Short Answers Pte 1

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The PTE Short Answer Questions segment assesses your ability

tounderstand and respond to questions in spoken English. In this
section, you'll hear a question and are required to provide a
one-word or short phrase answer within a time limit.

How to Use This Guide

1. Read Each Question Carefully: Take a moment to fully understand what's being
2. Check the Provided Answers: Familiarise yourself with the model answers to knowwhat
examiners expect.
3. Practise Out Loud: To simulate real exam conditions, read the questions and your
answers aloud.
4. Time Yourself: Keep track of the time you take to answer each question, aiming to
improve speed without sacrificing accuracy.
5. Review and Repeat: Go through the guide multiple times to reinforce learning andbuild

For the most effective preparation, use this guide in conjunction with our other PTEresources. Good
luck! 🍀

1. Who specialises in the study of celestial bodies and the universe? –

Answer: Astronomer

2. What do you call the person responsible for preparing and dispensing medications ina
Answer: Pharmacist

3. What is the term for a person who designs and constructs buildings?
Answer: Architect
4. What crime has someone stealing items from a shop committed?
Answer: Shoplifting

5. The doctor who specialises in the treatment of children’s diseases.

Answer: Paediatrician

6. What is the study of the Earth’s climate and weather patterns called?
Answer: Meteorology

7. Who is the person who repairs and maintains electrical wiring and equipment?
Answer: Electrician

8. What is a person belonging to an organisation called?

Answer: Member

9. What equipment shows a person what direction they are travelling?

Answer: Compass

10. Who is an expert in the study of ancient civilisations and human societies?
Answer: Archaeologist

11. Who specialises in helping people learn healthy ways to handle mental health
Answer: Psychologist

12. Who specialises in the analysis of the earth and its composition?
Answer: Geologist

13. What emergency service is usually called when someone is in trouble at sea?
Answer: Coastguard

14. The term for a medical graduate serving as an apprentice in a hospital taking medicaltraining?
Answer: Intern

15. Who is a scientist studying living organisms’ behaviour and interactions in their natural
Answer: Ecologist

16. What do you call a person who investigates and solves crimes?
Answer: Detective

17. What is a piece of paper with official information written on it called?

Answer: Document

18. What is the last game in a sporting competition which decides the champion?
Answer: Finals

19. What do you call the number of people living in a specific area?
Answer: Population

20. What is the most important document you must show to rent a car?
Answer: Drivers Licence

21. What is a violent conflict between two or more countries?

Answer: War

22. What is it called when two or more people speak to each other?
Answer: Conversation.

23. What is the medical specialist who diagnoses and treats diseases of the skin called?
Answer: Dermatologist

24. What do you call the professional who designs and creates visual communication, such as
logos and advertisements?
Answer: Graphic Designer

25. Which organ controls your speech, feelings, body movement and thoughts?
Answer: Brain

26. What is the place where a person lives permanently?

Answer: Home.

27. How many sides does an octagon have?

Answer: Eight.

28. What do people cast in an election?

Answer: Vote

29. What is the opposite of 'guilty'?

Answer: Innocent.

30. How many sides does a hexagon have?

Answer: Six.

31. How many sides does a pentagon have?

Answer: Five

32. In what room do scientists usually do experiments?

Answer: Laboratory.

33. What do you call someone who does a job with no salary or offers to do somethingwithout
being forced?
Answer: Volunteer.

34. What kind of book would you use to look up a word that you don't understand?
Answer: Dictionary

35. What is the book that you write to describe your own life story?
Answer: Autobiography

36. What is the opposite of positive?

Answer: Negative

37. In which compass direction does the Sun rise from?

Answer: East.

38. How many years are there in two decades?

Answer: Twenty

39. What is the food that is used in a recipe?

Answer: Ingredient

40. What is the opposite of the minus sign?

Answer: Plus sign

41. Which continent is Canada located in?

Answer: North America

42. What is the generic term for gold, silver and copper?
Answer: Metal

43. What do we call an amount of money that is deducted from the usual cost of aproduct
or service?
Answer: Discount / reduction

44. How many years are there in two centuries?

Answer: Two hundred

45. What is the word for objects that can be easily moved from one place to another?
Answer: Portable

46. What is the other form of water other than gas and solid?
Answer: Liquid / fluid

47. What is the weather condition related to heavy rain and strong wind occurring in thewestern
Pacific or Indian Ocean called?
Answer: Typhoon

