (such as fire, pressure wave, projectile impact, if
- Settlement prediction and inspection method;
- Ambient temperature

- Properties of the stored product, including density at the design temperature,

- Minimum design temperature of primary containment,
- Tank maximum liquid capacity;
- Design liquid level;
- Internal diameter and height of inner tank
- Normal maximum/minimum operating liquid level;
- Design pressure/vacuum, maximum/minimum operating pressure,
- Pressure relief and vacuum set points.(High/low pressure alarm set point,)
- High/low level alarm.
- Minimum normal operating level basis,
- Overfill protection margin,
- Capacity to receive the interface turbulance of two products at different temperature and density.
- Product filling/emptying rates,
- Rollover applicability and rollover prevention provisions,
- Design boil-off rate,
- Condensation of vapours in annular space.

- Risk assessment,
- Applicable codes and standards;
- Materials of tank construction;
- Emergency relief valve discharge flow rate
- Piping and instrumentation requirements,
- NDE applied to non-hydrostatically tested components;
- Tank type,
- Networking capacity,
- Tank location on plot plan,
- Process flow diagrams, piping & instrumentation diagrams (P&IDS)
- Pre-commissioning and commissioning procedures, including purging, drying, and cool down;


Tank Systems for Refrigerated Storage

This section covers low pressure, aboveground, vertical, and cylindrical tank systems storing liquefied
gases requiring refrigeration. These are general requirements on selection of storage concept,
performance criteria, accessories/appurtenances, quality assurance, insulation, and commissioning of
tank systems.

The Refrigerated storage tank system consist of a primary liquid and vapor containment constructed of
metal, concrete, or a metal/concrete combination and, when required, a secondary liquid containment.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Draft OISD–STD–236 Page No. 12
Design, Layout, Operation & Maintenance of
Refrigerated LPG Storage

Metallic Containers

Metallic container materials, design, fabrication, inspection, examination, and testing shall be in
accordance with API 620 including Appendix R.

Concrete Containers

Concrete container materials, design, construction, inspection, examination, and testing shall be in
accordance with ACI 376.

General Requirements:

For all containment systems, liquid-tightness of the primary liquid container is required. Liquid is not
to accumulate outside the primary liquid container during normal operation. Tank systems where this is
not assured would require consideration of issues such as liquid collection and disposal, potential cold
spots, effect on tank venting, etc.


Three main different storage concepts are :

Single containment
Double Containment Tank System
Full Containment Tank System

Single containment

A single containment system is one having either a single tank or a tank comprising an inner tank and an
outer container designed and constructed so that only the inner tank is required to meet the low
temperature ductility requirements for storage of that product. The outer container of a single containment
storage tank would primarily be for retention and protection of insulating material and to contain the
vapour gas pressure, and would not be designed to contain liquid in the event of leakage from the inner

Double Containment (double integrity) Tank System

A double containment system is one having a double tank designed so that both the inner tank and the
outer tank are capable of independently containing the refrigerated liquid stored. The inner tank contains
the refrigerated liquid under normal operating conditions. The outer tank is intended to contain the
refrigerated liquid product leakage from the inner tank. The outer tank is not designed to contain product
vapour in the event of liquid leakage from the inner tank.

Full Containment Tank System

A full containment storage tank is one meeting all the requirements of double containment storage plus
the additional requirement of that it shall avoid the uncontrolled release of product vapour in the event of
liquid leakage from the inner tank.

The full containment concept evolved from double containment and has the following advantages:
Controls or prevents the release of product vapors following primary liquid container leakage or failure;
Greater ability to resist external threats such as blast, fire and impact compared to single and double
containment tanks.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Draft OISD–STD–236 Page No. 13
Design, Layout, Operation & Maintenance of
Refrigerated LPG Storage

Guidance on selection of storage concept:

The selection is to be based on a risk assessment. The risk is a function of not only the storage concept
itself but also the way the tank system relates to many other aspects of the overall facility. Therefore other
aspects of the facility and its surroundings shall be considered.

Plans for the proposed facility should specifically address the impact of vapour clouds and radiant heat
flux on plant facilities and adjacent properties. Intrinsic within this approach is the selection of storage
concept; separation distances and proximity to property lines; site topography; soil conditions; and ground
water conditions. A review of the site may identify constraints or provide opportunities to utilize specific
features of site to the benefit of the facility.

The rate of heat generation from a large pool of burning liquefied gas is significantly higher than that of a
similar pool of another oil product. In order to limit the radiant heat flux on the surroundings to acceptable
levels it may be necessary to reduce as much as possible the area of the pool of spilled liquefied gas
though the selection of containment concept.

External hazards include the following:

- Environmental hazards including earthquake, lightning, wind loading including hurricane/typhoons,

- Snow and ice loading, tsunamis;
- Ground conditions, weak strata, liquefiable layers, lateral spreading, and presence of caverns, voids
and defects;
- Flying objects, and equipment following a process incident;
- Pressure waves due to vapor cloud ignitions from the process plant, adjacent plant, process
equipment, and Carriers including facilities located outside the boundary limits;
- Operational and upset conditions including spillage and leakage of product;
- Maintenance hazards;
- Fire hazards from adjacent tanks, dykes, relief valves, sumps, jet fires, and plant areas;
- Proximity of tanks to external uncontrolled sources of ignition such as ground flares, flares.

Internal hazards include the following:

- Leakage of product from the inner tank;

- Overfilling of the tank;
- Over/under pressurization of the tank due to process upset;
- Rollover leading to over pressurization of the tank;
- Major leak (i.e. The complete failure of the inner tank);
- Minor leak (i.e. Partial leakage from the inner tank due to a postulated defect);
- Fatigue and cyclic loading of key components (e.g., annular plates);
- Corrosion;
- Failure of pipe work attached to the tank bottom/sides;
- Instrumentation failures.

