On HSG T Anh 9 (12) 2

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Question 1:
a- Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from those of the
other words.
1.A-ransom B-ancient C-danger D-change
2.A-debt B-nib C-absorb D-absent
3.A-wicked B-hatred C-sacred D-looked
4.A-delicate B-concentrate C-private D-accurate
5.A-put B-putt C-pussy D-pulpit

b-Choose a word in each line that has different stress patternfrom the others.
1.A-campground B-include C-market D-common
2.A-athletics B-average C-bricklaying D-solitude
3.A-spectacular B-sophisticate C-entertainment D-activity
4.A-waterfall B-wilderness C-spectacle D-undertake
5-A-improve B-leisure C-guitar D-pursuit

Question 2: Use the correct form of each the word given in parentheses to fill inthe blank
in each sentence.
1-Alison’s ………….(shy) made it hard for her to speak in public.
2-He had the ………..(annoy) habit of borrowing books and then forgetting to return them.
3-Remind me of my appointment.I’m ………………..(forget).
4-For one who has spent his life in town, a trip into the mountains could prove an………..
(forget) experience.
5-He had been …………………(expect) delayed at the office and was now in a hurry to keep
his …………….(appoint) with the dentist.
6-The old lady hid all her ……………….(save) under the floor.
7-Recently health foods have increased in…………….(popular).
8-The gas from the chemical factory was extremely………………(harm).
9-Unless something is done about unemployment, the ……..(look) for the future is not good.

Question 3:Fill each numbered blank of the following passage with a suitable word.
Many people believe that watching television has resulted in lower reading standards in
school._______(1), the link between television and printed books is not as simple as that.In
many ________(2), television actually encourages people to read : for example, when a
book is turned into a TV series, _______(3) sales often go up.
One study of this link examined six-year-old children who______(4) viewing a special
series of 15-minute programmes at school.The series was designed to encourage love of
books, as_______(5) as to develop the basic mechanical skills of reading.Each programme is
an animated film of a children’s book.The story is read aloud_______(6) certain key phrases
from the book appear on the screen, beneath the picture. Whenever a word is read , it is also
highlighted on the TV screen.
One finding was _______(7) watching these programmes was very important to the
children.If anything prevented them _______(8) seeing a programme, they were very
disappointed. What’s more , they wanted to read the books_______(9) the different parts of
the series were based on.
The programmes also gave the children______(10) confidence when looking at these
books.As a result of ______(11) familiarity with the stories, they would sit in pairs and read
the stories aloud to ________(12) other. On _______(13) occasion, the children showed great
sympathy when discussing a character in a book because they themselves______(14) been
moved when watching the character________(15)television.

Question 4: The following passage contains 11 errors. Find and correct them.
When man first learned how making a fire, he began to use fuel for the first time. The
first fuel he used was probably wooden. As time passed,man eventually discovered that
substances such as coal and oil will burn. Coal was not used very wide as a source of energy
until the nineteenth century. With the coming of the industrial revolution, it was soon realized
that production would double if coal was using instead of wood.Nowadays ,much of the huge
factories and electricity generating stations would be impossible to function if there was no
coal. In the last twenty or thirty years, however, the use of coal has declined.As a result, there
were changes in the coal industry. It is believed that more people would use coal if oil and gas
are not so readily available.There is more than coal enough in the world for man’s needs for
the next two hundred years if our use of coal will not increase.Unfortunately, however, about
half of the world’s coal may never been used. Mining much of it would be very expensive
even if it was possible to use new equipment.
Your answer: 0. making→ to make
1--------- 2---------- 3--------- 4----------- 5----------
6--------- 7--------- 8--------- 9----------- 10---------

Question 5 : Complete these sentences with proper prepositions.

1-This word has a lot of meanings.You should look it……….….in a dictionary.
2-Jenny usually comes back her country…………..…Christmas Day.
3-Don’t use pencils.Please write the letter…………...ink.
4-My father made …………..his mind to settle in the South.
5-Did you pick ………….lots of English while you were in England?
6-Minh couldn’t start his motor engine.I think it ran……….….fuel.
7-A thief broke into his office last night and stole all money……..…..the safe.
8-Time is off now.Please hand …………..your papers.
9-Local students have been banned…………..taking part in the demonstration.
10-The police have charged her ……..driving without due care and attention.

