Black Holes Do Not Exist? Unified Theory Between The Fifth Force and The Gravitational Force in General Relativity

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(author: Dr. Iannello Johnny, date: 21-06-2022)

If we consider the “Fifth force” as an external force of the classical newtonian
gravitational field introduced in the Theory of General Relativity, we will obtain the new
modified Einstiens’ field equations.
We unify the "Fifth Force" with the "Gravitational Force" applying the Theory of General
Relativity. The result is that probably the "new modified Einstein's field equations" will not
present any kind of singularity with the presence of the "Anti-Gravity effect" of the "Fifth
Force". Peculiar phenomenologies on stars and galaxies nucleus, the expansion or not of
the universe can be fairly treated with the new modified Einstein's field equations.
It is well known that General Theory of Relativity is a geometric theory of gravitation and
the curvature of spacetime is related to the energy and momentum. This relation is
specified by Einstein’s equations. The experimental tests are numerous and, therefore, it is
impossible to question its validity but this does not prevent us from proposing new ideas.
In this work, we want to introduce an "anti-gravitational effect", of the Fifth Force, not
considering the universal gravitational constant. In this way we obtain modified field
equations. The aim of the paper is to observe that, if we introduce this fifth force, the
principle of the equivalence is violated and, probably, there are never singularities in the
metric when we solve the field equations.
Maybe the Schwarzschild radius for a symmetrical static spherical star doesn’t compare:
to be proved with “computational mathematics”.
Throughout the paper, the symbols refer to the textbook of Weinberg , considering even
the speed of light as c=1.

Resuming the Principle of Equivalence

The principle of equivalence is the fundamental hypothesis for the theory of general
relativity. But if we consider the fifth force it must be considered the following two points:
1) A potential breakdown of the principle of equivalence has a remarkable geometrical
explanation in the framework of extended theories of gravity, if one assumes an
explicit coupling between an arbitrary function of the scalar curvature, R, and the
Lagrangian density of matter, [1]. On the other hand, one must be very careful when
assuming potential deviations from the principle of equivalence, which has today
unchallengeable empiric evidence, at least on Earth, [2]. Thus, one must be able to
argue that such deviations could, eventually, work at astrophysical and/or
cosmological scales. An interesting mechanism which can permit this approach has
been developed, for example, in [3 ].
2) Otherwise, if we try to include the fifth force in some equations of general relativity
theory, as an external force, and find out how to find the solutions of the metric
tensors gij, probably there aren’t any *singularity (as we shall do in a future paper).
The principle of equivalence means that the inertial mass mi of an object is equal to its
gravitational mass mg: mi=mg. Different from formula (1).

Introduction of the fifth force
What is the fifth force?
If we consider two nucleons of mass m1 and m2, they will exert a gravitational potential
energy of the following form ([5]-[8], formula without singularity of Gibbons-Fischbach):

(1) U12 = -G m1 m2 (1+  e-  r1,2 )/ r1,2

where G is the universal gravitational constant (G=6.673*10-11 Nm2/kg2), corrected by

=0.01:0.001, which is the intensity of the fifth force, called ipercharge, that depends on
the relative amount of neutrons upon number of protons per nucleon, in range
-1 =100:1000 meters, ( if  is a negative quantity, we have an anti-gravitational effect on
the celestial body).
The property of this phenomenological formula (1) of Gibbons-Fischbach in confront of
Newton’s gravity law is that it hasn’t any *singularity. In fact:

(2) lim r1,2 -->0(1+ e- r1,2)/ r1,2 =  ≠ . (theorem of De Hopital for limits).

We know that in General Relativity Theory the Einstein Field Equations derived from the
Newtons formula, (see [9] (7.1.3) and (7.1.12)), have the presence of singularity for
propagation. If the radius of the star reaches the Schwarzschild radius (1=2Gm(R)/R), the
metric tensor A(r)=grr=1/(1-2Gm(r)/r), (see [9] (11.1.11)) gives the presence of black holes.
But if we use the corrected gravitational potential [5] without *singularity, modifying the
Einstein Field Equations; probably the new Einstein Field Equations shall become without
the presence of *singularity; it is amazing.
We know that the gravitational potential (r2 ) at point r2 , with distribution of matter density
(r1), as a spherical star, is (see [10] (3.1a)):

