MODULE 9 - Construction Reports
MODULE 9 - Construction Reports
MODULE 9 - Construction Reports
Construction reports
Accident report.
Assessment and lessons learned report.
Authority monitoring report (AMR).
Business case.
Completion report.
Concept design report.
Construction progress report.
Construction stage report.
Cost report.
Detailed design report.
End of contract report.
End of stage report.
Final report for construction works.
Home report.
Homebuyer Report.
Lessons learned report.
Post project review.
Preliminary business case.
Production information report.
Project execution plan.
Project manager’s report.
Options review report.
Soil report.
Tender appraisal report.
Tender report for construction contracts.
While RIDDOR recommends that all accidents, however small, are recorded in
an accident book, it identifies the more serious types of accidents which must be
reported to HSE as well as being recorded in the book. These include:
Any injury that stops an employee doing their normal work for a period of 3 days or
Major injuries such as broken arms, ribs, legs, etc.
Dangerous instances occurring at work such as machinery
breaking, scaffolding collapsing or any other appliances breaking and
causing damage.
Dangerous occurrence.
Injury offshore.
Dangerous occurrence offshore.
Case of disease.
Flammable gas incident.
Dangerous gas fitting.
The appropriate form should be completed by the responsible person. Fatalities and
major injuries can be reported by phone to the HSE. A report must be received within 10
days of the incident.
Injured person’s personal and contact details (name, phone number, address,
age, occupation, etc.).
Reporter’s personal and contact details (name, position, phone number, address,
Accident details (date, time, location).
Injury details (type, body part, whether any work days were lost as a result, whether
an ambulance was required, whether the injured person lost consciousness, etc.).
Witness details (name, phone number, address, etc.).
Details of any supporting evidence (e.g. CCTV footage, photographs,
training records, health and safety check records, cleaning logs, etc.).
Reasons for accident (how it occurred, working conditions at the time, PPE being
worn, equipment being used, events leading up to accident, etc.).
Response to accident (first aid provided, whether the area was made safe, direct
Preventative action (training needs, preventative plan put in place, how recurrences
will be prevented).
A lessons learned report may be prepared as part of a post project review, undertaken
during the defects liability period. The purpose of a post project review is to look at the
effectiveness and efficiency of the project delivery process. The lessons learned
report focuses more specifically on how things could be done differently in the future.
It might identify:
It is important to agree:
The purpose of the report (who is it for and how they will use it).
The scope of the study required.
The reporting procedures and timescale for the study.
The stakeholders that will be involved.
The techniques that will be used.
The information that is available.
The report might include an assessment of the project, or simply focus on the lessons
that can be carried forward. Assessments may be both qualitative (based on research,
interviews and workshops) and quantitative (such as key performance
indicators or benchmarking assessments).
Cost vs budget.
Project progress relative to milestones.
Number of complaints.
Number of incidents / accidents.
Number of working hours spent on different aspects of the works.
Use of materials.
Number of defects.
Number of disputes.
Amount of waste generated.
Amount of recycling.
The number of variations.
Local development schemes (LDS) set out the program for preparing the development
plan documents (DPD) that will make up the local plan.
It should:
It may also provide information about the implementation of any neighborhood plans,
and whether there is a need to undertake a partial or full review of the local plan, and
may highlight how contributions made by development have been used, such
as planning obligations, the community infrastructure levy and new homes
bonus payments.
Preparing a business case may require input from independent client advisers (such
as management accountants, business development advisers, facilities
managers, specialist advisers such as IT consultants, etc.), but generally, it will be
prepared and 'owned' by the client, who can learn a considerable amount about
themselves and their project through the process of writing the business case.
Confirmation that the project is compatible with the client's stated vision, mission and
An assessment of the support for the project.
Confirmation that feasibility studies have been completed, the appropriate options
have been explored and a preferred option identified.
Confirmation that the project is likely to deliver its business goals. These goals should
be prioritised and should be testable so that the developing
and completed project can be tested against them.
