Saep 46

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Engineering Procedure

SAEP-46 28 July 2020

Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP)
Document Responsibility: Health Protection Standards Committee

1 Purpose............................................................. 2
2 Scope ................................................................ 2
3 Objective ........................................................... 2
4 Applicable Documents ...................................... 2
5 Glossary of Terms............................................. 4
6 Chemical Hygiene Program Responsibilities .... 5
7 Laboratory Design ............................................. 7
8 Elements of Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) .... 10
Revision Summary................................................. 13

Appendix A - Chemical Fume Hood Testing

Procedures ....................................... 14
Attachment I - Testing Fume Hoods Worksheet .... 15

Previous Issue: 7 October 2019 Next Revision: 01 June 2022

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

Document Responsibility: Health Protection Standards Committee SAEP-46
Issue Date: 28 July 2020
Next Revision: 01 June 2022 Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP)

1 Purpose

The purpose of this procedure is to specify the mandatory requirements of a Chemical

Hygiene Plan (CHP) to protect laboratory workers from exposure to hazardous chemicals.
The CHP is a written program stating the policies, procedures, and responsibilities that
protect workers from the health hazards associated with the hazardous chemicals used in
that particular workplace and modeled after the Occupational Health and Safety
Administration (OSHA) regulations and Saudi Aramco Policy.

2 Scope

This procedure applies to all Saudi Aramco laboratory operations, analytical facilities and
research technology centers where hazardous materials are used/stored or generated.

Conflicts and Deviations

Any conflicts between this document and other applicable Mandatory Saudi Aramco
Engineering Requirements (MSAERs) shall be addressed to the EK&RD Coordinator.

Any deviation from the requirements herein shall follow internal company procedure

3 Objective

The objective of this procedure is to provide a framework for proponents to create and
implement a Chemical Hygiene Plan. The CHP sets forth requirements and procedures
for equipment, personal protective equipment and work practices capable of protecting
employees from the health hazards presented by hazardous chemicals used in

4 Applicable Documents

The requirements contained in the following documents apply to the extent specified in
this procedure:

4.1 Saudi Aramco References

Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures

Saep-302 Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering

Saudi Aramco Policy Statements

SAPS No. CP-23 Environmental Protection
Policy INT-4 Saudi Aramco Loss Prevention Policy

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Issue Date: 28 July 2020
Next Revision: 01 June 2022 Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP)

Saudi Aramco General Instructions

GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy Implementation
GI-0150.000 Implementing Occupational Health Aspects of
Environmental Protection Policy
GI-0150.003 Ionizing Radiation Protection
GI-0150.007 Ionizing Radiation Protection Handling Unsealed
Radioactive Sources and Contamination Control
GI-0150.100 HAZCOM Program

Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards

SAES-B-069 Emergency Eyewashes and Showers
SAES-K-001 Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
SAES-K-002 Air Conditioning Systems for Essential Operating
SAES-P-123 Lighting

Saudi Aramco Materials Instruction Manual

CU 22.03 Processing and Handling of Hazardous Material
CU 22.04 Handling and Controlling of Explosives
CU 22.05 Handling Bulk/Non-Bulk Chemicals and Lubricants
SAHWC-Chapters-1-12 Saudi Aramco Hazardous Waste Code

Saudi Aramco Construction Safety Manual (CSM)

4.2 Government Requirements

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Labor and Workmen’s Law, Articles 128-144
SASO Industrial Safety & Health Regulations in the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

4.3 Other Requirements

U.S. OSHA Occupational Safety & Health Administration
Standard (29 CFR-1910.1450) “Occupational
Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in
ACGIH Industrial Ventilation, A Manual of Recommended
Practice 26th Edition
ANSI Z9.5 Laboratory Ventilation

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Next Revision: 01 June 2022 Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP)

