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Anne Smith (a)1 Mary A. Meade (b) David Wolf (c)

Charles Rockefeller (d)
Anne Jee (e)

Professor, School of Management, Northern Canada University, Toronto, Canada; E-mail: [email protected]
Professor, School of Economics, Peking University, Beijing, China; E-mail: [email protected]
Professor, School of Management, Northern Canada University, Toronto, Canada; E-mail: [email protected]
Professor, School of Management, Northern Canada University, Toronto, Canada; E-mail: [email protected]
Professor, Professor, School of Economics, Peking University, Beijing, China; E-mail: [email protected]


Article History: An abstract is a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the article; it allows readers to
survey the contents of an article quickly and, like a title, it enables persons interested in the document
Received: 1st January 2022 to retrieve it from abstracting and indexing databases. Most scholarly journals require an abstract.
Accepted: 27th February 2022 The abstract needs to be dense with information. By embedding key words in your abstract, you
Online Publication: 14th March 2022 enhance the user’s ability to find it. Do not exceed the abstract word limit of the journal to which you
are submitting your article. For information on how abstracts are used to retrieve articles, consult
Keywords: Record Structure for APA Databases. A concise and factual abstract is required. It should be from 200
to 250 words. The abstract should state the research background, the purpose of the research
Capital Structure, Firm Performance,
briefly, design/methodology/approach, findings, research limitations/implications, originality/value,
Food Industry
the principal results, and significant conclusions. An abstract is often presented separately from the
article, so it must be able to stand alone. References should therefore be avoided, but, if essential, they
JEL Classification Codes:
must be cited in full in the abstract without relying on the reference list. Font size should be 7.5.
G32, F65, L66, L25, M41
© 2022 by the authors. Licensee CRIBFB, USA. This article is an open access article distributed
under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license

The introductory paragraph outlines clearly the objectives and motivation for writing the paper. The introduction should
provide a context for the discussion in the body of the paper and point explicitly the purpose of the article.
The checklist:
 The introduction includes the justification for the topic importance.
 The introduction section includes the aim/objective.
 The introduction section includes brief information on methods.
 The content of each section of the article is briefly described in the last paragraph of the introduction.

The checklist:
 Is the literature review properly prepared?
 Is primary literature correctly summarized?

Corresponding author: ORCID ID: 0000-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX
© 2022 by the authors. Hosting by CRIBFB. Peer review under responsibility of CRIBFB, USA.

To cite this article: Smith, A., Meade, M. A., Wolf, D., Rockefeller, C., & Jee, A. (2022). xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, 10(1), 1-7.

 The literature review shows who dealt with similar research topic before?
 The literature review shows what are the results of the prior studies?
 Did the Author position himself/herself among the previous researchers?
 Are different options/perspectives from the literature covered in the reviewed article?
 The difference with existing studies is explicitly identified and documented.
 The text includes references whenever necessary.


This section is compulsory and it should provide specific description of the Materials and Method.
The checklist:
 The Materials and Method section includes the description of the material selection.
 The Materials and Method includes: the hypothesis (-es).
 The Materials and Method section includes the description of the research methods.
 The article identifies strengths and weaknesses of the Materials and Method and its findings.

The Method section describes in detail how the study was conducted, including conceptual and operational
definitions of the variables used in the study, Different types of studies will rely on different methodologies; however, a
complete description of the methods used enables the reader to evaluate the appropriateness of your methods and the
reliability and the validity of your results, It also permits experienced investigators to replicate the study, If your
manuscript is an update of an ongoing or earlier study and the method has been published in detail elsewhere, you may
refer the reader to that source and simply give a brief synopsis of the method in this section.

