JSS2 ICT 3rd Term Lesson Note PDF
JSS2 ICT 3rd Term Lesson Note PDF
JSS2 ICT 3rd Term Lesson Note PDF
Week 1
The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the
standard Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link several billion devices worldwide.
It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic,
business, and government networks of local to global scope, linked by a broad
array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking technologies.
The internet offers many conveniences at your fingerprints. You can send
messages to others, meet new friends, bank, invest, shop, fill prescription, file
taxes, take online courses, play games, listen to music or watch a movie on the
internet, the advantage of the internet is that you can use it from a computer
anywhere in the world.
Success today in the business world requires knowledge of the internet. Without
it, you are missing out on a tremendous source for goods, services, information
and, communication.
3. WORLD WIDE WEB: The World Wide Web was created in the early 1990s
by European organization for nuclear research. The goal of WWW was also
to allow researchers to work together on projects and to make project
information easily accessible. The first publicly accessible website was
created in 1991. By the mid 1990s, over 30 million people had access to the
internet. Reach this huge market, most big companies created their own
sites on the World Wide Web or provide information about their products.
Now there are thousand companies on the web.
Week 2
On the internet, data and information are transferred world wide through the
servers and clients (which are computers) connected to the internet.
The computers which are responsible for management of resources i.e program
and data on a network, by providing a centralized storage area, is called a SERVER.
The computer which has an access to the contents of the storage area on the
server is CLIENT. On the internet, a client which can access file and services on a
number of servers called a Host computer. Your computer is a Host computer.
The internet is a packet oriented network. It means that the data you transfer is
divided into packets.
So what happens when you transfer data across the internet various networks?
The networks are linked by special computer, called ROUTERS. A router checks
where your packet data goes and decides in which direction to send it. Of course,
not every router is linked with every other router, they just decide on the
direction your data takes. The internet knows where your data is going, as every
destination has an address called an Internet Protocol (IP) address. The data
transferred with IP is divided into packets. This is handled by another protocol,
the transmission control protocol (TCP).
The internet is an addressing system used to send data and information to a fixed
or specific destination, just like the postal system. An IP address i.e. internet
protocol address has it own unique identification attached to a computer or a
device connected to the internet. The IP address has a group of number and is
separated by a period (.). The number varies between 0 and 255. For instance the
number 153, 25. 15,10 are an IP address. Generally, the first part of the IP address
identifies the network and the last portion identifies a specific computer.
It is difficult to remember and use this all numeric IP address. Hence, the internet
favours the use of text name that represents one or more IP addresses.
The text version on IP is the domain name. The component of the domain name
are separated by periods just like an IP address.
Every domain name contains a Top Level Domain (TLD) abbreviation that
identifies the type of organization which is associated with the domain. Dot com
(.com) is the name sometimes used to describe an organization that has TLD of
com. The domain name system is a system on the internet that stores the domain
names and their corresponding IP address. Each time you specify a domain name,
an internet server called the DNS server translates the domain name into its
associated IP address, so data can be routed to the correct computer.
Web page is an electronic document on the World Wide Web. A web page
consists of a HTML file in a particular directory on a particular machine ( and in
thus identification by a URL) a vast amount of information is provided by these
web pages. The information may include graphics, sounds, or even movies.
Usually, a web page contains links to other pages as well
A website is a collection of web pages. Most websites have a home page as their
starting point, which frequently has a table of contents for the site. Users need a
web browser and a connection to access a website.
Home page is the first page retrieved when accessing a website. It serves as a
table of contents for the rest of pages on the site and offers links to other
websites. For example, a company’s welcome page typically includes the
company logo, a brief description and links to the additional document available
on that site.
The uniform resource locator is the address that defines the router to a file on the
web. URLs are typed into the browser to access web pages.