ASHRAE STD 62 Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality

ASHRAE STD 111 Practice for Measurement, Testing, Adjusting, and
Balancing of HVAC Systems
ASHRAE 110 Method of Testing Performance of Laboratory Fume
NFPA 58 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code
NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code
NFPA495 Explosive Materials Code
ISO 14644-1 Classification of Air Cleanliness
ISO 14644-2 Specifications for Testing and Monitoring to Prove
Continued Compliance with ISO 14644-1
ASTM E2042/E2042M -09, Standard Practice for Cleaning and Maintaining
Controlled Areas and Clean Rooms

5 Glossary of Terms

Action Level (AL): A concentration designated for a specific substance, calculated as

an eight (8)-hour time-weighted average, which initiates certain required activities such
as exposure monitoring and medical surveillance.

Carcinogen: A substance that causes cancer in humans, or, on the basis of causing
cancer in animal experiments, is suspected of being able to cause cancer in humans.

Chemical Hazard Bulletin (CHB): An internal company document (available in both

English and Arabic) that provides a standardized, one-page summary, of a material’s
hazard ratings information and specifies health hazards, fire and reactivity, handling,
storage, disposal, and first aid information to be used when handling hazardous materials.

Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP): A written plan developed and implemented by the
facility which sets forth responsibilities, procedures, work practices and personal
protective equipment requirements, to protect laboratory employees from the health
hazards presented by hazardous chemicals used/stored in the laboratory.

Chemical Hygiene Officer (CHO): An employee who is qualified by experience or

training to provide technical support/guidance in the development and implementation
of the provisions of the Chemical Hygiene Plan.

Exposure: The contact with a substance under specific conditions, duration,

concentration and route of entry.

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Issue Date: 28 July 2020
Next Revision: 01 June 2022 Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP)

Glove Box (GB): A box consisting of a small chamber with sealed openings fitted with
arm-length gloves. The materials are placed inside the chamber and handled using the

Hazardous Material: Any substance or mixture of substances having properties

capable of producing adverse effects on humans or the environment.

Laboratory: A facility where the "laboratory use of hazardous chemicals" occurs. It is

a workplace where relatively small quantities of hazardous chemicals are used on a non-
production basis.

Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV): A system for capturing and exhausting

contaminants from air at the point where the contaminants are produced.

Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL): A term used to express the average airborne
concentration of a substance to which persons may be exposed without suffering any
adverse health effects. This is normally based on an eight hour time weighted average
concentration. These are developed by the United States Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA) and serve as Saudi Aramco standards for exposure.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Any devices or clothing worn by the worker
to provide protection against hazards in the environment and or workplace. Examples
are respirators, gloves, and chemical goggles.

Safety Data Sheet (SDS): A document furnished by the chemical manufacturer or

distributor containing information on the chemical and physical properties of the
material, potential hazards, protective measures, personal protective equipment, storage
requirements and first aid procedures. The SDS gives the basic hazard information for
the chemical that is used in the development of a CHB.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): A written set of guidelines or instructions

that describe the uniform procedures to be followed routinely, as well as safety measures
to take, when carrying out a particular procedure or experiment. The development of
SOPs is an essential administrative tool to be used in the laboratory for ensuring a safe,
healthy, and environmentally sound workplace.

6 Chemical Hygiene Program Responsibilities

An essential element of any chemical hygiene plan is to clearly define the roles and
responsibilities of all the stakeholders who work in, supervise or manage areas where
chemicals are present. Clarifying roles and responsibilities for implementing the CHP
will ascertain accountability, simplify processes, enhance health and safety, and avoid
confusion in meeting the plan’s objectives. Individual responsibilities include, but are
not limited to, the following:

6.1 Department Manager/ Division Head

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Issue Date: 28 July 2020
Next Revision: 01 June 2022 Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP)

a) Ensure the CHP is developed, implemented, and maintained.

b) Ensure appropriate audits are conducted periodically, at a minimum
annually, to ensure all elements of the CHP are correctly implemented.
c) Appoint a suitably trained and qualified employee to be the Chemical
Hygiene Officer (CHO) based on their responsibilities as defined in
Section 6.3.
d) Provide administrative and financial support for implementing and
maintaining the CHP.