Confirmation that the proposal is affordable, achievable and likely to deliver value for
Confirmation that the scope and requirements are realistic, clear and unambiguous.
Confirmation that appropriate advice has been obtained.
Confirmation that market conditions have been properly considered.
Identification of major risks and possible mitigation.
Identification of third party dependencies and necessary consultations.
Assessment of the likely need for the appointment of a consultant
team or independent client advisers.
Assessment of long term investment prospects.
Assessment of procurement options.
Statement of design intent.
Schedules of critical dates (some of which may be beyond the control of the client):
The business case should be written in clear, concise language that is easy to
understand and may include diagrams and illustrations where appropriate. It may be
seen by a wide range of people and so should be accessible and should express
key brand values.
The final report should provide a summary of activities during the construction phase,
It is useful if both parties to the contract sign off the financial aspects of the report as
representing the full and final settlement for the contract.
Outline specifications:
1. Quality standards.
2. Materials.
3. Definition of key construction elements, standardisation and non standard elements.
4. Prefabrication and mass production opportunities.
5. Long-lead items.
6. Proposals for major engineered systems such as: cladding, mechanical and
electrical equipment, lifts, and structural frames.
7. Potential requirement for specialist design.
8. Outline proposals for structural systems and where appropriate method of demolition.
9. Outline proposals for building services systems.
Schedules of accommodation.
Planning strategy.
Soft landings strategy.
Cost plan, providing a break-down of the capital and ‘life cycle’ costs and identifying
potential cost problems and cost reduction possibilities.
Procurement options such as two-stage tendering.
Programme and phasing.
Buildability and construction logistics.
The use of materials and the potential for re-use and recycling.
Waste handling (see also site waste management plan).
Risk assessment.
Health and safety issues.
Areas requiring further research.
Instructions required.
The report should highlight any instructions required from the client.
Cost reporting
Cost reporting is a process used to inform a client (or other party) about the magnitude
of a construction project’s predicted, or actual cost. This can be expressed either in
absolute terms or as a variance compared to the project budget.
Cost reports are typically prepared by a cost consultant (such as a quantity surveyor)
and updated regularly (perhaps monthly), to keep the client informed and to help them
and the project team control costs.
Typically, cost reports will evolve through the life of the project, developing in detail and
accuracy as more information becomes available about the nature of the design, and
then actual prices are provided by specialist contractors, contractors and suppliers, and
actual costs incurred.
A cost report will generally include all the costs incurred by the date of the report, where
they are known, a forecast of the costs likely to be incurred during the rest of
the project, in so far as these can be foreseen and estimated, and risk allowances for
the possibility of unforeseeable costs. Contingencies to cover these risks are often
expressed in terms of percentages. The percentages applied are at their greatest in the
early stages of the project when there are the greatest number of possible risks, but
they can then be reduced as better particulars about the project become available and
some risks have passed or been overcome.
It is important to be clear what costs will be included in cost reports. For example,
the client may have costs that, whilst they are directly related to the project, they would
prefer to account for them themselves. This might include; land
acquisition costs, specialist plant or equipment, furniture, construction contracts outside
of the main contract and so on.
In the absence of a single, standard type of cost report format, or specific formatting
requirements by the client, most cost consultants will develop their own format for cost
In the public sector, the politics of public scrutiny can lead to questions of audit,
proprietary and transparency long after the project is completed.
On all projects unanticipated legal proceedings can require the history of a project to
be examined.
It can provide a useful reference document chronicling the contractor’s performance.
This can be helpful when considering whether to employ that contractor again.
Site installation
Management resources.
Progress against programme (delays, productivity and earned value analysis).
Site co-ordination and efficiency.
Labour or material shortages.
Subcontractor performance.
Industrial action.
Plant (hired or owned).
Progress photographs and installation records.
Mock ups, samples and testing.
Unacceptable work and quality ratings.
Protection of installed work.
Handover documentation.
Defects and snagging.
Weather / force majeure.
