Bai Tap Thuc Hanh Unit 7 Environmental Protection Tieng Anh 8 Global Success Mai Lan Huong

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I. Fill in the blanks with bl or cl to complete the words.
1. The sky was __ue and __ean.
2. We need to esta__ish a __ear objective.
3. The __ast from the bomb __ew out all the windows.
4. They __aim that their new drug can control __ood pressure.
5. Pu__ic conviction about the increase of natural disasters has de__ined.
6. He is the best __ogger writing about global warming and __imate change.
7. They ex__uded people under 18 from joining volunteer __ubs.
8. The college authorities have made English __asses __oigatory.
9. We had various pro__ems on our journey, in__uding traffic jams.
10. __ouds of thick __ack smoke billowed from the car’s exhaust.
II. Underline the words having sound /bl/ or /kl/ in the sentences.
1. Environmental groups plan to raise public awareness about deforestation.
2. The convention established principles to save marine life.
3. They classify lizards as endangered species.
4. We could hear the birds clearly from our garden.
5. The locals clamoured to stop polluting the river.
6. Corals in oceans can be yellow, blue, or green.
7. The declaration asked authorities to protect the environment.
8. Many hunters keep the wild animals in closed cages.

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9. The volcano unexpectedly blew up early in the morning.

10. We’ll try to widen the discussion to include environmental issues.

I. Name the pictures of greeting styles in the world. Use the phrases in the box.
1. plant a. endangered species
2. pick up b. trees
3. protect c. the lights
4. save d. our carbon footprint
5. build e. rubbish
6. turn off f. using single-use products
7. buy g. water
8. avoid h. littering
9. reduce i. green products
10. stop j. campfire
1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10-
II. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
endangered species littering air pollution plastic rubbish single-use
habitat ecosystem carbon dioxide carbon footprint environment
1. __________________ is throwing garbage onto the ground instead of into a trash can.
2. A(n) __________________ is a type of organism that is threatened by extinction.
3. __________________ is the natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism.
4. A(n) __________________ is a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical
5. Energy conservation and __________________ are growing concerns in the world.
6. A(n) __________________ is an indicator that accounts for greenhouse gases emitted by human
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7. __________________ is Earth’s most important greenhouse gas: a gas that absorbs and radiates
8. __________________ items are products designed to be used only once before they are discarded.
9. Cars, trucks, buses, off-road vehicles and planes are all considered mobile sources of
10. __________________ such as plastic bag stays in the environment for many years after it has
been used.
III. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.
1. We should not only ____________ more trees but also put much more effort into protecting
existing forests.
A. plant B. reduce C. stop D. cut down
2. Lead and aluminium are common ____________ that can be found in drinking water.
A. contamination B. contaminated C. contaminates D. contaminants
3. People all over the world are working to help save ____________ animals from extinction.
A. danger B. endangered C. dangerous D. dangerously
4. A(n) ____________ is the total amount of greenhouse gases that are generated by our actions.
A. carbon footprint B. carbon dioxide C. global warming D. ecosystem
5. Some manufacturers offered incentives for return of batteries, so that they can ____________ or
dispose of them safely.
A. waste B. dump C. recycle D. throw away
6. ____________ power is the use of wind energy to generate useful work.
A. Natural gas B. Coal C. Oil D. Wind
7. ____________ pollution is the contamination of bodies of water such as lakes, rivers, oceans, and
A. Water B. Air C. Soil D. Noise8. Around
8. Around 7 million ____________ of plants and animals exist on the Earth.
A. means B. classes C. styles D. species
9. Forest fires do not only ____________ in environmental damage but also huge costs in
extinguishing the fires.
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A. contribute B. result C. lead D. create

10. Cars and trucks pump out thousands of tonnes of poisonous ____________ every year.
A. pollutants B. exhaust pipes C. fumes D. chemicals
IV. Supply the correct form of the word in the brackets.
1. ____________ species, if not protected, could eventually become extinct. (danger)
2. Is afforestation the best way to ____________ the environment? (conservation)
3. Instead of ____________ the entire garden, just water the plants that need it. (water)
4. Cuc Phuong ____________ Park is a famous tourist destination in Ninh Binh province. (Nation)
5. Chemicals or particles in the air can ____________ the health of humans, animals, and plants.
6. It’s estimated that the global ____________ of the world’s ecosystem services equals $125 trillion
annually. (valuable)
7. For many ____________, the world seems to be getting worse in their eyes. (environment)
8. Earth’s climate has remained continuously ____________ throughout 3 or 4 billion years. (habitat)
9. There should be ____________ of volunteers and active participation of young people in
environmental protection. (encourage)
10. The five major air ____________ are carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, sulfur
oxides, and airborne solid particles. (pollute)