48. What is the verb that means employing someone or renting something?
Answer: Hire

49. What is the three-dimensional shape of a circle?

Answer: Sphere

50. What object do we open a window or a door by?

Answer: handle

51. If any experiment is duplicated, how many times has it been performed?
Answer: two / twice

52. Who treats people with cancer?

Answer: An oncologist

53. What is the process of breaking down plastic and glass and using it again?
Answer: recycling

54. What do we call a person who is registered for the election?

Answer: candidate

55. What type of animals can live on land and water?

Answer: amphibians

56. What do you call the flat, rectangular case you use to carry documents?
Answer: briefcase

57. What do we use to get to the third floor when the elevator is broken?
Answer: stairs

58. What is the cooking process to make cakes or bread?

Answer: baking

59. How many legs does a tripod have?

Answer: three

60. What is the opposite of white?

Answer: black

61. What is the opposite of maximum?

Answer: minimum

62. What do we call a person who fights against a government?
Answer: rebel

63. What do we call someone who studies languages?

Answer: linguist

64. What do we call a group of mountains such as the Himalayas?

Answer: range

65. In winter, what activities do people usually do on snow mountains by moving on long, thin
Answer: skiing

66. What do we call a person who buys things in a shop?

Answer: customer / buyer / shopper

67. What instrument would you use when you want to weigh something?
Answer: scale

68. What is the storyline or the series of scenes of novels, movies, short stories or playscalled?
Answer: plot

69. What is the opposite of the word 'rural'?

Answer: urban

70. What is the star that gives heat and light to the Earth?
Answer: sun

71. What is the main building of a large company or an organisation?

Answer: headquarters

72. What do we call a section or a part of a book?

Answer: chapter

73. What do you call a person who works in a company?

Answer: An Employee

74. What is the big musical instrument that has 88 black and white keys?
Answer: Piano

75. What is the antonym of vertical?

Answer: Horizontal

76. What is one half of 100%?
Answer: 50%

77. What is more fuel efficient, a car or a truck?

Answer: A car

78. What is three quarters of 100%?

Answer: 75%

79. What does ASAP mean?

Answer: As soon as possible

80. What does a Sundial measure according to the shadow in the sunlight?
Answer: Time

81. Which instrument is used to measure variations in temperature?

Answer: Thermometer

82. What do we call a person who performs operations? Physician or Surgeon?

Answer: Surgeon

83. Who is the person who works in a hospital and can-do operations?
Answer: Surgeon

84. What do you call the strap that secures a person in a car or an aeroplane?
Answer: Seatbelt

85. What is the opposite of “Successor”?

Answer: Predecessor

86. What do you call the alphabetical list, at the end of the textbook that tells you whereto find
specific information?
Answer: Index

87. If there are 8 black balls and 1 white ball, and I randomly pick one, which color is most
likely to be picked?
Answer: Black

