A Detailed Lesson Plan in English

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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Lingayen, Pangasinan

A Detailed Lesson Plan in English (Grade 10- Junior High School)

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, 85% of the students will be able to:
1. Detect bias and prejudice in the material viewed;
2. Show situation that depict bias and prejudice; and
3. Show sensitivity to other.
Subject Matter
Topic: Biases and Prejudices
Reference/s: K to 12 Curriculum Guide English
Celebrating Diversity through World Literature, Learner’s Material (page 165-169)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rspZv2a0Pp8
Materials: Visual Aids, Printed materials, and Laptop
Values: Fairness and Equality
II. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
“Good morning class” “Good morning Ma’am”

“Let us pray first….” (one student will lead the prayer)

(checking of attendance) (Student raise their hand and say present as the
Say present… teacher calls in their name)

“Please pick up the pieces of paper (Students pick up the piece of paper)
Under your chair”

“So how was your day?” “It was great ma’am!”

“Okay that’s good”

“Yes, ma’am!”

“Okay class, can you recall the lesson that we’ve “Yes, ma’am. It is about the elements of poetry”
discussed yesterday?”

“So what are the elements of poetry?” “Rhyme, rhythm, alliteration, imagery, stanza and
“Very Good!”

B. Lesson Proper
Show different kind of pictures.
“Class, look at the pictures. Describe each picture.
What have you notice about men and women?”

(Students rising their hands)

Alright, now let me ask you
“What do they reveal about men and women?”
“Ma’am, men depicted as a strong fighters and
“Should women always be portrayed as doing woman is busy doing household chores.”
household chores and men as warriors?”

Presentation of the lesson:

“So class, from the things that we talked about, what
do you think is our lesson for today?


Class, I have here scenarios posted on the board. I

want you to think whether the scenario is fair or (Students will give their own answer)
unfair. (Let the students to read and answer.)

1. Not hiring someone because of their age or gender. (Students will give their own answer)
2. Paying non-white workers less money than white
3. Some people assume someone is gay because of the
way he act. (Students will give their own answer)
4. All Chinese in the country are considered virus
carriers due to the COVID-19 disease.

“Okay class, the first and second scenario favors

certain people and it is classified as bias. The third and
fourth scenario shows discrimination for it tells us
unfavourable opinion and pre-judges others and that’s
what we call prejudice.”
“Ma’am the first scenario is unfair”
Bias means a tendency to favour one person, group, “Ma’am the second scenario is unfair”
things or point of view over another, often in an unfair
way. “Ma’am the third scenario is unfair”

Example: “Ma’am the fourth scenario is unfair”

Joining exclusive clubs where certain people are not

“Alright, can someone give me an example a bias

situation that you already experienced?”

“Okay, very well! Thank you for sharing”

Prejudice is an unfavourable opinion or feeling formed

beforehand or without knowledge, thought or reason.
It simply means to pre-judge others.

The poor are uneducated and do not help our
country; they should not be treated well by the
(Students will share their experiences)
“Alright, can someone give me an example prejudice
situation that you already experienced?”

“Okay, very good! Thank you for sharing”

“To further enrich your ideas about being sensitive

to others without being bias and prejudice, I want you
to focus on the video clips which I will be presenting to
you. But first let us read the guide questions because
after watching the video clips you will answer it

Guide Questions:
1. What did you notice in video number 1 and number (Students will share their experiences)

2. Do you agree with what the video is trying to imply?

3. When you put “label” on someone, are you also
biased? Why?

4. Do you know people in the same situation as the

boy and girl in video number 2? What comments do
you hear from the other people about them?

Game-based activity.
Task: Lucky number, Lucky You!
The teacher will ask the students to count and
remember their assigned number. Afterwards, the
teacher will pick a paper on where the number of the
first student to answer the question is written. When
the number of the student is called, he/she will (Students will give their answers about the following
answer. After the first student, he/she has a privilege questions)
to pick the next number of the student who will
answer the next question and so on.
1. What are bias and prejudice?
2. Differentiate bias and prejudice.
3. Give one way on how to detect bias and prejudice.
4. Give an example scenario that bias is can be
5. Give an example scenario that prejudice is can be

“Any clarification to our topic class?”

Group Activity
“Ma’am prejudice is an unfavourable opinion or
“I will divide you into three groups. The first row will feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge,
be the first group, second row will be the second thought or reason. It simply means to pre-judge others
group and last row will be the third group.” while bias means a tendency to favour one person,
group, things or point of view over another, often in
Let us first know the criteria for you to do your task on an unfair way.”

Content 10 points “None, ma’am”
Presentation 5 points
Teamwork 5 points
Total 20 points

“Each group will present a role play about bias and


“You will report in front of the class after 10 minutes.

You have now to choose your leader and take note to
the leaders that list your entire member on a sheet of
paper and then pass it to me. You may start now.”

“Okay class, are you done?”

