Badminton by Laws

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Name, Nature and Domicile

Section 1. The club shall be called _________________________

Section 2. The club shall be non-profit and non-sectarian.

Section 3. The club shall hold office at the MYDC Mangaldan, Pangasinan.


Section 1. The objectives of this club shall be:

a. To promote sportsmanship, camaraderie and unity among the

b. To promote moral, intellectual, socio-cultural and physical well-
being of every member.
c. To promote this particular sport-badminton in the grassroots level.


Section 1. Membership to this organization is voluntary and opened to all


Section 2. An application form for membership shall be accomplished by the

applicant and to be approved by the officers.

Section 3. A minimal amount of membership fee 250 shall be charged to an

applicant whose membership to the organization is approved by the officers.

Rights and Privileges of Members

Section 1. All members shall have the right to attend meetings of the club, to vote
and be voted upon as officers of the club.

Section 2. Every member shall have the right and privilege to participate in all
the competitions, trainings, and other activities sponsored by the club.
Duties and Functions of Officers

Section 1. The officers of the club shall be composed of, President, Vice
President, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor and 2 Business Managers.

Section 2. The President shall be the chief executive of the organizationan d

shall have the following duties and responsibilities;
a. call and preside over all meetings of the club
b. exercise general supervision over all other officers and members

Section 3. The Vice-President shall exercise the powers and duties of the
President in the absence of the latter.
a. assist the President in all the activities of the organization.
b. act as the coordinator or chairman in all the activities as

Section 4. The Secretary shall be the custodian of all official record of the club
and furnish pertinent information and notices to all concern.

Section 5. The treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds and properties of the
club. He shall also;
a. keep and render financial report of the organization anytime
upon authorized request
b. received and disburse the funds of the club in accordance with
the accepted auditing and accounting procedure.

Section 6. The auditor shall see to it that all financial report of disbursement
made by the treasurer are in order.

Section 7. The business manager shall represent the organization in all the
business transaction. Specifically, he/she shall, by authority of the
President enter into business transaction for/in behalf of the

Section 8. The Adviser and/or co-adviser, shall guide, direct or give

suggestions for the betterment of the club.

Section 9. Tenure : All officers shall serve for one (1) year from the day they
assume office to the day their successor takes over.

Meeting and Quorum

Section 1. The club shall hold its regular monthly meeting.

Section 2. Emergency or special meeting shall be held upon the request of the
majority or as determined by the President.

Section 3. An absolute majority (one – half plus one ) of the total members of the

body being convene shall constitute a quorum.



Section 1. The funds of the club shall come from the membership fee of every


Section 2. All monies collected from the members with the consent of the club and

all those generated or realized from the activities and/or projects under

the auspices of the club shall form part of the general fund.



Section 1. This constitution and by-laws or any provision thereof maybe amended

or repealed during a regular meeting called for the purpose and a two-

third (2/3) votes will validate the act.

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