During the early stages of a project, reports might be prepared by independent client
advisers, or by the client themselves if they are an experienced client. During the design
stages, they might be prepared by the project manager or lead
consultant (or contractor on a design and build project). During construction they might
be prepared by the contract administrator, perhaps based on a report prepared by
the contractor.
The final report should provide a summary of activities during the construction phase,
Home report
A home report, is a requirement for the sale of houses in Scotland, and must be made
available by the vendor on request to prospective buyers.
A lessons learned report may be prepared as part of a post project review, undertaken
during the defects liability period. The purpose of a post project review is to look at the
effectiveness and efficiency of the project delivery process. The lessons learned
report focuses more specifically on how things could be done differently in the future.
It might identify:
Ideally, the requirement for a lessons learned report should be included in tender
documentation so that members of the project team are contractually obliged to provide
the necessary information and input to the report. They may be required to
provide information as the project progresses (such as key performance indicators,
which might require information from sub-contractors) or to maintain up to date lessons
learned logs.
It is important to agree:
The purpose of the report (who is it for and how they will use it).
The scope of the study required.
The reporting procedures and timescale for the study.
The stakeholders that will be involved.
The techniques that will be used.
The information that is available.
The report might include an assessment of the project, or simply focus on the lessons
that can be carried forward. Assessments may be both qualitative (based on research,
interviews and workshops) and quantitative (such as key performance
indicators or benchmarking assessments).
Cost vs budget.
Project progress relative to milestones.
Number of complaints.
Number of incidents / accidents.
Number of working hours spent on different aspects of the works.
Use of materials.
Number of defects.
Number of disputes.
Amount of waste generated.
Amount of recycling.
The number of variations.
Executive summary.
Background – including the wider context of other projects that the report will feed
into, and details of any abnormal characteristics or events.
Detailed assessment of different stages or aspects of the project.
Things that can be taken forward to other projects.
Things that can be changed on the project being assessed.
Homebuyer Report
A Homebuyer Report is a type of building survey.
They are one of three types of survey specified by the RICS, that can be undertaken
by RICS Chartered Surveyors:
Condition Report. The lowest cost option, describing the condition of the property and
highlighting any urgent defects.
HomeBuyer Report. The most common survey, providing more detail regarding
the condition of the property.
Building Survey. The most comprehensive report, intended for larger or
older properties, or where major works are being planned, and providing an in-depth
analysis of condition and advice on defects.
They can be useful for identifying problems or providing reassurance about the possible
purchase of a home, and can provide useful information for negotiations, which might
result in a reduction of price, or the vendor undertaking repairs.
This may include assessments of how well the delivery of the project performed
against key performance indicators such as:
An evaluation can then be made of what lessons can be learned from the approach
taken and a lessons learned report prepared.
See Post occupancy evaluation and Performance in use for more information.
A preliminary business case should be prepared very early in the project, before any
decision has been made to proceed. It allows the client to explore high level options for
meeting the requirements set out in the statement of need. This may include an
assessment of comparable projects.
Experienced clients may have in-house expertise allowing them to prepare a preliminary
business case. However, some clients will not have the full range of skills required and
may wish to appoint independent client advisers to assist them.
Funding options.
Legal agreements.
Management structure.
Objectives and mission statement.
An assessment of constraints.
Alternative solutions, such as refurbishment, or changing operational practices.
A summary of options considered and discarded.
Assessment of the main hurdles to surmount, show-stoppers, uncertainties and risks.
Assessment of previous similar projects and lessons learned.
Assumed procurement route.
Assumed programme and phasing.
A schedule of consultants that will be required.
The market and competition.
The budget, inclusions and exclusions and contingency allowance.
A description of the business needs, benefits and keys to success and value.
Public relations and external communications strategy.
An assessment of any political consequences of the project.
An assessment of the likely costs for the next stage.
A proposal for the way forward.
Relevant research, including assessment of similar facilities.
