Turbulent Fluxes-Scintillometry BLM 2006

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Boundary-Layer Meteorol (2006) 121:351–375

DOI 10.1007/s10546-006-9074-4


Methodological considerations regarding

the measurement of turbulent fluxes in the urban
roughness sublayer: the role of scintillometery

Matthias Roth · Jennifer A. Salmond ·

A. N. V. Satyanarayana

Received: 17 November 2005 / Accepted: 20 March 2006 /

Published online: 3 June 2006
© Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. 2006

Abstract We address some of the methodological challenges associated with the

measurement of turbulence and use of scintillometers in the urban roughness sub-
layer (RSL). Two small-aperture scintillometers were located near the roof inter-
face in a densely urbanized part of Basel, Switzerland, as part of the Basel Urban
Boundary-Layer Experiment (BUBBLE) in the summer of 2002. Eddy correlation
instruments were co-located near the mid-point of each scintillometer path for data
verification purposes. The study presents the first values of the inner length scale of
turbulence (l0 ) and the refractive index structure parameter of air (Cn2 ) for a city and
demonstrates the influence of mechanical driven turbulence on dissipation. Compari-
son of dissipation values determined from the two approaches show large scatter that
is possibly due to the spatial inhomogeneity of the turbulence statistics within the
RSL. Velocity and temperature spectra display a −2/3 slope in the inertial subrange,
although the spectral ratio is less than the theoretical prediction of 4/3 expected for
isotropy. Conventional Monin–Obukhov equations used to calculate fluxes from the
scintillometer were replaced with urban forms of the equations. The results suggest
that the scintillometer may be an appropriate tool for the measurement of sensible
heat flux (QH ) above the rooftops given a suitable determination of the effective
measurement height.

Keywords Monin–Obukhov similarity · Roughness sublayer · Scintillometer ·

Urban turbulence · Zero-plane displacement length

M. Roth (B)· A. N. V. Satyanarayana

Department of Geography, National University of Singapore, 1 Arts Link, Kent Ridge,
Singapore 117570
e-mail: [email protected]

J. A. Salmond
Division of Environmental Health and Risk Management, School of Geography,
Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
352 Boundary-Layer Meteorol (2006) 121:351–375

1 Introduction

The spatial heterogeneity of urban surfaces presents a particular challenge to the mea-
surement of turbulent fluxes, and is particularly true in the roughness sublayer (RSL)
close to the urban surface. Here the mosaic of rooftop and street canyon surfaces
presents a complex three-dimensional source area resulting in microscale flux fields
within and just above the urban canopy that are highly variable in space and time,
with flow fields that are influenced by the direct interaction with roughness elements.
Effects include local pressure gradients related to form drag on the obstacles and
wake production. In the upper part of the RSL above a height that is determined
by the height and spacing of the buildings (e.g. Roth 2000), the horizontal variability
disappears (in the time average) and a “constant” flux layer (surface layer) is pres-
ent where standard micrometeorological theory has been shown to apply. Because
of these complexities, most studies try to avoid this region and little is known about
the characteristics of turbulent fluxes within the RSL, nor the relative importance of
rooftop versus street canyon surfaces in determining the overall characteristics of the
urban boundary layer. This has consequences not only for our understanding of the
processes driving the urban boundary layer but also for our ability to model pollutant
dispersion pathways.
Scintillometery provides an alternative approach to obtaining more spatially repre-
sentative datasets in the RSL. Scintillometers provide a measurement of the refractive
index structure parameter of air (Cn2 ), and in the case of bichromatic instruments an
additional measurement of the inner length scale of turbulence (l0 ), integrated along
an optical path. Using standard Monin–Obukhov similarity (MOS) theory variations
in these variables can be used to calculate turbulent fluxes (e.g. Thiermann and Grassl
1992; Hill et al. 1992). The optimal path length varies according to the aperture size
of the scintillometer. For example a large-aperture scintillometer can be used over
distances of a few kilometres whilst a small-aperture scintillometer is typically used
over distances of less than 200 m. Thus scintillometery offers the ability to make
path-averaged measurements of turbulent fluxes of heat and momentum, which can
be a considerable advantage in areas where the source area is non-homogeneous.
The averaging times needed for flux calculations from a scintillometer are also
thought to be shorter compared to those based on standard eddy correlation (EC)
instruments, as a result of the increased spatial sampling of turbulent eddies (De
Bruin et al. 2002). This is particularly advantageous in heterogeneous environments
where the theoretical constraints of stationarity may not be met for prolonged peri-
ods of time. Such time-averaging benefits, however, have recently been questioned by
Andreas et al. (2003) who conclude that turbulent fluxes inferred from non-stationary
scintillometer statistics can also be uncertain.
Scintillometers have been shown to be effective instruments for the measurement
of line-averaged turbulent fluxes of heat and momentum under conditions where
the usual restrictions for the applicability of MOS apply, i.e. at sufficient heights
over homogeneous, low-roughness surfaces. Examples of the successful application
of small-aperture scintillometers (same type of sensor as used in the present study)
include Kohsiek (1982), Hill et al. (1992), Thiermann and Grassl (1992), Hill (1997),
Green et al. (1994), De Bruin et al. (2002) and Hartogensis et al. (2002).
The validity of the assumptions underlying the calculation of turbulent fluxes using
parameters measured by the scintillometer, however, may be problematic in the urban
atmosphere. MOS cannot be directly applied close to the urban surface where the flow
Boundary-Layer Meteorol (2006) 121:351–375 353

