Evolution of Paste Fill Technology

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Submitted By;



Dr. Anupam Bhatnagar Dr. Anupam Bhatnagar


Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology
UDAIPUR – 313001 (Rajasthan)
SESSION 2022-2023

Submitted By



Dr. Anupam Bhatnagar Dr. Anupam Bhatnagar


Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology
UDAIPUR – 313001 (Rajasthan)
SESSION 2022-2023
College of Technology and Engineering
Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Engineering
Udaipur-313001 Rajasthan

The project work carried out in this report titled “EVALUTION OF PASTE FILLING IN
MINES”, submitted for the award of degree of Bachelor of Technology in Mining
Engineering from Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur
(Raj.), is carried out by us under the supervision of HOD and Professor Dr. Anupam
Bhatnagar, Department of Mining Engineering, College of Technology and Engineering,
Udaipur. The contents of the project report are prepared by me and either partially or fully,
have not been submitted or will not be submitted, as it is to any other Institute or University
for the award of any degree or diploma.
I, declare that I have adequately cited and referenced the original sources
used in this project report. I also declare that I have adhered to all principles of academic
honesty and integrity and have not misrepresented or fabricated or falsified any
idea/data/fact/ source in my submission.

Date: _________ LOKESH KHATRI


Final Year B.Tech. (Mining)

Department of Mining
CTAE, Udaipur - 313001
College of Technology and Engineering
Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Engineering
Udaipur-313001 Rajasthan

Date: 26-05-2023

This is to certify that project report entitled “EVALUTION OF PASTE FILLING IN

MINES” has been prepared and is submitted by (i) Mr. PARTH NAGAR, (ii) Mr. VAIBHAV
student of IV Year B.Tech. (Mining), Session: 2022-23, Semester – Second, in partial
fulfilment of the requirement for award of the Degree of Bachelor of Technology in Mining
Engineering from Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur-
313001 Rajasthan.
This work has been carried out independently by the student under my supervision and
guidance. This seminar report is hereby approved for submission. This work has been carried
out independently by the student under my supervision and guidance. This seminar report is
hereby approved for submission.

Date: _______ Dr. Anupam Bhatnagar

HOD and Professor
Department of Mining Engineering
College of Technology and Engineering

I am highly thankful to respected Dr. Anupam Bhatnagar HOD and Professor, for their
invaluable suggestions and constructive criticism to point out certain features of
misconception and improve the report at a very early stage of its formation.
I am also thankful to respected Dr. S.C. Jain, Professor, Department of Mining
Engineering for permitting us to work on this topic.
I also acknowledge all the persons, who have directly or indirectly helped me and
the CTAE, Udaipur as an institution for providing me for learning and preparing this
seminar to enhance the report with latest development in this field.

I express my sincere gratitude to for their constructive criticisms, guidance and advices.


B.Tech Final Yr. B.Tech Final Yr. B.Tech Final Yr.

Mining engineering Mining engineering Mining engineering


B.Tech Final Yr. B.Tech Final Yr.
Mining engineering Mining engineering

The application of paste filling in underground mines has gained significant attention in
recent years as a sustainable and efficient technique for managing mine tailings and
improving overall mine stability. This study focuses on the evaluation of paste filling in
mines, aiming to assess its effectiveness, economic viability, and environmental impact.

The evaluation process involves several key aspects. Firstly, the rheological properties of the
paste material are characterized to determine its flow behavior and stability. The paste's
strength and compressibility are assessed through laboratory testing to ensure its suitability
for underground applications. Moreover, the interaction between the paste and surrounding
rock mass is investigated to evaluate the stability and potential for consolidation.

To assess the effectiveness of paste filling, field trials are conducted in selected underground
mine stopes. The filling process parameters, such as density, water content, and binder
dosage, are optimized to achieve the desired strength and flow characteristics. Monitoring
techniques, including strain gauges and displacement sensors, are employed to assess the
behavior of the paste fill in real-time, providing insights into its performance under varying
mining conditions.

Economic viability is a critical factor in evaluating paste filling systems. Cost analyses are
performed, considering the expenses associated with paste preparation, transportation, and
placement. The potential benefits, such as improved ore recovery, reduced ground support
requirements, and enhanced mine safety, are also quantified to determine the economic
feasibility of implementing paste filling techniques.

Environmental considerations play a crucial role in evaluating paste filling systems. The
impacts on water resources, tailings management, and greenhouse gas emissions are assessed.
Additionally, the potential for mine site rehabilitation and reclamation is examined to
determine the long-term sustainability of paste filling practices.