“Alright group 1 please present your task follow by

group 2 and 3”

(feedback and comments to their performance)

(Students start working with their task given)

“Yes ma’am”

III. Evaluation
Direction: Identify if the statement is bias or prejudice. Write it on 1/8 lengthwise sheet of paper.
___________ 1. Bullying and discriminating a person with disability.
___________ 2. Posting negative comments in social media about economic status of a family.
___________ 3. Not serving someone in a restaurant or retail store because of their skin color.
___________ 4. Your parents forgive your sibling by not washing the dishes, and the task was passed onto you.
___________ 5. Since Petals Beauty Lotion is good for you, it will be good for your baby, too.
___________ 6. Joining this sweepstakes will make you an instant millionaire!
___________ 7. Since Father Santos is a priest, he cannot commit a crime.
___________ 8. All Filipinos love movies.
___________ 9. This shampoo is the best for any type of hair.
___________10. The slimming tablet will make you lose 50 pounds in a month. Try it !

IV. Assignment
Give at least two examples of situation in our society when you witnessed bias/prejudice and what can
we do about it. Write on a ½ crosswise sheet of paper.

Prepared by:

Teacher I Applicant

Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Lingayen, Pangasinan
A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English (Grade 10- Junior High School)

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, 85% of the students will be able to:
1. Detect bias and prejudice in the material viewed;
2. Show situation that depict bias and prejudice; and
3. Show sensitivity to other.
Subject Matter
Topic: Biases and Prejudices
Reference/s: K to 12 Curriculum Guide English
Celebrating Diversity through World Literature, Learner’s Material (page 165-169)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rspZv2a0Pp8
Materials: Visual Aids, Printed materials, and Laptop
Values: Fairness and Equality

II. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of uniform and orderliness of the room
4. Checking of the attendance
5. Review

B. Motivation
Photo React!
 The teacher will show pictures and will ask the student to describe each photo about what they
notice about men and women through answering the following questions

1. What do they reveal about men and women?

2. Should women always be portrayed as the one to do the household chores and men as
warriors? Why?

C. Presentation of the Lesson

 The teacher will ask the students if what the topic is for that day based on the things that they
talked about.

 The teacher will post the given scenario on the board and will ask the students to tell whether
the scenario is fair or unfair.
1. Not hiring someone because of their age or gender.
2. Paying non-white workers less money than white workers.
3. Some people assume someone is gay because of the way he act.
4. All Chinese in the country are considered virus carriers due to the COVID-19 disease.

D. Lesson Proper
 The teacher will discuss the lesson with the cooperation of the students.

The first and second scenario favors certain people and it is classified as bias. The third and fourth
scenario shows discrimination for it tells us unfavourable opinion and pre-judges others and that’s
what we call prejudice.
Bias means a tendency to favour one person, group, things or point of view over another, often
in an unfair way.

Joining exclusive clubs where certain people are not allowed.

Prejudice is an unfavourable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge,

thought or reason. It simply means to pre-judge others.

The poor are uneducated and do not help our country; they should not be treated well by
the government.

 The teacher will let the students watch some video clips that show bias and prejudice and they
will answer orally the following guide questions.

Guide Questions:
1. What did you notice in video number 1 and number 2?
2. Do you agree with what the video is trying to imply? Why?
3. When you put “label” on someone, are you also biased? Why?
4. Do you know people in the same situation as the boy and girl in video number 2? What
comments do you hear from the other people about them?

E. Generalization
Game-based activity.
Task: Lucky number, Lucky You!
Direction: The teacher will ask the students to count and remember their assigned number. Afterwards,
the teacher will pick a paper on where the number of the first student to answer the question is written.
When the number of the student is called, he/she will answer. After the first student, he/she has a
privilege to pick the next number of the student who will answer the next question and so on.

1. What are bias and prejudice?
2. Differentiate bias and prejudice.
3. Give one way on how to detect bias and prejudice.
4. Give an example scenario that bias is can be observed.
5. Give an example scenario that prejudice is can be observed

 The teacher will ask if there is any clarification from the students regarding the topic discussed.

F. Application
Group Activity: Role Playing
 The teacher will divide the class into three groups and their task is to present a role play that
shows bias and prejudice situation.
 The teacher will just only 10 minutes for the students to prepare and will show the criteria for
their score.
Content 10 points
Presentation 5 points
Teamwork 5 points
Total 20 points

 The teacher will give his/her feedback after all the performance of the group.

III. Evaluation
Direction: Identify if the statement is bias or prejudice. Write it on 1/8 lengthwise sheet of paper.
___________ 1. Bullying and discriminating a person with disability.
___________ 2. Posting negative comments in social media about economic status of a family.
___________ 3. Not serving someone in a restaurant or retail store because of their skin color.
___________ 4. Your parents forgive your sibling by not washing the dishes, and the task was passed onto you.
___________ 5. Since Petals Beauty Lotion is good for you, it will be good for your baby, too.
___________ 6. Joining this sweepstakes will make you an instant millionaire!
___________ 7. Since Father Santos is a priest, he cannot commit a crime.
___________ 8. All Filipinos love movies.
___________ 9. This shampoo is the best for any type of hair.
___________10. The slimming tablet will make you lose 50 pounds in a month. Try it !

IV. Assignment
Give at least two examples of situation in our society when you witnessed bias/prejudice and what can
we do about it. Write on a ½ crosswise sheet of paper.

Prepared by:

Teacher I Applicant

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