is non-stationary and the turbulence properties vary in space (Rotach 1993a; Roth
1993, 2000; Roth and Oke 1993). Further, the calculated fluxes rely on accurate mea-
surements of height above the surface. For the near-rooftop interface estimation of
this height becomes problematic and Grimmond and Oke (1999) clearly demonstrate
the difficulties associated with all currently used approaches to assigning an effective
measurement height to the urban surface.
It is therefore not surprising that only very few applications of scintillometery in
the urban atmosphere are available despite the potential benefits of this method. Pos-
sibly the first measurements were carried out over a densely built-up shopping district
of Tokyo (Kanda et al. 1997); this exploratory work was followed by observations
over a densely built-up residential neighbourhood of Tokyo (Kanda et al. 2002). Two
small-aperture scintillometers were installed at normalized heights z/zH = 3.8 and
1.9, respectively (where z is measurement height above surface and zH is the average
height of buildings). Ideally, sensors for turbulent flux measurements should be car-
ried out above the top of the RSL, i.e. within the constant flux layer if one exists, which
can be found at z/zH > 2–3 (e.g. Roth 2000). The upper measurement level in the
Tokyo experiment is therefore within the constant flux layer, whereas the lower level
is probably located near its lower boundary. Using modified forms of MOS equations
(evaluated locally rather than using the ‘rural’ ones provided by the scintillometer
software) sensible heat fluxes (QH ) obtained by the scintillometer at the top level for
a few hours on 2 days agreed well with 30-min averages from a separate EC system
located at the same height and location (scintillometer values were slightly larger
but differences were < 10% for most values). The second scintillometer at the lower
height was used to test the applicability of a new method to estimate the zero-plane
displacement length (zd ) that uses simultaneous scintillometer measurements of QH
at two different heights (Kanda et al. 2002).
Large-aperture scintillometers (LAS) were employed during 1 month in summer of
2001 as part of the ESCOMPTE project in Marseille (Lagouarde et al. 2006; Mestayer
et al. 2005). Multiple sensors were installed over the city centre of Marseille along
three different paths of approximately 2 km length, 26–53 m (z/zH = 1.5–5) above
the uneven surface consisting of old buildings and narrow streets. Output values were
sampled at 1 Hz and averaged over 15 min. Sensible heat fluxes were determined by
combining the LAS-derived surface-layer temperature scale (T∗ ) with an indepen-
dently determined friction velocity (u∗ ) from a co-located EC system and directly
from the LAS-derived temperature structure parameter (CT2 ) assuming free convec-
tion, respectively. QH measured by the two methods agreed well with each other for
unstable conditions with a slight systematic underestimation of the latter. Comparison
with independent values from EC measurements at z/zH = 2.8 along one of the paths
was also very good with the exception of a few occasions when the LAS values were
below (above) the daytime peak (nighttime) EC values. The scintillation spectra of
the urban refractive index fluctuations were also investigated by Irvine et al. (2002).
In the present study we address some of the measurement and methodological
issues associated with the use of scintillometers in the urban RSL. The past urban
applications referred to earlier have all been made in the upper part of the RSL
or higher. Further, they only report QH although 50 v small-aperture scintillometers
measure u∗ as well. Often, however, operational limitations do not allow observations
to be carried out at sufficient heights that avoid the RSL, and the momentum flux is a
fundamental atmospheric property needed in a wide range of applications. Scintillom-
etery relies on MOS theory, which, however, is violated close to an inhomogeneous
354 Boundary-Layer Meteorol (2006) 121:351–375

surface and theoretically makes this approach invalid in the RSL. On the other hand
a number of urban studies have shown that MOS can still be used in the RSL with
modified empirical constants (e.g. Rotach 1993b; Roth 1993; Roth and Oke 1993;
Feigenwinter et al. 1999). It is therefore worthwhile trying to evaluate the feasibil-
ity of this approach in the RSL because it offers a range of potential advantages
as mentioned above. The observations for this study were made very close to the
urban surface located in an area of extreme flow heterogeneity across the top of a
street canyon and along the adjacent rooftops. These two facets are the dominant
components of the urban surface. Modified forms of the MOS equations are obtained
from EC data and used to calculate the scintillometer quantities QH and u∗ . The
zero-plane displacement length (zd ) and effective measurement height (z = z − zd )
are estimated using various morphometric approaches based on fetch and source area

2 Theoretical background

The particular bichromatic, small-aperture scintillometer used in the present study

(Scintec SLS20, referred to as SLS from here onwards) measures l0 and Cn2 from
which the dissipation for turbulent kinetic energy (TKE), ε, and temperature struc-
ture parameter, CT2 , can be directly determined. Here, l0 is linked to ε through
ε = v3 , (1)

where ν is the kinematic viscosity of air. CT2 can be written as

CT2 = Cn2 , (2)

where p is the air pressure, T is the air temperature and γ is a constant. Equation (2)
ignores the humidity contributions, which, however, are small in the urban environ-
ment where the Bowen ratio is typically much larger than unity.
The non-dimensional forms for ε and CT2 are given by

kz ε
φε = , (3)
CT2 (kz )2/3
φCT = , (4)

where k is the von Karman constant (here taken as 0.4). CT2 can be related to the
dissipation rate of heat, N ∗ and ε by (Corrsin 1951)

CT2 = 4β1 N ∗ ε −1/3 , (5)

where β1 = 0.86 (Obukhov–Corrsin constant), which can be transformed into a

non-dimensional form (Thiermann and Grassl 1992)

φCT = 4β1 φN φε−1/3 (6)

Boundary-Layer Meteorol (2006) 121:351–375 355

N ∗ kz
φN = . (7)
u∗ T∗2

Here, u∗ and T∗ are calculated using an iterative solution to the following equations:
u2∗ =v 2
kz2/3 φε−2/3 (ζ ) , (8)
 2/3 −1
T∗2 = CT2 kz φCT (ζ ) , (9)
Tv u2∗
Lv = , (10)

where Lv is the Obukhov length, ζ = z /Lv , Tv is the virtual temperature and g is the
acceleration due to gravity.
The momentum and sensible heat fluxes follow from

τ = −ρu2∗ , (11)

QH = −ρcp u∗ T∗ , (12)

where ρ is density of air and cp is specific heat of air.

φε and φCT are calculated using MOS theory. The software provided with the SLS
uses the following forms of the MOS equations for unstable conditions (Thiermann
and Grassl 1992):

φε (ζ ) = (1 − 3ζ )−1 − ζ , (ζ < 0) (13)

φCT (ζ ) = 4β1 1 − 7ζ + 75 (ζ )2 . (ζ < 0) (14)

Equations (13) and (14) differ slightly from the corresponding similarity equations
proposed by Wyngaard et al. (1971) and Wyngaard (1973) and employed in studies
by e.g. Green et al. (1994) and Andreas et al. (2003) of the form (assuming k = 0.35):
φε (ζ ) = 1 + 0.5 |ζ |2/3 , (−2 ≤ ζ ≤ 0) (15)
φCT (ζ ) = 4.9 (1 + 7 |ζ |) . (ζ < 0) (16)

Equations (13) and (14) are also preferred by Hill (1997) using supporting evidence
from Frenzen and Vogel (1992) and Vogel and Frenzen (1992) for the lower φε values
observed closer to neutral stability that are not captured by Equation (15). Given the
differences associated with these homogeneous surface-layer forms and the fact that
a priori there is no reason why MOS should apply in the urban atmosphere close to
the buildings [where parameters such as building height may influence the structure
of turbulence and where fluxes are not constant with height], urban-specific forms of
the MOS equations are calculated from EC data observed at the present site (Section
4.3). These newly developed urban forms will be compared to those obtained by EC
techniques and employed in the scintillometery work of Kanda et al. (2002) using
suburban dissipation data from Tokyo and Vancouver, Canada,
356 Boundary-Layer Meteorol (2006) 121:351–375

φε (ζ ) = (1 − 10.5ζ )−1 − ζ , (−3 < ζ < 0) (17)

φN (ζ ) = 0.68 (1 − 9.69ζ ) , (−3 < ζ < 0) (18)
φCT (ζ ) = 4β1 0.68 (1 − 9.69ζ )−1/2 (1 − 10.5ζ )−1 − ζ . (−3 < ζ < 0) (19)

