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Sheetal Paratwar

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“Learning the Recruitment Process at the Climber –


Submitted to:
Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur

Submitted by:
Ms. Sheetal Paratwar

Company Guide:
Ms. Prajakta Bharadwaj

Faculty Guide:
Dr. Geeta Naidu Maam

Department of Management Sciences and Research, G.S. College of

Commerce & Economics, Nagpur NAAC Accredited “A” Grade

Academic Year 2020-21



This is to certify that the investigation described in this report titled

‘Learning the Recruitment Process at the Climber –
MyCaptain’ has been carried out by Ms. Sheetal Paratwar during the
summer internship project. The study was done in the organisation, The
Climber (MyCaptain), in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the
degree of Masters of Business Administration of R.T.M. Nagpur
University, Nagpur.
This work is the own work of the candidate, complete in all respects,

and is of sufficiently high standards to warrant its submission to the said degree.

The assistance and resources used for this work are duly acknowledged.

Dr. Ashwini Purohit


It is a matter of pride and privilege for me to have done a summer internship
project in “Learning the Recruitment Process at the Climber –
MyCaptain’” and I am sincerely thankful to them for providing this opportunity
to me.

I am thankful to “Ms Prajakta Bhardwaj” for guiding me through this project

and continuously encouraging me. It would not have been possible to complete this
project without her support.

I am also thankful to all the faculty members of Department of Management

Sciences and Research, G S College of Commerce and Economics, Nagpur and
particularly my mentor “Dr. Geeta Naidu” for helping me during the project.

Finally, I am grateful to my family and friends for their unending support.

Ms. Sheetal Paratwar


Sr. No. Particulars Page No.

1 Introduction 6

2 Company Profile 8

3 Terminologies 10

4 Objective of Study 13

5 Scope of Study 14

6 Need of Study 15

7 Contribution during SIP 17

8 Limitations 19

9 Research Methodology 20

10 Findings 21

11 Conclusion 29

12 Suggestion 30
13 Bibliography 32
Mission statement-

“We at the climber want to lead a societal mindset shift towards Careers, Passions and how

learning and education are perceived,”

Vision statement-

“The Climber exists to help students discover and pursue their passions.”

The Climber is an education start-up founded by Mohammed Zeeshan, Sameer Ramesh, Ruhan

Naqash, Fatema Hussain. It was incubated by NSRCEL, IIM- Bangalore. It helps students

discover and pursue their passions through MyCaptain and large city-wide youth fests, summits

and bootcamps.

MyCaptain by The Climber is an online platform that helps a student in taking the first step in

their field of passion with the help of young achievers, mentors and guides.

The Climber is focused towards the United Nations SDGs, i.e., Sustainable Development Goals,

especially SDG 4: Quality Education, SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth and SDG 17:

Partnerships for the Goals.

At MyCaptain they connect School and College students to young Achievers (Captains) in their

field of passion. Students are mentored through month long online workshops where they

experience the basics of a field in a practical and guided manner.

The students also join a community of like-minded individuals from all across the country,

attend MyCaptain meetups, events and get internship opportunities.



⮚ Average Turnover: 2019 – 5cr; 2020 – 10-15 cr

⮚ No direct competition

⮚ Unacademy, Udemy, coursera



⮚ Business – Entrepreneurship, Digital marketing, Skill and

personality development, Event management etc

⮚ Visual Arts – Photography, short films making etc

⮚ Creatives – Creative writing, Stand up comedy, Music production



⮚ Lockdown – No campus activity

⮚ Availability of students

⮚ Interns not completing their internship duration

⮚ Application glitches

⮚ Live session face a lot of technical issues


Objective of study

‘Change management in the organisation, its behaviour and effects on the quality of work life.’

The topic is a part of the domain of Industrial Psychology, including various inputs from the

subjects of Human Psychology, Human Resources Management, Organisation Behaviour and

Industrial/ Organisational Psychology. This particular study is done to understand ‘changes’ in

an organisation. The effects these changes have on various departments of the organisation,
especially the Human Resources department, are theoretically examined. The study also explores

the influence of these changes on the quality of work life of the employees.

Scope of study

The study is done using a basic understanding of Industrial Psychology and Change Management

in organisations. It has covered a fragment of the actual scenario. The concepts studied in order

to understand the general behaviour and effects of stress on humans are from the domain of

Human Resources Management (HR Planning and Acquisition; Training & Development;
Employee Welfare) and Psychology (Medical, Behavioural, Social and Cultural Psychology;

Emotional Development; Motivation; Mood and Anxiety Disorders; Social Behaviour). The

interpretations, inferences and suggestions have been made after a brief comprehension of these

topics and after referring to the recent updates on the subjects.


⮚ First week – Orientation, Division to teams, Flexible timings,

Demonstration of work to be done

⮚ “Recruiting marketing interns”

⮚ Second to fifth week –

1. Leads from marketing team

2. Schedule Interview
3. Conduct Interview

4. Report to team leader

5. Selection procedure

6. Schedule Orientation with Team leader


⮚ Recruitment process – Applications, screening, Decision,

Interview, Jobs offers

⮚ Importance of Humans Resources – Drivers of change

In an organisation


⮚ Unique Selling point of MyCaptain

⮚ Students don’t get certificate

⮚ pandemic – lockdown- passive environment for HR interns

⮚ Leads from marketing team - Mixed of intern and mixed up


The success of Change management process largely depends upon effective planning,

establishing of objectives, communication of those objectives to the people involved in it and

establishing of the required framework to deliver the expected goals or outcomes.

The entire process of change management is carried out by the employees and the wellbeing of

these employees is the responsibility of the organisation and its Human Resource Department.
Effective management of people ensures the survival and triumph of the organisation during the

times of transformation of any nature.


The following are a few suggested strategies that will help an organisation to manage its human

resources well during change:

1. Make sure HR teams receive change management training – Sometimes HR professionals

are so busy taking care of the organization that they forget to take care of themselves. So,

training will help them perform better without facing any personal or professional loss.

2. Create a space for HR managers to discuss the changes – Senior HR leaders need to give

their teams a way to blow off some steam. One way that HR can get comfortable being

uncomfortable is through being able to talk about their frustrations in a safe environment.

3. Certification training programs on change management – Part of HR’s strategy for

managing organizational change needs to include helping the organization. HR

professionals should consider gaining an understanding of classic change management

models to provide insights on executing change efforts effectively.

4. Prepare a change management model that can be used – A benefit of receiving advanced

change management training is discovering the proven change management models that

are available. The organization can adopt one model that employees can apply in their

professional lives. HR can train employees on how to use a change management model

during orientation and onboarding, so everyone is speaking a common language.

5. Create a performance management system that allows employees to make mistakes

without it actually impacting their pay or promotional opportunities as some people learn

better learn from mistakes

6. Introduce and embrace technology – sometimes the organizational change management

initiative being undertaken will involve technology, like implementing a new system.

7. Recognise and reward efforts to manage change – Encourage employees to set stretch

goals, support their efforts, then reward them for their accomplishments. HR can bring

value to this strategy by coaching and training managers on effective

feedback techniques, and by designing rewards and recognition programs that encourage

these behaviours.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, there is a greater need for organisations and

businesses all over the world to transform the way they function for serving a changed world.

According to PwC Global, following are the five work force areas that are emerging as priorities

for business leaders:

1. Protect people: Initiate measures to help support employees physical and emotional well-

being whether at work or at home

2. Communicate effectively in global uncertainty: Lead with responsive, empathetic

communications and policies that help people feel informed and supported

3. Maintain the continuity of work: Provide the resources and support employees need in

order to be productive, especially as they adapt to working remotely

4. Assess workforce cost: Explore workforce levers to help balance the potential need to cut

costs with the desire to keep people employed

5. Prepare for recovery: Align workforce planning with the business strategy and prepare

for an evolving market in order to ramp up in a recovery.


1. Research Methodology- CR Kothari

2. Psychology – Robert A Baron

3. The theory and practice of change management – John Hayes

4. Change management – Robert A Paton

5. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JOCM-03-2014-0066/full/html

6. https://www.people-doc.com/blog/organizational-change-management-7-strategies-for-


7. https://www.employeeconnect.com/blog/hr-role-change-management/

8. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/256194664_Organizational_Change_and_Hum



9. https://smallbusiness.chron.com/can-organizational-change-affect-hr-11574.html

10. https://blog.cake.hr/best-blogs-for-hrs-these-people-write-about-industrial-psychology/

11. https://workplacepsychology.net/2016/05/09/the-link-between-industrial-organizational-


12. https://www.managementstudyguide.com/kotters-8-step-model-of-change.htm

13. https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/risk/our-insights/covid-19-implications-


14. https://www.pwc.com/gx/en/issues/crisis-solutions/covid-19.html

15. https://www.accenture.com/in-en/about/company/coronavirus-business-economic-impact

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