The evaluation of paste filling in mines provides valuable insights into its technical
feasibility, economic viability, and environmental performance. The results of this study
contribute to the broader understanding of paste filling as a mine backfilling technique and
support informed decision-making regarding its implementation in underground mining
The backfill method is used in the world practice of underground mining. This method
involves filling underground voids created by mining work with natural materials, such as:
mine tailings, flotation tailings or other materials (sand, gravel, aggregates, etc.)
Beside tailings, the practice of preparing materials for backfill involves the use of binders,
water and additives in an appropriate ratio. Cement is most commonly used as a binder.
Practical experience shows that the price of cement is most important factor in the total costs
of these methods. Costs are variable and depend from the country, the price of cement,
market conditions and the cost of exploitation and the applied methods. According to Yilmaz
and Yumlu (2017), depending on the recipe cement costs can constitute up to 55-65% of total
backfill costs.
From these reasons, it is gravitated toward some other materials, originated from mining and
other industries, which are waste and, from this aspect, can be considered as secondary raw
materials. These materials include: fly ash from thermal power plants, metallurgical slag,
gypsum from the desulphurization process, waste construction material, ash from other
combustion processes, dust from various industrial processes, etc.
One of the reasons for applying the backfill method is better utilization of the ore deposit
(vaporization of unexploited ore in the pillars), reducing the consequences of mining
operations due to subsidence, reducing the amount of tailings, and thus reducing the need for
larger tailings, which is favourable from the environmental.
Technology is constantly being improved from the aspects of the application of appropriate
equipment, i.e. of applied processes, as well as from the appropriate materials used for
backfill method.
It is very important that the used material has the appropriate characteristics from the aspect
of geomechanics, i.e. the better parameters of the strength, the minimum amount of the binder
and that there is no bleed water. This water releases binder and reduces its effect, which lead
to the pollution of the environment. This problem requires special treatment, and therefore
demands higher costs. On the other side, the applied method and technique should be
economically rational, and from this reason, the advantage has the available materials, like
materials from the mining exploitation (solid tailings and flotation tailings). The application
of a flotation tailings, which itself contains a high amount of water, usually requires
preliminary preparation, mostly thickening and filtration. The number of added materials or
binders should be as low as possible and the materials must be cheaper. The advantage of
using some materials (such as slag and fly ash) is proven because of pozzolanic and hydraulic
properties, as well as the reduction of costs.
A Paste is tailing slurry that is sufficiently dewatered or dry granular material which is mixed
with sufficient water to fill the interstices between the particles so that the material behaves as
a fluid The material retains the water between the particles because of colloidal electric
particle charge of fines which bonds the particles to water molecules. In this state the paste
can be transported through a pipeline but has no critical flow velocity, i.e., the velocity at
which the solid and liquid components separated into two distinct phases .If more water than
can be held between particles is added to the paste, it becomes slurry and the material does
have a critical flow velocity in this state, the material will flow through the pipeline but will
separate out into two distinct phases if velocity in the pipeline drops below the critical value.

"Paste" is a densified uniform material of such mineralogical makeup and particle size
distribution, that it will bleed only minor quantities of water when at rest, experience
minimum segregation and can be moved in a pipe line at velocities well below that critical
velocities for similar sized materials and lower pulp or solids densities Pastes can remain
sitting in a pipeline for extended periods of time when cementitious material is present

Paste fill is dense non draining slurry made from single or combination of several suitable
solid materials produced to tooth paste consistency. For surface disposal no cement required.
For underground backfill cement always required.
Terminology :
– Paste (P)
– Paste fill (PF)
– Paste backfill (PB)
– Cemented paste backfill (CPB)
– Composite fill (CF)
– Paste aggregate fill (rocky paste fill)

It requires a force to make it move the force used is gravity (stopes close to the surface may
require positive displacement pump in the system). Gravity starts the paste moving however
its a weight of the paste above it that keeps the paste moving in the pipeline. The general rule
of thumb for paste fill is that for every meter rise in vertical line you will have 1.5 meters
flow in the horizontal line. L.e. 300 m vertical -450 m horizontal.
Paste fill is a non-Newtonian Bingham plastic.

In simple terms this means that it does not follow Newton's laws concerning fluids. The
simplest way of explaining this is using of toothpaste. You can hold a paste tube upside down
with the lid off for as long as you like and nothing will come out.

Paste backfill is a high density backfill. In order to pump material at this density, a
component of fines is required.

As a general rule, the fines content should be a minimum of 15% by weight.

Paste backfill is pumped by piston type pumps of the same type used to pump concrete.
Whole mill tailings can often be used to make paste backfill.
The final product has a lower void ratio so the backfill is denser.

Many mines are moving towards paste backfill because its lower cement content is required
to gain equivalent strengths when compared to hydraulic fill


 Waste Management: Paste filling provides an effective method for managing

mining waste, particularly tailings. By utilizing the tailings generated during
the ore extraction process, paste filling allows for the safe disposal and
containment of waste materials underground. This reduces the need for extensive
surface tailings storage facilities, minimizing the environmental impact associated
with waste disposal.

 Ground Support and Stability: Paste filling plays a crucial role in providing
ground support and enhancing the stability of underground mining
operations. By filling mined-out areas with paste, it helps prevent ground
subsidence, surface collapse, and rockfalls. This improves the safety
conditions for miners and maintains the integrity of underground

 Resource Recovery: Paste filling enables the extraction of additional ore

reserves that would otherwise be inaccessible or uneconomical to
recover. By backfilling mined-out areas with paste, valuable resources can
be recovered more efficiently, increasing overall resource recovery and
reducing ore losses.

 Environmental Sustainability: Paste filling contributes to environmental

sustainability in mining operations. It reduces the surface footprint of
mining activities by consolidating waste materials underground. This
minimizes the disturbance of land, reduces the potential for environmental
contamination from tailings, and lowers the overall carbon footprint of the
mining operation.

 Cost Reduction and Operational Efficiency: Paste filling can lead to cost
savings and improved operational efficiency. By utilizing tailings and other
materials readily available on- site, it reduces the need for additional
materials and transportation costs. Additionally, the consolidation of waste
materials underground can improve the overall efficiency of mining

 Regulatory Compliance: Paste filling helps mining operations comply with

environmental regulations and standards. It provides a responsible and
sustainable approach to waste management and tailings disposal, aligning
with the requirements of environmental agencies and communities.


