LBIS Review Pointers A.Y 22-23 (Term 4) - S2D

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Forth Term, Second Semester

S.Y. 2022 - 2023
June 02 - June 08, 2023

Secondary 2 Darwin
Subject Area Lessons References
Cambridge Lower Secondary
Stage 8 Lessons
English Learner's Book 8
English Cambridge Lower Secondary
Fiction Reading and Writing
English Workbook 8
Non-Fiction Reading and Writing
Unit 1: Integers, powers, and roots
Unit 2: Sequences, expressions, and
Unit 3: Place value, ordering, and rounding
Unit 4: Length, mass, and capacity
Unit 5: Angles
Unit 6: Planning and collecting data
Unit 7: Fractions
Unit 8: Shapes and Geometric reasoning
Unit 9: Simplifying expressions and solving
equations Textbook Page 2A and 2B,
Math Unit 10: Processing and presenting data Workbook, Worksheets, Quizzes,
Unit 11: Percentages Stage 8 Practice Book
Unit 12: Constructions
Unit 13: Graphs
Unit 14: Ratio and proportion
Unit 15: Probability
Unit 16: Position and movement
Unit 17: Area, perimeter, and volume
Unit 18: Interpreting and discussing results

Note: Detailed pointers will be provided to

the students as a hard copy.
Unit 1: Respiration
Unit 2: Properties of Materials
Unit 3: Forces and Energy
Science Stage 8 Book pages 1 -
Unit 4: Ecosystem
321, Stage 8 Workbook, Quizzes,
Science Unit 5: Material and Cycles on Earth
Science Notebook, Worksheets
Unit 6: Light
and Homework
Unit 7: Diet and Growth
Unit 8: Chemical Reactions
Unit 9: Magnetism
Bahasa Indonesia
Bab 7
1. Mengidentifikasi permasalahan aktual
teks persuasi
2. Menyimpulkan permasalahan aktual teks
3. Menelaah struktur dan kebahasaan teks
Bahasa persuasi Bahasa Indonesia hal. 159-190
Indonesia Bab 8 PPKn hal. 159-167
1. Mengidentifikasi dan menafsirkan unsur
unsur drama
Bab 6
1. Makna dan komitmen kebangsaan
2. Arti penting semangat dan komitmen
kebangsaan untuk memperkuat NKRI
Secondary 2 Advance
Lesson 13 《新加坡一道美丽的风景》 Textbook lesson 13-14,
Lesson 14 《雨树》 IGCSEBOOK lesson 15-16,
IGCSE workbook,worksheets,Quiz ,
Lesson 15《旅游经历》 spelling list .
Lesson 16 《旅游计划》
Mandarin Regular Class
第十三课 - 第十五课
第十三课 – 第十五课
Lesson 13 : 我六点半起床 Lesson 13– 15
Lesson 14 : 我穿校服上学
Lesson 15: 我的课外活动 课本 ( Textbook )
听写表 ( Spelling List )
小考 (Quiz)
一、听力 (Listening)
二、笔试 (Written Examination)
三、口试 (Oral)
Introduction to Drama Google Slides /PPT in the Google
Shakespeare’s Drama Classroom
Midsummer Night’s Dream
Literature The Tempest Worksheets/Exercises
Features of a Playscript Hand-outs
Chapter 5 Floods: How can cities prepare
Geography Textbook Chapter 5:
for floods?
What are floods?
Geography Workbook Chapter 5
Which cities are prone to floods?
Geography Activities
Why are these cities more prone to floods
Term 4 Quizzes
than others?
Term 4 Worksheets
How do floods affect people living in cities?
Term 4 Google Slides
How should cities prepare for floods?
Poverty, Causes of poverty, Measures to
Economics Handouts a.nd Exercises
remove poverty.
Chapter 4: Who was to blame for the cold
Theme 1: Introduction
Theme 2: Why did the USA-USSR alliance
begin to break down in 1945?
-Ideological differences
-Wartime disagreements History Book (chapter 4),
History -Attitudes towards Germany and the post- worksheets, google slides, and
war world Quizzes
-Yalta and Potsdam Conference
Theme 3: Who had the USSR gained
control of Eastern Europe by 1948?
Theme 4: How did the USA react to Soviet

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