(3)  (r2 ) = -G  d3r1 __(r1_)__

| r2 - r1 |

and the fifth force potential 5 (r2 ) at point r2, that depends on the amount of neutrons
upon the number of protons per nucleon in the star matter (or depends even from
antimatter properties to be investigated), is (See [10] (3.1b)):

(4) 5(r2 ) = -G   d3r1 __(r1_)__ e-| r2 - r1 |

| r2 - r1 |

The Laplacian equations of both the fields above are respectively (see [10] (3.2a) and

(5) 2=4G (Newtonian field equation)

(6) (2 - 2)5=4G (Fifth force field equation)

Where the Laplacian operator is defined 2= (2/x2)+ (2/y)+ (2/z2). These two
Poissan’s field equations shall be used after to find the new modified Einstein’s field

The geodetic equation inserting the fifth force
We follow the same calculations of Chapter 3.2 Weinberg 1972, to find the geodesic
equation adding the fifth force: considering it as an “external force”, acting upon the
gravitational field. We need to find this type of geodesic equation to modify the Einstein
field equation, acting with metric tensor, goo, (see its formula (24)).
Considering the fifth force f5 acting on a particle of mass m, immersed in the gravitational
field, detected by a free falling coordinate system  , where its equation of motion is a
straight line in space-time (see [9] (3.2.1), (3.2.2) and [11] chapter 8, n°58):

(7a) f5() /m
= g() [f5() /m] = d2  with d2= - d d

With  the Minkowski tensor: = +1 for ==1,2 or 3 else = -1 for ==0 else =
0 for ≠. Where the metric tensor g() function of  is (see [9] (2.5.6)):

(7b) g()= , g()=  and satisfies g()g()=

with  the Kroenecker tensor: =+1 for =, and = -1 for ≠.
So using any other coordinate system x , the free falling coordinates  are functions of
the x, and from (7a) we have the geodetic equations as (see [9] (3.2.3),(5.1.11) and
(5.1.12); and [11] chapter 8, n°68-69; [12] (10.24)):

(8) [ f5() /m] x = d2  x = d2 x +  dx dx

 d2  d2 d d

with x which are the four coordinates of the particle moving along its trajectory, and the
first member appears with variable ; and where the proper time d2= - g(x)dx dx and
 is the Christoffel symbol with the metric tensor g(x) function of x
(see [9] (3.2.4) ,(3.2.6), (3.3.7)):

(9a)  = x 2  = ( g/2){ (g/x) + (g/x) - (g/x) }

 x x

where (see [9] (3.2.7) or (4.2.6)):

(9b) g(x) =   

x x
The fifth force f5 is the gradient of it’s potential 5 , valid for a conservative field and
depending on the coordinate x , (see [9] (4.7.1), (4.2.4) and [11] chapter 5- n°10, chapter

(10) f5() /m= -(5/  )

“valid for a conservative field of f 5”.

But the coordinate transformation implies (see [9] (4.2.4)):

(11) 5/  = 5 x 

x   

So the first member, in variable , of (8) becomes with (7a), (10) and (11) with the new
variable x:

(12) [f5()/m] x = g() [f5() /m)] x = - g() (5/  ) x = - g()( 5 x ) x =
   x    

= - g(x) 5
x 


g() x x = g(x) as contravariant tensor (see (7a) and [9] (4.2.7)).
  

The geodetic equation (8), with the fifth force considered as an external force upon the
gravitational field, all in coordinates x, becomes, using (12):

(13) - g(x) 5 = d2 x +  dx dx

x  d2 d d
(see [9] (5.1.11b)).
We will use it to find the metric tensor of time, goo, in “Newtonian limit” to modify the
Einstein field equation with the fifth force.
And knowing that U = dx / d is the four-vector velocity of a falling object; multiplying U,
in both sides of (13) we have:

(13a) - g(x) (5 / x ) U = (dU / d) U +  U U U ,

U, satisfying the condition:

(13b) 1= - g(x) UU,

useful to find the potential function of the fifth force, 5, (knowing g(x)), instead of using
the phenomenological Yukawa-Newtonian expression (4).

