ISTE's Essential Conditions of Student-Centered Learning
ISTE's Essential Conditions of Student-Centered Learning
Shared Vision Use technology and all A clear vision for learning is
stakeholders to create a shared essential for success which is why it
vision and align the vision to is important to have a shared vision.
frameworks or standards. All stakeholders are critical to the
success of the shared vision and its
future success.
Implementation Develop a plan for the use of A well-developed plan usually leads
Planning technology which includes to better and more informed
evaluating and selecting resources decisions. Without a solid plan,
and providing and sustaining there will be shortages regarding
professional learning and coaching. current and future needs.
Skilled and Provide technical support and Feedback from stakeholders allows
Sufficient technology leadership who can the teachers and students to be
Technical provide and maintain the learning successful and ensures that the
Support infrastructure. proper support is being
implemented for using digital tools.
High-Quality Select digital activities that align Provide the students with culturally
Learning with the content standards and responsive and culturally inclusive
Activities create authentic and creative learning materials. Sometimes
learning experiences that will schools pay for materials that are
support the school's learning not effective and sometimes lead to
vision. negative effects on learning.
Shah et al. (2023) define computing creep as “the encroachment of computing technologies, as
well as discourses about computing, into nearly every dimension of human life.” (Shah et al.,
2023) Currently, computing education is not designed to value the teacher nor the students.
Teachers are being taught during professional development how to use coding in their
classroom, for example. However, the teachers are not computer science teachers they must
figure out how to implement computer science teaching with their current standards. One way
this can be done successfully is to have students explore ideas and pursue interests through
multiple domains. Having the students explore learning through things that are interesting and
important to them is the key to a successful computing education program. (Shah et al., 2023)
Schools are where children spend most of their time and it is important that the influence
schools have on children is seen. Educators understand that the whole child needs to be
educated and have been asking for support in this matter. Jones et al. (2017) emphasize the
importance of social, emotional, and cognitive competencies and how they are essential to
learning. By focusing on social and emotional development the benefits can be seen in two
ways. There can be long-term benefits to society when schools implement social and emotional
learning. This can also be done by embedding evidence-based programs that support and
promote social and emotional development. Secondly, all students benefit from positive social
and emotional development. A more equitable society can be achieved while implementing
these types of lessons. The success of our education system and society as a whole can be
implemented when social and emotional development is integrated with academic instruction.
(Jones et al., 2017)
Synthesis of National, State, and Local Technology Plans
The National Education Technology Plan (NETP) provides a national vision and learning plan
through the use of technology. The plan is focused on resources, accessibility, connectivity, and
devices to all support learning through leadership, assessment, and teaching. The NETP outlines
five sections to its plan: learning, teaching, leadership, assessment, and infrastructure. Each
section highlights a few key recommendations to achieve these goals. Learning highlights
providing equitable and accessible learning opportunities for all learners. More research is
needed to study how people learn and how it can change how technology is used in schools.
Teaching highlights provide professional learning opportunities for educators that highlight
technology to increase digital literacy and help to create learning activities to improve teaching,
assessments, and instructional practices. Recommendations under the leadership section are to
set a vision for the use of technology with all stakeholders and to establish funding plans and
models that allow for sustainable technology. The assessment section highlights designing,
developing, and implementing learning dashboards that provide feedback that is actionable and
will help to improve student achievement and instructional practices. Infrastructure highlights
making sure that every student and teacher has access to at least one device that has internet
access. The device should allow for research, communication, collaboration, and the creation of
learning activities or experiences. (U.S. Department of Education, 2017)
Georgia’s Department of Education (DOE) also provides a strategic plan for technology which
highlights many similar points to the National Education Technology Plan. Georgia’s plan is
highlighted with five key points: guaranteed and viable standards, challenging goals, effective
feedback, and support, collegiality, and professionalism. safe and healthy environments, and
community and family engagement. Georgia Department of Education (2019) states that
technology integration is the main component of ensuring that the goals are met. By expanding
the use of technology throughout the state we are allowing for personalized learning in our
education system. (Georgia Department of Education, 2019)
Currently, LaFayette High School and Walker County Schools do not have a technology plan.
ISTE (n.d.) Essential conditions for effective tech use in schools. ISTE. Retrieved May 1, 2023,
Jones, S. M., & Kahn, J. (2017). The evidence base for how learning happens: A consensus on
social, emotional, and academic development. American Educator, Winter, 16-43.
Retrieved on May 1, 2023, from
Shah, N., & Yadav, A. (2023). Racial Justice Amidst the Dangers of Computing Creep: A Dialogue.
TechTrends, 1-8.