Suplymentery Notes English

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2: Answers the Following Questions

1) Why did Non-Muslims trust the Holy Prophet (SAW)?
Ans. He (SAW) was just to all so they trusted Him.
2) What advice did the Holy Prophet (SAW) give to Hazrat Ali (RA)?
Ans. He (SAW) advised Hazrat Ali (RA) to decide any matter after hearing the arguments of
both the parties.
3) How can people achieve perfection in the moral, spiritual and social areas of life?
Ans. They can do so by following the message and guidance given by the Holy Prophet (SAW).
4) How did the Holy Prophet (SAW) set high and noble ideals for all mankind?
Ans. He (SAW) set high and noble ideals for all mankind by practical example.
5) How does the Quran describe the personality of the Holy Prophet (SAW)?
Ans. The Holy Quran says,’’ The Holy Prophet (SAW) is a good example for anyone whose
hope is in God and the final day?
7) What is Chinese belief about cleaning houses before the New Year Day?
Ans. They do so to clear out any bad luck from the previous year.
8) When does Chinese New Year start?
Ans. It starts between January 21st and February the 20th.
9) What do decorations on doors and windows symbolize?
Ans. It symbolizes good luck and happiness.
10) What is the significance of New Year’s Eve dinner?
Ans. It consists of eight to nine dishes because eight means prosperity and nine means long lasting.

11) What do the little red envelopes filled with money symbolize?
Ans. They symbolize wealth and prosperity.
12) What can we learn from failure?
Ans. It teaches us to work hard for success.
13) How is failure not a disgrace?
Ans. It brings success in future. This is why it is not a disgrace.
14) What should we do if our task is hard?
Ans. We should not be overwhelmed if the task is hard.
15) You should not keep checking if the bleeding has stopped, why?
Ans. It may dislodge or damage the clot and cause bleeding to resume.
16) Why is it necessary to keep away soap from the wound?
Ans. It is because soap can irritate the wound.
17) When do you need to see a doctor?
Ans. We need to see a doctor when first aid items do not work.
18) What should your first aid kit consist of?
Ans. It should consist of ‘ (1)First Aid Book (2) Band aids (3) Elastic bandages (4)Gauze and
adhesive tape(5) Antiseptic wipes and cotton wool (6) Safety pins and tweezers (7)Scissors (8)
Latex gloves (9) Calamine lotion (10) Clinical thermometer (11) Analgesic tablets
19) What do the rich and the poor leaves stand for?
Ans. The rich leaves stand for rich people and the poor leaves stand for poor people?
20) How does the light fill the drops?
Ans. A wonderful light will fill the drops when they shine.
21) What makes the scene lovely?
Ans. A wonderful light on the drops makes the scene lovely.
22) What is one good thing about newspapers?
Ans. We do not have to sit at a place to read the news from the newspaper.
23) How does television make us lazy?
Ans. It makes us lazy because we can watch the news without any effort on it.
24) How is a newspaper more convenient medium of news?
Ans. We can take it with us anywhere to read the news.
25) How does a viewer get restricted while watching T.V. news?
Ans. He has to sit at a certain place to watch the news.
26) How do newspapers give us more in depth coverage?
Ans. Column writers give us their expert views and analysis.
27) Why do some people read more than one newspaper?
Ans. They do this to get different viewpoints of the story and to confirm it.
28) Which medium do you prefer for news? Why?
Ans. I prefer the newspaper because I can carry it with me all the day long.
29) How has the writer spent his summer vacation?
Ans. He has worked in a boarding school.
30) With what the wind is compared?
Ans. The wind has been compared with a monster of destruction.
31) How does the scene look like when the wind is still?
Ans. There is peace and silence everywhere when the wind is still.
32) In past , why did people want to become a doctor ,an engineer or a pilot?
Ans. They had no other options or awareness about them.
33) Explain the phrase,’’ profitable livelihood’’?
Ans. It means the profession in which man can earn a lot of money.
34) How do career counselors help you to choose the right profession?
Ans. They are well aware of the latest trends, so they can better guide us to choose a right profession.

35) What were some famous careers for the young people in the past?
Ans. These were, to become a doctor, a pilot or an engineer.
36) How can career counselors help the young people?
Ans. They observe and analyze the interests of the students and suggest suitable careers according to
their interests.

