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Property Managed By Xanthus Management Company P.O. Box 543 1130 D Street #4 Ramona, CA 92065-0543 (760) 789-7000
(After reading this page)

Initial ALL pages of this form so we know you have read it. Instructions To All Persons Applying For Rental: This application must be submitted with all information completely, legibly, and accurately written in ink. If there are any blanks left not filled in, this will be grounds for denial of the application. If you represent any information that does not reflect the truth, this also will be grounds for immediate denial of your application. If you need additional pages in order to accurately reflect any answer, please attach them. You may feel free to attach an explanation of anything that you feel may enhance your chances for approval. You should attach verification of your income such as a paycheck stub or an income tax return or whatever else you may have that proves income. You must fill out completely, full information for each adult occupant. Each applicant must show satisfactory identification to manager at the time you are submitting this application for processing. Please remember to use your full legal names. You may include the name you prefer to go by if it is different (Anthony, prefers Tony etc.) Many applications will be received for this rental property. The order in which the applications are received does not necessarily set the priority for acceptance. It is the intention of the management company to select the BEST and most qualified applicant for the property being offered. The management company adheres very closely to the HUD fair housing guidelines for non-discrimination and other fairness standards. You will not be judged on any facts not pertinent to the prudent screening of an applicants financial worthiness, income reliability, and likelihood that you will care for the property and not wear it out prematurely. Every action you take from this point forward will be factored in to



that the selection process includes several things to determine what type of person you are. If you take the extra time and effort to type or print this application neatly, the person making the decision on who to choose for a tenant may be more impressed with yours, and there will be less chance for error when completing your rental agreement.

the selection process including your behavior in our office, your attitude and cooperation in processing the application and your temperment. It is our goal to select residents who cooperate, live up to agreements, and are pleasing to work with. If you are not going to be enjoyable for us to work with, we are not going to approve your application. Remember

Our rental policy which is posted in our office requires the following from one who expects to be successful in renting from us: You must: NOT COMPLETE THIS APPLICATION IN OUR OFFICE, BE RELIABLE, BE RESPONSIBLE, PROVE RELIABLE INCOME, HAVE A GOOD RENTAL RECORD, LIVE UP TO YOUR AGREEMENTS, KEEP YOUR COMMITMENTS, TELL THE TRUTH, TAKE GOOD CARE OF RENTALS, and PAY ADEQUATE SECURITY DEPOSIT. If these 10 characteristics do not describe you, please do not apply for a rental through our office. It will be a waste of your application fee and your time. Should we determine that you do not meet these standards during our screening process, your application will be denied. Your application may be refused and/or rejected if it is not complete, legible, if satisfactory identification is not presented, if there are any misleading or false statements or information presented, if the application is not verifiable, does not meet predetermined requirements, if additional information is requested and refused, or if the application is not signed. If a co-applicant is not approved, the entire application may be denied even when the other applicant(s) are found to be approvable. Please be patient after your application is submitted. It takes 2-3 business days to process your application and up to a week before you get an answer back. You will be contacted as soon as we have an answer for you either way. If you do not have this time available to you, do not submit this application. We do not shortcut our screening process. ALL APPLICANTS MUST HAVE ALREADY VIEWED AND APPROVED THE


THE UNDERSIGNED APPLICANT(S) hereby offers to rent/lease the real property described as Xanthus Management Account #____ located at _________________________________ currently being offered at a rental rate of $____________. I understand that my exact move in date, lease term and security deposit amount are not yet determined. Nevertheless, I submit this offer to rent the property estimated to be available on _____________ for an original lease/rental term of not more than one year to be determined by owner and application processors. The security deposit required will be no less than a full months rent but in no event more than two full months rent and I am prepared to pay this amount when accepted. The deposit amount is generally determined based on the application being submitted and the property being applied for. A non refundable credit application processing fee of $25.00 PER ADULT to process this application be given by applicant to the owner/manager when this application is turned in for processing. You will never see the application processing fee again as it is not refundable unless processing is not done. If the processing is done and you are refused, we will share with you the information and reasons why your application was denied. This fee must be paid with cash or personal check (no credit card payments) and must accompany the application before processing can begin. You may mail this application with your fee. Do not fax application to us. It is understood that this application is not a rental agreement of any kind and applicant has no rights to said property until a written agreement is duly executed after the approval of this application. Applicant is aware of and agrees to all covenants and conditions in the proposed lease/rental agreement and agrees to timely execute said agreement after notification of acceptance of this application and offer to rent. Time is of the essence. Once you are approved, you must sign and pay your money to retain your acceptance. NOTICE: The rental for which you are applying may be reported to and monitored by various consumer credit reporting agencies. Your failure to satisfactorily perform your obligations may result in a derogatory entry in your rental or credit consumer file and could hamper your ability to obtain housing and/or credit in the future. Owner/manager may share this information with others.


