Amity International School

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Amity International school

MCQ Class XII Ch: Magnetic effect of current MM 10 Time 20 mins

Q1. A charged Particle goes undeflected in region containing electric and magnetic field. It is possible

(a) E II B but v is not parallel to E

(b) V II B but E is not parallel to B
(c) E II B, v II E
(d) E is not parallel to B and v

Q2. A particle having charge 100 times that of an electron is revolving in a circular path by radius 0.8
m with one rotation per second. The magnetic field produced at the centre is :

(a) 10-17µ0
(b) 10-17/µ0
(c) 10-16µ0
(d) 10-15µ0

Q3. Two concentric coils of 10 turns, each are situated in the same plane. Their radii are 20 and 40
cm and they carry respectively 0.2 and 0.3 ampere current in opposite direction. The magnetic field
in Wb/m2at the centre is

(a) 35/4 µ0
(b) 5/4 µ0
(c) 7/80 µ0
(d) µ0/80

Q4. The magnetic force on segment EF, due to current of 5A flowing in it, if it is placed in a magnetic
field of 0.25 T will be,

(a) 0.3125 sin 650 N

(b) 3.125 sin 650 N
(c) 31.25 sin 650 N
(d) Zero

Q5. Two similar coils of radius R and number of turns N are lying concentrically with their planes at
right angles to each other. The currents flowing in them are I and 2 I respectively. The resultant
magnetic induction at the centre will be

(a) µ0NI/R
(b) µ0NI/2R
(c) √ 3µ0NI/2R
(d) √ 5µ0NI/2R

Q6. In a mass spectrometer used for measuring the masses of ions, the ions are initially accelerated
by an electric potential V and then made to describe semicircular path of radius R using a magnetic
field B. If V and B are kept constant.

The ratio (charge on the ion / mass of the ion) will be proportional to

(a) 1/R2
(b) R2
(c) R
(d) 1/R

Q7. Circular loop of a wire and a long straight wire carry currents I c and Ie respectively as shown in
fig. Assuming that these are placed in the same plane, the magnetic field will be zero at the centre of
the loop when separation H is

(a) IeR/ Icπ

(b) IcR/ Ieπ
(c) πIc/ IeR
(d) πIe/ IcR

Q8. A closely wound solenoid of 2000 turns and area of cross section 1.5 X 10 -4m2carries a current of
2.0 A.It is suspended through its centre and perpendicular to its length, allowing it to turn in a
horizontal plane in a uniform magnetic field 5 X 10 -2 tesla making an angle of 300 with the axis of the
solenoid. The torque on the solenoid will be

(a) 3 X 10-3 Nm
(b) 1.5 X 10-3 NM
(c) 1.5 X 10-2 Nm
(d) 3 X 10-2 Nm
Q9. A square loop, carrying a steady current I, is placed in a horizontally plane near a long straight
conductor carrying a steady current I 1 at a distance d from the conductor as shown in fig. The loop
will experience:

(a) A net repulsive force away from the conductor

(b) A net torque acting upward perpendicular to the horizontal plane
(c) A net torque acting downward normal to the horizontal plane
(d) A net attractive force towards the conductor

Q10. The current sensitivity of a moving coil galvanometer increases by 35%. When its resistance is
increased by a factor 3. The voltage sensitivity of galvanometer changes by a factor.

(a) 35%
(b) 45%
(c) 55%
(d) None of the above.

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