88. Which kind of mountains can erupt?

Answer: Volcano

89. Where does a camel normally live?

Answer: Desert

90. What do we call the passages between the rows of seats in the theatre?
Answer: Aisles

91. Which is the second month of the year?

Answer: February

92. How do we describe something between continents?

Answer: Intercontinental

93. What do we call the flat surface of a television or computer, on which we can seepictures?
Answer: Screen

94. On which continent will you find the majority of Indians and Chinese population?
Answer: Asia

95. What do you call a place where trains or buses regularly stop so that passengers canget on and
Answer: Station

96. What heavenly body makes an object cast a shadow during the day?
Answer: Sun.

97. What is the other term for a brother or sister?

Answer: Sibling

98. What do we call the phase in a trial in which lawyers from both parties interrogateeach
Answer: Cross examination

99. What do we call a table showing days, weeks and months of a year?
Answer: Calendar

100. What do we call the musical instrument which has six strings?
Answer: Guitar

101. What type of covering helps to insulate burns?

Answer: Dressing / bandage

102. What is the generic term for a person who held the same title as yours in thepast?
Answer: Predecessor

103. What is the famous canal linking the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea?
Answer: Suez

104. What do you call the hair that grows at the edges of your eyelids?
Answer: Eyebrow

105. What is the part powering a car, ship or an aircraft?

Answer: Engine

106. Where can we find the footnote on a page?

Answer: Bottom

107. What is the summary at the beginning of an academic paper called?

Answer: Abstract

108. What is the colourful sticker, sold by the postal office, that is attached to an
Answer: Stamp

109. How much is a dozen in number?

Answer: Twelve

110. Lack of what causes drought, dry weather?

Answer: water

111. A list of events placed in time order is usually described as what?

Answer: A chronology / a timeline

112. A planet or a galaxy can be seen with this device.

Answer: Telescope

113. At what ceremony do students receive their degree or diploma at the end of their period of
Answer: Graduation

114. The legally binding arrangement between two parties as to a course of action?
Answer: Agreement

115. From where can you have a full view of a building; the outside, inside or top?
Answer: The outside

116. What do we call the people who work in companies?

Answer: Employee or officer

117. How do you describe the desert; humid or dry?
Answer: dry

118. How many days in a week?

Answer: 7 days

119. How many months are in a year?

Answer: 12 months

120. How many people are there in a quartet?

Answer: Four

121. How many seasons are there in a year?

Answer: Four

122. How many sides are there in a bilateral agreement?

Answer: Two

123. How many times a year is a quarterly journal published?

Answer: Four

124. How many years are there in a century?

Answer: 100 (years)

125. How many years are there in a millennium?

Answer: A thousand years

126. How many years does it take to finish undergraduate study?

Answer: Three or four years

127. If a parent has a couple of children, how many children does the parent have?
Answer: Two

128. lf a person is doing an experiment, what would he wear to protect their eyes?
Answer: Glasses / goggles

129. lf a fabric or material is artificially made, what do we call it?

Answer: Artificial or Man Made or Synthetic

130. If you are celebrating a biannual activity, how many years ago did you celebrate itlast
Answer: half a year

131. What gas will be generated from the boiling water?

Answer: water vapour steam

132. What is the line where the sky meets the land?
Answer: horizon

133. What clothing do people wear, such as students or nurses?

Answer: uniform

134. What is the process of converting gas into liquid called?

Answer: condensation

135. What do we call the people who study animals and plants?
Answer: biologists

136. What is a group of atoms coming together to form the smallest unit called?
Answer: molecules

137. What are flesh eating organisms called?

Answer: carnivores

138. How do we describe a person who does something at the right time?
Answer: Punctual

139. What do judges, solicitors and barristers have to be experts in?

Answer: Law

140. What do you call a period of 365 days?

Answer: Year

141. What does a guitarist pluck when playing the instrument?

Answer: Strings

142. What drink do people get from cows?

Answer: Milk

143. What do we call the head of a university department?

Answer: Dean

144. What do you get if you successfully complete a university course?

Answer: Diploma/ degree

145. If you ask someone how old they are, what do you want to know?
Answer: Their Age

146. What do you use to call or text a friend?

Answer: Cell phone

147. What do you call the type of political system that is said to be of the people, bythe
people and for the people?
Answer: Democracy

