Glass Sanding Solution Brochure English
Glass Sanding Solution Brochure English
Glass Sanding Solution Brochure English
About Mirka
KWH MIRKA LTD is a family-owned Finnish company and a Mirka is the first company in its sector to obtain the three
world leader in abrasives technology innovation. We are most important quality standards. The production process
offering a complete range of technically superior, high guarantees reliable quality by following the ISO 9001 quality
quality abrasives, innovatively designed tools, complete assurance system. The OHSAS 18001 occupational health
sanding systems and supplementary products. This total and safety management system ensures a high level of work
innovative solution delivers real benefits to customers in safety. The ISO 14001 environmental management system
terms of speed, first-class efficiency, surface finish quality proves that we consider the environment in all our activities.
and cost effectiveness, even when tackling the most 95% of our products are exported and sold across the
demanding applications. globe through our subsidiaries and importers.
Corporate Responsibility
CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT TOWARDS SUSTAINABILITY. of our customers. We find it is equally clear to preserve the
Changing conditions inspire us to improve and grow our planet’s resources. Sustainability is a natural extension of this
business. We see that our customers are as interested in approach. It means taking the economy, the earth, and people
sustainability as we are. This is why our product development into consideration when we make business decisions – now
is focused on innovating the best sustainable products and and for future generations. We are continuously looking for
systems, while continually improving our own environmental opportunities to reduce our environmental footprint – this
performance. aligns with our company values and also cuts costs. We have
Our business is focused on providing the best surface worked hard to conserve energy and raw materials, reduce
finishing preparation tools and systems to customers. To be the waste, increase recycling, and decrease the use of persistent
most sustainable finishing systems provider, we are digging chemicals.
deep down to the core of our company to figure out what it We are developing healthier, safer, and
really means to be sustainable. We have accomplished a great more efficient products and processes so that
deal already and have many more initiatives we will take on in our customers and employees will benefit.
the future. For example, our dust-free sanding systems
For people working at Mirka, it has always been clear to help protect the lungs of workers while
not waste financial or material resources – of our own or those giving a cleaner and better surface finish.
Mirka’s Glass Sanding Solution
- Marine 3. The polishing step takes longer than the sanding steps.
Mirka Glass Sanding Process - It Is All About Time
Scratched glass. Always start the process by cleaning the surface using window cleaning
liquid. Start sanding with a fine grit, eg. P320, or just polish out the scratch. If
the fine grit doesn't sand enough use the next coarser grit. This way you can
avoid additional steps when removing the scratches.
The following process starts with grit P180. If grit P320 is used, the next step
is Abralon 360 followed by Abralon 600 before polishing.
3. 4.
Step 3: Sand with Abralon 360 and Mirka PS 1437 Rotary Polisher or Step 4: The "pre-polish step": Sand with Abralon 600 and continue with
Mirka RP 300NV 77mm Non Vacuum Rotary Polisher. Dry or wet sanding. Abralon 1000 using the Mirka PS 1437 Rotary Polisher or Mirka RP 300NV
Sanding time: Approx. 2–3 minutes. Wipe clean before next 77mm Non Vacuum Rotary Polisher. Dry or wet sanding.
sanding step. Sanding time: Approx. 3–4 minutes for each grit. Wipe clean before
1. 2.
Step 1: For removal of glass scratches sand with Abranet Sic P180 and Step 2: Sand with Abralon 180 and Mirka PS 1437 Rotary Polisher or Mirka
Mirka PS 1437 Rotary Polisher or Mirka RP 300NV 77mm Non Vacuum RP 300NV 77mm Non Vacuum Rotary Polisher. Dry or wet sanding.
Rotary Polisher. Dry or wet sanding. Sanding time: Approx. 2 minutes. Wipe clean before next sanding step.
Sanding time: Never do a short sanding sequence. Wipe clean before
next sanding step.
Step 5: Polish with Polarshine E3 Glass Polishing Compound. Use Mirka Completed process.
PS 1437 Rotary Polisher or Mirka RP 300NV 77mm Non Vacuum Rotary
Polisher and Mirka White Polishing Felt Pad. Wipe the surface clean to
check the surface. Use a soft microfiber cloth and a window cleaning
liquid. Continue polishing for 4 minutes or more.
Mirka Abrasives for Glass Sanding
Polarshine® E3 Polarshine® E3
Glass Polishing Glass Polishing
Compound Compound
1L 250 ml
Mirka code: 7990310111. Mirka code: 7990302511
Mirka Tools and Accessories for Glass Sanding
77x6 mm Grip A yellow soft micro fiber cloth, with a The Mirka Polisher features a powerful,
Mirka code: 7996007711 fine texture. Absorbs residue well and is high-torque electric motor, along with
washable. a step-less switch and pre-selection of
A flat hard 6 mm thick white felt pad, rotational speed which makes it possible
designed for glass polishing applications. to achieve the precise speed required
The thick felt pad construction has when polishing. There’s also a loop handle
a good balance and feels stable during and a side handle for better control and
polishing. The pad is designed to be a spindle lock to make pad changes easy.
used in combination with Polarshine It’s an excellent tool for polishing smaller
E3 polishing compound and that surfaces and is designed to be used with
combination provides a good glass a maximum 150 mm pad. To achieve the
sanding process. best results, it’s recommended that Mirka
polishing compounds, backing pads and
polishing pads are used.
Mirka® RP 300NV Dust Suction Hood Backing Pad 125 mm
Non Vacuum Rotary for PS 1437 Polisher M14 Grip 17H for
Polisher 77 mm Suction Hood
Mirka code: 8993540311 Mirka code: 9190152001 Mirka code: 9190153001
Mirka's pneumatic rotary polisher is a A suction hood that is easily attached to This 125 mm (5”) backing pad is equipped
powerful tool that provides a fast way to a Mirka PS 1437 Polisher without a key, for with robust hooks and 17 holes enabling
perfect finish. The shape allows operators use in demanding sanding applications. great dust suction. This backing pad
to reach small areas and offers a quick and When used with Abranet HD it provides should be used together with the Dust
effective polishing process. a dust-free solution. The front segment Suction Hood (Mirka code 9190152001)
can be removed to improve visibility and only.
give access to edges. The springs ensure
smoother operation, while the brushes
ensure good suction and protect the
©KWH Mirka Ltd 201853 VI092015FG