37) Which career do you want to opt? Give reasons.

Ans. I want to enter the field of information technology. It is the latest and most profitable
38) Why does the author use the terms,’’ fast food and slow food’’?
Ans. The world has become fast and prefers fast food that is harmful to body. Books are a
slow food which refreshes the mind and the body.
39) Which book has inspired you the most and why?
Ans. It is the Holy Quran because it is a complete code of life.
40) In what way books are better than radio, TV and internet?
Ans. Books are friends of loneliness. They give us knowledge and wisdom. They are cheaper
than radio, TV and internet. So they are better.
41) What kind of boy was Pip?
Ans. He was a lonely orphan.
42) How did Pip become a successful business man?
Ans. Pip became a clerk in his friend’ office, later he became partowner of a firm and worked
hard and he became a successful business man.
43) Who looked after Pip after the death of his parents?
Ans. His sister looked after him after the death of his mother.
44) Why did the prisoner support Pip?
Ans. He wanted Pip to get education and to become a good citizen.
45) What happened to the prisoner’s wealth after his death?
Ans. Al l his wealth became in the possession of government according to the law.
46) How is fossil energy a finite source?
Ans. It is because it costs much.
47) Which areas are most affected by incessant growth in population?
Ans. Arable land, water energy and biological resources are affected by incessant growth in
48) What is the major cause of food shortages and malnutrition?
Ans. Shortage of fertile land and decrease in food growth is the major cause of food shortage
and malnutrition.
49) How are water resources under great stress?
Ans. They are under great stress because populous cities and countries demand and withdraw
more water from rivers, lakes and aquifers.
50) What is the effect of depletion of fossil energy?
Ans. Because of depletion of fossil energy cost of fuel has increased everywhere.
51) What is the limitation of improved technology?
Ans. I cannot bring the flow of vital natural resources that are the raw material for agricultural produce.
52) What case did the young men bring to Hazrat Umar Farooq(RA)?
Ans. They brought the case of their father’s murder to Hazrat Umar(RA).
53) Why did the villager ask Hazrat Umar(RA) to delay the execution?
Ans. He requested Hazrat Umar(RA) to give him three days to hand over the gold to his
brother left by his father.
54) Why were Sahabah worried?
Ans. When the villager did not return, Sahabah were worried about the fate of Hazrat Abu
Zar Ghaffari.
Q.NO.3:Write down the summary of the following poems:
i. Try Again
iii. PEACE
Q.NO.4: Write an Essay of 150-200 words on any one of the following topics.
(i) My best friend (ii) My Hobby (iii) Village life (iv) My House (v) Sport and Games
Q.NO.5: Write an Paragraph of 100-150 words
(i) My School (ii) A Dream (iii) My Neighbored) ‫))اہم زیادہ‬iv) Allama Iqbal ‫))اہم زیادہ‬v)
The Teacher I like the Most) ‫ ))اہم زیادہ‬VI) Fashion (vii) Road Accident
Q.NO.1: Translate the following paragraph into Urdu:
1. Hazrat Muhammad's (SAW) life is a perfect model and example for the people who want to attain goodness, piety
and success in their individual as well as social life. People can seek light from the message and guidance from his
life to achieve perfection in the moral, spiritual and social areas of life. He has set very high and noble ideals
through his practical example for all mankind to follow in every field of life.

2. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) practically proved that no one could be more just and equitable than the messenger of
Allah Almighty. As a young trader, he earned the good reputation of being an honest, fair and just business man. He
always had fair and just dealings with all people. When the Ka'bah' was being constructed, there arose a dispute
among the people regarding the black stone. This pleased everyone and saved them from a tribal conflict.

3. While Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was on his death bed, he proclaimed, ''If I owed something to anyone; or if i
wronged any person, or damaged anyone's property or honor, my person, my honor and my property are here; he
may take revenge on me in this world.'' There was complete silence. only one person demanded a few dirhams
which were paid to him.

4. ''When two men come to you for judgement, never decide in favour of one without hearing the arguments of the
other; it is then most likely that you will know the truth.'' Hazrat muawia (RA) reported Allah's messenger (SAW) a
saying, ''Any ruler (or judge) who closes his door on the poor, the needy and destitute.''