Dissipation values can also be calculated from the high-frequency end of spectra
obtained by fast-response turbulence sensors. The following equations are based on
predictions for the inertial subrange of turbulence spectra (e.g. Kaimal et al. 1972):

ε = n Su,v,w (n) (2πn/U) A3/2 , (20)
N ∗ = [n ST (n)] (2πn/U)2/3 ε 1/3 B−1
T , (21)

where n is natural frequency (in s−1 ), S is spectral energy density, u, v, w are longitu-
dinal, transverse and vertical velocity components, T is temperature, U is mean wind
speed, A is a universal constant for the inertial subrange (0.73 for v and w and 0.55
for u) and BT = 0.78 is a constant analogous to A.
As can be seen from the equations above, MOS theory is inherently reliant on
the accurate specification of zd , which depends on the size, shape, distribution and
density of the roughness elements in an urban area. It can be calculated either using
morphometric techniques that use measurements of surface dimensions and geome-
try, or micrometeorological techniques that rely on the use of field observations and
the logarithmic wind profile (Grimmond and Oke 1999). Although Grimmond and
Oke outline a variety of different approaches for the estimation of zd , there is little
consensus in the literature as to the most reliable technique and both approaches have
limitations. For our purposes we draw upon a variety of morphometric techniques for
the estimation of zd . This is discussed further in Section 3.2.

3 Experimental

3.1 Site description and instrumentation

The experiment took place in Basel, Switzerland as part of BUBBLE (Basel Urban
Boundary-Layer Experiment), which was a year-long project to investigate in detail
the boundary-layer structure over a European city. Measurements of energy fluxes,
turbulence statistics, boundary-layer profiles and a tracer experiment were conducted
during an intensive observation period (IOP) at several sites with different urban
and rural characteristics in summer 2002 (see Rotach et al. 2005 for more details).
The particular site used for the present study (Basel–Sperrstrasse) is characterized
by urban land-use and made up of street canyons bounded by mainly 3–4 storey res-
idential buildings (Fig. 1). The following morphometric data for this particular site
were determined from a high-resolution 3D model of the city for a circle of diameter
250 m on the site: zH = 14.6 m; standard deviation of building height (σzH ) = 6.9 m;
plan aspect ratio (λp : plan area of roughness elements relative to total surface area)
= 0.54; mean frontal aspect ratio (λf : frontal area of roughness elements ‘seen’ by
the oncoming wind relative to total surface area) = 0.37; complete aspect ration (λc :
total surface of roughness elements exposed to airflow relative to total surface area)
= 1.92; local street canyon aspect ratio at tower base (λs : height to width ratio) = 1
(Rotach et al. 2005).
Boundary-Layer Meteorol (2006) 121:351–375 357

Fig. 1 Photograph showing location of scintillometer paths (white line—rooftops; black line—can-
yon-top) and location of sonic anemometers near the mid-point of the respective path (white arrow—
rooftops; black arrow—canyon-top)

For the purpose of the present study two SLS instruments were placed in close
proximity to the main instrumented tower at the Sperrstrasse site (Fig. 1). This tower
was located near the mid-point of the block that was considered representative of the
urban core of Basel, in an area of the city characterized by relatively uniform land use.
The tower was instrumented with sonic anemometers at z = 3.6, 11.3, 14.7, 17.9, 22.4
and 31.7 m on booms extending towards the middle of the street canyon. A further
sonic anemometer was located 11.3 m above canyon floor, 0.65 m from the north wall
of the canyon. One SLS was mounted just below roof level diagonally across the
Sperrstrasse street canyon at 13.5 m above street level (z/zH = 0.92). The mid-point
of the optical path (length = 116 m) roughly coincided with the sonic anemometer
(Gill R2) mounted on the tower at z = 14.7 m (z/zH = 1.01). The second SLS was
located 19.3 m above street level (z/zH = 1.32) about 3–5 m above the irregular roof
height along the north side of the Sperrstrasse canyon. The mid-point of the optical
path (length = 171 m) coincided with a further sonic anemometer (Campbell Scien-
tific CSAT) located at t = 19.3 m (3.5 m above local roof height) on the rooftop. Due
to practical considerations, the end of both the street canyon and rooftop SLS paths
crossed a road intersection. However, given that the SLS turbulence functions are cal-
culated using a weighted bell-shaped curve that places emphasis on observations made
near the middle of the beam, conditions close to both the receiver and transmitter
have little effect on the calculated turbulence parameters.
358 Boundary-Layer Meteorol (2006) 121:351–375

The sonic anemometer output was recorded at about 20 Hz and averaged over
30 min. The raw data were rotated into the mean horizontal wind and linear de-trend-
ing was performed to calculate (co)spectra, fluxes and other turbulence statistics.
Density and temperature variance corrections were applied where applicable (Webb
et al. 1980; Liu et al. 2001). Care was taken to exclude data from wind directions with
the potential for flow interference due to the tower or other sensors mounted upwind.
Cases with very low sensible heat flux densities (0–5 W m−2 ), wind speeds (usually
< 0.1 m s−1 ) and vertical flow angles > |30| deg (necessary for canyon location only)
were also excluded. The SLS calculates turbulence statistics with an averaging time
of 1 min. Thirty 1-min fluxes were further averaged to provide one 30-min average
that corresponds to the sonic flux-averaging period. Due to spatial averaging, 1-min
SLS statistics are thought to be sufficient for the representation of fluxes (De Bruin
et al. 2002) and are probably not very different from 30-min averages calculated from
raw data. This is unlike fluxes measured using the standard EC approach that rely
on longer averaging periods. Prior to the experiment the two scintillometers were
compared at a grassland site and showed good agreement (30-min averages were
within 5% of each other). Periods when the diagnostic software of the scintillometer
reported less then 80% error free data in the computation of the 1-min statistics were
eliminated, and were usually associated with rain events.
Data were collected during the summertime BUBBLE IOP between 26 June and
12 July 2002. During this period the mean air temperature was 20◦ C and rainfall
(mostly from thunderstorms) was 65 mm. Winds 10 m above zH were on average
2.0 m s−1 (Christen and Vogt 2004). Figure 2 shows the distribution of wind speed and
direction at the two measurement levels. The rooftop level experiences the typical
distribution of wind directions at this site due to the particular thermal circulation in
the Rhine valley with daytime (nighttime) winds primarily from the western through
to the northern sectors (eastern through southern sectors). Canyon-top winds are
generally weaker and exhibit some channelling of the flow along the canyon axis with
the nighttime winds from the eastern sector.