The use of cemented paste backfill (CPB) is an increasingly important component of
underground mining operations and is becoming a standard practice for use in many cut-and
fill mines around the world (Landriault et al. 1997, Naylor et al. 1997). Backfill material is
placed into previously mined stopes to provide a stable platform for the miners to work on
and ground support for the walls of the adjacent adits as mining progresses by reducing the
amount of open space which could potentially be fill by a collapse of the surrounding pillars
(Barret et al. 1978). The use of underground paste backfill provides ground support to the
pillars and walls, but also helps prevent caving and roof falls, and enhances pillar recovery,
which enhances productivity (Coates 1981). Thus, the CPB placement provides an extremely
flexible system for coping with changes in geometry of the orebody, that result in changing
stope width, dip, and length (Wayment 1978). The method of the fill delivery depends upon
the amount of energy required to deliver the backfill material underground which depends on
its distribution cone (Arioglu 1983). The CPB is usually transported underground through
reticulated pipelines. Paste backfill is composed of mill tailings generated during mineral
processing which are mixed with additives such as Portland cement, lime, pulverized fly ash,
and smelter slag. The purpose of the binding agents is to develop cohesion within CPB so
that exposed fill faces will be self-supporting when adjacent stopes are extracted (Mitchell
1989). With the current low metal prices, the survival of many mines depends on their ability
to maximize productivity while minimizing costs. At underground cut and fill operation, the
costs associated with backfilling must be looked at critically so that potential cost savings can
be identified (Stone 1993). Backfilling is expensive in some ways, but indispensable for most
underground mines to provide ground support for mine safety and mining operations.
Therefore, the fill should be cost effective and capable of achieving the desired ground
support and stability. Analysis of the fill stability must consider the geometric boundaries of
the fill for the best economic use of CPB. Mine openings and exposed fill faces in large
underground mines vary in shape from high and narrow to low and wide. Additionally, wall
rock next to the backfill may be either steeply dipping or relatively flat-lying (Mitchell 1989).
The stoping sequence can be modified to reduce the number of CPB-filled stopes, or the
stope geometries could be revised to reduce the strength required of CPB exposures (Stone
1993). This paper is an overview of the use of CPB for underground ground support in
mining operations, from preparation to placement underground. The paper will first briefly
introduce the notion of arching effects and their importance in stability analysis of filled
stopes. This will be followed by presenting the design of

the required fill strength from reviews of various current design methods. The paper will
discuss the optimization of CPB-mix designs (as a means to reduce costs and improve fill
strength) followed by a discussion on the rheological properties of CPB. Finally, the paper
will discuss CPB delivery systems and underground placement of CPB


In general, self-support stresses govern backfill design and the traditional design has been
that of a free-standing wall, requiring a uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) equal to the
overburden stress at the bottom of the filled stope. However, in many cases, the adjacent rock
walls can actually help support the fill through boundary shear and arching effects. Therefore,
the backfill and rock walls can be mutually supporting (Mitchell 1989). In backfilled stopes,
when arching occurs (which is the case in many mines) the vertical pressure at the bottom of
filled stope, an analogy similar to a trap door, is less than the weight of overlying fill
(overburden weight) due to horizontal pressure transfer (Martson 1930, Terzaghi 1943). This
pressure transfer is due to frictional and/or cohesive interaction between the fill and wall
rock. When the pillars or stope walls begin to deform into the filled opening the fill mass will
provide lateral passive resistance. Passive resistance is defined as the state of maximum
resistance mobilized when force pushes against a fill mass and the mass exerts resistance to
the force (Hunt 1986). The magnitude of pressure transferred horizontally to the sidewalls
can be included into the design for the required fill strength. Horizontal pressures affected by
the fill arching can be evaluated by four analytical solutions which account for the existence
of cohesion at the fill-sidewall interface and/or the frictional sliding along the sidewalls.
These solutions are the Martson's model and its modified version, the Terzaghi's model and a
proposed 3D model.

I. Martson's cohesionless model

Martson (1930) developed a two-dimensional arch solution to predict the horizontal pressure
(σh) along the sidewalls of the pillars as follows:
where γ = fill bulk unit weight (kN/m3 ); B = width of stope (m); H = total height of filled
stope (m); µ' = tan δ' = coefficient of sliding friction between fill and sidewalls; δ'(°) = angle
of wall friction (may be assumed between 1/3φ to 2/3φ); φ = angle of internal friction of fill
(degree); σv = vertical pressure at the floor of the stope (kPa); Ka = coefficient of active earth
pressure (see Eq. 3);.

II. Modified Martson's cohesionless model

Aubertin et al. (2003) proposed a modified version of the Martson's two-dimensional arch
solution which was originally defined using active earth pressure (Ka) and wall sliding
friction. The modified version for predicting the horizontal pressure (σhH), at a depth H, along
the sidewalls of the pillars is given as follows:

where γ = fill bulk unit weight (kN/m3 ); B = width of stope (m); H = total height of filled
stope (m); φ'f = fill effective angle of internal friction (degree); σvH = vertical pressure at the
floor of the stope (kPa); K = coefficient of fill pressure. K will correspond to three different
states (Ka, K0, Kp) given by the following relationships:

where K0 = coefficient of fill pressure at rest or in place (0.4 to 0.6); Ka = coefficient of active
fill pressure (0.17 to 1); Kp = coefficient of passive fill pressure (1 to 10).
However, in a filled stope the active fill pressure condition (Ka) seems improbable. In
Equation 6, the coefficient of fill at rest pressure can alternatively be evaluated using this well
known relationship as follows:
where ν = Poisson's ratio of the fill (0.3 ≤ ν ≤ 0.4).