5. Allah's messenger (SAW) proved by his own example that no one could be more firm for justice than him, even if
it was against his own interest or the interest of those who were near and dear to him. He decided every case brought
to him, by friend or foe with justice, without fear of favour. A person of such magnitude transcends the barriers of
time and space. People of all ages can find something in his life to provide them with guidance in their various fields
of activity.

6. Prior to the first day of the New Year it is customary for families to thoroughly clean their houses. Doing this is
said to clear out any bad luck from the previous year and to make the houses ready to accept good luck for the
coming year. All cleaning must be finished before new year's day so there is no chance of accidentally throwing out
the good fortune of the new year. Wearing black is not allowed due to its association with death, however, wearing
red is encouraged as the colour is associated with warding off bad spirits.

7. Another popular custom is to hang up signs and posters on doors and windows with the chines word fu written on
them, which means luck and happiness. Buying flowers for the home is also commonplace since they symbolize the
coming of spring and a new beginning.

8. It is a traditional practice for adults to give children little red envelopes filled with money in order to symbolize
wealth and prosperity for the coming year. It is also common for elders to present red packets to unmarried members
of the family. Envelopes are not to be opened until the recipient has left the home of the giver.

9. Handling minor accidents at home or on the road develops a sense of srisis management. This may prepare people
to tackle with unexpected emergencies with great confidence. Minor cuts and scrapes usually do not need to go to
the emergency room. Yet proper care is essential to avoid infection or other complications. Following guidelines can
help you to handle crisis and take care of all.

10. Minor cuts and scrapes usually stop bleeding on their own. If they don't, apply gentle pressure with a clean cloth
or bandage hold the pressure continuously for 20 to 30 seconds and if possible elevate the wound. Don't keep
checking to see if the bleeding has stopped because this may damage or dislodge the clot that is forming and cause
bleeding to resume. If blood spurts or continues flowing after continuous pressure, seek medical assistance.

11. Change the dressing at least daily or whenever it becomes wet or dirty. If you are allergic to the adhesive used in
most bandages, switch to adhesive-free dressings or sterile gauze held in place with paper tape, gauze roll or a
loosely applied elastic bandage. These supplies generally are available at pharmacies.
12. Newspapers do not require us to sit at a place and read the news. Busy people may read the papers anytime of
the day. They may read the news that is important to them early in the news that is important to them early in the
morning, and carry the paper with them to read in the bus or van. They nay also chose to omit certain aspects of the
news that they are not interested in.

13. Each medium has strengths that the other does not. Each makes use of strong points that the other lacks.
Television news is like having a fast food meal whereas reading newspapers is like having a ten course dinner. The
ideal seems to be, if one has the time. To both read the news and watch it on television.

14. Newspaper can give us the more in-depth coverage. Editorials and column writers can give us their expert views
and analysis that we can digest slowly as we read them. Many people also opt to read more than one newspaper a
day so as to get different viewpoints of the story and to check for its validity.

15. I am glad that I have got a taste of what the real world has to offer. I have learned many lessons from my public
High School, boarding school, and work experiences. I am now ready to learn many more lessons through my
college experience. Although it has been tough, I have succeeded so far. I am prepared to excel and make it much
further in the years to come with my college education. This developing positive outlook has given me the
motivation that I need to become successful. I never give up. When I am determined to achieve, ''I shoot for the
moon and land amongst the stars''.

16. Today, life has become more dynamic and innovative. Gone are the days when the medical and engineering
fields were the only available choices. Now a whole world of non-traditional careers, from IT, electronic media and
web networking to online business portals and fashion designing, are available for young people.

17. The scope of any field in terms of market demand should also be considered very seriously. We cannot
practically deny the significance of hiring trends; for example, a decade ago when computer science professionals
were in demand, masses of MCS (Master of Computer Science) students flooded the market with extremely
disappointing results.

18. Literature is the story of humans. It is the record of who we are, where we come from and where we are going.
Books make us travel at large. During our journey, we are connected with humanity. We identify ourselves with the
characters we meet and learn whether we love, loathe, fear, or flatter. They help us comprehend our faults and
aspirations. They tell us who we could become if we are not careful. Reading provides the deepest connection to the
morals that make us human, and part of a larger society.