The Newtonian limit with the fifth force to find the metric tensor of time goo
We want to find the dependency of the metric tensor goo upon the potential of the
gravitational field  and the potential of the fifth force 5. This shall be useful to obtain the
Einstein’s field equations with the fifth force, following the same calculations of Chapter
3.4 Weinberg 1972, but violating the principle of equivalence.
In the Newtonian limit considering a particle moving slowly in a weak stationary
gravitational field in presence of the fifth force, neglecting dx/d respect to dt/d and using
(13), we have the equation of motion:

(14) d2 x + oo (dt/ d)2 = -(5/x) g(x)


(15) d2t/ d2 = 0 which implies dt/d = constant1 = a.

In the “nearly” Cartesian coordinate system, we adopt the metric tensor in a weak field as
(see [9] (3.4.1)):

(16) g =  + h , | h|<<1

where = +1 for ==1,2 or 3 else = -1 for ==0 else = 0 for ≠.
Since the field is stationary and putting the first order of h , we have (see [13] (6.15) and
[14] (17.18)):

(17) oo = (-1/2) g (goo /x) = (-1/2)  (hoo /x)

Substituting this in equation (14) gives (see [9] (10.1.7a),(3.3.6)):

(18) d2 x/d2 + (-1/2)  (hoo /x) (dt/ d)2 = -(5/x) ( - h )

but g g~( + h)( - h ) =  implies gg= =1 or better (1+ h)(1- h)=1
which gives h= h/(1+ h) so h ~ h <<1 for condition (16). And (18) becomes the
equation of motion:

(19) d2 x = (1/2) (dt/ d)2  hoo -  5


so dividing this equation by (dt/ d)2 we have (see [9] (3.4.2)):

(20) d2 x = (1/2)  hoo - (d/ dt)2  5


The corresponding newtonian result is (see [9] (3.4.3)):

(21) d2 x = -  -  5

where  is the Newtonian potential, (3), (5). And comparing (20) and (21) we find:

(22) (1/2)  hoo - (d/ dt)2  5 = -  -  5

for these equalities and with (15),

(23) hoo = -2 k 5 - 2 + constant2,

where k = 1- (d/ dt)2 = 1 – (1/a) 2.

Constant2=0 because the coordinate system becomes Minkowskian at infinity: so hoo=0 for
r , as even =0 and 5 =0 from (3) and (4).
So the metric tensor of time goo becomes with (16), ( see [9] (3.4.5)):

(24) goo = - (1 + 2 + 2 k 5 )

It’s added a potential term as, 2 k 5, which represents the presence of the fifth force.
We shall see in the next chapter the necessary use of formula (24) to obtain the new
Einstein’s field equations.

Einstein’s field equations modified with the fifth force

Now following Chapter 7.1 Weinberg 1972 and it’s discussions, violating the principle of
equivalence and introducing the fifth force in an opportune way in the same equations; we
have summing the members of the two Laplacian equations (5) and (6) as:

(25) 2 ( + k5)=4G + k [ 4G + 25] ,

in system with equation (6), whose variable functions are  and 5.

And using equation (24) and the approximation for non-relativistic matter Too ≈ , for a
weak static gravitational field, we obtain from (25), (see [9] (7.1.3)(7.1.4)):

(26) 2 goo = -8G Too (1 + k) - 2 k [ 25]

We see that the last term of equation (26) is only a scalar function, 2 k [ 25], without
two indexes 00, as the terms goo and Too, so it cannot transform as a tensor of rank 2, with
two indexes, to be written in a covariant form. This tells us to go beyond the calculus to
substitute this scalar function in some way.

So we will apply again the Laplacian operator, 2, in both members of equation (26),

(27) 2 k 2 2 5 = (1 + k) 2 [(-8G) Too ] – 2 [2 goo],

In which are considered constant the terms k, ,  (see formula (1)); instead the term,
(-8G), is to be considered not as the famous universal gravitational constant, but as a
scalar function of the coordinates, x , influenced by the presence of the “fifth force” (see
(1), and in a further chapter here we will mention about it).