III. Terzaghi's cohesive model

Terzaghi (1943) also developed a two-dimensional arch theory for predicting the horizontal
pressure (σh) along the pillar walls and this is given by:

where γ = fill bulk unit weight (kN/m3 ); c = cohesive strength of fill (kPa); B = width of
stope (m); H = depth below fill toe (m); tan φ = coefficient of internal friction of fill; φ =
angle of internal friction of fill (degree); K = coefficient of fill pressure (see Eq. 10).

IV. Proposed 3D model

Belem et al. (2004) proposed a three-dimensional model (companion paper) which implicitly
takes into account the arching effects to predict the horizontal pressures, both the longitudinal
pressure (σx) and the transverse pressures (σy). The model is given as follows:

where γ = bulk unit weight of the fill (kN/m3 ); Hm = total height of filled stope (m); z =
elevation point of measurement (m): z = 0 at the floor of the stope, z = Hm at the fill toe (z ≤ h
≤ Hm); B = width of stope; L = strike length of stope (m).


The required strength for paste backfill depends upon its intended function. For a ground
support role, the required uniaxial or unconfined compressive strength (UCS) of the fill
should be at least 5 MPa whereas, for free-standing fill applications, the UCS can be
commonly lower than 1 MPa (Stone 1993). Previous work indicates that the UCS of the fill
mass can range to between 0.2 MPa and 5 MPa, while the UCS of the surrounding rock mass
is between 5 MPa and 240 MPa
Vertical support of backfill
The mechanical effects of fill are different from those of primary ore pillars. Research and in
situ testing have shown that fill is incapable of supporting the total weight of overburden (σv)
and acts only as a secondary support system (Cai 1983). The fill rigidity can range from 0.1
GPa to 1.2 GPa while the surrounding rock mass rigidity varies from 20 GPa to 100 GPa. As
discussed by Donavan (1999), it is possible to assume that any vertical loading will be a
result of roof deformation (Fig. 1) and that the design UCS can be estimated by the following

where Ep = rock mass or pillar elastic modulus (kPa); ∆Hp = strata length variation (m); FS =
factor of safety.

Schematic representation of vertical loading of a pillar into the fill mass.

When the stope walls deform before backfilling, the maximum load will probably never
approach the total weight of the deformed overlying strata (Donavan 1999) and the design
UCS can be estimated by following relationships:

where k = scaling constant which must vary from 0.25 to 0.5; γp = strata unit weight
(kN/m3 ); Hp = strata height below surface (meter); FS = factor of safety.
Numeric modelling can also be used to determine the required stiffness or strength of a CPB
to prevent subsidence due to the roof deformation. The results can be very useful in
indicating the amount of the paste backfill desired. Modelling can be done with either of the
FLAC (2D and 3D) codes. Physical modelling, such as with a centrifuge, also can offer an
alternative to numeric modelling, but its application is usually limited to simple gravitational
models without high tectonic or in situ horizontal stresses (Stone 1993).

Development through backfill mass

When one wants to cut an access gallery to a new orebody through the paste backfill (Fig. 2),
it is necessary to consider the original design criteria. This design considers a fill mass to be
more than two contiguously exposed faces after blasting adjacent pillars or stopes. As a
result, the walls confining the fill are removed and the fill block is subjected to gravity
loading similar to a uniaxial compression sample (Yu 1992). The design UCS can be
estimated by the following relationships:

where γf = fill bulk unit weight (kN/m3 ); Hf = total fill height (m); FS = factor of safety.

Digging an access gallery through the fill mass

Pillar recovery
In order to maximize ore recovery, it is very common to return for mine pillars after primary
ore recovery. While this is being done, large vertical heights of massive paste backfill may be
exposed. For delayed paste backfill, as used in open stoping operations, the fill must be stable
when free-standing wall faces are exposed during pillar recovery (Fig. 3). It is necessary that
the fill has sufficient strength to remain free-standing during and after the process of pillar
extraction by resisting the blast effects. Figure 3 illustrates a possible failure mechanism
which can occur after a stope blast. Depending upon the mining schedule, high strength for
such engineering materials may not be required for the short term (Hassani & Archibald
1998). In the absence of numeric modelling, many mine engineers still rely on two-
dimensional limit equilibrium analyses along with a calculated safety factor (FS) to determine
fill exposure stability. These analyses typically result in an over-conservative estimate of the
limiting strength (Stone 1993) which increase the costs of backfilling operations. In recent
years, however, 2D- and pseudo-3D empirical models have been developed to account for
arching effects, cohesion and friction along sidewalls (Mitchell et al. 1982, Smith et al. 1983,
Arioglu 1984, Mitchell 1989a &b, Mitchell & Roettger 1989, Chen and Jiao 1991, Yu 1992).
All these design methods use the concept of a confined fill block surrounded by the wall

Fill block failure mechanism during secondary stope mining.

More than two exposed faces

Equation (16) should be used if there are more than two contiguously exposed faces after
blasting adjacent pillars or stopes
Schematic of a fill block with three exposed faces.