19. Books are a source of comfort for us. They are a safe shelter. Throughout human history man has found peace in
the written works. Books are bridges - through there pages we make our contact with society. Those who read more
are better prepared to face the world than those who don't read.

20. It is important we work to give every person the opportunity to enjoy books as shelters, sustenance, and roads
forward. To imagine a world without books is to imagine a world without through, feeling, compassion, history, or

21. Pip and his friend decided that London was too dangerous for the wanted man. They thought that Pip should take
him abroad. As they attempted to board a ship, he was caught by the police. At his trail in court, he was sentenced to
death by the judge. Before he could be hanged, he died in prison. By law, all his money belonged to the government.
So Pip had to find a job to support himself. He became a clerk in his friend's office. Years later, he become part
owner of the insurance firm. So, he had a successful career as a result of his own efforts and not because of the
fortune that he had been promised.

22. The alarming and incessant growth of population is causing serious economic problems in almost all continents.
Great pressure is being placed on arable land, water, energy, and biological resources. As the world population
grows, the food problem will become increasingly severe. The most vulnerable will be population in developing
23. Competition for water resources among individuals, regions, and countries and associated human activities is
already occurring with the current world population. Water resources, critical for irrigation, are under great stress as
populous cities, states, and countries require and withdraw more water from rivers, lakes, and aquifers every year. A
major threat to maintaining future water supplies is the continuing over-use of surface and ground water resources.

24. Certainly improved technology will assist in more effective management and use of resources, but it cannot
produce an unlimited flow of those vital natural resources that are the raw materials for sustained agricultural
production. For instance, fertilizers enhance the fertility of eroded soils, but humans cannot make topsoil. Indeed,
fertilizers made from finite fossil fuels are presently being used to compensate for eroded topsoil. A productive and
sustainable agricultural system depends on maintaining the integrity of biodiversity.

25. Once Hazrat Umar (RA), sitting in the Mosque of the Holy Prophet (SAW), was busy in the affairs of the state.
Tow young men, holding a strong and study countryman, appeared before him. They complained to Hazrat Umar
(RA) that the person had murdered their old father. They demanded justice by punishing the murder for his crime.

26. The third day dawned. The accusers and the surety were present at the Mosque of the Holy Prophet (SAW).
They were waiting for the criminal. As time passed, Sahabah (RA) felt anxious for the fate of Hazrat Abuzar
Ghaffari (RA). When only an hour remained, both the accusers come forward and demanded from Hazrat Abuzar
Ghaffari (RA) their man.

27. When the whole court was in a worried state of mind, the villager reached there perspiring from head to foot. As
he entered, he saluted the Caliph and said, 'Allah be praised for His mercy I was able to make my uncle trustee of
the gold. As you see I am right in time, do not delay the execution.

28. Hazrat Abuzar Ghaffari (RA) : Commander of the Faithful, the man was totally a stranger to me. I had never
know or seen him before. But when out of all the bystanders, he selected me as his surety I could not but agree. If he
had not returned, I would have gladly laid down my life for him.

29. On hearing these words, the audience present in the court gave cries of joy and applause and the face of the
Caliph beamed with pleasure as he said, ''Young men, the blood money will be paid to you from the peoples'
Treasury, and Allah will reward for this goodness on the Day of Judgment.''
Pair of words
1. Advice: My advice did not affect him. 21. Rein: Do not pull the reins of the horse.
Advise: He advised me to speak the truth. Rain: It has been raining since evening.

2. Alter: I will not alter my programme. 22. Elder: Ali is my elder brother.
Altar: They brought the cow to the altar. Older: I am older than Aslam.

3. Berth: Get a berth reserved for me. 23. Eligible: I am eligible for a nice job.
Birth: What is date of birth? Illegible: His hand writing is illegible.

4. Rein: Do not pull the reins of the horse. 24. Story: This is very interesting story.
Rain: It has been raining since evening. Storey: I live in the second storey of this house.

5. Bare: Her feet were bare. 25. Except: Everybody was present except
Bear: I saw a bear in a jungle. Ali. Accept: He did not accept my gift.