I. Decide whether the underlined part is an independent clause (I) or a dependent clause (D).
1. As soon as there’s smoke, I start feeling bad. _____
2. The traffic conditions worsen until they are repaired. _____
3. We’ll update this post on our social media as soon as we finish it. _____
4. Harry met an old friend while he was vacationing in California. _____
5. Will we be able to address climate change before it is too late? _____
6. A man is in a critical condition after he is struck by lightning. _____
7. Only run your dishwasher or washing machine when it’s full. _____
8. Carbon Is released back into the atmosphere when plants and animals die. _____

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9. You can get really creative when it comes to conserving water. _____
10. The firefighters will keep on searching till they find the last victim. _____
II. Match the clauses.
1. There may have been life on Mars a. after the tree is cut down.
2. As soon as the temperature increases and is b. before they release it to the environment?
above 0oC,
3. Greenhouse gases trap some of the planet’s c. until it underwent climate change.
4. Unplug power cords from the wall d. the ice begins to melt.
5. How much time do humans have e. after tornadoes and storms strike the South.
6. Some tree species aggressively sprout from f. until global warming makes the planet
the roots even unliveable?
7. Searches for victims continue a day g. until they are at risk of extinction.
8. A small action can make an enormous h. before it escapes into space.
9. Do factories use filters to clean the air i. when millions of people do it.
10. Some species are not discovered j. when items aren’t in use.
1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10-
III. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.
1. America says it ____________ until other countries ____________ more action.
A. won’t act - took B. won’t act – take
C. doesn’t act - will take D. acts - don’t take
2. ____________ you buy and use a plastic bag, ask yourself if you really need it.
A. Before B. When C. While D. After
3. ____________ the arrival of humans on Earth, species became extinct naturally.
A. Before B. Since C. After D. As soon as
4. ____________ my little cousin saw the tiger in the cage, he cried out.
A. Before B. Since C. When D. Until
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5. As soon as we ____________ risks of climate change, we all ____________ together to fight against
A. realize - worked B. realized - worked C. realized - work D. will realize – work
6. ____________ I get to school, I will show you my writing about the habitat of polar bear.
A. As soon as B. While C. Until D. Till
7. ____________ fossil fuels are burnt, they release large amounts of carbon dioxide into the air.
A. Till B. Until C. Before D. When
8. Most species don’t receive protection ____________ their populations reduce to nearly zero.
A. as B. when C. before D. until
9. Until there ____________ heavy penalties for environmental violations, many factories disposing
pollutants into the air.
A. are - won’t stop B. will be - will stop
C. were - won’t stop D. are – stopped
10. The greenhouse effect ____________ after energy from the sun ____________ through the
earth’s atmosphere and ____________ its surface.
A. occurred - goes - heats B. occurs - went – heats
C. occurs - goes - heated D. occurs - goes - heats
IV. Choose the underlined part that needs correcting.
1. Solar energy needs to be converted into electricity after we can use it.
A. needs to be B. into C. after D. can use it
2. Will the climate still be in warming state after greenhouse emissions stopped?
A. still be B. warning C. after D. stopped
3. When a species of plants or animals are in danger of extinction, it is gradually disappearing.
A. When B. species C. are D. it
4. Who is responsible when climate change harms the world’s the poorest countries?
A. is B. when C. harms D. the poorest
5. When fossil fuels are burnt, they released greenhouse gases - mostly carbon dioxide.
A. When B. burnt C. released D. mostly
6. We will contact the people in charge and will get back to you as soon as we could.
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A. will contact B. will get back C. as soon as D. could

7. You will need to know your carbon footprint after you start reducing it.
A. need to know B. after C. reducing D. it
8. Technology has a long way to go before it could make a large impact in the atmosphere.
A. has B. to go C. it could make D. in
9. As soon as the snow will melt, spring wildflowers push their way up through the leaf litter.
A. As soon as B. will melt C. push D. litter
10. Single-use plastic products are thrown away immediately until they have served their purpose.
A. Single-use plastic B. away C. until D. their

I. Rearrange the sentences to make a conversation.
___ Yes, it’s hot because it’s the beginning of summer.
___ That seems the logical things. I hope it will be better soon because we can’t live healthily in
this hot weather and the polluted environment. I can’t imagine how life on Earth will look like
in the next 100 years.
___ I think reducing pollution is not easy at all. Human life requires the producing of goods, so
natural resources are exploited to make products. Then waste will still be created and people
will pollute the environment again and again.
___ Well, it’s not easy, but it’s possible. Many countries are trying to recycle things and look for
new sources of energy. They also issue laws and have lots of programs to protect the
_1_ Do you find that it’s hotter these days?
___ How can recycling things and finding new sources of energy help to reduce pollution?
___ Yeah, it’s hard to imagine...
___ If people recycle more things, they will use fewer natural resources and there will be less
waste. New sources of energy can replace the using of fossil fuels which results in most types
of pollution.