Identify Subsections
It is both conventional and expedient to divide the Method section into labeled subsections. These usually include a
section with descriptions of the participants or subjects and a section describing the procedures used in the study. The
latter section often includes description of (a) any experimental manipulations or interventions used and how they were
delivered-for example, any mechanical apparatus used to deliver them; (b) sampling procedures and sample size and
precision; (c) measurement approaches (including the psychometric properties of the instruments used); and (d) the
research design. If the design of the study is complex or the stimuli require detailed description, additional subsections or
subheadings to divide the subsections may be warranted to help readers find specific information.
Include in these subsections the information essential to comprehend and replicate the study. Insufficient detail
leaves the reader with questions; too much detail burdens the reader with irrelevant information. Consider using
appendices and/or a supplemental website for more detailed information.

Participant (Subject) Characteristics

Appropriate identification of research participants is critical to the science and practice of psychology, particularly for
generalizing the findings, making comparisons across replications, and using the evidence in research syntheses and
secondary data analyses. If humans participated in the study, report the eligibility and exclusion criteria, including any
restrictions based on demographic characteristics.

Sampling Procedures
Describe the procedures for selecting participants, including (a) the sampling method, if a systematic sampling plan was
used; (b) the percentage of the sample approached that participated; and (c) the number of participants who selected
themselves into the sample. Describe the settings and locations in which the data were collected as well as any
agreements and payments made to participants, agreements with the institutional review board, ethical standards met, and
safety monitoring procedures.

Sample Size, Power, and Precision

Along with the description of subjects, give the mended size of the sample and number of individuals meant to be in each
condition if separate conditions were used. State whether the achieved sample differed in known ways from the target
population. Conclusions and interpretations should not go beyond what the sample would warrant.

Measures and Covariates

Include in the Method section information that provides definitions of all primary and secondary outcome measures and
covariates, including measures collected but not included in this report. Describe the methods used to collect data (e.g.,
written questionnaires, interviews, observations) as well as methods used to enhance the quality of the measurements (e.g.,
the training and reliability of assessors or the use of multiple observations). Provide information on instruments used,
including their psychometric and biometric properties and evidence of cultural validity.


Research Design
Specify the research design in the Method section. Were subjects placed into conditions that were manipulated, or were
they observed naturalistically? If multiple conditions were created, how were participants assigned to conditions, through
random assignment or some other selection mechanism? Was the study conducted as a between-subjects or a within-
subject design?

Experimental Manipulations or Interventions

If interventions or experimental manipulations were used in the study, describe their specific content. Include the details
of the interventions or manipulations intended for each study condition, including control groups (if any), and describe
how and when interventions (experimental manipulations) were actually administered.
The text size of formula should be similar with normal text size. The formula should be placed in the middle and serial
number on the right. For example:

a2+b2=c2 (1)

The checklist:
 Are the results discussed in details?
 Is the research problem original and a kind of novelty?
 Is the reasoning sound?
 Has the Author given the appropriate interpretation of the data and references?
 Are the pieces of information used inside the paper comes from reliable sources?

In the Results section, summarize the collected data and the analysis performed on those data relevant to the
discourse that is to follow. Report the data in sufficient detail to justify your conclusions. Mention all relevant results,
including those that run counter to expectation; be sure to include small effect sizes (or statistically no significant
findings) when theory predicts large (or statistically significant) ones. Do not hide uncomfortable results by omission. Do
not include individual scores or raw data with the exception, for example, of single-case designs or illustrative examples.
In the spirit of data sharing (encouraged by APA and other professional associations and sometimes required by funding
agencies), raw data, including study characteristics and individual effect sizes used in a meta -analysis, can be made
available on supplemental online archives.

Provide dates defining the periods of recruitment and follow-up and the primary sources of the potential subjects, where
appropriate. If these dates differ by group, provide the values for each group.

Statistics and Data Analysis

Analysis of data and the reporting of the results of those analyses are fundamental aspects of the conduct of research.
Accurate, unbiased, complete, and insightful reporting of the analytic treatment of data (be it quantitative or qualitative)
must be a component of all research reports. Researchers in the field of psychology use numerous approaches to the
analysis of data, and no one approach is uniformly preferred as long as the method is appropriate to the research questions
being asked and the nature of the data collected. The methods used must support their analytic burdens, including
robustness to violations of the assumptions that underlie them, and they must provide clear, unequivocal insights into the

Ancillary Analyses
Report any other analyses performed, including subgroup analyses and adjusted analyses, indicating those that were pre-
specified and those that were exploratory (though not necessarily in the level of detail of primary analyses). Consider
putting the detailed results of these analyses on the supplemental online archive. Discuss the implications, if any, of the
ancillary analyses for statistical error rates.