Safety Improvement

If the assessment of risk identifies risks that exceed acceptable limits, then positive measures (action)
should be taken to reduce the level of risk to an acceptable level. Typical mitigation measures may be as

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
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Draft OISD–STD–236 Page No. 14
Design, Layout, Operation & Maintenance of
Refrigerated LPG Storage

- Selection of alternative containment concepts (i.e. Migration from single containment to double or full
- Improvements to process equipment selection;
- Substitution of a metal roof on a full containment tank with a concrete roof;
- Increase in safety distances (separation distances) to limit impact in respect of vapor dispersion and
radiant heat flux;
- Elimination of ignition sources;
- Selection of alternate layouts and site locations;
- Inclusion of protection systems to shield/protect critical equipment from hazard.

General Design Considerations:

- All pipe connections shall be through the top of the tank to avoid siphoning effect. All isolation valves
shall be pneumatically operated and interlocked to prevent accidental movement of tank contents
from one tank to another.

- Each tank shall be provided with at least two independent means of determining the liquid level. The
same shall be provided with isolation arrangement so that they can be replaced/ repaired without
taking the tank out of service

- Additionally each tank shall be provided with high level alarm and a high level trip system which shall
be designed to stop all liquid flows into the tank to prevent over-filling.

- The high level trip system shall be independent of both high level alarm and of liquid level gauges.

- Double and full containment system shall be provided with means for detecting and removing the
liquid leakage / buildup of condensation in the annular space. The provision made for injecting
nitrogen for purging is considered meeting the requirement. Vapor at higher temperatures may be
pushed for vaporizing the condensate thru this provision.

- All the primary containers shall be tested to the maximum filling level with water.

- Outer tanks of double and full containment system shall be tested as above. To prevent damage to
the inner shell the level in the inner tank shall be maintained above the level in the outer shell during
the hydrostatic test.

- The tank has a spray-ring for cool-down with product and skin mounted temperature elements at
Tank Shell to monitor the cool-down during commissioning. Temperature element is also required to
be provided at Tank bottom at different radii in uniformly distributed manner to avoid temperature
stratification during commissioning.

- If the tank is resting for a longer period, a potential for temperature stratification could exist. Warmer
liquid from the tank bottom is moved upwards during restarting which could lead to excessive
evaporation and higher tank pressure. Mean, such as the recirculation should be provided to break
the stratification.

- Tank shall be provided with pressure/vacuum relief valves as per API standard 2000 independent of
the pressure/vacuum control and trip systems.

- Sections of LPG pipe-work that could be blocked are provided with thermal relief valves.

- 100% capacity In-tank pumps (duty and standby) shall be provided for delivery of product from the
refrigerated storage tank. An additional separate pump well and foot valve shall be provided in each
refrigerated tank.

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Draft OISD–STD–236 Page No. 15
Design, Layout, Operation & Maintenance of
Refrigerated LPG Storage

Design Pressure

The design pressure of a refrigerated LPG tank is determined by the product's vapor pressure at the -
storage temperature. The set pressure of the pressure-relieving device shall be at least 5% greater than
the design operating pressure.

The tank section above the maximum liquid level shall be designed for a pressure of at least that at which
the pressure relief valves are to be set and for the maximum partial vacuum that can be developed. All
portions of the tank below the maximum liquid level shall be designed for at least the most severe
combination of gas pressure (or partial vacuum) and static liquid head affecting each element of the tank.

Design Temperature

The design temperature for a refrigerated-LPG tank shall be the lowest of the following:
- The lowest temperature to which the tank contents will be refrigerated.
- The lowest shell temperature resulting from cold ambient conditions, if that temperature is below the
refrigerated product temperature.
- The auto refrigeration temperature of the contents.

Pressure / Vacuum Control and Relief Systems:

The purpose of the pressure relief system is to prevent the Tanks from excess pressure beyond design
by way of controlled release of hydrocarbon vapour to the atmosphere.

The purpose of the vacuum control system is to prevent the Tanks from implosion under vacuum beyond
design by way of controlled breathing of air from atmosphere into the tank.

All the tanks shall be provided with a pressure / vacuum control and relief system to maintain the Tank
pressure within the design pressure range in all conditions.

Vapour are generated by:

- Liquid entering the tank.

- System heat in–leak
- Energy input from Intank Pumps.
- Decrease in atmospheric pressure.
- Mixing of Product of different constituents.

In normal operation such vapours shall be collected by the Boil Off / Flash compressors and the same is
re-liquefied thus preventing their loss to the atmosphere.

The terminal shall be provided with flare system to relieve the excess pressure, when the normal Boil /
Flash compressor are not available / able to meet the requirement. Flare is connected to the tank
pressure vent valve to provide sufficient time for operator intervention in case of pressure rise.

Low pressures shall be limited by the use of following systems:

- Tripping of Boil off / Flash compressors and product transfer pumps.

- The supply of hot gas or liquid or inert gas into the tank.
- The relief system shall be such that it is able to function even at time when the control system is failed.

The mixing of air with flammable LPG vapours is undesirable and only acceptable when an alternate
(implosion leading to potential tank failure) would constitute a greater hazard.

Pressure / Vacuum-Relieving Devices

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Design, Layout, Operation & Maintenance of
Refrigerated LPG Storage

- Relief Valves shall be provided for tanks designed to conform to API Std 620 R in accordance with
API Std 2000.

- The pressure relief valves should be adequate to relieve the worst case emergency flow, assuming all
other outlets from the tanks including that of flare are closed.

- When a closed inner-tank design is used with an outer vapor-tight shell, the outer shell shall be
equipped with one or more pressure/vacuum-relieving devices.

- Each refrigerated LPG tank shall be provided with at least one pressure-relieving device set to
discharge at no more than the maximum allowable working pressure of the tank.

- Tanks that may be damaged by internal vacuum shall be provided with at least one vacuum-relieving
device set to open at not less than the partial vacuum design pressure.

Factors for consideration for sizing of pressure relief valves:

- Liquid entering the tank at maximum rate.