Fig. 2 Frequency distribution of wind direction and speeds of observations used in present analysis
above (a) rooftops and (b) canyon. Solid line—canyon axis
Boundary-Layer Meteorol (2006) 121:351–375 359

Table 1 Summary of zero-plane displacement length (zd ) and effective measurement heights (z =
z − zd ) from a number of morphometric approaches

Study Canyon scintillometer (EC) Roof scintillometer and EC

z zH zd z zd zdH zd z

Grimmond and Oke (1999) 13.5 (14.7) 14.6 11.7a 1.8 (3.0) 9.3 7 5.6a 3.7
Bottema (1995) 13.5 (14.7) 14.6 10.1b 3.4 (4.6) 9.3 7 4.7c 4.6
Raupach (1994) 13.5 (14.7) 14.6 9 4.5 (5.7) 9.3 7 4.3 5
MacDonald et al. (1998) 13.5 (14.7) 14.6 11.6 1.9 (3.1) 9.3 7 5.6 3.7
Christen et al. (2004) 13.5 (14.7) 14.6 – 5.5 (5.5) – – – –
Present study 13.5 (14.7) 14.6 10.6 3.4 (4.4) 9.3 7 5 4.3
The present value is the average of all values for the canyon-top and rooftop positions, respectively.
z — sensor height, zH — average height of buildings
a coefficient = 0.8, b porosity = 0.5, c porosity = 0.8, d after allowing 10 m for courtyard infill (see text)

3.2 Estimates of zd for the canyon and rooftop source areas

In surface-layer scaling, the dominant length scale is the distance above the effective
surface, which in the urban case needs to take into account the existence of zd . This
scaling, however, fails in the RSL because the turbulence properties also depend on
the characteristics and dimensions of the surface roughness elements and it is proba-
ble that zd varies spatially. A further complication in the RSL is the inapplicability of
aerodynamic methods to estimate zd in a region where the logarithmic shape of the
neutral wind profile is not given (Rotach 1993a). Morphometeric methods, which rely
on simple surface description and do not require wind observations to estimate zd ,
have been shown to be useful over a variety of rough surfaces (Grimmond and Oke
1999) and will therefore be employed in the present study.
Application of the various morphometric approaches to our sites results in a range
of zd values (Table 1). The standard ‘rule of thumb’ (Grimmond and Oke 1999),
equates zd to a fraction of mean zH , and for high-density sites Grimmond and Oke
suggest a coefficient of about 0.8. This value assumes skimming flow, which should be
the case for the present site with a canyon height-to-width (H/W) ratio > 1. Other
methods in Table 1 take into consideration the areal fraction and height of different
land-use types (Bottema 1995), frontal aspect ratio (Raupach 1994) and plan aspect
ratio (MacDonald et al. 1998) and produce values of similar magnitude. For the can-
yon-top location an additional method by Christen et al. (2004) was used. They suggest
a constant z value for any level within the canyon that is computed as half the canyon
width or the radius of the largest eddy that fits into it. Their approach is supported by
the fact that the peak frequencies of TKE spectra and Eulerian length scales do not
vary significantly with height within the canyon (Christen et al. 2004).
The characteristics of the source area in the immediate vicinity of the rooftop sen-
sors make the use of the morphometric approaches difficult. Using the FSAM source
area model (Schmid 1994) as a guide, the dominant source area for the rooftop site
was shown to be located within 10–200 m of the instrument. Figure 1 illustrates that
this includes roof surfaces, street surfaces and the surrounding courtyards, many of
which include lower height buildings. In some wind direction sectors street canyons
account for as little as 3% (mean 16%) of the total land cover, whilst the courtyard
buildings account for up to 50% (mean 25%) of the land area (Table 2). This suggests
360 Boundary-Layer Meteorol (2006) 121:351–375

Table 2 Percentage land cover within a 200-m radius of the site calculated using a simple land classi-
fication scheme with four categories (buildings, courtyard infill, tree cover and street canyon surfaces)
for each of the eight wind sectors

Sector Buildings Courtyard infill Trees Street canyon and courtyard surfaces
h = 17 m h = 10 m h = 1–10 m h = 0m

1 North 50 17 13 20
2 North-east 73 9 13 5
3 East 53 17 17 13
4 South-east 38 52 7 3
5 South 33 49 10 8
6 South-west 33 30 13 23
7 West 63 17 10 10
8 North-west 53 12 6 28
Mean (%) 50 25 9 16

that the reference surface for the calculation of zd for the 17 m buildings under the
SLS path is not dominated by street level surfaces but by surfaces 10 m above ground
at the height of the courtyard buildings and treetops. The actual sensor and building
heights were therefore reduced by 10 m.
Because no one approach can be expected to yield the “correct” zd and hence z
value, the average from the various approaches was used in the calculations. The range
of values is reasonably small at the rooftop level but larger at canyon-top (Table 1).
Considering the differences in the approaches used, some variability can be expected
and, given the sensitivity of the scintillometer-derived fluxes to z , will introduce some
uncertainty into the results. In the absence of an accepted method to determine z in
the present environment, taking an average value from a number of approaches is the
preferred procedure. The final z values for the canyon SLS and sonic anemometer are
3.4 and 4.4 m, respectively and 4.3 m for the sensors above the roofs. The latter were
located about 3.5 m above the local roof surface. If the assumption was made that the
roof surface was completely homogeneous (with no roughness elements) an effective
measurement height close to the roof surface would be assumed. Given the nature of
the probability density function contours, the parameters measured by the SLS are
weighted more towards the middle of the path, which stresses contributions from the
roof. Contributions from the streets, courtyards and convection off the vertical walls
on the other hand will lower the effective measurement height somewhat to below the
local roof height. Hence a value that corresponds to about the mean building height
for the area seems to be a reasonable estimate.

4 Results

Close to the urban surface the flow is highly directional and inhomogeneous with
wakes just above and behind buildings and other structures and preferential flow
directions induced by the geometry and arrangement of canyons. Several studies have
shown that turbulence characteristics in the RSL do not necessarily obey MOS, which
is the preferred framework for analysis and presentation of turbulence statistics in
the homogeneous surface layer. The same applies for the dissipation of TKE and
Boundary-Layer Meteorol (2006) 121:351–375 361

heat and the temperature structure parameter whose non-dimensional forms (Eqs.
(3), (7) and (6)) are needed to calculate the sensible heat and momentum fluxes using
scintillometery (see Eqs. (13)–(16) for some commonly used surface-layer forms).
The following sections investigate some of the turbulence statistics needed for, and
assumptions underlying, the application of scintillometery in the urban RSL. Where
possible the present results are compared to data from other urban studies and the
homogeneous surface layer.

4.1 Spectral shapes and calculation of dissipation values

Dissipation values can be determined from the spectral density estimates in the iner-
tial subrange of the respective velocity and temperature spectra (e.g. Kaimal and
Finnigan 1994; Roth 1993 for urban applications). An inertial subrange exists if the
following three conditions apply. First, spectra presented in log–log coordinates and
using non-dimensional frequency f (= nz /U) are characterized by a constant −2/3
slope in the inertial subrange. The turbulence in this range is assumed to be isotro-
pic (locally in wavenumber space). Second, there is a 4/3 ratio between the spectral
densities of the transverse (v and w) and streamwise (u) velocity components as a
consequence of local isotropy. Third, cospectral levels vanish in the inertial subrange.
A correct estimation of dissipation rates is only possible in an undisturbed inertial
subrange where local isotropy exists and Taylor’s hypothesis is applicable.
The existence of local isotropy was assessed by evaluating the ratio of spectral
densities and the high-frequency slope of the spectra. The ratio between the spec-
tral densities of the w and u components in the frequency range where the dis-
sipation values were determined is lower than the theoretical homogeneous sur-
face layer ratio of 4/3 (Table 3). This is the case for the present as well as previous
(sub)urban studies, irrespective of the height within the RSL. No dependence on
wind speed and direction or stability could be seen in the present data. Isotropy is
generally also violated within vegetation canopies where ratios have been found to
vary between 0.94 and 1.7 (Kaimal and Finnigan 1994), and lower than predicted
ratios are also found in less rough environments too. Mestayer (1982), for example,
concludes that, as a general rule, local isotropy and the 4/3 ratio are not attained
for measurements within the homogeneous surface-layer inertial subrange. High-
frequency X-wire anemometer measurements reviewed by Mestayer show ratios of
about 1.1 in the inertial subrange and the 4/3 ratio is not attained until f > 20, i.e.
frequencies close to the dissipation range of spectra. A possible explanation for spec-
trum ratio convergence to a lower value (in fact 1.0 at the low frequency end of
the inertial subrange (Biltoft 2001) has been proposed by Henjes (1998). She sug-
gests that, for the Taylor transform to be applicable, the averaging time used for
the evaluation of the spectra should not exceed the EC decay time, which is usually
much less and on the order of seconds. This might be much shorter than current
For Taylor’s hypothesis to apply, it is necessary that the turbulence is stationary and
homogeneous in the along-wind direction, conditions that are rarely fulfilled in the
urban environment, especially close to the urban canopy. Strong vertical wind shear,
for example, will generally distort the eddies. Willis and Deardorff (1976) suggest
that Taylor’s hypothesis becomes inapplicable if turbulent intensities exceed 0.5. The
corresponding values for the present observations are 0.5 and 0.65 for the rooftop and
canyon-top locations, respectively.
362 Boundary-Layer Meteorol (2006) 121:351–375

Table 3 Summary of inertial subrange statistics for (sub)urban studies

Study z/zH Sw /Su Slope f n (s−1 ) Comments

Rotach (1991) 1.55 0.8 > −2/3 3 ∼ 0.6a

1.27 0.8, 1.1 > −2/3 3 Urban (slope for
u, v, and w)
0.91 0.6 > −2/3 3
0.71 0.75, 1.1 > −2/3 3.5, 11
Roth and Oke
(1993) 2.62 1.1–1.2 −2/3 2.5–5 ∼ 0.3 − 0.6a Suburban (slope
for u, v, and w)
Christen et al.
(2004) 2.17 1.14 > −2/3 ∼ 0.9 − 9a 0.1 – 1
1.23 1.03 > −2/3 ∼ 0.5 − 5a 0.1 – 1 Urban (slope for u)
1.01 1.15 > −2/3 ∼ 0.5 − 5a 0.1 – 1
0.77 1.05 > −2/3 ∼ 0.6 − 6a 0.1 – 1
Present study 1.32 1.11 (0.8–1.4) –2/3 3–6 ∼ 1.1 − 2.3a Urban (slope for w)
1.01 1.14 (0.7–1.5) –2/3 4 – 10 ∼ 0.8 − 2.1a
S—spectral energy density, u—longitudinal velocity, w—vertical velocity, f — non-dimensional fre-
quency, n—natural frequency, z—sensor height, zH —average height of buildings
a Based on estimated effective measuring height and average wind speed (where available)

The present w and T spectra show well-defined −2/3 slopes within the inertial
subrange at both locations and for various stability conditions (Fig. 3). Other urban
data, for which simultaneous values for the spectral ratio and the slope are available,
show slower high-frequency roll-off compared to the theoretical prediction of −2/3
(Table 3). The slope of the velocity spectra are affected by the extra physical pro-
cesses that operate in the urban RSL. The conversion of kinetic energy of the mean
flow to turbulent energy by the wake production mechanism produces eddies with a
range of scales that is determined by the dimensions of the roughness elements and
depends on the nature of the surface morphology; a range of time and length scales
may be associated with these processes. The result will be higher spectral levels (i.e.
smaller roll-off) within the inertial subrange if small production rates still exist at
these frequencies. This has, for example, been observed in plant canopies. Kaimal and
Finnigan (1994) note that here the aerodynamic drag is most efficient in extracting
energy from the u component, which ensures that the v and w fluctuations will be
boosted at the expense of u fluctuations. A sample of present and past (sub)urban
observations, however, shows all components to be equally affected (Fig. 3; Table 3).
The present data experience no or little contamination of the inertial subrange where
small-scale turbulence production rates are insignificant compared to the size of the
energy input at larger scales. Any effect on the calculation of the dissipation values
(Sect. 4.2) and the non-dimensional dissipation functions (Sect. 4.3) should therefore
also be small.

4.2 Basic scintillometer statistics and comparison of scintillometer

and eddy-correlation dissipation values

The basic variables measured by the SLS are l0 and Cn2 from which the turbulent fluxes
are derived. Figure 4 shows the variation of these two variables together with ε and
U. Generally l0 is inversely related to U, reaching values of up to 9 mm at both levels.
Boundary-Layer Meteorol (2006) 121:351–375 363

Fig. 3 Normalized spectra for near neutral (−0.1 < z /Lv < 0) (left column) and unstable (z /Lv <
−1) (right column) conditions of w and T measured above (a) – (d) rooftop (z/zH = 1.32) and (e)–(h)
canyon (z/zH = 1.01) plotted against non-dimensional frequency on a log-log plot. The short dark
solid lines indicate the −2/3 slope and range over which dissipation values have been calculated (see
text for more details). The thick solid lines are averages of the individual spectra (crosses); the thin
solid lines are a model based on rural reference data evaluated at z /Lv = −0.005 in (a) and (e) and
z /Lv = −1, in (b) and (f) (Panofsky et al. 1977; Højstrup 1981) and for slightly unstable conditions
in (c), (d), (g) and (h) (Anderson and Verma 1985)

High wind speeds increase the dissipation rate of TKE, where typical ε values are
< 0.05 m2 s−3 above the rooftops and larger values of up to 0.11 m2 s−3 are possible
above the canyon, highlighting the influence of the mechanically driven turbulence on
TKE production and dissipation. Typically Cn2 values have a maximum around noon,
when QH is highest, with higher values observed above the rooftops. Although these
periods are often associated with increasing wind speeds, the urban area is still able
364 Boundary-Layer Meteorol (2006) 121:351–375

