Lesson Plan - Chemistry - Grade 9 - Week 20

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GEMS AKIS HS Weekly Plan Template AY 22-23

Grade: 9 Subject: chemistry Unit Title: structure Week #: Date Range: Teacher(s):
and properties of 20 30 January-3 Sara Hdaife
matter February Hiba AL Ansari

# Boys: 0 # SEND: # Emirati: 0 # Supported Learners: # Extended Learners: # G&T:

# Girls: 0

Disciplinary Standard(s) Targeted

If lesson is focusing on a certain part of the standard, please highlight that part in green.
HS-PS1-1. Use the periodic table as a model to predict the relative properties of elements based on the patterns of electrons in the outermost
energy level of atoms. HS-PS1-2. Construct and revise an explanation for the outcome of a simple chemical reaction based on the outermost
electron states of atoms, trends in the periodic table, and knowledge of the patterns of chemical properties.
Literacy Across the Curriculum
How will your plans this week develop student’s literacy (reading and writing) skills?

Building Connections: Real Life, UAE, Student Profile

How will your plans this week help students make connections?
Reactivity of elements

Objective Starter/Guided Instruction Learning Engagements / Guided Independent P
(What is the objective of the lesson?) (How will you establish objectives, connect to prior knowledge, and Practice Formative ass
teach new concepts/skills?) (What are the strategies used in class to engage (How will we know what stu
students in practice?)
12 Minutes 20 Minutes 7 Minut
All learners (including Discuss a scenario of falling from a tree and need Express the nucleus as security and Which atom in this image wil
SEND): Xray , what is happening. the orbits are having money of the ionize? EXPLAIN. 2. How many
- bank , so it is easier for the thief to from each atom to form an ion?
I can. Explain and use the
take money from high level , same as amount of energy used when
term ionization energy electron
electron when going down a group.
Most learners (core & ELL): Compare to that in a period a bank
I can list the factors that with more security guard needs more
influence the ionization energy to take money from it , same
energies of different 3 Minutes as that to ionization energy 3 Minut
elements, Solve 3 question starter on near pod Exit tick
Some learners (extended Real-life application , ionization Solve 3 question exit ti
energy can damage cells and cause
& G&T):
cancer but in the opposite it can be
I can. explain the trends in used to damage cancer cells
ionization energies of Explore : This is an inquiry-driven
different elements relative activity where students play a few
to their position in the game levels and begin making
periodic table, observations. Students will
complete levels in the Ions game to
begin to observe the concept of
ionization energy. 1. Direct
students to log into Collisions with
their individual username and
password. 2. Students should enter
the Ions game and play Levels 1 -
8. 3. Ask students to answer the
following questions during
gameplay: • Does removing an
outer electron use or release
energy? • In Level 5, which atom
were you able to remove an outer
electron from - lithium (Li) or
potassium (K)? Why and what is
different about these atoms? • In
Level 6, does it take the same
amount of energy to remove each
outer electron in beryllium? in
boron? After completing this
activity, students will begin to
understand that energy is required
to remove an electron from an
atom and this energy differs
depending on the atom

Explain : In the Collisions Ions

Sandbox, as a class remove 1
outer electron from Li, Na, and K
and record the energy USED. As
students to describe the overall
trend observed. 2. In the Collisions
Ions Sandbox, as a class remove 1
outer electron from Li, Be, B, N, O,
and F and record the energy
USED. Ask students to describe
the overall trend observed. Note:
Drag the ion back into the bank
once the energy has been
recorded. 3. As a class, discuss
WHY this trend occurs. What is
different about these atoms? Why
would certain atoms more strongly
hold onto their electrons?
How will you differentiate for special groups ?
- SEN: compare first ionization energies for different elements
- Supported Learners (Tier 2): explain the factors affecting ionization energy
- Extended Learners: Differentiate between first ionization energy and the jump ionization energy
GEMS AKIS HS Weekly Plan Template AY 22-23
Grade: 9 Subject: chemistry Unit Title: structure Week #: Date Range: Teacher(s):
and properties of 17 8- 12 January Sara Hdaife
matter Hiba AL Ansari