- Maximum possible boil off assuming failure of boil off compressor.
- Effect of radiation from an adjacent fire (tank)
- Effect of possible hot product intake in the tank.
- Flow of hot liquid / vapour in the tank assuming failure of vacuum protection system.
- Effect of possible mixing of products

Product Mixing

Loading LPG into a partially full refrigerated LPG tank where LPG being loaded has a different
composition than the existing tank content can cause generation of huge quantities of vapor. If this
condition can exist, the vaporization rate can be calculated and included in the sizing of the tank
pressure relief valves. As a minimum, the pressure relief valves shall be sized to discharge vapor in
case of refrigeration system failure to maintain the refrigerated storage tank pressure within the
design limits for at least 24 hrs.

Factor for consideration for sizing of vacuum relief valves:

- Maximum possible liquid withdrawal rate.

- Maximum possible vapour withdrawal rate (assuming the compressors fail to trip)

The pressure and vacuum relief valves must be provided with block valves with spare positions and
interlocks so that inspection / maintenance can be done without opening the tank to atmosphere and
without reducing the relief capacity below the design requirements.

Emergency relief valves shall discharge directly to the atmosphere.

Precautions must be taken to prevent icing on relief valves. Care must be taken to ensure prevention of
possibility of freezing up of vent / flare system.

Care must be taken to ensure prevention of possibility of blockage due to liquid in lines of vent / flare
system. Therefore such lines should be free of pockets and slope towards a knock out drum.


The tank foundation shall be designed to prevent 0°C (32°F) or lower temperatures from penetrating the
pad and soil. This limitation shall be accomplished by ventilation, insulation, heating systems, or a
combination of these. Heating elements, controls, and temperature sensors shall be designed for easy
access and replacement while the tank is in service. Foundation heating systems shall be provided with

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
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Draft OISD–STD–236 Page No. 17
Design, Layout, Operation & Maintenance of
Refrigerated LPG Storage

temperature monitoring and controls. The design of the supporting structure shall consider loads resulting
from (a) the thermal gradient across the supporting structure, foundation, and piling due to the
temperature of the contents of the vessel and (b) the thermal shock from accidental spills.


- The tanks external insulation and cladding shall:

- Be weatherproof and capable of withstanding direct impingement of the cooling water from any fixed
deluge system.
- Be impervious to the ingress of moisture. The insulation shall comprise or contain a vapor barrier
shall be weatherproofed.
- Insulation and weatherproofing to be fire retardant. Steel surfaces covered by insulation to be
properly coated to prevent corrosion.


Temperature Indicators/ Level Indicators / Pressure Indicators

Each tank shall be fitted with thermocouples or equivalent temperature indicating devices for use during
cooldown and operations. Temperature Element shall be provided in skin at uniform interval of the tank
shell at different heights for correct representation of temperature of product inside.

Temperature element is also required to be provided at Tank bottom at different radii in uniformly
distributed manner to avoid temperature stratification during commissioning.

Level Indicators

- Each tank shall be provided with at least two independent means of determining the liquid level. The
same shall be provided with isolation arrangement so that they can be replaced/ repaired without
taking the tank out of service

- Additionally each tank shall be provided with high level alarm and a high level trip system which shall
be designed to stop all liquid flows into the tank to prevent over-filling. The high level trip system shall
be independent of both high level alarm and of liquid level gauges.

- Double containment and full containment system shall be provided with means for detecting and
removing the liquid leakage in the annular space

Pressure Indicators

Each tank shall be provided with at least two Pressure Gauges/Transmitters. The same shall be provided
with isolation arrangement so that they can be replaced/ repaired without taking the tank out of service.
Pressure indicators shall also be provided with local display.

Sampling Connections

If sampling connections are required, they shall be installed on the tank piping rather than on the tank.

Tank Accessory Materials

- All materials including non-metallic parts of valves, seals, gaskets, etc shall be resistant to LPG under
the service conditions of pressure and temperature to which they will be subjected.

- Low-ductility materials such as cast iron shall not be used.

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Design, Layout, Operation & Maintenance of
Refrigerated LPG Storage

- Except for instrument lines downstream of an isolation valve, screwed joints and compression fittings
shall not be used in piping for low temperature service.


- Piping for refrigerated product shall conform to the low temperature requirements of ASME B31.3 or

- All the piping welds shall be 100 % radiographed. The same shall be preserved for future reference.

- Location: When cold piping is routed below grade, trenches, casing, other means shall be used to
permit expansion and contract of the piping.

- Multiple Product Types: When a storage facility handles more than one type of product, dedicated
loading and unloading lines between tanks and racks shall be considered for each type of product.

Thermal pressure relief:

- Any sections of pipelines in which LPG may get trapped e.g. between shut off valves, shall be
protected against excessive pressure caused by thermal expansion of the liquid contents by thermal
pressure relief valves.

- The settings shall of thermal pressure relief valves shall not be less than the maximum working
pressure of the line and shall not be more than the design pressure of the pipe line.

- If the relief valves discharge to atmosphere the discharge must be arranged in a safe manner.


Shutoff valves and accessory equipment shall be of material suitable for the operating pressure and
temperature extremes to which they may be subjected.


LPG Temperature

The refrigeration system shall maintain the product (Commercial Propane, butane and /or LPG) at a tem-
perature at which the LPG's vapor pressure does not exceed the tank's design pressure.


The sizing of the refrigeration system shall consider the following factors:

Heat flow from the following sources:

- The difference between the design ambient temperature and the design storage temperature.

- Maximum solar radiation.

- Receipt of product that is warmer than the design temperature, if such an operation is expected.

- Foundation heaters, connected piping.

- Vapor displacement during filling and vapor return during product transfer.

Pressure-Relieving Devices

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Design, Layout, Operation & Maintenance of
Refrigerated LPG Storage

The system shall be in line with the design code of the refrigerated storage.

Refer to API 2000 & API RP 520, Parts I and II, for the proper design of pressure-relieving devices and
systems for process equipment used in liquefaction and vaporization facilities.