Participant Flow
For experimental and quasi-experimental designs, there must be a description of the flow of participants (human, animal,
or units such as classrooms or hospital wards) through the study. Present the total number of units recruited into the study
and the number of participants assigned to each group. Provide the number of participants who did not complete the
experiment or crossed over to other conditions and explain why. Note the number of participants used in the primary
analyses. (This number might differ from the number who completed the study because participants might not show up for
or complete the final measurement.)

Intervention or Manipulation Fidelity


If interventions or experimental manipulations were used, provide evidence on whether they were delivered as intended.
In basic experimental research, this might be the results of checks on the manipulation. In applied research, this might be,
for example, records and observations of intervention delivery sessions and attendance records.

Baseline Data
Be sure that baseline demographic and/or clinical characteristics of each group are provided.
Statistics and Data Analysis
In studies reporting the results of experimental manipulations or interventions, clarify whether the analysis was by intent-
ta- treat. That is, were all participants assigned to conditions included in the data analysis regardless of whether they
actually received the intervention, or were only participants who completed the intervention satisfactorily included? Give
a rationale for the choice.

Adverse Events
If interventions were studied, detail all important adverse events (events with serious consequences) and/or side effects in
each intervention group.

Table 1. Table title (this is an example of table 1)

Condition M(SD) LL UL
Letters 14.5(28.6) 5.4 23.6
Digits 31.8(33.2) 21.2 42.4

Note. 1. Place table caption in front of table body and description below the table body. Avoid vertical rules. Be sparing in the use of tables and ensure
that the data presented in tables do not duplicate results described elsewhere in the article. You may resize the tables to fit the page size. 2 . Do not accept
image table.

The checklist:
 The article assesses and critiques the findings and/or the statistical analysis.
 Are the findings in the article compared to findings of other authors?

After presenting the results, you are in a position to evaluate and interpret their implications, especially with
respect to your original hypotheses. Here you will examine, interpret, and qualify the results and draw inferences and
conclusions from them. Emphasize any theoretical or practical consequences of the results. (When the discussion is
relatively brief and straightforward, some authors prefer to combine it with the Results section, creating a section called
Results and Discussion.)
Open the Discussion section with a clear statement of the support or nonsupport for your original hypotheses,
distinguished by primary and secondary hypotheses. If hypotheses were not supported, offer post hoc explanations.
Similarities and differences between your results and the work of others should be used to contextualize, confirm, and
clarify your conclusions. Do not simply reformulate and repeat points already made; each new statement should contribute
to your interpretation and to the reader’s understanding of the problem.
Your interpretation of the results should take into account (a) sources of potential bias and other threats to
internal validity, (b) the imprecision of measures, (c) the overall number of tests or overlap among tests, (d) the effect
sizes observed, and (e) other limitations or weaknesses of the study. If an intervention is involved, discuss whether it was
successful and the mechanism by which it was intended to work (causal pathways) and/or alternative mechanisms. Also,
discuss barriers to be implementing the intervention or manipulation as well as the fidelity with which the intervention or
manipulation was implemented in the study, that is, any differences between the manipulation as planned and as
Acknowledge the limitations of your research, and address alternative explanations of the results. Discuss the
generalizability, or external validity, of the findings. This critical analysis should take into account differences between
the target population and the accessed sample. For interventions, discuss characteristics that make them more or less
applicable to circumstances not included in the study, how and what outcomes were measured (relative to other measures
that might have been used), the length of time to measurement (between the end of the intervention and the measurement
of outcomes), incentives, compliance rates, and specific settings involved in the study as well as other contextual issues.
End the Discussion section with a reasoned and justifiable commentary on the importance of your findings. This
concluding section may be brief or extensive provided that it is tightly reasoned, self-contained, and not overstated. In this
section, you might briefly return to a discussion of why the problem is important (as stated in the introduction); what
larger issues, those that transcend the particulars of the subfield, might hinge on the findings; and what propositions are
confirmed or disconfirmed by the extrapolation of these findings to such overarching issues.
You may also consider the following issues:
 What is the theoretical, clinical, or practical significance of the outcomes, and what is the basis for these