Applicant #1

Full Name (first, middle, last)

Social Security Number


Drivers License Number/State

Other Names (maiden name, previous marriage, etc)

Mothers Maiden Name

Place of Birth

Birthday / /

Home Phone

Work Phone

Cell Phone (if any)

E-Mail Address

Residence Address




Date in

Date out

Amount of Rent Paid

Owner/Manager Name

Owner/Manager Phone #

Reason for Moving

Previous Residence Address




Date in

Date out

Amount of Rent Paid

Owner/Manager Name

Owner/Manager Phone #

Reason for Moving

Next Previous Res Address




Date in

Date out

Amount of Rent Paid

Owner/Manager Name

Owner/Manager Phone #

Reason for Moving

Present Occupation

Employers Company Name

Employer/Supervisors Name

Supervisors Phone Number

Employers Address


How Long (Yrs) Gross Pay

Take Home PayOvertime Pay

Check stub Y N

Prior Occupation

Employers Company Name

Employer/Supervisors Name

Supervisors Phone Number

Employers Address

How Long (Yrs) Gross Pay

Reason For Leaving

Any Other Source of Income You Want Us To Consider


Nearest Relative

Telephone Number



Personal References

Telephone Number



Applicant #2

Full Name (first, middle, last)

Social Security Number


Drivers License Number/State

Other Names (maiden name, previous marriage, etc)

Mothers Maiden Name

Place of Birth

Birthday / /

Home Phone

Work Phone

Cell Phone (if any)

E-Mail Address

Residence Address




Date in

Date out

Amount of Rent Paid

Owner/Manager Name

Owner/Manager Phone #

Reason for Moving

Previous Residence Address




Date in

Date out

Amount of Rent Paid

Owner/Manager Name

Owner/Manager Phone #

Reason for Moving

Next Previous Res Address




Date in

Date out

Amount of Rent Paid

Owner/Manager Name

Owner/Manager Phone #

Reason for Moving

Present Occupation

Employers Company Name

Employer/Supervisors Name

Supervisors Phone Number

Employers Address


How Long (Yrs) Gross Pay

Take Home PayOvertime Pay

Check stub Y N

Prior Occupation

Employers Company Name

Employer/Supervisors Name

Supervisors Phone Number

Employers Address

How Long (Yrs) Gross Pay

Reason For Leaving

Any Other Source of Income You Want Us To Consider


Nearest Relative

Telephone Number



Personal References

Telephone Number



If we are accepted, the following people will be living with us: (attach separate page if you need more room) Name Age Relationship Occupation (if any) yrs yrs yrs yrs yrs If we are accepted, we would like to have the following pets: (attach separate page if you have more than three and need more room) If you have pets YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO PROVIDE RENTERS INSURANCE WITH COVERAGE FOR THE ANIMALS Name Type/Breed Size/lbs Sex Circle One Age lbs lbs M/F M/F indoors or outdoors or both indoors or outdoors or both

Credit References (please list all of your outstanding financial obligations below (attach separate page if you need more room): Who Address Balance Purpose Monthly Payment Applicant 1 or 2 $ $ $ $ Bank Information: Name Account Number Circle One check or sav check or sav Car Make/Model Year 19 Color License # Car Make/Model Year 19 Color License # $ $ $ $ Bank Branch City Balance 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2

If either Applicant 1 or Applicant 2 can answer yes to any question, please circle yes otherwise, circle no Yes/No Were you ever evicted? Do you smoke? Yes/No Are all applicants reliable? Have you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor? Yes/No Have you ever been arrested for a felony? Yes/No Do you have any judgements or legal actions filed against you? Yes/No Do you know of anything that may interrupt your ability to pay rent? Yes/No Have you ever rented from or applied from us before? Yes/No Do you own any Real Estate? Yes/No Have you ever refused to pay rent for any reason? Yes/No Would you mind us inspecting your current residence? Yes/No


Do you have any or do you intend to get any water filled furniture? Yes/No Have you filed for Bankruptcy within the past 10 years? Yes/No Do you intend to possess, sell or use illicit drugs in your residence? Yes/No We would like to move in on______ and stay for at least ______ months.

Applicant represents all information herein to be true and accurate and further understands that owner/manager will rely upon said information when accepting this application whether an independent investigation has been performed or not. Applicants hereby authorize owner/manager and his employees and agents to verify all information contained herein without any exclusion in their own way and hold them harmless from any liability whatsoever. A copy, fax or other reproduction of this authorization shall be as effective as the original. Further, I have read and understand all pages of this application and understand and agree to the procedure. Applicants Name Printed Date Applicants Signatures

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