Narrowly exposed fill face

This design method accounts for arching effects on confined fill by adjacent stope walls (Fig.
5) using Terzaghi's vertical pressure model (Eq. 9). Based on 2D finite element modelling,
Askew et al. (1978) proposed the following formula to determine the design fill compressive

where B = width of stope; K = coefficient of fill pressure (see Eq. 10); c = cohesive strength
of fill (kPa); φ = angle of internal friction of fill (degree); γ = bulk unit weight of the fill
(kN/m3 ); H = total height of filled stope (m); FS = factor of safety. The fill cohesion (c) and
its angle of internal friction (φ) can be obtained from triaxial tests performed on laboratory or
in situ backfill samples.
Stability analysis of a narrowly exposed fill face.

Exposed frictional fill face

This design refers to an exposed fill where both opposite sides of the fill are against stope
walls (Fig. 6). By assuming that there is shear resistance between the fill and stope walls due
to the fill cohesion, the design UCS can be evaluated by the following relationship (Mitchell

where γ = fill bulk unit weight (kN/m3 ); c = cohesive strength of fill (kPa); L = strike length
of stope (m); B = width of stope (m); H = total height of fill (m); φ = angle of internal friction
of fill (degree); FS = factor of safety.
Again, the fill cohesion (c) and its angle of internal friction (φ) can be obtained from triaxial
tests performed on laboratory or in situ backfill samples.
Confined block with shear resistance mechanism (after Mitchell et al. 1982)

Exposed frictionless fill face

The compressive strength of paste backfill is mainly due to the binding agents and any
strength contributed from friction can be considered negligible for the long term (i.e. φ = 0).
For a frictionless material (Fig. 7), cohesion is assumed to be half of the UCS (c = UCS/2).
Thus, the design UCS can be evaluated by the following relationship proposed by Mitchell et
al. (1982):

where γ = fill bulk unit weight (kN/m3 ); c = cohesive strength of fill (kPa); B = width of
stope (m); L = strike length of stope (m); H = total height of fill (m); FS = factor of safety (ca.
In Equation 19, the fill cohesion (c) can be obtained from laboratory confined compression
tests on backfill samples.
The stability of a free standing backfill (Fig. 7) can also be determined from physical model
tests. Based on centrifugal modeling tests, Mitchell (1983) proposed a formula for evaluating
the design UCS which is given by:

where γ = fill bulk unit weight (kN/m3 ); L = strike length of stope (m); H = total height of
fill (m); FS = factor of safety.
Confined block without shear resistance mechanism of frictionless fill (adapted from Mitchell
et al. 1982).

Ground support
After passive resistance has been mobilized by the fill, the strength increase in the
surrounding pillars will be equal to the magnitude of the passive fill pressure. So, the main
stabilizing effect of the fill is to give increased lateral confinement pressure to the pillars (Fig.
8). The compressive strength of the pillar increases according to the following formula
(Guang-Xu & Mao-Yuan, 1983):

where UCS'p = pillar compressive strength with fill (kPa); UCSp = pillar strength before the
stope filling (kPa); γ = fill bulk unit weight (kN/m3 ); q = surcharge loading (kPa); H = total
height of fill (m); φf = angle of internal friction of fill (degree); φp = angle of internal friction
of pillar (degree); Kp-f = coefficient of passive pressure of the fill; Kp-p = coefficient of passive
pressure of the pillar.
Schematic of pillar confinement by the fill block

Working platform
For cyclic backfilling operations, as in cut-and-fill stoping, the fill in each operation must
serve as a platform for both mining equipment and personnel and typically requires high
strength development for the short term. A standard bearing capacity relationship that has
been developed from civil engineering techniques for design of shallow foundations has been
found to be applicable to paste backfill. The fill top surface bearing capacity, Qf (kPa), can be
determined using Terzaghi's expression (Craig 1995):

where γ = bulk unit weight of the fill (kN/m3 ); c = cohesive strength of fill (kPa); B = width
of square footing at surface contact position (m); Nγ = unit weight bearing capacity factor; Nc
= cohesion bearing capacity factor; Nq = surcharge bearing capacity factor; φ = angle of
internal friction of fill (degree). Equation 24 assumes that backfill bearing is by a square
footing, which is a reasonable representation of the footprint of a mine vehicle tire (Hassani
& Archibald 1998). Equation 25 was developed by Hansen (1968). For the mine vehicles
(Fig. 9), the contact width, B, corresponds to the tire contact width and can be determined by
the following relationship (Hassani & Bois 1992):
where Ft = tire loading force (kN); p = tire air pressure (kN/m2 ).

Schematic of working platform (adapted from Hassani & Bois 1992).

The main components of cemented paste backfill are: binder, tailings and mixing water. The
main characteristics of each component that can affect the quality of the paste backfill are: the
chemical composition, grain size distribution, density and content of solids of the tailings
and, finally, the chemistry of mixing water. Each component plays an important role during
the backfill transportation, its delivery and its strength acquisition at curing time (Belem and
Benzaazoua, 2004; Benzaazoua et al.,2002).

Schematic diagram illustrating the different components of cemented paste backfill

(Benzaazoua et al. 2002).
Each component plays an important role for the backfill transportation, its delivery and its
strength development in the course of curing time. Typical binder percentages are 3 to 7% by
weight of the paste fill. Numerous laboratory test results have reported that the backfill
strength is a function of binder content for a given curing age, (Fig. 11), but this relationship
is specific to each mine (e.g. Benzaazoua et al. 1999, 2002, 2004).