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from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Draft OISD–STD–236 Page No. 20
Design, Layout, Operation & Maintenance of
Refrigerated LPG Storage



The concept of loss control shall be based on the philosophy that an incident of loss of containment of
LPG should not escalate to the extent that facilities are endangered and the public at large is
subjected to an unacceptable risk. Reasonable and reliable safeguards for the protection of properties,
personnel and surroundings from damages resulting from fires, explosions and other unsafe conditions
in a Refrigerated LPG Storage Facility shall be provided so as to accomplish the following objectives
considering both normal and abnormal conditions:

 Limit or prevent escalation of a fire by providing spacing that adequately separates the Storage,
transfer, loading and unloading equipment, buildings, utility etc.
 Minimize or avoid serious injury to personnel by providing adequate means of escape to evacuate safely,
access for emergency responders and safe access for personnel to isolate plant and equipment.
 Contain and prevent the spread of fire by having early detection and warning devices that enable
emergency isolation, shutdown and depressurization of vessels/equipment remotely to limit the volume of
flammable material released in the event of a fire.

Refrigerated tanks and their associated dykes and impounding basin should be such that in the event
of either a tank fire or a spill fire, thermal radiation levels do not exceed the maximum limits in the table
below (IP 1987): In any case minimum Inter-distance spacing as per table 2 of OISD Std. 118 & chapter
5.0 of the present standard shall be observed.

Sl Site Maximum Thermal Flux

Nos ( kW/m2)
1 Outer surfaces of adjacent refrigerated tanks
- Thermally protected(1) 32
- Unprotected(2) 8
2 Outer surfaces of adjacent tanks having flammable products
-Thermally protected(1) 32
-Unprotected(2) 8
3 Outer surfaces of adjacent LPG pressure vessels/ process 8

4 Personnel inside boundary

-Process Area (4) 8
-Protected work area(5) 8
-Work area (6) 5
5 Plant Boundary
-Critical area(7) 1.5
-Urban Area(8) 5
-Remote area ( 9) 13
Notes (1) Protection by water sprays, insulation , radiation screens
(2) Protection by spacing alone
(3) Allowable radiation flux restricted due to longer duration of
exposure resulting from a refrigerated tank /bund fire.
(4) Trained plant personnel familiar with escape routes and
temporary shelter locations in plant
(5) Permanent building where personnel are shielded
(6) Temporary building without shielded means of escape
(7) Unshielded area with people present during emergencies
(8) Neither a remote or critical area
(9) Infrequently occupied by people

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Design, Layout, Operation & Maintenance of
Refrigerated LPG Storage

The extent of Fire Protection shall be determined by an evaluation based upon sound fire protection
engineering principles, analysis of local conditions, hazards within the facility and exposure to or from
other property and include, as a minimum:

a. The type, quantity and location of equipment necessary for the detection and control of fires,
leaks and spills of LPG, flammable refrigerants or flammable gases all potential fires non process
and electrical fires.

b.The methods necessary for protection of the equipment and structures from the effects of the fire

c. Fire protection water system

d. Fire extinguishing and other fire control equipment's

e. The equipment's and process systems to be operated with the emergency shutdown (ESD)

f. The type and location of sensors necessary for automatic operation of the emergency shutdown
(ESD) systems or its subsystems

g. The availability and duties of individual plant personnel and the availability of external response
personnel operating an emergency.

h. The protective equipment and special training necessary by the individual plant
personnel for their respective emergency duties.

Procedures developed for handling emergencies shall include:

a) Shutdown or isolation of various equipment in full or partial and other applicable steps to ensure
that the escape of gas or liquid is promptly cut off or reduced as much as possible.
b) Use of fire protection facilities.
c) Notification of public authorities.
d) First aid
e) Duties of personnel.
f) Communication procedure in case of emergency

Pre incident planning which forms part of site emergency plans should be prepared addressing
likely and realistic scenarios to define personnel responsible for addressing an emergency
,communication, determine operational actions required for isolating plant and equipment ,quantify the
fire or vapour cloud dispersion, set priorities for fire fighting and quantify extent of fire fighting
capacity required ( equipment and resources) to control the incident effectively. The updated
emergency response plan shall be available in the operating control room.

All personnel shall be trained in handling flammable products, use of portable, mobile and fixed fire
protection equipment, first aid and breathing apparatus. Training should expand to cover Emergency
response the use of fire protection equipment. Refresher training of personnel shall be conducted

The planning of effective fire control measures shall be co-ordinated with the authority having jurisdiction
and emergency handling agencies such as Fire and Mutual Aid arrangements that are expected to
respond to such emergencies.


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from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Draft OISD–STD–236 Page No. 22
Design, Layout, Operation & Maintenance of
Refrigerated LPG Storage

Sources of ignition should be effectively controlled in all hazardous areas by a combination of

design measures, and systems of work:

•Using electrical equipment and instrumentation classified for the zone in which it is located.
•Continuity of Earthing /Bonding of all plant/ equipment to avoid static electrical charges build up
•Elimination of surfaces above auto-ignition temperatures of flammable materials being
•Provision of lightning protection involves installation of a surge protection device between each
non-earth bonded core of the cable and the local structure.
•Control and restricted entry of vehicles/ in the zoned areas. Site rules should be clear
where normal road vehicles may be taken and areas where they must be excluded.
•Prohibition of smoking/use of matches/lighters.
•Controls will be needed to prevent or minimize the release of gas or vapor during the transfer
•Control of maintenance activities that may cause sparks/hot surfaces/naked flames through a
Permit to Work System.
•Furnaces /Heaters with open flames shall be located upwind of the LPG storage or sources of
potential leaks
• Precautions to control the risk from pyrophoric scale, in process equipment.
•Flare shall be located in predominant upwind area at a safe distance arrived as per
consequences modeling. Cold flaring/venting should be avoided.