But from (6), substituting the density of mass with the energy-momentum tensor, T oo ≈ ,

(28) 2 5 = 2 5 - (4G)  Too

Substituting (28) to equation (26):

(29) 2 goo = (-8G) (1 + k) Too - 2 k [2 5 - (4G)  Too]

and finally substituting (27) to (29), we have:

(30) 2goo = (-8G)(1+k)Too– {[(1 + k)/2] 2 [(-8G)Too] – 2 [2goo]/2 + (-8G)k Too]}

which instead of a weak stationary gravitational field, we consider the general case of
relativity, to have the new Einstein’s field equations modified by the presence of the fifth
force, with 2 goo associated to the “Einstein’s tensor” Gij = Rij - (1/2) gij R, (see [9] chapter
7.1, (7.1.8), (7.1.13)).
So transforming the term 2goo ≈ G00 ≈ Gij= Rij - (1/2) gij R, the term goo ≈ gij, the Too ≈ Tij,
and the classical Laplacian operator 2, (used for a space of 3 dimensions), to a
d’Alembertian operator 2 (necessary for a space of 4 dimensions, instead of 3), in 2 ≈
2 , (see Weinberg method passing from the Newtonian limit to general relativistic
gravitation field [9] using (7.2.4)&(7.2.5)), and even considering the transformation of term
2 [2goo]/2 ≈ 2 [Rij -(1/2)gijR]/2; so the equation (30) from its Newtonian limit becomes
in the general case:

(31) Rij -(1/2)gijR =(-8G)(1+k)Tij +

– {[(1+k)/2] 2 [(-8G)Tij] – 2 [Rij -(1/2)gijR]/2 +(-8G)k Tij]}

Where the d’Alembertian operator 2 is defined as, (see [15] (53.07); see [11] chapter 8,
page 174; and [9] (4.4.1)):

(31a) 2 f= (1/√|g|) {[(√|g|)(gbc)(f/xc)]/xb} = [(gbc)(2f/xbxc)] – gbc  abc (f/xa) ,

where g ≡ - Determinant(gij).

Note: in a justified opinion and discussion from external researchers and in a future paper, instead of the d’Alembertian
operator of Fock V. 1959 (53.07) used for curvature space, it could be used Weinbergs d’Alembertian, applied especially
in special relativtity flat space, which is defined as, (see [9] (2.5.12)):

(31b)  2 = ηjk(/xk)(/xj) = 2 - 2/2t.

There is an ambiguity in using the d’Alembertian (31a) or (31b) on various relativistic papers that we consulted,
especially in the Weinberg’s book, instead of Fock V. book (1959) “The theory of space, time and gravitation”, (53.07).
In my point of view and opinion it’s better to use operator (31a) for curvature space, transforming the classic Laplacian,
2, (see (5) and (6)) to a d’Alembertian operator:  2 ≈  2.

In a “complete and general” form the field equations, considering (-8G) a scalar function,
looks as:

(32) Rij -(1/2)gijR - 2 [Rij -(1/2)gijR]/2 = (-8G)Tij – {[(1+k)/2] 2 [(-8G)Tij]}

For the considerations of point (B) of [9] chapter 7.1, where G ij must have the dimensions
of a second derivative, (see formulas (5) and (6)); the term,
2[2goo]/2 ≈ 2 [Rij -(1/2)gijR]/2, is of fourth derivative of the metric components, gij, and
will become negligible for gravitational fields of sufficiently large space-time scale:
Rij -(1/2)gijR >>2 [Rij -(1/2)gijR]/2.
So for this approximation, and considering (-8G) = (-8G/c4 for velocity of light, c=1), not
a constant, but a scalar function, (32) becomes finally the new Einstein’s field equations
modified by the presence of the fifth force:

(33) Rij -(1/2)gijR = (-8G)Tij – {[(1+k)/2] 2 [(-8G)Tij]}

where Tij is the energy-momentum tensor (see [9] chapter 5.3), and Rij is the “Ricci
tensor”, (see [9] (6.2.4),(6.1.5),(8.1.12)):

(34) R = /x - /x +   -  

For the presence of the “fifth force” in the gravitational field, (1), the universal gravitational
constant, (-8G), shall be assumed as a scalar function of the space-time coordinates, x,
and no more considered a constant: see the next chapters.