148. Who should you go to see if you don't feel well?

Answer: Doctor

149. Which is the shortest month of the year?

Answer: February

150. What does an atlas contain?

Answer: Maps / map

151. What do you call the part of the theatre where actors perform?
Answer: Stage

152. What colour do you get if you mix red and yellow?
Answer: Orange

153. Which is the season of the year when plants start growing again?
Answer: Spring

154. What is the bone structure that protects the brain?

Answer: Skull

155. What do we call the opening in the face used for speaking and eating?
Answer: Mouth

156. What is the direction of the longitude lines on the earth's surface?
Answer: Vertical

157. What do we call a powered truck used to lift and move materials over short
Answer: Forklift / Lift Truck

158. What do you call a seat with legs but with nothing to support your arms or back?
Answer: Stool

159. What do we call a mythical horse-like animal with a single horn on the head?
Answer: Unicorn

160. What do workers get by working overtime?

Answer: Overtime pay / overtime payment

161. What do we call the extra working time?
Answer: Overtime

162. Who prescribes patients medicine?

Answer: Doctors

163. What does 'MBA' stand for?

Answer: Master of Business Administration

164. If a figure is pentagon, how many sides does it have?

Answer: Five

165. What would you experience in a coastal area, aridity or humidity?

Answer: Aridity

166. What do we call someone who can sell prescribed medicines?

Answer: Chemist/Pharmacist

167. What’s the force that pulls everything to the earth?

Answer: Gravity

168. What device do you use to type when you use a computer?
Answer: Keyboard

169. What is the last paragraph of an essay?

Answer: Conclusion

170. To which system does the earth belong to in the Milky Way?
Answer: Solar system

171. What is the opposite of ‘exclusion’?

Answer: Inclusion

172. Where is a suspect convicted of a crime?

Answer: Court

173. What is the straight line between the centre of a circle and any point on its outer edge?
Answer: Radius

174. What do we call a statement presented in court by a defendant or a lawyer?

Answer: Plea

175. Which system of government is controlled by a single individual with absolutepower?
Answer: Autocracy

176. Where does a pilot sit in an aeroplane?

Answer: Cockpit

177. What will happen to a fragile item if it is not handled carefully?

Answer: Smash / break / broken

178. If a driver drives the car, what does a pilot do to the plane?
Answer: Fly / flies

179. How often does an annual event happen?

Answer: Once a year

180. What is the energy from the sun called?

Answer: solar energy

181. What do you call the dark shape your body makes on the ground in the sun?
Answer: Shadow

182. What is the portable breathing apparatus for divers?

Answer: Aqualung

183. In which direction does the Sun rise from?

Answer: East

184. Where does an octopus usually live?

Answer: sea/ocean

185. In the sentence: “He has been quite upset since he went back to school.”, whichword
signifies a past tense?
Answer: Went

186. What causes tides?

Answer: Gravitational pull of moon/ moon

187. What do you call the alphabetical list, at the end of the textbook that tells you where to
find specific information?
Answer: Index

188. What is the opposite of “Successor”?

Answer: Predecessor

189. The science of animal life. Biology or Zoology?
Answer: Zoology

190. What do we call the headache or feeling of sickness caused by drinking toomuch
Answer: Hangover

191. Where do we catch a flight?

Answer: Airport

192. What do we call the chair a king or a queen sits on?

Answer: Throne

193. What do we call a young dog?

Answer: Puppy

194. What is the study of past events called?

Answer: History

195. What is the way animals conserve energy to survive the winter?
Answer: Hibernation

196. What object has three legs and can support a camera?
Answer: Tripod

197. What is the opposite of 'appreciate'?

Answer: Depreciate

198. What do we call the act of saying goodbye to someone?

Answer: Farewell

199. A place where abandoned or stray animals are housed?

Answer: Animal shelter

200. What do we call a vehicle equipped for carrying the injured or sick?
Answer: Ambulance

201. What do we call the industry connected with getting valuable minerals from theground?
Answer: Mining

202. What do you do when you are not satisfied with the verdict of your lawsuit?
Answer: Appeal

203. What will happen to a balloon if you inflate it beyond its capacity?
Answer: It will burst

204. What do we call a private teacher who gives you lessons outside school hours?
Answer: Tutor

205. What do we call the machine that provides drinking water in an office?
Answer: Water cooler / water dispenser

206. What is the synonym of 'destiny'?

Answer: Fate

207. What geometric shapes are circumference, diameter and radius related with?
Answer: Circle

208. What do we call a person who trains a team in a particular sport?

Answer: Coach

209. What is the occupational title for a person who composes novels?
Answer: Novelist

210. What do we call a group of people who sing together?

Answer: Choir

211. What do we call the weather conditions like rain, hail, etc.?
Answer: Precipitation

212. What do we call a slight shaking movement in a part of the body?

Answer: Tremor / quiver / shiver / tremble

213. Something that is quickly and easily set on fire and burned. Flammable or Non
Answer: Flammable

214. Not limited by person or number. Infinite or Finite?

Answer: Infinite

215. Art and science dealing with rules of language. Grammar or Literature?
Answer: Grammar

216. A string of beads used for prayers. Rosary or Garland?

Answer: Rosary

217. A building for keeping and feeding horses in. Stable or Kennel?
Answer: Stable

218. An animal that lives in water for most of its lifetime?
Answer: Aquatic

219. A person who thinks only for themselves?

Answer: Egoistic or Self-centred

220. A disease which spreads by contact?

Answer: Contagious disease

221. What do people wear, if they can’t see very well?

Answer: Spectacles

222. What does an optic person deals with?

Answer: Spectacles

223. What indicates the speed of a vehicle?

Answer: Speedometer

224. What is the speed of a moving body in a given direction called?

Answer: velocity

225. Who is the person who specialises in the study of heart and heart diseases?
Answer: Cardiologist

226. Who is a person responsible for collecting, analysing and interpreting data andhelping
the organisation make informed decisions based on it?

Answer: Data Scientist


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