# Boys: 0 # SEND: # Emirati: 0 # Supported Learners: # Extended Learners: # G&T:

# Girls: 0

Disciplinary Standard(s) Targeted

If lesson is focusing on a certain part of the standard, please highlight that part in green.
HS-PS1-1. Use the periodic table as a model to predict the relative properties of elements based on the patterns of electrons in the outermost
energy level of atoms. HS-PS1-2. Construct and revise an explanation for the outcome of a simple chemical reaction based on the outermost
electron states of atoms, trends in the periodic table, and knowledge of the patterns of chemical properties.
Literacy Across the Curriculum
How will your plans this week develop student’s literacy (reading and writing) skills? Analyzing trends across periodic table

Building Connections: Real Life, UAE, Student Profile

How will your plans this week help students make connections?

LESSON 2 ( part a )
Objective Starter/Guided Instruction Learning Engagements / Guided Independent P
(What is the objective of the lesson? (How will you establish objectives, connect to prior knowledge, and Practice Formative ass
Include differentiated objectives for teach new concepts/skills?) (What are the strategies used in class including (How will we know what stu
special groups, where needed.) differentiation to engage students in practice)?
12 Minutes 20 Minutes 7 Minut
All learners (including Engage: See-Think-Wonder: Let - Practice worksheet
SEND): the student reflect on the picture -Explore: Activity#1:   Students will be-Evaluate: exist ticket on Nearpo
I can state the change how we can sort out things and beginning to monitor the progres
engaged in answering questions while
arrange them in logical bases. knowledge and skill
across the periodic table watching a video to explore the
according to atomic size controlling factors across the periods
and down the groups.
-Explain: Activity#2
Most learners (core & ELL):  a). students will be asked what is
I can compare between atomic radius and how can we
two atoms with respect to measure it. 
b). Students will be taught how the
trend of atomic radii goes in periodic
Some learners (extended Activity #3 Students will model the
& G&T): atomic radius of periodic table in
I can relate between the groups
cause of different atomic
sizes across a period and
Students will be asked to relate -
that to the periodic table trends.

3 Minutes

*Check for understanding*

What is the relation between the
charges and sizes to the attraction
between particles 
3 Minutes 3 Minut

How will you differentiate for special groups (if relevant)?

- SEN: compare between two atoms with in the same period or row
- Supported Learners (Tier 2): compare between two atoms in different rows and columns
- Extended Learners: analyze the different elements and compare
LESSON 1 (part b )
Objective Starter/Guided Instruction Learning Engagements /
(What is the objective of the lesson?) (How will you establish objectives, connect to prior knowledge, and teach new (What are the strategies used in class to e

12 Minutes 20 Minute
All learners (including SEND): - Engage : make a circle of students , allow to add one Explore : see different model of ions an
I can identify the effect of ions on the size student and analyze what will happen to the size of circle the charged
of the atom and relate it to anions Elaborate : adding or remove el
- Make a circle and remove students from the circle , and Explain :
Most learners (core & ELL): see how the size will differ and relate it to the size of The effect of nuclear charge an
I can determine the effect of nuclear
attraction and electron shielding on the
size of ions

Some learners (extended & G&T):

I can differentiate between the sizes of the
ions across a period an group


3 Minutes
Solve 3 question starter on near pod

All learners (including  Discuss Watch a video 

  w
SEND): how the  Which magnet is stronger and relate it to atoms attracting electron
I can define and understand bonding is 
the concept of between
electronegativity, two atoms,
what might
Most learners (core & ELL): affect it ..
I can list factors that affect  Relate it as
electronegativity, children are
Some learners (extended & their toys
G&T): each one
I can predict the type of with
bonding that is likely to different

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