SWE4201 Module Guide Software Development - 21-2022

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BEng (Hons) Software Engineering


Introduction to Software
Development Module

Semester 2

Level HE4

1. Module Overview.........................................................................................................................3

2. Learning and Teaching Strategy...................................................................................................3

3. Graduate Attributes.......................................................................................................................3

4. Module Communications...........................................................................................................4

5. Module Description.......................................................................................................................4

6. Learning Outcomes and Assessments...........................................................................................4

7. Assessment Deadlines...................................................................................................................5

8. Assessment Feedback...................................................................................................................5

9. Module Calendar...........................................................................................................................6

10. Formative Assessment................................................................................................................6

11. Indicative Reading......................................................................................................................6

12. Guidelines for the Preparation and Submission of Written Assessments...................................7

13. Procedures for Examinations....................................................................................................10

14. Academic Misconduct...............................................................................................................12

15. Assessments..............................................................................................................................12

1. Module Overview

Module Tutor
Tel. no.
Office Location Great Titchfield Street
Drop-in Availability See notice on office door
Weblink to Moodle Class https://moodle.bolton.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=12404
Weblink to Module Specification https://modules.bolton.ac.uk/SWE4101

2. Learning and Teaching Strategy

A blended learning approach is used in the module which means that you will attend sessions
face-to-face and also use online learning. The module will be delivered in integrated
laboratory sessions. The sessions include many different methods to help you get the best
from the learning material including lectures, demonstrations, and task/assignment-based
work. In the practical elements of the sessions you will perform a number of tasks related to
the syllabus. These tasks will be used to help you develop your skills and knowledge. You
will also contribute to class/group discussions (face-to-face and online) related to
programming and OO concepts, program design with UML, language syntax and
programming algorithms. The purpose of this is to develop your skills in articulating
problems encountered and identifying/evaluating alternative approaches used in software

3. Graduate Attributes
Graduate attributes are the personal qualities and skills which the University of Bolton
community values, and which a student is expected develop during their time at the
University. Graduate
attributes act as a point of reference for a student’s personal development
and support the articulation of employability and transferable skills.

In total there are 10 graduate attributes. This module seeks to support the development of:
• Self-awareness
• Resilience
• Problem solving
• Life-long learning

4. Module Communications

The Module Tutor’s contact details are provided at the top of this page. You must check
your University of Bolton email address and the Moodle area dedicated to this module
regularly as many module communications are channelled through these media.
Your Module Tutor will normally aim to respond to your email messages within 2
full working days of receipt. However, responses will be longer in holiday periods.

5. Module Description

The purpose of this module is to give you a thorough introduction to programming and the theory
and practice of object-oriented programming. For most students taking this module, this will be a
first insight into computer programming so no prior knowledge is assumed. the module introduces
the fundamentals of programming, including: variables and assignment, primitive and complex data
types, functions/methods, control structures for selection and iteration and collections. The module
also provides an introduction to basic software development elements such as, problem solving,
pseudo-code, program design, testing, debugging and documentation. You will be introduced to OO
concepts such as classes, objects, constructors, methods etc. and later introduced to more complex
concepts such as aggregation and inheritance. You will be taught to design, implement and test
simple classes; this leads into the design, implementation and documentation using UML (Unified
Modelling Language) of simple applications.

6. Learning Outcomes and Assessments

Learning Outcomes Assessment

LO1: Develop algorithms to solve given problems Portfolio items 1

LO2: Construct logically and syntactically correct Portfolio items 2

programs using appropriate programming constructs.
LO3: Demonstrate systematic testing of programmed solutions to Portfolio items 2
identify and correct syntax, semantic and logical errors.
LO4: Present effective use of modelling standards to represent Portfolio items 2
system structure, behaviour and interaction.

7. Assessment Deadlines

Assessment item Due Date Weight

Assessment In-class test Week 14 40%

item 1
Assessment Coursework (Portfolio) Week 15 60%
item 2

8. Assessment Feedback

Feedback on items of assessment can be formal (such as on a signed feedback form) or

informal (such as advice from a tutor in a tutorial). Feedback is therefore not just your grade
or the comments written on your feedback form, it is advice you get from your tutor and
sometimes your peers about how your work is progressing, how well you have done, what
further actions you might take.