6.2 Unit Supervisor/Principal Researcher

a) Be familiar with the CHP and make sure that all activities are performed in
accordance with requirements of the CHP.
b) Ensure the chemical inventory for the unit is maintained and managed
properly, containers are labeled properly, chemical storage facilities are
inspected on a regular basis (e.g. monthly) and ensure that the results of the
inspections are documented.
c) Assess all chemicals in the laboratory and ensure the recommended
measures are in place for the safe use, storage, and disposal of the chemical
substances used in the laboratory.
d) Ensure SOPs for all research and laboratory activities are developed and
implemented to handle chemicals safely.
e) Ensure new activities are planned and appropriate hazard information,
safety equipment, and SOPs are developed and available before
commencing work.
f) Minimize the amount of hazardous chemicals acquired and used to those
amounts necessary to conduct work.
g) Ensure emergency procedures are developed for responding to incidents
(i.e., spill).
h) Ensure all employees who deal with chemicals in the laboratory receive
appropriate training on this CHP and for working with chemicals.
i) Ensure that the necessary safety equipment, recommended work practices,
and techniques are understood and practiced by laboratory staff.
j) Participate in laboratory safety inspections and take appropriate timely
actions to correct any unsafe acts or conditions.
k) Ensure excess, out of date (expired) or unwanted hazardous materials are
disposed of properly.

6.3 Chemical Hygiene Officer/Compliance Group

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Issue Date: 28 July 2020
Next Revision: 01 June 2022 Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP)

a) Understand the requirements of this CHP.

b) Provide technical support in the development and implementation of the
c) Ensure the CHP is made available to all laboratory personnel who may be
d) Submit a copy of the CHP to the Department’s Environmental Coordinator
and facilitate updates as required.
e) Participate in the investigation of incidents involving hazardous chemicals.
f) Coordinate the exposure monitoring program and maintain monitoring
g) Ensure routine inspections are conducted in the areas where chemical
substances are stored or used.
h) Assist laboratory supervisors to ensure that appropriate safety equipment is
available and properly maintained.
i) Review laboratory procedures or tests, as applicable, to ensure that
adequate health and safety measures are developed and implemented.
j) Maintain all records relevant to the implementation of the CHP.

6.4 All Laboratory Personnel

a) Read and understand the SOPs and CHP before starting the work.
b) Understand the hazards of chemicals they handle and follow all SOPs.
c) Understand the function and proper use of all personal protective equipment
and apply all training received with respect to the CHP.
d) Be familiar with the provided CHBs/ HAZCOM labels and SDSs.
e) Report unsafe practices or conditions to the Unit Supervisor or Principal

7 Laboratory Design

A laboratory building, where hazardous chemicals are stored or used, shall be designed
in accordance with Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard (SAES-K-001) for Heating
Ventilation and Air Conditioning system. The guidelines provided in ANSI Z9.5 and
ASHRAE Guidelines shall be followed.

7.1 General Laboratory Ventilation

Ventilation systems in laboratories shall be designed to ensure that the air is

continuously replaced in order to maintain an adequate supply of fresh air and to

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Issue Date: 28 July 2020
Next Revision: 01 June 2022 Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP)

keep laboratories zone negative pressure with regards to surrounding areas

(i.e., offices, corridors, support services). Air should always flow from offices
and support services to the laboratory.

In designing laboratory ventilation systems, the guidelines provided in

ANSI Z9.5 and ASHRAE Commissioning Guidelines shall be considered.

7.2 Chemical Storerooms

The quantity of chemical substances stored in a laboratory area must be kept to

the minimum needed for operations and/ or research. It is important to consult
the SDS and/or other relevant resources for information pertaining to proper
storage conditions.

The ventilation for chemical storerooms shall be designed in line with Saudi
Aramco Construction Safety Manual (CSM) Vol. 2, Chs 1-7 & 1-10, and shall
meet the recommended storage conditions as specified in applicable National
Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) codes NFPA 30, 58, and 495, and in the
relevant SDS.

