Heat Exchanger
Heat Exchanger
Heat Exchanger
Lab Report
Shaffi Matlou
Lecturer: Dr C Anghel
I, Shaffi Matlou 201515625, hereby certify that this work is entirely original and self-written.
In line with the requirements of the Mechanical Department, I correctly acknowledged and
referenced all secondary sources, whether they were in print or electronic form. I have never
submitted this assignment for credit before. I have read the explanations of the department's
referencing and plagiarism standards in the Learner Guide, and I am aware that plagiarism is
S Matlou
Student’s signature: _______________________
I would like to convey my sincere gratitude to Dr. Anghel, my lecturer, for giving me the
information I required to comprehend the background of heat exchangers and be able to
complete the lab with the knowledge. Express my gratitude to Mr. W.M. Tlali and the lab
technician for their positive, kind, honest, and inspiring explanations of how the lab operates.
They provided helpful ideas and assistance on the matter. Additionally, I would want to
express my sincere gratitude to everyone who inspired and supported me in the writing of this
laboratory report in every way possible. Finally, I want to express how grateful I am to the
University of Johannesburg for giving me the opportunity to run the lab at their facilities.
Table of Contents
LIST OF FIGURES....................................................................................................................6
LIST OF TABLES.....................................................................................................................6
1. INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................7
2. AIM................................................................................................................................8
3. BACKGROUND............................................................................................................8
4. ASSUMPTIONS............................................................................................................9
5. APPARATUS................................................................................................................9
5.1. Pictures......................................................................................................................9
6. PROCEDURE..............................................................................................................10
7. RESULTS....................................................................................................................10
8. RESULTS ANALYSIS................................................................................................11
9. DISCUSSION..............................................................................................................14
10. CONCLUSION............................................................................................................15
11. REFERENCES.............................................................................................................16
12. ANNEXURE................................................................................................................17
Qcold Power absorbed by the cold stream Watts
Figure 1. 1. Parallel flow in heat exchanger (Source: McConkey)............................................7
Figure 1. 2. Counter flow in heat exchanger (Source: McConkey)...........................................8
Table 6. 1. Counter flow data collected...................................................................................10
Table 6. 2. Parallel flow data collected....................................................................................11
Temperature is a way to describe a substance's quantity of thermal energy. This thermal
energy is transferred from one fluid to another using heat exchangers. Because they guarantee
that the intake and output flow streams are maintained separate for optimal efficiency, heat
exchanges are essential in the process industry. A heat exchanger is an apparatus that enables
the transfer of thermal energy from one fluid to another (McConkey, 1993). In most heat
exchangers, heat is transported indirectly using a heat transfer surface that separates the
fluids, preventing direct contact and leakage.
Three processes conduction, convection, and radiation are used to transport heat. Radiation is
inefficient within heat exchangers, while convection and conduction move heat from one
fluid to another and fluid to fluid, respectively. There are two different flow distribution
methods used in heat exchangers: parallel flow and counter flow (McConkey, 1993)..
Parallel-flow heat exchangers. The hot fluid is given in the same direction as the cold fluid, as
shown in Figure 1.1 below.
Figure 1. 2. Counter flow in heat exchanger (Source: McConkey)
One of the most important engineering processes is the heat exchanger between flowing
fluids. Each fluid's temperature changes in a heat exchanger as it passes through it. In
actuality, flow influence exchange warms our air intercoolers and preheaters, steam plant
condensers and boilers, refrigeration unit condensers and evaporators, as well as several other
industrial processes that need the cooling or heating of a liquid or gas.
2. AIM
The aim of this study is to investigate the differences between parallel and
counterflow flows. Examine indirect heating or cooling of fluids by looking at heat
transfer from one fluid to another to investigate heat transfer across fluids (water).
The impact of a shell and tube heat exchanger on temperature profiles and the
efficiency of heat transmission was examined.
Calculate the impact of the temperature difference between a hot stream and a cool
stream using counterflow and parallel current flow.
The formulas below are used to design and calculate heat exchangers which where obtained
from (Tladi, W 2022:)
T 1−T 2
The temperature efficiency of the hot stream: ηHot =
T 1−T 3
T 4−T 3
The temperature efficiency of the cold stream: ηCold=
T 1−T 3
ηHot +ηCold
The mean temperature efficiency: ηMean=
The power emitted from the hot stream: Q hot =C phot ∙ ρhot ∙V hot ( T 1−T 2 )
The power absorbed by the cold stream: Qcold =C pcold ∙ ρ cold ∙ V cold ( T 4−T 3 )
The Logarithmic Mean Temperature difference: dTmax
Counter-flow, in which fluids flow simultaneously and in opposition to one another.
The process is assumed to be isobaric.
Parallel flow, in which fluids move simultaneously and in the same direction.
Since no heat is exchanged with the environment, the entire process should be
Fluid thermophysical properties and heat transfer coefficients are constant throughout
the heat exchanger.
The study medium measures 3 meters in length.
1. Heat exchanger with a shell and tube.
2. Thermocouples stations.
3. Water pipes and control valves.
5.1. Pictures
1. We tuned the machine to work in the opposite direction of the flow.
2. Water was provided from the water pump once the water input line was connected.
3. Both the heat switch and the main switch were activated.
4. The temperature of the hot water was controlled at 600 degrees Celsius.
5. Cold water flow was increased to 15 g/sec [V cold].
6. 50 g/sec was the hot water flow rate setting [V hot] .
7. To make sure they remained close to the initial settings, we monitored the stream's
temperature as well as the hot and cold flow rates.