It describes who does what and how, defining the policies, procedures and priorities that
will be adopted. It may include strategies in relation to items outside of the scope of
the main contract, as the client's overall project might include multiple contracts for
the supply of goods and services, both from external organisations and from within
the client organisation itself, such as operation and maintenance contracts,
the supply of equipment, relocation, and so on.
Project execution plans are generally prepared by the client's project director if they
have sufficient experience, or on their behalf by a project manager. On a construction
management contract or a management contract they may then be taken on and
developed by the construction manager or management contractor.
Project definition and a summary of the strategic brief or later the project brief.
Drawings insofar as they are developed at this stage.
Project programme.
Cost plan, cost management and accounting procedures.
Contracting and procurement strategy.
Roles, responsibilities and authorities. This might be set out in a responsibility
matrix (or project roles table), supplemented by a contractual tree and then used to
develop a schedule of services for each appointment.
Monitoring and reporting strategies.
Potential consultations / stakeholder management.
Communications strategy and standards.
Technology strategy.
Risk assessment and risk allocation.
Strategy for obtaining planning permission and other permissions.
Health and safety strategy.
Sustainability strategy
Quality assurance strategy.
Soft landings strategy, including business change and staff training
requirements, commissioning, handover, migration, aftercare and post occupation
evaluation strategy.
Operational strategy.
Equipment requirements (inside or outside of the building contract).
Unusual or long-lead items.
They are likely to be presented as a report, however, where possible, information and
requirements should be scheduled in a database or spreadsheet format that will be
easy to expand and will be easy to use to test whether proposals satisfy requirements
later in the project
The progress of the project should be assessed against the project execution
plan throughout the project and the project execution plan should be amended and
developed as necessary.
The project manager needs to ensure an adequate reporting structure and calendar is
in place with the consultants and contractors. Frequency and dates of project meetings
need to be co-ordinated with the reporting structure.
Progress reporting should record the status of the project at a particular date against
what the position should have been; it should cover all aspects of the project, identify
problems and decisions taken or required, and predict the outcome of the project.
The project manager needs to receive individual reports from
the consultants and contractor and summaries them in a report to the client. The
detailed reports should be appended as a record.
Executive summary.
Legal agreements.
Design status.
Planning / building regulations status.
Procurement status.
Construction status.
Statutory consents and approvals.
Project program and progress.
Project financial report.
Variation register update.
Risk register update.
Major decisions & approvals required
Soil report
Construction activities can have an adverse effect on soils and so its impacts need
careful consideration as part of the development process. Local authorities may require
a soil report as part of the planning application process.
The report may be incorporated into a Material Management Plan and Site Waste
Management Plan. It can also be used by structural engineers to inform the choice
of foundation design.
Tender evaluation
A tender is a submission made by a prospective supplier in response to an invitation to
tender. It makes an offer for the supply of goods or services. An invitation to
tender might be issued for a range of contracts, including; equipment supply, the main
construction contract (perhaps including design by the contractor), demolition, enabling
works, etc.
In response to an invitation to tender, invited tenderers will submit a tender, which will
include their price for supplying the goods or services along with proposals for how
the clients requirements will be satisfied if these have been requested. Mid-tender
interviews may be held to allow for clarification of matters that might otherwise lead to
an inaccurate tender being submitted. They can also give the client insights into
potential problems or opportunities in the project as it is described by the tender
Relevant experience.
Understanding of the requirements.
Past performance.
Technical skills.
Resource availability.
Management skills and systems.
Proposed methodology (this might include mobilisation plans, design proposals,
and non-compliant proposals if these have been allowed).
Compliance with the requirements set out in the invitation to tender.
A two-stage tender process may also be adopted on a design and build project where
the employer's requirements are not sufficiently well developed for the contractor to be
able to calculate a realistic price. In this case,
the contractor will tender a fee for designing the building along with a schedule of
rates that can be used to establish the construction price for the second stage tender..
The report should conclude with a clear recommendation as to the best value for
money offer. If the tender process has any implications for the project, or changes the
position compared to the impression the client had been given pre-tender, then these
should be clearly set out.
The tender report provides an audit trail for the selection process and might include: