Release Notes

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SEQUENCHER for Windows version 4.1.

Stronger, Better, Faster

We are proud to present SEQUENCHER 4.1.4 for Windows. Many of the features that we have introduced will be apparent in
your everyday work. Others you will discover as SEQUENCHER assembles and performs even faster than in previous versions.
Before we could release this software to you, Gene Codes’ Quality Assurance Group and our dedicated Beta Testers thoroughly
tested all aspects of this program. The following is a list of some of the changes that you will discover as you use this upgraded
version of SEQUENCHER.

Introducing the Reference Sequence

Using this feature will allow you to identify one or more of your fragments as a Reference Sequence simply by selecting the
fragment(s), and then selecting Reference Sequence in the Sequence menu Your sequence icon(s) will be marked with an
“R” to identify them as Reference Sequence(s).

Assembly to the Reference Sequence

Once you have designated your Reference Sequence(s), you can assemble them with your data fragments. Each contig may
contain only one Reference Sequence. To increase the efficiency of an assembly that contains a Reference Sequence, under
the Contig menu, choose the command, Assemble Contigs/Only to the Reference Sequence. When you direct your
assembly with a designated Reference Sequence, your data fragments will only be compared to the Reference Sequences (NOT
to each other).

Reference Sequence Behavior in a Contig

Within the contig editor, your Reference Sequence will be distinguished by gray lines around its bases. The Reference Sequence
will not contribute to the consensus, and all the numbering within the contig will be relative to the Reference Sequence. Gaps
that need to be inserted in the Reference Sequence will be numbered fractionally. For example:

Compare to Reference
You can also create a difference report by comparing any fragment within your contig to the Reference Sequence. Select a
fragment in the contig and then Compare to/Reference Sequence under the Sequence menu. Alternatively, because the
Reference Sequence does not contribute to the consensus sequence, you can select the Reference Sequence within a contig and
compare its sequence to that of the consensus, Compare to/Consensus.

Within the Assembly Parameters dialog, you will find a new option, called ReAligner. This option functions after the initial
assembly is completed. The ReAligner option aligns the placement of gaps within the contig. The gaps in the contig are placed in
a way that facilitates the editing of the sequence in the consensus.

[email protected] 1 1.800.497.4939
Increased Compatibility
Cross Platform Portability
If you are a long time user of SEQUENCHER you will be pleased to learn that SEQUENCHER 4.1.4 can work with projects from
all 4.x releases of SEQUENCHER, including files created in the current Macintosh release. If you are working with older 3.x
Macintosh files, Gene Codes has supplied a converter application to enable you to work with these projects as well. As with the
SEQUENCHER 4.0.5, you will still be able import sequencing data from both Windows and Macintosh based sequencers.

Phred and Phrap files

This release of SEQUENCHER extends our support for multiple data formats with full ACE file support, the file format for Phrap
assemblies. To import an .ACE project, do the following:

• Select the ACE Project submenu item from the Import menu.
• Select a file that ends with “.ace” or “.ace.x” or (such as ace.1, ace.2, etc) - this file will typically be in the subfolder
“edit-dir”. Select the highest numbered ACE file to account for all editing and reassembling.

SEQUENCHER will automatically import and incorporate as much auxiliary data as it can, providing the auxiliary files are in
the same folder as the .ace file or arranged in the traditional Phrap assembly hierarchy (chromatogram files in a “sibling”
chromat_dir folder, PHD files in a “sibling” phd_dir folder).

Alternatively, you can import individual Phred-called sequences.

• To import just the chromatogram files from the chromat_dir folder, use Import/Sequences... or Import/Folder of
Sequences... in the File menu. These fragments will have phred base calls and chromatogram data, but no quality scores.
• To import chromatograms, base calls and quality scores, use Import/Sequences in the File menu. You may select either
FASTA files from the edit_dir folder, or PHD files from the phd_dir folder. If corresponding chromatogram and .qual auxiliary
files are available, you will have imported all the Phred files and they will have the base quality and chromatogram data.

If your PHRAP assemblies reside on a UNIX workstation, SEQUENCHER can easily access this data from a shared network drive.
If you are using FTP, be certain to always transfer files in BINARY mode.

SCF Files
Newer SCF files may contain quality score data. SEQUENCHER’s support for the SCF format has been enhanced to include use
of this quality score data.

• SEQUENCHER will import quality scores present in SCF 3.x files along with chromatograms, called bases and other
experimental data.
• SEQUENCHER will also export SCF 3.0 files with quality scores.

Working With Restriction Enzymes

Expanded Enzyme List
The restriction enzymes that are available in SEQUENCHER’s mapping function have been greatly expanded. The list has been
updated to include many of the newer enzymes.

[email protected] 2 1.800.497.4939
Setting Default list
SEQUENCHER comes installed with a default list of enzymes. In SEQUENCHER 4.1.4, you can define your own default list of
enzymes. After making your edits to the standard enzyme list in the Specify Restriction Enzymes... window, click on the
Save button. If you save the list as Default Enzymes.RST in the same folder as the SEQUENCHER application (\Program
Files\Gene Codes\SEQUENCHER 4.1.4), your custom list will become the default list, and load into the enzyme window every
time you launch SEQUENCHER.

Under the Sequence menu you will find a new item, called Speech. This will allow you to have SEQUENCHER read back
a sequence, or read bases as you type a new sequence or make edits. In addition to the new menu command, there is an
additional General User Preference, Sound, which will allow you to adjust the volume and speed of the speaker.

[email protected] 3 1.800.497.4939

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