interpretations? If the findings are valid and replicable, what real-life psychological phenomena might be
explained or modeled by the results? Are applications warranted on the basis of this research? (Note 1)

 What problems remain unresolved or arise anew because of these findings? The responses to these questions are
the core of the contribution of your study and justify why readers both inside and outside your own specialty
should attend to the findings. Your readers should receive clear, unambiguous, and direct answers. (Note 2)

Figure 1. Figure title (This is an example of figure 1)

Note. Number figures consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text. Place figures caption and description below the figure body.
(Resolution: 300 dpi). You may resize the figures or schemes to fit the page size.

It should provide a neat summary and possible directions of future research.
The checklist:
 Does this part include the general summary of the article, its results and findings?
 Does this part include implications and recommendations for practice?
 Does this part include research limitations?
 Does this part include suggestions for future research?

Authors may declare any patents related to the published work, either those pending or already obtained. The aim of this
section is to create a better link between research articles and new inventions to which they have contributed. This section
is not obligatory, and there is no penalty for not declaring patents, but in most cases authors benefit from adding any
relevant information here.
When declaring patents, please include the patent number and title so that any interested readers can access the full details.
We strongly recommend against submitting papers for publication before patents have been granted, since publication can
compromise the patent application process. Published papers will not be removed from journals in order for patent
applications to be filed. This section is not mandatory but may be added if there are patents resulting from the work
reported in this manuscript.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, X.X. and Y.Y.; Methodology, X.X.; Software, X.X.; Validation, X.X., Y.Y. and Z.Z.; Formal Analysis,
X.X.; Investigation, X.X.; Resources, X.X.; Data Curation, X.X.; Writing – Original Draft Preparation, X.X.; Writing – Review & Editing, X.X.;
Visualization, X.X.; Supervision, X.X.; Project Administration, X.X.; Funding Acquisition, Y.Y.”. Authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Ethical review and approval were waived for this study, due to that the research does not deal with vulnerable
groups or sensitive issues.
Funding: The authors received no direct funding for this research.
Acknowledgments: In this section you can acknowledge any support given which is not covered by the author contribution or funding sections. This
may include administrative and technical support, or donations in kind (e.g., materials used for experiments).
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the corresponding author. The data are not publicly
available due to restrictions.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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Note 1. This is an example.
Note 2. This is an example for note 2.
Appendix A: The Heading to Appendix A

Total Capital Stock Income of Main Business Total Assets

Pudong Development Bank 39.2 214.7 5730.7
Bank of China 459.4 3345.7 59876.9

In general, an appendix is appropriate for materials that are relatively brief and that are easily presented in print
format. Some examples of material suitable for an appendix are (a) a list of stimulus materials (e.g., those used in
psycholinguistic research),(b) a detailed description of a complex piece of equipment, (c) a list of articles that provided the
source data for a meta- analysis but are not directly referred to in any other way in an article, and (d) a detailed
demographic description of subpopulations in the study and other detailed and/or complex reporting items suggested in
the reporting standards section of this chapter.

Appendix B: The Heading to Appendix B

Total Capital Stock Income of Main Business Total Assets

Pudong Development Bank 39.2 214.7 5730.7
Bank of China 459.4 3345.7 59876.9

Like the main text, an appendix may include headings and subheadings as well as tables, figures, and displayed
equations. Number each appendix table and figure, and number displayed equations if necessary, for later reference;
precede the number with the letter of the appendix.

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