We recognise the value of prompt feedback on work submitted. Other than in exceptional
circumstances (such as might be caused by staff illness), you can expect your assignment
and examination work to be marked and feedback provided not more than 15 working
days from the deadline date. However, please note that that such feedback will be provisional
and unconfirmed until the Assessment Board has met and may therefore be subject to change.

Please take time you read or listen to your assessment feedback. This can be very useful in
determining your strengths and key areas for development, and can therefore help you
improve on future grades.

9. Module Calendar

Week Lesson
Week 1 Lesson 1 - Python Introduction to Python
Lesson 2 - Java Introduction to Java
Week 2 Lesson 1 - Python Variables and data types
Lesson 2 - Java Data types and variables
Week 3 Lesson 1 - Python Operators in Python
Lesson 2 - Java Decision Making in Java
Week 4 Lesson 1 - Python Data structures in Python
Lesson 2 - Java Loops in Java
Week 5 Lesson 1 - Python Workshop
Lesson 2 - Java Workshop
Week 6 Lesson 1 - Python Decision Making in Python
Lesson 2 - Java ArrayList and Iterators in Java
Week 7 Lesson 1 - Python Loops in Python
Lesson 2 - Java Methods in Java
Week 8 Lesson 1 - Python Functions in Python
Lesson 2 - Java Classes and objects in Java
Week 9 Lesson 1 - Python Modules in Python
Lesson 2 - Java Exception Handling in Java
Week 10 Lesson 1 - Python Errors and Exceptions in Python
Lesson 2 - Java Abstract classes & Interfaces in Java
Week 11 Lesson 1 - Python Classes and objects in Python
Lesson 2 - Java Unit testing in Java
Week 12 Lesson 1 - Python Revision and Test preparation
Lesson 2 - Java Revision and Test preparation
Week 13 Lesson 1 - Python Mock test
Lesson 2 - Java Revision and Test preparation
Week 14 Lesson 1 - Python In-class Test
Lesson 2 - Java
Week 15 Lesson 1 - Python Assignment Workshop
Lesson 2 - Java Assignment Workshop

NB: Please note that this module calendar may be subject to change.

10. Formative Assessment

Formative assessment is employed to support your learning on the module, allowing you to
reflect on feedback on your progress from your tutors and peers. It takes a variety of forms
including verbal one to one and group and peer feedback and does not contribute to the final
module mark. During timetabled activities support is intended to provide a mechanism
to allow you to gain ongoing feedback on your work and learning as the module
proceeds. Online tools may be used to support these activities.

11. Indicative Reading

Johnson, M.J. (2015) A concise introduction to programming in Python. London:CRC Press.

Sedgewick, R., Wayne, K. and Dondero, R. (2015) Introduction to Programming in Python:

An Interdisciplinary Approach. Harlow:Addison-Wesley

Niño, J. (2007) An introduction to programming and object-oriented design

using JAVA. Chichester:Wiley

Kurniawan, B. (2015) Java: A Beginner's Tutorial. New York:Brainy Software Inc.

Murach, J, Urban, M. (2015) Murach's Beginning Java with NetBeans. New

York:Mike Murach & Associates.

Fowler, M (2004) UML Distilled: a brief guide to the standard object modelling language. 3rd
Edition. Harlow: Addison-Wesley

12. Guidelines for the Preparation and Submission of Written

1. Written assessments should be word-processed in Arial or Calibri Light font
size 12. There should be double-spacing and each page should be numbered.

2. There should be a title page identifying the programme name, module title, assessment
title, your student number, your marking tutor and the date of submission.

3. You should include a word-count at the end of the assessment (excluding references,
figures, tables and appendices).
Where a word limit is specified, the following penalty systems applies:
• Up to 10% over the specified word length = no penalty
• 10 – 20% over the specified indicative word length = 5 marks subtracted (but if the
assessment would normally gain a pass mark, then the final mark to be no lower
than the pass mark for the assessment).

