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Half yearly examination

Class – X
Time –2hr. MM-80
Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this
Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
Attempt all questions. All working, including rough work, must be clearly shown and must
be done on the same sheet as the rest of the answer. Omission of essential working will
result in loss of marks. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in
brackets [ ].


Question 1 Tick the correct options. (15)

1-The moment of a force about a given axis depends:

Only on the magnitude of force
Only on the perpendicular distance of force from the axis
Neither on the force nor on the perpendicular distance of force from the axis
Both, on the force and its perpendicular distance from the axis. ✓
2- body is acted upon by two unequal forces in opposite directions, but not in the same line.
The effect is that:
The body will have only the rotational motion
The body will have only the translational motion
The body will have neither the rotational motion nor the translational motion
The body will have rotational as well as translational motion. ✓
3- centre of gravity of a uniform ball is
At its geometrical centre ✓

At its bottom

At its topmost point

At any point on its surface

4- centre of gravity of a hollow cone of height h is at distance x from its vertex where the

value of x is:



2h/3 ✓


5-Which of the following quantity remains constant in a uniform circular motion.




Both velocity and speed

6- One horsepower is equal to

1000 W

500 W

764 W
746 W ✓

7-kWh is the unit of:



Energy ✓

None of these

8- body at height possess

Kinetic energy

Potential energy

Solar energy

Heat energy

9- electrical cell while in use the change in energy is from

Electrical to mechanical

Electrical to chemical

Chemical to mechanical

Chemical to electrical

10-Ah ball of mass M is thrown vertically up with an initial velocity so as to reach a height

h. The correct statement is

Potential energy of the ball at ground is mgh

Kinetic energy of the ball at ground is zero

Kinetic energy of the wall at highest point is mgh

Potential energy of the ball at highest point is mgh

11- a single fixed Pulley is used because

It has mechanical advantage greater than one

Has velocity ratio less than 1

Gives 100% efficiency

Helps to apply the effort convenient direction

12- Highest refractive index is of





13- array of light suffers refraction through equilateral prism. The deviation produced by

the prism does not depends upon.

Angle of incidence

Colour of light

Material of prism

Size of prism
14- object in a dancer medium when viewed from a rare medium appears to be raised.

The shift is maximum for.

Red light

Violet light

Yellow light

Green light

15- For qn object placed at a distance of 20 CM in front of a convex lens, the image is at a

distance of 20 CM behind the lens. The focal length of the convex lens is

20 cm

10 cm

15 cm

40 cm

Question 2

What is magnifying glass? State its 2 uses.

Write the lens formula explaining the meanings of symbols used.

State the characteristics of real image.

Name two factors which affect the critical angle for a given pair of media. State how do the

factors affect it.

What do you mean by refraction of light?

What do you understand by the statement the refractive index of glass is 1.5 for white light?

What is a fixed Pulley? State one use of it.

Define efficiency of a machine

State the principle of conservation of energy.

State work energy theorem.

What is uniform linear motion?

Define center of gravity of a body.

Section B

Question 3

Find the position and magnification of the image of an object placed at a distance of 8 cm in

front of a convex lens of focal length 10 cm. Is the image erect or inverted?

Draw ray diagram to show how a converging lens can form a real and enlarged image of an


Draw a ray diagram when the object is placed at focus for a convex lens.

Question 4

Draw a diagram of a right angle isosceles prism which is used to make an inverted image


Differentiate between total internal reflection and reflection from a plane mirror.
A postage stamp kept below a rectangular glass slab of refractive index 1.5 when viewed

from vertically above it appears to be raised by 7 millimeter. Calculate the thickness of the

glass slab.

Question 5

Differentiate single fixed and single movable pulley

What is the relationship between comma velocity ratio and efficiency of a machine.

A truck weighing 1000 kgf changes its speed from 36 km/h to 72 km/h in 2 minutes calculate

the work done by the engine and its power.

Question 6

Define potential and kinetic energy along with examples.

State the differences between centripetal and centrifugal force.

Physical balance has it arms of length 60 cm and 40 cm. What weight l must be kept on the

pan of the longer arm to balance an object of 100 gf kept at the other pen?


Question 2

1. What are the factors affecting the time period of a simple pendulum? [3]
2. State 3 uses of Vernier calipers. [3]
3. A boy measures the length of piece of pencil by metre rule, vernier caliper and screw
gauge to be 1.2 cm, 1.24 cm and 1.243 cm respectively. State the least count of each
measuring instrument and the accuracy in each measurement. [4]

Question 3
1. Write 3 equations of uniformly accelerated motion. [3]
2. What does the slope of a displacement time graph represent? [3]
3. A train takes 2 h to reach station B from station A, and then 3 h to return from
station B to A. the distance between the two stations is 200 km.Find the average
speed and average velocity of the train. [4]

Question 4
1. State Newton’s first and second law of motion. [3]
2. Explain motion of a rocket with the help of Newton’s third law. [3]
3. A force acts for 10 s on a stationary body of mass 100 kg after which the force ceases
to act. The body moves through a distance of 100 m in 5 seconds. Calculate the
velocity, acceleration and the magnitude of the force. [4]

Question 5
1. What is Pascal’s law? Explain with an example. [3]
2. State laws of liquid pressure. [3]
3. A vessel contains water up to a height of 1.5 m. Taking the density of water as 1000
kg/m-3, acceleration due to gravity 9.8 m s -2 and area of base of vessel as 100 cm2
calculate the pressure and thrust at the base of the vessel. [4]

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