Fig. 4 Time series of 30-min averages of mean wind speed (U), inner length scale (l0 ), dissipation
(ε), and refractive index structure parameter structure (Cn2 ) for July 3–13, 2002, measured above (a)
rooftops (z/zH = 1.32) and (b) canyon (z/zH = 1.01)

to maintain large vertical temperature gradients and hence high sensible heat fluxes
during these times.
EC dissipation rates can be estimated from all three velocity components, and
Fig. 5a and c compare the ε values derived from the u and w components. Scatter is
small at both measurement levels but the rooftop values based on the u spectra are
systematically larger compared to those obtained from the w spectra. The same trend
is seen above the canyon for small values. Dissipation rates based on v spectra were
usually slightly smaller than those based on the w component (not shown). Differ-
ences in ε values may be due to different spectral densities in the inertial subrange,
i.e. the 4/3 ratio between the transverse and streamwise velocity components is not
attained, indicating an absence of local isotropy as already noted above (Table 3).
This is despite the fact that the u spectra exhibit a well-defined −2/3 slope in the
inertial subrange (not shown). Dissipation values based on the w spectra were chosen
for the present study, mainly because they lay between those from the u and v spectra.
In addition the spectral energy distribution of the vertical wind component is shifted
towards higher frequencies and smaller eddies should reach local equilibrium faster
and result in less distortion of the spectral shape.
Boundary-Layer Meteorol (2006) 121:351–375 365

Fig. 5 Scatter plot of 30-min averages of dissipation values obtained from EC spectra of vertical
(w) and longitudinal (u) velocity and from scintillometer (SLS) above (a)–(b) rooftops and (c)–(d)
canyon. R2 —correlation coefficient; MEC_w —mean of EC values based on w spectra, MEC_u —mean
of EC values based on u spectra, MSLS —mean of SLS values. (b) and (d) only include data from
periods with concurrent EC and SLS measurements

To estimate the influence of the location of the frequency range within which ε is
calculated the present results from above the rooftops have been compared to re-cal-
culated values for the range f = 1.3–4 where slopes are slightly less than the inertial
subrange prediction (Fig. 3a–d). Differences were small with average values 4% (1%)
lower for ε (N ∗ ) and individual ε and N ∗ values differed by less than ±20%. This is a
further indication that the calculation of the dissipation values is relatively insensitive
to the shape of the spectral slope.
Present and previous urban work has illustrated the various issues associated with
the applicability of MOS close to the urban canopy. Comparing ε values from the
SLS and EC systems (Eqs. (1) and (20)) provides the only direct comparison of
the two different approaches that is independent of MOS scaling. ε derived from the
SLS is generally smaller compared to ε derived from EC above the rooftops but the
reverse is true over the canyon (Fig. 5b, d). Even for the homogeneous surface layer
Hartogenesis et al. (2002) point to the possibility of a systematic underestimation
at high values of ε by the SLS arising from the particular value used for the beam
displacement distance in the SLS software. Additional uncertainty at the canyon-top
366 Boundary-Layer Meteorol (2006) 121:351–375

level arises because of the different effective heights of the two sensors (Table 1).
Since the height variation of ε is unknown within the canyon a correction was not
attempted. Given that the height difference is small and turbulence properties are well
mixed in the upper part of a canyon this effect is likely to be small. The large scatter
in the present data, however, cannot only be attributed to the completely different
techniques used. Given the spatial inhomogeneity of the RSL, in particular close to
the surface, the different source areas that are associated with line average and point
statistics will have an influence on the comparison. For example, the TKE dissipation
associated with the canyon walls will contribute to the SLS observations but be missed
by the EC sensor whose source area is smaller.

4.3 Calculation of urban forms of the MOS equations using eddy correlation data

The non-dimensional dissipation functions for TKE (φε ), temperature variance (φN )
and structure parameter for temperature (φCT ) based on the EC observations for the
rooftop and canyon locations are presented in Figures 6 and 7. The scatter in the data
is large, especially above the canyon. Functions have been fitted through median aver-
ages determined at equally spaced intervals along the log −z /Lv axis (local scaling
is used, i.e. all variables are measured locally). The present φε fit for the canyon-top
location is, as expected, close to that from a longer dataset consisting of hourly aver-
ages presented by Christen et al. (2004) with the exception of the near-neutral range
where, however, only few data points are available (Fig. 7a). At both heights the φε
empirical fits deviate from previous urban observations. The prominent dip observed
between z /Lv = −0.5 and −0.1 in the urban results based on two suburban sites
at z/zH > 2.5 (Kanda et al. 2002) is less pronounced in the present data above the
rooftops (Fig. 6a) and absent over the canyon (Fig. 7a). Compared to results from the
homogeneous surface layer agreement at the rooftop location is good at neutral and
near-neutral stability but the present results become increasingly larger as instability
increases (Fig. 6a). The canyon-top data are generally smaller (larger) at near-neutral
(moderate) instability (Fig. 7a).
It is not surprising that the canyon-top φε data show the strongest deviations from
the reference. The interface where the exchange of the canyon air and the above-can-
yon flow occurs is dynamically unstable, influenced by wake shedding off the nearby
roofs and rooftop structures and as a consequence characterized by the absence of a
logarithmic wind profile. The results suggest φε < 1 near the top of the canyon under
neutral and near-neutral conditions (Fig. 7a), implying an absence of equilibrium
between production and dissipation of TKE i.e. turbulence is generated more rapidly
than it is dissipated locally. Similar results have been observed over suburban surfaces
at 2.6 < z/zH < 3.8 (Clarke et al. 1982; Roth and Oke 1993; Kanda et al. 2002)
at near-neutral and slightly unstable conditions but also close to the surface in the
homogeneous rural surface layer (e.g. Oncley et al. 1996; Frenzen and Vogel 2001). In
regions of active production of turbulence, transfer along the energy cascade towards
the local dissipation scales may become saturated thereby increasing the imbalance
between production and dissipation (Frenzen and Vogel 2001). Near the top of the
canyon TKE is likely to be transported away to higher or lower, less productive levels
and hence will not be available for local dissipation, as shown by Christen et al. (2004)
based on an analysis of all components of the TKE balance.
The urban values for φN increase strongly towards −z /Lv = 0.0 (Figs. 6b, 7b). This
is expected given the results from previous urban experiments, which show that T∗
Boundary-Layer Meteorol (2006) 121:351–375 367