Road and Rail rakes permitted to enter hazardous areas shall have their engines switched off and
locomotives removed prior to commencement of loading /unloading operations. No vehicles shall be
permitted within impounding areas or within 15 m of containers or equipment containing LPG,
flammable liquids or flammable refrigerants except when specifically authorised and under constant


The emergency shutdown system shall consider process safety as well as leakage of gas, fire, smoke
detection. Depending on seriousness, the level of shut down is required to be graded and considered.
This could be by way of section isolation or total complex shut down.

The emergency shutdown system (ESD) or systems shall be of failsafe design. It should be installed,
located or protected so as it is easily operate in the event of an emergency or failure of the normal
control system.

Emergency shutdown systems that are not of failsafe design shall have all components that are located
within 15 m of the equipment to be controlled either:

i) Installed or located where they will not be exposed to a fire or

ii) Be protected against failure due to fire exposure of at least 15 minutes duration.

Emergency shutdown (ESD) system that when operated:

a. Isolates or shutoff a source of LPG, flammable refrigerant or flammable gases.

b. Shuts down equipment which on continued operation may add to an emergency.
c. Audio-visual alarm at control room with identification of the risk area

When equipment shutdown result in an additional hazard or substantial mechanical damage to the
equipment , the shutdown of such equipment or its auxiliaries shall be omitted from the ESD system ,
provided that continuous release of flammable or combustible fluid are controlled.

Vessel containing liquids that are subjected to metal overheating and catastrophic failure from fire
exposure and not otherwise protected shall be depressurized by the ESD system.

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Draft OISD–STD–236 Page No. 23
Design, Layout, Operation & Maintenance of
Refrigerated LPG Storage

Initiation of ESD system shall be either manual, automatic, or both manual and automatic,
depending upon result of evaluation performed in accordance with fire protection facilities. Manual
actuator shall be located in an area accessible in an emergency and shall be located at least 15 meters
away from the equipment and marked distinctly and conspicuously with their design function.

Communication shall be provided between ship and terminal control room. Interlock shall be provided
between the ship and the Jetty control Room. Provision shall be given in the jetty for the above facility.
During unloading operation, the terminal operator shall take control of the unloading. In addition to
automatic shutdown system (ESD) the terminal operator shall be in a position to initiate shut down of


Hydrocarbon detectors shall be installed near all potential leak source of LPG vapors e.g. On the top of
the vessel, tank dykes, manifolds, pump house manifold etc. Hydrocarbon detector of proper type shall be
selected and also shall be proof tested and shall be maintained in good condition. The Hydro Carbon
Detection System shall provide early warning on build up of Vapour concentration below the LEL limits.
These detectors shall be placed in a way that entire possible source of leaks and collection of products is
continuously detected and alarm is set at 20% of lower explosive limit.

Those areas including enclosed buildings that have a potential for flammable gas concentrations of LPG
or spill of flammable refrigerant and fire shall be monitored.

Continuously monitored low temperature sensors or flammable gas detection systems shall sound
an alarm at the plant site and at a constantly attended location. Flammable gas detection systems shall
initiate this alarm at 20 % LEL of the gas or vapour being monitored.

The Fire detectors shall initiate an audio and visual alarm at the plant site and at a constantly
attended location.

Power Supply: The supply to the system (control system such as DCS , PLC , control valves , Txs)
shall be through a reliable on line uninterrupted power supply. (online UPS).

Architecture Components

The main components shall be:

1. Hydro Carbon Detectors

2. Field Transmission units / Signal scanners.
3. Control system / PC with printing option for alarms
4. Display
5. Annunciation System etc
6. Cables, hooters, repeater, Power Supplies etc.

All the components installed in the hazardous area shall confirm to the Hazard Area Classification
applicable and shall be certified by PESO / Authorized lab by the country of the origin.

i) Annunciation System

Appropriate annunciation system shall be available to ensure that all the alarms generated, both, audio
and visual are reported to the installation personnel at local and remote control panel. The alarms both,
audio and visual can be repeated at additional location to ensure corrective action is taken.

ii) Hydro Carbon Detectors:

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Draft OISD–STD–236 Page No. 24
Design, Layout, Operation & Maintenance of
Refrigerated LPG Storage

The detectors shall be able to detect the presence of Hydro Carbon Vapours well below the LEL level.
Any one or more in combination from the following types can be provided.
i) Catalytic detectors
ii) Infra-red detectors
iii) Line / Path detectors.

The system shall be available at all times. The control equipment should have data logging facilities to
provide print outs of the history of the events with date and time of leakages. The control equipment
should be able to generate at least two alarms at different levels of LEL concentration of Hydro Carbons.

iii) Inspection and Testing:

1. The system health status shall be checked by the safety officer on a daily basis.

The system shall be thoroughly inspected once in each quarter by releasing Hydro Carbon Mixture at
each detector.

2. Calibration of the detectors shall be done every three months by releasing known concentration
of Hydro Carbon mixture and the records maintained. The drift in the sensitivity of the individual detectors
shall be recorded in maintenance history log book during calibration and the detectors with abnormal or
wide drift in sensitivity shall be rectified / replaced.


The primary source of fire and explosion hazard is from a leak or spill from the LPG storage or transfer


The main components of the fire water system are:

- Fire Water Storage

- Fire Water Pumps

- Fire Hydrant/ Monitor distribution piping network.

- Water Sprinkler/ Deluge system.

(i) The fire protection scheme shall be designed on the assumption that only one major fire shall
occur at a time in the terminal.

(ii) For the storage tanks, water sprays shall be provided on the tank shell including the roof and the
appurtenances on the tank.
a. W ater application rate for the tank roof and walls shall be minimum 3 lpm/m2
b. The water application rate on the appurtenances shall be 10.2 lpm / m as per this code.
c. Water spray is not applicable for the concrete outer tank.
d. The water densities applicable to other equipment shall be as follows:
Vessels, structural members Piping & valves manifolds : 10.2 lpm / m
Pumps and Compressors : 20.4 lpm/ m

(iii) ) The roof section shall be provided with duplicate 100% risers.

(iv) The deluge valves on the water spray systems on the tanks as well as the pumps, compressors,
vessels etc. shall be actuated automatically through a fire detection system installed around the
facilities with provisions of manual actuation from Control Room or locally at site.

