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Lesson Plan in English Grade 9

I. Objectives: At the end of a 60 – minute session, 90% of the Grade 9 students will be able to;

1. Detects Biases and Prejudices in the material viewed;

2. Identify Biases and Prejudices in a statement;
3. Distinguished whether the statement is Bias or Prejudice.
II. Subject Matter

1. Topic: Differentiate biases and prejudices EN9LC-IVf-13.3

2. Reference:

3. Materials: Laptop, Projector, Blended materials e.g. PowerPoint, papers

4. Values Infusion:

a. Fairness

b. Equality

III. Procedures

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
a. Greetings

Good morning class! “Good morning Teacher!”

b. Prayer “The teacher will lead the prayer”

Let us all stand for a prayer and thank God for this day. “Thank you Ma’am.”

c. Classroom Management Black Pink group

Before you sit, kindly look under your chairs and pick up BTS group

some trash. Arrange your chairs properly.

“Student’s answer may vary.”
(Give an energizer)

You may now be seated.

d. Checking of Attendance
“Student’s answer may vary.”

Let me check first your attendance. It is good that only a

few of you are absent today. Keep it up!

B. Review

Before we start our lesson can anyone give me a recap of what we’ve

tackled yesterday?

(Reading of objectives.)
“Student’s answer may vary.”
a. Motivation
“Student’s answer may vary.”
I know the most of you are familiar and a fan of KPOP group.

To begin with I am going to show a picture. All you have to do is to “Student’s answer may vary.”
choose your bet. “Age”

“Persons with disabilities”

“Race/ Nationality”


What group do you think is in the first picture?

How about in the second picture?

Now, raise your hand if you are a Black Pink Fanatics.

How about a round of applause for BTS Fanatics?

Anyone from the group can explain why you preferred Black Pink over


How about from BTS Fanatics?

Are you considered bias when you have a favourite KPOP group?
b. Presentation
The teacher will show another video clip about the beggar by “Heart

Touching Films” in Youtube.


What have you observed in the video?

What do you think is the main reason why the store owner mistreated

the beggar?

Is it okay that we judge a person according to their physical


Based on the questions that you’ve answered earlier what do you think

is our topic for today?

We are differentiating Bias and Prejudice.

What do you mean by Bias?

Do you understand the difference between bias and prejudice?

c. Activity

(5 minutes group activity)

The class will be divided into 4 (four) groups.

Each group will have a set of picture to analyse and a question to

answer. Choose a representative from your group to present your

work in front of the class.

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

d. Analysis

Can The pictures of group 1 illustrate unfavourable statements

towards people based on what?

Group 2’s set of pictures show unfavourable treatment towards what

kind of people?
What particular group of people is being targeted by the unfair

statements in group 3’s set of pictures?

The discriminatory remarks in group 4’s set of pictures are directed

towards what group of people?

e. Abstraction

How do you define bias?

- Bias is an act wherein we favoured on a certain group of people,

point of view over another. This is done in an unfair way.

- If you are thinking positively of it, you are bias towards


For ex: Bias TOWARDS women

- If you are thinking negatively of it, you are bias against

something/ someone.

For ex: Bias AGAINST women

Who can give an example of bias?

Who can define prejudice? Any idea?

- Prejudice is an unfavourable opinion and assumption towards

someone without having enough reason and knowledge. It just

simply means pre-judging others.

- It is usually negative attitude and it results in discrimination.

Moreover, it can also be in terms of race, age, gender, sexual

orientation, class status, religion, nationality, and so on.

- For ex: “the beggar”

Who can give an example on prejudice?

Do you think it is right to have biases or feel prejudice?

If you were to put yourself in the shoes of those people being

discriminated, how would you feel?

How can we avoid being biased of feel prejudice against people?

“Short Video Clip”

Class, I would like to share with you a short TV commercial showing

the perspective of those people who are usually discriminated by


f. Application
(15 minutes Group Activity)
The learners will be grouped into four (4).

Directions: Each group will be given a situation that they will act or

portray in front of the class. After that, the students will determine

whether the situation they portray is Bias or Prejudice.


Dan is often teased and bullied because he is a gay. P


A teacher caught a group of students who are in trouble. But instead of giving

both group a disciplinary action. She favours the group where his son’s friend is in.


Joe is often bullied by his classmates because of his race and skin color. P


Among the contestants, second group performer won the Tiktok Dance Challenge
because one of the judges is their mother’s good friend. B


Content 50pts

Creativity 30pts

Cooperation/ teamwork 20pts

TOTAL 100pts

IV. Evaluation

 Paper and Pencil Test

Directions: Determine whether the line, statement, or situation is considered a form of BIAS or PREJUDICE.

___1. Female teachers give more attention to girls. B

___2. A manager refuses to give specific tasks to workers he considered old because he thinks older people can’t handle that

work. P

___3. Mrs. Santos preaches to people because she believes that her beliefs and practices are superior to any other religion. B

___4. A company hires only women because they feel that they make better employees. B

___5. A same-sex couple wanted to order a cake for their wedding day. However, the baker did not accept their order and

refused to bake their cake. P

___6. Anna won the singing contest because one of the judges is her mother. B

___7. A salesperson for a computer company thinks his or her company makes the best computers in the world. B

___8. Some people are not served in a restaurant or retail store because of their skin color or race. P

___9. A mentally disabled person should not be allowed to go to school. They do not possess the capacity to learn. P

___10. She got hired because of her looks. B

V. Agreement

Directions: Determine whether the given picture shows BIAS or PREJUDICE.

1. 4.

2. 5.


~ We are all created equal by God. It is in our hands how we want to be recognized and how we recognize others. However it is, be respectful

and free from bias and prejudice. ~

Prepared by:
Sky Love Faith E. Ablaña

Teacher 1 Applicant

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