Using another independent equation the density of force G 

If we take the following independent equation of general relativity theory (see [9] (5.3.2),

(35) T; = G 

Where G  is the “density of force”, f5, acting externally on the system, it can be found as
expression of a function of the fifth force potential: G  = f(5). For an isolated system,
G=0. But in our case the gravitational field doesn’t seem an isolated system, because the
“Fifth force” was treated as an external force upon the field, to find the geodetic equation
(13) and then goo from formula (24). About this statement, the energy-momentum tensor is
not considered conserved, so, T; ≠ 0.
The covariant derivative of the energy-momentum tensor is (see [9] 1972 (4.7.9)):

(36) T; = (T /x) +  T +  T

The covariant differentiation of the first member of (33) must be zero, (see [9] (6.8.4) or
(7.1.6)), it means that the following condition must be satisfied:

(37) 0 = Gij ; i = (Rij - (1/2) gij R) ; i

Where Gij is the “Einstein tensor”. This last step must be found to arrive to a compact
calculus of the 16 metric tensors, gij, and of the gravitational constant or scalar, (-8G). As
we shall show now.

Consequences considering G as a scalar

So we consider, now, the gravitational constant, (- 8G/c4, with velocity of light, c=1), as
a scalar, because we know that with the presence of the fifth force, as an external force
on the gravitational field, may modify the gravitational “constant” G, see the factor G (1+ 
e-  r1,2 ) varying in the phenomenological formula of Gibbons-Fischbach (1); then

(38) Ĝ = Ĝ(x) = (- 8G) = scalar function of x.

we take contravariant equation (33), in convariant differentiation, with condition (37), so:

(39) 0 = (Rij - (1/2) gij R) ; i = (-8G) Tij ; i + (-8G) ; i Tij – {[(1+k)/2] 2 [(-8G)Tij]}; i

Here (39) is a differential equation where it shall be found by “computational mathematics”

the scalar function (-8G), in a “general” form, (instead who wants to prosecute in the
“particular” case, with the energy-momentum conservation, putting T ij ; i=0, about other
meaningful physical reasons, can do it); knowing that the covariant derivative of a scalar is
an ordinary gradient:

(39a) (-8G) ; i = (-8G)/xi,

instead of four equations with index j=0,1,2,3 in equation (39), we multiply both members
of it by the term, four-vector velocity, Uj, becoming one equation of scalar (-8G), as

(40) 0 = (-8G) Tij ; i Uj + ((-8G)/xi)Tij Uj – [(1+k)/2]{ 2 [(-8G)Tij]}; i Uj

Or using in this equation (40), the d’Alembertian operator (31a), where necessary, and
applying the covariant derivative after (39a) and (36), becomes in an extended, spreading
formalism, useful for who wants to find the scalar function Ĝ = (-8G) with
“computational mathematics” or “numerical relativity”, (see full calculations below in
appendix (a)); which becomes the following:

(40a) 0 = Ĝ Uj Tij + Ĝ Uj iinTnj + Ĝ Uj jinTin + Uj Tij  Ĝ - Ḱ Uj Tij  [ gko 2 Ĝ ]+

i i i k o
x x x x x

+ Ḱ Uj Tij  [ gko mko  Ĝ ] - Ḱ Uj Ĝ  [ gko 2 Tij ] - Ḱ Uj Ĝ iin [ gko 2 Tnj ]-

i m i k o k o
x x x x x x x

- Ḱ Uj Ĝ jin [ gko 2 Tio ] - Ḱ Uj Ĝ  [ gko mko  Tij ] - Ḱ Uj Ĝ iin [ gko mko  Tnj ] -
k o
x x x i x m x m

- Ḱ Uj Ĝ jin [ gko mko  Tin ]

x m

where Ĝ = Ĝ(x) = (- 8G), (to be found explicitly), and Ḱ = (1+k)/2.

So the general system of the new Einstein’s field equations, modified for the presence
of the “fifth force” in the gravitational field, where, by “computational calculus”, we can
find the 16 values of the metric tensors, gij, and the value of the new “gravitational scalar
variable”, (-8G), is the following:
SYSTEM (41)(considering G a gravitational scalar variable, and not a universal constant):

System (41) permits to find in totally 11 variables by “computational mathematics”: the 10
variables, gij, (instead of 16 variables, because gij is symmetric), joining the gravitational
variable as a scalar function, (-8G). Where ,  and k are three constants: =0.01:0.001,
is the intensity of the fifth force, called ipercharge, in range -1 =100:1000 meters; and k =
1- (d/ dt)2 = constant, see (23).
It would be more elegant to put the field equations (41), in one new compact Einstein’s
field equation, in a more simplified way, for a future paper (“Anti-Gravitational Law” in
General Relativity – Part 2/4), or leaving it to a good researcher as a skilful calculus.