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Design, Layout, Operation & Maintenance of
Refrigerated LPG Storage

(v) For single containment tanks having metallic outer tank which are having a dyke, high expansion
foam systems shall be provided as per NFPA 11. High expansion foam generators shall be located
on the impounding area around the storage tanks. Foam units comprising storage facilities and
pumps shall be provided in a safe area removed from the protected risk and shall be accessible in
an emergency.

(vi) Portable high expansion foam generators may also be provided, suitable for coupling to hydrant
hose lines for isolated LPG spills.

(vii) Fixed dry chemical powder or nitrogen snuffing systems shall be provided for each relief valve
outlet of the LPG storage tanks. Each set shall provide two shots of dry chemicals in the event of
ignition during venting.

(viii) Fire hydrants shall be provided along the main fire header at suitable intervals in the process and
storage areas. Fixed foam/water monitors may be provided around the process areas based on

(ix) Water Spray System shall be provided for process area housing condensors heat exchangers,
evaporators, blender with spray density @ 10.2 lpm / Sq. M.

Refer Annexure A2 for typical water Calculations in Refrigerated LPG terminal


Portable wheeled fire extinguishers suitable for gas fires, preferably of the dry chemical type shall be
made available at strategic locations.

Fixed fire extinguishing and other fire control systems that may be appropriate for the protection of
specific hazards, are to be provided.

Vessels, equipment, structures, cables, safety critical instruments etc., that are likely to be exposed to
LPG fire radiation shall be provided with a passive fire protection in the form of fire proofing insulation
or/and water deluge for the duration of the hazard . Fire proofing shall be executed as per appropriate
standards. The extent & duration of passive Fire protection shall be based on the HAZOP study.

Embrittlement Protection. Equipment and structures shall be protected by insulation or appropriate

metallurgy selection against cold shock and failure due to a spill of LPG.

CCTV cameras shall be provided at the critical points such as Flash & Boil off Compressor house,
heaters, condenser, refrigerated tank dyke, Top of refrigerated tanks, LPG storage Vessels, LPG pump
house and blender area, Flare, process area, cross country pipeline transfer area etc.


Personnel shall be advised of the serious danger from frostbite that can result upon contact with
LPG or cold refrigerant. Suitable protective clothing and equipment shall be made available. Low
temperature suits / hand gloves shall be worn when carrying out emergency repairs / maintenance.
This is also suitable in case of exposure to flash fires as well.

Those employees who will be involved in emergency activities shall be equipped with the necessary
clothing and equipment.

Self-contained breathing apparatus shall be provided for those employees who may be required to
enter an atmosphere that could be injurious to health during an emergency.

A portable flammable gas indicator shall be readily available because LPG and hydrocarbon
refrigerants within the process equipment are usually not odorized and the sense of smell cannot be

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Design, Layout, Operation & Maintenance of
Refrigerated LPG Storage

relied upon to detect their presence.

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from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Draft OISD–STD–236 Page No. 27
Design, Layout, Operation & Maintenance of
Refrigerated LPG Storage


In refrigerated LPG installation the product is stored either in pure propane & pure butane form or in
premixed LPG (i.e. mix of propane & butane conforming to IS: 4576) at their respective boiling point (i.e. -
42 deg C for Pure Propane, - 5 deg C for Pure Butane and – 25 to – 28 deg C for LPG depending upon
the constitution) at ambient pressure. The area wise operations are as followings:

Storage Tank Operation:

Receipt & Storage:

Before receipt of any parcel in the refrigerated storage tanks, it is required to be ensured that the receipt
lines to be maintained at the temperature of the receiving product. This is normally done by re-circulating
the product of the same specification already available in the storage tank.
Receipt operation should be carried out in a way so that storage tank pressure & temperature can be
maintained within the limit. The same may be accomplished by operating the refrigeration compressors.
The storage tank pressure & temperature are the key parameters for this kind of installation, which should
be religiously monitored by operational personnel to avert product loss due to auto-flaring or pop-up of
SRVs on excess pressure.
After completion of receipt the receipt lines need to be evacuated by pushing compressed vapor from the
refrigeration compressor discharge.


Specially designed submersible In-tank pumps are used for dispatching of product because of very low
NPSH availability. The levels of product to be monitored while starting & during the dispatch operation.
The Tank pressure & temperature to be continuously monitored during the dispatch operation as there
may be pressure rise due to re-circulation of product or pressure decrease due to faster evacuation of
Before start-up of pumps, it is to be ensured that all the discharge valves are in closed condition. The
recirculation valve to be put mandatorily on auto mode.

Compressor House Operation:

The refrigeration compressors plays very important role in keeping the pressure & temperature in the
refrigerated storage tanks under control. The compressors to be run on need basis as per the
requirement during receipt, dispatch and even when there is no operation to maintain the pressure.
These compressors are very big compressors normally run by HT motors with lot of safety interlocks.
Normally the capacity of the compressors may also be varied seamlessly as per the requirement.
These compressors are positive displacement types hence the discharge valves should mandatorily be in
open condition while starting the compressors. The cooling water supply & control air supply as per the
specification must be ensured. The lubricant supply should be ensured before starting.

Process Unit Operation:

The process unit consists of following operations:

a) Condensation of the Refrigeration Compressor Discharge

b) LPG Condensate Transfer unit
c) Heating Section for heating the refrigerated product to ambient temperature
d) Steam Condensate Transfer Unit
e) Blending of Pure Propane & Pure Butane for manufacturing LPG
f) Odourisation
g) Vapour Pressure Analyser

Condensation of the refrigeration compressor discharge:

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from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Draft OISD–STD–236 Page No. 28
Design, Layout, Operation & Maintenance of
Refrigerated LPG Storage

Compressed gas from the discharge of the refrigeration compressor is being fed to the condensation unit
where the liquefaction process is taking place through heat exchangers using Cooling Water as the
cooling medium and the condensate is received in transit tanks (known as product condensate receiver).
Subsequently the condensate is pumped to buffer storage bullets where the product is stored under
pressurized conditions.
The whole system of condensation and condensate pumping is being associated with safety interlocks
and alarms for safe operation.