Fig. 6 Non-dimensional dissipation functions measured above rooftops (z/zH = 1.32) for (a) TKE,
(b) temperature variance and (c) structure parameter for temperature plotted against non-dimen-
sional stability parameter. Filled (open) circles are median values of calculations using w (u) spectra;
error bars indicate the range between the 25% and 75 % quartiles. Black solid line is the fit through
w median values, dashed line is the fit to urban data (Kanda et al., 2002), and gray solid lines are a
rural reference given in (b) as φN (ζ ) = 0.74 (1 − 9ζ )−1/2 (Wyngaard and Coté 1971)
368 Boundary-Layer Meteorol (2006) 121:351–375

Fig. 7 Same as Fig. 5 but above canyon (z/zH = 1.01). Dotted line is the fit to urban data from the
present experiment but for a longer time period (Christen et al. 2004)
Boundary-Layer Meteorol (2006) 121:351–375 369

tends towards zero when conditions are close to neutral (Roth 2000). However, this
feature was not captured by past φN variations for urban environments (φN values are
0.7 at z /Lv = 0). Thus the revised forms of the equations for φN at the present site
provide an improved approximation. At larger instabilities the present urban form
of the equation is systematically larger compared to the rural and urban references
above the rooftops but similar above the canyon.
The resulting form of φCT (Eq. (6)) for the rooftop values is larger, in particular
towards neutral conditions (Fig. 6c) because the higher values of φN are not cancelled
out by slightly lower φε values. φCT values for the canyon top are similar to those of
the reference equations for near-neutral and unstable stratification (Fig. 7c).
The scatter observed in the data is in part a consequence of the inhomogeneity of
the flow and hence fetch characteristics. To investigate the potential dependence of
turbulence characteristics on flow direction in respect to the canyon orientation the
data were divided into eight groups, each representing a 45 degree wind direction
sector. The majority of the data are from wind directions parallel to the canyon (i.e.
45–90◦ and 225–270◦ ) and small angles to the canyon (270–315◦ ), respectively. Rela-
tively few data points are available for flow perpendicular to the canyon (Fig. 2). No
trends could be observed between individual sectors and any systematic differences
were masked by the large degree of scatter shown by the data. The results presented
above are therefore based on all data points from all sectors.
The following equations are empirical fits to the data shown in Figures 6 and 7 and
will be used in the calculation of the SLS statistics in Section 4.4 (the respective φCT
equations follow from Eq. (6)):
Rooftop (z/zH = 1.32):
φε (ζ ) = (0.93 − 5.4ζ )−1.1 − 2ζ , (−2 < ζ ≤ −0.001) (22)
φN (ζ ) = 1.42 (−0.03 − 24ζ ) , (−2 ≤ ζ ≤ −0.005) (23)

φCT (ζ ) = 3.44 1.42(−0.03 − 24ζ )
× (0.93 − 5.4ζ )−1.1 − 2ζ . (−2 < ζ ≤ −0.005) (24)

Canyon-top (z/zH = 1.01):

φε (ζ ) = 0.38+1.9 |ζ |0.8 , (−5 < ζ ≤ −0.01) (25)
φN (ζ ) = 0.8 (1.1 − 4ζ ) , (−5 < ζ ≤ −0.01) (26)
φCT (ζ ) = 3.44 0.8 (1.1 − 4ζ )−0.75 0.38 + 1.9 |ζ |0.8 . (−5 < ζ ≤ −0.01) (27)

4.4 Applying the new urban forms of MOS equations to the scintillometer heat
and momentum fluxes

One of the objectives of the present study is to comment on the use of the SLS to mea-
sure the turbulent fluxes of sensible heat and momentum (i.e. friction velocity) in the
urban RSL. The comparison of QH and u∗ as determined from optical scintillation with
those measured directly by EC for the two locations is shown in Fig. 8. Considering
the different methods and assumptions involved, the comparison is very good for QH
above the rooftops (Fig. 8a); SLS values are slightly higher in the case of very low and
high fluxes, respectively. One limitation of scintillometery is that there is no means of
distinguishing between a positive and a negative heat flux. However, given that the EC
370 Boundary-Layer Meteorol (2006) 121:351–375

Fig. 8 Scatter plot of 30-min averages of sensible heat flux (QH ) and friction velocity (u∗ ) obtained
from EC and scintillometer (SLS) above (a)–(b) rooftops and (c)–(d) canyon. R2 — correlation coeffi-
cient; MEC – mean of EC values, MSLS —mean of SLS values

heat fluxes remain positive throughout the night (which is usual for an urban surface)
this is unlikely to account for the differences observed at low values. Replacing the
homogeneous surface-layer MOS functions (Eqs. (13) and (14)) in the SLS software
with the new urban forms developed above results in a slightly improved correlation
with the EC fluxes and a reduction of the mean error from 22.6 to 9.2 W m−2 (not
shown). The agreement is similar to that observed during detailed comparisons over
rural surfaces by Thiermann and Grassl (1992) for 15 < QH < 160 W m−2 , Weiss et
al. (2001) and Weiss (2002) for 20 < QH < 140 W m−2 and slightly worse compared
to the limited urban dataset by Kanda et al. (2002) for −20 < QH < 180 W m−2 .
Above the canyon correlation between the two methods to measure QH is reduced.
SLS values are again larger compared to the EC results if magnitudes are low but
the reverse is true for large fluxes (Fig. 8c). This is similar to the urban results of
Lagouarde et al. (2006) who also reported higher QH values from the LAS compared
to the EC during nighttime when fluxes are small. Small fluxes are associated with
near-neutral conditions occurring at night. It is possible that the differences are due
to the increased spatial sampling along the optical scintillometer path, since scintillo-
meters are capable of measuring sensible heat flux contributions from e.g. the canyon
Boundary-Layer Meteorol (2006) 121:351–375 371

walls that the EC sensor would miss. This is explored more fully in Salmond et al.
Agreement for u∗ is less at both levels although the mean error (especially above
the roofs) is relatively small (Fig. 8b, d). The SLS values tend to be larger (smaller)
compared to the EC observations for small (large) values, where small (large) u∗
values are generally associated with very unstable (near-neutral) conditions. The lack
of correlation is largely a product of the high degree of scatter associated with the
calculation of φε due to the reasons mentioned earlier. The lack of agreement between
ε determined by the two methods (Fig. 5b, d) is responsible for a similar lack of agree-
ment for u∗ since the latter is directly related to ε and hence φε (Eq. (3)). QH is more
robust because it is calculated from φCT and dependence on φε is less (Eq. (6)).
A number of studies have commented on the difficulties of calculating u∗ using
scintillometery. De Bruin et al. (2002) and Hartogensis et al. (2002) also reported
a small systematic underestimation (overestimation) for high (low) u∗ values, which
they were able to minimize by using a model to correct for random noise and inac-
tive turbulence and by adjusting the beam displacement distance of the SLS. Lack of
isotropy may also affect the quality of the ε estimates and hence fluxes. This has been
investigated by Weiss (2002). Using measurements when spectral ratios were  = 4/3
did, however, not affect QH and only resulted in a small underestimation by the SLS
for small u∗ under near-neutral conditions.

