Driver Server

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Driver Server

Version 5.8, SP2

December 2016
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Table of Contents

Driver Server Overview 1

Menus and Toolbar Buttons 1

File Menu 1

Save As Dialog Box Options 2

Server Menu 3

Help Menu 3

Toolbar Buttons 3

Using the Driver Server 4

Server Event Window 4

Logon Account for Running as a Service 5

User Name 5

Password 5

Index 7

2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved. i

Driver Server Overview

The following sections provide details on using the Driver Server.

l Menus and Toolbar Buttons

l Using the Driver Server
l Logon Account for Running as a Service

Menus and Toolbar Buttons

The following sections provide details on using the menus and toolbar buttons.

l File Menu
l View Menu
l Server Menu
l Help Menu
l Toolbar Buttons

File Menu

The following commands appear on the File menu.

Command Description
New Lets you make a new driver configuration file. Keyboard shortcut: CTRL+N.
Open Displays the Open dialog box that lets you open an existing driver con-
figuration file. You can select the driver configuration file type (the drivers
three letter acronym), .CSV file types (Comma Separated Value), or .TXT
(text) file types. The .TXT file type is used for opening a Log File and is avail-
able only when you are working with the OPC Client driver.

Keyboard shortcut: CTRL+O.

Save Saves the current driver configuration file to the default path for con-
figuration files with the name you specify. If you save a new driver con-
figuration file, the Save As dialog box appears prompting you to enter a
name for your driver configuration file.
Save As Displays the Save As dialog box letting you enter a new name and file type
for the current driver configuration.
Exit Exits the I/O Server. The Exit command is disabled when FIX is connected
to the server.

2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved. 1

Save As Dialog Box Options
Command Description
Save In Field Lets you select the directory that you want to store the file in.
File Name Field To save a file with a new name, or in a different location, type a new file
name in the File Name field or select a new directory in the Save In list. To
save a file with an existing file name, select the name in the list or type the
current name.
Save as Type Field Lets you specify the type of file you want to save the configuration as:

A Configuration File The file that the driver uses to communicate with the
process hardware.

A Comma Separated Value File (.CSV) The driver configuration file in text
format. You can open these files in a text editor and use them to document
your driver configurations. You can also modify .CSV files in a text editor,
open them in the Power Tool, and save them as configuration files. The
delimiters for .CSV files conform to national standards. For example, if you
are in the US, .CSV file delimiters are commas. If you are in France, .CSV
file delimiters are semicolons.

A Text File (.TXT) This lets you print the debug window.
Save Button Saves the file under the specified name.
Cancel Button Closes the dialog box without saving the file.

Command Description
Toolbar Displays or hides the toolbar.
Status Bar Displays or hides the status bar. The status bar displays information about
the currently selected item. A check mark appears next to the menu item
when it is enabled.
Errors Enables or disables the dispatching of server error messages to the
server window. A check mark appears next to the menu item when error
messages are enabled.
Warnings Enables or disables the dispatching of server warning messages to the
server window. A check mark appears next to the menu item when warn-
ing messages are enabled.
Information Enables or disables the dispatching of server information messages to the
server window. A check mark appears next to the menu item when inform-
ation messages are enabled.
Debug1 Enables or disables the dispatching of server debug level 1 messages to
the server window. A check mark appears next to the menu item when
debug level 1 messages are enabled. These are first priority debug mes-
Debug2 Enables or disables the dispatching of server debug level 2 messages to
the server window. A check mark appears next to the menu item when
debug level 2 messages are enabled. These are second priority debug

2 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.

Debug3 Enables or disables the dispatching of server debug level 3 messages to
the server window. A check mark appears next to the menu item when
debug level 3 messages are enabled. These are third priority debug mes-

Server Menu

Command Description
Start Starts the servers polling process. A check mark appears next to the
menu item when the server polling process is running.
Stop Stops the servers polling process. A check mark appears next to the
menu item when the server polling process is stopped.
Clear Log Clears the messages from the server window.
SaveOnFIXExit Notifies the server to save any changes to the active configuration file
upon FIX exit. A check mark appears next to the menu item when this
option is enabled.
Max Messages Displays the Server Event Log dialog box. This dialog box lets you con-
figure the number of messages stored in the event log.

Help Menu

Command Description
Help Topics Displays the Contents of the server help.
About Server Displays information about the server including its version number and
copyright date.

Toolbar Buttons

Button Description
Lets you make a new driver configuration file. Keyboard shortcut: CTRL+N.
Displays the Open dialog box that lets you open an existing driver configuration file.
You can select the driver configuration file type (the drivers three letter acronym),
.CSV file types (Comma Separated Value), or .TXT (text) file types. The .TXT file type is
used for opening a Log File and is available only when you are working with the OPC
Client driver.

Keyboard shortcut: CTRL+O.

Saves the current driver configuration file to the default path for configuration files
with the name you specify. If you save a new driver configuration file, the Save As
dialog box appears prompting you to enter a name for your driver configuration file.
Starts the I/O driver.

2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved. 3

Stops the I/O driver.
Clears the I/O Server window.
Displays information about the server including its version number and copyright
Displays help for the item you select.

Using the Driver Server

The following sections provide details on using the Driver Server.

l Server Event Log Dialog Box

l Server Event Window

Server Event Window

The server window displays messages relative to the operation of the server. There are seven types of
messages that can be displayed in order of decreasing severity:

Icon Meaning Description

Fatal Error Internal server fatal errors which require the server to be restarted.
Internal server errors which may be the result of invalid configuration
data or invalid OLE Automation calls.
Internal server warnings which may be the result of invalid con-
figuration data or invalid OLE Automation calls.
Information General server informational or status messages.
General server debug messages in levels of relevancy as determined
by the I/O server developer.
General server debug messages in levels of relevancy as determined
by the I/O server developer.
General server debug messages in levels of relevancy as determined
by the I/O server developer.

4 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.

Logon Account for Running as a Service

The Logon Account for Running As A Service dialog box appears after you enter xxxDRV REGSERVICE
(where xxx is the three-letter driver acronym) at a command line or from the Run dialog box off the Start
menu. This dialog box provides you with three options when registering the driver to run as a service. You
can direct the I/O Server to log on with:

l The local system account.

l An account you specify.

The account you select is retained as the selected account the next time you register the driver:

Use System Account lets the I/O Server run as a service using the local system account. This pre-
defined account is useful when your local IT departments security policy requires password expiration.
This account cannot be used to access remote OPC servers.

Use This Account lets the I/O Server run as a service using the account you specify using the User Name
and Password fields. This account is useful if you need to specify a domain account.

User Name
The user name for the account you specify. Use this format if you specify a domain account:

The user name you enter is retained and appears in this field the next time you register the driver.

The password for the account you specify. As you enter the password, it appears as a series of asterisks
(*). Unlike the name you provide in the User Name field, the password you enter is neither retained nor dis-
played in this field the next time you register the driver.

Refer to the topic Feature: Running as a Windows Service in the Power Tool help for more information.

2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved. 5

6 2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
Index S

saving files1

Server Menu3
Server window4
.CSV files2
configuration files1

creating new files1





error messages4

exiting the I/O Server1

Fatal Error4

File Menu1


logging on as a service4


opening files1

2016 General Electric Company. All rights reserved. 7

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