Heating Section for heating the refrigerated product to ambient temperature:

The refrigerated product pumped from the storage tanks is heated through Heat exchangers using LP
Steam as the heating medium or by any suitable alternate heating mechanism such as hot air, ambient
air, water etc. The steam / air / water heating process is normally a multistage process where product is
passed thru more than one heat exchanger. The hot product is routed to blending section for further
processing and the steam condensate in case of steam heating arrangement (i.e. LP Steam converts into
water by releasing latent heat to the refrigerated product) is collected in a Steam Condensate receiver.
The Steam condensate is subsequently pumped from the receiver to the Demineralised Water plant
polishing unit for further processing.
The whole system of heating of product is associated with safety interlocks and alarms to ensure desired
temperature of product at the heating section outlet for safe operation.

Air Preheater System:

Tube bundle is provided for increasing the surface area of the product during travel. All tubes are covered
with fins and subjected to forced draft air from the fans operating at fixed / variable RPM to maintain the
required temperature at the outlet.

Steam Condensate Transfer Unit

The unit consists of a Steam Condensate receiver & Condensate transfer pumps. The steam condensate
is transferred by the pumps at regular interval preferably in auto mode interlocked with the level of
receiver to DM plant condensate receiver tank for further processing.

Blending of Pure Propane & Pure Butane for manufacturing LPG:

The heated product (i.e. Pure Propane & Pure Butane) is blended at specified ratio in blender with the
help of automatic flow control valves for making LPG conforming to IS:4576. The property of the blended
product is checked thru online analyzer for meeting IS: 4576 and subsequent feedback control
mechanism. Blending conforming to IS: 4576 is compulsory & hence necessary measure should be
always in place to check the composition meeting IS: 4576.

Odourisation Unit:

The LPG is extremely inflammable and it has no odour, so that detection of any leakage of LPG is very
difficult. Hence the LPG is subsequently passed thru odourisation section where Ethyl Mercaptan is
dosed @ 15 to 20 PPM immediately after blending for identification of any leakage at the downstream in
line with IS: 4576. Proper deodorizing agent i.e. Sodium hypo chloride / sand / mask/ etc to be provided at
Dozing unit.

Buffer Storage Operation:

The product transferred from Product condensate receiver is stored at buffer storage in pressurized
condition at ambient temperature. Subsequently the product is evacuated by pumps and sent to blending
area for further processing.

Flaring Operation:

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Draft OISD–STD–236 Page No. 29
Design, Layout, Operation & Maintenance of
Refrigerated LPG Storage

Normally these types of installations are equipped with hot flaring facility. Flaring is usually avoided as it
leads to loss of product however whenever required flaring resorted to control the pressure inside the
refrigerated tanks. Flaring can be done thru flow control valves by operator or it may be done in auto-
mode as per the system presets. The flaring either hot or cold is of extreme importance as this is the last
resort to maintain the pressure inside the tank & avoid any untoward even due to pressure rise.

Control Room Operation:

There is lot of operations to be handled simultaneously for running these types of installations. Hence a
central control room is provided to facilitate all the operation from remote from a single location. Control
Room houses DCS based or equivalent automation system where from all the commands can be
initiated, controlled & all the parameters can be monitored thru single window system. The system is
backed-up with UPS of suitable capacity.

Utility Section:

The utility section mainly consists of following facilities:

a) Boiler
b) Instrument Air
c) Cooling Tower
d) Electrical Sub-station


If Low Pressure Steam heating is envisaged, Boiler of suitable capacity is used to produce LP Steam for
using in heating of refrigerated product. Boiler system houses DM Water Generation Plant, Effluent
Treatment Plant & Boilers.

Instrument Air:

Instrument Air is used for operating ROVs and other control systems of the entire plant.

Cooling Tower:

Cooling Tower is used for supplying Cooling Water for mainly using in condensation of refrigeration
compressor discharge, for cooling of refrigeration compressors and other cooling requirements.
Maintaining schedule for chemical treatment of cooling water / cooling tower

Electrical Sub-station:

For catering the electrical requirement of all HT & LT Motors and other electrical loads.

DG sets for HT supply and LT supply


RAW WATER TANK and associated pumping system on auto mode to top up cooling water reservoir
shall be considered.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Draft OISD–STD–236 Page No. 30
Design, Layout, Operation & Maintenance of
Refrigerated LPG Storage



Routine internal inspection of RLPG tanks are not required to be carried out since RLPG tanks
are not subjected to corrosion under service condition because of the low temperature involved.
However, RLPG tanks can be taken up for internal inspection when the tanks are taken out of
service for other operational / repair reasons.
- Tank Settlement – Tanks levels and settlements shall be checked at intervals and records
shall be maintained.
- Roof – Outer roofs shall be checked visually for external corrosion at intervals of every Qtr.
- Regular monitoring of LPG leakage in between area of tank & dyke wall using GMS
- Check for leakage of liquid LPG from inner tank to outer tank in case of double
containment & full containment tanks on continuous basis.
- Visual check to ascertain the condition of external insulation cladding, insulating material &
load bearing insulation every year.
- Check foundation bolts and anchor straps for deterioration & tightness every year
- Check filling and off take pipes, supports for movements yearly
- Inspections to be carried out under the supervision of competent person
- Pressure & Vacuum Relief Valves – Shall be inspected for corrosion, blockage etc and
tested annually and records maintained. In-situ tests shall be permissible.
- Refrigerated LPG lines inside the terminal – NDT shall be carried out once in three years
at selected windows and records maintained. Hydro test of the concerned section shall be
done after any hot work.
- Process Unit – Equipment / fittings shall be inspected & tested as per the relevant OISD /
OEM Stds.

