SWE5201 Advanced Programming - Assignment 1
SWE5201 Advanced Programming - Assignment 1
SWE5201 Advanced Programming - Assignment 1
Learning Outcomes:
LO1: Model structural, behavioural and interactivity requirements for given problems using an
appropriate standard
You are a software engineering intern at a local IT consultancy called Tempest Informatics UK Ltd. They would like you to attempt the following
programming exercise so that they can assess your programming abilities and training needs while with them by building a simple student information
system of the Regent College London.
Requirements / Deliverables:
Produce a design document for modelling and designing a computer program based on a given problem statement using a range of UML techniques and
For this first assignment you will need to analyse and design in an object-oriented way an application that represents a simple student information system
for the College which operates in London to offer different undergraduate and post graduate programmes in different locations. You will be asked to
develop, implement, and test your designed solution in the second assignment towards the end of this module.
Regent College London has different undergraduate and post graduate programmes under different departments including:
Computing and AI
Business and enterprise
Allied Health
Though there are different departments, some of them are offering undergraduate programme and some of them are also offering post graduate
programmes and a few of them may offer both. Students enrolled in both programmes may have pass or refer status for their individual modules.
All the courses may have some common attributes such as course name, duration of the course, type of the course (PT/FT) etc and students for the
different courses may have common attributes like student name, registration number, address, intake etc
Clearly the various types of courses may have some different attributes which are not present in all types of courses. For example, Postgraduate courses
would have a property for “Thesis/Dissertation” but HND/HNC courses would not. You should think carefully about what attributes each type of course may
or may not have.
The system must offer the user (a staff member of the company) the ability to:
View a list of courses that are being offered by each department
View a list of students that are being enrolled in different departments
View a list of undergraduate and post graduate courses that are available in each campus
Inserting a student into the record
Deleting a student from the record
Searching a student record that may show their progress in different modules
The program should store data in memory where necessary but should also make appropriate use of
A series of diagrams using appropriate UML diagramming techniques to model the structural,
behavioural and interactivity requirements for the entire system in a modular way.
You should also summarise the purpose of the specific UML diagramming techniques you are using and explain why you are using each of them.
• Pseudocode for each key functional area
Late submission
For late submission, see Assessment Regulations for Undergraduate Programmes:
Specific Marking Criteria
To be awarded a given grade, submissions will typically (but not necessarily exclusively) exhibit
the following indicative attributes
D Design documentation to a satisfactory standard only, UML and report text
(40-49%) explaining their use may be sparsely provided and/or may be logical only in some
C Design documentation to a good standard, UML and report text explaining their
(50-59%) use logical in the main though may be far from extensive
B Design documentation to a very good standard, UML and report text explaining
(60-69%) their use mostly extensive and logical in the main
A Design documentation to an excellent standard, UML and report text explaining
(70- their use extensive and logical
General marking criteria for HE5
% Relevance Knowledge Argument/Analysis Structure Presentation Written English Research/
85-100% Directly relevant to title. Demonstrates an exceptional
Makes exceptional use of Coherently articulated The presentational style & A very well written answer A wide range of sources
knowledge/understanding ofappropriate arguments and/or and logically structured. layout is correct for the type of with standard spelling and drawn upon.
main assumptions of the level through the Presents a comprehensive used. Effective inclusion of figures, Style is clear, resourceful accurately in the text
title and/or the identification and summarydiscussion of material resulting tables, plates (FTP), where and academic. and in the reference list.
requirements of the brief. of key themes. in clear, logical and original appropriate.
70-84% Directly relevant to title. Demonstrates an excellent Makes excellent use of Coherently articulated The presentational style & A well written A wide range of sources
knowledge/understanding of appropriate arguments and/or and logically structured.layout is correct for the type of answer with standard drawn upon.
Class I
Addresses the main theory and practice for FE3 theoretical models. An appropriate format is assignment. spelling and grammar. Sources well cited in the
assumptions of the title level through the Presents a comprehensive used. Effective inclusion of figures, Style is clear, and academic. text and in the reference
and/or the requirements of identification and summary summary of material resulting in tables, plates (FTP), where list – with only minor
the brief. of key themes. clear, logical conclusions. appropriate. errors.
60-69% Generally addresses the Demonstrates a very good Uses appropriate arguments or Logically constructed in The presentational style & A clearly written answer A range of sources
(Very Good
title/brief and covers some knowledge/understanding of theoretical models. the main. An layout is correct for the type of with standard spelling and drawn upon.
Class II/i
key issues in sufficiently theory and practice for FE3 Clear and valid summary of the appropriate format is assignment. grammar. Style is clear, and Most sources cited
meaningful detail. level through the material. Presents clear, logical used. Inclusion of FTP, where academic. accurately in the text
identification and summary conclusions. appropriate. and in the reference list.
of key themes.
50-59% Generally addresses the Demonstrates a good Presents largely coherent For the most part The presentational style & Competently written with Relevant sources drawn
title/brief but sometimes knowledge/understanding of arguments. coherently articulated layout is largely correct for the minor lapses in spelling and upon.
Class II/ii
considers irrelevant theory and practice for FE3 Valid summary of the material and logically structured. type of assignment. grammar. Style is readable, Some weaknesses in
issues. level through the although focus lacking in places. An acceptable format is Inclusion of FTP lacks and generally academic. referencing technique.
identification and summary Presents conclusions which are used. selectivity.
of some key issues. fairly clear and logical.
40-49% Some degree of Demonstrates an adequate Presents basic arguments, but Some attempt at The presentational style & Generally competently Some academic sources
irrelevance to the knowledge/understanding of focus and consistency lacking in articulation and logical layout is largely correct for the written although intermittent but overreliance on non-
title/brief. theory and practice for FE3 places. Some issues may lack structure but gaps in type of assignment. lapses in grammar and academic sources.
Class III
level. An attempt is made to clarity. coherence and Inappropriate use of FTP or spelling pose obstacles for
Superficial consideration identify and summarise key Presents conclusions which are progression. not used where clearly needed the reader. A number of errors in
of the issues. themes. not always clear or logical. An acceptable format is to aid understanding. Style limits communication referencing technique.
used. and is non-academic in
35-39% Significant degree of Demonstrates weaknesses in Limited arguments, which lack Poorly structured. For the type of assignment, the Deficiencies in spelling and Limited sources and
irrelevance to the knowledge of theory and clarity in places. Lack of articulation. presentational style &/or grammar makes reading poor referencing.
title/brief. Only the most practice for FE3 level, with Format deficient. layout is lacking. difficult.
obvious issues are poor understanding of key Presents conclusions which are FTP ignored in text or not used Simplistic or repetitious
addressed at a superficial themes. neither clear nor logical. where clearly needed. style impairs clarity.
level and in unclear terms. Style is not academic.
<34% Relevance to the title/brief Demonstrates a lack of basic Severely limited arguments. Unstructured. For the type of assignment the Poorly written with An absence of sources
is intermittent or missing. knowledge of either theory Lacks clarity. Lack of articulation. presentational style &/or numerous deficiencies in and poor referencing
The topic is reduced to its or practice for FE3 level, Conclusions presented are Format deficient layout is lacking. grammar, spelling and technique.
vaguest terms. with little evidence of sparse. FTP as above. expression.
understanding. Style is not academic.