In this paper we have obtained a modified Einstein’s field equations by introducing the
fifth force, formula (1) of Gibbons-Fischbach (derived from Quantum Gravity”). We invite to
look for numerical solutions in the case of a static field with spherical symmetry. It would
be interesting to understand if there are *singularities or not. Probably the fifth force may
have properties as the anti-gravity effect (considering the ipercharge <0), and, in our
opinion, the “Anti-Gravitational Law” is intrinsically present in General Relativity.
The system (41), must be resolved with “computational mathematics”, to verify if there
are present or not *singularities in the metric tensors gij.
It is well known that in the standard Schwarzschild space-time there is a *singularity in the
metric and it would be interesting if our approach leads to a *singularity-free metric or not.
Indeed, this would have consequences about the existence of black holes.
We think that it’s possible to arrive, in another way, to a complete compact Einstein’s
field equation, (33), about its second member with the energy-momentum tensor,
introducing the “fifth force” in General Relativity; by using another approach, instead of
using “Newtonian limit method” (see (4)): the theorems, properties and methods of the
“Continuum Mechanics Theory” (because the formula (1) of Gibbons and Fischbach has
“elastic” properties as a stretching and squeezing spring holding two masses, that is a
repulsive and an attractive gravitational force). And after apply the “Principle of Minimum
Action”, trying to find the opportune Langragian of this “elastic” continuum ensemble of
celestial masses, (considering the universe as a many body, n-body system).
Nevertheless it’s necessary and it must be verified the orbitals of the planets and stars,
for the consistency of the new modified Einstein’s field equations (33), found by
introducing the fifth force in the general relativity theory.

Notes for who can use “computational mathematics” or even “numerical relativity”:
Good researchers, who has the software of “computational mathematics”, (I haven’t),
can analyse if the metric tensors, gij, have *singularities or not, in the following system of
equations (9a), (13b), (34) and (41); considering a spherically symmetric static star of
radius R and mass M, in the spherical polar coordinates of x, (see Weinberg S. 1972
chapter 8.2 or better 11.1).
Just to see if black holes exist or not.

*singularity of metric tensors gij , means if its values go to infinite varying radius r to ro:
lim(rro)gij(r)= , where ro=2Gm(R)=”Schwarzschild radius”, or for another singularity
where, ro=0, at the center of the star.

Appendix (a):
To find the scalar function, Ĝ = Ĝ(x) = (- 8G) “implicitly”, we start from equation (40), using the Leibniz property of
covariant derivative (see [9] (4.6.14)), which becomes:

(40b) 0=ĜT + Ĝ; i T – Ḱ [ Ĝ] ; i T - Ḱ Ĝ [ T ]; i , where Ḱ = (1+k)/ .

ij ij 2 ij 2 ij 2

Applying first the II d’Alembertian operator, (31a), on equation (40b), we obtain:

(40b) 0=ĜT + Ĝ; i T – Ḱ T [g  Ĝ -g   Ĝ ] ; i - Ḱ Ĝ [g  T -g   T ];i

ij ij ij ko 2 ko m ko 2 ij ko m ij
;i ko ko
k o m k o m
x x x x x x

Now, we do the covariant derivative, substituting (36) and (39a):

(40c) 0 = Ĝ [(T /x ) +  in T +  in T ] + (Ĝ /x ) T -

ij i i nj j in i ij

- Ḱ T {  [g  Ĝ ] -  [g   Ĝ ]} –
ij ko 2 ko m
i k o i m
x x x x x

- Ḱ Ĝ { [  (gko 2 Tij ) + iin (gko 2 Tnj )] + jin (gko 2 Tin )] -

i k o k o k o
x x x x x x x

- [  (gko mko  Tij ) + iin (gko mko  Tnj ) + jin (gko mko  Tin )] }
i m m m
x x x x

Multiplying each term of (40c) by the four-vector velocity U = dx / d, we obtain (40a) as expected in an implicit aspect;
useful to obtain the scalar function Ĝ = Ĝ(x) = (- 8G), together with the field equation (33), by using “computational
mathematics” or “numerical relativity”. In the future if some researcher can use resolve the differential equation, (40a), (of
third degree), to obtain explicitly, Ĝ = Ĝ(x) = (- 8G), is welcome.

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