Storage Tank:

This atmospheric above ground double walled, double roof integrity tanks are designed for life time
without any appreciable maintenance. However regular maintenance is required regarding external
painting, insulation, external cladding, calibration of valves, transmitters, gauges etc.. For any other
maintenance in this type of tank requires complete de-commissioning of the tank.

Compressor House:

The regular maintenance requirement of the compressors is as following:

- Checking of lubricant level in the gear box

- Checking of lubricant level in the oil separator drum
- Checking & cleaning of the vapour suction filter
- Checking & cleaning of the Oil Filters
- Cleaning of Intercooler, After-cooler heat exchangers
- Calibration of Safety Valves
- Insulation Resistance Checking of Motors
- Greasing of Motor Bearings
- Checking of Alignment between Motor, Gear Box, Compressor as applicable
- Checking functioning of solenoid valves & control valves
- Maintenance Painting of the equipment

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Draft OISD–STD–236 Page No. 31
Design, Layout, Operation & Maintenance of
Refrigerated LPG Storage

- Major overhauling of the compressor as per the period specified by OEM

Process Unit:

- Periodical cleaning of Condensers

- Periodical cleaning of Pump Filters
- Periodical cleaning of Heat Exchangers & Vaporisers
- Periodical testing & calibration of safety valves
- Periodical maintenance / overhauling of mechanical valves
- Periodical calibration of gauges, transmitters
- Statutory testing of Heat Exchangers, Condensate Receiver Vessels
- Periodical Calibration of Vapor Analysers
- Maintenance Painting of Structures & equipments
- Periodical calibration of metering pump of odourisation unit.
- Periodic testing of redundancy of the DCS and PLC system.
- Periodic checking of various parameters of software programs.
- Periodic checking of all interlocks and logic for effective functionality.

Buffer Storage:

- Periodic Testing of Buffer Vessels

- Periodic cleaning of Pump Filters
- Periodic maintenance / overhauling of pumps
- Periodical testing & calibration of safety valves Periodical maintenance / overhauling of
mechanical valves
- Periodical calibration of gauges, transmitters
- Daily monitoring of CP system & rectification if required
- Statutory testing

Utility Section:

- Periodical testing of DM water quality

- Health Checking of the Refractory of Boiler
- Statutory inspection by IBR
- Periodical testing & calibration of safety valves
- Periodical maintenance / overhauling of mechanical valves
- Periodical calibration of gauges, transmitters
- Maintenance Painting of Structures & equipments
- Periodical maintenance of IA Compressor
- Periodical cleaning of Cooling Tower
- Periodic chemical treatment of cooling water.
- Periodical testing of CW Water quality
- Periodical checking & filling of lubricant in CW Fan Gear Box
- Periodical health checking of CW Fan Motors

Electrical Sub-station:

Carrying out all electrical maintenance periodically as per requirements

Inspection of Refrigerated LPG Storage Installation:

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Draft OISD–STD–236 Page No. 32
Design, Layout, Operation & Maintenance of
Refrigerated LPG Storage

- Besides routine and statutory inspections like other plants following specific inspection
may be undertaken:
- Checking the condition of Insulation of the storage tanks
- Checking the condition of Insulation of receipt lines
- Checking the health of Refractory Lining of Boilers
- SQC of DM Water
- SQC of Cooling Water
- Periodical Checking the quality of all lubricants

Ethyl Mercaptan Dosing unit :

- Periodic testing of ethyl mercaptan storage tank,

- Periodic testing of ethyl mercaptan pumps
- Periodic testing of SRV on mercaptan tank.


Relevant OISD stds and OEM recommendations shall be followed.


Emergency Management Plan as per PNGRB act shall be made.


Indicative check list are in annexure.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
Draft OISD–STD–236 Page No. 33
Design, Layout, Operation & Maintenance of
Refrigerated LPG Storage



After hydro testing Tanks to be dried to desired level considering storage of the refrigerated product.

Purging of the Tank to be done by inert gas to drive away ambient air & moistures

Cool down shall be performed after the tank purge has been completed. A cool down procedure shall be
developed to provide a controlled process. During the initial introduction of liquid product, it is important to
ensure that the storage tank cools as uniformly as possible. Sharp thermal gradients can cause
permanent local distortions and potential crack growth. The cool down rate for a steel primary liquid
container shall be as per the design in line with the standard used for design.

Sweetening of Tanks to be done very slowly by taking refrigerated product vapor thru bottom ring so that
temperature stratification at the tank bottom & tank wall can be avoided. The temperature gradient to be
closely monitored. The pressure inside the tank is also to be closely monitored so that it lies within the
designed pressure range of the Tank. For controlling pressure inside the tank controlled flaring to be
resorted till the Tank is completely filled up with the refrigerated product vapour.

For sweetening of tank & maintaining uniform temperature gradient the bottom sprayer rings installed
inside the tanks to be used.

On achieving the final temperature inside tank using refrigerated product vapour, refrigerated liquid
product to be introduced very slowly thru bottom sprayer rings for avoiding any cold spot & to be filled up
to minimum 6 inches, thereafter the rate may be slowly increased up to designed level.

The Compressors, Process Unit Equipment, product pipings & Buffer Storage to be purged & sweetened
before commissioning of Tank. After sweetening of the Tanks is completed, immediately compressor to
be used for maintaining pressure & temperature inside tanks for avoiding flaring loss.


Refrigerated LPG tanks are constructed for life time and not envisaged for decommissioning.
Maintenance of the tank internals should not be attempted on routine basis. However if any operational
reasons or any tank internal failure is envisaged decommissioning may be planned. Following minimum
procedures to be adopted

Removal of pumpable liquid using In-tank pumps

Removal of liquid dead-stock using Compressors by means of vaporization as advised by the licenser.
Close monitoring to be done to maintain the Tank Pressure within design pressure range & maintaining a
slow temperature gradient suitable as per design.

Degassing the Tanks using dry inert-gas introducing from the top & evacuating the hydrocarbon from
bottom dip-pipe. The procedure to be continued till the entire tanks become gas free which may be
ascertained by sampling.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

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