Grade 3 - EVS - Revision Question Paper: I. Choose The Right Picture For The Following

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Grade 3 – EVS - Revision Question Paper

I. Choose the right picture for the following:

1. Which of these would not live if there would be no green plants on earth?

a. b. c. d.

2. Which of these is in the solid state of matter ?

a. b. c. d.

3. Which of these need soil to grow ?

a. b. c. d.

4. Which of these is an artificial thing ?

a. b. c. d.

II. Choose (circle) the odd one out of the groups given below:

2. cannot move, grow, breathe, reproduce

3. oxygen, carbondioxide, nitrogen, water vapour
4. sand , plants, clay, humus

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III. Fill in the blanks with the right options given in the brackets:
1. Soil is important to __________ .(animals/plants and animals.)
2. Gases have no shape and size of their own. They ________easily. (do not flow/flow)
3. People who often travel from one place to another place very often usually build a
________________ house. (temporary /permanent)
4. The process by which a solid changes into a liquid on heating is
5. Plant and animal fibres are ___________ fibres. (natural/man-made)

IV. Choose the right answer from the options given below:
1. What is humus made up of ?
a. pebbles and stones b. unweathered rocks
c. remains of dead plants and animals d. underground water
2. When we burn an incense stick in one end of the room, after a few seconds the whole
room is filled with its good smell. why?
a. They take the shape of the container. b. They do not flow easily.
c. It does not occupy space. d. It flows in all directions and fills the entire
3. Tiny holes present on the leaves which help the plants to breathe are called_________.
a. lungs b. stomata
c. nose d. air holes
4. Which of these is not true about air?
a. It is a gas. b. It contains oxygen which is a liquid.
c. It contains oxygen which is needed by all living beings. d. It has no shape and size.

V. Name the following:-

1. Houses made of bricks, cement and iron rods are - ______________
2. The process by which living things produce more of their kind is called - _________
3. Animal waste that is mixed in soil to help plants grow well is called-__________
4. The fish breathe through their - ____________.

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VI. Match the following:
Column A Column B
1. roots help the plants a. to grow crops
2. breaking of soil due to sun’s heat , rain and wind 1-d, b. to stay fixed in soil.
3. Plants make their own food and do not c. weathering
4. Loam is best suited d. depend on others for their food.
A. 1-d, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a B. 1-c, 2-b , 3-d , 4-a C. 1-b , 2-c , 3-d , 4-a .

VII. Answer the following :

1. How is soil formed?
2.Mention the types of fibres and write one example for each.
3. What are natural objects and man-made objects?
4. Write the differences between Solids, Liquids and Gases.
Solids Liquids Gases

Answer key :

I. 1. b 2. c 3. c 4. d

II . 1. Leg 2. cannot move 3. Water vapour 4. plants

III. 1. plants and animals, 2. flow , 3. Temporary house , 4. Melting , 5. natural

IV. 1. c. remains of dead plants and animals

2. d. It flows in all directions and fills the entire space.
3. b. stomata

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4. b. It contains oxygen which is a liquid.

v. 1. Pucca house , 2. reproduction , 3. manure , 4. Gills.

VI. Match the following - C. 1-b , 2-c , 3-d , 4-a .
VII. Ans 1.
1. Huge rocks are broken into smaller pieces due to the heat of the Sun, water and wind. 2.
These pieces are carried away by strong winds and rainwater to distant places. 3. These
pieces rub against each other and breakdown further to become fine particles of soil. 4. The
remains of dead plants and animals mix with the soil and makes it fertile.
Ans 2. The different fibres are of two types – Natural fibre and man made fibre.1. Natural
fibres are plant fibre – eg- cotton from cotton plant and animal fibre – eg – wool- sheep.
2. Man made fibers are made by humans eg- polyester, nylon.
Ans .3. Natural objects or things that are found in nature eg- rocks. Manmade objects or
things are made by humans eg- car.

Ans.4 Solids Liquids Gases

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