Web pages contain highlighted text or image, called hyperlinks that connect to
other pages on the web. A hyperlink allows you to easily move through vast
amount of information y jumping from one web page to another. You can select a
hyperlink to jump to a web page located on the same computer or on a computer
across the city, country or world. You can easily identify a text hyperlink in a web
page because it appears underlined and in color.
A web server is a computer on the internet that stores web pages. A web page is
available for other people to view, when it is stored in the web server.
A web browser is a software program that allows you to access and view web
pages. The web browser software is built on the hyperlinks, which allows users to
point and click with a mouse in order to jump from one document to another in
whatever order they are desire.
In January 1993, the first browser, viola and Midas were released for the X
window system (UNIX). At the same time, a Macintosh browser was released
called ALPHA version.
In February 1993, the first popular graphical World Wide Web browser was NCSA
Mosaic. It was released for all common platforms (UNIX, windows and Macintosh)
in September 1993.
Marc Andersen, the mastermind of mosaic, founded his own company, Mosaic
communication corp., now known as Netscape and released a browser, the
Netscape navigator 1.0. He soon controlled 70 percent of the browser market.
Microsoft saw this gigantic success and soon released a browser called MS
internet explore, for free, now new version of both browser support most HTML.
There are numerous web browsers, mention 3 others that you know
Week 3
Week 4
Packet refers to the unit or block of data of one transaction between a host and
its network. A packet usually contains a network header, at least one high-level
protocol header, and data blocks. Generally, the format of the data blocks does
not affect how packets are handled. Packets are the exchange medium used at
the internetwork layer to send and receive data through the network.
Briefly describe the following terms; i. Client ii. Datagram iii. Internet
Address iv. Host
Week 5
Internet abuse refers to improper use of the internet and may include:
Week 6
File sharing can be done using several methods. The most common techniques for
file storage, distribution and transmission include the following:
Computer Network
A network consists of two or more computers that are linked in order to share
resources (such as printers and CDs), exchange files, or allow electronic
communications. The computers on a network may be linked through cables,
telephone lines, radio waves, satellites, or infrared light beams. A network is
defined as a group of two or more computer systems linked together.
Computer networks allow you to share information with friends, family,
coworkers and customers. Network file sharing is the process of copying data
files from one computer to another using a live network connection.
Before the Internet and home networks became popular, data files were often
shared using floppy disks. Nowadays, some people still use CD-ROM / DVD-ROM
disks and USB sticks for transferring their photos and videos, but networks give
you more flexible options.
Types of Network
Personal Area Network – The smallest and most basic type of network, a
PAN is made up of a wireless modem, a computer or two, phones, printers,
tablets, etc., and revolves around one person in one building. These types
of networks are typically found in small offices or residences, and are
managed by one person or organization from a single device. Often used at
home, this network is more on connections between a computer and
another gadget such as a telephone or a modem.
Local Area Network – A connection that’s used for groups of computers.
This is common in small offices and internet cafes. This is where everyone
can share files basically, and is also known to be a good way to connect
between computers whenever they want to share an internet connection,
or whenever they want to play games with each other.
Metropolitan Area Network – A more powerful version of the local area
network where it can cover up the whole city in terms of connection. A
huge server is usually used for this type of connection.
Wide Area Network – This is a common type of network nowadays that’s
made possible by wireless technology. As the term implies, a WAN spans a
large physical distance. The Internet is the largest WAN, spanning the Earth.
Usually, a credential or service from a certain company is needed to enter a
connection in this type of network, but there are others that can be used
for free. This is good for internet connection. The internet is a well-known
version of this one. A WAN is a geographically-dispersed collection of LANs.
A network device called a router connects LANs to a WAN. In IP networking,
the router maintains both a LAN address and a WAN address.
Storage Area Network – A type of network that specializes in file sharing
and other matters in storing various software within a group of computers.
Enterprise Private Network – This is a software network that’s often used
in businesses so that they can have privacy over files and interactions
between computers.
Virtual Private Network – This is a software that’s capable of setting up a
network where everyone registered in the network using a credential will
be able to access each other through other registered computers.
Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) which is virtually a synonym
since almost any personal area network would need to function wirelessly.
Conceptually, the difference between a PAN ( personal area network) and a
wireless LAN ( Local Area Network) is that the former tends to be centered
around one person Network while the latter is a local area network (LAN)
that is connected without wires Network and serving multiple
users.Wireless Networks
• The fastest growing segment of the computer industry is the mobile
computers such as notebook computers and personal digital assistant
• Wireless networks can exist on trucks, buses, taxies, aero planes etc. They
are used where the telephone systems are destroyed in the event of
disasters such as. fires, floods and earthquakes etc.
• Wireless networks and mobile computing are related but they are not
identical because portable computers are sometimes wired and some
wireless computers are not portable.
Bus – This is the type of structure that uses a single medium to connect the
Ring – Each computer is connected to another neighboring computer for
data transfer. One failed network can cause all networks to turn off.
Star – This is a structure that’s common in homes. It uses a certain hub or a
router to make the network possible.
Tree – This is a complicated structure that connects the star into multiple
buses. This is common for internet cafes and offices.
Mesh – this is a connection that leads to various data transmissions which
are perfect for routing huge networks.
Week 7
Computer ethics are rules that govern the use of a computer system. Ethics deals
with placing a “value” on acts according to whether they are “good” or “bad”.
Every society has its rules about whether certain acts are ethical or not. These
rules have been established as a result of consensus in society and are often
written into laws. Computer ethics are increasingly becoming important because
of the rising number of cybercrime issues, including software piracy, unauthorized
access, pornography, spamming, target marketing, and hacking. The widespread
popularity and use of the Internet has given rise to a number of cybercrime issues
and concerns about user privacy. Various computing applications are tampered
with to invade into other’s privacy. Malware, spyware, freeware, and browser
cookie exploits are some of the notorious computing applications that have
spurred the debate of importance of ethical behavior in technology. Some of the
rules you should follow while using computer are:
Commandment 1
Simply put: Do not use the computer in ways that may harm other people.
Explanation: It is unethical to use a computer to harm another computer
user. It is not limited to physical injury. It includes harming or corrupting
other users’ data or files. The commandment states that it is wrong to use a
computer to steal someone’s personal information. Manipulating or
destroying files of other users is ethically wrong. It is unethical to write
programs, which on execution leads to stealing, copying or gaining
unauthorized access to other users’ data. Being involved in practices like
hacking, spamming, phishing or cyber bullying does not conform to
computer ethics.
Commandment 2
Commandment 3
Commandment 4
Commandment 5
Commandment 6
Simply put: Refrain from copying software or buying pirated copies. Pay for
software unless it is free.
Explanation: Like any other artistic or literary work, software is copyrighted.
A piece of code is the original work of the individual who created it. It is
copyrighted in his name. In case of a developer writing software for the
organization he works for, the organization holds the copyright for it.
Copyright holds true unless its creators announce it is not. Obtaining illegal
copies of copyrighted software is unethical.
Commandment 7
Commandment 8
Simply put: It is wrong to claim ownership on a work which is the output of
someone else’s intellect.
Explanation: Programs developed by a software developer are his/her
property. If he is working with an organization, they are the organization’s
property. Copying them and propagating them in one’s own name is
unethical. This applies to any creative work, program or design. Establishing
ownership on a work which is not yours is ethically wrong.
Commandment 9
Simply put: Before developing a software, think about the social impact it
can have.
Explanation: Looking at the social consequences that a program can have,
describes a broader perspective of looking at technology. A computer
software on release, reaches millions. Software like video games and
animations or educational software can have a social impact on their users.
When working on animation films or designing video games, for example, it
is the programmer’s responsibility to understand his target audience/users
and the effect it may have on them. For example, a computer game for kids
should not have content that can influence them negatively. Similarly,
writing malicious software is ethically wrong. A software
developer/development firm should consider the influence their code can
have on the society at large.