• More than 20% over the indicative word length = if the assessment would normally
gain a pass mark or more, then the final mark will capped at the pass mark for the

4. All written work should be referenced using the standard University of

Bolton referencing style– see: https://www.bolton.ac.uk/library/Study-

5. Unless otherwise notified by your Module Tutor, electronic copies of assignments

should be saved as word documents and uploaded into Turnitin via the Moodle
class area. If you experience problems in uploading your work, then you must
send an electronic copy of your assessment to your Module Tutor via email
BEFORE the due date/time.

6. Please note that when you submit your work to Moodle, it will automatically be
checked for matches against other electronic information. The individual percentage
text matches may be used as evidence in an academic misconduct investigation (see
Section 13).

7. Late work will be subject to the penalties:

• Up to 7 calendar days late = 10 marks subtracted but if the assignment would normally
gain a pass mark, then the final mark to be no lower than the pass mark for the
• More than 7 calendar days late = This will be counted as non-submission and no
marks will be recorded.

Where assessments are graded Pass/Fail only, they will not be accepted beyond the
deadline date for submission and will be recorded as a Fail. Students may request an
extension to the original published deadline date as described below.

8. In the case of exceptional and unforeseen circumstances, an extension of up to 14

days after the assessment deadline may be granted. This must be agreed by your
Programme Leader, following a discussion the Module Tutor. You should complete an
Extension Request Form available from your Tutor and attach documentary evidence of
your circumstances, prior to the published submission deadline.

Extensions over 14 calendar days should be requested using the Mitigating

Circumstances procedure, with the exception of extensions for individual projects and
artefacts which, at the discretion of the Programme Leader, may be longer than 14 days.

Requests for extensions which take a submission date past the end of the module
(normally week 15) must be made using the Mitigating Circumstances

Some students with registered disabilities will be eligible for

revised submission deadlines.
Revised submission deadlines do not require the completion extension
request paperwork.

Please note that the failure of data storage systems is not considered to be a valid
reason for an extension. It is therefore important that you keep multiple copies of your
work on different storage devices before submitting it.

13. Procedures for Examinations
1. Examinations are usually held during Week 15. Examination timetables are
posted on the web in advance of the examination period. See:

2. It is essential that you note the dates of any examination, including

resit examinations and ensure that you are available to take them.
Please note that we do not accept holiday bookings as a legitimate reason for missing
an examination.

3. Examinations take a variety of forms. Some may be traditional closed book format; some
may use a case study which you are given in advance. Some may allow you to use
textbooks or notes during the examination. Please ensure you check the format of your
examination in advance.

4. It is important that you prepare fully for examinations. Revision slots are indicated on
your module calendar. Failure to attend these and other timetabled sessions will
seriously jeopardise your success in examinations.

5. You will need to check the room location and equipment requirements in advance.
Please ensure that you reach the examination room at least 20 minutes prior to the
timetabled start. You will need to bring with you your University of Bolton Student
Identity Card, as proof of your identity. Failure to supply your identify cards may
result in you not being allowed to take your examinations.

6. Students whose English is a second language may take a hard-copy language translation
dictionary into the examination. Such dictionaries must not be marked in any way.

7. If you require any special examination arrangements to be made, please ensure that
Disability Service is made aware of these well in advance.

8. Please refer to the Examination Procedures for further details. See:


9. Past examination papers are available via the following link:


14. Academic Misconduct
Academic misconduct may be defined as any attempt by a student to gain an unfair advantage
in any assessment. This includes plagiarism, collusion, commissioning (contract cheating)
amongst other offences. In order to avoid these types of academic misconduct, you should
ensure that all your work is your own and that sources are attributed using the correct
referencing techniques. You can also check originality through Turnitin.

Please note that penalties apply if academic misconduct is proven. See the following link for
further details:

15. Assessments

Assessment briefs will be posted on Moodle.

General Assessment Guidelines for Written Assessments Level HE5


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