6. Role: He performed an important role in this drama. 26. Sail: The boat was sailing in the sea.
Roll: My name was at the top in the roll. Sale: This building is for sale.

7. Populous: Karachi is a populous city. 27. Flour: We use pure flour.

8. Popular: Musa kalim is very popular among his teachers. Floor: The floor of my room is clean.

9. Story: This is very interesting story. 28. Sink: This boat was sinking.
Storey: I live in the second storey of this house. Drown: The child was drowning in the river.

10. Cool: A cool breeze was blowing. 29. Gate: This is the main gate of my house.
Cold: cold wind blows in winter. Gait: Her gait is very graceful.

11. Sail: The boat was sailing in the sea. 31. Heel: She wears high heel shoes.
Sale: This building is for sale. Heal: This wound will heal soon.

12. Cloth: I bought some cloth from the bazaar. 32. Vain: He tried again and again but all in vain.
Clothe: He saw wearing beautiful clothes. Vein: Human body has countless veins.

13. Team: Our cricket team won the mach. 33. Letter: He wrote a letter to me.
Teem: This pond teems with fish. Latter: Ali and Aslam are class fellows; the latter is the
14. Device: He uses an electronic hearing device.
Devise: The shopkeepers device many ways to earn profit. 34. Piece: Please give me a piece of paper.
Peace: I like peace everywhere in the world.
15. Vain: He tried again and again but all in vain.
Vein: Human body has countless veins. 35. Liar: Do not trust in a liar.
Lawyer: Quaid-e- Azam was a famous lawyer of his time.
16. Dairy: We bought milk from the dairy.
Diary: I bought a New Year diary. 36. Miner: His father is a miner by profession.
Minor: You can solve only minor problems.
17. Waste: Do not waste your time.
Waist: Ali tried the sling rope to the straps around his waist.
37. Populous: Karachi is a populous city.
18. Dew: Dew drops beautify the flowers. Popular: Musa kalim is very popular among his teachers.
Due: He cannot come to school due to illness.
_____: I asked my teacher the meaning of
19. Weak: She is very weak in English. ---------.
Week: He came here last week. _____: I searched the meaning of -------- in the
20. Die: He died in a road accident.
Dye: Please dye my shirt.
6. Change any FIVE of the following sentences into indirect form. (05)

She said to me, "You are a lazy boy."

She said, "Is this your book?"
The teacher said, "Do not make a noise."
He said to her, "Please fetch me a glass of water."
She said, "What a beautiful piece of art!"
You have said, "They are waiting outside."
She said, "Alas! We cannot defeat our enemies."
She said, "I did not go to school yesterday."
My brother said to me, "You have missed the point completely."
He said, "Do you agree with me?"
The boy said, "What do you want me to do?"
The doctor said to the patient, "Take complete rest and follow my direction."
Roshana said, "Let us finish our work first."
She said, "May you prosper!"
She will say, "He did not come up to my expectations."
He said, "What a pity you missed that function!"
He said, "Will you listen to me?"
He said to his sister, "Please say something."
She said to them, "Let us not deceive ourselves."
The teacher said, "Who is next on the list?"
He said, "How well she sing!"
He said, "Alas! I am ruined."
My brother said to me, "You have missed the point completely."
She says, "I hope I am not late."
She said, "I am working hard."
She said, "I do not agree with you."
He said, "I am watering the plants in the garden."
He said, "I hope you will not repeat this mistake."
She said, "Where do you live?"
She said to me, "Please lend me your camera for a day."
He said, "May God help me do my duty."
The mother said to her son, "May you return successful."
He said to me, "What are you looking for?"
They said, "We have done our duty."
He said, "Hurrah! We have won the match."
She said to me, "Please lend me your camera for a day."
He said to his sister, "Please say something."
She said to me, "Tell the truth."
She said, "I am working hard."
The judge said, "Have you anything more to say?"
He said, "She will go there."
Ali said, "I am not a thief."
She said to them, "Let us not deceive ourselves."
The judge said, "Have you anything more to say?"
He said to me, "What are you looking for?"
The manager said, "How do you propose to solve this problem?"
He said, "The rain fell last night."
He said, "How well she sings!"

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