11-Football fans went……….the rampage in the centre of Norwich last night.

12-The car left the road and crashed…………a tree.
13-Several guests at the hotel were robbed………..jewellery and money.
14-David, 19, has been sleeping………..a park bench for the past six months.
15-They are hardly ever completely satisfied………..a performance.

Question 6: Put each verb in parentheses into an appropriate tense:

Old Mr.Williams was very concerned. He and his wife pensioners and he…1….(spend)
the whole morning……2…….(look) for their pension books. He ……3……..(look)
everywhere, but he ……4……..(not be able)……5……..(find) them .Meanwhile, his wife
……6………(be ) busy. She ……7…….(cook) all morning.She ………8…….(prepare) a
delicious meal.She ……9……..(make) soup, ……10…….(follow) by a lovele pie, which
she……11……..(bake) in the oven. Mr.Williams……12………(always enjoy) his food but
he clearly……13…..(enjoy) his lunch. “What’s matter , Tom ?” his wife anked.
Mr.Williams……14……(have to) confess that he……15……(lose) their pesion books. “I
know”, Mr.Williams……..16……(say) with a twinkle in her eye. “I’ve got them”.
“You’ve got them?” “Yes-and guess where I……17…….(find) them!”. Mr.Williams
suddenly remembered “In the oven! I……18……..(put) them there for safe-keeping”. He
……19……(smile) with relief as she ……20………(fish) them out of her apron pocket.

Question 7: Finish each of the following sentences in such way that it is as similar as
possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it.
1-The house was so badly damaged in the fire that it couldn’t be prepaired.
The house was too………………………………………………………………………….
2-He told me my request was unreasonable.
He said “ You can hardly………………………………………………………………….”
3-You won’t reach the station in less than twenty minutes.
It will take…………………………………………………………………………………..
4-I took my car to the garage last Saturday and they resprayed it.
I had………………………………………………………………………………………..
5-Although Christopher was the stronger of the two , his attacker soon overpowered him.
Despite his…………………………………………………………………………………
6-It was only when I left home that I realized how much my father meant to me.
Not until……………………………………………………………………………………
7-The only reason the party was a success was that a famous film star attended.
Had it not………………………………………………………………………………….
8-The critics were very impressed by her performance.
Her performance made……………………………………………………………………
9-The manager wrote a long ungrammatical report.
The report………………………………………………………………………………….
10-If Cathy hadn’t been so mean, we’d have had a really good time.

Question 8: Complete each of the following sentences, using the words given.
1-We/have / lot / thing / do / prepare / come /Asian games //.
2-Viet/ like / collect /stamp / and / and / have /hudred /precious/ stamp / collection//.
3-Brother/ be / good / accompany/ people / sing/ guitar//.
4-I / not / satisfy/ security/ conditions/ post office/ because / there/ not / anyone/ keep/
customers/ motorcycles//.
5-If / you / want/ send/ document/ and / not/ lose/ original/ shape / facsimile / help//.

Question 9 : Read the passage then answer the questions.