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___ Maybe you’re right because the earth’s temperature increases year by year. This won’t stop
until people can reduce all types of pollution which causes the global warming.
___ No, I mean this year is hotter than last year.
II. Match the sentences.
1. What does ecosystem mean? a. It’s “Save the environment: our work”.
2. Cars emitting black smoke should be banned. b. But tomorrow may be even hotter.
3. What will you do with these pictures? c. They can save water, paper, electricity... and
don’t litter.
4. Today is the hottest day I’ve ever known. d. Terrible! It must be hundreds of them.
5. What is the name of your project? e. Banning isn’t the best way. A fine is more
6. What is the difference between ‘dangerous’ f. It means a system of living organisms and their
and ‘endangered’? environment.
7. Is it true that polluted air is more dangerous g. Dangerous is full of danger while endangered
than smoking? is in danger, at risk.
8. I usually see people throw trash in the street, h. I would politely tell them not to do so if I were
but I don’t know what to do then. you.
9. How can children help to save the earth? i. I just know that both of them are dangerous.
10. Look at the river! There are lots of dead fish. j. I’ll use them for my presentation on Earth Day.
1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10-

I. Read the passage and decide whether the statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).
Plastic bags cause many negative effects for US and the environment. No one knows exactly how
many bags are littering the planet, but researchers estimate that 500 billion are used around the
globe each year. It sounds interesting when we could get money in exchange for our plastic trash.
This happens at a company called the Plastic Bank. The Bank creates social and environmental impact
in areas with high levels of poverty and plastic pollution by turning plastic waste into a currency. By

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exchanging plastic for money, they can stop plastic from polluting the environment and help people
living in poverty to build their better future.
To do this, the Plastic Bank buy plastic waste at a high price so that they can encourage people to
collect it. People can exchange plastic waste for money, items, or services. Plastic collected through
the Bank is recycled and processed into new raw material feedstock, called Social Plastic, which can
be purchased by manufacturers to produce more environmentally and socially ethical products. In this
way, new opportunities are created for the world’s most disadvantaged communities and recycling
becomes dignified work.
1. ____ Researchers can know exactly how many plastic bags are littering the planet.
2. ____ People could get money in exchange for their plastic trash at a company called the Plastic
3. ____ The Plastic Bank give money and plastic bags to the poor.
4. ____ The Plastic Bank has good effects on people and the environment.
5. ____ The Plastic Bank helps to stop plastic from polluting the environment.
6. ____ Manufacturers purchase plastic raw materials from many collectors.
7. ____ Social Plastic is the material recycled and processed by Plastic Bank.
8. The Plastic Bank creates nothing for disadvantaged communities, but dignified work.
II. Fill in each blank with a word from the box.
wildlife aquatically marine splendid species experience remains habitats
Just off the coast of Queensland in Australia lies the largest (1) _____________ nature reserve, Great
Barrier Reef. A UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1981, this splendid ecosystem runs across 2600 km
and is made of thousands of coral reefs and (2) _____________ for a wide range of species. The
breathtaking scene under the water attracts and astounds snorkelers, divers, and (3) _____________
enthusiasts. Extending over 340,000 square kilometers, it provides shelter to a range of animal and
vegetable variety and (4) _____________. Despite the effects of climate change, this area of the
Pacific Ocean (5) _____________ a cornerstone of the canvas of biodiversity. The beauty of the
nature reserve is that it can be explored by the sea and the sky. The diversity is unmatched and
unparallel to none other and is a snorkeling and scuba diving haven for those who seek adventure at
every juncture. For the ones who are not inclined (6) _____________, you can see the beautiful coral
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formations in all its (7) _____________ colors from a plane. Every year, this World Heritage listed site
is frequented by about 1.5 million visitors. Diving, snorkeling, scuba diving are just some ways to (8)
_____________ this diverse and rich ecosystem. You could also try sailing, scenic flights, and others to
try the ways to explore the getaway towns and scenic islands along the reef.

I. Combine the pairs of the sentences, using the conjunction in the brackets.
1. Ice sheets and glaciers are shrinking. Sea levels are rising at the same time. (while)
2. The atmosphere changes and the heat increases. It can cause a number of problems. (when)
3. We can solve any problem. It’s important to understand it first. (before)
4. We should alway turn off the lights. And then we leave a room. (as soon as)
5. You go to the toilet. Wash your hands thoroughly then. (after)
6. We have killed off all our marine life. We must not wait till then. (until)
7. The disaster passes. Then people will need money and determination to rebuild. (after)
8. Balloons are released into the air. They become deadly litter right after that. (as soon as)
II. Complete the second sentences so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.
1. The rivers and canals are dry because there are many dams in the upstream.
 Due to
2. The ocean water became contaminated by liquid petroleum as a result of the oil spills.
 Because of
3. Unless treated waste water is used and managed properly, health effects will occur.

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 If
4. People continue using plastic, there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean.
 Unless
5. The reason why endangered species become extinct is that humans are careless and lack of
 Since
6. We can’t slow down climate change unless we stop using fossil fuels.
 If
7. Let’s encourage our friends to use reusable bags instead of plastic ones.
 Why
8. It’s a good idea for the governments to punish the polluters with large fines.
 The governments should

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