8. In order to take measures from [T1-T6], we had to wait for the situation to cool down.
9. The flow of cooling water was raised to 30 g/sec.
10. We verified once more that the heat flow rate stayed at 50 g/sec.
11. After waiting for the situation to cool down, we took measurements between [T1-T6].
12. We repeated the operation after switching the machine to parallel flow.
7.1. For counter flow.
8.1. Counter flow analysis
8.1.1. Counter flow graph (Temperature vs Length)
Series 1(Reduction in hot
fluid temperature)
Temperature degrees
Series 1(Increase in hot
50 fluid temperature)
40 Series 2(Reduction in hot
fluid temperature)
Series 2(Oncrease in hot
20 fluid temperature)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Length (m)
Sample calculations from Table 6.1 (1st row data)
T 1−T 2 69,8−67,5
ηHot = = × 100 %=4,11 %
T 1−T 3 69,8−13,8
T 4−T 3 32−13,8
ηCold= = ×100 %=32,5 %
T 1−T 3 69,8−13,8
Qhot =C phot ∙ ρhot ∙V hot ( T 1−T 2 )=( 4,183 )( 0,9852 )( 50 ) ( 69,8−67,5 )=473,93 watts
Sample ∆ T hot ∆ T cold 𝜂𝐻𝑜𝑡 𝜂𝐶𝑜𝑙𝑑 𝜂𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛 Qhot Qcold LMTD
No (K) (K) (%) (%) (%) (W) (W)
70 Series 1(Reduction in hot
Temperature degrees
60 fluid temperature)
Series 1(Increase in hot fluid
50 temperature)
40 Series 2(Reduction in hot
fluid temperature)
Series 2(Increase in hot fluid
20 temperature)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Length (m)
T 1−T 2 66,8−60,8
ηHot = = × 100 %=11,21%
T 1−T 3 66,8−13,3
T 4−T 3 28,2−13,3
ηCold= = ×100 %=27,85 %
T 1−T 3 66,8−13,3
Qhot =C phot ∙ ρhot ∙V hot ( T 1−T 2 )=( 4,183 )( 0,9852 )( 50 ) ( 66,8−60,8 )=1236,33 watts
The counterflow graph demonstrates a decreasing gradient in the decrease in hot fluid
temperature over the length of the medium, as well as a decreasing gradient in the increase in
cold fluid temperature. This is a result of the fluids moving in different orientations.
However, on the parallel flow graph, the gradient of the increase in the temperature of the
cold fluid along the length of the medium is rising while the gradient of the drop in the
temperature of the hot fluid along the length of the medium is still falling. The fluids moving
in the same direction are to blame for this. As a result, we can observe that the gradient of the
increase in cold fluid temperature can either follow a positive gradient or a negative gradient
depending on the direction of fluid flow. The gradient of the decline in hot fluid temperature
will always decrease.
We can see from the calculations that the counter flow's LMTD is greater than the parallel
flow's. Since counter flow has a higher LMTD than parallel flow, we might infer that it is
more effective. The power absorbed by the cold fluid in a counterflow situation is far larger
than the power released in this experiment. With the same input and exit temperatures for the
hot and cold fluids, a parallel flow heat exchanger will require a larger heat exchanger surface
area than a counter flow heat exchanger.
The most preferred heat exchanger has a counter-flow distribution because it is more
effective than a parallel one. This is as a result of the more even temperature difference
between the fluids that counter flow heat exchangers offer along the whole fluid path. The
cold fluid may leave a counter flow heat exchanger at a higher temperature than the hot fluid.
We can conclude that the experiment was successful as a consequence.
1. J.E. Hesselgreaves, R. L. (2016). Compact Heat Exchangers. Selection, Design and
Operation. Butterworth-Heinemann.
Khurmi, R.S & Gupta, J.K. (2003). A textbook of thermal engineering. New delhi: S.
Chand & Company LTD.
2. Khurmi, R. S. & Gupta, J. (2006). A Textbook of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning.
New Delhi: Eurasia Publishing House LTD.
3. McConkey, E. (1993). Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering Technologists.
Harlow, England: Pearson Prentice Hall.
4. Tlali, W. (2022). Laboratory guide: Thermodynamics 3A. University of
5. X. Liu, Y.D. Deng, K. Zhang, M. Xu, Y. Xu, C.Q. Su. Experiments and simulations
on heat exchangers in thermoelectric generator for automotive application. Applied
Thermal Engineering, Volume 71, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 364-370, ISSN 1359-4311,
12.1.1. Calculations from Table 6.1 (2nd row data)
T 1−T 2 74,3−66,8
ηHot = = ×100 %=12,38 %
T 1−T 3 74,3−13,7
T 4−T 3 28,5−13,7
ηCold= = ×100 %=24,42 %
T 1−T 3 74,3−13,7
Q hot =C phot ∙ ρhot ∙V hot ( T 1−T 2 )=( 4,183 )( 0,9852 )( 50 ) ( 74,3−66,8 )=1545,41 watts
Reduction in hot fluid temperature: ∆ T hot =T 1−T 2=59−54,4=4,6 K
T 1−T 2 59−54,4
ηHot = = × 100 %=10,07 %
T 1−T 3 59−13,3
T 4−T 3 26−13,3
ηCold= = ×100 %=27,79 %
T 1−T 3 59−13,3
Q hot =C phot ∙ ρhot ∙V hot ( T 1−T 2 )=( 4,183 )( 0,9852 )( 50 ) ( 59−54,4 )=947,85 watts
Figure 11. 1. Heat exchanger (Source: X, Liu)