Las Vegas is the most famous city for gambling in the United States. Some people say
that Las Vegas is a mispronunciation of “lost wages”. The casinos and hotels have so many
neon lights that some people call this city the desert “the city of lights”. Each of the big hotels
in Las Vegas is special. Going into one is like entering another world. One hotel is like ancient
Egypt. Another is like a tropical island. Still another is like New York City. These hotels have
shows with famous entertainers. Everything looks expensive. But the rooms cost half the price
of rooms in other places. And the restaurants have all-you-can-eat meals for very little money.
That’s because the hotels make their money from the gambling casinos.
Las Vegas started in 1905 as a small train stop. There were only a few buildings in the
middle of the desert. In 1946, a famous gangster named Bugsy Siegel built the first casino. He
was murdered in 1947. This made him and Las Vegas famous. In the early 1950s tourists went
to Las Vegas not only to gamble. They went to watch atomic bomb test in the desert outside
the city. In those days, people didn’t know it was dangerous. They thought it was exciting.
Las Vegas is also famous its many wedding chapels. Like all of Las Vegas, they are
open 24 hours a day. Getting married is easy. A couple just pays a few dollars for a license,
and they can get married immediately. They don’t have to wait. Many famous movie stars
were married in Las Vegas.
It is interesting that Las Vegas has more churches for its population than anywhere else
in the United States. That’s not counting wedding chapels. Another interesting fact is that
tourists have a greater chance of having a heart attack in Las Vegas than in any other
American city.
1. What is special about the hotels in Las Vegas?
2. Why is Las Vegas called “the city of lights”?
3. What is Las Vegas famous for?
4. What does Las Vegas have that other American cities don’t have?
5. What is the second paragraph about?

…………….. THE END……………..


Question 1: (10 points) Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm.

a. 1-A 2-A 3-D 4-B 5-B
b. 1-B 2-A 3-C 4-D 5-B

Question 2: (10 points) Mỗi từ đúng 1 điểm.

1- shyness 6- savings
2- annoying 7- popularity
3- forgetful 8- harmful
4- unforgetable 9- outlook
5- unexpectedly / appointment

Question 3 : (15 points) Mỗi từ đúng 1 điểm.

1- however 8- from
2- cases 9-which / that
3- its 10-more / some / greater / increased
4- were 11- their
5-well 12-each
6-and / while / as 13-one
7- that 14- had
15- on
Question 4 :(10 points) Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm.

1-wooden → wood 6-impossible → unable

2-will burn → would burn 7-were changes → has been changes
3-wide → widely 8-coal enough → enough coal
4-using → used 9-will not → does not
5- much of → many of 10- been used → be used

Question 5: (15 points) Mỗi từ đúng 1 điểm.

1. up 2. on 3. in 4. up

5. up 6. out of 7. from 8. in

9. from 10. with 11. on 12. into

13. of 14. on 15. with

Question 6 :( 20 points) Mỗi chỗ đúng 1 điểm.

1- had spent 11-had baked
2-looking 12-had enjoyed
3-had looked / had been looking 13-wasn’t enjoying
4-hadn’t been able 14-had to
5- to find 15-had lost
6-had been busy 16-said
7- had been cooking 17-found
8-had prepared 18-put
9-had made 19-smiled
10- followed 20-fished
Question 7: (10 points) Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm.
1-The house was too badly damaged to be repaired.
2-“You can hardly expect me to agree to your request.”
3-It will take you at least twenty minutes to reach the station.
4-I had my car resprayed at the garage last Saturday.
5-Despite his (superior) strength, Christopher was soon overpowered (by his attacker).
Or : Despite being stronger of the two, Christopher was soon everpowered (by his attacker).
6-Not until I left home did I realise how much my father meant to me.
7-Had it not been for the attendace / appearance of a famous film star, the party would not
have been a success.
8-Her performance made a considerable impression on the critics.
9-The report (which was) written by the manager was long and ungrammatical.
10-But for Cathy’s meanness, we’d have had a really good time.
Question 8: (5 points) Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm.
1-We have a lot of things to do prepared for the coming Asian Games.
2-Viet likes collecting stamps and he has hundreds of precious stamps in his collection.
3-My brother is very good at accompanying people singing with his guitar.
4-I am not satisfied with the security conditions of your post office because there isn’t anyone
to keep the customers’motocycles.
5-If you want to send a document and do not want to lose its original shape, our facimile
service will help you.
Question 9: (5 points) Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm.
1- In Las Vegas, going into each hotel is like entering another world
2- ……… because it has so many neon lights
- Las Vegas is called the “City of lights” because …….
3- Las Vegas is famous for gambling and (its) many wedding Chapels
4- Las Vegas has more churches for its population.
5- It is about the foundation / starting of Las Vegas.
Tổng điểm toàn bài : 100 points.

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