Example of variation of UCS as a function of binder content at different curing times of 14,
28, 56, 91 and 118 days (after Benzaazoua et al. 2003).

Cement and others binders-

Hardening of the fill occurs as bonds are formed between fill particles at grain contact
points. Many different types of binding agents are used, but the most common is ordinary
Portland cement (OPC). Admixtures with pozzolanic materials are also used to curb costs by
reducing the amount of Portland cement needed for hardening. Fly ash (FA) and smelter
ground blast furnace slags (BFS) are the most popular pozzolans used as admixtures. The
results of cement dissolution tests performed by Benzaazoua et al. (2004) showed that in
either concrete or mortar, the hardening processes within the pastefill are not only due to the
cement hydration but also to the precipitation of hydrated phases from the pore water of the
paste. Figure 12 illustrates that paste backfill hardening occurs in two main stages: the first
stage (dissolution-hydration) which is dominated by the dissolution reactions and the second
stage (precipitation and hydration) which is characterized by the precipitation reactions and
direct hydration of the binder. More details on this subject can be found in Benzaazoua et al.
(1999, 2002, 2004)
Schematic illustration of the time-depending importance of the reactions of dissolution and
precipitation of the binder in the hardening process of the pastefill (after Benzaazoua et al.

Water is necessary to ensure that proper hydration of the cement occurs. If proper hydration
of the cement does not occur, the fill will not meet its required strength and stiffness. Since
tailings backfill is fairly saturated to begin with and additional water is usually required to
pump it underground, the water content of tailings backfill is always in far excess of what is
required for hydration of the Portland cement. The main concern then is the pH of the water
and the amount of sulfate salts present in the water. Acidic water and sulfate salts can attack
the cement bonds within the fill, leading to a loss of strength, durability, and stability
(Benzaazoua et al. 2002, 2004).

This figure shows that when using cement-slag binder with the same tailings sample mixed
with three different waters, the strength development is slow for all three waters for a curing
time of 14 days (Benzaazoua et al. 2002). Beyond this curing date and at a curing time of 28
days UCS reached a value of about 1600 kPa with the sulphate-free waters (municipal and
lake waters) and only 1000 kPa with the sulphate-rich water (mine A process water)

CPB preparation at the backfill plant

Paste backfill plant flow sheet
Figure shows a typical flow chart for a backfill plant. The final mill tailings are first fed to a
high capacity thickener to increase their solids percentage to approximately 55% to 60% by
weight. To aid filtration some flocculent is added. The thickened tailings are then pumped
from the thickener to a high capacity holding tank (after cyanide destruction). From the surge
tank, the thickened tailings are fed by a gravity circuit to disc filters operating alone or in
parallel to produce a filter cake with a solid’s percentage of approximately 70% to 82%. The
filter cake is then discharged onto a belt (or reversible) conveyor and is then fed to a screw
feeder for weighing. Filter cake batches are mixed in a spiral (or screw) mixer with cement
and water is added to produce a paste with a specified slump (127 to 254 cm). The mixed
paste is dropped into a surge hopper and discharged underground under vacuum (by gravity
or using concrete pump).


Rheology is the branch of physics that deals with the deformation and flow of matter,
especially the non-Newtonian flow of liquids and the plastic flow of solids. Paste backfill
consists of the full size fraction of the tailings stream prepared as a high slurry density. The
slurry behaves as a non-Newtonian fluid, which means that it requires an applied force to
commence flowing.
Schematic illustrating the yield stress of paste backfill flowing in pipeline

Toothpaste is an example of a non-Newtonian fluid that is commonly used and the yield
stress (applied force) explains why you have to squeeze the toothpaste out of the tube. The
paste has a higher viscosity and exhibits plug flow when transported in a pipe. The outer
portions of the slurry shear against the sidewall of the pipe and the central core travels as a
plug (Grice 1998). The flow of paste backfill in pipeline is entirely governed by their
rheological properties. Rheology is the science about flow and deformation of matter.
Rheology of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids:
Rheological models of CPB
The main mode for paste backfill flow in pipelines is the full-fall. Full-pipe flow refers to the
situation where the flowing paste forms a continuum and there is no air-filled gap or
discontinuities (vacuum “holes”) anywhere in the pipeline segment under consideration (Li et
Moerman. 2002). The most fundamental relationship in the rheology of a non-Newtonian
fluid is that between the shear rate, γ& (s-1) and pipe wall shear stress, τw(Pa). Once this
relationship is known, the behaviour of the fluid in all flow situations can be deduced. All
Non-Newtonian fluid rheology can be derived from the most general Herschel-Bulkley model
given by:

where τ0 = yield stress (Pa), k = consistency parameter or viscosity (Pa.s), (dV/dr) = paste
angular velocity or shear rate (s-1); r = point of velocity profile (m), R = radius of the pipe
(m), V = paste linear velocity (m/s), n = flow parameter.
For the Newtonian fluids, τ0 = n = 0; for the pseudoplastic fluids, τ0 = 0 and n < 0; for
dilatant fluids, τ0 = 0 and n > 0; for Bingham plastic fluids, τ0 > 0, n = 0 and k = η = plastic
viscosity in Pa.s (Fig. 16); for yield pseudoplastic fluids, τ0 > 0 and n > 0 (Fig. 16); for yield
dilatant fluids, τ0 > 0 and n > 0.

