General Review Midterm Exam

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1. Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verb “to be”

a) Houses in Ecuador ARE not very expensive.

b) Today I _AM going to visit my grandma.
c) My classmates ARE worried about this exam.
d) Mary IS my best friend from high school.
e) It __IS a little bit cold this morning.
f) John and I ARE giving a fantastic party.

2. Answer these questions with your information.

What is your name? My name is Michael Smith.

Where are you from? I am from California, USA.
Are you Ecuadorian? Yes, I am./ No, I am not.
Are you married or single? I am single.

3. Match these words with their correct definitions.

1. Tall (4) an attractive woman

2. Athletic (5) a person who everybody likes
3. Handsome ( 3) an attractive man
4. Elegant (8) a person who is nearly 2 meters
5. Popular (2) someone who is active and good at sports
6. Independent ( 7) a person who gives things to others
7. Dynamic (9) a person who doesn’t depend on others
8. Beautiful ( 1) someone who is stylish and has good taste
9. Generous ( 6) a person who is full of energy and ideas
4. Complete the text with the following words.

mechanic - children - daughters - weekends - public - son -

restaurant - husband

Hello! My name is Ana. I am twenty-five years old. I live in Miami,

Florida with my (1) husband and three (2) children. I have one (3) son
in kindergarten and two (4) daughters in first grade. They both attend
(5) ___public school. My husband is a (6) _mechanic. On weekends, he
works at a (7) restaurant as a dishwasher. The restaurant usually gets
more customers on (8) weekends, so they need extra people to wash

5. Replace the following subjects with the corresponding SUBJECT


1. Mary SHE
2. John and Tom THEY
3. My brother HE
4. Her sisters THEY
5. That dog IT
6. This classroom IT
7. Peter and you YOU
8. Your laptops THEY
9. Ann and I WE
10. Miami IT
11. Chicago IT
12. Tom and I WE
13. Her brothers THEY
14. My mother SHE
15. The cats THEY
16. My last name IT
17. Ann and Janet THEY
18. Your friend and you YOU
19. The rivers THEY
20. That flower IT
6. Answer the following questions. Give short answers.

Are you generous? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.

Is your last name Moreno? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
Is your brother at home? Yes, he is. / No, she isn’t.
Am I at the university? Yes, you are. / No, you aren’t.
Are your friends intelligent? Yes, they are. /No, they aren’t.
Are your classmates in class? Yes, they are. /No, they aren’t.
Am I a student? Yes, you are. /No, you aren’t.
Is your sister at the university? Yes, she is. /No, she isn’t.
Are you responsible? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
Is your last name Guevara? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
7. Read the answer. Write the questions.

a) Are you a teacher? Yes, I am.

b) What’s your mail? It is [email protected].
c) Are they happy? No, they aren’t.
d) What is her job? She is an engineer.
e) Is he at home? Yes, he is.
f) Are you sad? No, I am not.
g) What is your cell phone number? It is 0998654321.
h) Are they at the university? Yes, they are.
i) How old is he? He is 21.
j) Is the book interesting? No, it isn’t.
8. Join with a line.

a. It’s 3 1. to learn English.

b. I have 2 2. two brothers and a sister.
c. I want 1 3. an English book
d. I live 7 4. nice people
e. What’s 6 5. from the United States?
f. Are you 5 6. your ID number?
g. They are 4 7. in an old house.
h. What’s your 8 8. last name?
i. I don’t 12 9. is very expensive
j. Mónica works 11 10. doesn’t like to read.
k. Alberto’s car 9 11. in an office
l. My sister 10 12. speak English very well.

9. Write our / your/ its / his / her / their.

a. Do you like your English teacher?

b. I know Mr. Lee, but I don’t know his wife.
c. My mother washes her hands.
d. It’s a beautiful tree. Its leaves are beautiful color.
e. We’re going to have a party. We are going to invite all our friends.
f. Do you think more people are happy with their jobs.

10. Complete with the appropriate possessive adjective:

 I’m Marcus, and this is my garden.

 My mother is Susan, and this is her hat.
 They are Robert and Adam, and this is their bedroom.
 We are Betty and Barbara, and this is our favorite book. 
 This is Rachel, and this is her sister.
 These are my teachers. Their names are Paul and Rita.
 This is my brother. His name is Peter.
 We are friends. Our hobbies are gardening and walking.
 I’m Sophy and this is my dog, Aladin.
 Good morning, students! Where are your books?     
 Rome is famous for its monuments.  
 My name is Sally. That is my house.     
 This is Mary, and that is her brother.   
 Those are our new bicycles. We bought them yesterday.   
 Bob is in the garage with his father.      
 Call John and Mike: this is their telephone number.   
 I would like to send you a postcard: what's your address?  
 Betty is 16. Her brother is 18. 
 I am from Spain, my wife is American.    

11.Use the Possessive Case according to the example: car/Tim - Tim’s car.

1. Book/Phil Phil’s book

2. John/bicycle John’s bicycle
3. The girls/friends The girls’ friends
4. House/my parents My parents’ house
5. Toys/those children Those children’s toys
6. That man/keys That man’s keys
7. Eyes/the cats The cats’ eyes
8. The dog/nose The dog’s nose
9. Joe/sister Joe’s sister
10.Those men/names Those men’s names
11. Marcus/foot Marcus’ foot
12. Charles/ mobile Charles’s mobile
13. Telephone number/Mary Mary’s telephone number
14. car/Mr and Mrs Brown Mr. and Mrs. Brown’s car ______
15. ears/the elephants the elephants’ ears
16. Mr Jones/child Mr. Jones’ child
17. The children/balls The children’s balls
18. The Simpsons/dog The Simpsons’ dog

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