The ventilation design of storage rooms shall be similar to those used in

laboratories if the storeroom is within the laboratory. Many laboratories have
storage cabinets and /or rooms within the laboratory for frequently used
chemicals and materials. Some storage rooms may require local exhaust
ventilation systems. All storage cabinets must be placarded with the name of the
custodian and also with identification of the cabinet’s contents.

7.3 Clean Rooms

These are special workplaces designed to protect research materials by

providing large volumes of air that are supplied through High Efficiency
Particulate Air (HEPA) filter to reduce the particulate levels in the room.

Clean room classifications level shall be established based on ISO 14644-1


Procedures to prove continue compliance and required testing and monitoring

shall meet ISO 14644-2.

Routine cleaning and maintaining of clean rooms shall meet ASTM E2042 /

7.4 Laboratory Hoods

Chemical Fume Hoods (CFHs) are the primary method used to control potential
exposure to hazardous substances in a laboratory and to ensure that toxic

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Document Responsibility: Health Protection Standards Committee SAEP-46
Issue Date: 28 July 2020
Next Revision: 01 June 2022 Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP)

substances do not escape to the general laboratory workspace. All hazardous

substances with Health Hazard Ratings of 3 and 4 shall be handled under fume
hood when possible. It is also recommended that fume hoods be utilized when
working with all other chemicals, i.e., Hazard Ratings of 1 and 2. Dedicated
CFHs or other Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) systems isolated from the other
LEV systems shall be utilized for high-hazard substances such as radioactive
isotopes and / or perchloric acids. Procedures for using and testing CFHs shall
be developed, communicated, and implemented (refer to Appendix A).

A well designed laboratory fume hood shall have an average face velocity
capability of between 0.41-0.51 m/s (80-100 ft/min). CFH face velocities in
excess of 0.61 m/s (120 ft/min) are not allowed as they may cause disruptive air
turbulence at the edge of the hood opening. To ensure CFHs perform at
acceptable efficiencies and protect workers from exposure, large pieces of
equipment should not be stored or used in hoods. (Refer to ACGIH Industrial
Ventilation, a Manual of Recommended Practice 26th Edition).

Specially designed, totally enclosed CFHs and ventilated glove boxes, are
recommended for handling extremely hazardous materials. This will fully
contain any potential contaminants and prevent the release into the laboratory.

7.5 Maintenance

7.5.1 Ventilation/Laboratory Hoods

Regular service and maintenance is critical to ensure the ventilation

systems are functioning properly as designed. At a minimum, this
service and maintenance shall be conducted and documented as
recommended by the manufacturer. Service and maintenance programs
shall specify, but not be limited to, the following:
 The specific Preventative Maintenance (PM) program designed to
specify the scheduled maintenance and inspection intervals for key
ventilation system components (e.g., fan, variable air volume (VAV)
system, alarms and controls, etc.).
 Calibration requirements of alarms as recommended by manufacturer.
 Face velocity testing including test conditions, equipment used
including regular calibration, history, and records.
 Transmission of information on testing and inspection to users.
 Demarcation on the hood of the optimal working sash height.
 Testing and re-certification programs.

7.5.2 Other Equipment

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Issue Date: 28 July 2020
Next Revision: 01 June 2022 Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP)

Other safety equipment shall be maintained as recommended by

manufacturers and in accordance with relevant Saudi Aramco Standards
and Procedures.

All defective equipment shall be repaired and/or replaced immediately.

Equipment identified as defective, for any reason, shall be removed from
service, labeled appropriately as defective, and repaired before being put
back in service.