Rheology models for time-independent fluids.

Paste backfills are non-Newtonian fluids and their rheology is approximately time-
independent during its transport in pipeline. Most paste backfill show an appreciable yield
stress and are Herschel-Bulkley fluids (Eq. 29). Some paste backfills are Bingham plastic in
limited shear rate ranges. Others are yield pseudoplastic or yield dilatant, with the former
more common than the latter.
The relationship between the pseudo shear rate, 8V/D, and the shear stress at the pipe wall,
τw, is given by:
where τ0 = yield stress (Pa), η = paste plastic viscosity (Pa.s), ∆P = differential pressure in the
pipe (Pa); D = internal pipe diameter (m), L = pipe length (m); V = paste laminar velocity
(m/s). The effective pipes diameter (D) for paste backfill transport is ranged between 10 cm
and 20 cm (4 and 8 in). Paste flow velocity varies from 0.1 m/s to 1 m/s. The practical
pumping distance of paste can reach 1000 m longitudinally (Lh) and unlimited vertically (Lv)

Standard measurements of the CPB consistency (SLUMP TEST)

In practice, it is not easy to obtain the true rheological properties of pastes due to the
complexity of the experimental devices. This makes difficult, even impossible, the
determination or the prediction of a pastes viscosity which depends on several factors. That is
why the standard slump test (used in concrete experiments) is widely used, due to its
simplicity, to determine paste backfill consistency. Slump is a measure of the drop in height
of a material when it is released from a truncated metal cone, open at both ends and sitting on
horizontal surface (Fig. 17). Determination of the slump provides a way to characterize a
material's consistency that can be related to its transportability (Clark et al. 1995). According
to Landriault et al. (1997), the ideal slump of the paste must be in a range between 150 mm (6
in) and 250 mm (10 in) to facilitate the flow of cemented paste backfill by its pumping

Solids concentration is often used to compare the composition of mixes, particularly in batch.
Although solids percentage does not provide a direct indication of a material's consistency, in
some cases it can be correlated to the slump, which does. In order to achieve the same mix
consistency from batch to batch, consistency can be measured by monitoring the electrical
power used by a motor turning the paddles of a mixer. The mixer is started and water is added
until the power required by the motor corresponds to the target power for the mix consistency
desired (Brackebusch 1994, Landriault & Lid kea 1993). Using this arrangement requires
only that slump be correlated to consistency and consistency be correlated to power. It is also
possible to predict what pressure gradient a mix will produce based on power once a
correlation has been established between slump and pressure loss.


Type of underground distribution systems There are three possible configurations for moving
fill material from a point on the surface to the underground stopes as shown on Figure
(Thomas 1979).

Basic configurations for paste backfill distribution systems (adapted from Thomas et al.
As discussed by Thomas (1979), the "gravity/pump" system has the advantage of being
totally contained underground, thus causing no disruption to surface activities. Furthermore,
the ratio of the vertical to horizontal distance is usually so favourable that little or no
pumping energy is required.
The "gravity" system (Fig. 19) has the advantage of by converting vertical head to horizontal
pressure progressively which allows shorter and lighter pipes to be used. The pressure at the
take-off points are moderate and line failures, if any, do not disrupt the main shaft or main
level of operation. The circuit can be developed progressively as the mine expands.
The "pump/gravity" system (Fig. 19) has the advantage of easy installation, inspection and
maintenance, with no special underground level requirements and no disruption of the main
shaft. However, such a system makes the filling operation dependent upon a pumping
operation and requires a long borehole to place fill underground which results in a high-
pressure take-off point.

CPB transport underground

The paste backfill is delivered by pipeline to the disposal point in the stope and the friction
factors generated require that high pressure pipelines be used to transport the pastefill.
Pressures typically exceed 5MPa for this type of laminar flow system. Early systems used
high pressure reciprocating pumps but experience has shown that pastefill can be readily
transported by gravity alone, provided that the reticulation geometry is favourable (Grice

Flow-loop tests of the CPB

For a given mine, a fully instrumented pipes for paste backfill flow-loop tests must be
performed to determine the paste transport characteristics. Usually this is an instrumented,
closed-circuit pipeline system powered by a diesel engine positive displacement pump. The
instrumentation on the paste flow-loop tests provides essential engineering data such as flow
rate (Q), friction head loss per unit length of pipe (f = ∆P/L), shutdown and restart
capabilities, and power consumption needed to design full-scale pipelines.
The calculation of the friction head loss (∆P/L) will allow determination of the running
pressures of the paste distribution system: type of volumetric displacement pump, choice of
pipe diameters (D), flow rate (Q), and paste flow velocity (V). For a Bingham plastic fluid
flowing in laminar regime (pastefill), the friction head loss (f) is given by the following

where f = friction head loss (Pa/m); ηB = Bingham plastic viscosity (Pa.s); τ0 = yield stress
(Pa); τw = wall shear stress in Pa (τw ≈ D∆P/4L); D = pipe diameter (m); ∆P = differential
pressure in the pipe (Pa).

Horizontal transport distance

The horizontal transport distance (Lh) generated by a standing column of material is obtained
by dividing the pressure at the bottom of the standing column (Pbottom) by the frictional
pressure gradient or pressure loss (Clark et al 1995). The pressure at the bottom of a standing
column is obtained by taking the difference between the pressure imparted by gravity and
pressure lost through frictional pressure gradient, so that horizontal transport distance (Lh) is
given par the following relationship
where γ = fill bulk unit weight (kN/m3 ); H = maximum free-fall height of the paste in the
paste (m); ∆P/L = friction head loss (Pa/m).