5 Summary and conclusions

The present study investigates the operational performance of a displaced-beam

small-aperture SLS in the urban roughness sublayer (RSL). Turbulence character-
istics and fluxes were measured using a SLS and EC sensor co-located with the
mid-point of the optical SLS path above rooftops and across a canyon, respectively,
which are the two dominant components of the urban surface. The main results are:

(1) Application of scintillometery requires accurate knowledge of the effective mea-

surement height, z . Because of the difficulty of defining the “actual surface” that
contributes to a flux measurement, z has been estimated as the average value
from a range of available morphometric approaches. Variability between the
values from the various equations is relatively small at the rooftop location
(±15%) but larger above the canyon; z values are similar but not the same at
the two locations. This result seems reasonable because different surface facets
at different heights are sampled by a sensor located above a canyon or rooftops,
(2) The first values of l0 and Cn2 from a city are presented. The data show the influ-
ence of mechanically driven turbulence on dissipation and the refractive index
fluctuations. l0 is inversely related to mean wind speed and Cn2 has a maximum
around noon, which is a period of high QH but also of higher wind speeds.
(3) Comparing ε values from the SLS and the EC system provides the only way
for a direct comparison of the two different approaches that is independent of
MOS scaling. Dissipation values obtained from the u and w velocity components
correlate very well with each other, although a small systematic difference can
be observed at the rooftop level where ε derived from the u spectrum is slightly
larger. Comparison of ε from the SLS and EC sensors is marked by much scatter,
372 Boundary-Layer Meteorol (2006) 121:351–375

and is probably due to the different assumptions underlying the derivation of the
values and the spatial heterogeneity of the surface, i.e. source areas “seen” by the
SLS and EC sensor differ. It is possible that the generally larger canyon ε values
from the SLS are due to its ability to sense turbulence processes associated with
the canyon walls that may not be sampled by the single-point EC sensor.
(4) The non-dimensional dissipation functions are calculated from dissipation values
determined within the inertial subrange of the corresponding w and T spectra. A
correct estimation of dissipation rates is only possible if local isotropy exists and
Taylor’s hypothesis is applicable. The ratio between the spectral densities of the
w and u velocity components is less than 4/3 required for local isotropy, a result
that is also true for other (sub)urban studies. On the other hand the present
results reveal the predicted and required (for local isotropy) −2/3 slope at the
high frequency end of the w and T spectra. Estimating ε within a frequency band
outside the −2/3 slope had a negligible influence on the values. Based on this
evidence it appears that the existence of a −2/3 slope is a relatively insensitive
indication of local isotropy and its absence may not affect the calculation of the
(5) Despite the fact that MOS does not apply in the RSL it is necessary to calculate
urban forms of the non-dimensional dissipation rates for the potential applica-
tion of scintillometery in the urban environment. Similar to other turbulence
statistics obtained at the present site the scatter in the data is large. Functions
fitted through median averages are similar (higher) to the homogeneous surface
layer for φε (φN and φCT ) above the rooftops. The present results indicate an
absence of equilibrium between production and dissipation of TKE near the
canyon top, which is a region of active production of turbulence. φN and φCT
show surprisingly good agreement with homogeneous surface-layer data at this
level. The prominent dip observed at near-neutral and slightly unstable condi-
tions in other urban data obtained near the top of the RSL is less pronounced
(rooftop) or absent (canyon) in the present observations. It should be noted that
calculation of the non-dimensional dissipation functions is almost independent
of the choice of z . For example increasing z will increase φε according to Equa-
tion (3) but will also increase the absolute value of −z /Lv against which φε is
(6) QH values from the two methods agree well with each other above the rooftops
but agreement is less above the canyon. For small (large) values, which usu-
ally occur at night (in the middle of the day), SLS fluxes are generally higher
(smaller) than those measured by the EC system. This is likely to be the result
of the improved spatial sampling by the SLS. We hypothesize that at night the
SLS is able to measure the positive contributions from the canyon walls that will
be missed by the EC system. Similarly, during daytime QH from the SLS may be
smaller because the line-averaged values include the relatively low fluxes from
the shaded walls. Correlation statistics are worse for u∗ with the SLS observa-
tions being larger (smaller) at small (large) values. A number of studies have
commented on the difficulties of calculating u∗ using scintillometery; this prob-
lem is not limited to the application of scintillometers in urban areas and needs
further exploration.

The present observations have been conducted in a region of extreme spatial het-
erogeneity in surface structure and variability of turbulence characteristics and fluxes.
Boundary-Layer Meteorol (2006) 121:351–375 373

The good agreement between QH measured by the SLS and EC approaches above
the rooftops is therefore quite surprising and the analysis suggests that scintillometery
may be an appropriate tool for the measurement of QH at this level. However, the
procedure requires careful determination of zd and the use of urban forms of the MOS
equations. If universal urban MOS functions could be derived scintillometery would
become self-sufficient for operational applications in the RSL. At this point it is not
possible to determine if the lesser agreement above the canyon is due to inadequate
spatial sampling by the EC sensors or some other reason.
Because of the difficulties associated with the determination of φε in the RSL
from single-point EC observations, the suitability of the scintillometers for estimat-
ing momentum fluxes remains inconclusive. The present measurements are unable to
explain the large scatter and systematic φε differences observed, which reinforces the
need for the continued development and refinement of urban forms of the equations
and a more thorough assessment of the influence the absence of an inertial subrange
might have on the determination of ε. This problem is less for QH , which is estimated
from φCT calculated from the ratio of φN and φε , and hence potential errors in Cn2
and l0 tend to cancel out in the SLS procedure to determine QH (De Bruin et al.
A full analysis of the role different source areas have in causing the variability
seen between the two approaches would require multiple EC sensors along the same
scintillometer path. Nevertheless the interpretation of the results above illustrates
the possibility of improved spatial representativeness of scintillometer data. Small
differences in the heat storage capacity and thermal admittance of different building
materials may result in marked variations in the heat fluxes emitted from different
surfaces, especially at night. In this scenario we might expect the scintillometer to pro-
vide a more representative measurement of the sensible heat fluxes from the urban
area as a whole.

Acknowledgements Special thanks go to Andreas Christen (Technological University of Berlin)

for his support with data acquisition and data dissemination and Tim Oke (University of British
Columbia) for his help and support during the field experiment and throughout the preparation of
this manuscript. This experiment was possible thanks to the generosity of Roland Vogt (University of
Basel) and Manabu Kanda (Tokyo Institute of Technology) who loaned the scintillometers. All mem-
bers of the BUBBLE staff of University Basel and ETH (Zürich) are thanked for their outstanding
support of this project. Funding for this research has been provided by the National University of
Singapore (R–109–000–037–112). The Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Science
(CFCAS) and the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) provided
further financial support.


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