Commandment 10
A person who uses computer sometimes face many problems if the computer is
used for a long period of time. The problems may be health related, like headache
or vision problems and waist pain.
Ergonomics is the study people, their physical character and the ways in which
the function in relating to their working environment, the finishers and the
machine they use the mail goal of ergonomics is to the design of keyboard,
computer, desk, chairs and others in the work place.
Back and neck strain can be avoided be ensuring that the chair which you seat
provide proper support and by placing the monitor when you can comfortably.
MONITOR PLACEMENT: The top edge of the monitor should be at the level
of the eye or slightly lower than it. You can use a stand to raise the monitor
to appropriate level on your desk.
POSTURE: When your are seated, your feet should be flat on the floor and
you should not lean forward or slouch in your chair. You should shift
position often and stand up to stretch your arm and legs at least one hour.
CHAIR: Adjustable chair that provide support for the lower back should be
Ergonomic keyboard: They are designed to reduce the risk of the waist and
hand injury that results from prolong use or repetition movement. An
ergonomic keyboard includes alternate key layout and plans set to
minimize strain while typing.
To prevent wrist strain while typing, keep your elbow level with the
keyboard and your wrist straight and higher than your fingers while you use
a mouse, move the mouse with your entire arm instead of your wrist.
Week 10
Computer Laboratory
1. Students are not allowed to enter the Computer Laboratory without their
Instructor or any authorized personnel. The Instructor should be the first person
to come in and the last one to leave the laboratory. No computer laboratory shall
be opened if there will be no instructor or IT personnel present in the laboratory.
2. Instructors shall closely monitor the conduct of their students while they are
inside the laboratory. The Instructor shall not be allowed to leave the class during
the instructor’s assigned laboratory hours. In the exceptional event that the
instructor must leave the class, the instructor must inform IT Personnel.
3. The student must check the computer unit and its peripherals attached before
using it. The student must immediately inform the instructor if there’s any defect,
error or damage observed at the computer (hardware/software) assigned or if
there are any missing peripherals (mouse, keyboard, etc.). The instructor should
immediately report the incident to IT Department.
4. Students are not allowed to bring bags, food and beverages inside the
laboratory. Chewing gum, eating, drinking, smoking, littering are prohibited inside
the computer laboratory.
5. Users should always be on guard with their valuables (such as mobile phone,
USB flash drive, wallet, and other electronic devices). The IT Department will not
be held liable for the loss or damage of any personal belongings of laboratory
6. Users are responsible for saving their documents on their own flash drives, any
information saved or installed on the systems hard drive will be deleted once the
Computer is rebooted (restarted).
8. Students shall not be allowed to bring in any other computer unit, laptop
and/or peripherals inside the laboratory. In cases where there is a need to bring in
computer equipment or peripherals, appropriate permission from school
authorities must be secured and proper company procedures must be observed.
11. Users are not allowed to install, update or download any software in any
computers inside the laboratories. It is also prohibited the users to boot from any
bootable devices to run software in any computers in the laboratory.
12. All mobile phones must be in silent mode before entering computer
laboratory. In cases where the student has to make or receive call, he/she must
leave the laboratory to avoid distracting other students. Charging of mobile
phone batteries is not allowed inside computer laboratory.
13. Playing games are not allowed inside the computer laboratory, this includes
video games, card games and other games. However in cases of the topic is
related to games the instructor must inform the IT personnel on duty.
18. Theft, vandalism, or abuse in any form is a grave offense and shall be dealt
with accordingly. Willful violations of the above provisions shall constitute
disciplinary actions. Violators of these guidelines may be subject to any, but not
limited to, the following sanctions:
temporary or permanent suspension of computer laboratory privileges
dismissal from the school
1. Equity: One of the greatest advantages of having labs in schools is the fact
that in the majority of cases it means everyone can have equal access to the
computers. Most labs are equipped with enough computers for each student to
have a machine. This is both equitable and engaging for the students.