. Schematic illustrating the calculation of the horizontal distance of paste flow.


Once all the transport parameters are correct, the paste backfill can be delivered to
underground openings through pipelines. Figure 22 shows a general outline of a backfilled
stope with its various components (fill mass, barricade, rock mass, adjacent filled stope) as
well as the stress field distribution

Schematic showing the components of a backfilled stope and the stress field distribution.
After the stope is backfilled with CPB its mechanical integrity can be threatened by several
macroscopic factors (in opposition to the hydration process) which are going to influence the
mechanical strength of the CPB and the structural stability of the filled stope. These factors
which result from interactions between CPB and rock walls are, fill settlement and the
drainage of its excess water, fill consolidation, stope volume, stress field distribution within
the backfill mass (pressures at the floor of the stope and on the barricade), wall convergence
against the fill mass, shrinkage and the arching effect.
Drainage and settlement will favour the development of a high mechanical strength of the
CPB (Belem et al. 2001, 2002). On the other hand, the fill mass will be stable due to the
development of arching effects depending upon the stope dimensions.
The pressures at the floor of the stope and on the barricade will have a harmful effect on the
stability of the filled stope when these pressures are too high (see more details in Belem et al.
in the companion paper). Consequently, it is necessary to understand these various factors
which influence stope stability to ensure better ground control. The knowledge of the
magnitude of the pressures on the barricade will allow better planning of the mining
sequences. The knowledge of the stress field within the fill mass will facilitate its stability
analysis when it is considered that one of its faces may be exposed or when one wants to cut
an access gallery to a new orebody through the CPB.

SOPS for Pastefill Placement

 SOP for paste fill reticulation installation. SOP for timber barricade installation SOP
for shotcrete barricade installation.

 SOP for waste rock placement into a stope void.

 SOP for working at height and paste fill placement inspection

 SOP for underground paste fill sampling, slump testing, UCS test.
cylinder casting, curing the paste samples

 SOP for UCS testing and reporting.

 SOP for paste fill strength selection based on stope geometry.

 SOP for stope fill note and risk assessment note preparation SOP for paste fill
placement progress reporting.

Benefits of Paste Technology

 1. Typically lower cement content
 2. Pipeline delivery (more efficient delivery method for high volume
flow rates than trucking)
 3. Minimal dilution compared to CHF and CRF
 4. Utilization of tailings/waste materials readily available on site
 5. Complete filling of a void to the back of the opening
 6. Homogeneous strengths in the paste mix design (no zones of
weakness) compared to CHF and CRF.
 7. Flexibility in formula design for different applications.
 Paste has been used very successfully in the mining industry as a method of ground
control and is a proven method of recovering pillars and increasing reserves. Paste
generally requires less cement than hydraulic fill to achieve the target strength,
which is usually the primary contributor to the operating cost of placing backfill.

 Paste technology is gaining importance because of its economic and environmental

advantages. Paste backfill was considered a high risk/high cost option.

 Paste is being used as backfill and ground support at many underground

mines around the world. The discussion in this seminar demonstrates areas

of improvement that can be achieved in an underground mine by backfilling with

paste rather than CHF or CRF/CAF and also the advantages of tailings disposal as
 Technological advancements in backfill methods and surface disposal by Paste and
Thickened tailings for the Indian Mining Industry will go a long way in solving and/or
mitigating many a problem.

 The technology for producing and transporting paste is now well established
worldwide and is in the process of being introduced in a few Indian mines.

 The advantages include direct benefits and indirect benefits to the mining operation.
It is recommended to follow a systematic approach for the application of paste
technology for any Indian mining scenario beginning with material testing and
feasibility studies to investigate the potential benefits paste technology.
To refer a book-

1 Ahmed, I.,Francoeur,R.Anderson, J., and Brown, R.2010. Paste benefits and

applications from the mining industry to land reclaimation International
solidification-Stabilization Technology Forum 2010,S/S Tech GPTL,Paterson and
cooke,pp 153-159

2. Engels,J. and D. Dixon Hardy (2004). Tailings disposal - Managing increasing

higher volumes of waste from mines.7th International Symposium on

Environment Geotechnology and Global Symposium on Environmental

Geotechnology and Global Sustainable Development.

3. Cooke, R. (2002) "Laminar Flow Settling: The Potential for Unexpected

Problems" Proc. 15 th Int. Con! on Hydrotransport,Banff,Canada,3-5 June 4. De

Souza, E.,IF. Archibald and A.P. Dirige (2003) "Economics and perspectives of
Underground Backfill Practices in Canadian Mines"., Proc. 105 th Annual General
Meeting of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, Montreal,
Quebec, May.

To refer a research paper

1. KUGANATHAN, K. Reclaimed tailings pastefill production at Xstrata George

Fisher Mine at Mount Isa-Operational challenges and solutions from 2000 to
2010.Minefill 2011,10th International Symposium on mining with Backfill, The
Southern African Institute of mining and metallurgy, 2011

2. Technologies for solution in tailings disposal - paste backfill and thickened tailings
surface disposal Gautam Chaterjee, Atul Gandhe, Primeau Pierre and Chris Lee.

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