First Term Examination-2018 Grade 8 Physics Max - Marks:80+20

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Affiliated to ICSE,New Delhi.

First Term Examination-2018 Max.Time:2 hrs
Grade 8 PHYSICS Max.Marks:80+20

Section –A [40]
(Attempt all the questions)
Question -1
Choose the correct answer [5]
1. The SI unit of density is
a) g/cm3 b) kgm-3 c) cm3 d) N
2. Pressure exerted by a liquid is due to its
a) Weight b) mass c) volume d) area
3. The unit of thrust is
a) kgf b) kg c) g d) ms-1
4. A boy lifts a luggage from height 2m to 4m, the potential energy will become
a) half b) double c) one-third d) one-fourth
5. The property of splitting of a white light into its even constituent colours is known as
a) rectilinear propagation b)refraction c) reflection d)dispersion

Question -2
Fill in the blanks [5]
1. When a ray of light travels from water to air,it bends____________the normal
2. Radius of curvature of a spherical mirror is ______its focal lenght
3. Kinetic energy = ½ x m x _______
4. 1 H.P = ________ W.
5. 1 kgf = ______ N (nearly)

Question -3
State True or False [5]
1. Relative density of water is 1.0
2. The weight of a body floating in a liquid is zero
3. Water in a lake exerts pressure only at its bottom
4. The energy of a flying kite is kinetic energy
5. The speed of a light is more in glass than in water

Question -4
Give one word answers [5]
1. The splitting of white light into the constituent colours.
2. The product of the force and the distance moved by the body in the direction of force.
3. The pressure exerted by a liquid at a depth is same in all directions.
4. The ration of density of substance to density to water.
5. The CGS unit of density.
Question -5
Match the following [5]
1. No unit a) broad feet
2. Thrust b) refraction
3. Camel c) Newton
4. Watt d) Kinetic energy
5. Prism e) relative density
f) power
Question -6
Name the following [5]
1. Spherical mirrors are of two types. Name it
2. Focal length =1/2 x
3. The angle between incident ray and normal is called as
4. Mechanical energy is of two kinds. Name it
5. The ratio of thrust per unit area is

Question -7
Define the following terms [10]
1. Density
2. Moment of force
3. Kinetic energy
4. Concave mirror
5. Focal length
Section –B [40]
(Attempt any four questions)

Question -1
1. A block of silver displaces 200ml of water in a measuring cylinder. If the
density of silver is 10300 kgm , find the mass of block [3]
2. Define the term relative density of a substance and state its unit. [3]
3. What is a density bottle? How is it used to find the density of a liquid [4]

Question -2
1. Explain the factors affecting the turning of the body [3]
2. Define pressure and state its unit [3]
3. Show that the liquid exerts pressure sideways also on the walls of a container [4]

Question -3
1. The moment of force 10 N about a pivot is 5 Nm. Calculate the distance of force
from the pivot [3]
2. Describe the factors affecting the amount of work done [3]
3. State four differences between Potential and Kinetic energy [4]

1. Explain the conversion of Potential to kinetic energy in case of swinging
Pendulum. [3]
2. Write the differences between work and power [3]
3. Explain the terms: a. Incident ray b. refracted ray
c. Angle of incidence d. Angle of refraction [4]

Question -5
1. State the two kinds of spherical mirrors with proper diagrams [3]
2. Write any two uses of convex and concave mirrors [3]
3. What is a prism? Draw a ray diagram to show the refraction of light ray
through a prism [4]

Question -6
1. A piece of iron of volume 30 cm3 has a mass of 234g.Find the density of iron [3]
2. Calculate the moment of force of 5N applied on a body at a distance of
20 cm from a pivoted point. [3]
3. Why a) It is easy to swim in sea water than in river water
b) Icebergs floating on sea water are dangerous for ships [4]


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