8 Elements of Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP)

8.1 Rules and Procedures

The CHP shall specify rules and procedures that are necessary for safe handling
of hazardous substances. These rules and procedures shall include, but are not
limited to the following:

General Rules
a) Work involving chemicals in Saudi Aramco laboratories must be conducted
using the SOPs.
b) Employees shall not undertake laboratory tasks unless they have been
properly trained and are authorized to do so.
c) Pipetting by mouth is prohibited.
d) Appropriate PPE shall be used in laboratory areas.
e) Eye protection shall always be worn in laboratories when hazardous
chemicals are used. Wearing contact lenses in laboratory is prohibited.
f) Access to laboratory areas shall be controlled.
g) Develop and follow appropriate laboratory housekeeping procedures.
h) Follow waste disposal procedures as specified in CU-22.03 and
i) Laboratory policy shall provide safety requirements for working alone in
the laboratory.
j) Purchase the minimum quantity of chemicals needed. No chemical
container shall be received without proper labelling.
k) Develop and implement a formal chemical inventory accounting and
management system.
l) Follow Saudi Aramco procedures for procurement, distribution, and storage
of hazardous substances in accordance with materials supply manual.

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Issue Date: 28 July 2020
Next Revision: 01 June 2022 Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP)

m) All radioactive materials in laboratories shall be handled as specified in

GI-0150.003, Ionizing Radiation Protection and GI-0150.007, Ionizing
Radiation Protection Handling Unsealed Radioactive Sources and
Contamination Control.

8.2 Exposure Monitoring

Assessments/surveys shall be made wherever employee exposure to hazardous

chemicals is likely to exceed established standards. EPD/WED/IHU is
responsible for providing appropriate technical support and advice.
EPD/WED/IHU should be consulted regarding the need to monitor a particular
area or operation.

8.3 Medical Surveillance

If work potentially involves exposures to hazardous materials above allowable

levels, i.e., above an AL or PEL, and if an employee develops signs/symptoms
associated with exposure, or in the event of a spill, leak, explosion or any other
incident potentially resulting in significant exposure, the employee(s) will be
referred to the Company Occupational Health Group (OHG) or an approved
Medical Designation Facility (MDF) for appropriate medical surveillance.

At the time of the medical evaluation or referral, the following information shall
be provided to the clinician:
a) The identity of the hazardous chemical(s) to which an employee(s) may
have been exposed;
b) A description of the conditions under which the exposure(s) occurred;
c) A description of the signs and symptoms of exposure, if any; and
d) A copy of the appropriate (CHB or SDS).

8.4 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

The recommended PPE shall be specified in SOPs and available for the
substances being handled. Guidelines for employee training, the use, storage
and care of the PPE shall be outlined in detail. Consult relevant SDSs and/or
CHBs for additional information.

8.5 Records

Appropriate records associated with the CHP shall be permanently maintained.

These shall include, but are not limited to: training, accident reports, SOPs,
chemical inventory, usage and special handling procedures. Records associated
with training shall be submitted to the Environmental Coordinator/Chemical

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Issue Date: 28 July 2020
Next Revision: 01 June 2022 Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP)

Hygiene Officer, to be entered into the EHS-MS Central Training Records


8.6 Signs and Labels

Signs identifying the locations of emergency /safety equipment shall be posted

as required by the relevant Saudi Aramco standards such as SAES-B-069
(Emergency Eyewash/Shower) and SAES-P-123 (Lighting). Labeling of
chemical containers and laboratories shall follow the Saudi Aramco HAZCOM

8.7 Spills and Accidents

A written emergency plan and spill control policy shall be developed and
communicated to all affected personnel. Employees engaged in emergency
response activities shall be properly trained prior to responding to any
emergency situation.

8.8 Information and Training Program

An appropriate training plan shall be developed for laboratory employees.

Training shall be conducted regularly and include as a minimum:
a) Chemical Hazard Awareness Training (CHAT).
b) Location and availability of the CHP.
c) Understanding of SOPs, safe handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous
d) Awareness of special procedures relating to specific hazardous chemicals.
e) Use and care of PPE and emergency equipment.
f) Emergency evacuation and fire training.
g) If expected to respond to emergencies, the necessary emergency response

8.9 Waste Disposal

The waste disposal elements of the CHP shall detail how waste is collected,
segregated, stored, transported, and disposed.

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Document Responsibility: Health Protection Standards Committee SAEP-46
Issue Date: 28 July 2020
Next Revision: 01 June 2022 Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP)

Revision Summary
01 June 2017 New Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure required to specify the mandatory requirements of
a Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) to protect workers from exposure to hazardous chemicals and
reflect the applicable government/national regulations.
10 June 2018 Editorial revision to change standards committee from Environmental to Health Protection.
7 October 2019 Editorial revision to revise the next revision date.
28 July 2020 Editorial revision to rename policy from INT-5 to CP-23.

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Document Responsibility: Health Protection Standards Committee SAEP-46
Issue Date: 28 July 2020
Next Revision: 01 June 2022 Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP)

Appendix A - Chemical Fume Hood Testing Procedures

(Vertical and Horizontal)
Testing Equipment
The testing equipment required to test the velocity of airflow for Chemical Fume Hoods is a
hotwire anemometer.
Testing Procedure
1. Position or open the sash so that the fume hood opening is 457 mm (18 inches) from the
side or bottom depending on whether the hood’s sash is vertical or horizontal.
2. Divide the fume hood opening space into 9 equal squares forming a grid around the face
of the hood opening.
3. Measure the velocity of the air at the center of each of the nine squares using a hot wire
anemometer at the face of the opening. This is accomplished by placing the tip of the
probe at the center of each of the nine squares, perpendicular to the direction of air flow.
a. Hold the probe directly in line with the sash.
b. Allow time for the meter to stop fluctuating before taking the reading.
c. When a fairly constant reading is shown on the meter, starting with the square in the
upper left corner, take the air flow measurement [reading will be in meters per second
(m/s) or feet per minute (fpm)].
d. Record flow rate on the corresponding square on the Fume Hood Face Velocity
Measurements Form (Attachment 1).
e. Repeat this process for each of the nine squares recording the flow rates on the form
corresponding to each square. (It is best practice to be consistent in the pattern used
to take the measurements to ensure all nine squares are monitored accordingly.)
4. To calculate the average face velocity, simply average the 9 flow rate measurements,
i.e., add the nine readings together and divide by 9.
5. To determine whether to pass the hood, the following conditions must be met:
The average face velocity with the sash at an opening of 457 mm (18 inches) must be
between 0.41 and 0. 0.51 m/s (80 and 100 fpm) ± 10%.
If the hood fails to meet the required face velocity with the sash open to 18 inches, the sash
shall be repositioned (closed further) and the hood re-tested. This process shall be performed
until the fume hood meets the required feet per minute rating. Once the position of the sash
where the necessary face velocity has been obtained, mark that sash position on the hood’s
Note: When retesting, the sash cannot be closed to a point that is less than 12 inches from the base
or side of the hood.
If the required face velocity cannot be obtained, then the hood shall not be used until the
proper feet per minute or meters per second conditions can be met. Place a sign or tag on the
hood advising it shall not be used until it is serviced and/or repaired.

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Issue Date: 28 July 2020
Next Revision: 01 June 2022 Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP)

Attachment I - Testing Fume Hoods Worksheet

Building/Location: ____________________ Date: _________________

Room Number: _______________ Fume Hood I.D. _________________________

Air velocity measurements (in m/s or fpm) at the hood face opening:

Deficiencies Noted:
Low Flow Rate [< 0.41 m/s (80 fpm) ± 10%]
High Flow Rate [> 0.51 m/s (100 fpm) ± 10%]
Flow Blocked by Equipment Inside
Flow Blocked by Equipment Outside
Sash Inoperative or Not Working Properly
Other ______________________________________

Average Face Velocity at sash opening of 18” (457 mm) _________ fpm (m/s)
Pass _________ Fail _________
Average Face Velocity at sash opening upon retesting _________ fpm (m/s)
Pass _________ Fail _________
If upon repositioning the sash, the hood passes, this position then represents the proper working sash
position and the hood should be marked accordingly.

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